This sub

147  2018-01-04 by [deleted]



Do people really feel this way? We used to just smoke weed and talk about ufos and space and random stuff that doesn't matter and now it is all political all the time and very angry.

I don't feel that way at all. I love smoking weed and talking UFOs. I think politics have become popular here for a number of reasons. Right now a lot of people think it's very important, so that's what gets upvoted. I would probably enjoy a sub called r/conspiracyforlaidbackstonerdudes

It's the way the top post headlines are written. They are written in anger and seem like a newspaper or a common group writing them.

It's not about the weed and the ufos it's more about the takeover if this sub and the anger portrayed. It does not seem human to me and it most certainly does not seem like the people submitting for years in the past. It is just pure anger and messaging that is instantly portrayed in the headline. It is angry and it portrays a position in the headline always.

I think people like feeling a righteous anger, whether or not they have anything to feel righteous or angry about is another story

We are on a conspiracy forum, I'd be more worried if it didn't spark any emotion at all. Cause if it didn't no body would give a shit. People should be angry to certain degrees and express that anger in a healthy manner. Such as sharing your points of view with people. Freedom of speech and of expression is something that is great for society. Because if this outlet were to be taken away it doesn't magically take away those feelings. Then people will start to express their disdain in a more unhealthy manner.

So turn your gaze away if you can't bare the sight of it. But don't you dare try to silence it. That goes for who ever has something to say. SO long as they aren't inciting criminal activity. You battle words with words. You fight idea with idea. You don't try to bury the idea.

My point is this.

There appears to be an entitity or group of entities controlling not only this sub but the entire media spectrum for the sole purpose of creating fear and turmoil amongst people. It has reached the point ow where you would not even know if this games were designed by an AI or not.

All I am saying is that this sub used to be real and we used to just have gps and look at weird things like ufos(for example)

Now, things are angry. Headlines are angry. Headlines explain their whole argument within the banner. It is almost corporate and too professional. All the top posts have the same in your face writing style with capital letters for each word, all the headlines explaim the argument succinctly in one sentence, all the comments follow suit.

This is why I believe its an AI

Subreddit simulator is unrecognizable as a bot

I'm sure that was the intention.

There appears to be an entitity or group of entities controlling not only this sub but the entire media spectrum for the sole purpose of creating fear and turmoil amongst people.

Dudeweedlmao! Welcome to 2001, brah.

Well said.

Divide and Conquer is their strategy and they need to be incendiary to divide.

Yeah whatever. The truth is I delete my accounts routinely. Stop trying to bullshit the account shit with me. Whether or not someone has an account really doesn't say anything. Wtf would I want creeposike you searching for my name and shit anyways

Do you know how reddit works? You click somebody's user name to see their account info. "Searching for your name" is not required, it literally takes one click to see your fraudulent bullshit for what it is.

Do a better job please.

I don't like people clicking my account and seeing any info so I switch accounts. This one will probably be gone in 24 houra

how much per post? or is it per word like Dickens?

Yeah whatever good one buddy. Just like dickens... Fucking scrudge over here bustingy balls

Ya did dickens write this Yu fat fgtthe whole thing could have been avoided so easily... I had a hard time believing that Light was soooo confident that he would take an unnecesarry risk and have no backup plans to counter the fake page. Also, why the fuck didn't he just say "write the names on the next page!" after it didn't work?

Why do you routinely delete your accounts? I’ve noticed a lot of people do that and don’t really understand. I’m not a super nerd or anything and am asking this question in good faith.

Honest answer is because I touch on weird topics and wake up embarrassed for my comments. Will probably happen for this thread.

I touch on a lot of weird topics like drugs and the Mandela effects and typically post when I'm drunk and or high. So I delete my account after because I don't care about accounts and would much rather be anonymous.

For instance I know ow that you are a white supremisist.

I know you are paralyzed.

I know that you probablyovw in Alabama and a re a war vet (thank you for your service) and I know you like kek a frog cartoon man.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I really like that idea. Do you know how to make a new sub? Would love to remake a conspiracy sub for more radical ideas and less offshoots of r/poli tics

Why is the creation of a sub even a valid argument here. If what I was saying were true then promoting me to start a new sub to be tracked and separate from this forum is exactly my point.

