Trump’s causing UFOs... 🛸

0  2018-01-05 by Cumontits89

Shills are out hard trolling against me right now. Claim: government technology is being mistaken for alien aircrafts.

We know in the past that the government has had technology that was mistaken for UFOs before. A modern gas station $40 drone would have frightened most Americans if you took it back in time 20 years.

We know that Trump has pushed for increasing our military technologies and it wouldn’t be too surprising to find out that he had been pushing for new development in flying machine capabilities. Trump’s all about doing the biggest and best things and You’d have to assume that would translate to the quickest and fastest things too.

And just like rosewell, area 42 or if you saw a gas station drone 20 years ago... we’re all mystified by some new government experiment. Basically what I’m saying is people aren’t used to these types aircraft technologies being so fast and compared to before, so they’re thinking it’s aliens. We also know Donald Trump is kinda egotistical and that’s probably why he’s doing this by showing how America’s military can be mistaken for aliens by Americans... it’s genius, plus he can shove it in Obama’s face because now Obama can’t declassify that stuff without getting in serious and I mean big time trouble. Bigly.


Did you make this identical post yesterday?

Yeah, and yall shills tried to silence me... like you’re doing now. This IS MY FREEDOM OF APEECH.

i'm with you, it's about time someone freed all the peaches!


Speech bruh, speech.

Peach bro... I’m peach

Please don't lump me into a collective pronoun and assume my position, particularly when you are accusing others of being shills. I couldn't be further from one.

Removed. Rule 10. Only warning.

Ufo's were going to go mainstream regardless of the political candidate who won...

I don't think you comprehend how far behind society is compared to the upper levels and while they're ramping up UFO's as to soft disclose new tech so we can continue own are technologically drip fed lives

Clinton would’ve bragged as much as trump.

I c u

That's something to think about. Do you think all ufos are really military craft or do you think some may really be from somewhere else (either true ufo or some private experimental craft)?

I saw one of the famous black triangles as a kid in the 80s, fairly up-close and during the day. At the time I hoped it was alien craft but now I realize it was probably military.

Real ufos exists, but trump doesn’t know about those.

Wait, if Trump is doing it how would Obama even be able to declassify it?

How would Obama know about it at all?

Obama era ufos

So trump is not developing and fielding the UFO’s? Just trying to take undue credit? How would that be a slap in the face to Obama.

You might have valid points but your team politic dick waving really hides them well.

UFOs developed under obama. Obama didn’t go public with it... Trump boasts by flying Obama’s old and trump’s new UFOs.

Obama can’t say anything without going to jail.

Why would Obama care? Who would actually give credit to Trump for any of this?...You?

Like I said man, even if you had great points and infallible arguments, but as soon as you start the “Trumps UFO’s are bigger and Obama is a poopy face who’s tears taste great” nonsense you loose any credibility.

~~Why would Obama care? ~~ because trump is triggering him by using his toys.

Who would actually give credit to Trump for any of this?...You? I didn’t even say trump wanted credit for this. You’re making a lot of assumptions. Trump just did it cause he can. Not for credit. 😂 😆 😝

Like I said man, even if you had great points and infallible arguments, but as soon as you start the “Trumps UFO’s are bigger and Obama is a poopy face who’s tears taste great” nonsense you loose any credibility. Fake news ☝🏻👌🏻

I’m feeling triggered. I can’t handle your bulletproof arguments, consider me defeated!

Y u downvote?

I did not.

I think the UFOs we've been seeing have been all man made and military but now private companies like spaceX will be creating and using the UFO tech so it will become to used to be hidden.

Didn't you post this yesterday?

Trump has nothing to do with the UFO releases. This has been in the works for a very long time.

Fake news

Source? Trump hasn't even commented on the UFOs

I’m talking about new sightings

At Area 42 since Rosewell!

can't tell if troll or partisan fan fiction

Neither can I... what he is?

