We can’t let off the gas with Pizzagate

0  2018-01-03 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Pizzagate was our battering ram. We have poured into the castle of Satanic Ritual Abuse and the castle is falling.

Unfortunately the vampiric lords of Castle Satan have infected some of our own soldiers and the besiegers are now the besieged.

I say this a lot for a lot of reasons but it holds the most weight here

The only way out, is in.

We cannot allow pizzagate to be lost amid the plethora of sexual scandals, as the Harvey Weinstein scandal and others are possibly there to muddy the waters.

Children are being brutalized by our elected officials and our wealthy class. We must stop them. If we can’t do that, then we have failed our species.

Nothing is more sacred then the safety of children. Their good nature is the only hope we have.

I beg you to not give up on them.


By furiously typing on our keyboards?

By spreading the message.

Tell us, what "Satanic Ritual Abuse" has been uncovered because of pizzagate? Victims, witnesses, arrests?

This post sounds a lot like someone trolling CTs ("vampiric lords of Castle Satan"), as do the other self-post rants I opened in the poster's history.

Your name is literally “psy-op.”

That's my username, yes. And your comment is literally not an answer.

This is the best thread today.

This guy has got to be a troll trying to make pizzagaters look bad. At least I hope so, because the alternative is pretty sad. Elsewhere he posted a cartoonishly bad fake podesta email.

I don't think he is.

Every post on this gets downvoted and mocked though. As though sadism and pedophilia is no laughable among our political and financial elites. That incredulity just seems childish and naive.

Your question is nonsensical. Obviauoly pizzagate was attacked from every angle.

You should check out the list of sex trafficking rings that have been taken down in the last year. Literally thousands of adults have been arrested and thousands of children freed, mostly in the US and Canada.

So no "Satanic Ritual Abuse" victims, witnesses or arrests thanks to pizzagate? I can throw you a bone and tell you that three elderly brothers in Seatle were arrested for something like this, but no pizzagate.

Why are you bringing up arrests that have no connection to "Satanic Ritual Abuse" and pizzagate? There are thousands of arrests for those sorts of crimes every single year, mainly Johns who get caught by large sting operations and "trafficking" is rarely as exciting as it sounds. It can mean as little as driving a prostitute to a client or booking a room. Thousands of children haven't been freed, not even thousands of underage prostitutes.

You’re being very close minded, it’s not a stretch to say that these groups are connected. A simple glance at the deep web will prove that

Why are you pushing this narrative so hard?

yes asking for an investigation so evidence comes out is a narrative. don't you want crime punished?

There are many victims that have come forward in fact voat even has a thread dedicated to victims. Unfortunately their stories are traumatizing and hard to believe that someone could survive that. So many victims prefer annonymity so they are not ridiculed or accused of lying. Victims are everywhere I can name ten off the top of my head.

that definitely explains

I think it's that most people aren't even clear on what "pizzagate" covers. If it covers "politicians fucking children," then there's a lot of documented evidence for that. Anthony Wiener sent a 15 year old his dick for God's sake. You don't remember that?

He must be a pedo or PR for elite pedos because he is always there to derail. This is his or her fave topic.

Your name is literally “psy-op.”

lol "It's the perfect cover!!"

By finding some evidence

Bug off, look at those paintings, read those mesaages. You’re the problem.

How does Tony Podesta owning a painting while having consumed pizza with a man who is friends with drag queens who post photos on instagram make John Podesta a pedophile?

You must’ve forgotten to read the emails

How do John Podestas emails show he is a pedophile?

You clearly haven’t even read them. Just go read them, even a fraction, and then you can come back and speak.


I've read them. Pick one, the most pedo one.

Well since you read all 33,000 of them..

“We have five fresh pizzas for your enjoyment, with for leftover pizzas for your enjoyment, they are in poor health and probably won’t survive. When you’re finished with your session you can eat your pizzas.”

So, after reading 33,000 emails (bullcrap) you don’t think it’s weird that more often than not our political leaders are taking about pizza?

