Each and every one of you matter in shifting and healing this planet. All of us have our part to play in making this world better. Let's play it.

287  2017-12-31 by Jac0b777

How do we do it?

I feel all too often we focus on what's wrong with the world, without offering positive, constructive solution on what to do.

We definitely need to bring things into awareness, we need to show people what's under the covers, what's actually going on. What the mainstream media wilfully ignores. We need to research, to educate ourselves, to know what's amiss.

But you can easily get bogged down with such information. You see the horrors that are happening and you start to feel despair, fear, anger and ultimately....apathy.

So the question one should ask is – how can I make a difference in the world? How can I use the information I've gained through my research to better myself and this society?

For example, if you know there are poisons in our food and our water, eat foods that are more natural, less processed, organic... Don't eat junk food, listen to your body and be aware of how it responds to what you eat.

Take care of your health. If you can, use a water filter. Exercise, don't lead a sedentary lifestyle. If you feel they help and feel better after them, take natural supplements. Breathe.

If you have the option and the money to do so, become self-sustainable. Grow you own food. Get your own power (solar cells for example),...etc.

You don't have to be rich to do at least some of these things. Almost anyone can live better and healthier if they make some positive choices.

If you feel the propaganda is getting to you, stop consuming it. Most of you already do this, but become more aware of the shows you are watching, the movies, as well as the music, books and newspapers you read. Don't let any media brainwash you mind. This applies to the Internet and Reddit as well.

If you feel despair and inner pain, if your emotions are overwhelming you, consider getting yourself into a meditative practice of your choosing. You can embrace and dissolve your pain. You can look within and face your demons, your fear, anger, grief, guilt....and transform them into gold.

(As I have already shared in a previous thread, here is an article with a short meditative practice on how to deal with inner pain, with more links to other processes at the bottom of the article itself: - Embracing and dissolving pain and suffering )

Use your skills to share the awareness brought to you. Use your ability to write, to paint, draw, make music, …. any kind of art, any kind of creative process. Use your creativity to express a high level of awareness of the world and of yourself.

Nowadays, we can easily see how music has become dumbed down. Isn't that why we are so in love with older music – because it had a message that was deeper than the mere surface? It was socially critical, it brought awareness to various issues, it had depth, it talked about inner demons and the path through them to peace, love and joy.

I believe every one of us has a part to play. We all need to check what we've learned and start creating, bettering ourselves, looking within and finding peace and love, facing our pain – and expressing ourselves freely, expressing ourselves creatively.

That's how you “bring down the system”. You don't fight it. You use your talents, your knowledge, your abilities to change it, make it better, improve our world, as well as bring the light of awareness to the issues that matter.

You all have talents, knowledge, abilities - more than you give yourself credit for. Some of you can write, others can paint, there are musicians among you, others are social butterflies that can easily talk and spread awareness in large crowds.... some of you may be programmers, software developers, film-makers....there are so many talents that I've left unmentioned so look within and get to know yourself - you will see that you are actually talented beyond your wildest dreams.

The lie you have been told is that you are a mere cog in the global machine. That you are a worthless peon. That is what many have drilled into their mind. People think the celebrities on the TV are Gods while they are unimportant peasants, hackeys without true talent or abilities, without amazing skills and life.

If you haven't found your talent yet, then you haven't truly looked within and gotten to know yourself. Write a diary, introspect, ask yourself questions and stay in stillness for the answers to arise, meditate, go into nature, do what you love, make room for your passions.

This is how you come to yourself – you follow your inner guide, that peace, love and joy that you are ignoring right now. You already know the way to freedom, to peace. You know how to save the world, you know what part you need to play. You're just avoiding it, you're afraid, you're angry. Forgive, let go, breathe, embrace and love your pain. Then go. Do it.

Many of you are already doing this, but I know many others are in apathy, fearing when a potential WW3 may come, when the next mass shooting or terrorist attack will hit, when shit will hit the fan, the economy collapse... etc.

This system must change. There is no doubt about that. Why? Because it is creating so much suffering for us, as well as for the totality of our biosphere, all the animals and plant-life, thousands of species going extinct and suffering in pollution.

We know we can't go on like this. So we need to create a new world in place of the old one. We need to look within, embrace our pain and find the freedom and peace beyond it. We need to let that peace, our intuition, guide us to creative, positive action, that can help make this world the Utopia it's meant to be.

Don't despair my friends, together we can do it. All of you play a role in this. Every last one of you. Discover the role and you'll see that by living your freedom, living your destiny, living the role you were meant to live, the change you were meant to embody, you'll find a deep satisfaction and freedom in your life.

Follow your bliss and know that you are bliss.

Much love to you all and Happy New Year!


I love this. Thank you.

Thank you for reading :)

Nah, the world is doomed, and it's all downhill from here as far as humanity is concerned.

There's that positivity OP was trying to unleash!

The actual state of the world and positivity are mutually exclusive in those who are not psychotic.

Even if we are deluding ourselves by thinking that we can still make a different, even if we are living in a bubble just as much as the normies are, we are giving the elites exactly what they want if we allow our will to be broken. Clichéd as it may sound, it is better to cling to that last shimmer of hope we still have and fight for a cause that is perhaps lost than to resign ourselves to our fate and remove the last obstacle to the world dominance that they so desire. The fatalism you are spreading is detrimental both to your own mental health and our cause as a whole.

Living a hopeless fantasy is what's harmful.

Any psyche, now matter how strong it is on the onset, will eventually collapse if it lives in a hostile world without hope for change for too long--that's what the entire concept of psychological torture is based on. The state of fatalistic apathy you are currently experiencing is exactly where the elites want to have us. Even if our last stand is based on nothing but delusions, we'll at least go out in a blaze of glory.

