The conspiracy of negativity

115  2018-01-04 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

I don’t necessarily buy in to the New Agey idea that “our thoughts create our reality” but I certainly see some evidence for it and I understand what they mean. Also, our actions do in fact create our reality.

This is something this site needs to figure out, if we’re going to make a difference. I’m just about done with the negativity. It’s toxic. Just because these elite rulers do all of these terrible things doesn’t mean you get to sit there and say “ah, well at least I’m not raping kids, I can say whatever I want”

No, you should watch your language. You should guard your heart. You should strive to be a positive impact on your fellow man. Build them up, don’t tear them down.

That’s “the conspiracy” is to make us all hate each other, and for what? The most trivial of reasons. Get over it. We have bigger fish to fry.


Yes indeed! There is no reason to treat your fellow mankind with negative thoughts, words and actions. We can disagree on many a things, but that is no reason to treat each other poorly.

ok im going to try and explain this in the hope it sheds a light on what you are as a living being..

firstly i want you to keep an open mind as some of this may sound like new age mumbo jumbo . it is in fact old age mumbo jumbo but with out the mumbo jumbo ..

frequencies and chakras , know anything about these 2 things ?

no ? yes ? ok lets go ..

higher vibrations and frequencies mean happiness , simple as that .. good way to raise your frequencies is meditation and music , dancing , doing what makes you happy .. anything at all uplifting , ever notice how some churches have singing thats uplifting ? gospel music ? i dont want to sound religious here but ever hear of raising of the spirit in the bible ?

see they have known this for thousands of years , so do you , you knew this when you were a child but they took it from you..

heres why they do it ,

they are modern sages , dark magicians and they know all about the occult , they practice alchemy and sell it labeled as pharmaceuticals .. get the picture ?

ok heres the mumbo jumbo ..

depression creates bad habits , you eat fast food , you dont get the nutrition you need ..

ever see the noncommercials where they guys all happy because hes eating a balanced diet ?

hes trying to do you a favor .. and take your money at the same time , more magic..

but , eating helps with raising the frequencies making you feel happy ..

health happiness and well being..

they know the secrets of diet . they know how to heal , they sell you drugs they make that cause side effects .. you need more of their drugs to combat that :)

lets not forget their vitamin supplements .. what a scam that is

the military industrial complex is one big drug cartel..

they push an agenda for oil barons , pharmaceutical manufactures , bomb and weapons manufactures to name a few , they have hollywood and the media by the balls . scripts go through them and will be rewritten in accordance to their narrative . they create your reality... dark magicians with dark intentions , lowering your frequencies to make you not just unhappy but under nourished and ill , this leads to negative thoughts ,

to combat this ..

learn about chakras , their frequencies , learn how to meditate based on frequencies and chakras . learn them ..

learn what they know and use it to help free your self from their dark agenda ..

from the link

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine. It is nearest to the grounding of the Earth. It represents vitality, survival instincts, and the emotions of desire, anger, jealousy and greed. An imbalance of the first chakra may show as a loss of interest in the real world and practical survival, obsessions, addictions, volatile emotions, restlessness, selfishness and a lack of energy

see their intentions to lower your frequencies ?

im not a fan of mumbo jumbo but this knowledge has been known for thousands of years and practiced by millions of people who seem to have a vibrency and wear a smile ..

if you surround your self with their dark agenda you will be a pawn in the game . negativity ..

the body has 2 polls , a positive and negative . ancient Egyptians knew this and slept with the head facing north .. they also knew about the body and its secrets ..

so do the dark magicians .. fight fire with fire , know their magic and use it to help your self .

stay positive .

Great post 👍

thank you.

So much of this. People need to research quantum physics and how our reality really exists. Due to the fact that everything is energy, existing only due to sound vibrations. Positivity vibrates at a high frequency and negativity at low frequencies. I am absolutely convinced that the powers that be want everyone in a very low vibrating state. We're much easier to persuade in that state.

Think about why it is that every morning if you wake up to watch the news it is one negative story after another. It's all shaped to make you feel as though there is danger and death around every corner. To set us all apart from one another. They sell us crappy, processed foods and keep most of our wages low enough that the crap food is all we can afford or at least think it's all we can afford. We eat meat produced in factory farms where the animals are brimming with anxiety and stress as they are slaughtered. We eat that anxiety and stress. All this leads to negative, low vibrating energy.