Forget about child abuse, their obsession with pizza would be just as much worthy of talking about even if they weren’t raping and killing little kids

Now, would you kindly bug off

I’m sure you recognize this term, angent Chaffetz

You haven't read 1 of the emails.

The text you just quoted does not appear in the Podesta emails, instead it is a fake copy pasta from over a year ago.


Podesta wasn't a political leader, who is talking about pizza?

Why does liking pizza seem so unusual to you?

Say something, anything that would prove you’re not an agent.

Stop dodging.

You first, agent.

I would have accepted “9/11 was an inside job” or “all wars are banking wars”

Why won't you answer me?

Why did you post a fake text and imply it was a Podesta email?

I have nothing to say to you.

Will you tell me why you posted a fake text and implied it was a Podesta email then?

but to me?

This is so good.

Hilarious. I looked through your history. You have nothing to say. You don’t even have karma. You’re literally just here to discredit. Die in agony.

I'll live in euphoria instead.

You have failed.


Failed how

"Oh fuck, I can't provide a single piece of evidence to support my claim. Time to ramp up the ad hominems!"

- You, right now.

You just played yourself

I'm confused. He's right--the email you quoted is not from the Wikileaks release, it's a joke email created as copy pasta. Shouldn't you want to know this if you're after the truth?

Dude. They're a bunch of restruantuers who are good friends with a fucking pizza shop owner. Which children have they raped and killed? Surely with this many children raped and kill you'd be able to produce, oh I dunno, a single one?

Don't forget the handkerchiefs too. That's the real evidence. That's the key ingredient to the spirit cooking. Cheese Pizza (a 4chan term) mixed with a little secret wifi tunnel, add a dash of paintings that make my feefees tingle, the zest of one handkerchief, and at least a healthy neckbeard portion of homophobia. That's how you get a spirit stew going baby!

You want evidence outside of your random bullshit pseudo-mocking claim? How about all the DKIM-authenticated emails.

  • "Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" Source

  • "realtor found a white w/ black handkerchief" source

  • "We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." Source

  • “I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House" Source

  • "I'm dreaming about your hotdog stand in Hawaii" Source

  • "Would love to get a pizza for an hour?" Source

  • "Have to settle for the pasta john gave us at Christmas" Source

  • "I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place." Source

Now let's all watch & wait as a random skeptic comes in and, point by point, pretends to refute all of this evidence. Then they'll go back to saying "just any evidence. just one piece!"

Then someone will post these emails again. And they'll deny again, going back to saying there's literally no evidence. Then people will post this again & again. Keep claiming there's no evidence guys, it's probably the absolute worst tactic you could use because it's blatantly obvious that evidence exists.


for your sake i hope your being satirical and mocking how insane these "theorists" are

I swear that I thought op's post was satirical. Like something straight out of Monty Python or some shit.

That’s it? The most compelling evidence you have? Seems more like banter betweenness friends than evidence of satanic abuse.

God forbid that someone went through my emails and took lines out of context.

It's enough circumstantial evidence to warrant an investigation... at the minimum

There's plenty enough evidence for multiple investigations. Hard evidence comes from the investigations. We certainly don't have to solve the case, crowdsourced, before any official action occurs.

I've been told there's a lot of Satanism in rock and roll music and Dungeons and Dragons. You should check there.

Sarcasm will solve this problem

I'm glad we all agree on this

So glad this sub is about snarkily dismissing everything posted now.

I mean when its about already debunked bollocks and utter nonsense, I am glad its dismissed out of hand

medication will solve your problem

Fucking gay retard

Satanism really does get a bad rap and blamed for everything. In its simplest form it is simply about free will and being responsible for your own actions rather than acting through god.

false. in its simplest form, man is god.

Don't bring D&D into this man. We did our part as a scapegoat in the 80's. Its someone elses turn now

It's SoundCloud rappers time now, man.

