While Computer Tech has Surged Aeronautic Tech has been stagnant since WW2, why have these advancements been hidden from the Global population?

11  2018-01-03 by [deleted]



A robot just became a citizen of Earth not too long ago. If thats not big, idk what is

Absolutely, that is huge. It is something that I attest to in my headline, computing tech has sky rocketed while Aeronautic tech has stayed stagnant (for the most part) esspecially when compared to Aeronautics.

See, I can comment relevent to the Post. ANYTHING is possible.

New Year, New You! 😆

7 year cycle, same bones, new cells (-face-)

If only we could keep that 7 year cycle going on perfectly indefinitely!


War has always been the driving force for aeronautics as far as I know and drones are the way of the future. As far as commercial tech it seems to only be about greater efficiency every 8-10 years. As someone that works in R&D I’m witness to the decline and I can only guess it’s the lack of war. It’s still a Marvel either way and most of it is automated via computers so there’s that. Hardly a conspiracy though, maybe a sort of Moore’s law?

Yes you are right about war being a driving force for advancement in Aeronautics. The USA has been at war ever since ww2 though. Our Rockets are still using the same tech that the ones we launched with the computing power of a calculator used. Of course there has been incrementally small advancements, Aeronautics has been totally stagnant.

Imagine what the great minds of this world have created/thought up with the computing power available to them today.

Why is it always hidden from the public. We are kept in dark on this one. Thats what I think.

Meh. WWII jet engines had thrust of 1600-1900 lbf. Todays fighter jet has 35,000-40,000. For comparison the V2 rocket had thrust of 56,000. Our jets are more comparable to their rockets. Largest modern jet, from a 777, has thrust rated at 81-115 and a record high of 127,000

Absolutely, you are correct although It is still the same old shit. We've made advances, sure. Just compared to Computing Technology those advances seem minute to me.

Man had their first powered flight in 1903. In 1969 they traveled all the way to the moon. I cant find a single thing minute about that.

It took man thousands of years to master flight and then in such a short time comparably they visited our closest celestial body.

Thats nothing short of amazing to me.

Yes. Absolutely. I am astounded we made such leaps and bounds so fast. Then it all came to a crashing halt once our computing technology got better and better SIGNIFICANTLY.

Please dont take this post in the wrong way, i am also gobsmacked at what our species has done but it just seems like as we were getting started it came to a real slow progress.

It may not be a conspiracy, sure. But it seems strange to me on so many levels that we are obviously being left out of the loop regarding advancements being made.

Uh...1969 and the spaceflight achieved in the 1960's to 90's was after World War II.

You are aware of that, right?

According to your post, going to space and the moon, and the space shuttle program demonstrate "stagnation."

Read the comments. I've already said that I now realize it hasnt been as stagnant. Keep in mind the moon rockets were based off the v1 and v2 rockets the nazis used.

Why doesn everyone on reddit talk like a pretentious douche if they dont agree. You can get a point across without that know-it-all attitude. Ive demonstrated in every comment that im completely open to all ideas and my original stance has changed with the comments that have come.

It is called 'growing' and 'learning' and i am completely open to changing my opinion.

Mostly because of how little thought you put into your initial post.

Think about how your post and your comments come across? You didn't do any research or think/reason through whether your initial assumption was correct. You just posted what popped into my your head.

Now imagine everyone does the same thing. Would that make the subreddits more or less worthwhile/interesting/readable?

No. Because I do not soley use tbis platform to please the kind of redundant attitudes and expectations of delusional people like you.

Get a grip mate. Everyone in this world is different. And yeah if some people post something spir of the moment without researching for 2 hours before posting it, yeah they might grow and learn from that experience - just like i did.

Fuck you.

Congratulations. You've now internalized something they try to teach us in primary school.

There should be diplomas ready-to-print for moments like this.

Be proud!!!

Computers have jumped leaps and bounds due to the ability to miniaturize components.

Aviation tech is about materials and energy efficiency. Uni-body designs, composite materials and stealth tech are some pretty amazing advances.

The problem is that the consumer market doesn't really require much of the advances recently seen in the military side.

But you also have to take into account private companies like Space-X. I don't think anyone would have guessed private companies would be able to go into space as all previous space programs required the budget of super powers.

Computers have jumped leaps and bounds due to the ability to miniaturize components.

Have they really? The current digital supercomputers work exactly the same way the first PC did.

It's like saying that jet engines have jumped leaps and bounds because they are many times more powerful, fuel-efficient, and reliable than they were in WWII.

Great point Kiwi! Like many have pointed out - Perhaps Aeronautics hasn't stagnated as much as I originally thought.

See quantum computing.

Except one took up a whole floor and the other fits in your pocket.

Miniaturization and efficiency should be viewed as furthering the technology.

But if you want to compare jet engines to cutting edge such as scramjets, ion, electromagnetic, solar sails, plasma engines . There are plenty of revolutionary propulsion systems.

You know the whole "dont reinvent the wheel" adage.

This comment is a good one it makes plenty of sense.

For sure opened my eyes a little more than they were. Aeronautics hasn't stagnanted as much as I originally thought. Or Computers havent evolved leaps and bounds ahead of aeronautics.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment.

Jews can only follow formulas.

you're out of your element, donny. go back to /r/the_donald.

The fuck are you on about?

all of your statements are baseless and are obviously incorrect with even the slightest amount of fact checking.

This isnt a University thesis, it is a spur of the moment post written on my phone on my lunch break.

As ive said many times, my original statement is revised and i dont think aeronautics has stagnanted as much as computer tech.

Im open to growing and learning. I just wanted to share a simple thought since i have been seeing all this UFO stuff going on.

No need to be a dick. Id expect someone that habgs out on r/drugs and r/LSD to be a little less pretentious - wouldnt you?

You'll reach enlightenment one day.

Thanks for your useless comment.

Sorry? Stagnant? The development of stealth aircraft would not have been possible without supercomputers. We've had aircraft that can fly at several times the speed of sound, faster than a rifle bullet. We've had vertical take-off and landing aircraft. We've even had aircraft that can fly around the globe without stopping using nothing but solar power.

And we have aircraft that can take-off fly halfway round the world and land at an airport without a human being on-board or even remotely controlling it.

What makes you think "aeronautic tech" has stagnated?

You know those computers? The most powerful supercomputer on the planet works exactly the same way the first PC did. The only difference is the components have been miniaturised so that more of them fit into the box.

This post was just something on my mind. I'm not trying to have an argument because, i am no Engineer nor a Scientist or Pilot. I am just a bloke that is seeing a lot of 'ufo' shit and this crossed my mind.

Thanks for your comment though, you made some great points as have a lot of people that commented.

I still personally think we have plenty more advanced things we havent been informed about. Sure i could be wrong but it makes sense to me.


Something palm sized can absolutely position and hover perfectly, even track and follow people autonomously. This was the thing of sci-fi not long ago.