No one demands rich Asian countries get flooded with non one says Asia is too Asian... no one says Africa is too black... no one says Muslim countries are too Muslim, but everyone lectures white countries... you are too white.. too Christian.. you need to be mixed. WHY?

794  2018-01-02 by MrScience99

from Dinesh D'souza

Seems like a legit conspiracy. Also seems racist.


Pretty sure every nation that ever colonized Africa thought it was way too black.

Well probably, but we are talking about now.

Africa is still predominantly black and to make matters worse there is a white genocide happening

I'll ask because someone will. Can you link some info about this genocide.

white genocide

White people feel insecure. White farmers want war. On Monday, white farmers and mainly Afrikaner nationalists, staged protests countrywide over “farm murders” which they say are part of “white genocide” in South Africa.

‘Bury them alive!’: White South Africans fear for their future as horrific farm attacks escalate

156 commercial farmers are killed per 100,000 of the population, meaning white farmers are almost five times more likely to be murdered than the general population.

"The unique frequency of the murders, the unique levels of brutality, the farmers' huge role in the country and the fact they live in quiet, far-off places, means that farmers need more protection," Root told Al Jazeera.

B-b-but muh 'black people are incapable of racism'

dude, your first reference straight up disagrees with you.

It has become evident that figures are political. Afrikaners are trying to project a view that white farmers are under siege. Unexpectedly, whites belonging to the Afrikaner community have even reached out to rightwing figures and sentiments in Europe and America to find sympathy and even support. They have reached out to US President Donald Trump and expressed fear of being wiped out by blacks, and that says a lot about race relations in South Africa....

“The fear of black violence, the so-called ‘Swart Gevaar’ (Afrikaans for black danger) propagated by the apartheid state, still persists. The most extreme version of this victimhood is ‘white genocide’. This idea has been popularised by the Afrikaans pop singers (Steve) Hofmeyr and Sunette Bridges through their Red October campaign. They advocate that farm murders in South Africa come down to ‘white genocide’ – farm murders most certainly are problematic, even without it being hijacked for political mileage. But they don’t amount to ‘white genocide’ and affect more than white people.

I posted that one so you can see both side and make your own conclusions

that's a complex story... accumulated within years of racism... You don't have the same circumstances with whites and blacks in other countries in africa were wasn't a small white minority running an apartheid regime.

Still today 80% of the farmlands in south africa are in white possession, still the a great amount of black people is living in absolute poverty. There are so many Things that Play a role here.

Of course any murder is a crime...

Theres your links biattch

Notice how they always skulk off rather than respond.

euhghh, sources?

Some white people did bad things in the past, therefore it's good to do bad things to white people today

Ahh, so it's a policy of REVENGE. Got it.

I was joking, dude, Jesus.

In your own words, then?

Being a joke and telling a joke are two very different things, u/Moron.

Good thing it’s the latter, then, eh?

he was joking. get the stick out of ur ass.



From African(Black) kings....

Mmmm no the acquisition of slaves was a varied affair involving a lot of different methods.

So your narrative that makes enslaving people less bad on white people doesn’t wholly apply.

California is great but I don’t live there.

When so many people are racist these days....whats wrong with a statement being racist?

I am not advocating hating people because of their race or religion. But theres nothing wrong with making a statement or writing a paragraph that might be perceived as racist.

In my opinion..... people build walls around their comfort zone to keep out people they dont trust. The average person starts tearing down the wall when they get comfortable. But the wall might be easier to destroy if the other person is similar to you. *(same sex same race etc)

it is a fact of our society that americans are very tolerant and very rich because of that....we let in outsiders who help us make america better....*(albeit that may not be why those people came the case of irish and african slaves - it started as they were prisoners and turned out to help make america very rich.)

Are so many people racist, or are people finally realizing that acknowledging one culture being better than another is not racist?

I dont think its saying one is better than another.

Its more acknowledging the differences exist.

I cant say white people are better than asians. But i can certainly say we are culturally diffferent.

Look at what's currently unfolding in South Africa. It's a systematic targeting of white people, specifically farmers, supposedly for the crimes of Apartheid. It's very much a systematic targeting of those of European descent.

De bore can't catch a fucking break.

Tiny violins.

Tiny violins for Genocide... nice job you racist pig.

Tiny violins for thousands of murders of innocent farmers?

Its a shame that people like you don't take their place.

Look, white people are the victims again! White people rise up against our oppressors!

As I sense the tone of sarcasm, it would behoove you to Google the murders of South African farmers out in the bush. A dear friend of mine just lost her uncle that way. He was stabbed to death on his farm near a wildlife preserve.

Am I condoning the crimes of white people in Africa in history? No. But historically, white people are not the only perpetrators of human rights violations. Take a look at Ghengis Khan, Saladdin, or even, to some extent, Shaka Zulu. The Pol Pot and Mao Zedong are also some examples of, quite frankly, terrifying examples of what happens when evil people get power.

But of course, ignore the actual facts and respond with a lackadaisical, parsimonious remark and refuse to grok that yes, there is an actual problem.

Saladin was not a mass murder bro, he was respected even by his enemies as an honorable fighter

This guy you're replying to is one of those retards who thinks Richard the Lionheart was the hero and Saladin the evil "sand nigger" even though he was taking back HIS land.

Dinesh D'souza is a perfect messenger for the oppressed white majority, which is more of the same "white Christians have it so hard" bullshit that gets pushed 24/7 on FOX and by all the right-wing pundits. In a way, it's another iteration of MAGA, which implicitly hearkens back to a tv version of 1950's America. You remember, when black people knew their place (and couldn't dream of being POTUS), and you could drive coast to coast on $0.25/gallon gasoline, and throw your drive-through bags out the window because who gives a shit about littering?

Now that America is unalterably headed for a racial plurality while simultaneously religious affiliations are tapering off, white Christians are feeling like the victims of one of Caesar's colonies.

News flash: there are literally hundreds of groups of people all over the world who are being slaughtered, raped, disenfranchised and otherwise "cleansed" from the Earth. Are there white victims of racial crimes in Africa? Absolutely there are. Are their lives somehow more important than any other racial group in the world being victimized by a more powerful group? I cannot justify that. I just can't see one human as more important than another based solely on race.

You want to step out of sarcasm for a moment? Ok. Is it possible we can ever step beyond this facile tribalism based on some limited phenotypes and treat everyone we come across with the same set of standards? I hope so, because until we do, we will continue to push a narrative of "I'm a victim too, so I get to lash out at other people based on race" nonsense. And it is nonsense. It's just another attempt to justify the same old racism that we openly displayed 100 years ago. Let's try to grow out of it.

We're talking about literal victims of murder who are being killed because of their race. All the shit you typed is nonsense fluff.

It's not that I don't understand your premise. It's that you don't seem to shed a tear unless the victim is white. That's just another kind of tribalism. Your real tribe is bigger than "white people". It's humans. Why not make justice for humans a thing?

That's completely untrue and I'm Asian fyi. You're just making shit up to fuel your anti-White hatred or you White-guilt. Either way, its shameful. Nobody is saying that other races can't be the victims of things.

You're just making shit up to fuel your anti-White hatred or you White-guilt.

What am I making up?

Either way, its shameful.

What the fucking fuck are you talking about? What is it you see as shameful in what I said?

Claiming that I don't shed a tear unless the victim is white, when I'm not even white. Its so stupid and yes, shameful.

So maybe you can clarify why you give a shit about white people in South Africa, but not, say the Falungong of China? What is it about the particular plight of whites in South Africa that's more relevant?

I still don't understand how you're using the word "shameful."

Who says I don't give a shit?

Its like if you were talking about the persecution of the Falun Gong and I came in saying "Oh Asian people are victims again, boo hoo!" It just shows your own racism (or self-hate), which is shameful.

Maybe you're not aware, but the right wing in this country is constantly bemoaning their plight here--i.e., "the war on Christmas," "the war on Christianity," "immigrants are taking our jobs," etc. This is the constant drumbeat of the right wing. The whole idea is to make it seem like they are the real victims (of diversity or immigration policy or whatever suits the political ends du jour). Is there really a war on Christmas? No. But that's not the point. The point is to rile people up about the idea that their way of life is being infringed upon. Thus this basket of negative emotions gets used as a righteous bludgeon in the hands of right wing politicians--who inevitably work for their donors, not the people they claim to be speaking for.

If you're already aware of this, great. Sorry for pointing out the obvious to you. If not, take note that the OP's effect is to justify racism of the cultural/religious majority in America because it serves the donor class.

Actually yes, and unironically. And I can get away with saying it because I'm not White!

I think OP hit the nail on the "too Christian" portion. Also, "white countries" are the most free/successful and need to be taken down a notch for their citizens to ever willingly accept a WW "NWO".

You don't think China is successful?

Yeah China's successful, if the use of intimadation, force and slave labor is what they use. Re-read what the person above you said.

I lived in China for a short while. The food is pure but the air is toxic. I barely saw the sky through the smog and sometimes it reached 40 degrees Celsius, like the heat was being contained underneath the smog, it was the most humid place I've ever felt. The internet is also heavily monitored and controlled by the government. I will say though, the Chinese general public were some of the most pleasant, polite and respectful people I've ever met.

They pulverized 10, 000 ppl lol

the Chinese general public were some of the most pleasant, polite and respectful people I’ve ever met.

You’re kidding? Anyone who’s spent anytime in any kind of crowded place in China can tell you they’re anything but polite. You can’t even stand in line for a train ticket without being shoved around and spat at.

And how the fuck is that different to Western Europe? Most of their wealth comes from colonising other nations.

Utterly deluded.

No, Western Europe is your modern civilization builder. Europeans share for the most part, most Asian and African countries don't give two shits about their neighbor.

So much bullshit in the same sentence.

China is building infrastructure in Africa, unlike the US which pays off politicians and inserts puppet dictators into these countries, so their corporations do business there. And if we talk colonialism: some shitty railroads vs trillions of dollars in wealth stolen is not sharing; it is theft, you collosal imbecile.

when the world wide movement to abolish apartheid was on going I was for it. But I completely changed my world view when I saw what is happening to S.A. I can't understand how can the people who pushed for change don't look back like me and view the results of their actions. this is really been an eyeopener for me. no end to the ipocracy..

I can't understand how can the people who pushed for change don't look back like me and view the results of their actions.

They weren't in it for a better world; they cared only for appearing better than the world

I agree, and this is what is so shocking, how is it that other people don's see what I see?

You're not looking back; you're looking at some rose-tinted bullshit because you don't like what is going on now.

What's going on with the farmers isn't due to the people, but the oligarchs, but yes, of course its the black's fault.

Oh so its not the fault of the actual murderers? Makes sense!

Oh so a few blacks go murder people and now its collectively the black's fault? Makes sense!

Who said its collectively the black's fault? Its the fault of everyone who engages in this behavior, supports it, or turns a blind eye to it. Don't pretend it isn't blacks killing whites just because they are white, though.

I'm not. I'm talking about the root cause here. Mr Zuma is allowing this to happen continually. Why is that? Is it as simple as "he h8 da whites!!!!11111" or is there more to it?

What more to it do you think there could be?

I didn't say it's the black's fault, I said it's the left's fault for pushing a state to do something just because it suited their ideology, without regard to the consequences of their actions.

Its not the left's fault. Removing Apartheid was a good thing, irrespective of what occured afterwards. You're acting like the current situation is the ONLY situation that could have occured after Apartheid, which is not the case. In the end, people's choices made it that way. What would've happened if it had been allowed to continue? Generation after generation of dumbing down of the black population would've led to something far worse. Never underestimate the power of hatred, especially that which is built up over decades of oppression.

Lets be honest here, if Zuma was doing his job, these farmers would be safe, would they not? Muh left muh communism is all you can talk about. If the left saved this planet from the NWO and put Soros, Murdoch, Rothschild, Massimo, the Winsors heads on pikes, you would still complain about muh Left.

the problem with your well thought response is that it relays on conjunctures only. you don't know what would have happened if apartheid was not abolished at all or slower, you are yessing.

Its not conjecture; its something that has happened throughout history in all kinds of different societies as a result of similar oppressive ideologies. I'm just taking what has happened before/after Apartheid, and pointing out what could occur. I never said that these things are certainties; just pointing out possible directions in which the country would go under Apartheid. On the other hand, this idea that Apartheid was good for Africa and would've led to anything but misery is garbage and not supported by anything, period.

When a minority rules over the majority with an iron fist, don't expect anything good to ever come out of it.

Welcome to classic communism.

I could go into long term detail, but I won't.

Suffice it to say diversity is the mother of society. Accepting that which makes you struggle also makes you thrive. The problem being that the population you, An assumption, are a part of happens to not be like the population that is vying for your successful way of life; whether you yourself are successful or the society of which you are a part or not. Do not covet. We as a race, a population, a society welcome those who seek more than they were initially offered; yet we are also asked, forcefully, to bend at the behest of those who wish to bring, or knick, us down.

This could easily be seen or promoted and attacked as supremacy, however, if it were so good, and those who wished our way of life, had it well enough on their own end before being embraced by our generosity, why be in our society in the first place.

Compromise at large; be diminished in capacity and spirit; emvrscr what is not you; that is brotherhood.

It is also bigotry. It is also imprisonment. Not to yourself, but others, because you are not allowed to be you in your own environment. You are, however, allowed to be them, as they create a new environment, one in which you are "allowed" to coexist, free from their own homeland persecutions, that they denied to fight.

Welcome to classic communism.


No joke, i was expexting the first reply to be cynical anf stabbing.

You literally made me Lol.

Merry New Year.

Communism gets blamed for everything constantly by conservatives who don't know the first thing about what it is besides what they parrot from their boomer conservative parents, Fox News, Jordan Peterson and the like. It gets tiresome and cliché and old and utterly laughable after awhile.

Totally. After Now 70 years it's been played. PLAYED

I hope you were able to interpret without vocal impression my sarcastic tone.

But that doesn't mean what is being played is not in fact what is being played.

I hate labels, communist, proletariat, democratic, national socialist, lgbtqxxxxxx, I dont give a fuck, a spade is a spade whether black blue green red yellow or transparent.

What matters is conviction. Self reliance in your own thoughts and in your own actions. A large enough base of a confused populous brings the exact narrative we see the MSM trying to Deep Throat in to the American populous as though they have some sinister diabolical disease.

They do. The disease being that they are listening to the exact touted sarcasm I alluded to.

Pretend I live in a place that doesn't have the name "Jordan Peterson" on my local area digital projection... what is his relevance? Is he worth looking into? (Rhetorical)

Word salad that is attempting to be biting and intelligent. Okay.

Can you explain “common ownership of means of production” to me? It seems like an abolishment of private property rights, but that can’t be right, can it?

If you have time, it’s also hard to imagine “statelessness.” If there’s no government, the how do people democratically govern themselves?

Can you explain “common ownership of means of production” to me? It seems like an abolishment of private property rights, but that can’t be right, can it?

Private property as in businesses and workplaces, not personal property and homes.

It means the workers own the businesses democratically—they control the workplace.

If you have time, it’s also hard to imagine “statelessness.” If there’s no government, the how do people democratically govern themselves?



It's basically libertarianism, minus the capitalism.....

What about ranchers and farmers? Their homes are their businesses. So people can buy and sell their homes, but there’s no money and thus no increase in equity/personal property? Does that mean everyone’s homes are the same? Some places are more desirable than others, how does society decide who gets to live where?

Maybe that’s where anarchy comes into play? Basically thugs can beat you up and rob from you and there’s no government to protect you? Anarchy seems like the Wild West, or even kinda like feudal Europe. Feudal societies had no money, no property, and very limited classes. 99% of people were peasants, and the rest soldiers basically.

What about ranchers and farmers? Their homes are their businesses. So people can buy and sell their homes, but there’s no money and thus no increase in equity/personal property? Does that mean everyone’s homes are the same? Some places are more desirable than others, how does society decide who gets to live where?

Maybe that’s where anarchy comes into play? Basically thugs can beat you up and rob from you and there’s no government to protect you? Anarchy seems like the Wild West, or even kinda like feudal Europe. Feudal societies had no money, no property, and very limited classes. 99% of people were peasants, and the rest soldiers basically.

Ask away in those subreddits I listed. Or use this little thing called the search feature. Also:



Lame. No answers. I occasionally read on the r/‘s you’ve listed. It’s basically a feudal system whose economics are based in barter/trade. It all fails to account for the natural human desire to increase individual accumulation of resources for increased rates of survival. Why is it that there are no successful communist communes in the western world where human quality of life is as high as it is in a capitalist republic?

Also, no one I’ve ever asked these questions has good answers either. Don’t feel too bad.

Why is it that there are no successful communist communes in the western world where human quality of life is as high as it is in a capitalist republic?

How old is capitalism? How old is socialism? What was the Britain before the United States was founded? What was the United States when it was founded? How many socialist and communist nations were overthrown by the CIA and the Pentagon in the 1900s?

Come on, my dude. Learn history. All of this is common sense to someone who knows history and can think critically.

Ken Burns The Vietnam War and Oliver Stone's The Untold History Of The United States are two recommendations for you. Research my questions. Actually read a book by a socialist about what socialism actually is.

I mean you queried these things with "if you have time..." so no, someone not wanting to type out a buncha theoretical shit to a stranger on the internet does not make it impossible or wrong.

As for ranchers and farmers, in an ideal anarchist/communist society (yes the goal of each ideology is the same actually) the ranchers and farmers would simply share their meat/produce with their community. I don't really know what you're trying to ask, honestly. It doesn't require them to actually give up a house or land.

Why is it that there are no successful communist communes in the Western world

well, we can start with the fact that the US seeks to demolish socialist nations wherever they arise. this is conspiracy 101, folks. I mean, how y'all can talk about CIA brainwashing and then completely ignore the shit it's put Latin America through is beyond me.

second of all, there are certainly ways of living even in the U.S. that seek to reap the advantages of communal living. Look at student co-ops. Look at WWOOF.

and finally, if "quality of life" means I can sit in ignorant comfort while my fellow people rot on the streets in the throes of addiction and poverty, then I don't want it.


jesus christ

There is no Jesus Christ.

Now you're actually denying the existence of Jesus Christ?


The absurdity.

What is your age and current occupation?

Best and imo only working example thus far

Btw I'm not a communist and don't believe in communism.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 133730

You're right. Every time I ask a communist about all the horrendous things that seem to occur in every practicing communist country such as starvation, labor camps, mass death, etc. they all tell me that it "isn't real communism."

What none of you people who idolize communism realize is that human nature will never allow for a successful communist regime. While you may be inherently good and believe that sharing is caring there are those who won't and never will. They will take advantage of the worker so they themself don't have to work yet sit on a pile of cash. Slowly those people adapt to making less and less while the person in the position of power adapts to spending more and more.

Is this a blog post or are you asking me something? I can literally SEE the utter brainwashing in what you wrote but I have never changed someone's mind about socialism by arguing on Reddit about it so....okay.

What would it take for you to consider the practice of communism an inferior form of governance?

Logic and reason and someone who actually knows what socialism is in and out giving me legit arguments that are logically.

Do you intentionally misdirect between theory and practice, or is it a conditioned response at this point?

You asked a question. I answered. No one bereft of what socialism and communism is—the mere basics—is going to able to convince me. Period. Every single person on Reddit who has ever attempted to debate me on socialism and capitalism doesn't even understand what socialism actually is—the basics—beyond cliché conservative talking points and what they've parroted from their parents and from others online.

I think you and /u/Magameme have something of a point that neither acknowledge.

I think your point is that socialism/communism get used as a whipping boy the right wing media without acknowledging what they really are, some larger success stories (Nordic countries' & democratic socialism) or acknowledging that capitalist governments get involved in economic intervention all the time (aka socialism for the rich).

/u/Magameme suggests that there are serious examples of communism turning into a dystopian pit of oppression and that "not true communism" is a reflexive excuse, a moving of the goalposts. We don't live political theories, we live the actual outcomes they're capable of producing and the track record for orthodox communism is poor -- Soviet Union, China, North Korea. I agree that the theories are decent and Marx's analysis resonates to this day. But implementation is so difficult, especially when it has to be forced, and it lends itself to abuses.