The answer is not to branch off as soon as a concept that challenges the narrative is proposed and further reinforces my argument that it is an AI creating division and anger and separation.

Know this one thing. If you learn just one thing from me it is this.

Everything that has or will ever happen has already happened.

Everything that has or will ever happen has already happened.

Just thought that a new sub would give temporary haven to talk about this stuff without being drowned out by angry posts. What do you suggest doing other than branching off?

Trippy. What do you mean by your one thing? Can be interpreted in many ways

It is the recognition of the brainwashing that I am trying to show you. Creating a 'new sub' to 'drown' out the anger isn't the answer.

What I am trying to do is show you that you are reinforcing the fear by seperating yourself from your common man by creating a hidden subset of opinions not allowed to be spoken.

Why is that an answer. Branching off, hiding, scared to speak your mind you create a small fraction where you can speak your mind at ease without fear. This is what I am showing you. Branching off into your own world where your precious opinions cannot be attacked and you are free from repurcussions in the off chance you could be thrown in jail or bombarded with an entity who wants to keep you in this state of mind is what i am saying.

This is the issue. In my opinion there are 2 possibilities

  1. You are afraid to speak your mind due to fear and want to branch off to no longer be scared or more likely

  2. You are following an AI script designed to make you branch off due to fear.

The third option is to observe and reflect on this forum and the responses free of emotion and once there ask yourself why is this happening right now?

anyone can make a sub i think.

weed is a rich mans trick


I love your level-headed response that avoided calling people names like you are 7yo. in your reply to a sub becoming to "Angry". Brilliant.

I would probably enjoy a sub called r/conspiracyforlaidbackstonerdudes

I'm in!

I just made /r/weedandufos/ for shits and giggles

No we the people are angry! and should be anrgy! Look how fucked up the country has become! The time for pot smoking and trivial conspiracies is over for now! Its time to shapen up and look our problems in the face!

It is always the same. If its not weed it's crack not crack opium not opium then pharmaceuticals.

You need to wake up and realize that you are being played.

Do I know I the answer? It doesn't matter if you allow yourself to gloss over the questions

No its time for a global conscious shift. We are angry. And its easy to say someone's being played. You're being played by thinking that nothing is going on. Revolution isn't a coming its a here.

Well said

You're not helping anyone realize any truths by spouting vague nonsense.

You need to wake up and realize that you are being played.

Sounds like something to wake up and get seriously angry about.

I thought this sub was about the truth. Not weed and ufos.

Thank you, beautifully said. I'll stand with you and continue searching for the Truth.

We're just as far from talking about the truth as we are weed and ufos.

Nowadays this sub is mostly about attacking each other and digging through other people's account histories and trying to prove the other side is brigading, shilling or whatever. Which TPTB are probably sitting around high-fiving each other over because we're too busy fighting one another to unite and do something about the fact that we're all getting fucked in the ass.

I don't really understand, I feel like recently this sub has become even more about the truth. The recent exposing of Hollywood and political kid tiddiling, the killing of people who go against the narrative, the death of net neutrality being the start of censoring our information, Michael jackson, Israel, it's all very true and very real shit.

Was just thinking this exact thing. I've been lurking for so long, and this sub is completely different. I mean look at top 10 posts right now. It makes me think of Noam Chomsky saying have very lively debate in a very very narrow range of thought. Those who have resources/ownership can narrow this range.

Can we make a new sub?

I think the anger comes from people's ever increasing sense of hopelessness and wanting their own lives to change. Im sure it generates a lot of anger when you see people who have more doing things you don't agree with. I do wish we talked more about aliens and ufos but if you've noticed even in those threads so much anger, forum sliding and not any real discussion as soon as the conversation gets out of some peoples comfort zones. Its sad really, i wish more people were more chill.

I disagree. I think the anger is manufactured most likely by AI for the sole purpose of pushing down people's abilities.

We absolutely can shape our reality with our mind and that is what your mind is. There is no one other than you and you are creating reality for yourself. They just don't want you to learn this because it either allows them to gain from your pain or they don't want you to learn what you have. It is all designed to scare you but for what? Who are you scared of? What are you scared of? Has anything not worked out for you? It's a test. Or it's a chain but whatever it is and whoever is doing it they are creating a world of hate and fear that is not who you are

Well i think its less being scared and more to do with agency to Do actual things that enact change. Of course you have a great point when it comes to the reality we face being that of our own to speak. But more or less the reality we face was crafted by those who have agency and gets perpetuated by the rest of us.