I thought it was DC pizza joints

Yeah this place is not at all what it used to be and it obvious now

How are you guys actually discounting what we saw in pizzagate? Are you all agents? Dear god, of there’s a fraction of a chance that what we saw in pizzagate is true, then you will burn for your negligence.

It’s sickening.

Dude that's what I'm talking about, the subreddit is completely different now.

Okay sorry, you were the first person who said anything supportive. How has it gotten like this? They must have done an incredible job. Seriously, I didn’t even have an account, I saw pizzagate here and it inspired me. I have been more vocal about this stuff than ever. I do not understand how, if these people are real ^ they discount it so fervently.

This sub got to popular, now it's filled with russia/trump conspiracy people, basically its full of main stream people now.

That’s a shame

I doubt most of em are even people.

Some don't want to believe it is a real possibility. Imagine the cognitive dissonance taking place. It isn't hard to understand why some might genuinely not believe too.

While some of the opposition to pizzagate might have been paid I don't believe all of it to be so. It would be asinine to think so. People for whatever reason want to believe the best in others.

It will literally take graphic detailed evidence to convince some people that it is taking place.

You have to also understand that the topic at hand can sound extremely absurd to an individual that couldn't fathom that kind of cruelty. (it is in their innocences) They can't be faulted for not being able to imagine what you describe. What pizzagate illustrates.

Don't fault those that can't believe. If you believe is it enough? If you can find truth and expose that evidence. Wouldn't that be enough. Don't place your mind where it can't help. Don't condemn your fellow brothers and sisters for their ignorance.




The dude is talking about vampiric lords in Castle Satan. Did this sub take this shit seriously before?

It was a metaphor

A metaphor for what?

Our government

I enjoyed the metaphor

Yep anyone can see that. Pizzagate is the big one and that's why there is so much resistence to it. To anyone who has spent the time looking, it's painfully obvious. It's painfully obvious just based on the the panic it has caused. Reddit was taken over last year and has become a huge propaganda machine. But what is right is right and the floodgates are open. It's just gonna take time. Many out there who are involved know it's real, no amount of shilling is going to change it. Just gotta keep pressing on.

Brave hearts

It’s not painfully obvious - the best piece of evidence that OP could reference was fake!

I want to hear more about these vampiric lords of Castle Satan.

Their names are Count McCainel and Duke Obamula

If you look for something hard enough you'll find it. You're the problem.

How did this site go from pioneering pizzagate to discrediting it, in less than a year?

I agree with this reply

Apparently we’re the minority. Pity for the children.

Oh, the children my ass. You know damn well it was never about the kids. Pizzagaters just desperately want to be a part of the heroic detective team that takes down Hillary and company. They hate her and her crew so much that they aren't even able to entertain the notion of a reality in which they're wrong about these people being Devil-worshipping child rapists or whatever. It's a completely politically-motivated witch hunt with zero direct evidence to support any of these accusations.

And the partisan agenda became even more incredibly transparent when the PizzaParty supersleuths were the same ones relentlessly defending real creeps like Roy Moore and Donald Trump, who have real-life human beings who have called them out for sexual harassment and assault of minors.

You must be psychic

This is a weird thread op. 👀👀

How so

Everyone suddenly discrediting pizzagate


Ok look, I was making fun before, but that's not because of the issue at hand. It's just this post. If there's an actual pizzagate going on, I'd love to hear more about it. However, as someone who is not about to start nosing around the deep web or anything, all I'm seeing is insane catcalls about the basement of a place that has no basement and their only real crime seems to be allowing BDSM groups to host parties long after the kids have all gone home. I've seen pictures of the inside and it all looks fine.

Then all that seems to be counterarguing this viewpoint is some edited 4chan giggles such as the pizza metaphor email.

