Andrew Jackson was an American hero

5  2018-01-02 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

He was the only president in history who actually freed us from the banks of Europe, although his success didn’t last, he did what he could to establish American independence from Britain; something that hasn’t actually existed really barring the time between 1835-1860.

In 1836, Mexico invaded.

And in 1861 the British and German banks of Europe aided the Confederacy.

These two major wars contributed to American financial issues in the late 19th century, which paved the way for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and culminated in the world wars that followed.

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson are the only two heroes amongst our long line of presidents. Abraham Lincoln may have been a true patriot, but he ultimately failed in stopping the banks from taking over.

The original presidents like Washington were in tune with the Freemason conspiracy to use America as the “New Atlantis”

America was created by Britain to usher in a new age of mercantile dominance by Europe. We have to understand this before we move forward and change anything.

I think Brexit has ramifications that haven’t been felt yet.

Can anyone say, “Oceania”


Thank you for pointing this out. More people need to know and celebrate him for this.

He needs to be remembered and his actions need to be redone

Really want to blow your mind? Coincidence the jews arrived in America en mass in 1840? Who, exactly, pushed for succession?

And why does the South cite a sense of "moral uprightedness" as a cause below the legal use of slavery?

Bonus: Look up JP Morgan and the Rothschilds for silver crashes from 1890-1913.

All I know about this is that the Rothschild's supposedly supported the South and succession. But I don't really understand why. I do know about the manipulated crashes prior to establishment of the Fed, though. Teach me, senpai.

You have to acknowledge how the world works before you can make it better.

Look at the cotton industry. The (((East India companies))) couldn't grow cotton anywhere else, and as the premier cash crop needed to control it. The north was trying to heavily tax the south. The jews had planned the demise of slavery in england, this is in fact one of the origins of modern propaganda (guttenberg didn't invent the printing press, he was a prototypical ctypo jew). The conversos from spain moved to Holland, and set up dutch voc (suddenly the protestants appear...this partly a result of jew-chrisitan race mixing). Because jews are nomads, they had easier access to other ports, and when combined with Dutch ships, perfect opportunity for Dutch VOC. This is the part in history where they learned how to make america what it is. Just look at the opium wars, instead of instilling order in the form of catholic church or fucking anything really, they would literally leach off of suffering. From there, they bought into the british East India Company via stocks, including the Rothschilds.

Now go look at the opium wars, destruction of phillipines, east indies, india, (((american revolution))), (((french Revolution))), Japan, and consider every time you see the East India company. The VOCs are when countries ceased to exist, the world power was now located in London, with an army in America, and the brainwashing center in rome.

Excellent subject matter for sure, sometimes I often think they were all in on it. It's just that sometimes different factions get out of control and have to be reeled in for trying to get in a hurry before the desired outcome is ready.

Indeed. Even Jefferson was a mason but not all masons were evil, they all were part of some group effort to facilitate America’s independence. The question is, how independent did they really become

Andrew Jackson was a Mason, but there has been no evidence that Thomas Jefferson ever joined.

My understanding is he did good things economically.

But then there's the Trail of Tears. Completely fucking unacceptable, even if he did good things with regards to economic policy. We should remember the good he did, yes, but he doesn't deserve this kind of veneration. He did good, but he did unspeakable evil too.

Unspeakable evil was done to him as well though. Just imagine waking up one morning and "savages" are stealing your teenager sister and scalping your brothers.

I didn't even know he had a sister and I can find no mention of these events. Care to provide a source?

Mexico invaded Texas in 1836, which was not part of the US. Texas wasn't a state until 1845.

They also attacked California and had plans to occupy everything from the Pacific Ocean to Florida.

California wasn't part of the US either. 1845 is when California rebelled against Mexico. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo a few years later gave control to the US.

It was being pioneered and groomed for US expansion. The point is, Mexico decided it wanted to claim these lands post Andrew Jackson’s actions.

the point is you aren’t very familiar with us history.

I certainly am. I’m a history teacher.

By the time you get to the 1830’s the West was being actively colonized by Americans on a large scale. Just because California wasn’t a state yet doesn’t mean that the US didn’t have a vested interest in the West.

if you teach history i understand why our public schools are so shitty. there is a different between a vested interest and being part of the country. mexico and california were not as you claim to be. words have meanings. next time you’re teaching your first grade class try to remember this.

like all presidents old hickory had ups and downs. do not instill revisionist history in this sub or our public schools. having an undergrad in history and taking a shitty job paying 35k a year does not grant you that privilege.

Wow you must be a ray of sunshine :)

aw facts hurt your feelings. you must be a kindergarten teacher my apologies

No lol but you’re acting like a child

Also, it’s 10th grade


anyone with a pulse and a liberal arts degree can be a public school teacher. enjoy a profession where your bosses, students, parents, and every person you know thinks your job is a complete joke :)

I will, thank you!


Its funny that this was during the time the original 13th amendment was copied into every states constitution. For 44 years it was apart of the constitution but if you ask an attorney today about he will tell you it was a clerical error. For 44 years a clerical error, its not because recognizing the original 13th amendment would mean every single attorney who has registered his life with an organization that is so close to the world bank they are practically connected, every one of them would be deported to the city of london and the only one left in public office would be Rand Paul and Don sr. I have a hypothesis that suggests this is what caused the war of 1812. We were taking and deporting their spys as soon as they made it to shore. Esquires not welcome. The word attorney comes from the word attorn, which means : A person that prepares a tenant for his new landlord. I won't even get into the Latin and greek translation of the word advocate. lol