It’s a constant attack on the amygdala. Clickbait “this is what you should be outraged about right now!” headlines aren’t exclusive to this sub. Tfw too smart to get caught up in the dopamine pump & dump cycle.


100% ^

I've been here for years as well, while it is different... going through the way back machine (looked at about 15 snapshots) the content really isn't all that much different, there was tons of political posts about the Obama administration conspiracies, 9 11 was consistently there as well which it is now... I think people are just narrowing in on the real conspiracy. We don't talk alot of the supernatural these days because it's like beating a dead horse, how often do you want to go over that case of spontaneous combustion 30 years ago? How often you want to debate a blurry loch ness or sasquatch pic? Arguably these aren't even conspiracies since a conspiracy is a group of people acting together for a common cause... that other stuff is paranormal , and while suppression of paranormal info may be a conspiracy..

You're right. However, the new York times article a bit the ufo was justification for all of the work of those of us crazy bastards who saw them over the years.

That article should have been celebrated as the holy grail that proves we were right. I have seen many ufos and know something is up, but the fact that the one article that supported all the years if research and being told I'm nuts is just glossed over. It's not us man. I saw the ndaa act cause shit, the Panama papers the Boston bombing 911 all this trash... And the one story that shows that we were right about something in the front page of the new York times... No one was there... We were just alone.

Maybe that's the lesson. But I have faith that the true lesson the true answer to all of this is that there is only you. And if you give in you are gone. But if you continue on and don't give in even in the face of an enemy of seemingly infinite power. That's the only way we can win. The answer all along is right here. We are in control.

100% my friend, from all the releases we've had the last few years from cia foia reading room where they themselves confirm half the the modern day conspiracies , the wikileaks stuff, UFO proof is a daily occurrence it seems. Where's the media? Where's our representative in government? Obviously not sitting down and reading this stuff, I could speculate on a million reasons why they don't.

I feel like humanity is reaching a point though, where that chunk of humanity which has ignored all this information for whatever reason, is going to need to catch up in a bad way or else we will continue the cycle. Frankly the beast that has been created is immense, but it's constituents are all individuals.

I think a new philosophy has the potential to make it melt relatively fast, service to others has exponential net benefits I think we are only beginning to realize, why might this be? Because this philosophy is a realization of oneness with the world, it's based on a bed of science which has been ridiculed for years and it's all converging with what philosophers have said through the ages it seems from Nikola tesla, Nassim Harriman ( r/holofractal ) ,Michael talbot, david bohm, dan winters, marko rodin, hermetics, gnostics, shamanism, hinduism (the bhagavad gita ezplains quite well) law of one, philip k dick, hell the CIA foia reading room has dozens of docs where their own scientists confirm themselves the non local oneness of our universe and I'm using that term loosely and forgetting a thousand names, they just all seek to be pointing in the same direction

My hope is that this would be the lesson.

The election of Trump and the subsequent media reaction has been unprecedented in my lifetime. I'm used to the media propping up people like Bush and Obama, now they are trying to dethrone this dude. It's quite an interesting phenomenon.

And yes this sub has changed over the past months or so. Much more people here who aren't interested in the alternative to the mainstream story or viewpoint on things.

Must have been over the target cuz we are definitely getting the flack. Similar to the Boston Bombing subreddit being shut down and the Pizzagate subreddit being dismantled as well. Bernie Sanders subreddit got shuttered after the primaries too. That's how Reddit works now it seems.

There was a Boston bombing conspiracy sub? Cool. That shit smelled like shit.

the media propping up people like Bush and Obama

was it the media?

or did more people vote for obama than any other president in history :)

The media loved him as he kept Guantamano open and attacked Syria.

Looking at "Top" was your first mistake.

New and only new is the only one you should be looking at.

But that's the whole thing. Why is that the way it is?

This is why I say AI. It is just accepted now that you're eating a propaganda sandwich. I said AI some other person says Russia some other dude says alt right some other dude says Jews.

The fact is we've been taken over by an entity and it turns us on one another and wants to create only anger fear loneliness etc the worst emotions and as soon as we try to come together and say hey fellas remember when we used to laugh and shit and be friends everyone gets all upset and angry

My question is to what end? To what end do you want to take this reality? I am happy hanging put and smoking weed and talking ufos and things but the second I even say such a thing I am immediately labeled as a phony or a dick or an idiot etc.