Now, I haven't been in this sub my whole time on Reddit, but I've been lurking a long while because of one simple truth: "Even if the media admitted that the government had been hiding aliens this whole time, r/conspiracy would doubt it and demand evidence." There's been many versions of the joke over time, but it's still true. I've never seen the sub as a place where you absolutely must believe every single wacky tidbit that gets tossed over the fence. Rather I've seen it as people looking for truth. To that end, they will hold you to the same standard as they do anything else they read. They, myself included, want concrete. You're up against critical thinkers, and the bread and butter of critical thinking is skepticism. They're challenging the narrative on a daily basis, and so why would they not do the same to you? Granted, the sub has seriously gained popularity and now there's a ton of left/right finger-wagging apologists in here, but at its core you'll still find the people I'm talking about. Those people want to see documentation. This goes especially for lazy ones like me who know to challenge the narrative but don't have the energy or means to go digging around and are simply hoping you'll provide the support for your claims.

So all I'm asking is that you do just that. If you want me to take this post seriously, I'd like new information. I want something more concrete than some weird art in Podesta's house and the fact that coworkers might schedule pool party playdates for their kids. However, you didn't provide that. You just tell people to go do their own research and attack them. Call me a normie or whatever you want, but this is a great opportunity for you. Here I am, a critical thinker, ready to believe you. You can lay it out in a way that is done better than it was before by others, or you can yell at me to go look it up and start namecalling. Your move.

While I respect your objective nature, I’m afraid I don’t have the evidence that would quench your thirst.

These people, if what I and other’s are saying is indeed factual, are master manipulators. The whole child abuse thing is just the surface. Frankly, I don’t have the stomach or the time to go hold your hand as we go detail by detail in this investigation. I’m also not tech savvy so it takes an enormous effort on my part to put together sources that would quench your thirst.

I assure you, the dots are there to be connected. These people ritually kill (not just children) because they think it brings them closer to their dark, ancient gods.

Then I have no choice. A point presented without evidence is dismissed without evidence.

This isn't an open forum investigation or badges coming together.

You're not going to get the evidence you want because it is either being held by the CPP business, under very tight wraps, or it's in contained evidence not for the public.

If you want to find some you can do it on your own. I would start looking at DC metro police kickbacks and their service records. See how they lie up with particular businesses and names.

You can also start with studying how international organized crime works and how business works with a means for pushing a market that is discreetly available. Your clientele is going to be selected carefully and controlled. Your product is also secret and controlled.

I will warn you though. These business do not light the spotlight and will do what is necessary to fix the problem.

See that's just it. You want me to go find things and I don't have the energy even if I had the ways and means, which I do not. You're just a second source that tells me to go find it myself. Well... no.

You have a perfect opportunity here to bring a "normie" into the light, ready to believe ready-handed information, but all you two are doing so far is telling me that I need to go find my own shit and that I probably won't find any. If this whole mess can only be seen by those both obsessive and capable enough to find even the shreds of hints that it's going on, what are you even doing here? The results of your efforts will be nothing better than any of these other fake news outrages, because I can't see a proper trail of information and, even then, have no idea how to take action against it. So you're just asking me to believe you with nothing to go on that this is a definitely real thing... and be fruitlessly mad about said thing.

While I respect your objective nature, I’m afraid I don’t have the evidence that would quench your thirst.

These people, if what I and other’s are saying is indeed factual, are master manipulators. The whole child abuse thing is just the surface. Frankly, I don’t have the stomach or the time to go hold your hand as we go detail by detail in this investigation. I’m also not tech savvy so it takes an enormous effort on my part to put together sources that would quench your thirst.

I assure you, the dots are there to be connected. These people ritually kill (not just children) because they think it brings them closer to their dark, ancient gods.

The real ones know, and there are more of us than the fake ones despite what you see on the sub lately. Don't get discouraged because truth always wins out in the end.

Good, thanks for the reassurance. I’ve noticed the “fake ones” or people who aren’t even interested in conspiracies, seem to be the first to comment on quality subjects, often insulting the OP.

It’s so obvious.

Just more attempts to stifle discussion and "correct the record" aka distort and manipulate people away from the facts. It's kinda fascinating to watch, like gaslighting on a mass scale

Why am I being targeted do you think? I’ll be honest I’m quite the activist in real life.. do you think they somehow have knowledge of who I am? Or is pizzagate just that much of a buzzword?

