Question: Why are there 8 posts about the same thing (Sessions rescinds Obama marijuana policy) on the front page? I get a duplicate post sneaking it's way through here and there..but this is WTF?

38  2018-01-04 by sudo-tleilaxu

Why are there so many duplicates allowed?


That's the daily shove in your face thing.

Today's scaremongering... it's much like yesterday... only scarier!

Two of them are from a mod, as well.. Hmm...

This sub is one of the worst for duplicates.

It's kind of a dick move. Upsets a whole venn diagram of reddit communities, all amplified by the general anti-trump effort.

Yeah, in cases like this you end up with the coordinated shills and most of the real people in unison. Even Trump fans hate this news.

Have to keep the shills busy somehow.

They should just allow one submission for things like that to consolidate the discussion in one place. It's annoying to have the new section full of the same article. It's obvious karma grabbing

Consolidation makes it easier for $h!lls to dominate the comments and bury the real information. When it is spread out, it is easier to take it apart because then there is no central focus. We don't need outside forces to guide the discussion for us.

It's annoying to see how all of them have a decent number of upvotes. I downvoted every submission on this topic except the AP article and reported another duplicate of this issue that just appeared in the new queue after I made this post.

I do not get why the mods decide to karma-whore and post duplicates themselves instead of removing them like you would think they would.

They should expand Rule 6 or Rule 3 to include spamming duplicates, or warn people that duplicate posts are subject to removal. It's almost as if there are people trying to find new ways to forum-slide by posting duplicates of all the top posts that are on the front page. There are also 5 posts currently on the front page about Iranian protests that are essentially duplicate posts. They all say essentially the same thing.

I usually check in the morning for duplicate posts then compare them to the Hamilton 68 site to see what the new Russian talking points are.

Because marijuana legalization is a priority to many people on reddit and government restrictions on it are immoral. I'm not even a regular user but I support legalization on principle.

I support legalization also, I smoke a lot of weed myself.

That's not the issue here though, the issue is 8 duplicate submissions on the front page and why all of them are allowed to stay and why we have moderators karma-whoring and posting duplicates of high-karma front page submissions when they should be doing the exact opposite, because, well they are moderators and removing duplicate submissions seems like it should be part of their job description.

It's because it's huge. If sessions reverses progress against the war on drugs, you will see the entire sub turn against Trump. Until now there was still a glimmer of hope he was against the deep state. Fucking with legal weed would be the last straw for many.

It's not legal though. Law enforcement was just turning a blind eye to it. Why doesn't congress actually get off it's ass and send a bill to the president for him to sign, or not?

It's ridiculous this hasn't happened yet. And I know there are powerful lobbies that are against it. But, if people get loud enough about it, the law will change.

i dunno but im upvoting all of em. this is exactly the wrong direction i want the country to take

Same. I upvoted at least four or five on this sub. Then I went to r/all and upvoted everything I saw there. The war on drugs must end. It is one of the most tangible and attainable changes we can make to better our society

Ironic post of the day, haha. Just kidding.

Hurray, you're on the front page

Because we're living in a Brave New World. People need to fight for intoxicants to distract themselves to make shitty tv, movies, and video games enjoyable.

Instead of calling their congressperson to get the law changed, they rant and rave on social media about a law they don't like being enforced.

And then it's back to the weed and shitty TV.

My Congressmen is already working on it. Now I got to get the rest of these fine brave citizens to work on theirs.

It's being pushed by an information dominance PAC

This is distraction 101

Because everybody smokes?

Because it's huge news that effects tens of millions of Americans