Why is that okay? Why is that the new norm? If you look at it it almost seems as though that is what they want and you know what fuck that man. We create reality. I create reality and u ain't going anywhere for a loooooong time

The best conversations take place in /r/conspiracy/controversial

Thanks for the tip as I should have realized this myself but hadn't so, thanks!

I doubt AI is needed, humans can do this just fine by themselves by emulating each others' behaviors. Both ends of the political spectrum have given up on trying to convert moderates and now focus on getting the base riled up. They feel like whomever can get the angriest can move the Overton Window in their direction. At least that's the discussion I've seen from my friends on the left (but the behavior matches that of the right, also).

I agree and that's a great point. I'm not here to argue or disagree with anyone.

I am just doing this to show something.

I am just trying to show people that even mentioning the possibility that some entity is dividing or creating false anger or fear or that this sub has changed in itself creates an onslaught of division and anger.

Why is this happening is my question. I have proven that this is a subject that brings out ALL of the angry people and I just am trying to show people that it is a true issue. Whether it is AI or not is another matter but I only ask why does it attack like this? To what end? And in my opinion it is AI and in my opinion the purpose is to instill the emotions of fear hate anger betrayal jealousy. The reason in my opinion is because we cannot manifest our reality properly under this diruess and allow the people with the knowledge of how to manifest with positive thoughts to take us down this path.

The stakes are high. Fuckery at the highest levels has real ground level effects on our lives. The emotion is justified

That's a smart and valid point.

I'm not proposing the answers I'm just showing you the open secrets.

This sub could use way less posts about the state of this sub.

I agree. This post reads like a slide post.

I don't think it's unwarranted to say that a certain political group took over this subreddit and several others in the last 2 or so years. Honestly I think this place is just now getting back to its senses. Posts about UFOs and such "fun" things are coming back in vogue and the overly emotional political hitpieces are becoming less frequent.

Prime a population with fear and anger, wind them up and let them go...

It’s hard to be so compliant to everything in the world Right now. Hell even smoking is still horrible legal issues that has costed the life’s of so many innocent men and women. It’s hard to have a positive conversation when that’s the state of the world. But that being said it’s exactly what they want. Destroy each other before we get to them.

You're absolutely right. I don't know why they do this to us or who 'they' are. Smoking weed and going to prison for life? Selling crack supplied by the government and going to jail for life? For life? The people that can do this to us by all means would take over this entire website. They would make us hate each other. They would make us feel pain. This is how they are.

But why is the question? We have established the fact that they will ruin us. But the real secret is why? What do we really have? Manifestation of reality is what we have

I just refresh the new submissions, the front page is just a bad neighborhood now.

I know. It's just yoir thoughts though. Fear to post, scared of the bad 'neighbourhood'.

Don't be scared and even if you are don't admit it. We are all scared. The world is a bad neighbourhood. The only one coming to save you is you. The only one dieing with you is you. You are alone. You always will be alone. There is only you and you can't be scared. I am here but it's only ever going to be you so you need to pick yourself up and realize this is why you are here.

Fuck ya I'm scared to die. Fuck ya I'm scared to post this shit. Fuck ya I'm alone. But, this is the way it is.

All I can say is to stand by logic and castaway your emotions.

I just refresh the new submissions, the front page is just a bad neighborhood now.

Great insight. I think we can’t be too suspicious of AI in so many places/venues. However I think there is definitely a culmination of disgust with the current global oligarchy (specifically in US though).

Every couple of days there seems to be a call for revolution as well, and not the nonviolent "turn on, tune in, drop out" kind.

Almost like lists are being compiled. But I'm pretty noided.

The only shills that used to pop up here were from the Medical Cartel or Monsanto.

They were very few and only arrived in this sub when certain posts containing specific keywords were made.

With the 2016 election, the influence this sub can make on the masses became clear to the "intelligence" community propaganda teams and they flooded (invaded) this sub with agent provacatuers and misinformation artists... and they NEVER LEFT.

Make no mistake, this sub is now fully weaponized.

Shit got real with pizzagate. The "conspiracy" became confirmed and now were at the stage of acting instead of planning.