I think it's the subject matter really. Pixzagate is a trigger word; it's the batman signal for paid disinformants. Every PG thread nowadays is flooded with the exact same comments you see here, which is an incredible contrast to these threads last year.

I wouldn't worry too much about being targeted unless they're following you around in every thread and harrassing you and even then it's just shitty folks being shitty. TMOR apparently does target users in this sub, but I don't read that garbage because it reflects on the poor character of those who post there. Stay safe and stay on track

Thank you

baseless character attacks and broad generalizations reproduced from popular arguments is how I spot em.

Don’t pay attention to the bullshit. Keep it going

Now 3 or 4 of them are commenting on the same posts. Yours today- you win!

What do you mean?

This sub has tons of paid shitboxes that comment only to discredit you. We are the majority. The comment s croon doesn’t reflect that.

Okay good.

I've got a band name, an album name, and every song title just from this post.

Vampiric Lords of Castle Satan
Debut Album: The Only Way Out Is In
1. Besiegers Are Now the Besieged
2. Pizzagate was our Battering Ram
3. Safety of Children
4. Their Good Nature
5. We Have Failed Our Species
6. Brutalized by our Elected Officials
7. The Only Hope We Have
8. Muddy the Waters

Bonus Track: Plethora of Sexual Scandals

You’re welcome, freak show.

✌ brilliant ✌

This is the best thread today.


Fuckin' 10/10.

This is what a sub looks like when you have a criminal organization paying off social media engineers and tip the votes in their favor.

I heard from a few blackbirds that business is not going well. Keep trying the debunk method. Sounds like it's really paying off.

I mean, you could find solid new objective evidence instead of regurgitating the same old, made up, or misinterpreted, or flat out debunked speculation that is pizzagate as we know it today. You could acknowledge that sexual assault happens in all strata of society and instead of playing keyboard detective and reading right wing conspiracy blogs hoping to find that one clue that is going to take down the wealthy/political elite/zionist-jewish/satanist/illuminati cabal that "controls it all," you could, in the spirit of what pizzagate has opened your eyes too in regards to sexual assault, go vonlunteer down at your local women's shelter where actual victims os sexual assault need assistance. There are many ways to keep the "spirit of pizzagate" alive, but sitting in a vacuum chamber on the likes of here or 4chan isn't the right way to do it.Getting out there and helping actual victims in your community is how you help.

Or you could not try and assume that I don’t do things like that, and instead help contribute to the actual investigation that regular, every day people like you and I are having to take part in due to the massive controlled cover up that is allowing our leaders to rape and murder children en masse

En masse.

Or, maybe one could accept that the conspiracy that political/wealthy elite rape and murder children en masse, EN MASSE isn't actually happening...

Jeffery Epstein

You have no proof that any of that is happening

So when exactly were the creepy ass emails from wikileaks debunked?

What "creepy ass" emails? Most likely they fall into the misinterpreted category. You tell me the emails and I can talk about them more. The only ones I hear peple repeatedly call "creepy" are the one where a grandma is inviting friends to visit her farm house in which she mentions thatnthey will heat the pool for swimmimg and that her grandkids will be comingbto play in the pool. Oh, she says they will be entertainment. RED ALERT RED ALERT!!! No, not really. It is a grandma doting over her grandkids. Not sure where you are in your life, but for a lot of us we grow to a point where our family is our entertainment. I know in my family most of the time spent is paying attention tonthe littlest ones. That's just how it goes in families. We find our grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc., entertaining. There is nothing sexual about it. The other email I hear mentioned that is so "creepy" is the "infamous" pizza related map email. As they say the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. Pizza is fucking good and there quite a few places in DC. Off the top of my head from when I lived in the city years back, you have Comet in what I want say is Cleveland Park, Two Amys in Georgetown, Radius in Mt. Pleasant, I want to say Iota down in NoVa, Red Rocks in Columbia Heights, and The Original Jumbo Slice in AdMo just to name a few. So, yes, you could make a map of pizza places to hit up in the DC area and no it doesn't mean you kill fuck kids for Satan. What other emails are there?