Really think about how our world and society is shaped today. What messages are being put into your head? Commercials convince you your life isn't good enough, every new gadget convinces you the one you have is lame, every store you walk past advertising store credit cards tells you you can make your life better and you can do it without having money.

We can all raise our vibrational frequency by removing ourselves from the system a bit. Maybe that means reading a bit less about conspiracies, being online less, meditate, eat real food, mostly veggies and fruit, read as many books as you can, expand your consciousness so you have an expanded understanding of life.

The people at the top want us all to be dosile, lazy drones who think life is about buying shit. Don't let them win. Good vibes man. Really think about what that line means.

thank you , people forget that the ancient Egyptians used to sun gaze too , the elite feed us sugar that kills the pineal gland , sun gazing recharges the batteries and they add sugar to everything ..

children are fed sugar in everything which leads to all sorts of problems . kids are full of energy they dont need sugar but parents feed it to them and wonder why the child is acting up . this child is working for the elite , hes bringing so much negativity into the parents daily life screaming for more candy but all parents do is feed them more..

a willing victim to a dark agenda they know nothing about and scoff at calling us all conspiracy nut jobs ..

when a child plays up it needs something to stimulate its mind , its a wonderful thing to be a child and have a parent who knows how to look after their off spring by feeding their mind with knowledge instead of sugar ..

your post points out something i didnt want to go into , not many in this sub see things clearly as others and avoid it like its new age mumbo jumbo.

animals used for factory farming produce mass amounts of adrenalin

of animals have been frightened or stressed out before death, it actually affects the quality of their meat . glycogen is converted into lactic acid, which helps keep meat tender, pink, and flavorful Adrenaline released by stress before slaughter uses up glycogen, which means there’s not enough lactic acid produced postmortem. This affects different kind of meat in different ways, but in general it’ll be tough, tasteless, and high in pH, and will go bad quicker than unstressed meat. (Lactic acid helps slow the growth of spoilage bacteria.)this meat causes cancer ..

pharmaceutical industrial complex's dark magicians have dark magic for us here too..

Absolutely agree. I have 2 kids, oldest is 2 and she is just brimming with energy most of the time. We feed her next to no sugar aside from when grandparents come to just shovel it into her. We try to be very conscious parents and want our kids to retain their ability to read people's energy and to view life and the world differently than the wider culturescape.

Your comment about meat is great, some details I wasn't aware of but a great scientific explanation of why that kind of meat is so bad for us. From an energetic perspective you have to think that it's really messing with us as well. Negativity breeds negativity and what could do that more than what we're putting into our bodies for consumption? Human interaction maybe but that's it. If people are going to eat meat, we should be treating it in a way that is respectful of all life, ours and theirs.

this is very true , im going to let you into a secret about eggs , i am sure you know all about battery vs free range eggs but do you know about the Chalaza ?

this is the part of the egg that holds the egg in place , the elite dont eat eggs . this part of the egg holds DNA .. it is the worst part and no one will ever tell you this , it is also important as it will show how fresh the egg is , the whiter the fresher the egg

eggs are in everything , it is a whole conspiracy of its own and think about all the negativity in an egg from a battery farm .

If you don't buy 'thoughts create reality' but you do believe 'actions create reality' have you ever considered that 'thoughts create actions' so therefore thoughts really do create reality?

That’s what I was getting at ;)

I see it as the conspiracy of anger.

I personally feel as though the responses and posts all throughout reddit are done by AI. The purpose is to make people sad, scared, angry, upset and then turn them on their fellow man.

You should be into the new age philosophy that your mind shapes the universe because it is the only respite from these 'machines'? I do not know what they are but they exist and they create an online world of such venom and hate that it doesn't matter anymore what side you are on, as long as you are feeding the beast.

There is a way out of this. If you take a walk down the street you will see the decency of humanity. Internet is following suit if television. It doesn't even seem like profits in fiat currency is what they want, they want us feeling scared and tired and lonely.

If we could create our realities with out thoughts it would make sense why they do this to us. They want to keep us down so that their power is not discovered. That's really the answer I have come to. They create a wold of fear to keep you down so that you cannot manifest the way they do. However, you do have the power to manifest your reality if you believe and rid yourself of fear.