I think your comment is much closer to the truth than anything the OP posted.

Kinda right? I mean I thought I knew "the conspiracy" but the PG rabbit hole got me into all the mysticism and occult beliefs of those that rule the world. Its not cute and fun little mens clubs. They are mock sacrificing to give energy to ancient deities. Like fucking why though?

I post this quote here from the Clinton Emails because, even if interpreted under benign context, it is very eye opening.

"With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the

backyard to Moloch . . ."

(Back. . . to Moloch ?) Anyway, I am utterly convinced of the NWO and the occult beliefs of the sick traitors who we "elect" into government; and I am repulsed by them.

Read most of the comments. I've been around reddit, oh since probably a good decade now. I'll make a new account if I get hounded by pests, so this one's recent.

I was wondering when I started checking conspiracy. Somebody mentioned the wayback machine. Checked there. Not much front page upvote activity until about 2012. For some reason I recall it was less over-ridden with politics but no it's pretty bad in the wayback. I guess it was always like that. And then you get the scrutinizing terrorist events. I thought I recalled there being more other types of conspiracy stuff. Not so much of this politics and terrorism. This is where all the negativity comes in. So much bickering about politics. Meanwhile, whoever's in charge, nothing changes, most countries will probably eventually go bankrupt.

I've sort of tried to look into what's going on behind the scenes in the world with the conspiracy stuff, for a couple decades now. Things you don't hear about in mainstream news. How you'd find out about things, might have been people who worked in top secret projects who'd let you know what's going on. In recent decades, not as much of that happening.

Some of these conspiracy nuts go at this part-time, and if there's nothing new, they still want more. So what do they do, they dig into whatever's going on. Meanwhile, there's not as much new material to uncover. So all you get is this bickering and negativity. No real proof about anything. Terrorist activities and they keep trying to dig into it for months later. They always think it wasn't how it was told in the news. Some kind of other nefarious motives. Who knows.

Doesn't seem to be too much new in recent years. I have a fair idea of what might be going on behind the scenes in the world. But none of it has concrete evidence. If there was, it would violate national security so it would be removed. You'll never find a youtube video. How I got informed was text files. Nobody has the attention span to look into that in recent years. They all want instant gratification. Better have your conspiracy evidence proof in a 15 sec gifv or they'll click next.

There's not that much new material but people want more. They want to upvote anything.. So what do you get, bickering. Not so much, "substance".

Probably time for you to, "tune out", like I have in recent years. You're informed, and won't find proof with more surfing youtube videos. What needs to be done, is somebody has to get big money and get power. Then they can get boots on the ground and uncover the truth. But, that would probably violate top secret classified national security material and you wouldn't be allowed to get it out there. If you'd get deep too, they'd easily snuff you.

So what do you want here.. Them to stop bickering about politics and terrorist events? That's all they have to go on these days. Nothing to dig up.

What you'd need is some way to get minuscule audio and video recording devices behind closed doors. Nano technology. Cloaked so you can't see it. Little insect sized devices which could be waiting by the top of a door and when somebody opens it, it goes in. Then you could eavesdrop what these illuminati and political guys laugh about behind closed doors. But then, that would be against the law. Seems like any proof you'd get, would be against the law.

How about other stuff.. You hear these nuts wonder about if there's a flat earth. In the news the other week, some guy had a rocket and was gonna check it out. Didn't hear what happened there. But, hey that was at least somebody who's trying to get boots on the ground and trying to see things with their own eyes. We'd need more of that. You're wondering about something, you need big money to get into it and see what's going on.

More research surfing around online won't find you the proof. Any actual evidence could easily be removed by "them". Yet, this is all conspiracy enthusiasts try to do to try and figure things out. Surf around the internet. You'll never find evidence. So maybe it's time to shut 'er down and work towards how you can get big money instead.

As for this negativity everywhere.. Check google news. It's more like, what's the body count now? Scroll down and spot the negative keywords. In recent seasons I've tuned out from even checking the google news. I know how it'll be. Always highly pessimistic.

I threw out my TV over a decade ago. Same hogwash going on there. Much better with less distractions. What else got the axe.. I don't have time to sit around and watch stupid sitcoms. How about those who watch sports, part-time. Even movies can take a good chunk of your time. I'll keep up with a few per season, that's it. I notice something with movies in recent years. Highly violent. I don't know what the deal is but it sure seems like what's going on with the google news.