There is a lot more and if you dont think they are creepy then you are really grasping at straws. And you are also leaving out the way they said the things you are trying to debunk, there is no way it is not extremely weird. I dont feel like finding a bunch of random emails because they have been posted here countless times but you should watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GZFHLAcG8A

How is not thinking things are creepy grasping at straws? Holding up a grandmother's email inviting friends to visit a vacation home for a weekend and mentioning her grandkids would also be attending as if it were proof of a pedophile sex ring, that is the definition of grasping at straws.

Yea because that is the only thing in the emails right? Also I didnt say it proved anything, its evidence. All those weird emails plus podesta and alefantis having weird child art and posting weird pictures of little kids isnt creepy? If trump was the one being accused of these things I guarantee you would be calling him a pedo.

I'd ask for objective evidence just like I do for anyone being accused of being a part of "pizzagate."

Well all I said is that it is creepy. There isn't indisputable proof so of course they cannot be charged or anything which I never said they should. But I do think its crazy for anyone to not be suspicious and think they may be.

I think it is crazy that people have become obsessed with proving that people they dont know, have never met, and have never had any interaction with are part of a satanic cult that rapes, kills, and possibly eats children. All based on supposed "experts" on a website notorious for making things up and suggestive impressions. There were no, many independent voices that each said something was interesting about the emails because "pizza" is a known pedophile code word. Shit did not organically come about. Some source on 4chan just made up that pizza was code for child sexual abuse and after that suggestive impressioning everything started snowballing. From then on confirmation bias came into effect and anyone who wanted to could see confirmation of pedophilia in every new "clue."

Never once did I say there was a satanic cult. Never once did i say anybody is eating kids. All I said is that those emails were creepy, thats it. And its hilarious if you think 4chan made up pizza being a pedo code word. Its been a code word for fucking YEARS. Way before 4chan even existed. The FBI has it listed in files that its a codeword.

I apologize if I grouped you into the pizzagaters who also add satan and canibalism into the mix. I shouldn't have done that. You must, though, show me the fbi document that says pizza is a code for child sexual abuse.

Hey, friend. Still waiting on those fbi files listing pizza has a pedophile code word. Ok, enjoy your day.


And there is no way you dont know what cp has meant for years.

Why would I know your statement? I don't obsess over child porn terms. Interesting you might, though, since you know so much about child porn code words even though there is zero mention of pizza being a child sexual abuse code word in that document. Again I'll ask to be shown an official fbi doc that says pizza is a chil porn code word.

I dont obsess over them lol. I just remember reading reddit posts a long time ago about the dark web and people would say cp and whenever someone asks it means child porn. And I cant find any fbi things saying pizza being a codeword but you can google it and see that its been a term used way before pizza gate was even a thing.

It has never been anything, but a made up code word as part of a smear campaign. Face that fact.

So you are denying that cheese pizza means child porn? And are you denying that those signs on the fbi documents are real? Lol

I'm not denying anyting. I'm asking you to provide me with documented fbi proof that pizza is a code word for child sexual abuse. As of yet, you can't do that, but instead insist on belittling me because I don't blindly trust you. ONCE AGAIN, I WILL ASK YOU TO PROVIDE ME WITH EVIDENCENTHAT THE FBI HAS SAID "PIZZA" IS A CODE WORD FOR CHILD PORN. PUT UPMOR SHUT UP, MI AMIGO.

I already said i cant find any fbi documents saying so but you can find countless things on the internet from way before pizza gate where people talk about what cheese pizza means on the darkweb. If the FBI doesnt have it listed it means it doesnt exist?

Show me then. Show me countless instances of people using cheese pizza as a code for child porn time stamped before pizzagate became a thing. If it is so easy to prove you shouldn't have any problem.

Listen, I was lying to you guys.

Trump is actually king pin of the pedo empire and I was distracting you all along.