Personally, I worry that the planet is just too overcrowded for just economic systems to be implemented. Trust and similarity are important predictors of willingness to share. The hoarding by the rich combined with the cultural conflict stew in many places doesn't lend itself to any kind of fair economic system being implemented.

Well explained.

I think your point is that socialism/communism get used as a whipping boy the right wing media without acknowledging what they really are, some larger success stories (Nordic countries' & democratic socialism) or acknowledging that capitalist governments get involved in economic intervention all the time (aka socialism for the rich).

Not at all. One can't have a legitimate conversation with someone on a subject that that person has no comprehensive knowledge of beyond parroting rightwing talking points. It's like arguing with someone about algebra when they only have cursory knowledge of elementary school math. How can one argue with someone about socialism when they are devoid of knowledge of what it actually is and then refuses to educate themselves on said subject?

/u/Magameme suggests that there are serious examples of communism turning into a dystopian pit of oppression


Why lame blame an economic system for the misdeeds of a government? If that's true then it is a two way street and capitalism has murdered and enslaved countless millions.

Can I label a nation capitalist if it doesn't meet the very definition of capitalist? No. How therefore can one label a nation communist or socialist which doesn't meet those very definitions? This is common sense—not an excuse.

and that "not true communism" is a reflexive excuse, a moving of the goalposts.

It isn't.

We don't live political theories, we live the actual outcomes they're capable of producing and the track record for orthodox communism is poor -- Soviet Union, China, North Korea.

China is currently under the wing of state capitalism, by every definition, since the 1970s. The Soviet Union and its early purported communism and economic framework had no inherent correlation with Stalin's purges and misdeeds. Show me in the basic tenants and writings on socialism and communism where dictatorships and mass murder and totalitarianism are championed. You can't.

North Korea was nearly wiped off the map in the Korean War and then endured decades of economic sanctions. You want things to be black and white and they aren't.

A true socialist system today would be hard to maintain precisely because of capitalism dominating the world market and the resulting US imperialist tactics to stop any socialist nation. A socialist nation today would have to be isolationist because if it opened up its market and incured debt to capitalist countries then its currency would be quickly devalued and the socialist nation would be stuck, chained to those capitalist nations. Things are not black and white and it's hard to explain this to people devoid of what socialism actually is.

I agree that the theories are decent and Marx's analysis resonates to this day. But implementation is so difficult, especially when it has to be forced, and it lends itself to abuses.

It doesn't but okay.

Why lame blame an economic system for the misdeeds of a government?

It's called "political economy" for a reason. The relationship between the individual, the state and property is central to most every ideology, whether political or economic, and the state ends up enforcing the economic terms of the political system.

If the economic system demands stripping individuals of their property by force, why would you not blame the government of such a state for political abuses in pursuit of those economic aims?

If that's true then it is a two way street and capitalism has murdered and enslaved countless millions.

That's not in dispute, at least by me, but it's a straw man argument. No one claimed capitalism was free of abuses.

Show me in the basic tenants and writings on socialism and communism where dictatorships and mass murder and totalitarianism are championed. You can't.

The claim isn't that socialism and communism theoreticians advocate for the use of mass murder and tyranny to implement their systems. The claim is that the implementation of these systems is prone to producing authoritarian governments who systematically oppress their populations in pursuit of their goals.

A true socialist system today would be hard to maintain precisely because of capitalism dominating the world market and the resulting US imperialist tactics to stop any socialist nation.

There is no true socialist system. In fact, you're committing something of a fallacy by claiming there is one.

But that aside, I would argue that if socialism was actually a superior economic system to capitalism, then it would have no problem competing with capitalism. In fact, it's better treated workforce would in fact out produce the capitalists and enjoy higher standards of living and greater material prosperity.

The world would be rushing to adopt socialism not for its ideological goals but for the practical fact that it delivered thriving economies where needs and wants were met with ease. In most cases this has not happened, and in fact the governments of purported socialist economies have had to fence in their citizens like prisoners to keep them from fleeing.

It's called "political economy" for a reason. The relationship between the individual, the state and property is central to most every ideology, whether political or economic, and the state ends up enforcing the economic terms of the political system.

O come on now, don't be wilfully obtuse—we both know that most conservatives don't know what socialism actually is and have been brought up and indoctrinated to believe that communism inherently means totalitarianism and dictatorships and mass killings. That's their main—and oftentimes sole—argument against communism. I can 9 times out of 10 already come up with their cliché responses before they even type a word. Then it turns to "Well if communism/socialism is so good then why hasn't it ever been achieved yada yada yada". Then I have to ask them how long capitalism has been around and then ask them how long communism/socialism has been around? One is old and one is like a newborn baby in the modern world. Then they throw up a wall and can't compute that. Then I tell them to research the history of the US and the CIA toppling socialist nations in the 1900s and pushing coups of democratically elected socialists while propping fascist dictatorships and then they throw up another wall.

Why hasn't a socialist nation progressed? Ask Vietnam, for example, why millions died at the hands of the US? Because the US didn't want another communist/socialist country in southeast Asia so instead of letting Vietnam govern itself and elect who they wanted to capitalist United States had to attempt to bomb the communism out of Vietnam.

Why hasn't a socialist nation progressed? The world market is dominated by capitalism and is enforced by US imperialism. The US has went to war, bombed innocents, murdered countless millions, incited coups and more in the face of free people choosing a communist/socialist system. The US is the head honcho of capitalist nations and can produce economic sanctions against almost any nation it deems an enemy and eventually crush it.

Why indeed.

If the economic system demands stripping individuals of their property by force, why would you not blame the government of such a state for political abuses in pursuit of those economic aims?

What personal property? Workplaces and businesses where the masses are taken advantage of and exploited by the few for the amassment of riches for those few? Or are you under the wrong assumption that socialism advocates the stripping away of personal property like homes and cars and what an individual owns? You couldn't believe that because if you did then that would just show that you are devoid of the very basics of socialism.

That's not in dispute, at least by me, but it's a straw man argument.

Yes, it is in dispute because the very same uneducated lot who tie communism/socialism to mass killings and mayhem can't see the same thing in capitalism. It's the literal basis for the start of every single argument with an uneducated conservative who decries communism/socialism.

No one claimed capitalism was free of abuses.

You haven't been paying attention.

The claim isn't that socialism and communism theoreticians advocate for the use of mass murder and tyranny to implement their systems.

Yes, it is. Again, you haven't been paying attention.

The claim is that the implementation of these systems is prone to producing authoritarian governments who systematically oppress their populations in pursuit of their goals.

As are capitalist nations, as are any nations. The difference is is that capitalism inherently relies on mass exploitation to achieve its end goal and is setup in such a way that eventually the rich, who are the few, will get richer and richer, while the masses, the many, get poorer and poorer. Socialism isn't inherently about exploitation but democracy in the workplace and rights and protections—the same rights and protections people have used to attempt to humanize capitalism with, which are social security, healthcare, labor rights, a minimum wage, ect.

There is no true socialist system. In fact, you're committing something of a fallacy by claiming there is one.

Okay, you can't even discern the difference between a hypothetical and me claiming that there are true socialist nations today. This convo has gotten tedious.

But that aside, I would argue that if socialism was actually a superior economic system to capitalism, then it would have no problem competing with capitalism. In fact, it's better treated workforce would in fact out produce the capitalists and enjoy higher standards of living and greater material prosperity.

I already answered this above.

The world would be rushing to adopt socialism not for its ideological goals but for the practical fact that it delivered thriving economies where needs and wants were met with ease.

That's what typically happens when the masses have been brainwashed to love their exploitation and defend it at all costs. That's what happens when the masses have been brainwashed instead of being taught about what socialism actually is by picking up a book. The rich and elite and the politicians they control love capitalism because it allows them to stay rich and powerful while the masses are exploited for profit. It's ingenious, really. Brainwash young minds to think that capitalism is synonymous with freedom and democracy and that anyone that wants to democratize the workplace—even via labor unions—is a dirty commie. You bathe them in faux patriotism and send them off to die in wars for "freedom" and "democracy" while the rich profit off the destruction. Ingenious.

You haven’t explained one thing. In a socialist economy, how do you convince someone not to kill you for your share?

And before you say government, I mean the government. What protection do you have against your own government?

Communism is a great scapegoat for Capitalism.

Some argue that capitalism fosters democracy.

Several statistical studies support the theory that more capitalism, measured for example with one the several Indices of Economic Freedom which has been used in hundreds of studies by independent researchers, increases economic growth and that this in turn increases general prosperity, reduces poverty and causes democratization.

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That's nice.

All I know is that every time a country tries Communism, millions of innocent people suffer and die. No thank you.

Capitalism slaughtered millions of Native Americans, enslaved and murdered blacks for over 100 years, caused Jim Crow and segregation, the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, and have been slaughtered millions in ill advised wars in southeast Asia and currently the Middle East.

It's a two way street when you attempt to blame the misdeeds of the government on an economic system.

Right. The only difference is that Capitalism at least gives me a small chance to get rich. Communism/socialism guarantees that I would be poor until I die. Guess which one I'm gonna pick?

Only a simpleton bereft of history would write such a thing but okay. Mass exploitation backed by US imperialism gives you a lottery's chance of living a semi decent life? Cool story.

So what do you think we should do? Switch over to communism? Can't wait for the gulags and firing squads, comrade!

You have been brainwashed to see capitalism as being synonymous with freedom and democracy and don't have the critical thinking skills to know that a capitalist country can have neither and still be capitalist. There's nothing inherent within socialism regarding totalitarianism and dictatorships.

The cliché conservative responses are played out.

I understand that a capitalist country can have neither freedom nor democracy.

Now go ahead and provide me with an example of a successful socialist or communist country that sane people would actually want to live in. Take your time, I'll be waiting right here.

simpleton bereft of history would write such a thing

"Oh, dearest me, Reginald, indeed! The poor, poor man. Verily a simpleton, most bereft of history!"

Stop that.

Literally no country has tried communism because a communist country has to be stateless. Every example you're thinking of is a socialist country. This is the closest we've gotten to communism.

Note: Not a commie just trying to dispel misinformation

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every time! millions of people!!!!!

but muh capitalism never did that

Kalergi plan


Yop me mama

What's this?

Am I wrong to be annoyed by the lack of sources in the article?

The plan is well documented, try Google. evidence then?

A source was already provided, lefty shills will continually complain about every source provided so we just tell them to find one they won't complain about in their own. Calling lefties Jews is the best way to shut them up.

It’s a conspiracy subreddit not a mainstream news subreddit. People should be here because they’re curious, open minded, and willing to research themselves.

Source hounding has a place and a time but shills use it to shut down conversation.

The key tell is the nature of the tone when they ask you for a source. If they seem remotely hostile or incredulous, there’s no source you could ever provide that will bear fruit in their mind.

Yeah i didnt know that asking for credible sources for a claim is a left wing conspiracy. Seems good.

I love the expectation of someone writing a novel just for you. Most of us have jobs. He gave you a start. Look it up on your own so you don't question everything along the way anyways.

Your entitlement is outrageous.

That guy made a claim. The onus is on him to back it up.

To make a claim and call others entitled when they want a credible source to believe it is downright childish and hilarious.

The onus is on him to baby you and walk you by hand through all the details while you kick and scream and argue every point along the way?

That's the most entitled thing I've ever heard!!

This is r/conspiracy. If you aren't going out of your way to find separate sources from what is listed by the OP in the first place much less doing your own research to verify then you're doing this sub wrong anyway. Too many people demand sources and citations. I don't trust that shit anyway. You can write me an encyclopedia and i still would do my i search. If you aren't taking that kind of initiative you don't deserve a fucking foil hat!

You don't trust sources and citations, that might be the most retarded thing I've read all day and it's 10 am.

I believe none of what i hear and only half of what I see. The universe itself will lie to you. You sir have seem to have a difficult time digesting concepts that didn't originate within your own skull. I'm not telling you don't trust sources and citations. I'm saying that I don't blindly trust anything without verification. And unless you've done some pretty nifty mental gymnastics that point is pretty hard to miss.

For my morbid curiosity, what are examples of some things that you have been able to "verify"?

Too many people demand sources and citations. I don't trust that shit anyway. You can write me an encyclopedia and i still would do my own search.

you would do your own research...using what sources?

This round and round bullshit is getting old. You know full well that all you have to do is take some obvious keywords and run them through a few different search engines and autisticly exhaust all the data and draw one's own conclusions. Don't be fucking daft.

to use your own logic

'lol you trust (((search engines)))?'

it really sounds like you dont trust sources who provide information that is inconsistent with what you already believe and are seeking to confirm

No i still don't fully trust anything. Which i stated and you appear to have conveniently skipped. All I did was acknowledge the process. If you're going to argue with me then keep up. And again knock it off with the round and round bullshit.

the first circle started and ended in your own post

If you aren't going out of your way to find separate sources from what is listed by the OP in the first place much less doing your own research to verify then you're doing this sub wrong

people demand sources and citations. I don't trust that shit

i still would do my own search

"Please take time out of your day to spoon feed me even though I have more then enough info to go off of"

Is that how you guys run away from having to provide evidence to back up a claim? The logic you guys used when confronted with the absurdity of your sources? "Hurr durr u just have to accept my claim and google the evidence yourself."


"Please google for documentation."

Really wasn't hard, took 2 seconds w plenty of material to read. Redditor are so.e lazy MFs

Yep. And listen to Dan Carlin’s American History on podcasts.. ‘Blueprint for Armageddon’ about WWI and WWII. Lots of mentions and interesting stuff about the Kalergi plan.

Your source is the website for a neonazi party?

If you did 5 minutes of research yourself, you could find others. But it’s easier to complain I guess.

I understand the people here wanting to distance themselves from some ideological affiliations/factions, but if you seriously consider all positions, everyone has good and accurate points to make every now and then. Read everything, believe nothing, and don't be afraid of "forbidden" knowledge.

However beware bias, like the kind that a neonazi group would have against Jews to the point that a political party would make blog posts with claims and no actual sources

thank you for replying with this, what a great way to say that.

No, they're a patriotic party who want their country back, anyway there are plenty of other sources for the same thing.

Their end goal is a military dictatorship while it's official representives specifically espouse what they refer to as "National Socialism". Sounds exactly like neonazis to me

The good old dictatorship claim eh, just like Saddam and Ghadaffi who only sought to enrich their populations, a military government would get rid of the third world invaders for a start and National Socialism is the fairest form of government, start with interest free loans for example, anyway this is about the well documented Kalergi plan to eliminate white people as invented by a Jewish halfbreed.

If you look back into the history of mankind you will notice that there was and to some extent still is a constant flow of immigration and emigration that led to our current status.

Races and different tribes/nations always mixed and will always mix. Have a look at the mongols or huns that invaded europe. The celts and germans that went nearly everywere within europe originating from the east european borders to asia. Also the culture of livestock and agriculture was bought to europe by immigrating farmers from the Levante and now turkish area. Furthermore the Japanese weren't the native inhabitants of at least the northern japanese Islands, those were the Ainu and interesting fact, they are very light skin colour, have more Body hair than most asians and don't have the epicanthic lid fold.

From a genetical point it is also a good move, because you widen your gene pool and get better chances to adjust to changing environmental cicumstances. Furthermore you minimize the risks of inbreeding.

Isolated populations bear more risks to be harmed with changing life circumstances or diseases. For example the majority of the native americans were killed through diseases bought with the europeans.

Btw. maybe it makes sense somehow, why many people on these pictures of those KKK rallies look a bit dumb and like the result of heavy inbreeding. ;)

Well then we should encourage it for Israel where inbreeding seems to be normal.

If this helps your inferior complex, little man, perhaps.

Oh, another deluded chosenite.

If a Muslim tide took over Europe and North America, wouldn't that be a bad thing for Jews and Israel?

No. I had Israeli roommates twenty years ago and got the lowdown. They're all children of Abraham. They're cousins who fight but love each other more than they would love someone else who is black or white. Real talk tho they whole reason they're fighting is because one of them is full blooded Abraham while the other is only half. Petty

They like each other more than They like us.

In fact, Jews and Muslims got along just fine in Iberia.

Yes that's what I mean. They're family, they'll work it out. But just citing is as westerners means we're less than nothing to either of them

Getting along "just fine" simply meant that the Jews were considered a "people of the book" and the Jews were not in a position to threaten the Muslims, so they were tolerated as a mostly harmless underclass.

Jews spent a very long time kissing the asses of whichever power (Muslim or Christian) had the temporal power to have them killed. This was a good survival instinct, but it got them the reputation of being mercenaries who were willing to betray allegiances at the drop of a hat - causing both modern-day Arabs and modern-day Christians in many cases to distrust Jews.

well anecdotally as well, i know a lot of jews and israelis and they talk a lot of offensive shit about muslims, esp arab muslims.

My experience is the same. Modern secular Jewish college kids and the most Liberal of Jews today are most likely to see Muslims as some kind of oppressed victims and are therefore most likely to support Muslims on that basis much more than any sort of "kinship" or shared history with them. And the Muslims are just as likely to turn on these useful idiot Jews as they are to blow up a Christmas market in Germany.

POJ (person of Jewish descent) here. I have to disagree, though I realize that the mere fact that I am of Jewish descent will cause some folks to consider me a disinfo agent.

It seems to me more that the hatred between Jews and Arabs is the hatred of family members. No one can hate you more than a member of your own family - because they're family. Just like the most vehement anti-Catholics are those who were raised Catholic.

My lower middle class Jewish family had zero love for Arabs - much more for the Italians, Irish, and Puerto Ricans we grew up around, worked with, dated, and even married. None of the NYC Jews I grew up around ever had a kind word for Arabs.

It's a nice theory (that Jews and Arabs have some sort of familial allegiances to each other in the present day), and some Israelis (who tend to have very different views on many topics than American Jews have) may believe it, but the Jews you ride the bus with likely disagree completely.

I don't consider you a disinformation agent & appreciate your perspective. Your comment seems to support this idea I have that we as Americans have transcended the cultures and limitation of our ancestors.

Thanks. We as Americans have every opportunity to transcend tribalism, but more and more folks seem to be going back to those old tribalisms and I think it's hurting this country.

For example, I've got no problem with Arabs, Jews, or any other group that live according to American culture within America. Our diversity is a strength only when we have diverse points of view and diverse experiences all focused on making America great. That is the sense in which diversity can make us stronger - not tribalism and not division.

Yes. This. When debating some one from the U.K. On Reddit once I realized that they can't comprehend what it means to be an American because they're still bound by their aboriginal socialist tendencies. We left that shit behind 200 years ago no going back.

During the Moorish Conquest of Spain and The Barbary Slave trade. The Muslims used Jews as their slave traders. This is known as the Jewish Golden Age.

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what am i to make of this? religion and skin colour has always been pretty irrelevant to business relationships despite how we like to consider our modern multiculturalism as transcendent. the slaver relationship is not mentioned in this article btw.


The mossad plan to collect the latest high tech from all over the globe.

When the people you mention start to 'return' to the state of Israel for safety it will be the researchers, scientists, technologists etc who move first.

The chinese, indians etc who migrate first to the west are always the smarter ones. And they seldom return to 'level up' their homeland.

The reverse is true with the people you speak of. And when they go, their knowledge and tech goes with them, into the hands of Israel.

As a Turkish, I support it. Nice plan.

Because they have strong economies that can only be taken down internally.

Most of the developing nations have long been subverted by the same globalist forces. But because the western countries are not so easy to bring down, they use our good will against us, and do it through classic divide and conquer tactics. Too bad for them people are waking up.

Please direct me to a link of a radical new invention that popped up from a "developing nation"....

Where did I say they made radical new inventions? I'm simply pointing out that the people pushing this fake "migrant crisis" are out of control, and humanity as a whole is their enemy.

There you go. What is your point?

Here let me add one last stipulation.

Since 1919, when women got their rights.

Yeah, like the V2 rockets. Not like the entire space program was ripped off from elsewhere.

Also, jet airplanes. Not invented here.

Generally, the country that is economically expanding at the time will have the most inventions. It happened with Spain, Portugal, England, Germany, China, Persia, etc, etc, etc.