And then you get dealing with people from the public or even those you know. They're all like they're at a funeral in recent years. This started with 9/11. Just kept getting more "blah" since. Then you give them "smart" phones, they're click zombies searching for a little dose of dopamine. Forget it trying to deal with anybody these days. They don't have the attention span and you're taking time away from their dopamine clicks.

The internet.. where do people go, less and less sites as time goes on. It seems like it's headed towards how that 2006 movie, Idiocracy was. Dumb as posts. Just check comments on youtube or soundcloud or anywhere. They're fucking retarded. With those smart phones you can barely grunt an emoticon, so I don't blame 'em.

I don't know about you, but who cares about AI. Dealing with whoever from the general public is already like dealing with retards. Fuck it all, the whole internet, already. Shut 'er down like the TV. Enough fucking around with dumb shit like social networking, that's for sure. Walking on fuckin eggshells so you don't insult somebody and have your account disabled. Screw it, all those sites, and well here too. Everybody's so stuck-up and uptight. Take a look at any new tab. It's all fuckin 0's around here. Everybody's like they're "on the rag".

Fuck 'em all, man. What you need to do is work towards how you can get big money. That's where the key is to all this. Then you can fix problems in the world. What you need to do is think, what would I do if I was a billionaire. Write 'em down, your business ideas. I'm a couple decades in. Got 370 ideas now. And working on how to eventually get a few M and be able to get one going. Then I could do more. Sitting around being a fan of others won't get you there. So you have to shut off the addiction to distractions.

This surfing conspiracy shit is a part-time job. No new shit, so this has gone by the wayside as well. Politics.. whichever way you vote, the titanics will sink. What needs to be done is a new 3rd political party that actually fixes shit. Not this losing everywhere and inflation run amok. How about house prices. Nobody cares. Your grandkids will be fucked. Meanwhile, what are they busy doing, bickering about whoever's voted in like they did the previous ones. Nothing gets solved wasting your time complaining about politics. But, that's all you see going on around here. So fuck 'em all, everybody. lol. Shutting this down too.

ok so there's you clue of what you can do about this shit. Yeah this subreddit is fucked but the whole site is. They're retards. It's all gifv's. Dumb as posts. It's like a fuckin imgur. Any other site is inactive. So fuck the internet. Better do something soon because your grandkids will have less power and money will be worth less. So it'll be even more difficult for them to get out of the hole and stop the bad guys. Shut this shit off and work towards how you can stop the bad guys. ok. See ya.

Thank you. I want you to know I read your opinion and I just want to say thank you. People get so caught up in I believe this and that and you grounded me and I just want you to know that I did read it and thank you.

Thank you. I want you to know I read your opinion and I just want to say thank you. People get so caught up in I believe this and that and you grounded me and I just want you to know that I did read it and thank you.

I was going to bed and thought, damn my account isn't a month old, I betcha that post bounced and the auto-moderator said, nope. I guess that's only if you go to post a thread. I don't know. So that reply went though eh. Was gonna message it to you if it did. Going back to bed. haha. This site just pisses me off though in recent years. Everybody's all uptight and twatty.

That's because we were discussing actual conspiracy theories :(. These people have just turned this place into a political stadium. I'm so tired of the focus on 'taking someone down' and all that other stuff.

Idk if its ai though... that's kind of a reach to me.

Waaah too many people care about politics. There's room for it all, posting links is free!

Did you just ca the whaampalampse?

Ha. Here's some cheese to go along with your whine.

They’re written in anger because we’re angry.

I sure miss the pre-political days. Sure there was some but not like this. Reddit went mainstream and has been slowly getting worse ever since. All these new " awakened" people are not what we all thought they would be.

Yeah, it's pretty shit now.

Hopefully Hillary goes down.

Technology is a blessing but it's also a weapon, a weapon of mass destruction giving global instruction teaching us how to hate but does it in a way that we love it.

Maybe we need r/conspiracytheoriesthatdontmatter.

