Save this date: January 16, 2018 - The court will hear arguments from LV Metro & the media regarding whether the search warrants from the Las Vegas Shooting should be unsealed.

130  2018-01-06 by JamesVanDaFreek

As it stands, the FBI won't release any new information regarding the Las Vegas Shooting until the fall of this year

Regardless, information does continue to trickle out, only just today Mandalay Bay released information that hotel staff had more than 10 interactions with Stephen Paddock in the days leading up to the Oct. 1st shooting.

Which, as with everything else in this incident, raises many more questions than it answers.

Our best hope at getting any new significant information will be on January 16th:

"Nine media organizations are asking a judge to unseal 14 warrants connected to the deadly shooting at Mandalay Bay, killing 58 people at the Route 91 Harvest Festival. Journalists believe the documents should be public, as there is no ongoing criminal investigation into any living defendants."

Quote from this article:

Save that date.

In the meantime, the Las Vegas Review-Journal and other media organizations continue to fight for the release of the 911 tapes from that evening

People talk about the lack of video evidence of Stephen Paddock in the Mandalay Bay hotel. I understand MB not wanting to release any video in light of the number of lawsuits currently being filed regarding this incident. However, the suppression of the 911 tapes, which should be public record, is a huge red flag in my book.

The RJ refers to what is happening right now as an "information shutdown." I couldn't agree more.

Sheriff Joe Lombardo cannot lament the large number of conspiracy theories regarding this shooting while simultaneously holding back information that is normally public record. You can't have it both ways.

In the meantime, I highly encourage anyone interested in the LV Shooting to visit this website

It's a massive trove of information regarding the shooting, many thanks to /u/withfinesse for posting this a few days ago!


Submission Statement: For people following the investigation of the Las Vegas Shooting on Oct 1st, January 16th is when a court will hear arguments for releasing 14 warrants. I wanted to make people aware of this date as it might be significant for either the releasing of new information, or the continued suppression of information regarding the shooting.

Hmm I remember that date for something else big also... I wonder if that Thursday gonna be something we need to worry about

Thank you for posting this!!!

I was under the impression all the documents and 911 tapes would be addressed at the hearing but from rereading the article, I guess not. Wonder why they're doing it like that.

From what I recall LVMPD inserted itself into the hearing when it wasn't even a named party. The lawyers for the media didn't object because it'd slow down the process. The nerve of the fucking people. That's like if I showed up as a witness in a trial I wasn't even subpoenaed for!

I almost think MGM thinks this is going to go the way of the media. Quite frankly, I cannot see how it won't. And, I'm wondering if they're trying to get ahead of it by releasing the story yesterday.

Thank you for posting this!!!

No worries! With so much speculation surrounding this shooting because of the media lockdown, I wanted to bring up something that wasn't just wild guessing and theorizing.

We need Bingo sheets for the phrases they throw out of use for future failures

We need to start getting mad about this whole situation, to me its fuckin bullshit and it pisses me off that we are still being kept in the dark.


In several articles that came out right after the shooting MGM said they didn't go into his room because he kept a do not disturb sign on the door. So much cover up happening here.

Really good point, I remember that, too

Trust me I know vegas stinks an there's way more to it..I'm calling it now,they say all interactions were in room 134 that NONE OF US SEEN and they will say everything seemed normal we had no signals to go into 135 and no idea our hotel was full of cia and fbi agents and supposedly a guy with 23 guns in 135 getting ready for a mass shooting...we're is the body cam from the 2 LVMPD officers who entered with the team. The ones outside had body cams??hmmm..200+ bullets into the hall..drywall doesn't stop a bullet,well maybe after a few rooms. So rooms should have holes straight through them and the elevator about the only thing stopping them. Girlfriend and campos are the key in my gut feeling. FBI knows what happened. The hard stone walling by LVMPD like going to fight this case makes me think paddock may have worked for area 51 and there's a huge motive behind this..he did target the fuel tanks that fuel the Janet area 51 planes. Rumors Janet was on the tarmac loaded with area 51 employees just prior to the shooting but delayed for some reason and tookoff after. It's confirmed air traffic control said we have active shooters on the runway but still don't know what they ment by the statement? Was paddock right or left handed bc the photo we all seen on him with his girl taking the shot,left hand..pen left side of paper,tape upper left corner holding paper down..almost seems as if he was left handed but the revolver he "shot himself" with came from his right hand...unless he waa flipped and the scene tampered with before anyone else arrived. I'm sure mandalay won't gain a lawsuit showing him playing video poker and what hand he was using..anyone know anything else?

One of the cops who made entry with the team shot something... or someone. Use of force took over the investigation from homicide with no real explanation why and none of the cops on the 60 Minutes interview mentioned that little gem.

All they have to do is say national security and it'll stay sealed. Keep dreaming guys :(

Thank you for continuing to talk about the shooting and not let it fade into obscurity. WE THE PEOPLE demand answers! This sub is so full of “Trump this” and “pedo that” and just nonsense. It’s truly a breath of fresh air to see a thread about what appears to be an ACTUAL conspiracy...

No one in their right mind is holding their breath on this one.

It's all a sham.

Thank you, OP, for posting none the less.

Also the day Blade Runner 2049 is out on Blu-ray!

Any damning evidence has already been destroyed.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Not sure if you live here but I do. I’ll mark my calendar for sure. At this point I’ll take any new FACTUAL information. Thank you so much.