Agreed. Wisdom^

Like, this post is a joke coming from him. I agree with the overall message, but it's hilarious coming from him.

I recognized OP's username because I saw that thread in /controversial yesterday and he stood out as an impressively unpleasant person.

Maybe I'm a negative person, but I'm always super skeptical of these sort of posts. I just assume selfish motives. I'm guessing OP wants people to be positive towards him while he's mean to them.

Yea, his post from six days ago was full of him just being a dick to everyone. How more people aren't seeing through him is beyond me.

Then why are you spreading negativity?

I have not acted in negative ways for no reason. Anytime I am emotionally responsive it’s because I’ve been attacked in some way. I’m here to spread awareness and be a light.

I'm just calling out your negativity and fakeness

I’m calling out your’s

Oh wait, I have better thing to do

You’re taking it out of context. That person was aggressively agitating me to the point of frustration. What I said was an emotional response to consistent mockery, not to mention his/her making fun of pizzagate.

Whether or not you think pizzagate is real, it’s in bad taste to make a mockery of child trafficking.

Why don’t you post the full conversation.

Its also good to remember that elite rulers have also been doing awesome things for humanity. I mean, we aren't extinct so thats pretty cool right? Sure we can do better but you gotta remember that even the elites are human. How often do you take the most moral / efficient decision? Ultimately we can only control ourselves, so you can either create a heaven or hell depending on your thoughts and actions.

Wisdom ^

Good things tend to come from the grass roots, not the top. Historically the top has striven to keep themselves on top often at the expense of everything else. Oil industry anybody?

The entire Civil Rights movement started with a bunch of angry people in a southern Church. The Government had nothing to do with it, nor did any elite.

The world will be fine without the elites. They are superfluous.

The dreams cape is a real place that can take you somewhere, some time, or some how.

I posted about this before on here. A month ago or so.

Sited a bunch of different things and the theories behind it.

I don't like the phrase 'positive thinking'. I prefer to think of it as 'dwelling on what you want'.

Nice username ;) Do you think Quetzalcoatl & Veracocha & Osirus are the same person/god?

All gods are just mirrors of human experience, imo. But I believe you’re thinking of Thoth. He is the Egyptian god known to share the most similarity with Quetzalcoatl

What do you mean with Gods are mirrors of human experience?

Furthermore, ive read a lot of your posts. I have a question: how do i walk the path of Light? How do i fulfill my purpose?

I think the answer to that question is something only you can really answer.

The way I did it for myself is to treat all life with dignity and respect. Even when it gets really hard or boring, I just stay ingrained into the present moment, always asking myself “how can I give honor to god in this moment”

Well said!! I agree 100% A friend of mine told me, "If you can't find the light, be the light."

I agree with you and it's something that 'people' have figured out and purposely spread negativity. At the end of the day, we all have more in common than differences..

Divide et impera!

Haha yeah, “people”

(Arrrrreeee theyyyy reaallll thoooo?)


Either way, reject that shit as the mental cancer that it is.

I love that emoji

And man, those are powerful words. Thanks for sharing! I needed to hear that today.

Aka divide and conquer 👍

100% agree. Great post. I think is important to be reminded of this often. Thanks for sharing.

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” ~ Gandhi

It really is as simple as that.

Whatever you believe is true

Most don't realize how much negativity is tried to be put on them and they shoulder that load unwillingly by not putting themselves in a positive mental state


I agree with this.

You posted this less then a week ago.

You pretty much spewed negativity throughout that whole thread. Then post this today acting like you're mister sunshine. So sorry but I'm not buying that you're posting in good faith.

Forgive me. I was angry. Also, I don’t think I was spewing hate, more just venting how I think our culture has been defiled.

If I hated people...why would I care?

I said negativity, not hate. I mean, you ended saying you prayed for an asteroid. Is anything more negative then wishing for the extinction of the planet?

You’re right, but I’m not sure what you hope to achieve by this. I’m aloud to have emotions.

Also I believe the word “sometimes” was used.

I want you to practice what you preach, if you feel like negativity is weighing us down, why keep piling on?

I’m not sure how to respond to this. I suppose I’ll just keep doing whatever I want.