Good one You're right though. I'm cashing this karma out seeya bitches on the bitcoin train eura eura

You know.. "first you have to get mad"

Yeah whatever. The truth is I delete my accounts routinely. Stop trying to bullshit the account shit with me. Whether or not someone has an account really doesn't say anything. Wtf would I want creeposike you searching for my name and shit anyways


Nah nah it was the other dudinator I swear.. Don't play me like that.... Or do I dont care... Pretty pussy though.. If you ask me.. Is your mom's a mod or something we trying to time travel and shit in here

Well you live in Tampa bay and I have a video of what you look like

Is your brother named Hyman?

So you think you're cool by doxxing people?

Mr Denham in st Petersburg with 9 toes

The Powers That Be have become so smug and sure of themselves and that the fix is so solidly in the bag, that they no longer hide in the shadows or worry about covering-up their tracks.

How can anyone not be angry when very real evidence and not just any suppositions about the possibility or ordinary people being lied to, manipulated and exploited to no end, start turning up all over the place?

Or that despite all the ridicule and heaps of abuse thrown our way that we were far more right and correct in our logic regarding our suspicions about that than we ever could have guessed?

We have been completely vindicated on any number of fronts and there is no denying that very real conspiracies against the public and it's best interests have been carried-out and covered up for decades on end by people in high places and there is now conclusive evidence to prove it.

What the present anger reflects is the desire for "Justice" and penalties that are equal to all the harm and damage that's been done and some indication that proper steps are being taken to prevent any more of it.

You're absolutely right. I want you to know I read your post to me.

You're a very smart guy.

Thank you for reading whatever this has become and thank you for being who you are. You are amazing and you have done so much for us and I just want you to know that I'm listening, i am here and I am grateful for you. I am sorry (for what it's worth) and please forgive me

You're absolutely right. Thank you for writing that up. It's important to understand where we all stand together. I know ow where you stand and are on speedy drugs

This is what happens when you build a world on decay. Your are seeing a race reawaken.

cos shit is mental and most people are retards.

I think people are great. I don't think mental and shit is always the same. It's the thought that reality is outside of your control that controls you.

as a general statement i'd agree. in the context of an AI invasion, it's a bit more complicated.

See dickjokesauce, this guy gets it. Rational answer. Rational response. Normal human.

Now just look at the attacks I'm getting. It's not like I give a shit it's just very obvious that anger is on the menu and this sub serves it up

there are a few cycle spinners and a whole bunch of people wired to spin.

It must be AI

I think that people with an unshakeable and singular issue-based "mission" (whether LARP or "real"), and without the capacity (or desire) for self-reflection or learning are likely indistinguishable from AI, are indistinguishable from AI.

It's like the new Poe's Law, but for AI bots...

I don't see a single angry post or any all caps except "BREAKING." This sub is fucking retarded.

I have been coming here for a while too, but rarely comment because I have hard time not coming off as a skeptic. And do you know the harsh treatment one has to endure if you dare come to a conspiracy sub and question what the OP posted. I use to get stoned and look up conspiracy theories, still get stoned but now come here and it seems like all conspiracies here are about Hillary or Trump. Damon what happened to ancient aliens, moon bases, the space station in Orion' s belt?

Edit: spelling

I have been on this sub a long time. Years.

9 month old account


Yes, I delete my accounts all the time for the very reason that I do not like having a comment history or anything tracked by others. I'm sure it's all stored anyways, but am uncomfortable that a random person can look into my posts like you are doing.

I don't understand why people just can't a) not post personal information online, and b) stand by the things they say

I don't give a fuck if someone looks through my comment history because there isn't a single reason for me to be upset by it.

thedonald has taken over the sub. r/conspiracyII is a decent oldscool conspiracy sub without the maga pizzagate muh Hilary bullshit.

And clearly their opposition followed suit. Not every topic needs to devolve into a team red/blue thing.

ConspiracyII is in cahoots with TMOR.

ya ya paid shills soros etc

I know. It's just yoir thoughts though. Fear to post, scared of the bad 'neighbourhood'.

Don't be scared and even if you are don't admit it. We are all scared. The world is a bad neighbourhood. The only one coming to save you is you. The only one dieing with you is you. You are alone. You always will be alone. There is only you and you can't be scared. I am here but it's only ever going to be you so you need to pick yourself up and realize this is why you are here.

Fuck ya I'm scared to die. Fuck ya I'm scared to post this shit. Fuck ya I'm alone. But, this is the way it is.

All I can say is to stand by logic and castaway your emotions.