COLLUSION between Monsanto,scientist,politicians,Federal Drug Administration to poison us with there man made chemicals. These people should be in jail. The evidence of wrongdoing is easy to find all over internet,people need to take time and look.

27  2017-12-31 by trickymason

Look up Monsanto and there bovine growth hormone. They colluded with everyone they needed to to get BGH into dairy farmers hands. Their was only research on mice for a short period to see how humans would be affected by this poison. I tried to put a link up,but was told I couldn’t use it. It’s on YouTube under cancer milk. Only 10min. Check it out.


What don't you get about all of that? We are breathing their air, we are drinking their water, eating their food, using their roads. They are culling us to make us more manageable, not hard to understand. The US "government" has long been co-opted to thin out its population of useless eaters. Enjoy your cancer!

Hopefully, it is that archivebot. 🙂

Or a Monsanto account marking this post, kindly hidden from us by the Shillmins of Eddit.