The Hero's Journey

37  2017-12-31 by KarmaPolice777

When a movie is well produced or if a book is very well written, there are moments where we become so engrossed by the story that we completely lose ourselves in it. However, it's also true that no matter how horrid or tragic the scene, we never truly suffer because on a deeper level, we are aware that these are just characters within a story; a creation of the writer.

But I'm starting to realize that "real life" isn't all that different. Many Eastern traditions have taught about something called, Mindfulness, a practice that allows us to create a space between our 'selves' and the phenomenon that we are perceiving. That is to say, everything, whether it be a thought, a feeling, or an emotion, are experiences that are being projected onto the ever present screen of Consciousness; the real us.

I think that much of the miseries of life can be mitigated through the practice and eventual realization of this truth. That our true identity isn't the character where in which all of these things, good or bad, are happening, but that we are actually the observer of the character going through these experiences. A subtle difference but a rather big one when realized. Another way to put it would be that we aren't humans having an experience within the universe, but in fact, we are the universe experiencing the life as a human. Somebody once described enlightenment as the wave realizing that it is the ocean.

So what is the conspiracy, one may ask. Well.... it's that TPTB want to keep this truth hidden from us. When we are ignorant to our true nature, the consciousness or the awareness behind our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we are more easily manipulated. Western philosophers have written about the existential angst that comes along with being alive, simply because we have no idea who or what we are. When we don't "know ourselves," we can be deceived into identifying with what is expedient for them. In essence, they want us to identify as mere players of this rigged game where we must compete against each other in order to prove our worth. We fall victim to our most basic desires, lost in a world that encourages a life of greed and hedonism.

This life wasn't meant to be easy because what kind of story would that make? The Buddha taught that life is suffering. Perhaps the evil that exists in the world is all part of the Great Plan that is meant to set the stage for the emergence of our inner heroes and heroines. So no matter how horrid and tragic our stories may appear to be, coming to know ourselves, our true nature and identity, grants us the option to reframe life's obstacles as challenges rather than seeing ourselves as the victim. With the gnosis that we are not our thoughts, our feelings, or our emotions, but the infinite consciousness that precedes and transcends these experiences, the hand behind the controller, we become liberated from the prison of our minds. We become empowered to pass through this life gracefully and with courage.

“This is what it is okay? I said empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow and it can crash. Be water my friend.”

May 2018 be a year of realization for you and yours.

All the Best,

  • KarmaPolice777

In Lak'ech!


Beautifully written and thought out. I think most people, myself included, tend to see themselves as the central character in the only story that matters-- their own. This is especially true when strong emotions are involved, negative or positive. In my estimation, emotions are necessary for life to keep itself alive. They serve a very specific function to make each consciousness concerned with their immediate surroundings/dangers. I also think there is a fair amount of people that know letting emotions run your life is a bit silly. And instead of letting themselves feel their own emotions, they do anything they can to dull them and make them less intense. So they end up making the emotions slower and more drawn out, and because of that influence the person's life in more subtle ways for longer periods. Great post.

100% agree.

Speaking for myself, I find that I am plagued with this constant struggle. Understanding my own emotions, while experiencing them at the same time is a delicate task.

I was in a deep depressive rut here in my recent past, but I have finally come to a turning point.

With the help of (L)uciy in the (S)ky with (D)imonds, I was able to experience a slice of reality that is nice to visit when you feel defeated. The experience was overwhelming the first time, the second was much better. (because I knew what to expect). The greatest thing is that the body does not get addicted, I know addiction well. (Cig's *cough cough)

It allowed me to free my mind from the rigged thought patterns that had imprisoned my ability to process my emotions. The ability to step out of one's self and get a first hand observation of your own cosiness, with your own perception, and in a waking state is something that I think could greatly benefit those suffering with the psychological trauma of the pain and disrepair inflicted us by individuals who have gotten so immersed in selfishness.

May you and I (and all the Truth Seekers) embark on a jurney that will have profound improvements for us here now, and for years to come, as inspiration for fellow Truth Seekers that have not been born yet.

I definitely agree with this. I've recently had a couple people in my life "lose their marbles" and I've had to cut them out. They no longer can control their emotions, and being around them is insufferable for the rest of our friends and family. I was a psych minor in college, and so I usually have great fun "profiling" all my friends and family, but these two particular people have me stumped in how quickly their entire beings have changed. I've never had that happen before and it's a bit unsettling, but I think your comment sums it up well. Thank you.

So they end up making the emotions slower and more drawn out, and because of that, emotions influence the person's life in more subtle ways for longer periods.

This is a great insight. "What we resist, persists."

There must be some middle path.