Anyway, here is a whole list of other odd items, including color TV, oral contraceptives, etc.

You go look into who is doing the most inventing on the world stage and come back with those numbers.

What is your point? It doesn't look like you have one. Instead, each time I point out that you didn't even think before posting, you post a statement that confirms that you don't think before you post.

Why take down what you can siphon off from?

What? Dude America already had brown people living on both it's continents. They brought black people over to enslave them.

So it's OK to force mass migration on white European countries only because of what Americans did centuries ago? Good to know where Antifa-lovers stand on this issue.

What? European countries invited them over to help them. Sorry you see a problem with it but more people don't see a problem with it. No one is forcing you to breed with someone outside of your skin color.

You're the one who sees a problem with diversity. America is the way it is because there were already brown people here and they brought the blacks over.

Besides, China already has a billion people. Why are you wanting to force them to take care of more?

Funny, it seems to me that countries like Poland and Hungary are explicitly NOT inviting them, yet the tyrannical EU is trying to force them to.

So you would support Poland and Hungary not taking in any migrants, because as you stated, it's up to the country to invite them or not, correct?

Presumably you would also agree with the Dalai Lama when he says the refugees in Germany should go back after the conflicts are over, right? They were only invited temporarily, therefore they should go back now, right?

Sure. If they don't want to they shouldn't have to. EU does have it's problems with having too much authority at times.

Germany is not the country of the Dalai Lama. That's his opinion.

Great, I'm glad you agree. Nobody likes the authoritarian EU trying to force countries to take migrants against the will of the countries and peoples.

The conflicts have made a lot of refugees. Some refugees are only that because of civil war in their countries.

I personally think countries should only ever take women and children. Have the men fight for their country.

The entire situation could be done better.

They should stay where they are. The idea that all of us be sudden war in one part of the world means everyone goes to Europe is stupid. Most of these people are coming for money not because a war is happening and what wars are happening are being driven by the sociopaths at the top who view all of us as subhuman. They don't want a middle class to hold them accountable.

Btw, for years they've been telling people to have fewer kids to save the planet and when people have few kids (as happens in wealthy countries), psyche! We need more cheap labor to replace you!

I have to say based on this thread they've done a good job of making the average white guy the enemy, when he's just as out of the loop as anyone else. Remember Americans voted to less war and got more war with Bush, Obama, and possibly with Trump (Assad gassed his own people, derp).

Place the blame on the guilty--the scum at the top.

They should stay where they are. The idea that all of us be sudden war in one part of the world means everyone goes to Europe is stupid.

Taking advantage of an enemies blunder is not stupid. Maybe dust off the old Sun Tzu. It is best to defeat your enemy without fighting a single battle. The fact that the other side is winning does not make them the stupid ones.

Americans full on supported the Iraq war, don't lie. Only a tiny minority were actually protested. The rest of you were overcome with bloodlust and hatred over "sand niggers" and "dune coons" so you can fuck off with your backtracking lies.

At least admit you got fooled instead of trying to convince the rest of the world otherwise.

No refugee has the right to any nations other than their homes resources.

What if all the men are send to fight and none return?

What if all the men are send to fight and none return?

Then at least the country's women and children will be safe and also the host country's.

Yeah that I got, what I mean is the continuation of those people. They have to integrate with the host countries people. Is that what we want or not?

In context of blame everything on white people this would be an undesirable outcome to a situation right?

The continuation would not be a problem since there'd be children growing up. They will probably have picked up some of the good things from their host country. And if all men fighting the war is dead it will be safe to return home.

Too bad for the dudes, though.

I'm not saying it should be done, though. It was more of a dark joke, with some reflecting on the current situation.

I understood the darkness of the joke. Thanks for your explanation. I was thinking about if all men died then the women and children had nowhere else then the host country, these displaced people might become angry and start to ask questions on why and how did it happen. Meanwhile everybody in media land is telling the people from the host country that the newly arrived people are bad and evil. Which might polarize a situation where prejudice has taken the lead in mistrusting these people instead of talking and feeling the people up to see if they are trustworthy. (sorry for the ramble)

As per your reflection on the current situation I sadly have to agree with you.

Funny, it seems to me that countries like Poland and Hungary are explicitly NOT inviting them, yet the tyrannical EU is trying to force them to.

I would applaude when Orban and Kaczynski would left the EU, because not many europeans do like them and they seem to not like the EU.

If its to help people its being done in the most wasteful way ever. Bringing one refugee out of a country costs as much as helping dozens or hundreds still in that country, and would leave their workforce there for rebuilding purposes.

Was it in mid 2015 when the UNHCR called out that they urgently need more money to shelter all the people at the refugee camps in the surrounding states of Syria? Let us guess waht happened... nothing. That was shortly before the big wave of immigrants to Europe started.

Why should syria be entitled to any money from any other nation?

Syria??? Were do i wrote about to give Syria any Money? The surrounding states (Lebanon, Jordan, the kurds in north Iraq), especially the UNHCR which was operating those camps, needed the Money and didn't got it.

"No one is forcing you to breed with someone outside of your skin color", not yet.

The irony of people engaging in special pleading that countries which participated in colonialism should be allowed to "stay white" when they didn't ask for input before integrating other people's countries/continents somehow always gets lost on them...

So you think colonialism is uniquely European?

Nope, but many if not most of the people coming over to Europe that are being cried foul about are living with the legacy of European colonization.

You should learn a little history before you make such sweeping statements. The countries with the most migrants are Syria and Afghanistan. Afghanistan has never been colonized and Syria briefly had a French puppet regime for 15 years 100 years ago. Also the problems in Syria are not a result of French colonization, its the result of the US and Israel supporting ISIS. I'm not sure if you realize that most European countries never had a colony and yet they are receiving migrants just the same. But if you think average europeans should atone for the crimes of their ancestors, even if their ancestors were not involved, I hope you are planning on giving your property to a Native American, wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.

Native American and Tejana here. I know a thing or two about colonialism. My thinking is this: it's too late to turn back the clock on much of what's happened because of colonialism, and people are their own selves, not their ancestors. But those same people don't get to complain about interacting with the people their ancestors interfered with, simple as that.

When did the Polish have a colony? How about the rest of Eastern and Southern Europe? How come they can't complain when the countries people are coming from weren't colonized? I too am half native, having blood relation does not elevate your opinion.

There are plenty of European countries that even if they weren't successful, tried to get their hands in the pie at some point. Poland didn't have anything, but Russia had Alaska, in Southern Europe Spain and Portugal have been among the more prolific colonizers. Italy messed around in East Africa.

You haven't answered my question. Why should countries who don't have a history of colonization have to take immigrants and why should countries with a history of colonization have to take immigrants from countries that they didn't colonize or weren't colonized at all?

Nearly all of Russia is a "colony". They expanded East like we did West.

When did the Polish have a colony

Google Panna Maria.

why would the polish even claim themselves to be white? Polish people weren't considered white until well into the 1900's. if you choose to claim whiteness, you choose to accept the criticisms of that groups actions.

That's super retarded and racist


No one brought up skin color. You did. We were talking about European countries having to take migrants because other European countries had colonies. Therefor your comment is retarded.

the thread is specifically referencing white people

You brought up the whiteness or non whiteness of the Polish which has nothing to do with the topic at hand. It's about colonialism and the history of said county, not whether at one point an ethnic group was considered "white."

i think it does have to do with colonialism if the polish are grouping them selves with the colonists.

You're the one who's grouping people together, not the Polish. Also to call everyone who lives in a country that once had colonies "colonists" again shows your hate for Europeans. You should really reconsider your racist views, its pretty gross dude.

Well Poland want's to be part of the EU participating in the free trade and also get big amounts of subventions from the EU.

So if you want to have something and want to participate then you have to agree or leave.

With the actual polsih government i would not be sad if they would leave the EU. Sad for those polish people who want to belong in the EU but their ruling political party is a mess.

Your reading comprehension levels seem to be exceedingly low. Explain to me what free trade has to do with taking in millions of third world immigrants? Maybe you should go back to topminds and complain about muh anti-semitism some more.

no one asked poland to take millions of immigrants, they refused to take 10k or less.

Edit: My reading skills and comprehension is okay, it's seems like you don't understand... Well and i can tell you i complain about anti-semitism whenever i feel the need for it. Especially when some retarded people express it. It's like a piece of shit always attracts the flies and shortly afterwards there i come flying by...

They are asking Poland, Hungary, and others who don't want immigrants to take them so they have access to free trade, you haven't explained why the two should be connected. Also do you think Israel should be taking in migrants?

It's not only that they can participate in the free trade, visa free travelling, cultural, scientific, economical and educational exchange programs, they also get 20 Billion euro a year from the EU to invest in their infrastructure. Who do you think provides this Money? Correct, it's France, Germany, UK, Italy, Austria, Denmark and many others. Also the EU is a partnership and community of values and solidarity, which in turn doesn't mean you can take all the benefits and money from the other states and the EU and offer nothing in return. It's not a one way street.

If they can't deal with principles of humanity, democracy (freedom of press, independent justice) and common western values than they should leave.

You do as Poland is opressed by the EU or other states of the EU, have you seen how poor and backwards Poland was when it was integrated within the EU? Have you seen how much Poland emerged out of this due to the Membership in the EU? The only thing still backwards in Poland is PiS and it's followers. Ultra religious catholics, xenophobic, homophobic and nationalistic people.

You won't answer my question and it's very telling. Should Israel accept migrants?

Native American and Tejana here.

So you take full responsibility then for your Spanish ancestors' genocide of "native" populations? Over eight million souls perished by the sword during only the first Spanish Conquest.

Syria is a warzone actually. Well you super heros would not waste a second about thinking to secure your family and flee the war.

Afghanistan is literally a warzone since the early 80's.

Yes its a war zone because Israel wanted it destabilized and the US helped, I fail to see where your comment disproves anything I said. Also most migrants are young, single men, not families.

Europe was just the best at it, and European countries generally "won." That's all there is to it.

Of course people will say "But White people did this and that." But it's really the few who ran the slave trade to exploit both the slaves and the native workers (whose labor was devalued). They are doing it today with immigration and outsourcing. They will have us fight as they also try to blend us into cultureless consumer units till we are no longer needed, they we really be blended--into soylent green.

The psychopathic pederasts at the top are enemies of all humanity.

I definitely don't disagree with you about the role of class. I wish working and poor people could unite against TPTB. My heart breaks when I remember someone like Fred Hampton who wanted to reach out to poor and working class whites and paid for it with his life...

It was accepted then it should be accepted now

You're using circular logic saying that something that was bad then should be accepted as good now even though, you admit it's bad.

The usa never engaged in colonialism.

They engaged in conquest and the destruction and control over several sovereign nations so you can fuck off with your nitpicking.

Why are you on this sub? Do you think Iraq was invaded for WMDs? Eh? Dumbass?

btw. i think all those english wiki articles seem to miss a lot of Information and Details.

"brought them over"

Young man...

We purchased them from kings.. We traded coffee, iron, cotton, wheat, barley, tobacco, especially tobacco...

The world was a different place, and it was the white man who civilized our nation, and other nations.

way to put a nice spin on the trans atlantic slave trade. wtf

Deluded TD shills. I only noticed the ShareBlue idiots, but now I am noticing the other side more and more.

"Slave trade"

It's 2017, why be pissed about history that's out of my control?

Dumbest shit I have ever read.

Its incredible how deluded one retard can be. a) White men didn't "civilize" shit, and as we can see based on the state of the modern world, they are not remotely more "civilized" than the rest. b) Purchasing them from kings is irrelevant. I guess Arab slave trade was also okay as they purchased white slaves from Venetian traders. Moreover, they weren't all purchased; many were born into slavery, so don't try and twist it.

Purchasing blacks from their own kings becomes irrelevant?

African slave trade is brutal. The kings owned pregnant women's children. If a full grown, largest African was acting up against handlers, they would just take their life. There is a pregnant woman right there, and her child is their slave.

Why are you claiming that slavery is okay or "da blax fault" because royalty are acting like royalty? How does that logic make any sense?

Does a king truly represent his population? Does Queen Elizabeth represent the people of the UK? Is what she does what the average UK citizen does? If she kills children in her basement, does that mean this is the norm for the UK?

No. So why are you trying to twist logic and blame blacks for slavery when: a) Royalty sold them out. b) The slavers KNEW that royalty would sell them out, as it is common knowledge that royalty do not care for their subjects, thus making them just as culpable for slavery. c) No matter how the king treated his people, the way slaves were treated by colonial powers was inexcusable. Or are you saying that Leopold II was a gr8 guy?

I thought OP was talking about Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

So, and they lost it. Whats the big deal?

There is quite a bit of evidence to show there were black people already in the Americas. There are black native American tribes. It is believed by many that the tales of fleets of Africans arriving daily is just white washing of the genocide of the natives.

There is quite a bit of evidence to show there were black people already in the Americas.

What is the best piece of evidence you have seen which supports this assertion?

Besides seeing black people from south America? Not trying to be completely flippant here, but they are different than Africans in appearance. It has been some time since I read about the topic. Mich of the info I came across was supposed to be sourced from books written by the founding fathers of white America. Forbidden Archaeology may have touched on it, I read several different books on the subject after I read FA 4-5 years ago. The army corps of engineers destroyed much of the evidence according to some researchers.

'There is quite a bit if evidence'

*Cool, what is your evidence?

'I dunno, some books I read a few years ago'

Um, okay.

I'm sure you have citations ready at a moment's notice for everything you have learned ever... GTFO

There were black people in South America, and in Mexico and the carribean.

They were all brought over as slaves as well during the time frame that America was importing slaves.

In fact, Latin America took way more slaves than the United States and of those who survived the trip their lives were significantly shorter.

Because they imported so many, they didn’t care if they starved to death or were worked to death, they just grabbed a new one at the dock.

As sad as it sounds you were “lucky” if you were put on a boat destined for America as they seemed to make more of an effort to keep you alive.

Forbidden Archaeology is 900 pages long with a large chunk being cited sources. Wikipedia is easily integrated into the white washing of the history of the Americas. I think we are all well aware what the narrative being taught is, thanks for chiming in. This is about what actually happened, however.

Forbidden archeology might have sold great data and maybe there were black people in South America.

It also doesn’t change the fact that over 10-million Africans were imported as slaves to Brazil 150 years ago.

I could find 50 scholarly articles, paintings, first hand accounts and on and on and on.

Slave trading absolutely happened in South America.

Here’s some resources and if you check that last one it has photographs of the actual slaves working a coffee farm and several more photos.

You can’t take one book and say it disproves mountains of evidence, that’s absurd.

It would be like me writing a book saying WW2 didn’t happen yet we have mountains of evidence to the contrary.

I referenced one book that referenced hundreds or thousands of other sources. I never said no one came from Africa. I also never said there was no slave trade. I am suggesting that A. Your sources are exactly the white washing of history that I am referring to. And B. It is entirely possible that there were millions of black people already here who were then integrated into the slave trade and that that information has been covered up for hundreds of years systematically by the educational indoctrination program. Your sources only show that there may also have been some people brought from africa, they in no way prove the lack of existence of black skinned people pre-Columbus. There are paintings of black natives. There are paintings of black slaves. What would make them mutually exclusive?


There is quite a bit of evidence to show there were black people already in the Americas

There's better evidence that King Tut was a black man.

(Spoiler alert: He wasn't. )

What a helpful and enlightened comment to refute the 100 pages of sources in the book i referenced. You seem very clever.

You didn't reference a book. In fact, you didn't reference anything.

Wasn't aware you jumped the gun and commented before reading the further comments. I did make references but I understand if you can't be bothered to look, you seem that type...

Wasn't aware you jumped the gun

Don't blame me for the fact that you don't understand how comment chains work.

I have read a string of comments and gone back to reply to the op if my comment was directed there. I can't be the only one that does that. You can call it whatever you like, still a douchebag comment made after I had referenced valid sources. Be as dismissive as you want with your narrow minded view, doesn't actually affect me.


When all else fails, fling insults.

there was a large migration of "europeans" into the middle east and north africa 3000 years ago. since tut was from one of the later dynasties, its posssible that he had some european heritage.

They bought black people from black slavers. That's right kids, it was black race traitors that caused black slavery.

And before those brown people came to America, they were in Asia. By the same logic that says America belongs to "Native" Americans, you could say Africans should own the whole world, because they came first. But of course this logic is senseless. All races of human are the same species, and we are all changing, mutating, evolving constantly based on our sexual selection, natural selection (not so much anymore), and genetic mutations within our supposed groups. I think racial categories are kind of dumb in general, and to say one group ought to own a given continent is dumb. It's the same mentality townies have against transplants coming to a new city. Why? Tribalism.

The United States, the UK and Europe were the first modern industrial nations while most if not all asian and african and arabic/Middle Eastern countries have been majority third world up until the 1970s when China invited industry and free market economics and started to flourish economically.

The United States, the UK and Europe have been majority white and christian.

This isn't a conspiracy—it's common sense.

The conspiracy is why most of Africa and Middle Eastern nations are still third world and backward and where all the supposed aid money and charity money for these places actually goes.

The truth is is that you've been indoctrinated by a white dominated society and culture to fear the other and view integration and diversity as something wrong. In truth we are all humans and what our religion and religions shouldn't matter. Why wouldn't war ravaged third world nations and their refugees torn apart by the US and other first world nations seek refuge in those same first world nations?

view integration and diversity as being somehow wrong.

Problem is.... a lot of the new comers don't want to integrate. They want to set up their own society right here in the middle of ours.

Problem is.... a lot of the newcomers (eg. Muslims) don't want to integrate.

Any examples? What, do you want them to renounce their religious faith and become Christians? The United States was founded on freedom of religion. There is no litmus test on what a citizen should or shouldn't look like.

They want to set up their own society right here in the middle of ours and force everyone to switch over to THEIR way of doing things.

What do you mean by OURS? Where are they forcing everyone to switch over to their way of life?

The same old tired BS about Sharia Law coming to the United States is garbage conservative wingnut nonsense with no basis in reality yet it gets trotted out constantly with zero proof.

2 examples:

  1. Hijab
  2. Sharia

Those aren't examples. Conservatives are having a hissy fit about a baker turning away a gay couple wanting a wedding cake buy god forbid a religious person wants to choose and wear clothes that conform to the faith they choose. Should priests and nuns not wear what they wear because it offends someone's sensibilities?

Sharia. 😂

The United states was built on a foundation of ideals and beliefs. Yes, all men are created equal, however, the beleifs that are indoctrinated into people during their childhood may not align with the belief system upon which the United states was built. You can't take a hodgepodge collection of cultures and belief systems and expect to have an enduring society.

Right now there is little cohesiveness in United States. People can't even communicate with each other because people don't even speak the common language, English. Not to mention the varied religions and belief systems. It is a fucking mess.

The country isn't divisive because of integration and diversity—it's divisive because politicians are used by the rich and corporations to use wedge issues to conquer and divide the masses so while the masses are busy fighting amongst one another the politicians and their backers—the rich and corporations—rape the country.

Except that people very rarely integrate one-way into a culture. Let's look at past examples.

When the Irish first started coming to America in large amounts, Catholicism was vilified in America as essentially the same as Anglicanism. The United States had literally fought a war of Independence against the head of the Anglican Church. And, now Catholicism is one of the most predominant sects of Christianity in America. I mean look at the entire Northeast and how it was greatly impacted by a form of two-way Integration. Boston was a english puritanical city, and the Irish remade it in their Image.

Look at the Southwest and how it is culturally shifted by a Hispanic/Mesoamerican flair. It's in the Architecture, and the food, it's everywhere.

I mean it's why most major cities have a "Little Italy", or a "Chinatown" people don't just merge into American culture when they get here. Immigrants have always staked out some type of claim in our cultural structure, and by doing so the contribute to the melting pot. That being said the melting pot isn't a homogeneous mix, there is no monolithic American Culture it's regional and diverse with ever present consumerism.

Literally every time people come here in large groups, they stick together. First Generation Americans very rarely just straight up assimilate if given the option to culturally clump together.

Claiming that Muslims are somehow waging a cultural war on America by adhering to their religion, or culture is ignorant of our collective history.

