Why isn't anyone going to jail for all the support ISIS got from the US? Why isn't anyone being investigated for furthering Islamic radicalism?

351  2017-12-31 by rockytimber

How can citizens like McCain walk free after collaborating with the Islamic State?

The agenda is completely manipulated and fabricated. We are being played.


Who polices the police? If the system we abide by and trust not to be corrupt has become corrupted, how can we trust them to rule themselves? They're worse than pigs, they are apex parasites.

I agree we've got to keep our noses out of that shit. This is why I have no sympathy for countries that took part in destabilizing the Middle east that are now experiencing the refugee crisis.

Its a shame America is able to commit these crimes, then be insulated from our just deserves.

Exactly. We can't trust them. Even if there were a few good guys left I've no doubt that TPTB have shit on them or will trump up stuff. We can't trust anyone at the top. Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Self rule is better than foreign rule. Self rule where there is less corruption is better than corrupt self rule. I am not asking for perfection here. I am just reminding people that what we argue about is not even our own agenda on what to argue about.

The only argument that counts is exposing that the US is run by an illegitimate cabal.

Oh... you still believe in justice. See, justice was an illusion. People always thought the laws were equally applied but as the internet grew, people began to report real news, not fabricated, packaged news, it was discovered that only the peasants are punished for disobeying laws. Even when we read that ABC Inc got fined $500 million for polluting our clean river with sludge, we learn through locals on the internet that the same company saved $3 billion by not having to legally transport that sludge to a facility for treatment and that the 500 million wasn't really a fine, it was a payoff.

Justice... haha.... good one.

Sadly, this is the truth.

There are laws ... for the goy, not for the rulers.

There would be justice if the people demanded it. Thing is if unless it affects them directly. They just won't give a fuck about it.

They got us right where they want us. Only caring about ourselves and our families... the latter also being a stretch nowadays.

Correct, the revolution won't begin until after the collapse. By then, all those in the know and who deserve to be hung, will be in their bunkers.

It does and has effected nearly every american directly now. Either by a loved one serving in the war, getting caught up in a terrorist act, hit hard by the recession etc. We are cottled, lazy, and ignorance is bliss. The last 4 generations have not had to witness any type of real tradgedy or hardship first hand yet. And the better part of the past three generations, havent seen or experienced any sort of real death happen in front of them. No revolutions or pride of such things being taught by parents. No blood in the streets to show the real consequences of a weakness in the power structure. No famine, disease, genocide, up close or at home wars to be seen or heard. Just nothing. So the vast majority of people from age 18 all the way to 50 yrs old have been directly effected but not personally witnessed it or what it means or could mean or even represent, by their own eyes yet. When your money means nothing anymore. When your children and everyone you knows children are dying from famine, or disease. When youre swept up in a genocide or war happening not just in your country but on your street. Not until a large majority of Americans witness this, then communicate, then agree with one another, and then still come together as an organized collective to form a coup or make some kind of stand for change, not until of this has taken place will anything ever come close to changing in any meaningful way. And to have all of those circumstances happen in a giant society like america at the right time and place will take years upon years, a lot of mass death and loss, and the right circumstances of events to take place at just the right time. Yea, our government has dome fucked up shit. And yea the publics becoming aware of that. But we still have led and enjoyed a much much better quality of life in America across the board, ragrdless of gender sex race or circumstance than anywhere else on the planet and have done so for the better part of over 50 years. For most peoples families much much longer than that. Enjoy living in the best country in the world while it lasts and be grateful youve not had to nor your loved ones had to witness such atrocities or feel such pain and terror. Our soldiers dont fight in vain ya know. And wars and military spending have both accomplished at least that for us so far and that is a priceless way of life most do kill for some daily trying to get for their own families. Wake. Up. Even then they could be over powered and fail to change anything.

as the internet grew, people began to report real news, not fabricated

AND this is why our governments want to control the internet.



as the internet grew, people began to report real news, not fabricated

AND this is why our governments want to control the internet.

Our governments which are controlled by corporations and the billionaire elite.

I mean isn't that what a fine literally is? Oops we did bad heres $500 million go away now and deal with it yourself.

