
0  2018-01-03 by [deleted]



Isn't life terrific?

I haven't decided what I identify as yet today. Your voting system is too binary!

Downvoted in solidarity with my alien and demon friends Alf and Mike Wazowski.

the world's batshit, man. my recommendation? gain self-sufficiency, self-mastery, find likeminded who are kind in their heart (intelligence is NOT the most important thing), help each other, establish trust relationships with each other, expand your circle in this way outwards, and just deal. and don't stress it. try to enjoy your life but not at other people's expense. you may be surprised how that ride goes.

"The world is batshit."

No truer words ever spoken.

Apparently the demon overlords can't say the word "kinninigan". You just have to ask.

I don't understand why some people think we need aliens and demons and other gobbldigook to explain why people are shit to each other.

Your one of them or you havent been tapped into yet you'll see. Just look them in their eyes. You can almost tell them apart.

100 plus hits of acid dropped

This doesn't help your case at all, man.

You cant undo what has been done.

True, but you also don't need to tell people that you dropped 100+ hits of acid when you're talking about bodysnatchers.

Do you have a problem creature?

I don't even necessarily disagree with you. I'm trying to help you to not sound like a lunatic when you talk to others about this kind of thing.

Im not and stopped caring about others opinions since its hard to tell who is who. "Entertainment"


This has nothing to do with opinions and everything to do with persuasion. It's hard enough to get people to listen to something that contradicts their materialist worldview. You need to recognize that telling somebody you dropped 100+ hits of acid will cause most people to write off whatever you're saying, so if you're interested in "enlightening" them or persuading them then you should consider your words carefully.

"Don't cast your pearls before swine," and "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear," and whatnot. There's no way for you to know if somebody will be receptive to what you're saying. The best you can do is speak your truth clearly and hope that the other person will receive it. Don't muddy the waters.

Alrightie then.


nice try creature troll



I'm an alien with lots of demon friends. Downvoted.

We won't be fooled again because we already live the lie.

Sometimes I find myself hoping it’s aliens in human suits, cause some of these things they do are so inhuman. Makes you wonder.

πŸ‘½ πŸ•΄ πŸ•΄ πŸ‘½ πŸ›Έ

The one on the the right is kinda cute in her little spaceship, if you zoom in he is waving to reddit.

To be quite honest, we creatures were here first so.

Most authorities, however, agree on the following account. The whole of Egypt was once plagued by a wasting disease which caused bodily disfigurement. So pharaoh Bocchorisnote went to the oracle of Hammonnote to ask for a cure, and was told to purify his kingdom by expelling the victims to other lands, as they lay under a divine curse. Thus a multitude of sufferers was rounded up, herded together, and abandoned in the wilderness. Here the exiles tearfully resigned themselves to their fate. But one of them, who was called Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown. But exhaustion set in, chiefly through lack of water, and the level plain was already strewn with the bodies of those who had collapsed and were at their last gasp when a herd of wild asses left their pasture and made for the spade of a wooded crag. Moses followed them and was able to bring to light a number of abundant channels of water whose presence he had deduced from a grassy patch of ground. This relieved their thirst. They traveled on for six days without a break, and on the seventh they expelled the previous inhabitants of Canaan, took over their lands and in them built a holy city and temple.

Hold on to Nature brother...

Im an Arcturian boiiiii. I'm one of the positive ayys!

Im a walking bag of nerves going from shitty job to shitty job

and because you believe that, that is your reality...

why go on doing something you don't like just so you can survive and go on doing something you don't must realize now, that if you apply no meaning to your existence, your existence has no meaning, and you should save yourself the trouble of going on and voluntarily end your existence right now...

if you view yourself as matter, you will be stuck in the material world forever, regardless if you're "dead" or not...if you instead view yourself as a vast celebration of eternal energy and view each moment as the only moment that can/will existence, it'll help you...relax...

the universe is a dance, a celebration of energy... it does not exist out of necessity, you do not exist out of necessity, you're here because you chose to be here, because you're eternal,infinite energy having a temporary human experience .. once you remember that, everything falls into place

Creature confirmed.

it's disgusting you think that

that he told me to kill myself? Creatures buddy confirmed

I'm the same dude... and i didn't tell you to kill yourself...i was merely saying that if you see the universe as only random and chaotic(fully-automatic) instead of a connected organism, your life becomes meaningless...if you're under the impression that this psychical reality is all there is, and that when you die, that's it... why not choose to die now and safe yourself from having to live out the rest of your life ? i wasn't telling you to do it, i was asking a question... if you're simply a bag of meat walking around with no purpose and working jobs you hate, why keep living?

off topic and your going onto a darker subject then what I posted

ya?and?so what?

I think this is all a ploy by marketers to promote a new 'They Live' (2018)


WOW, did not know. Thanks for the heads up

The first one was great. except that horrible fight-scene between the two heroes. You can bake a pie to it's completion.

'They look like people'

nice try creature troll