That's at least in terms of America, I can't speak for other Western Countries, but Americana is traditionally and historically diverse.

About the Southwest, specifically Texas: white Americans were told they were welcome to come to Texas if they would learn Spanish and adopt Catholicism (when Texas was part of Mexico). They did neither. Now their descendants complain about having to press 1 for English...

True. But, non of those other groups felt the need to implement their own system of law & justice. Even the Chinese (who have a VERY different culture) didn't come here and say: "You must accept OUR courts & laws as being superior to your existing laws."

And, spare us the "they aren't trying to do that with Sharia" speech.... I can find plenty of examples where they have asked for exactly this.

Are you seriously trying to claim that other religions don't lobby so as to tweak the justice system into their Image?

Everyone wants their type of prayer in school, or special treatment for their religious private school systems. I mean the Women's Christian Temperance Union was a huge driving force in the enactment of Prohibition. Their was no shortage of groups under the banner of some religious or cultural group that were a major roadblock for the cause of women's suffrage. A whole lot of shitty things have been done for political gain under the banner of some cultural/religious group. And to say that certain sects of Islam are the only groups in the history of America to try and impose their own interpretation of Law and Justice is just disingenuous.

There are shitty people from almost every cultural facet of Americana, who desperately want to enact their idealization of America. The Italian Mob, Hispanic Gangs, White Supremacist Militias, and the list goes on and on.

Circling back to the Irish back in the 1860's-1880's, there was the Fenian Brotherhood who attempted to spark war between England and America so as to potentially liberate Ireland from English Imperialism. They were literally terrorists who numbered in the thousands, and committed acts of terrorism along the US-Canadian border. And, this group of shitty people was used, at the time, as propagandized anecdotes to paint all Irish-Americans as shitty people.

tweak the justice system

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. "tweak"? Sharia is a complete and total reboot with a different operating system. It's not like some minor little change. It's 100% incompatible with the American justice system, the Bill of Rights & the Constitution.

You're talking about centres of willful segregation, single districts in large cities, and you're stereotyping immigrants into a tapestry of their respective known professions, such as asians owning nail shops, chinese food restaurants, and dry cleaning shops, or Indians owning hotels, or Mexicans owning restaurants and performing manual labor of all sorts, etc, etc, which are all fine and dandy and I'm not trying to shame you for stereotyping, because a lot of them are true, and what happens is like you say it is, when allowed to occur organically. What you're not taking into account is volume, and whether or not it's being forced on peoples. Germany, in the 20-30 y/o bracket, was made "nonwhite" in a generation, with Muslim men taking their place. "Ahmed" was the most popular boys' name in the UK for a few years running now. This isn't about a little immigration here and there. This is about flooding the societies of a single race who are, in all actuality, a world minority, with peoples from all over the world in an attempt to destabilize them so that they are more easily controlled. All kinds of big wigs, heads of foreign states, zionist types, professors, those types of people, have gone on record talking about the "plan" and all their reasons for going about it, which aren't explicitly "we want more control" and are sometimes apparently so noble-sounding, but the end result, the real world effect, is the slow genocide of the "white" societies of the world.

culture to fear the other

You're obviously just falling back on talking points here. But just to be clear, you advocate that the US should import the people who hate them because they were bombed by them? You think that's a smart policy decision?

You're obviously just falling back on talking points here.

Cliché retort used instead of actually negating what I wrote. Check. Typical.

But just to be clear, you advocate that the US should import the people who hate them because they were bombed by them?

Straw man argument employed, implying that I wrote that it was great that refugees be sent to the United States instead of attempting to negate what I actually wrote, which was a reply to a question about why refugees come to the US, UK and Europe and not Africa, Middle Eastern nations and Asia.

You think that's a smart policy decision?

Who wrote is was?

Oh, ok great. So I'll assume then that you'd be against importing refugees who hate you because you bombed their countries. It would be a pretty dumb decision to import a bunch of people who hate you.

That's presupposing that the majority of refugees hate the US, the UK and Europe.

Would the United States care as much about illegals from Mexico if Mexico were full of white people instead of hispanics? Of course not.

Who holds the responsibility of taking care of the people whose house you just burned down? You or people who werent involved in any of it?

So you think the refugees who were bombed by Western countries love those countries?

Also, if our society is so racist and we "fear the other" (a favorite talking point), then why would anyone want to bring people here just so they'll suffer at the hands of the evil racists?

Normally if someone's house gets burned down, the neighbors will build them a new house, not ship them to a new country. This is a good reminder that the introduction of the term "refugee" was introduced as a temporary thing. I.e. they'll be refugees temporarily, until the house is built again, then they go back.

Do you agree with the Dalai Lama that the refugees in Germany should go back now that ISIS has been defeated?

So you think the refugees who were bombed by Western countries love those countries?

So you think all the refugees who were bombed by Western countries hate those countries and want to commit terrorist attacks?

Also, if our society is so racist and we "fear the other" (a favorite talking point),

Straw man.

then why would anyone want to bring people here just so they'll suffer at the hands of the evil racists?

That makes literally zero sense.

Normally if someone's house gets burned down, the neighbors will build them a new house, not ship them to a new country.

Can't build a new house when your neighbors houses are still getting burned down. Use common sense—damn.

Do you agree with the Dalai Lama that the refugees in Germany should go back now that ISIS has been defeated? As per the original definition of the term refugee?

Some, eventually, after the infrastructure and government are reestablished.

I'm glad you agree that the refugees should go back home after the conflicts are over.

Well, racism still exist.

When has it ever NOT existed (in any human culture). How racist is China?

China numba one!

didn't obama solve Racism a few years ago?

By dumping a bunch of gasoline on the fire?

Can you explain how he did?

"this could've been my son. Another way of saying that is, Travyon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

can to explain how he did?

That's a direct quote.

Posting a quote isn't actually explaining anything though. It's like, okay, heres the quote, but how exactly is that "dumping a bunch of gasoline on the fire"?

China’s is really quite racist.

Worked out for them

Yep. And no white people are involved.

So? Doesn't make it any less repulsive.

Not at all. I'm against racism. I'm just pointing out that it's not a "white people" thing.

Have you ever visited Amsterdam?

The main "terrorist" over there are white. Not a coincidence.

Racism: That terrible idea that different races exist and are different.

Because white people are the new minority


It's pretty simple. People with darker skin are jealous of whites so they bitch about us all the time. They can tell jokes about us, ridicule us, call us the devil or whatever but we can't retaliate or they will just bitch more. We can't be proud of our white skin either or they get really angry. Basically, if you're white in the world today you have to act color blind or you're going to offend someone but if you have dark skin you can talk shit about lighter skin people. And black people can say "nigger" all they want but nobody else is allowed to say "nigger" because black people are the darkest skinned people in the world. They are super pissed about their dark skin so they are always saying nigger this and nigger that and it's okay because they were born with dark skin and that's a good enough reason to have special words that only other black people can say.

So do people with lighter skin say it less? Did Micheal Jackson ever say it?

Correct. If you are a lighter skin black person it's still okay to say "nigger" but first you have the look around if there are any other blacks around who are 2 shades darker than you then you could piss them off still. If I had to bet money on it I'd say Michael Jackson said nigger... probably not often but I would bet he did.


IGN Game of the Year.

You sound like things aren't going well for you, I hope you find success so you can stop blaming others for your failures.

Do you follow Tommy Sotomayor? He’s a Black Youtuber/talk show host and regularly explains exactly what you just laid out - that most of the racism problem is based on poor self-esteem and jealousy.

He’s a men’s rights activist so a lot of the blame is geared toward the females and how their self hate gets passed onto the children they raise.

Actually your wrong about China. They have. Dry similar concerns although how could you know with such a narrow and simple world view.

True. They're importing massive amounts of Vietnamese, Filipino, and Thai brides thanks to the one-child policy. Also, they'll pay white people just to stand somewhere and be white in order to bolster a business's clout, like in the lobby of an apartment building during an open-house event, or to impersonate a doctor at a health conference. Also, if you work in film editing, sound editing, special effects, anything of that nature...they'll hire a white guy over a Chinese guy any day of the week just to get a white name in the credits of their productions.

Oh no, what about the poor, poor oppressed white people. Won’t you guys think about the white people!!

This is a racist and bigoted statement that would probably be deleted if it were targeted at any race other than white people.

Yup. Welcome to reddit.

White men made it.

They are poor white men!

You do know that white people are not actually systematically oppressed for being white anywhere outside Zimbabwe and maybe South Africa, right? So of course such a statement would not be analogous to belittling the oppression of any other race.

If I ignore the examples I don't like, it's not happening.

Ahh, so your stance is you can't be racist toward white people. Got it.

America is arguably the most culturally diverse country in the world. Combine that with the reality that it is also a free country that encourages free speech and freedom of religion.

The idea of the nation was seeded by white men of European descent, but it is foolish to think that the discrimination of other races ever had a place upon inception.

As society flourished and people were able to explore freedoms unique to the country, social progress was bound to eventually follow.

Slavery abolished. Women suffrage. Civil rights. A country created to be free was destined for this evolution.

Many feel threatened because their racial identity is being threatened by people who look different. These peoples' free speech expression and religion may also pose a radical change to other's way of life. Unfortunately for those that hold racial identity dear, America is NOT a homeland for any race.

However, I will concede that there does seem to be an attack on white people from other minorities living in America. It's racist and needs to be cut at the bud. I believe it's being engineered to create blowback to bring upon further division so that the ruling class can continue to loot the common man while they're busy hating their neighbor because they look different.

It's not just a hunch. It's an old Roman tactic. They're playing everyone with old ass Roman scams, and some are too proud to see it.

explain the Roman reference

Maybe he meant Greek? That's roughly whereabouts divide and rule was conceived.

You're correct, Im sure Rome adopted the tactic.

A lot about ancient Rome really just feels like it was copy pasted from Greece.

True, and they got away with it. Sorta

Divide and conquer was created by the 3rd guy.

Which one? Did you have a Merry Mithras?

America is arguably the most culturally diverse country in the world. Combine that with the reality that it is also a free country that encourages free speech and freedom of religion.

Nope that we uld be India I think.

Look at all the culture in the streets. Smells don't it?

I don't know I've never been there but I think they've got more cultural and religious diversity than India along with having a much larger population.

America is NOT a homeland for any race.

Not really true, as you said seeded by Europeans. America is predominantly European with African Americans. It is a homeland for those people.

ummmmmm have you heard about the indigenous peoples of the Americas or do they not count to you

I was wondering this myself. It's amazing how quickly they have been forgotten by Americans. Sad too cos they had some beautiful cultures.

American white nationalists are a special kind of retard. They push this argument that white countries should be for white people etc but I don't see them packing their bags and moving back to Europe (and I hope they don't, we have enough morons here to export even more).

What a loser.

Because white people built America.

The first ultra religious settlers got literally thrown off europe... don't expect Europe will take them back. Because they still stick to their fanatical beliefs. ;)

Are you so stupid I actually have to spell it out for you that they're included?

lol, you spelled out two other groups that this is a "homeland" for. crazy one might expect you to include the people whose claims here go back the longest, eh?

Why would I include them when that's obviously a given. We're talking about migrants numbnuts.

Homelands dont exist.

They were beaten.

I think President Lyndon Johnson put it best: “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

He also said "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years." He is just as much as a piece of shit as Al Sharpton and any other race-baiter.

Oh, and there's this

No doubt that every President in recent history has been complicit in this race war. It is interesting that LBJ openly admitted it.

Didn't get any upvotes on this comment, did you?

Interesting stuff.

That was the plan when they created slaves, to give non land owning whites a person to look down on. It started when they were running out of land to give to Tennant farmers in the Virginia bay colony.

It’s still down today. All the race baiting and identity politics is a way to separate us.

Slaves were used as free labor. It wasn't a conspiracy.

It’s still down today. All the race baiting and identity politics is a way to separate us.

We're also different. Inborn tribalism separates us.

There was a time before slavery was the primary labor force. In that time the need was met by indentured servants who came over here with the promise of food and shelter for a contract generally between 4 and 7 years, and the promise of their own farm afterwards. Treatment of the servants gradually got worse and led to Bacons rebellion. Which started the shift to slavery, and created the 3rd tier citizen that gave the non landowning whites a group to look down on, and keep them from going after the elites.

However, I will concede that there does seem to be an attack on white people from other minorities living in America.

It is being pushed by one minority group in particular, and not only on the US, but on all European countries as well.

And no, it is not Hispanics, Arabs, Africans or Muslims who are doing the pushing.

It's white nationalists trying to convince people that whiteness is under attack despite white people owning the courts, government, law enforcement, wealth, guns, etc...

They're "white", and they're nationalists, but they're not "white nationalists".


But of course you do.

Ok, who are these "white nationalists"? Name the organizations, the leaders, their lobbying groups, etc.

What are their funding sources and their budgets? Where do they allocate funds to spread their influence?

Are there politicians that serve their agendas? Name names, and tell us how these politicians serve.

Include cites for all of the above. This should be interesting.

The Republican Party, Breitbart, Fox News, etc

Pretty much the modern right wing in US politics is a white nationalist movement

Take your pick of "leaders", Trump being the most obvious.

The Republican Party,

Zionist bootlickers.


Bannon? Zionist bootlicker.

Fox News, etc

Zionist bootlickers.

Pretty much the modern right wing in US politics is a white nationalist movement

Bull. The "right wing" in US politics is run by Zionists, Jewish Nationalists. And so is the "left wing".

Jerusalem Post

US JEWS CONTRIBUTE HALF OF ALL DONATIONS TO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, Jewish donors give 25% of the Republican National Convention’s cash

And we wonder why nothing changes from one administration to the next?

Take your pick of "leaders", Trump being the most obvious.

Trump is the most obvious Zionist ass kisser, at least since Dubya Bush. This does not bode well for America or the world.

Your so called "white supremacists" are a phantoms, a fake fantasy conjured up by Zionist operatives in NGO's, government and media to hide the Zionist agenda, and to divide and destroy the unity of the American people.

Well alrighty then...

IMHO and as a Christian, Zionism is probably one of the largest threats to the world over. These people are literally trying to manifest prophesy - which is dangerous whether or not you even believe the prophecy is real.

Wealthy white people. That's the dangerous minority you're speaking of.

America is NOT a homeland for any race.

Except the native Americans right? You didn't actually forget did you? Surely.

Also I'd argue there are more culturally diverse countries. It sounds too me like you've swallowed a little too much prop O Ganda. Land of the free and all that shit.

The native Americans were here after the Europeans and aren't native to this country. Seriously look into it, Vikings were on this continent way before the "natives" ever were.

Yeah I'm gonna have to ask for some links on that my good man.

All that says is they're descended from Europeans. 1000s of years ago. The Maori in New Zealand have been there less than 1000 years but are still the native population. Humans around the world all had to come from somewhere, Africa.

The out of Africa theory has been disproven.

Doesn't take away from the fact that the article you linked deoamt support your claim. Also I'm gonna need some links on the Africa theory being wrong.

Wtf? I need to do all of your research for you? So an article explaining how native Americans are descendants of Europeans and Asians doesn't start to pique your interest? The out of Africa shit is false.

(Start) here

No it doesn't pique my interest because it basically says what has already been believed for years. That humans got to the Americas by walking from Europe/Asia along a land/ice bridge from Europe/Asia.

It's not doing research for me, it's backing up your claims.

Now let's have a look at this new link.

You should read more recent articles about the premise that article is based on.

How about your sources on that? General consensus is that there were multiple "out of Africa" migrations, even if they didn't go directly from Africa to Europe.

I wouldn't say disproven, but there is good reason to doubt the current model at this point.

Homelands dont exist.

How long in your opinion does a group need to live in a place alone before they can consider it home?

The idea that anyplace belongs to one group of people is wrong. If you cant defend it and keep it. Its not yours or ever was.

How do you feel about the existence of the state of Israel?

Neutral. They earned it in a morbid way. A few times. Jews are mad powerful. Almost every Jew know, has there shit together. Suspect tho

they endured pretty heavy selection pressure

I guess that makes sense

Except the native Americans right?

TIL: "Native Americans" never crossed the Bering Strait.

Well, they were the first humans to inhabit the land.

I licked it, so it's mine! Eternal dibs!

They weren't even the first inhabitants.

So in that case white people are entitled to no land?

Who were the first then?

So in that case white people are entitled to no land?

How does that follow from my post?

Who were the first then

Good question. Welcome to r/conspiracy.

How does that follow from my post?

Your post implies that having been there first does not mean you're entitled to any land.

Your post implies that having been there first does not mean you're entitled to any land

Right, which applies to the Amerindians. Not white people. Your question makes no sense.

Why not?

I'm not explaining this to you again.

Don't bother, your point is dumb.

Coming from a user named u/Giant_Bleeding_Anus, I will take that as a compliment.

By this logic, no one can claim any land outside of eden or wherever mankind began

Wrong. By this logic, we claim the land we hold. That's it.

It is the same as it has ever been.

What's your point? In Australia, the aborigine has been there for 60,000 years. They evolved from early hominoids right on that continent. But they walked a land bridge from South East Asia. 200 years ago, Englishmen with guns turned up and shot them. But fuck those cunts, the land isn't theirs right? Is that what you're saying?

lmfao this guy

Except the native Americans right? You didn't actually forget did you? Surely.

No one forget it because they were beaten by Europeans who made America. It isn't their country.

What's your point? In Australia, the aborigine has been there for 60,000 years. They evolved from early hominoids right on that continent. But they walked a land bridge from South East Asia. 200 years ago, Englishmen with guns turned up and shot them. But fuck those cunts, the land isn't theirs right? Is that what you're saying?

They didn't create anything in America or Australia, they were tribes on a land mass. American and Australia are European constructs.

Your modern western mind only counts material creations as ones worth counting yeah?

How about cultures millenia old that come from living on that land.

They lost.

So any conquering force is the rightful owner. Got it.

That and we built it. Do you understand all the shit you're using now comes from European civilization too?

Really? Cos the phone I'm typing this on is a Japanese design built by the Chinese.

From things Europeans invented.

I'm gonna have to ask for a link or links showing that Europeans invented every single thing to do with modern society please. You need to back this claim up with some sources.

Did you miss history?

Haha! No. How long did you spend looking for that? My history classes were spent on world history not just look how awesome we are in America. So 72% eh? A good chunk but far from everything as you claimed. Come back with another link.

72% figure was for Britian, France, Germany, and Italy.

Look at the other graphs, Europeans have dominated. No, it's not literally everything, just a good 95% of things.

Seriously who has contributed more than Europeans to the world today? No one. We built it.

Yes I know Europeans have dominated but it shouldn't take away from the other cultures of the world. One sixth of the planet is indian and one sixth is Chinese. That's one third right there. The Chinese invented alloys. Which without it, none of that shit today would exist. So you're saying that because white Europeans are the dominant race that they have a right to the whole planet huh? Sounds familiar.

You don't even think whites should be majorities in countries they built.

I'm not racist and colour of skin doesn't concern me. It's sad you said "whites" and not "Europeans" at the very least. It's ok. I now know what I'm dealing with.

White is another word for European.

I'm not racist and colour of skin doesn't concern me.

You are racist, you're trained to lie about contributions of white people to civilization. When someone gives you a correct statement about history and civilization, you immediately begin to chip away at it. Anti white.

I am white fool. I'm not anti white. I just don't think that if I gathered an army and shot my way into Beijing tomorrow that I should be entitled to that land. You think, fuck them they should've defended it better and, fuck them all humans migrated from somewhere so it's not their land. Your mentality is extremely dangerous and I'd love to see it become extinct.

China Comes to mind here...

...and how many languages do they speak in india.

Well France and UK also have a wide diversity in ethnies which is a result of their own history of colonial Imperiums.

America is arguably the most culturally diverse country in the world.

Aussie checking in. Haha, no

This a joke?

However, I will concede that there does seem to be an attack on white people from other minorities living in America

Nah, there's a white persecution complex, though. Last I checked white people weren't getting put in camps by Arpaio. Keep drinking that koolaid, though. The current US President is proof to anyone without an agenda that this country is clinging to it's white supremacy for dear life.