A fine on an profit of $500 million should be $1 billion, not $25 million. Make it cost more to be illegal than legal and the problem dries up. The reason the courts don't do this is because the payoffs dry up too.

Exactly. People have been getting away with the same and worse since the beginning of time. Usually under a guise set up by some form of ruling class for every civilization worth mentioning since the beginning of time. And some not worth mentioning were run this way as well. A strong naïveté, lack of history knowledge, and strong belief in what youve been told and taught by your own government causes people to be baffled and caught up on things like this. Its more baffling someone thinks someone with as much power and notoriety as him would be arrested and tried for this... Almost two decades after the war was started.

I still find it funny that people let the government tell them they can't smoke pot but that they can have as much alcohol or tobacco products as they want.

If the fine is less than the profit, it’s not a fine. It’s a tax.

I work in the environmental sector and that seriously sickens me to know.

Freakonomics.... something about justice systems provably the tool of elites and illusion for masses based on statistical inference.

sad that you country is run by fascist leftovers from operation paperclip?

at least it has a kinder gentler face.

Your comment resonates with me.

Well, McCain has brain cancer and only about 6 - 12 months left. If karma is legit, that guy has lots of innocent blood on his hands for being a war monger and will be in hell shortly

GHWB is almost 100

The good die young

Mccain bush Obama hillary all participated

But theyre all on the same side: the side the cia is on.

Even if trump WANTED to do something he has no control over those agencies. The majority of its employees were picked by obama and others

The head of the doj has made it clear hes on the swamps side

The cia is run by obama clinton and bush holdovers

So is the fbi

And the president has his news hand picked by general kelly (other than watching fox and friends)

> Thinking Trump's gonna be the savior in 2017

"The reason Trump can't get anything done is Obamaaaa and his evil Kenyan Jewish Muslim ([{deep state swamp]}) not because he's just an idiot!"

He was also in Dallas the day JFK was shot.


in a bed now and looks terrible.

soon both GHWB ad McCain will be worm food. good riddance.

Technically we got the nazi intelligence apparatus in a different operation. Operation paperclip was the public one full of innocent nazi scientists.

full of innocent nazi scientists.


that was sarcasm.

Last time I checked the people making those decisions were above the law.

because rules are only for the poor people in america

No one has proven, hell no one has shown a shred if evidence that the us gave supplies or money to isis.

There's a huge difference between doing that stuff too group that morphed into isis and doing it to isis.

Most of isis arms were captured at Iraqi military bases. You all do remember thousands of Iraqi troops fleeing like cowards from a couple hundred isis fighters back in 2014 that led to them taking over a third of the country right?

There IS proof the US was glad to see ISIS fighting Assad, did nothing to stop the oil trading etc.

ISIS folded only when Russia got involved, and then it is proven, moved to Libya under US protection.

But the US funding needs to be more completely documented. US training, US supplying, the evidence is overwhelming. Remember the state department assistance in the Toyota truck shipments?

Isn't one of the big reasons for IS's financial decline the US bombing their oil related facilities though?

Yes. But they took a while to really get going on that.




I thought most ended up in Turkey and since Incirlik Air Base was more important the US and others didn't apply much pressure. But one of those links says that most was used domestically. Still, a lot did make its way to Turkey so there is that, though obviously that's after it has been extracted and transported.


No, it was Russia that bombed their oil related facilities.

ISIS has risen and fallen again and again based on the US position of supporting one day, and attacking the next. A book could be written about it. One of the biggest turning points was Russia entering the fray in 2015. This instance was from 2014. But thanks for sharing.

My point was simply that the US DID bomb ISIS oils facilities.

Ok. Before the Russian's came, they did. After the Russians came, not so much.

Are the Russians even in Iraq? You talk like ISIS is only in Syria. They aren't. The US has had ground personnel in Iraq fighting ISIS for years. We've been bombing ISIS for years. We've helped take multiple major cities from ISIS, including their capital Raqqa (which is in Syria).

And now you want to give Russia all the credit because they strolled in late to the party? And only showed up at all because their lackey Assad was losing too much ground?

