Remote viewing, psychic sabotage, and psychological torture

25  2018-01-02 by mentionbeinglawyer

I recently read the book "The Men Who Stare At Goats" by Jon Ronson. I'd ignored it for years due to Ronson being mostly a humorist, and the movie version, although funny, not getting into any real details.

The book was fantastic. There were funny parts, inevitably, but Ronson does a superb job of tracking down information related to the U.S. Government's experiments in paranormal technologies, including interviews with dozens of high-level people involved in MKUltra, Artichoke, and Stargate (though he doesn't name Stargate explicitly).

I'm wondering if anyone else had read it. I found it very revealing on many levels. First, it seems obvious that, at least in part, Maj. Ed Dames and others were purposely put forward by the government as a way to discredit real research. Second, it's terrifying to me--and it should be to everyone--that the highest levels of the U.S. government are operating on completely insane ideas. Third, and most alarmingly, even if we believe that most of the experiments failed in their explicit purposes, the techniques were developed into real mind control and psychological torture techniques that were used at Waco, in Iraq, and probably most recently in Cuba.

I recommend the book to everyone here.


any TI who's had different fear tech and gangstalking used on them would know how devastating it is. it's a real phenomenon. and there's an undeniable trail of information indicating it happens.

Agreed. This stuff is out there and has been used and continues to be used. That doesn't mean that every person who believes themselves to be targeted is right--quite the contrary--but it clearly happens and the technology required to do it is not even hidden; it's simply not talked about in the mainstream.

it can't be and the people affected by it are the worst kind of leakers - nobody would believe them. and that's arranged intentionally.

That's one of the more interesting parts of the book. At one point, Ronson asks Maj. Ed Dames why he came forward about the remote viewing program. Ronson, although a huge skeptic, gets the distinct impression that Dames came forward because he was told to, to discredit the research.

the 2nd one - brilliant link thank you.

Seen the movie, haven't read the book, but have seen several interviews with Ronson. Interesting cat...

This reminds me of a podcast I stumbled upon and posted here last year:

remote viewing is super powerful on its own, but ive always been more impressed with its implications:

  1. there is a universal stream of truth and cosciousness

  2. insights are gained directly through the senses, not first processed by the brain

You should try it

I learned to do it in a couple of days

Teach me, please.

Lies. It takes a very long time to be able to do it accurately. Check out the farsightinstitute they also have a youtube account

Well, you never know. If it's a naturally occurring phenomenon inherently endowed within people it's entirely possible that some are better than others. Hell, some may do it all the time and not even realize it; they dismiss it as daydreaming or what not.

I wonder about this often. One of my sons often refers to things he's "watching in his mind", but are going on elsewhere. Also could just be his way of referring to imagination, but how do we know what we perceive in our heads isnt remote viewing at times, and if so in what ways are we trained by society to ignore it?

My other son often refers o his brain as, "telling him to do things" even though he knows he shouldn't. Which sounds rather creepy after you've heard it more than a few times.

Its all about not letting your thoughts not interfere wich alone is hard. Getting info from your subconscious with out trying to make it into something because if u think u know what it is u taint it with thoughts.

The book talks about the farsightinstitute. They "remote viewed" the "companion object" that was accompanying Hale-Bop that turned out not to be there.

you can do RV rather quickly. doing it consistently, however, takes a lot of practice.

I'm a skeptic about it, but that stems from people like Ed Dames who consistently make extreme claims that do not come true. But like I said, I think Dames might be a scapegoat to make the whole thing look silly.

def are a lot of psy ops out there. You can notice them bc they have just enought truth to be real, but the source or content is weird enough or has enough fake truths in it that it can easily be denied or refuted by just about anyone. this is vounterintwlligence 101

If you haven’t read “Them: Adventures with Extremists” or seen the documentary series of the same name then that’s also worth a look too. The one with David Icke is great. Various organisations claim that Icke means Jews when he talks about reptillians and Ronson asks “what if you know, lizards just mean lizards”.

The men who stare at goats is also good when he makes the point that the Barney the dinosaur song being used for torture was used to make light of torture so people were essentially saying “haha, I guess my kids torture me every day then”. That was quite insightful how those type of stories are used to lessen the idea of torture.