Last I checked white people weren't getting put in camps

I guess you missed the lesson on German detainments (and forced relocations) during WWI and WWII.

Solely for being white? Yeah fucking right. This is exactly why no one takes white nationalists seriously.

Show me one white person profiled and put in a camp by Arpaio. If you can't then don't bother replying.

Solely for being white?

I never said that, and Arpaio--your example--has never put anyone in camps for being solely hispanic.

Nice try moving the goalpost, but no dice.

So, I'll say it again:

I guess you missed the lesson on German detainments (and forced relocations) during WWI and WWII.

No surprise there.

I'm still not surprised.

I never said that, and Arpaio--your example--has never put anyone in camps for being solely hispanic.

Bull fucking shit, he profiled them and put them in camps. You must not know anything about Arpaio at all, which is rather unsurprising considering the media you likely consume.

he profiled them and put them in camps

Once again, no one was ever put into a camp simply for being hispanic.

You must not know anything about Arpaio at all

"Everyone who disagrees with me is an idiot," says more about you than me.

which is rather unsurprising considering the media you likely consume.

I'm not certain how you could presume to speak on what media I do or do not consume. Obviously arguing from a position of ignorance is something you've grown quite comfortable in doing.

Once again, no one was ever put into a camp simply for being hispanic.

Once again, you've no idea how profiling works.

Profiling doesn't force anyone to break the law. No one has been put in a camp for being hispanic. Never happened.

Profiling doesn't force anyone to break the law.

lol question, do you know what profiling is? Legit, because I'm not sure from your responses.

No one has been put in a camp for being hispanic. Never happened.

"There is no war in Ba Sing Se"

lol question, do you know what profiling is?

That's a stupid question. You knew that when you asked though. "Lol," indeed.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

A cartoon reference from an eternal adolescent. No surprise there.

Still, no one has been put in a camp for being hispanic. Not one person.

america not a homeland for any race...

yeah.... the natives are knocking. they want their land back.

And do what with it ?

the natives are knocking

They were "natives" no more than anyone else. Even they migrated to the continental US from somewhere else.


You cannot dispute these facts. But since you felt the need to air your ignorance, I would love to see you try.

That's one interpretation.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America"

"Ourselves and our posterity"... George Washington sure as shit wasn't risking his life and the life of his buddies for Somalians, Afghanis, and others like them while simultaneously signing off on 3/5 of a person for Africans or restricting the rights of the American Indians. America was intended as a European offshoot, not the freak show it has become. It's in the first line of the Constitution.

Just show them the 1790 Naturalization Act.

Pretty sure the native American population would have issue with your Homeland statement if there wasn't already a genocide to wipe them out.

"Native Americans" were really a bunch of random tribes who lost and we took their land and made the country

cant defend it then you dont own it

Native americans had slaves and talked about completely eliminating other tribes (genocide?)

They just didnt have boomsticks and couldnt defend their homeland.

People like to turn 'victims'/'the dead' into saints and heroes after they've passsd but native americans were humans with all the same flaws as us.

Australia, New Zealand, UK - England / Wales / Scottland / Northern Ireland, Europe. Every majority white nation is importing masses of non whites, to the point where projections place whites as a minority within a few decades, nothing is being done to integrate these people or ensure they assimilate. Diversity quotas are forcing unqualified bottom of the stack applicants into position they did not earn and whites are being forced out. Liberal culture is attacking the status of white people, to not accept a foreign culture is being shifted into unethical behaviour, no mono-culture is allowed, Islamic law is being trickled in slowly.

If we say anything, we are racist xenophobes engaged in criminal acts of 'hate speech'.

The war is lost. They have convinced millennials none of this is happening, that they are collectively to blame for the actions of past generations of whites, that they have collective privilege that must be destroyed by self sacrificing. And the vast majority of millennials are eating up these overtly racist concepts of collective guilt / privilege.

The entirety of the social science's. No gender. Collectivist paradigms such as Marxism, socialism, feminism.

There is no fighting back, it will only lead to social isolation, career and reputation assassination.

Reddit, youtube, google are all taking actions to censor anything right of centre politically. We are forced onto other platforms such as voat and 4chan - now alongside with straight up neo-nazi nutters. What do they think, if they censor us we will just change our beliefs? No. You are forcing us to be exposed to more radical right wing ideologue. It's like they want to radicalise anybody centre or right of centre. This is an attack from every single angle.

I cant believe for one second that all of these things are happening under the guise of progress, and coincidentally are all warned about throughout history and the bible. Everything that brought us to this stage of civilisation is being thrown out. Social media and the internet in general have been completely regulated, I can't take anything I read seriously anymore.

The only outlook I see is more destabilisation, a further push to socialism and more anti white sentiment. I'm not going to go full Nazi, or fight the government, or throw away my life. I'm just going to leave this society and live like a god in the third world, not reproduce, surf everyday, and forget about the West - while taking all my resources with me.

Reddit, youtube, google are all taking actions to censor anything right of centre politically. We are forced onto other platforms such as voat and 4chan - now alongside with straight up neo-nazi nutters. What do they think, if they censor us we will just change our beliefs? No. You are forcing us to be exposed to more radical right wing ideologue. It's like they want to radicalise anybody centre or right of centre. This is an attack from every single angle.

I think the goal here is more to force you to be associated with the Nazis/Wierdos thru common website usage, so that your thinking can be discredited and dismissed. "Oh, look he posts on 4chan so you know he is pervert." etc.

Britishness know's no race. To be British is a state of mind. I'm much happier to identify as British; I never identify as white.

Unless you somehow think Trevor Mcdonald or Idris Elba or Mo Farah aren't British.

The war is lost. They have convinced millennials none of this is happening, that they are collectively to blame for the actions of past generations of whites, that they have collective privilege that must be destroyed by self sacrificing. And the vast majority of millennials are eating up these overtly racist concepts of collective guilt / privilege.

I really don't know any Millennials who feel this way. Most are happy to admit that things were/are fucked up and we need to try harder, but they're also still plumbers, hairdressers, pilots, chefs, retail slaves, etc. Most don't have the mental energy at the end of the day to subscribe to any kind of 'isms, despite the concentration of neuroses you find here on the web. The white kids make some self-deprecating jokes but don't actually want to change who they are. From what I have seen, the right is the same way.

The only outlook I see is more destabilisation, a further push to socialism and more anti white sentiment. I'm not going to go full Nazi, or fight the government, or throw away my life. I'm just going to leave this society and live like a god in the third world, not reproduce, surf everyday, and forget about the West - while taking all my resources with me.

That seems like the smart choice for a lot of people. Don't get sucked into a game that purposely radicalizes people (and no offense intended, but from your language, it sounds like you are already being radicalized against a stereotype of liberalism.) Go live your own life and think your own thoughts as much as you possibly can. Check out other perspectives on the world to find the questions you haven't been shown how to ask. Don't play a game that spits out ~95% of its players as losers.

A million times this. As soon as you fully buy into an ideology, you’ve turned off your critical thinking skills. Whether it’s far-right nationalism, Islamic terror groups, or antifa, all extremist organizations use the same recruiting tactics.

They make you feel at home and supported so you will further conform to their groupthink. As soon as you hear someone say something that you feel “in your heart” is true, be afraid. Do the research, check the methodology, check opposing viewpoints. Buying into an ideology means you’re letting someone else do your thinking.

People don't realize that literally everything you feel came from what you believe/perceive. Go ahead and try to divorce the feeling from a stimulus to your mind. Self-deception works to alleviate unpleasant emotions, because what I am saying is true. So to just trust your heart without using your thoughts is like handing over your will to those who can do the thinking for you. If you believe what they say without questioning it, that is what is occurring, whether or not you wish to believe it.

That seems like the smart choice

It sounds like MGTOW philosophy, which has been demonized by Reddit and western media by and large.

They don't want people checking out for any reason. They need people to play the game and lose.

It's like they want to radicalise anybody centre or right of centre

Yep. Wonder if it's planned that way ... and what the end goal is. Syria style civil war?

But your argument fails regarding European countries, the white race’s ancestral homeland. It is being flooded with immigrants that reproduce like rabbits.

Some European countries. Not all. I think that is important.

A few are fighting it, time will tell if they are successful. And this process is pretty much irreversible, so the fact that this is happening to any European country is a pretty big deal imo.

However, I will concede that there does seem to be an attack on white people from other minorities living in America.

If anything said attack is engineered by self-hating white people who claim to speak for minorities.

Furthermore, I find it funny that people who now consider themselves white likely had predecessors who were not. White vs non-white is a moving target. Along successive waves of immigration various groups were considered non-white. Irish, Jews, eastern europeans all eventually got integrated and are now "white".

Not all of these arrivals spoke English or left whatever ethnic neighborhood they lived in. They were characterized by ethnic stereotypes (Irish and drunkenness for example). They were accused of taking low paying jobs and university slots (particularly jews in the 1930s).

The key is assimilation and teaching incoming immigrants the rule of law, integrating them into society, and teaching American principles... which does not include Christianity.

That is the problem, the people who scream the most about immigrants ruining American want to invoke anti-competitive practices that favor themselves, they often want their religion imposed on others, and they seek to attack the very freedoms that they claim the immigrants are eroding.

Saying America is a white christian homeland is unamerican. America has no race or religion enshrined in its laws and it is a land where the law is kind and where humans are ostensibly equal and endowed with inalienable rights.

The OPs post also misses the racial tensions in China and that while Chinese society is dominated by Han chinese they have regional migration and minority issues (most prominently with Uighers). This also ignores South Koreas and Japans demographic problems and social stagnation and in SOuth Korea's case they actually do encourage some migration... but with some iffy cultural and racial practices.

You've mad some wrong assumptions and posted very wrong information. I'm not a white nationalist, but there are still very serious consequences to increasing diversity.

The idea of the nation was seeded by white men of European descent, but it is foolish to think that the discrimination of other races ever had a place upon inception.

Citizenship was limited to white people from the start, per the 1790 naturalization act

America is arguably the most culturally diverse country in the world.

America has had a white majority for all of it's existence, and a white supermajority up until the 1980s. Diversity is very new.

Combine that with the reality that it is also a free country that encourages free speech and freedom of religion.

Free speech is more popular with whites than other groups.

Many feel threatened because their racial identity is being minimized by people who look different.

No we feel threatened because those groups are being brought in such amounts so as to form voting blocks and change the country. They don't even value free speech like you seem to think.

Unfortunately for those that hold racial identity dear, America is NOT a homeland for any race.

It's a homeland for Americans, people that have been here hundreds of years.

Nice post.

Free speech is more popular with whites than other groups.

This is an idiotic sentence, regardless of citation. You're basically saying that non whites disagree with free speech.

For being a free cunch they sure are overrun with a bunch of lefty statists.

Dude excellent comment. It needed to be said.

It's wrong too, but heavy on the feels.

Please, enlighten us all with your astounding logic.

America was founded for whites by whites and was 90% white as recently as the 1970s.

It's not at all the most culturally diverse.

Dinesh D'souza

This guy is a hilarious joke. Saw him debate Hitchens and get destroyed lol.

But what is your answer to OP?

The answer is that the guy is a joke

I mean, look at the loaded question

Can danesh boy cite any politician stating the things he asserts?

Can danesh boy cite any politician stating the things he asserts?

Must be a small, small world, to live such that you require authorities of various stripes' permission to think a certain way or other, and to make politicians be the bar at which you set the level of your truth.. So confusing.. So infuriating.. I am truly sorry..

The difference is basing your opinion about something on actual policy vs basing your opinion on something some random guy on the internet says

It’s easy to disregard an option when it’s based on straw men, which dinesh loves to use

Hence why nobody actually gives a fuck about his opinions

It kind of seems like rather than rationalizing your disagreement with the quote (or whatever it's implying to you) you would rather discredit the person. Isn't that an argumentative fallacy as well?

Ad hominum, I believe.

Pointing out that the argument is based on a strawman is not a fallacy, it's pointing out that the argument is based on a strawman.

How is that specific quote a strawman?


Do you know what a strawman is?

I do. I think you're conflating a strawman argument with a generalization of society. Someone can say, "Everyone today believes cell phones are fantastic tools." Surely some people don't necessarily think that but it's still a fair generalization. Saying "Dinesh loves to use strawmans" while ignoring the subject in question is horribly lazy of you.

The subject in question is a strawman though

If it’s not a strawman, can you cite a politician or a policy maker who actually used this argument to push for accepting more refugees?

I mean, if it’s not a strawman

It makes no reference of politicians and policy makers using "excessive whiteness and Christianity" as justifications for accepting migrants. It merely suggests that predominantly White and Christian countries are being pressured to accept them more-so than Asian and non-white/non-Christian majority countries. An example however of peer pressure to accept migrants into a predominantly Christian, white country is Poland and the EU right now (among other Eastern European countries.)

It merely suggests that predominantly White and Christian countries are being pressured to accept them more-so than Asian and non-white/non-Christian majority countries.

No, it claims that the reason why countries are being pressured is because they’re white and Christian

You still haven’t answered me - do you know what a strawman is?

Also do you know why EU can pressure a country in EU while it can’t pressure as effectively a country outside of EU?

LOL you literally injected "policy makers and politicians." I still read the quote as a generalization of peer pressure on European/western countries to accept migrants which is quite literally happening. You're stuck on attempting to claim Dinesh is creating a strawman by attributing the generalization of migration today to a individual person of policy and politics. It's a very real peer pressure on western countries - do you disagree with that? I don't know of an individual politician quite literally saying "X country is too white" but I believe that they do say "diversity is a strength" which is far more palpable.

I don't know of an individual politician quite literally saying "X country is too white" but I believe that they do say "diversity is a strength," which is far more palpable.

So you agree that dinesh is attacking a strawman then?

He's literally presenting a non-existent argument and then attacks it.

That's literally what a strawman is.

It's a very real peer pressure on western countries - do you disagree with that?

Are you confusing immigrants and refugees?

No, I agree with Dinesh. I believe that is the motivator behind the scenes although career politicians aren't going to admit so. We are in r/conspiracy and that's a conspiracy I believe personally. I simply think you're avoiding productive conversation on the subject at the cost of being right. Good luck with that mindset. Also, the term migrants includes immigrants and refugees.

I simply think you're avoiding productive conversation on the subject at the cost of being right.

Look, you can believe whatever you want. I don't really care.

Usually when you argue with someone, your objective is to take the strongest argument of your opponent and counter it with your arguments.

That's what a honest discussion is, exchange of ideas.

If you're stuck claiming that every politician wants refugees to feed white babies to his rainbow god of cryptojudaism - you are free to have that opinion, but your opinion is worthless.

Also you notice that strawman I added in the end there? Well, I think that is the motivator behind the scenes of every conspiracy theorist although they aren't going to admit so. Ya'll just jelly politicians are better at it.

See ya later alligator

Keep yourself safe

You've said nothing in all these comments except Dinesh uses strawmans. God forbid you talk about anything else surrounding it. Funny enough you ended your reply by misrepresenting my opinion and then attacking it. Way to end things by doing the very thing you accused Dinesh of doing.

...but what can you say when your opponent attacks something nobody ever claimed?

Even you admit that people don't claim it.

You just think they secretly think so.

Of course people claim it. My earlier reference was too your injected nouns (politicians and policy makers) and public forum. What is it you don't believe? Nobody is anti-white, anti-nationalist, anti-Christian, anti-American, etc? Nobody could possibly believe what Dinesh said simply because you say so. Why is your absolute dismissal of the possibility any better than his assertion? He's required to name names for you? Go ask him then.

He's required to name names for you? Go ask him then.

Actually he said "everyone", so yeah

Please name 1 person that holds such an opinion and is widely supported by "everyone"

It's a sweeping generalization not a strawman. Finally we agree.

here we go lad

"A past that never existed" Our homogeneity down the memory hole.

That guy is right

But he saying nothing about Europe being too white and Christian

but everyone lectures white countries you are too white you are too Christian

Who's everyone? I haven't heard anyone in my community say to a white person he had to be more interracial. If any complaints were made it was about the guy not respecting another man's wish to bone another man. OPs statement seems like a preconceived bias he has observed through the media brainwashing. I just came from Iceland where it is all white brothers and sisters and no one was complaining about them being too white. They were too busy freezing their butts off to worry about silly nonsense like too white or too christian.

Everyone, is the left.

Who's everyone?


Why is nobody talking about the alt-right's conspiracy to replace the population with strawmen? Now if you'll excuse me I need to clean my rifles for the War on Christmas.

Every black person on twitter

Come take it from us here in the South. Here we have a culture of very credible racial angst in our history. But I guaran’fuckindamn’tee ya the church going morally sound folks in family units whether white or black will leave them dead in the swamps and hallows we did each other not long ago. Strength in numbers and friendship no matter race is something I’ve seen hear in my lifetime and it won’t be easily taken without blood

once upon a time this sub realized that imperialist America is deep rooted in white Europeans, thus making them the enemy of the world. I don't think it's because they are white. It's because people have had it with their approach.

Because it is an agenda

There are groups agitating for Japan to become less Japanese..

They should agitate for making life less impossible for their young people. Maybe then they'd see a replacement rate again and not need immigrants. Japanese are so racist, why would they think bringing in outsiders could end well for anyone on that clump of islands. Idiots.

Yea, what have the Japs ever done? Durrrrrr

They did Pearl Harbour good.


They bodied 2 nukes.

Low birthrates are only a bad thing for the globalists who profit off our slave labor. Having fewer people in Japan is an otherwise great thing for the country. Nobody “needs” immigrants.

If we all had one child for a few generations, we'd have widespread automation implemented in all sectors of the economy, the household income would skyrocket, healthcare systems of all kinds across the world would flourish, and concerns over energy and the development of the third world would disappear faster than we could imagine.

Or we could keep fucking and exploding global populations until the planet becomes a human cesspool and literal hell on earth.

Behavioral sink; this is why I will never live in a major city.

I'm not super pro immigration or anything but America's constant influx of immigrants is why it's #1 in the world. If you want a healthy economy with sustainable growth immigration is key.

Japan is in a bad place right now, and analysts are legitimately afraid of what's going to happen in 20-30 years when the parents of Japanese mellienals start dying off.

No offense but people claiming that "Japan is just fine without immigration" are really misinformed on the current state of Japan and the problems they've been facing for the last 30+ years

I'm not super pro immigration or anything but America's constant influx of immigrants is why it's #1 in the world. If you want a healthy economy with sustainable growth immigration is key.

1 in what exactly? Why do you think immigrants are needed for a healthy economy? Immigrants are good for providing cheap labor (if they chose to work), otherwise they leach from social programs and often don't pay taxes. So why is that cheap labor so great, and who is it great for?

And what are you afraid of regarding Japan? Fewer people is a good thing for what really matters....the people. It sounds like you are regurgitating the globalists talking points without really understanding them.

Expensive labor means less productivity, simple as that.

Ok, so why should we maximize productivity at the expense of the income and quality of life of the average citizen?

Because this is not a socialist country and the citizen should earn their way to a better life through education and skills.

I never said that a citizen shouldn't earn their way to a better life through education and skills. And whether you like it or not, we do have social programs that we have to consider. Also, I'd argue that allowing anyone to become a citizen makes it more difficult for other citizens to do exactly that.

What are you trying to say? You're all over the place in that comment.

I was responding to your non sequitur, which is probably why its confusing.

This is absolutely false to anyone that is familiar with basic economics.

Well if you’re an immigrant with a fake social security card then you’re not leaching instead you’re paying taxes etc.. for nothing in return

True, but I'll bet that is a small fraction of them. Most seem to work jobs that pay cash.

1 in what exactly?

The US has the most robust and diverse economy in the world.

Immigrants are key to long term sustained economic growth. It's so much more than importing cheap labor into the country (although it's a super important factor).

Japan's economy had been in recession since the 90s, caused by a lot of factors and compounded by an ageing workforce and incredibly low birthrates.

I don't 'think' immigrants are needed for a healthy economy, they are needed for a healthy economy - it's economics 101. I didn't realize people don't understand that.

You haven't at all supported what you are claiming. You are just making vague claims and stating them like they are facts.