Russia didn't even fight ISIS much early on, they focused on anti-Assad forces like the FSA. You're just peddling Kremlin propaganda.

No, I am interested in the facts, not lies. Russia has stuck to the facts. If Assad fell, they would have lost their naval base on the Meditaranean. That is why they got involved, also because after the Ukraine/Crimea thing, Russia decided to defend what it considered to be its legitmate interests. The US has been antagonistic to the Putin regime leading up to 2013. Enough was enough for them, and the US mission has been corrupt and hypocritical. I am embarrased for the US policies, they are stupid.

People like you think your version of geopolitical details spells out a legitimate involvement by the US. White Helmets are glorified. Problem is the US was caught. Obama should not have continued the neocon objectives. He has brought shame to America and that is why exGIs are killing themselves by the dozens, daily.

Veterans are not killing themselves because of shame over the US’s foreign policy. That is just a ridiculous statement.

They can't live with what they have done and what they have seen and what they now know. They can't deal with coming back to a place that insists on keeping their head in a hole. They can't forget, they can't decompress. That's a fact.

Lack of support and therapy is why

vets have always lacked support and therapy. this time they also do not believe in what they did, in fact, they know what they did was criminal genocide, and they know they were acting as mercenaries for American fascist scum. I would like to see some therapy for that. Starting with putting all that scum on trial for war crimes.

ISIL not ISIS, its the Sunni and Turkomen insurgency reborn.

Same with russian collusion but that hasnt stopped a year long Investigation anf the media conducting there own billion dollar Investigation

You mean the investigation that has led to multiple indictments?

Now of which had anything to do with colluding with Russia.

Didn’t a congresswoman introduce a bill that would make government funding of isis illegal (which also legitimized claims made in forums like these)? This would have never happened without grassroots journalism and online discussion. Progress is being made.

Yes, by the Congresswoman from Hawaii who is now persona non grata in her Democrat party.

And what angle would you take with that assertion?

That’s not an assertion. It is a fact. Just look her up and read about the blow back from her own party. They hate her. I don’t have an angle. Just pointing out the fact she introduced the bill and got ostracized for that and other statements calling bullshit on things Americans should be very concerned with.

She’s got a wide smile and she surfs. If I was Debbie Wasserman Schultz I’d hate her too.

For the same reason no one went to jail for triggering a $14 trillion war for lying about WMDs?

ELL in all honestly, they didn’t LIE about the WMDs. They got the intelligence from a single unverified source that was known to be untruthful, but took the report for fact. Normally, to take any action there is required multiple corroborating information sources, from trusted sources. So they heard what they wanted to hear and went in.

They lied. Colin Powell has admitted he was willfully mislead and that evidence and its veracity was withheld from him.

They knew from the start there were no WMDs in Iraq. We invaded Iraq because for the same reason the Libya and Syria were attacked; Israel.

Ohhh of course, it’s the Jews. My bad here I was just thinking it was oil money and bush wanting to finish what his father started

WMD’s was one of several reasons that justified going to war in Iraq. It was the flimsiest reason and should not have been used. But to say it was the only reason is a blatant lie.

Netanyahoo was the key instigator to convince the US to go into Iraq.

Yo the shills are out in force right now. Overseas shills

US never supported ISIS..

Lol even the MSM said that at the very least we did so inadvertently and looking at history there's no fucking way it was unintended.

What support are you talking about though? ISIS wasn't among the factions that got delivered weapons?

So the MSM theory is that we gave shit to the FSA and they defected to ISIS with our shit. I think it was a bit more involved than that.

So isn't this a bit misleading then.

I think based on our own history it's a lot more likely that the MSM is being misleading.


Our history of involvement with shitty factions in overseas conflicts.

What do you mean?

Afghanistan for example. We trained the Taliban and gave them material to radicalize the rest of the country with.

Or the various times we installed dictators in MENA and South America.

Hindsight is 20/20. Back then, communism was a bigger threat.

there were options, which factions to train and arm, like idiots we armed them all.