Here's him also spreading false information yesterday and then instantly dismissing as shills the people correcting his disinfo. Not putting much stock into this post here.

edit: Hilarious. I looked through your history. You have nothing to say. You don’t even have karma. You’re literally just here to discredit. Die in agony.

Yeah, this dude is totally anti-negativity.

I posted about this before on here. A month ago or so.

Sited a bunch of different things and the theories behind it.

I don't like the phrase 'positive thinking'. I prefer to think of it as 'dwelling on what you want'.

This also extends to negativity about yourself. Encountering and battling all these ills can have a real and harmful impact on your mental health. Reading about oppression, scheming, and death will take a toll on anyone with a conscience. We need people who are fighting the good fight to stay alive and healthy enough to continue and spread the truth. So it's a good idea to give yourself mental breaks, be part of positive communities, or practice different forms of self improvement to help keep yourself in check.

I agree. People might say this post is worthless, and not a “conspiracy” but I think it’s the biggest conspiracy. People like us who see clearly are targets. We need to look out for each other.

Absolutely. Governments would like nothing better than if skeptics and those willing to question them would just off themselves. Make people hopeless, depressed, bored, and suffer to the point they can't take it; which seems to be the way society is programmed.

I’m one of the only people who I know that is constantly understanding, validating and willing to listen and help anyone in any position and people think that I’m not being real lol.

I’m happy if other people are happy. My life hasn’t been a good one, but I know what happiness and positivity feels like and all I want to do is share that happiness bc some people don’t have the ability to get themselves into a better place like I have.

Apparently being genuine is unheard of nowadays. Some people take advantage of my nature, or believe I’m being fake?! It’s unbelievable to me.

Negativity is the norm now. Not having hope is the norm now. Accepting the state of the world is the norm now.

People so readily bring others down, or are too caught up in their misery to look at someone else’s life and see how it could shape their decisions or allow them to see from the other persons perspective which creates a divide.

We have no understanding. No actual compassion. Empathy is taken advantage of, drained, and viewed as weakness. But, the positive interaction you have with other people can literally shape their lives in unimaginable ways.

Sounds like you took that walk :)

The power of positive thinking doesn't have to be any sort of esoteric thing... "As Above, so Below" doesn't even need to mean anything spiritual. If you always think negatively, negative things will happen to you because of how you're interpreting reality and subconsciously enabling that negativity.

It's like this... nobody who ever hit a home run did it with the thought "There is no way I can ever do this". They at least had the positive idea inside them that "yeah, maybe I can do this!"

Saying please and thank you is a great start if you don't know how to get going.

Your anger is a gift, created by your conscience. It longs to be channeled into action. Don't turn your back on yourself. Let's take down the motherfucking Zionist mafia.

Haha I like you

Our media has discovered that the Fear/anger responses are profitable and cause repeat business. People com back for more like it's a drug. There are real world repercussions to this. It causes division and suspission. It puts people on edge and stressed. It makes disagreement hostile and the acceptance of different views more difficult.

All because the media is fucking with primitive fear responses.

I don't think any of this is "new agey" at all. People who are not brought to the brink of fear by the news of the world are probably more likley to work together, trust, feel less stress, and be happy.

The thing I’ve learnt from my awakening is everything is happening without your will, all you have is a state of mind. negativity comes from within. raise your vibration with intent and you’ll see your life change for the better. If you think I’m chatting bs then your ego still has the better of you.

Imo, there's a rly just... toxic layering over western culture right now in general. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Might I add that we should forgive one another and understand the differences in perspective. It's rarely possible to see something someone else's way. We're not the same as people.


That isn't a new age idea though, it's an objective scientific and biological fact. We base our lives on thoughts, that's why we have clothes, government, entertainment, ect.

This post sucks.


Here is a thread between OP and I where he got pretty negative with me over a philosophical disagreement. He also talked a lot about rape there too. He misunderstood everything I said, and I suspect that it caused him to get riled up and make this post, along with another from a couple days ago. I encourage anyone interested to read for themselves and make up their own minds about what's going on in his head.