"Immigrants are needed for a healthy economy." Prove it, instead of simply making vague claims. Immigrants drain our taxpayer dollars and drive down wages. We don't need immigrants at all, although that doesn't mean that I'm absolutely against allowing some in through merit if there is evidence that they would actually contribute to our community and economy.

Take an into to economics class.

Wow you convinced me! You can't even properly explain why you think your argument is the correct one. Working to achieve maximum productivity with the lowest wages is not beneficial to the average citizen. Its only good for the Globalists who would profit more. You've been fooled.

I actually have. Immigration is great for a labor intensive economy. America is a capital intensive economy, so all it does is perpetually keep wages low for the workforce. Normally this is a short term effect that balances out in the long term, but with continuous immigration you’re perpetually stuck in the short term scenario. Those with capital benefit greatly while labor is constantly being squeezed out. What Econ class did you take? Everyone should take an international focused Econ class, it’s really eye opening. Not just an intro 101 course.

My experience is admittedly limited, Macro, Micro, along with an introductory course and a course on the history of economic thought. Its a fascinating subject that I've dabbled in enough to realize I know incredibly little on the topic.

I was referring mostly to u/RareOmen 's claims that "Low birthrates are only a bad thing for the globalists" and that Immigration is a net drain on an economy.

The US has seen great success in terms of immigration in both the short and long term, its the reason why it can bounce back from economic dips far quicker than our European counterparts.

Immigration handled irresponsibly (see Germany) can lead to societal and economic issues - I'm not arguing that in the slightest. But a robust immigration policy that supplements declining birth rates and the need for unskilled labor is vital for a thriving economy. THAT is economics 101.

Sources for that?

Yea, bc they get exploited. Means they dont have to share wealth when 50% are close to poverty.

Yep. The US would have been so much better had those immigrants never come here from Europe.

The various European cultures are sufficiently similar that they could successfully form a productive melting pot in America. Once you start importing people from more and more different cultures, more difficulties begin to arise.

True. That's why Europe is one giant melting pot. Because all of the different countries are culturally similar. Spaniards are like Norwegians are like Germans are like Irish. One and the same.

Reading comprehension may not be your strong suit. Give one more try at wrapping your head around what "sufficiently similar" means and I'll help you out if you are still having trouble.

Skin color and religion do not make culture. So try again, I want to see what other attempts at witty quips you will make.

No, they are aspects of culture. Religion is arguably one of the more important aspects. Others are language, food, clothing, and others. What point were you trying to make, again?

How ignorant your statement of no one "needing" immigrants is.

Can a country survive with no immigrants? For a while, but it won't flourish. Not like a country with a healthy flow of new residents and new ideas would.

Why wouldn't a country without immigrants flourish? You haven't made an argument for why that is, you're just offering your opinion.

Well, let's see what immigration metrics say. With the exception of China and India (they've already got 1/3rd of the world pop, they don't need more people), what countries have the lowest rates of immigration?

Next, take those countries and look at the level of development within those countries. Are they growing? Succeeding? Leading the world? Or are they stagnant or on the decline?

After that, do the same with countries that have the highest rates of immigration.

By the by, I'm letting you choose the countries to review. I don't want you accusing me of trying to fudge the data to suit my stance. ;)

I think you're missing a crucial factor. Nobody wants to immigrate to a third world country. People from third world countries want to immigrate to the first world.

Surely if immigrants were such a terrible burden, these first world countries would be collapsing. Instead they appear to be growing... Hrm.

Wages are being depressed, social systems are being strained and overburdened, crime is going up...why do you think you are seeing such a backlash? I'm not sure what you mean by "growing." I know you want to believe its just racism, but its really not.

In the US, wages are being depressed in times of record financial growth, social systems are being strained by funding repeatedly being cut in favor of more defense spending... But immigrants are the problem. Absolutely.

I know you want to believe that it's outsiders that are the problem, but really it's not.

No, immigrants are not the only factor, nor are H1B visas, nor is automation, etc.

But they are an important factor. And again, I am for some level of merit and need based immigration.

H1B and automation aren't the problem either. The people with jobs are being underpaid, and not because there is a great deal of competition for their job. All of the money is staying at the top. Immigrants aren't picking your pocket and giving the money to your boss. Your boss just wasn't paying you enough money in the first place.

Why or how are the Japanese racist? I was a foreigner who lived there for 4 years and was treated well. They love Japan and want it to stay Japanese but never got the feeling I was unwelcome or hated because of my skin color.

you do know 90% of this board probably never stepped foot outside the states

I think you're projecting. Far more objective data points to widespread racism in Japanese culture than not.

There's always exceptions to the rule and big urban areas tend to become more like melting pots, but as soon as you get over the superficial bullshit and company policies, the genetic superiority complex becomes apparent in far more people than not.

I just watch Monumental Men. They were preserving culture. What is happening now is destroying culture forever.

90% of this board have probably rarely stepped out of a 25-mile radius of where they were born.

Everybody is a fucking racist to these people.

Whites or yellows

"these people". Are you not posting in this sub?

Haha no shit

I'm only assuming that you're white but, Asian cultures value light skin and white people. If you were black you'd have noticed a lottttttttt more blatant racism.

Everybody is racist toward black people, apparently. Victim complex?

The fucking aliens are racist, niqqa!

Wouldn't that actually be hilarious if aliens were racist?

Tbh, no. Black people would be even more insufferable.

Yeah, but it could take the heat of us for awhile. Still, what a galactic kick in the balls it would be!

True, the Aliens are eveeel! dey responsible for everything bad niqqa


to quote 4chan "space n*****"

It would be so depressing, and fill me with such sadness and hopelessness, that I would probably just become a hermit on some island and never interact with the outside world again.

If westernization and its influence was globalized why is it hard to believe the concept of racism was not as well? During the height of westernization spreading all over the globe blacks were enslaved. So why is it hard to believe the racist sentiments were not globalized as well.

Screaming about "victims" doesnt alter reality. Being aware of how widespread racism is doesnt make you a victim it makes you aware.

Hint: its not the skin tone they value. If you are black, dress well, and pay attention to their cultural mores, they will generally accept you just the same. There are certainly stereotypes about different races though, but those stenotypes exist because they tend to be true.

Source: first-generation Japanese.

Bud, that’s not true. That’s a super idealistic perception of Japanese racism. And it is racism.

Oh, so my personal experiences with my family and relatives who still live there are "not true."

You can call it "racism" if you want. But there's nothing wrong with it and it would be a mistake to try to get rid of it.

Your experiences with family are specific to your family who care about you. I’ve been there an in 10 days I experienced more racism than I ever have before. People weren’t rolling down their windows as they drove by to shout racial slurs but it was there and it was overt.

There are certainly good and kind people there. But, especially in the older generations, there is certainly a strong aversion to people of color.

They treat and look at white people differently, too. And Koreans, and Chinese, and SE Asians. That doesn't mean they don't necessarily like outsiders and those who look different, its just that they are wary of them because they know and trust their own people (there is a reason why they have so low crime and especially violent crime). They just hope the outsiders try to respect their culture while they are in Japan and that they don't try to stay permanently, because they like Japan the way it is.

They treated us different. And what you described is racism. “Hope they don’t stay permanently.” Racism.

Cool, so they are racist in your eyes and I still don't see anything wrong with it. It keeps their country safe and helps to keep their culture and tradition in tact.

They aren't obliged to accept non-Japanese, and I'm sure they couldn't care less about you calling them racist. They laugh about silly SJWs.

Doubling down, very nice.

Every other SE Asian nation detests the Japanese and I see why. The culture rests on viewing everyone else as alien and inferior. It’s why your grandfathers were capable of the heinous and evil acts they committed against the nations around them in war.

All the Asian nations hate eachother. And SE Asians generally hate the Chinese far more than they hate Japan, btw. All people throughout history have been capable of such acts, and you know that. I guarantee your ancestors were, too. They might not have come from a society capable of advanced civilization, though, which might be why you are unaware of it.

You have no real comprehension of Japanese culture, which is maybe why you felt like an outcast. People could probably sense that of you, too, which probably didn't help.

My ancestors didn’t rape entire cities. I went there to visit a friend. I had positive experiences and bad experiences. I made Japanese friends. But I report that the Japanese are predominately racist, and that is an ignorant, deeply hateful and damaging attitude to have. If you think you have to be an SJW to hate racism then you are as sick as your evil grandparents.

But I report that the Japanese are predominately racist, and that is an ignorant, deeply hateful and damaging attitude to have.

We will have to agree to disagree, then.

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard someone claim racism wasn’t ignorant, hateful, or damaging. Good of you to at least be open about the fact that you feel that way.

They are prejudiced, not generally racist. But since you and others seem to love and overuse the term so much, I went along with it. Guess what, you are prejudiced too, whether you want to admit it or not. There is nothing wrong with prejudice so long as you are open-minded and willing to give anyone a chance.

There is a lot wrong with prejudice.

It’s ok for your experience of the country to be good while acknowledging that it has deeply rooted internal problems which make that impossible for other people based on their ethnic background

But that isn't a problem, that is sort of the point. Like I said, they like Japan the way it is and don't want it to change. You may say the culture has "deeply rooted internal problems" but most native Japanese would disagree and think you are presumptuous. They would probably say that your lack of pride in your own heritage, culture, and traditions are deeply rooted internal problems of your own.

This is where we get into perception of wrong vs. morally wrong. I think that allowing prejudice and preconceptions derived from ethnicity to color your attitude towards a stranger is morally wrong. A Japanese person would disagree, just as an Arab might feel its not a problem to oppress women or a nazi to kill Jews. It’s not at the same level but it exists in the same place. Their belief that they are not wrong to exercise bigotry does not keep it from being wrong.

I'd say it depends on what this means:

to color your attitude towards a stranger

If you berate them or harass them then it is morally wrong. If you simply don't go out of your way to associate with them, then you aren't doing any harm. If you own a bar and you only want to allow native Japanese into your establishment, your personal property, I also do not consider that to be morally wrong. As you can tell, I value freedom of association over the feelings of over-sensitive people or people who are looking to be offended (which are so common these days).

You don’t think it was a problem to only allow white people into restaurants here?

I haven't decided if I think that. I probably value personal liberty and freedom of association more than you do, so its likely that I see it a bit differently, even if I wasn't let into to one of those restaurants. My family and I would just cater restaurants or even start one of our own.

But regardless, America is far more multicultural. If the Japanese want to keep Japan Japanese, then I can't blame them for that and your critique of their culture and politics is falling on deaf ears.

It makes a friend of mine who happens to be black who is living in Japan because he wants to participate in the culture lonely, sad, and disappointed. He’s a wonderful person who deserves better and didn’t just go there because he likes anime. Have whatever opinion you want, but that is the consequence of the way things are.

That's the price you have to pay, I'm afraid. I think that your black friend would do well to shake off any naivety he has remaining and realize that he will never truly be a part of Japan, he will always be a visitor. I think that, if he truly does appreciate their culture and at least understands the reasons for why they are the way they are, he will enjoy his visits to the country.

One look at your history shows your just another t_D troll...

What's a T_D troll?

Edit: I took a glance of your history and all I saw was you talking about "T_D" and "The_Donald." Does that make you a "T_D troll?"

Well, a t_D troll is someone who get's validation by suckling Donald Trump's penis, He is someone so unhappy with his life that he refuses to see the reality of our current situation. He believes that Mr. Trump is different, But is so blinded by his new Fraternity that he cant see that aside from a low IQ Trump is no different than The Bush's and Obama. Which makes life more difficult for free thinking individuals...Not to mention THEY RUINED THE BEST FUCKING SUB EVER.

I'm still not understanding why we're talking about Trump right now...

Is he relevant to some of my comments?

They take pride in their heritage, culture, and traditions. Nowadays that makes you racist.

There is taking pride in your culture, and then there is being incredibly misogynistic and racist, which the Japanese are. Take one look at their legal structure, their history, and their art. They are an incredibly perverse society that has little regard for women's rights, and they are blatantly and incredibly prejudice, in particular towards Americans.

Little regard for women's rights? I don't see it. Yes, we have a history as a patriarchal society, as most successful ones do. Humans are sexually dimorphic and gender roles arise in much the same way in completely unrelated cultures.

And what doo you mean that they are prejudiced against Americans?

Yes, we have a history as a patriarchal society

That's one way of putting it. I guess you don't keep up with global politics as pertains to Japans' women's right status according to the U.N. That's just internationally recognized evidence of Japan's legal abuses of women.

And what doo you mean that they are prejudiced against Americans?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe these reflect a tiny amount of prejudice towards Americans in Japanese culture? Could you imagine it being even remotely acceptable for a program created in the U.S. to have a Japanese character that had an affinity for raping chinese women? That'd maybe be equally offensive as the stuff I linked. Lol. smh.

Honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck what the U.N. has to say (and that article didn't even really pertain to women's rights anyway.) And those cartoons are hilarious, nobody cares if those offend you. Seriously, nobody cares about your claims of racism and misogyny.

Try talking to actual Japanese people. People with attitudes like yours are what could actually damage the country, and its why they would never accept you. Its why they mock people like you for the silly things you get offended over. You may get rewarded for virtue signalling in the US, but in Japan they would just be embarrassed for you.

Honestly, I couldn't give less of a fuck what the U.N. has to say

Okay just understand that you are a minority in this regard, because the U.N. has an excellent track record of accurately reporting on human rights abuses, it's one of the only things they're actually good at.

(and that article didn't even really pertain to women's rights anyway.

That's not really true, though, is it? From the article:

"The U.N. body also expressed concerns that Japan prohibits women from remarrying immediately after divorce, but not men. The Supreme Court last December ruled that the six-month ban is unconstitutional. In the wake of that decision, women still must wait 100 days to remarry.

The U.N. also urged Japan to amend the Maternal Protection Act to “ensure the legality of abortion.” Under the current law, abortion can only be conducted with spousal consent, even if the pregnancy is a result of rape, or if the economic or physical conditions would gravely endanger the mother’s health. The U.N. urged Japan to remove the requirement of spousal consent and ensure that abortion can be allowed in case of serious fetal impairment."

And those cartoons are hilarious, nobody cares if those offend you.

I think you may be so caught up in your meme wars and your out of nowhere assumption that I am offended by Japanese humor, that you forgot what we were talking about. Prejudice attitudes such as this are reflections of Japanese culture and their disdain for America. It reflect a prejudice towards another group of people. I'm not virtue signalling, I'm pointing out an attribute of another culture citing parts of that culture as evidence.

It’s making fun of stereotypes. They are funny because they are true, especially in contrast to Japanese culture. You’re trying to create a problem when none exists. Say what you want about Japanese culture, but you can’t deny that it is appreciated the world over and is most likely more advanced and refined than that of your ancestors.

Replace "american" with "black people" and you would be universally reviled for being so complacent about obvious bigotry.

but you can’t deny that it is appreciated the world over

I appreciate Japanese culture. It is also incredibly misogynistic and prejudice. It's not all bad, but yeah, it has some serious flaws that are pretty universally acknowledged the world over as well.

Those poor Americans being stereotyped by a few Japanese cartoons! How evil of them! I'm completely convinced.

Nobody cares about your critiques. Far too many flawed people love to give their self-important critiques. Its old and literally nobody cares what you think of Japanese culture.


maybe they hold a grudge for those two atomic bombs.

I was unwelcome or hated because of my skin color

I think maybe you're taking 'racist' to mean 'hateful'. I have friends who have lived in Japan (including a few right now) who do comment that they are treated very differently once Japanese people realize they can speak Japanese and understand the cultural cues... some of the insults they have had thrown at their faces by Japanese men (usually older) who think it won't be understood seems to be something they deal with, especially when he is out of his regular area.

I hear you tho - I don't think the Japanese people are overtly racists and hateful by any great degree, but they definitely hold opinions about non-nationals that is hard to change.

They have a superiority complex over other Asians like Koreans, Chinese, Philippines and Vietnamese.

Why or how are the Japanese racist?

I live in the middle east and I know several people who saw first hand racism from Japanese. It's no secret that they hate Arabic people, and there are establishments all over Japan outright banning them from entering.

/u/vainth When I think of the people who have never left the US, I think of those who honestly believe that everywhere else in the world is far less racist than the US. So much so that they actually think racism is nearly non-existent across Europe and Asia.

Yeah they tried doing the whole refuge thing, but unlike European countries who ignore all the crime they bring in, Japan got tired of it and quit taking in those people. Avoiding crimes that certain people bring in isn't racist, it's smart.

You mean culturally protective.

Japan currently has the greatest culture. Anime is proof of that. They need to do whatever is necessary to protect that. Leftists would destroy anime, that is a fact.

this world is confused....

Japan is scum

Lots of people say africa is too black.

Who says that? Give me an example.

Noel Ignatiev doesn't seem too fond of white people or whiteness.

He doesn't really say anything like what the OP is saying.

Because Jews don't control those countries.

Top comment.

I mean, you're not wrong.

What's funny is most "colored" people just assume Jews are white. They are next to get purged.

If a Muslim tide took over Europe and North America, wouldn't that be a bad thing for Jews and Israel?

Not if they plan to start ww3 before that happens. They're deliberatly importing rapist muslims to increase anger towards muslims, and pulling terror attack false flags to increase that further.

Good question that doesn't deserve downvotes. The answer, imo, is that the ones behind it are Israeli citizens through blood or otherwise and they or their children will move there whenever they chose. This just makes EU and NA easier to control with cheaper labor.

This is a great point. I just don't really buy the culture war kalergi plan angle. This larger systemic view of disempowering labour is what it is about. Not Jews winning. Just capital winning by disempowering labour.

Agreed. It does seem to be organized and put into motion by those that are largely Jewish, and if you believe that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is authentic then it makes perfect sense. But you don't have to hold that view to agree with what is happening and who benefits.

I do not believe in protocols. Jews are disproportionately successful owing to the same cultural strengths that have made it the most enduring culture on earth: Clannish with high value placed on education and secular entrepreneurialism.

I don’t necessarily believe the Protocols are authentic, but I think there is a distinct possibility that they are. But anyway, I agree with that and I’d expand on the “clannish” aspect. I think there is some level of a sort of tribal nepotism, which leads to their being further overrepresented.

Display - 9/10

It's not a conspiracy. It's just Marxism.

Why are you not allowed to fight Marxism? Well, figure out who Marx was. That will show you.

Just listen to bush sr. Talk about the new world order. It's all been planned.

He can't do shit now if his in gitmo.

Lmao fucking what? He'll never serve a day behind bars.

Uhhh what planet are you on?

Which is what, exactly

ITT: White people pat each other on the shoulder and tell each other they're victims.

While sipping on Kentucky Bourbon, that racist?

Every race and subgrouping of peoples in the world stand up when attacked and try to create good societies for their people

"Oh yay, look at those ciritically-thinking, hard-working, capable and industrious peoples! Go, peoples, go! Build a life for you and yours".

White person sees a systemic and obvious, literal conspiracy involving the displacement and dehomogenization of societies comprised of his ethicity, and is able to both reference materials which show that such a plan exists, and give examples of it in action, as described by those who enact it.

"Oh look at the little baby wah wah little baby wanna bottle?"

You're right, I have no idea how you survived in this world against such incredible odds. Just to be born white and in the west makes life impossible, white man's burden, amirite?

Yes, "waaaah little baby wanna bottle". We did this part already.

I'm detecting a conflict of interest.

You're not white, are you?

"Oh look at the little baby wah wah little baby wanna bottle?"

probably because white person is conveniently ignoring hundreds of years of genocide/colonization/slavery/general theft of resources that created these prosperous societies

So it's a policy of revenge, then. A "kill the sons for the sins of the father" type of thing? That's good. This is a step forward. At least you can admit that you think this way to yourself, and knowing is half the battle. Chin up: Racial hatred to the point that you would see a mass of hundreds of millions of people die and think "this is fair" is a hell of a monkey on your back, but you seem like you'll pull through.

wtf are you talking about? i said none of those things. you asked why people might not take seriously white peoples' claims of oppression and i merely informed you that its hard to get sympathy when your group is controlling the vast majority of wealth, resources, and positions of authority. many of these countries were being colonized up until the mid 1900's but you still think that white people are the ones being oppressed and conveniently left all that other shit out of your argument.

probably because white person is conveniently ignoring hundreds of years of genocide/colonization/slavery/general theft of resources that created these prosperous societies

lol so, yeah, you're saying that anything that happens to modern white people is fine because of shit our ancestors did.

you asked why people might not take seriously white peoples' claims of oppression

Nah I didn't ask that.

i merely informed you

Wow I can make out the big mama headbob through the text alone. That's impressive.

colonized up until the mid 1900's but you still think that white people are the ones being oppressed and conveniently left all that other shit out of your argument.