If you haven’t read it there’s s book by dominic streatfeild called brainwashing the secret history of mind control which is brilliant too

Yes, that part of the book was especially chilling. I remember seeing the TV stuff where Katie Couric and her co-host were laughing about it and everyone in the audience was laughing.

Ronson makes the point that a similar thing happened with Eric Olson's attempts to get this father's death taken seriously. The media seemed content with the LSD/suicide thing and treated it more like a "ooh, well that's just what the CIA does" *shrug.

Have you read Ronson’s other non-conspiracy books? The public shaming one he did recently was good too. His documentaries are really good too. The Alex Jones one where they sneak into Bohemian Grove is really funny. I think seeing the Alex Jones thing through the eyes of Ronson really undercuts Jones’ version of events. Have you seen the Jones Infowars episodes when Ronson is on as a guest? They’re pretty good too, I think they’re still on YouTube.

I really can’t recommend the Dominic Streatfield book enough though. He really goes into detail about the LSD experiments in the CIA. He also has some sections about the British and their use of torture techniques in Northern Ireland. It’s things like putting the prisoners in helicopters, flying around and then dropping them back to the same place and making them get into a seated position but with no actual seat and making them stay like that for hours at a time to break them. Makes you realise how useless torture is as people will say anything to o stop the torture. The military and top people in government must know this too, so they’re basically advocating the use of torture when they know it does nothing. I don’t know how the narrative has changed to “sometimes the good guys need to torture people”?

Yes, I've ban a fan of his for a while. "The Psychopath Test" was the first book of his that I'd read. But I was afraid that "The Men Who Stare At Goats" would be too much humor and little substance. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was the opposite. It's one of the best books I've read on the subject of the U.S. government's interest in paranormal abilities.

I will check out the Streatfield book--thanks for the rec!

Ive had mild success doing RV with objects. You can check the farsight institute and others that have practice sessions. Having been into meditation ofr a long time, I meditate to the sweetspot where I start to see lights under my eyelids moving around. Then I take notes of any shapes I see, taking note of any feelings (things like hot, cold, fear, positivity,smells,sounds) and start to piece together the object. Just like in mediatation you have to learn to filter out the noise and focus in on the signal if you are even getting it.

The key is you don't actually see the thing as you see images or memories, but you feel it through your senses, or at least parts of it. Together the observations make sense, but you may be shown them one piece at a time.

It's really strange to see another human describe.... the thing I have had happen to me my whole life. Often I will zone out and be compelled (can't think of another word to describe this) to close my eyes, and I will see the sharpest, brightest, most distinct colors, shapes, lines; it's hard for me to refocus on whatever I was doing at the time.

Do you think this could be a related thing? I am a young, healthy person - never tried any psychedelics or anything of that nature. Just stumbled onto this thread and wow.

I also have predicted/don't know how but knew things/events would happen, even a car crash I was in a couple of years ago. I've had odd coincidences happen my entire life and just wonder what the universe is trying to tell me sometimes.

yes, that is related. i would argue that we all have the ability to access universal knowledge, but we have closed our minds to it and the ability has atrophied. That said, some are more in tuned with it than others.

I actually discovered mine through predicting how geopolitical events effect stock market prices. I started being right but couldnt explain it. stock prices gave me a very tangible way of showing me what I was feeling was real.

I also can read ppl, not always, but sometimes. When I have an intuition about somebody Im usually right. Thats the key to this whole thing. When you can identify the intuition as such it is usually right, but it is hard if not impossible to predict when and about what you will have the intuitions. also not always straightforward to interpret.

dont believe any BS from MSM or even your friends and ppl close to you. Try making your own judgements and assessments. Sharing the truths you gain through others will strengthen and develop your abilities.

Thank you for confirming this and replying... I also have that "intuition" about people. I have always been the touchstone of my family... everyone comes to me, and brings people to me, so I can get a "read" on them or the situation. I very rarely have issues reading people. I always have an answer for everything, and a lot of times, I don't know how. I have an uncanny abilitiy to predict situations or events. My mother and great-grandmother had the same abilities and saw things in their dreams as well.

I am very interested in strengthening my abilities, not for others but just for myself to see how far I can go... is there any information you trust online regarding this?

i think its your own journey. do a lit of meditation, remote viewing exercises on fsr sight or wherever, then a lot of trial and error to test if you were right.

Teach me, please.