No we didn't, that's not true at all

Id first point you to a couple books that are essential reads for all Americans imo. War is a Racket by Smedley Butler (https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html) and Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. Here is a pdf on the united diversity website library (formatting is poor in PDF though) http://library.uniteddiversity.coop/Money_and_Economics/confessions_of_an_economic_hitman.pdf

Alternatively I would point you to The Corbett Report, where you can find tons of information on this and many other topics relating to corruption. A couple related videos I could find quickly: https://youtu.be/8LSIwvE0Nvo https://youtu.be/VnV_pNe_BB0

That doesn't mean we directly supported ISIS.

Look up the trial of Marc Turi. He proclaimed to be the patsy for suppling weapons to Libya/Syria after Benghazi. Once he threatened to supply proof that he was acting with the blessing of the State Department, the criminal case was immediately dropped and a civil case was settled.


Look up the trial of Marc Turi. He proclaimed to be the patsy for suppling weapons to Libya/Syria after Benghazi. Once he threatened to supply proof that he was acting with the blessing of the State Department, the criminal case was immediately dropped and a civil case was settled.

Thanks for reminding us of this. It is worth re-posting this one!

First time witnessing massive government corruption eh?

Same reason the Bush administration wasn't tried for war crimes. Because people in power are above the law

Everything is measured in dollars in this country. Especially freedom.

Somebody has to lay charges. Investigations don't start themselves.

Not going to happen, better to fix an agenda on the next war.

Diplomatic immunity.

why? we, you, me, everybody is just a slave.

I know. But hey, just a reminder, that instead of bawling over Flynn or whoever, its a reminder that the bread a circuses never cared about justice at all, they just want to distract us with bs.

...because it was an official U.S. policy.

You can when they lie about doing it and then cover it up. Only Congress can declare war. If Congress was not in the know then it was illegal. Even then, keeping it from the American people, while maybe not illegal, is grounds for impeachment, especially when it sparks the destabilization of Europe through mass migration invasions and new failed terrorist states like Libya now is.

You are not understanding what I mean. The official Obama admin's policy was to support ISIS. So nobody who have given them a weapon or fund were violating any laws. They lied in public like on TV or in the media reports, which is not illegal anyway.

a party or clique policy is not above the law, ask Nixon about that.

To whom do you think the US will sell their weapons if the Middle East isn't a clusterfuck?

Cause them that play the game on hard mode don't want to go to jail.

Its almost like the systems gatekeepers are protected by the same system which they keep hidden.

HA, Jail? That's for poor people.

I've read about programs in Europe which seek to "re-integrate" returning ISIS fighters.... I was like WTF?! What about war crimes charges?

That would be Islamophobic. Duh

Because Presidents don't go to jail.

Because are government is corrupt

Because the system is beyond repair

I know it's creeping towards a slippery slope, but blatant support of terrorism online should be criminalized. If you say, "I'm so happy there was a terrorist attack and dozens of infidels were killed!" on Twitter following a terrorist attack, I want you to at least get a visit from the police.

sorry to say, but the blame lands at the feet of ignorant U.S. taxpayers. they are funding it all.

Still waiting for prosecution for the war crime of Iraq..... so no. Just like police cover for their own, so do the elite.

The Billions of weapons and vehicles that we're just mistakenly taken by ISIS. Oops...

Why exactly do you think they would allow themselves to be held responsible in the first place?

Why exactly do you think they would allow themselves to be held responsible in the first place?

Yes. But they took a while to really get going on that.




I thought most ended up in Turkey and since Incirlik Air Base was more important the US and others didn't apply much pressure. But one of those links says that most was used domestically. Still, a lot did make its way to Turkey so there is that, though obviously that's after it has been extracted and transported.

No, it was Russia that bombed their oil related facilities.

ISIS has risen and fallen again and again based on the US position of supporting one day, and attacking the next. A book could be written about it. One of the biggest turning points was Russia entering the fray in 2015. This instance was from 2014. But thanks for sharing.


I still find it funny that people let the government tell them they can't smoke pot but that they can have as much alcohol or tobacco products as they want.

That would be Islamophobic. Duh