You need to read a book.

lol so, yeah, you're saying that anything that happens to modern white people is fine because of shit our ancestors did.

nobody said that, but common sense will tell you that when you oppress groups of people, some of them will be mad. people want their stolen inheritance.

Make that 2

genocide/colonization/slavery/general theft of resources

These are not in any way restricted to people of European descent. Almost every culture in history has been involved in what you just listed in some degree or another. Could I be pissed about my ancestors being displaced in America? Or genocided in Armenia? Sure, but only on the principle, that shit didn't happen to me. A shame for sure, but manufacturing outrage is just bs to me and too easy to be used as a tool for manipulating people.

general theft of resources

This I can get angry at, but that's getting into class not race. There are people out there now suffering atrocities. Stop living in the past and go out and help someone you feel is suffering if you feel so strongly about it. Otherwise stop being a racist twat.

Couldn't be more wrong. White people overwhelmingly chastise, condemn and persecute one another for the most minuscule reason. Take this quote by Napoleon on krauts: "There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the Germans. No lie can be conceived treacherous enough, the Germans believe it. They follow a slogan which was given to them, to act against their own countrymen, rather than the real enemies of their country."

The day whites start patting each other on the back and affirming their collective victimhood will be when there's only a couple dozen of them left on this earth and they are surrounded by pitchfork carrying black mobs incited by joowish propaganda.

White people overwhelmingly chastise, condemn and persecute one another for the most minuscule reason.

This is true for basically every ethnicity, tribe and people across the world for basically the entirety of human existence.

So sort of like a women's march in the west then?

Actually, that's wrong. Across history, social groups have banded together for many reasons, one of the biggest being patriotic views in village/fief/country/religion etc.

It's not that we're the only ones saying it.

It's just that our media is the one we listen to, and also the most worldly influential.

Do you watch Chinese news? Hang out with a lot Chinese people? Doubtful.

People unfortunately love to see differences rather than similarities.

I don't think it's the Kalergi plan per se (which meant to mix asian and caucasoid). Rather it's the deliberate demographic annihilation of whites based on the belief that whites are descendants of 'Amalek', and therefore some kind of arch-nemesis of the chosen people. Lefties and cerebrally deficient are propagandised into believing that diversity is a strenght and white privilege is the root of all evil. They have associated the phrase 'Never forget the six million' with the mitzvahs (godly commandments) that demand to exterminate Amalek, wage relentless war against him and to eradicate any trace of his history, and to 'never forget what Amalek did to you'. It's incredibly messed up and a cause for concern, especially if you have blonde blue eyed kids in this day and age.

I have never, ever seen someone lecture a country for being too white. This is simplistic and naive.

Noel Ignatiev, a college professor, literally calls to abolish whiteness and has said that "treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."

Oh, my mistake. You found a nutjob. I guess I'm way off.

Pointing out that diversity is happening and increasing and we have to find ways to deal with it. Ok.

Uh yeah that's one way to portray it, also the fact he's dictating in a supposed democracy how things are going to be - whether we like it or not. Forced 'diversity' sounds great. It's not actually diversity though is it, it's a replacement of the native population in Europe.

Because, in Western nations failure isn't attributed to the self but projected on others. It's what happens in rich, lazy empires. They eventually fall.

I hear this charge a lot. It’s based on false premises. I’ve lived in multiple Asian countries. They actually do have people pushing for diversity. You especially see this in countries with low birth rates.

You're not going to like the answer. What are immigrants, economically? "The lifeblood of this country!" Not quite. They are a tool for keeping the masses from organising against the wealthy. They are the lifeblood of our class system. They are what slavery used to be in America.

They are a tool for keeping the masses from organising against the wealthy.


Used as a scapegoat for anything that is going wrong.

Cheap labor or else they would have to share

Need cheap labor or else they have to share

Or they will have to pay native citizens a living wage for what is otherwise cheap labor. The horror!

Because in First World counties the native population is in a decline. A smaller population can not maintain a system built for a bigger one. Immigration keeps the pop and foundry growing. Also everyone in the US except native Americans came from immigrants. Many of the greatest Americans were not born Americans.

^ 1000 times this

NWO agenda. Destroy western civilisation & culture through identity politics & cultural Marxism. Ship in 3rd worlders and try to create the ultimate homogeneous consumer with no culture & history except corporatism and consumption. Use the movement of capital & migration to achieve this goal.

I'm pretty sure most other countries you describe would tell anyone well said they're not diverse enough to kick rocks. Western countries and our white guilt are the only ones dumb enough for it.

It's always funny to see people that consider themselves "Christian" being afraid about opening their borders or being "invaded" by black and muslim. Did those people read the Bible ? Did they know the Bible told us we're all part of the same humanity and weren't supposed to be divised like we are today ? Did they know the Bible clearly states it was an actual punishment to be separated by language differences ?

I understand countries can't welcome everyone for economical/securities reasons, I would be highly careful about that too if I were at the head of a country myself. With that said, let's not call ourselves christians or let's not act like Jesus Christ teaching are the core of our western culture, because Jesus asked us to be very friendly and helpful toward needy people. The Bible clearly told us how we should welcome guests in our own home, even if our guests aren't in need.

Oh, and Jesus Christ wasn't white by the way. He was semitic and probably more tanned than your average muslim.

You can't have welfare and open borders.

TIL Europe doesn't exist.

I agree, but you can't label yourself as a christian and refuse to share the little you have with people that need it.

You don't have to live in poverty to love your neighbor.

It's taken a while for the Asian Jews and African Jews to gain authority over their goy peers in those parts of the world. They're a little behind in the game.

It's karma for colonialism.

Give it a 1000 years or so and the people of the world might forgive and forget.

My karma is my own, I do not owe for things I did not do.


sometimes you have to lead the world on not being a racist arsehole. Sorry you have to deal with it man, let us know if your pure white skin touches up against someone you deem not pure dude.


Because secretly we hold ourselves to higher standards than those others you mentioned :s

Oh well let me put the record straight for you all on this topic.

Japan has a large percentage of Koreans who have taken Japanese names (to obfuscate their ancestry) and are given TAX REBATES as well as being allowed to claim financial support for 'family outside of Japan'.

The Japanese media is OVER-RUN with non-native Japanese (mainly of Korean but also of Chinese decent) who do their best to poison the minds of the young Japanese in much the same way as the young in the western white world are poisoned by Hollywood.

EU/USA Women are conditioned to find native men unattractive and to find foreign men of color as superior. Women are pushed towards feminism. Men are pushed towards porn. You are taught white is hatred and that you are responsible for the sins of people who died a long time ago. Germany funds a middle eastern country by way of apology for things that didn't happen the way we are told to believe. American's are taxed to arm same said country when if anything said country should be making reparations to American people of color for transporting their ancestors to the US. Any men who begin to wake up and go no-women/no-fap are funneled towards MGTOW. If you survive this process you are a racist and a bigot. You are the face of white privilege and should not reproduce. You must also shut up when a person of confused identity (sexual/religious etc) attempts to encroach enrich your life and country be it through perversion or violence.

Japan Women are conditioned to find native men unattractive and to find foreign men, including white Europeans but with a focus on Koreans, as superior. Japanese women are also introduced to lesbian and gay fantasies from middle school age through erotic Manga that depict exciting relationships between handsome European gay men further destroying any remaining healthy interest in men as long term partners. Japanese men are pushed towards games and figurines. And of course porn and the fuzoku (massage parlor) industry. Japan is essentially MGTOW through design without an acronym, although these now predominantly weak and effeminate men are referred to as soushoku danshi (grass eaters). Accordingly the women refer to themselves as nikushoku joshi (meat eaters). So by design they are acting in the spirit of feminism. Meanwhile Japan has to 'apologize' repeatedly for things it didn't do and has statues depicting willing prostitutes as sex slaves erected randomly all over the world, sometimes with but often without planning permission.

by comparison...

Korea Talmud Study Now Mandatory in South Korea “In the Jewish tradition, family values ​​are important,” explains the South Korean Ambassador.

1) You need a special kind of ignorance to ignore all the racial troubles in Asia and Africa over the last few decades....

2) You need a incredibly narrow horizont to ignore that most of the migration happens within 2nd or 3rd world countries.

Muslim refugee crisis? Europe staggered when a million refugees came to a continent of 440 million people and just somehow everyone ignored that Lebanon tried to cope with taking in 1.5 million people having a total population of 6 million.

or, because it will get relevant this year if "TPTB" don't get their head out of the sand: Kenia struggling to maintain refugee camps for 250000 people.

Or Bangladesh coping with up to 800000 Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar.

Difference being that those countries are already poor, are already on the breaking point.

3) Any society where a majority-minority holds most of the power will see racial tensions. Same principle like with the bloody glass ceiling. If you look around and realize that you have to work twice as hard you acieve the same than someone with a lighter skin or just a penis you might ask yourself if it is really woth the trouble...

4) Given the state of the planet it will get worse, rather than better. Between just dying and trying to survive most humans opt for the second option. We will see hundreds of millions moving over the next 50 years - because they have to. We could find a place for them in the northern hemisphere or opt for a genocide and give up all semblance of civilization.. and to be honest I still haven't heard an argument why we should "trim the fat" along racial lines instead of e.g. abilities.

Exactly. Most neo-nazi's I run into want a free lunch. They want to inherit the blessings of being white (and typically male) without working for it. Guess what, the reason that being white and male was always so favorable was because our white/male ancestors went out and did amazing things. They worked their asses off so hard that it became the stereotype that we dominated the world the same way we say that asians are good at math.

White supremacists in 2017 are like the rich grandkids of a failing monopoly. You don't DESERVE what your grandfathers did for you, you have to earn it like they did. Instead of bitching about racial issues and race purity, go out and build something successful. Stop bitching at the world for making your life hard, go out and crush life like Elon Musk or hell the Pakistani guy who owns a subway and provides for his family better than you ever have.

Sad that such posts rarely show up here. Thumbs up.

Well, man's gotta point. But the age of white guilt is about to end and all those useless people surfing on that wave will have to crawl back to their backward countries and work for their own shit and continue slaughtering each other as they did since ages ago. Hopefully the evil white man will let them do it.

i hope so too. then when all that is left is white people, poor whites will take the abuse that minorities took. they'll be forced back into the shit roles that they had in mideval times(you didn't think the rich folks were going to do their own work did you?)

I think the age of white guilt has just begun personally.

Companies from which countries actually are profiting from all the resources and fossiles in those countries and have worked Hand in Hand together with corrupt and cruel dictators, while the population of those countries had to suffer from those regimes?

Where does that happen?

We here in the states have what id call a fascist kleptocracy. They used to be able to hide it really well. Not so much anymore.

this post doesn't even relate to /r/conspiracy

also, i have never heard anyone refer too someone or group as too white, or too christian.

Really? You haven't heard all of the talk about how corporate America is too white and needs diversity? This was a huge push in 2017. Diversity = anyone who isn't white these days. I've even seen it in my workplace personally.

Hell, the BBC won't even accept white applicants. It says right on their form for applying for a job.

Sorry - one idiot who ran a job posting is indicative of society as a whole?

I thought OP said "everyone lectures white countries" that they are too white and need to diversify. I'm calling bullshit. Where are the dozens or hundreds of examples?

I could post a tweet from a white supremacist, and by your logic that would be proof that "all white people are racist".

one idiot who ran a job posting is indicative of society as a whole?

One idiot?...are you really not aware of what the BBC is?

I could post a tweet from a white supremacist, and by your logic that would be proof that "all white people are racist".

No because I was never attempting to prove anything like that. I was simply responding to you saying that you've never seen anyone say something is too white. I provided some examples because just because you've never seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. You seem to be upset by the use of the word "everyone" in the OP but I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

Let's use common sense, though. OP said "but everyone lectures white countries... you are too white... too Christian... you need to be mixed. WHY?"

What I'm saying is that OP is lying, flat out. "Everyone" is not saying that - hell, I can hardly find any examples.

It's like me saying "all men are assholes", then getting called out on it. So I show you one asshole - some dick that beats his wife - and I go, see: there's your example.

But I didn't ask if men can be assholes, I asked for proof that all men are assholes.

There is no source that can be provided because "everyone" isn't attacking America for being too white. This is more white supremacist garbage for angry white guys with little penises.

I'll quote my previous post.

You seem to be upset by the use of the word "everyone" in the OP but I think you're missing the forest for the trees.

Dinesh D'Souza is a pretty bright guy. I'm pretty sure he's using the word everyone in the way we do when talking casually. He doesn't literally mean every single person on earth. If you think he means it literally I don't think we will get very far in this conversation.

No, I don't think he means it literally, thanks. But "everyone" in a figurative sense is more than one example.

And no, D'Souza is a fucking idiot. Smart people don't commit stupid crimes and go to jail for them. Smart people don't blame Abu Graib on "the sexual immodesty of liberal America".

rofl... Yes the BBC is so racist against whites...

Only 9 (or 10 with one person i'm unsure) out of 12 persons in the 2017 BBC journalism trainee class are genuine white people.

What's your point on handicapped people? Do you think it's also unfair to support them more as not handicapped persons?

Just so we're clear, your argument is that hiring based on race is not discrimination?

I guess you have had a further and closer look those BBC schemes and apprenticeships, so you might have noticed the special support in engaging handicapped People? Is this discrimination for you?

Also when they try to achieve a wide mix of diversity and have a very big majority of white trainees and think that diversity is better presented by a non-white trainee added to this group, then i can't see any discrimination.

When an employer prefers to give an job to an younger person in his mid 20's instead of an elder Person in his mid 50's is this also discrimination for you?

If it was given on the basis of age it is absolutely a form of discrimination. We just need to come up with a fancy word like affirmative action to make people feel OK about it.

Google discrimination and look at the second definition. It's not always a bad thing, but I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and say hiring based on race is not discrimination. It's the very definition.

It's part of the larger connection of fringe conspiracy theory groups to the neo-nazi party, a tale as old as time. They've been a lot more active and outspoken lately, with much stronger support.

this makes sense.

Think about how many conspiracy theories get warped back to "the jews" purely because so many conspiracy theories require believe in some sort of powerful/all-knowing central power. Because if you DON'T believe in a centralized power strutcture, a lot of conspiracy theories fall apart.

So for some its the NWO (the bilderberg group), for some it's aliens, but for a LOT of our fellow posters unfortunately it's "the jews"

Now I've always found it a bit ironic that neo-nazis are willing to believe protestant white's are the supreme race, even though the jews are absolutely doing better per capita as a people.'d think the neo-nazis would realize they're called "god's chosen people" for a reason. They're smart, work hard, and have a strong sense of community. Literally all the things that neo-nazis think white people should have.


Sam harris had a heckler on a live podcast last month whose cause was, 'you're all white men fuck you.'

whites are the only race that conquered the world, raped and destroyed indigenous cultures globally, and are continuing to lead the world into hell via ray kurzweil and global future 2045 and other atheist sutekh-nology lovers. do u want ur consciousness uploaded into a computer, trapped in a digital prison for infinity under complete control and domination by its white creators?? then heed the warning, take responsibility, and restore balance/karma

Sure it is White people. look for the ones who push this Agenda and which people see themselves "in a leading role in this transformation" because they are "the chosen people "

then why are the 13 wealthiest families in the world white?? they are the ones that push the agenda

lol are u trying to imply that jews are not white? are u a jew? i think only some jews think that tbh, orthodox jews are one of the whitest things ive ever seen

they are a different Race yes.

hahahaahahahaha. there are only four races of the medicine wheel for the four elements, whites are not the fifth superior spirit race they are just subhumans lacking soul who believe they are god on earth and deserve to conquer all other real humans. they may represent fire but im still waiting to be convinced that they belong on the wheel at all.

The Mongolians said hello.

the mongols are not the 13 wealthy white families currently ruling the world. what do the mongols have to do with the present state of things? did the mongols conquer the new world as well? i said globe not old world

I wouldn't say anyone has conquered the world to be honest.

ppl are in denial, not only have they conquered all peoples on earth and grasped everyone with control over money/wealth but they now threaten the world with nuclear weapons, and potential forced merging of man with machine by uploading brains/consciousness to computers

They have a hard time selling racism=bad, the Chinnese laughs at American white guilt.

Because democrats need the votes.

Ok, but where's the conspiracy?

The Russkies are behind this, you can be sure of that.

USA isn't a white country, the whole lot was stolen through violence. Other things almost happened in other countries (almost happened to the entire continent during Race For Africa), but the takeover of land in North America was the most complete and devastating genocide and loss of power in recorded history.

Might be because countries like America didn't start out white. White people came here. Raped, and killed the native. And stole everything and called it theirs. Probably something to do with that

White people came here.

So did the "natives."

not only is there no evidence for a continent-wide genocide by native people, this a 3 yr olds argument. "waaah, but he did it tooo."

The non-white immigrants want to infiltrate and take over America's wealth and freedom. Unfortunately, they seem to destroy its wealth and freedom when they get into power. They seem to tend to replicate the same actions that they used in their home countries to gain wealth. We have already seen where this leads.

What are you talking about? This country has always been full of imperialists.

Why doesn't Saudi Arabia take in migrants? Are they racist? Why not Israel? Are they racist? Why not any country in South America? Are they racist? Caucasians make up 15% of the world population, but you would think it was 80% by all the MSM talk.

Can you show any real sources that say America is “too white” or “too Christian”, and that they need to take people in for that reason?

I just want America to be more Native American and less 'Merica American.

Because US middle class is primarily white. The middle class historically provides the opposition to oligarchy. Thus, by weakening the middle class the wealthy consolidate their position.

Not all white countries. Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Italy dont have this issue.

Muslim countries are constantly lectured by the world on what they should and should not do.

Greece and Italy are being overrun by migrants. They’ve been complaining about it for a couple years now.

Yes and they have been complaining about it for years. But no one is forcing them to like it. It is a geographical issue. It isnt like Germany.

Why should race ever be a problem? Why should there be prejudice against others reliogions? That is why america was born, Freedom. If you don't like freedom go somewhere else.

No single monolithic trajectory here. There obviously are cultural clashes going on, power struggles, identity politics. Historical interpretations that are in error.

The dominant paradigms are under stress. White elites are threatened. The history of war crimes and genocide is damning for certain elites, even though most human groups have plenty of nasty history, the recent history carries more weight in most peoples minds.

One other major factor is declining birth rates in some areas. Economically, that spells future trouble.

Dinesh is a weird guy. Selective facts, associated with the tea party, loved by Glen Beck. Pick your friends carefully.

No one says that. Only sjws but they don't count.

Same reason schools in the UK which are 100% white are being forced to diversify by OFSTED, whilst schools which are 100% non-white, don't. They both exist. Why on earth can't Britain be a majority white country? What's wrong with that? I have asked OP's question a million times and most people know the answer. They are just not allowed to give it without being witch hunted.

Because according to current rhetoric, the only possible opposite for inclusion is racism (but only if you're white)

This isn't a discussion topic. It certainly isn't a "conspiracy" by any stretch of the imagination. This is a dog whistle from a 22 day old account.

The United States was founded and built by immigrants of all races and creeds. We are the great Melting Pot. The nationalist rhetoric that has been generated by our President and his followers, and perpetuated here on this sub is just that, rhetoric. There is no "war on Christianity", and there is no war on "White People". It's all made up bullshit peddled by people who have their hearts filled with hate to further divide us, and to push their racist agenda.

You know, the mods made a "Submission Statement" mandatory for new posts. I bet this sub would clear this kind of bullshit quickly if the put a "Minimum Account Age" in effect instead. Say 1 or 2 year old accounts would do it. Then we can get back to UFOs, 9/11 and Kennedy Assassination, instead of the President's warped agenda being pushed here by his Russian troll farm comrades.