I think it starts with losing our attachments to the positive states like pleasure or happiness and seeing that they are two sides of the same coin. Through this detachment, we are able to stop resisting the negative states and reach what Eckhart Tolle calls, "The goodness beyond opposites."

I think Somme hearts are ready for more.. Language, music, art have become vehicles for truth. Again I think there's a healthy middle

the hand behind the controller

Very well written post, this particular part hit home to me most. I've felt, since I was very young, that we are in some kind of "video game" where we are somehow both the controllers/players and the unaware avatars. And that it's all for a reason. Not sure if it's the same vision you were going with your post (I had a long night), but it resonates with me all the same.

Godspeed my friend, and a happy New Year to you.

It's exactly what I was thinking of. The video game metaphor. And your suspicions that we are in some kind of video game are shared by many great thinkers.

This is great OP. If you haven’t already I suggest you join CST, where we love having these conversations.

Mental health issues would disappear from this world if the practice of mindfulness became ubiquitous. If it was further identified as a precursor to self-enquiry, millions (billions) of people would achieve self-realization and peace. (This is age-old wisdom, you can ignore the fact it was notably taught by Sri Ramana).

If ask, “who are you?”, whatever answer you give me cannot be correct, as here is someone, an I, making that observation, and giving that answer; therefore it cannot be it.

By focusing one’s attention on the substance/substrate that underlies the notion of I (typically by asking oneself “who am I” and “who is having this thought” if ever an answer comes up), which can be done absolutely anywhere and at anytime, one feels (what I call) an existential vertigo (a very bad way to phrase it, it is not an experience, but awareness of the experience, i.e. awareness of the awareness.)

It is looking at the screen rather than the movie (per your first analogy).

If you look at the screen often enough you (quickly) end-ip seeing the light that shines on it.


May I ask which community this is? Thanks.

Sorry, I should have been more explicit. It is /r/C_S_T

Thank you!

Happy New Year!

I loved your explanation of self-enquiry! And I am subbed to CST already. :) Thanks for the kind words as well.

A little less than a week ago my 6 yr old daughter was like "mommy I feel like I'm always in a dream", it caught me off gaurd and I had no idea what to say to her about it. I understand the feeling and it made me worry that she was feeling this way but then i realized I always feel this way too so what if it is just a normal feeling that doesn't usually get acknowledged. Anyways this post made me think of that and I still don't know exactly what to think of her saying thay but maybe there is something that is seperating us as a whole from ourselves whether it be a good or bad thing. I was going to post about it but wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Thanks for your post though, it's given me more to think about pertaining to this subject and how she may feel.

Children are little intuitive geniuses and they sometimes remind us what we have forgotten. I think it is our job as adults to preserve their sense of wonder while teaching them things like courage and responsibility.

Your post reminded me of this bit from Louis C.K.

As others have said, obviously well said. I think one issue is that after you make it through most of these questions and the resulting transformation(s), your transmutation abilities are pretty well lit, you are now living in this other place, seeing possibilities/loss everywhere, things are in tune, and life has now become nothing short of indescribable even to your woke friends, and your entire (internal) existence has become this giant exhaust manifold for whatever force you serve...

We are still left with this nagging issue of why?


IMO, love is your answer.

Someone's making a late run for Post of the Year.

And may you reach Enlightenment in this lifetime.


When we are ignorant to our true nature, the consciousness or the awareness behind our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we are more easily manipulated. Western philosophers have written about the existential angst that comes along with being alive, simply because we have no idea who or what we are. When we don't "know ourselves," we can be deceived into identifying with what is expedient for them.

I think this is the key to understanding life itself in the digital age especially.

Social media, the age of celebrity, and the popular culture of competing identities make finding our true nature to be quite a task. It also serves as an escape, allowing weaker-minded humans to ignore awareness and constantly numb themselves. The government in particular, but also other entities as well, have learned how to harness this (OBEY. CONSUME. GOD.) and exert control over the population's thoughts and actions.

Perhaps someone, somewhere, does know who we are. I loved your statement that when we don't know who we are, we can be deceived into identifying as someone else. We're seeing that now with the push to be _______. (but especially, transgenderism comes to mind) We need to push for awareness, we need to keep browbeating the government into giving us answers. Don't stop fighting to know who and what we are. I truly believe that is the biggest conspiracy we will face in this lifetime.

Don't stop fighting to know who and what we are. I truly believe that is the biggest conspiracy we will face in this lifetime.

I absolutely agree. The age old adage, "know thyself," comes to mind.

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if the same cowards that continually try (and fail) to threaten people would instead live their own God given life creating new stuff?

Well that would be what we refer to as the "golden age." I think that time will come though. Until then, all we can do is be the change and hope that it inspires others to do so as well.

All I ask is that if some pseudo-anonymous cowardice force ever abducts your children, i want you to remember this advice.