No, they want you naive and deluded. As you are. The only thing that would give them pause is if people would start universally facing hard truths. Luckily for them there will always be those like yourself, and that is why we're doomed.

By all means, inform me how sitting in your cave crying about the harshness of the world is going to do anything to stop the NWO.

I'm not complaining. The world is what it is. No matter what your justification, you're not doing yourself or anybody else any favors by hiding behind your little fantasy.

Yes, and will stay what it is until we do something about that. I'd rather fight a fight that can't be won than die in the knowledge that I allowed humanity to fall into the hands of the happy few.

You'll have to let me know how the battles is going next time you come out of your computer cave.

Maybe I'm being naive, but I feel like the NWO has not yet penetrated countries like the Netherlands as deeply as it has the United States. Parties that challenge the MSM narrative, such as Forum voor Democratie (Forum for Democracy) and Partij voor de Vrijheid (Freedom Party), are on the rise and the power thats be are so divided that it took them half a year to form a majority government. Halting or at least slowing their progress here is the first step in saving the world as a whole.

If you have no connection to the very real spiritual aspect of this existence this concept may be true, and for them I truly feel sorry for.

Excellent post.

Thank you :)

Thank you for spreading this message. It's necessary for humanity's advancement. Let's make this world a better place y'all

Together we can make it happen :)

Someone had glitter for breakfast today.

One easy and surefire way to make sure you are making a difference is to go vegan.

Have been vegan for a bit more than two years now. One of the best decisions I've made and it came very naturally to me, simply by observing what food my body responded to best - turns out it wasn't animal products :)

Thank you

Thank you for reading :)

Agreed. In short, work in yourself in making yourself amenable to the new world you'd like to create. That is all.

Once you understand true rights and wrongs you learn that is all you can do. You can't force people to suddenly think or act as you do, but you sure can be an example. 🙏

Beautifully put, I agree :)

It's great to see something positive posted in this sub. We tend to put such a magnifying glass on the dark side of the truth of this world, but there is so much beauty in the world as well. It's important to be conscious of this while on your journey. Acquiring knowledge is a double-edge sword. Part of the revelation of the method is that it beats down and demoralizes you. Don't allow that to happen. I urge all of your who frequent this sub to take a break. Keep your consciousness focused on healing and love. Too much time regularly spent on this sub will have negative effects on your mind and spirit. Peace and blessings to all.

Wonderfully put. Blessings to you as well my friend :)


Thank you for reading :)

People need to stop spreading the 'USA Fascist KKK' nonsense. Its extremist and alarmist and disgustingly untrue. Watching pop culture and msm adopt this message while being worldly enough to know how false it is, is what's heartbreaking. Every single human in America is better off there than they would be anywhere else, no matter their category. The message is destructive and self-defeating.

While I agree with the first half of what you said, the latter half is utterly and provably false. America is home to some of, if not THE worst poverty in the world. I'm poor as dirt (as in below the poverty line, last I checked), but I live like an absolute king compared to literally millions of people in this country that would be far better off Living somewhere else. If nothing else just for the social programs that keep people from living like that and at the LEAST get them to the level I'm at(and even that would be better in many countries).

Thanks dude. I needed this. One love. And keep on keeping on.

Thanks for reading :) One love indeed <3

I'm trying. Getting very close to making a difference. The next decade will be the most important of my life so I'm hoping the people are receptive to all the changes that may come, if I can actually help like I intend to.

Wish us luck. I have each and every one of you in mind.

I wish you and everyone else the best and highest luck and the deepest peace possible :)

Trust things will go well, let go of fear and limiting emotions and thoughts, don't trust the negativity your mind spins....and things will work out just fine :)

This is exactly along the lines of what I was going to share too! Meditation is crucial!

It is indeed :) If everyone looked into meditative practices and resolved their problems internally, they would not bleed into external reality andour world could truly become a Utopia.

I happen to think better music can play a role. Demand more from playlist.

As a country we need that new Tool album to drop

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Have been for a bit more than two years now - I love it :)

nice to check messages and see a positive response like that on reddit! glad to hear that, cheers :)

Thank you for sharing the link :)

Thank you and happy new year! Be well friend.

Right back at you :)

But.don't vote cause thats stupid.

Everyone needs a digital detox.

Aha! Caught you doing the Sedona Method!

Have been doing it for about a decade now - it has been an amazing aid on my inner journey of self discovery :)

One of my highest recommendations to anyone looking to clear their pain and suffering and have a better, more conscious and meaningful life.

Thanks, this is great. I have been often looking outward for something else to change or "enlighten" me on what to do, but I think I really do need to just look within me. I have been working on changing my diet (more fruits and veggies, no tap water), and habits (hike, nature walks).

We really need a political movement in our society.... force the gov't to clean up their messes, get rid of the corruption and find a way to get honest people representing us. Too many people just caught up in the now, bout their own personal life, to care about society as a whole.

Yes, I do believe looking within is one of the most important things we can do. If we can become consciosu of our own pain, we can dissolve it, integrate it, let it go... and can come to a deeper freedom. And from that place we can express enlightened action that can truly make a difference. It's the quality of your consciousness, your inner state and your general awareness that determine the quality of your actions.

Exercising and eating right is also important. Keeping that body healthy :)

I think the political movement will come, when people find meaning and freedom within and in their own lives. I think we need to act and think both globally and locally - improve our personal lives and when we can, contribute in ways that give us and others both joy and encourage freedom :)

Are you cicada3301 LOL