I haven't been paid this month so, I'm coming out. AMA.

1st question. Are you being sarcastic?

  • no

Check my post history.

Why are you here

Truth ✌

So why are they doing this to kids

Anything? What the fuck happened in Las Vegas?

in an earlier post i list a location of an underground human trafficking spot. this is the key to the kingdom. they have lost. it's up to people to understand their police and gov won't save them and they have to save themselves. the master's tools will never tear down the master's house.


We cannot allow pizzagate to be lost amid the plethora of sexual scandals, as the Harvey Weinstein scandal and others are possibly there to muddy the waters.

You hit the nail of pizzagaters problems. It targets select individuals while calling any other sexual abuse cases distractions.

Bait and switch

Ditch the 'pizzagate' tagline. There are too many landmines there. Just go with pedophilia investigation. Aside from gps tagging at-risk and orphanated kids, there isnt really a way to bust them. The NSA definitely knows some shit but there is no transparency so we will never know the horrendous shit they decide not to pursue. Not to mention the OpSec of rich elite probably quells most of that surveillence anyway

Good idea, these normies latch on to tag line. I should have avoided using it.

Thats why an actor was hired to shoot that computer. Controlled opposition. The tagline is to redpill the normies but they shouldnt be the ones to control the use of the narritive. (but they do!!)

We’ll fix that. It just stinks because the whole pizza jargon thing was undoubtedly a smoking gun, I’m sure they’ve abandoned it by now, after the stupids have tainted the research.

who is "we" - oh right, russian trolls and bots. Carry on.

124 comments, 0 upvotes. cant upvote eh.

Holy shit, this I my favorite satire subreddit.

The only way to stop evil child molesters is with good child molesters.


u think unverified allegations of sexual harrassment that took place 40 yrs prior, before he was even an elected official makes him a child molester?

this was an obvious smear campaign. you got to look at the motive. Dems get a very important seat in Jeff Sessions home turf.

dont just blindly believe MSM crap.

Have some more kool-aid. It goes so well with fox news.

fox news would be included under the MSM umbrella although, their tune has changed since the Murdoch deal went through. You might be surprised.

is this satire?

10k+ sealed indictments. Jeff Sessions is gonna make the hammer drop

Okay sorry, you were the first person who said anything supportive. How has it gotten like this? They must have done an incredible job. Seriously, I didn’t even have an account, I saw pizzagate here and it inspired me. I have been more vocal about this stuff than ever. I do not understand how, if these people are real ^ they discount it so fervently.

Okay good.

Stop dodging.

You just played yourself

I'm confused. He's right--the email you quoted is not from the Wikileaks release, it's a joke email created as copy pasta. Shouldn't you want to know this if you're after the truth?

What "creepy ass" emails? Most likely they fall into the misinterpreted category. You tell me the emails and I can talk about them more. The only ones I hear peple repeatedly call "creepy" are the one where a grandma is inviting friends to visit her farm house in which she mentions thatnthey will heat the pool for swimmimg and that her grandkids will be comingbto play in the pool. Oh, she says they will be entertainment. RED ALERT RED ALERT!!! No, not really. It is a grandma doting over her grandkids. Not sure where you are in your life, but for a lot of us we grow to a point where our family is our entertainment. I know in my family most of the time spent is paying attention tonthe littlest ones. That's just how it goes in families. We find our grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc., entertaining. There is nothing sexual about it. The other email I hear mentioned that is so "creepy" is the "infamous" pizza related map email. As they say the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. Pizza is fucking good and there quite a few places in DC. Off the top of my head from when I lived in the city years back, you have Comet in what I want say is Cleveland Park, Two Amys in Georgetown, Radius in Mt. Pleasant, I want to say Iota down in NoVa, Red Rocks in Columbia Heights, and The Original Jumbo Slice in AdMo just to name a few. So, yes, you could make a map of pizza places to hit up in the DC area and no it doesn't mean you kill fuck kids for Satan. What other emails are there?