The leaders of America destroyed our diversity. White people are as diverse as it gets. We come from 6 of the 7 habitable continents. When my grandfather was growing up, Italians weren't even considered White!

I'm like 6 or 7 different European ethnicities. No one even knows which ones I specifically am at this point. If I wanted to go back to the homeland, I don't even know where I'd go. All the traditions, cultures and languages of my ancestors didn't get passed down to me. I can't carry it to the next generation. That's not diversity.

Real diversity isn't mixing the spaghetti with the jello and the tacos and seeing what happens. Real diversity isn't a stew. Real diversity is a TV dinner - Everything is different, everything is in its own special area and everything has its own special area.

If everything is a mix of 500 different things, how is that diverse?


As a "mixed race man" this is retarded "unless I have misunderstood your point" . You cannot choose who you fall in love with and you cannot control the mix of different races it's inevitable.

You cannot choose who you fall in love with

Bullshit. A normal functioning human can control most of the things they do.

you cannot control the mix of different races it's inevitable.

Start looking up demographics of various countries and you'll see that's not the case.

Why? Because the US is the keystone in the arch of global freedom. Once the US is out of the way, all the fallen pieces of Earth can be rebuilt into a New World, 1 governing entity. That means you have to remove American's God given rights. They're already half way towards removing the 1st and 2nd amendments. They just need to keep watering down the population who cares about these things. Watering down the US educational system will also help speed up this process.

Sure, US and christianity, saviors of the world /s

God given?

Because the US is the keystone in the arch of global freedom.

Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, Philipines, Cuba, Granada, etc.

Yes the USA brought freedom and peace including the collateral damage, some dictators and so on.

what is a white country?


It's because white people are hard to govern and control. Third Worlders are docile. Sure, they're violent, but they don't care about abstract notions like liberty, small government, and Bill of Rights. Look at how the Afrikaners and Boers are being left to be slaughtered without any outcry or attention to their plight. Look at how pissed off the EU is at Poland. The elites were so triggered when DJT was elected, that lots of masks fell away. Academics, media and Hollywood types were openly calling for the acceleration of demographic replacement.


I have never heard of anyone make the argument that America (or other white countries) is too white .... Do you have any evidence of people making this argument, that America is too white, that America is too christian, and therefore we must let more immigrants in? Sourcing a conservative talking head like Dinish D'souza is not evidence that this actually happens, its just another conservative talking point and tool to divide.

I don't know how you managed to make an argument that allowing in immigrants and refugees is racist. Immigrants do not come here to make America less white, they come here for more opportunity and in turn their labor improves our economy, because many have skills average american workers don't have (specialized STEM researchers), and many come here to do jobs that average americans refuse to do (farming, janitorial, construction).

ONE world. ONE people

There's a term for what you are feeling: Xenophobia

It doesn't point to a conspiracy, just to human nature: fear of the other.


anyone who places an inordinate burden on the US more than other countries wrt migrants is imposing an abstracted and racist "white man's burden" on our country

To me Asian countries are not ideal to get mixed into, why? It's seems more difficult. Especially language wise.

Where do they do this? I've never heard of someone telling white countries that they are "too white" unless you count fringe retard groups.

Detroit is too Africa New Orleans is too Africa Atlanta is way too Africa

And the crime rate is directly proportional, lulz.

This post proudly brought to you by The_Donald.

And if you want more fun, try guessing which comments are from The_Donald regulars and then see if you’re right or not. It’s been pretty easy to tell.

The attack on whites and anyone who is Christian is on purpose. Rock n Roll started the wave of scoffing atheists. And racial divide comes from a lot of angles. The fish rots from the head down.

I agree with this post as I had a recent conversation about a similar topic - Why is it considered racist to say "People from X country need to go back to X country"?

Given that racism is defined as 'prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior', the statement itself is not inherently racist.

On a side note, there is more than a hint cowardice in fleeing once's country instead of staying and fighting for said country.

To deny institutional racism in the USA you have to be completely brainwashed. Check out the evidence that marijuana was criminalized to give law enforcement more control over black and mexican populations. That is just the tip of the iceberg, look into the slave trade while your are at it.

I think the more accurate question is, why do North American and European Protestants still feel it's their responsibility to save the world? The Japanese are not especially exclusive, they wish to maintain their culture in the face of globalization.

There is a lot of stigma in asian countries about other asian countries.

Indonesians have issues with thier Chinese racial citizens.

Japan is very purist esp against koreans

Koreans of the Japanese

China is not immune to racial issues either

There is A LOT of racial purity and prejudice towards other Asians in Asian countires.

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Those countries aren't as free as the USA. People can day whatever they want here, and if the right to free speech is infringed upon, the second amendment protects it in kind. If you say a theocratic Muslim country is too Muslim then you go to jail. No one says Africa is too black because lots of white people live in Africa. Asia is an entire continent with thousands of unique cultures.

If a country is being criticized for being too Christian or too Muslim, be happy, because it probably means that country is free. If a Christian country has nobody criticizing Christianity, that country likely isn't a place you want to live in.

Japan and China have racial problems, but they aren't as socially developed as ours, which is why no one talks about it. Here in America, regardless of laws, everyday people are unafraid to say what they think, and people are unafraid to respond.

I do agree that white people are at the moment being unfairly villainzed, but always remember that the way to control people is to get them to fight over stupid things until it gets out of control.

IMO Dinesh is just another stunningly hypocritical political hack who says whatever he thinks gets him praise. You can compare him to Cenk Uygur. He'll never go against the grain and he's extremely arrogant. He's also not a good person. A few Google searches and you can see he's more than just bad and has no integrity whatsoever.

Kinda seems like you don’t fully understand racism. Also, are you merely alluding to the United States? Many non-white countries have been dealing with issues about racism for a long time and they are given shit about it. So this post seems a little uninformed.

this post seems a little uninformed.

The Grand Canyon seems like a little crack in the earth.

If you’re making a point about perspectives then I think that can be elaborated on.

Go back to India you effing moron. Dinesh Dsouza has commited crimes here, he should be deported. So why does he not lead by example and go back home. What en effing hypocrite.

You mean that "phony" crime related to a political donation? D'souza was charged with the offence precisely because Democrats were after him. He is too outspoken in his views and some people pay attention. I think D'souza is exactly the type of immigrant we want. He is smart, moral and politically savvy.

He believes that an invisible man lives in the sky. Not exactly smart. He went to jail... why are you so quick to dismiss crimes committed by immigrants? Anyway that last thing the USA needs are more moronic conservatives. We need to build a wall and deport scum like that out.

Wow, you’ve really never left the country before have you? No one is advocating for our country to be less white or less Christian. There is no country in the world that is completely homogeneous, people of other ethnicities and religions want to live here because the U.S. is a desirable place to live. The U.S. has been a melting pot since its inception, it’s one of our greatest strength, differing points of view and experiences drive innovation and creation. Let’s just call your post what it is, racist xenophobic bull shit.

looks at username

yep probably a shill bot account, only missing state code in name.

Wow, just take a step back and think about that for a second. You think that I’m a bot with a political agenda because I’m against racism? It’s a sad time we’re living in. Racism is not a political stance, it’s just shitty.

I do not think the issue is "racism" -- although Dinesh's comment reference "white countries". I take that as shorthand for Western democracies. Most people are fine with people of different races, but the issue arises when you actually have cultural clashes -- as in many African and Middle-Eastern Muslims emigrating to Europe and overwhelming the host culture.

Racism is something that we were supposed to have collectively moved on from, shame on you for trying to make us move backwards.

Islam is not a race or religion, it's a hate group/death cult that has not moved on from 1400 years ago.

You need only look at any country that is 90%+ Islam to realize its not compatible with western values. I don't see how that is even remotely racist...

Sharia law which the majority of Muslims support is barbaric and quite frankly terrifying.

What white countries specifically are being pushed towards being mixed?

Most of Europe. US and Canada are not far behind. Where have you been living?

Most European countries are white contries? As well as the US and Canada?

Then you haven't been to rich Asian countries. Can't go outside without seeing an awkward looking White dude pushing a stroller next to his Asian wife/girlfriend.

Migrants, refugees in Europe go there and stay. They create their own communities and not many influence the local culture much. White men (because it's mostly men, you hardly see White women in Asia) come and go. Many stay, but more are going back to the US or other Anglo countries they came from. When they leave, there comes a new wave of young White men to Asia. Everyone who isn't gay dates several women in his time there, many become fathers of half-Asian children.

Asia is much more influenced by White males than Christian countries will ever be by Muslims.

Same reason men can't have men's clubs and organizstions. They exist and assholes always get jealous of what they can't have.

Some more questions without answers:

What is a 'white' country?

What kind of moron takes Dinesh D'souza literally?

Why do mods let ahistorical garbage posts like this stay up, while suppressing any and all Donald Trump/Russia posts?

What kind of moron takes Dinesh D'souza literally? I do. I am a well-educated "moron." Dinesh has a unique perspective and the Dems and the establishment hate him. I hope he keeps asking probing questions.

Well when white settlers came in and stole land away from the natives did they not flood the country? Who is demanding other races flood this country? People advocate diversity in a country that is known globaly as a melting pot.

Who is telling you you need to be mixed?

That’s just not true, you’ve obviously never been anywhere in Europe. There are clashes of culture in every country, no matter what you’ve heard Europe is not falling apart from an influx of Muslims. It isn’t falling apart at all, Europe is still covered in countries that have solid economies and great education, health care, etc.. Deny all you want but this bull shit about ‘they’re falling apart so it’s ok that we are too’ just isn’t true, I’ve been to 19 of the 44 countries in Europe on work, and they’re more informed and solid than we are. We have become the international laughing stock because of people like you. Fuck you.

Your comment is so laughable.

As if going to a place and staying in a hotel gives you a glimpse into the lives of the average person, the balance sheet of the welfare system, the overworked police that, in places like Berlin, have been told not to investigate crimes of under 50 Euros because they are so numerous they don't have the manpower.

Steal some lady's phone out of her hand on the bus? You can be assured you will not be held accountable.

Walk into a store and walk out with a bag of shrimp without paying? Nothing will happen.

No, fuck you. Fuck you very much.

Funny that you bring up Berlin, one of my favorite cities in the world. Is there crime there, of course there is, just like EVERY other city in the world. I live in a major U.S. city that is much more dangerous than any city I’ve ever been to in Europe, especially Berlin. If you ever get a job that provides you with enough money to travel (probably not likely) head to Europe, I promise you’ll have a good time, and I highly doubt you’ll run into any trouble. But if you do remember, there is crime everywhere!

I have been to Europe many, many times, including Berlin.

Again your ignorance is showing. The idea that you personally can feel a 5 or 50% rise in crime as a visiting worker is laughable.

I was in Guatemala City last year, by some accounts the most dangerous city in the world. I had great dinners, went out partying, saw no violence at all. Doesn't mean it's not extremely dangerous, because it is, it only means I didn't see it.

In adult land we allow statistics to shape our decisions.

I'm confused why its a conspiracy? When i read stuff like this I think of how trump supporters/repubs in general are hit with the "immigrants are trying to take your jobs and culture" bullshit. If you are white in america your ancestors didnt belong here and you have no right to cry about immigrants, your ancestors were the worst kind!

You missed the point of his statement...

goys are waking up


view integration and diversity as being somehow wrong.

Problem is.... a lot of the new comers don't want to integrate. They want to set up their own society right here in the middle of ours.

Those aren't examples. Conservatives are having a hissy fit about a baker turning away a gay couple wanting a wedding cake buy god forbid a religious person wants to choose and wear clothes that conform to the faith they choose. Should priests and nuns not wear what they wear because it offends someone's sensibilities?

Sharia. 😂

culture to fear the other

You're obviously just falling back on talking points here. But just to be clear, you advocate that the US should import the people who hate them because they were bombed by them? You think that's a smart policy decision?

You're obviously just falling back on talking points here.

Cliché retort used instead of actually negating what I wrote. Check. Typical.

But just to be clear, you advocate that the US should import the people who hate them because they were bombed by them?

Straw man argument employed, implying that I wrote that it was great that refugees be sent to the United States instead of attempting to negate what I actually wrote, which was a reply to a question about why refugees come to the US, UK and Europe and not Africa, Middle Eastern nations and Asia.

You think that's a smart policy decision?

Who wrote is was?

What about ranchers and farmers? Their homes are their businesses. So people can buy and sell their homes, but there’s no money and thus no increase in equity/personal property? Does that mean everyone’s homes are the same? Some places are more desirable than others, how does society decide who gets to live where?

Maybe that’s where anarchy comes into play? Basically thugs can beat you up and rob from you and there’s no government to protect you? Anarchy seems like the Wild West, or even kinda like feudal Europe. Feudal societies had no money, no property, and very limited classes. 99% of people were peasants, and the rest soldiers basically.

Great, I'm glad you agree. Nobody likes the authoritarian EU trying to force countries to take migrants against the will of the countries and peoples.

So you think the refugees who were bombed by Western countries love those countries?

So you think all the refugees who were bombed by Western countries hate those countries and want to commit terrorist attacks?

Also, if our society is so racist and we "fear the other" (a favorite talking point),

Straw man.

then why would anyone want to bring people here just so they'll suffer at the hands of the evil racists?

That makes literally zero sense.

Normally if someone's house gets burned down, the neighbors will build them a new house, not ship them to a new country.

Can't build a new house when your neighbors houses are still getting burned down. Use common sense—damn.

Do you agree with the Dalai Lama that the refugees in Germany should go back now that ISIS has been defeated? As per the original definition of the term refugee?

Some, eventually, after the infrastructure and government are reestablished.

As I sense the tone of sarcasm, it would behoove you to Google the murders of South African farmers out in the bush. A dear friend of mine just lost her uncle that way. He was stabbed to death on his farm near a wildlife preserve.

Am I condoning the crimes of white people in Africa in history? No. But historically, white people are not the only perpetrators of human rights violations. Take a look at Ghengis Khan, Saladdin, or even, to some extent, Shaka Zulu. The Pol Pot and Mao Zedong are also some examples of, quite frankly, terrifying examples of what happens when evil people get power.

But of course, ignore the actual facts and respond with a lackadaisical, parsimonious remark and refuse to grok that yes, there is an actual problem.

Can danesh boy cite any politician stating the things he asserts?

Must be a small, small world, to live such that you require authorities of various stripes' permission to think a certain way or other, and to make politicians be the bar at which you set the level of your truth.. So confusing.. So infuriating.. I am truly sorry..

Wtf? I need to do all of your research for you? So an article explaining how native Americans are descendants of Europeans and Asians doesn't start to pique your interest? The out of Africa shit is false.

(Start) here

Ad hominum, I believe.

What is your age and current occupation?

Pointing out that the argument is based on a strawman is not a fallacy, it's pointing out that the argument is based on a strawman.

Yes that's what I mean. They're family, they'll work it out. But just citing is as westerners means we're less than nothing to either of them

Solely for being white?

I never said that, and Arpaio--your example--has never put anyone in camps for being solely hispanic.

Nice try moving the goalpost, but no dice.

So, I'll say it again:

I guess you missed the lesson on German detainments (and forced relocations) during WWI and WWII.

No surprise there.

I'm still not surprised.

No i still don't fully trust anything. Which i stated and you appear to have conveniently skipped. All I did was acknowledge the process. If you're going to argue with me then keep up. And again knock it off with the round and round bullshit.

here we go lad

"A past that never existed" Our homogeneity down the memory hole.

I'm not super pro immigration or anything but America's constant influx of immigrants is why it's #1 in the world. If you want a healthy economy with sustainable growth immigration is key.

1 in what exactly? Why do you think immigrants are needed for a healthy economy? Immigrants are good for providing cheap labor (if they chose to work), otherwise they leach from social programs and often don't pay taxes. So why is that cheap labor so great, and who is it great for?

And what are you afraid of regarding Japan? Fewer people is a good thing for what really matters....the people. It sounds like you are regurgitating the globalists talking points without really understanding them.

Sure, US and christianity, saviors of the world /s

LOL you literally injected "policy makers and politicians." I still read the quote as a generalization of peer pressure on European/western countries to accept migrants which is quite literally happening. You're stuck on attempting to claim Dinesh is creating a strawman by attributing the generalization of migration today to a individual person of policy and politics. It's a very real peer pressure on western countries - do you disagree with that? I don't know of an individual politician quite literally saying "X country is too white" but I believe that they do say "diversity is a strength" which is far more palpable.

Getting along "just fine" simply meant that the Jews were considered a "people of the book" and the Jews were not in a position to threaten the Muslims, so they were tolerated as a mostly harmless underclass.

Jews spent a very long time kissing the asses of whichever power (Muslim or Christian) had the temporal power to have them killed. This was a good survival instinct, but it got them the reputation of being mercenaries who were willing to betray allegiances at the drop of a hat - causing both modern-day Arabs and modern-day Christians in many cases to distrust Jews.

wtf are you talking about? i said none of those things. you asked why people might not take seriously white peoples' claims of oppression and i merely informed you that its hard to get sympathy when your group is controlling the vast majority of wealth, resources, and positions of authority. many of these countries were being colonized up until the mid 1900's but you still think that white people are the ones being oppressed and conveniently left all that other shit out of your argument.


Yea, bc they get exploited. Means they dont have to share wealth when 50% are close to poverty.

Actually yes, and unironically. And I can get away with saying it because I'm not White!

My experience is admittedly limited, Macro, Micro, along with an introductory course and a course on the history of economic thought. Its a fascinating subject that I've dabbled in enough to realize I know incredibly little on the topic.

I was referring mostly to u/RareOmen 's claims that "Low birthrates are only a bad thing for the globalists" and that Immigration is a net drain on an economy.

The US has seen great success in terms of immigration in both the short and long term, its the reason why it can bounce back from economic dips far quicker than our European counterparts.

Immigration handled irresponsibly (see Germany) can lead to societal and economic issues - I'm not arguing that in the slightest. But a robust immigration policy that supplements declining birth rates and the need for unskilled labor is vital for a thriving economy. THAT is economics 101.

Because the US is the keystone in the arch of global freedom.

Iran, Chile, Nicaragua, Philipines, Cuba, Granada, etc.

Yes the USA brought freedom and peace including the collateral damage, some dictators and so on.


It's wrong too, but heavy on the feels.

God given?

He believes that an invisible man lives in the sky. Not exactly smart. He went to jail... why are you so quick to dismiss crimes committed by immigrants? Anyway that last thing the USA needs are more moronic conservatives. We need to build a wall and deport scum like that out.

Just so we're clear, your argument is that hiring based on race is not discrimination?

I have been to Europe many, many times, including Berlin.

Again your ignorance is showing. The idea that you personally can feel a 5 or 50% rise in crime as a visiting worker is laughable.

I was in Guatemala City last year, by some accounts the most dangerous city in the world. I had great dinners, went out partying, saw no violence at all. Doesn't mean it's not extremely dangerous, because it is, it only means I didn't see it.

In adult land we allow statistics to shape our decisions.

Not at all. I'm against racism. I'm just pointing out that it's not a "white people" thing.

Wages are being depressed, social systems are being strained and overburdened, crime is going up...why do you think you are seeing such a backlash? I'm not sure what you mean by "growing." I know you want to believe its just racism, but its really not.

Its not the left's fault. Removing Apartheid was a good thing, irrespective of what occured afterwards. You're acting like the current situation is the ONLY situation that could have occured after Apartheid, which is not the case. In the end, people's choices made it that way. What would've happened if it had been allowed to continue? Generation after generation of dumbing down of the black population would've led to something far worse. Never underestimate the power of hatred, especially that which is built up over decades of oppression.

Lets be honest here, if Zuma was doing his job, these farmers would be safe, would they not? Muh left muh communism is all you can talk about. If the left saved this planet from the NWO and put Soros, Murdoch, Rothschild, Massimo, the Winsors heads on pikes, you would still complain about muh Left.

You need only look at any country that is 90%+ Islam to realize its not compatible with western values. I don't see how that is even remotely racist...

Sharia law which the majority of Muslims support is barbaric and quite frankly terrifying.