Maybe your posts have nothing to do with that conversation. Like I said, I'll let others judge if that is the case for themselves. But just in case our conversation did in some significant part inspire this post, let me add these thoughts:

You yourself, OP, mentioned in another comment for that post that you read Alan Watts. It was the top of your recommendation list for reading material for someone else. I am also a tremendous fan of Alan Watts, and it seems to me that you have also missed the point of a lot of what he taught, as you missed many of my points. He didn't believe in an objective "good and evil" either. The ideas I talked about in our conversation, about how the universe "just is what it is", those ideas were in-part inspired by his teachings. And they are not negative ideas, they are honest, balanced, and quite literally tautologically true.

I don't like to be negative. And I definitely never implied anything like "I don't rape kids therefore I can say whatever I want." You have misunderstood my points from the get go, and now you can't seem to get over it. I feel genuinely sorry for you, and I hope you can reflect on all of this a little more carefully.

I do hope you well, but if you are going to respond to me with more of your crass negativity, be forewarned that I will not dignify it with a response this time.

I hope you well too, but no, this post has nothing to do with you. You’re not a negative person, just someone who doesn’t like to consider the idea of objective morality. To each their own. I have already apologized for my aggressiveness, in some cases. I simply am a fervent defender of the innocence of children. I am not sorry for that.

I simply am a fervent defender of the innocence of children. I am not sorry for that.

Nor should you be. Thank you for your reply.

I do have a question for you.

Why would you want to “monetize the eshcaton”? I find that to be a strange username for someone who is of your caliber.

No offense, it just seems kind of sketchy to me.

Haha, I thought some people might think it was pretty sketchy. It's a play on the phrase "immanentize the eschaton".

It's meant to be a silly pun, not much more than that, like most Reddit usernames (for instance, I don't assume you necessarily support the supposed beliefs of Quetzalcoatl, nor do I assume, on the other hand, that you necessarily compare him to Hitler or yourself to Tila Tequila).

But hey, if somehow this chapter of history is, in some sense, coming to a close, I guess I wouldn't mind making a few extra bitcoins in the process.

Yeah I’m familiar with the phrase and I love it, I was just curious! Lol.

You would be tragically wrong. I definitely compare myself to Tila.

In all seriousness, what makes you think this chapter of history is coming to close and what do you mean by that? Some unveiling?

Oh I don't necessarily think that, just saying if it were.

Oh okay I read that wrong. Still, I believe we are. Maybe I have apocolypse syndrome

I hope we find out the truth one way or the other

This website will be the basis for the consensus based approach we take to political issues in the future.

No more sides, just what’s the best solution to the specific problem.

Digital democracy or death.


Amen, to that. Much love.

Right back atcha

I think if we disagree we should settle our disagreements with biting mean replies. We should always argue over semantics and definitions. Politics should guide all our thoughts and actions. The despair code is real and can only be stopped by us but it wont be.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at

To be honest it works...

I've spent the past year changing my thoughts which affected my behaviour toward me and others. Left my job, spent some time alone thinking about many many things, doing meditation, keeping myself calm and managing stress as I could. Then I stopped being negative, I stopped stressing and having fear.

Guess what? Found a new job, should be stressful but I am not anymore. Life became ... quite simple and any problems that happen to me, I see them with a big smile and find solutions right away.

I plan on the present and not for the future or based on the past anymore. I mean, now I am truly happy.

I’m happy for you, it’s good to hear By you’ve had success

Not yet success, but time, patience and positivity will tell ! :) Wish you also all the best.

what was Quetzalcoatl right about?

That the star brothers would be coming back.

So all the negativity I see here every day on /r/conspiracy is actually part of the conspiracy.


You got it ;)

Agreed. Wisdom^

I recognized OP's username because I saw that thread in /controversial yesterday and he stood out as an impressively unpleasant person.

Maybe I'm a negative person, but I'm always super skeptical of these sort of posts. I just assume selfish motives. I'm guessing OP wants people to be positive towards him while he's mean to them.

Then why are you spreading negativity?

I have not acted in negative ways for no reason. Anytime I am emotionally responsive it’s because I’ve been attacked in some way. I’m here to spread awareness and be a light.

Yeah I’m familiar with the phrase and I love it, I was just curious! Lol.

You would be tragically wrong. I definitely compare myself to Tila.

In all seriousness, what makes you think this chapter of history is coming to close and what do you mean by that? Some unveiling?