What the hell is the motive of Steve Bannon turning on Trump like he has? He was basically responsible for him winning the hugest upset election of all time.

13  2018-01-04 by Orangutan

Motive for Steve Bannon turning on Trump?


Bannon seemed to be at odds with a lot of people in Trump's administration, especially the family members. He may have never really liked Trump - he may have just saw Trump as a vehicle for furthering his own political vision. Once he got booted and subsequently ignored, he had no reason to hold back on saying how he really feels.

And Trump will throw anyone except family under the bus as soon as it's convenient.

Maybe he feels Trump is going against his "America first" platform? Brannon isn't a politician. He's an ideologue. And he doesn't seem like the forgiving or understanding type.

Anne Coulter would agree that Trump isn't holding to America 1st promises.

Bitter because his ass got dropped and his pedophile candidate for senate lost hard? I honestly don't know at this point and the only thing I get when trying to rationalize it all is a massive headache. The White House is a complete circus.

Pedophile candidate?

Yes, Roy Moore is a pedophile.

I haven't seen or heard any evidence of that.

Only Dems are pedos on this sub idiot

This is a ruse. Psyops.

Maybe the new club in charge are eating their own too. Love it.

If that's the case then we might really be in the last stages of the downfall of the American Empire.

He just really hates Don Jr., and he absolutely despises Jared Kushner.

Nobody likes Kush, but what did he have against Jr?

It all staged like a WCW rivalry. Nothing in politics is real. It's all a show on the world stage.

this is correct

The motive is bread and circuses.

not responsible,at all

Bannon thought Trump would be his finger puppet but when he tried to get his hand in the puppet he found Sheldon Adelson, Netanyahu and the Mossad already up there.

It's a Sabbatean-Frankist Whitehouse.

I'll probably do a post about this myself but I'm thinking this was always in the works. Bannon is Council for National Policy, brought fellow CNP guy/dystopian book villain Erik Prince into Trump's orbit, and as OP points out, he definitely did save Trump's campaign (Teleprompter, Cambridge Analytica, Government Accountability Institute, speech writing including portions of Trumps inaugural address directly taken from Bannon's book).

Bannon played nice with Trump until he started opposing Bannon ideas and/or because he thinks this investigation will end up sinking him...doesn't really matter. Not only has he encouraged Prince to run for the senate and formed a recent political org to further his agenda, it's been suggested Bannon himself may try to primary Trump in '20, or at least back a surrogate with the full force of his influence.

Plus, GAI is essentially an oppo research firm...think there's any chance he and Mercer have aimed that weapon at Trump? They may know more about his financials than they let on. Look what they accomplished with Clinton Cash.

If you are looking for a "coup"-type movement really poised and capable of taking Trump on, Bannon's your guy.


He was basically responsible for him winning the hugest upset election of all time

Right - and then when candidate trump the radioactive laughing stock became president trump the actual president, a bunch of more important people got involved and bannon got the boot. That would piss anyone off, and pissed-off people say nasty things about the people who pissed them off. Simple as.

Or from the other side - it's all part of the n-dimensional chess game. Bannon had a role in the campaign, campaign ends, time to leave - but why waste an opportunity, let's pretend to have a big bust-up, make a splash. Like a tag-team who dramatically start fighting each other in the middle of wrestlemania, woah tune in next time sort of thing.

Second one's kind of mad, but then the whole thing's kind of mad, so who knows.

There is a systematic effort by the establishment (or globalists/deep state/elites/whatever you want to call them) to remove any vestige of insurgency nationalists from the mainstream after Trump's victory on the back of nationalist insurgents.

First they removed Flynn, then Bannon, then turned on Moore (based on flimsy accusations), and now they're making sure Bannon and his ilk go away for good.

Bannon has been planning to take back the GOP through primary challenges for the 2018 elections, and the establishment can't let that happen. In short time, he'll likely be removed from Breitbart and we'll never hear from him again, and the Ryan/McConnell wing of the GOP will reign triumphant.

As to why he said what he said, consider that this was an easy out for him. Imagine Mueller and his gang come to him and say he's under investigation, and they can bring some trumped up charges against him and throw him in jail for tax evasion or something like that. Their offer is for him to say something negative about Don Jr. (who he already dislikes), and then quietly exit politics. In return, they will leave him alone.

Notice how on the same day as this, Trump weakly disbanded his investigation into voter fraud, for no reason.

The Trump insurgency is officially over. Everyone associated with it will either betray (like Trump himself) or will be pushed aside. He is now an establishment Republican who will do establishment Republican things, like the tax bill. Bannon is a thorn in the elite's side, so he had to be removed.

No that is only more bullshit cover story. Trump only won because of successful voter suppression and his own ability to the moron vote. *typo

The Republicans had enough voter suppression in 2012, it only failed because the Republican dumb fucks wouldn't get off their asses and vote for Romney, they need someone far more openly racist than Romney was and Romney was very racist.

He cut a deal. Also note those statements were recorded months ago and are only come to lighe as publication neared.

Read this interesting take on the subject, it did make me smile, but only in an evilly smirky manner.


The Palmer Report is fan fiction. Utter non sourced, unverified garbage. Even the left leaning "media bias" fact checking sites say as much.

lol, like Breitbart, right?

I don't read Breitbart. Nice attempt at a hyper partisan whataboutism though.

I was just following your lead.

The Palmer Report is fan fiction. Utter non sourced, unverified garbage. Even the left leaning "media bias" fact checking sites say as much.

No. It's whataboutism. You didn't address my comment, you attempted to turn it around implying because I said that, I must be a Breitbart reading "right winger."

Are you able to address anything without looking at it through a lens of extreme partisanship?

Bill Palmer has some decent analysis of political machinations at times...the rest of the time he uses people like Louise Mensch as sources. He's not clued into any of this shit more than you or I.

I look there for amusement and one of the few counters to the conservative sites.

this is correct

I look there for amusement and one of the few counters to the conservative sites.