[MEGAPOST] I spent 2017 trying to make some solid conclusions...

23  2018-01-06 by olund94

I am going to give you everything I have collected up to this point. I am doing this because I think we are at a breaking point and after 2018 a lot of this information will be irrelevant. I am also doing this because I believe an conspiratorial brain is a unhealthy brain, I have spent a lot of time collecting this information, since I was 10 in fact (I am 23 now). I see a lot of people on here chasing ridiculous theories and rabbit holes that will take a great deal of your time only to find out its bullshit. I believe this time line is accurate so I will know lay out what I believe as my commitment to this topic has to cease in 2018. I should probably start with why I started falling down the rabbit hole in the first place.

I was raised in the UK, white, middle class and innocent. The countryside was home and the city was big and scary. I went to a primary school with classes of 20 students max and an overall student total of about 150. I was in year 4 (age 9-10) when my teacher told me to go to the library and pick out a book. Any book at all. Embracing this little glint of freedom in a otherwise regimented schedule I hopped off to the library. There was a company I was familiar with at the time called Dorling Kingsley who made books for beginner readers that went up in colour coded levels. I always enjoyed these books because they held your hand slightly but as you got better at reading they backed off more and more letting your natural inquisition take over. So I started browsing and managed to find DK Eyewitness: Invaders from Outer Space.

http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51s-sM1Y6%2BL.jpg https://imgur.com/a/25GcL

At the time I thought nothing of this book other than intrigue. It didn’t strike me as odd that this material was presented to me in the same as the history, science and mathematics books were. To be honest I’d never questioned anything in life before so why start now as a nine year old. I grabbed the book and read it cover to cover. It was a collection of famous cases and sightings(Roswell, Betty and Barney Hill ect) laid out in a easy to read fashion with helpful fact files on different types of craft (disk, cigar shaped ect triangles not mentioned interestingly) and creatures (grays, elves, nordics and one mention of a single legged metal alien with trunks for arms seen in Brazil I can’t find any mention of anywhere). I’m not claiming I was running around at aged 10 telling all my class mates about greys and flying saucers but along with repeated listens of a song called “Aliens Exist” (by a certain pop punk group I’m not going to name at risk of triggering this entire thread) I had these materials in my brain.

Around about the same time the Internet was really starting to blossom. No centralised social networks trying to box anyone in with labels just a multitude of badly but together websites with piles of information. A true digital Wild West. I was discovering all the pros and cons of anonymous internet. Flash animation, eBaums world and the black vault had teenage me excited, scared but inquisitive.


I remember the first time I saw the above picture. I was in a friends brothers bedroom and had been browsing the web doing all of the above and then boom. I remember the fear run through my body. Outside of the cinema I had never seen anything this scary. I will never forgot seeing it. At this point in time I highly doubt the legitimacy of the image but at the time it shat me up no end. Again after a couple of days I moved on and forgot all about Roswell and the cadaver lying on the cold metal table but the seed was there growing slowly in my brain. I was well into my teens now and the anti bush movement had been made well aware to me through different forms of media (family guy, the simpsons, green day, american idiot ect), I did not know what the man had done and I did not understand politics for the life of me but I knew everyone fucking hated him. For 3-5 years or so I went on with my life rarely questioning anything to do with this topic. I had no reason to. Everything seemed to be normal and make sense. I had fallen out of touch with Tom Delonge after he has left blink. It seemed he was trying so hard to be/say something but at the same time as saying nothing. As a fan it was infuriating. Mark and Travis had +44 which was much more straightforward and reminiscent of blink. I pretty much agreed with this interview at the time.


At this point you are probably wondering why I am telling you all of this and not just posting a link to a unsourced article about a pizza shop in DC that is the headquarters of a international child trafficking ring. Well I feel that the reason my narrative needs to be laid out is that in this topic it is incredibly easy for people to take one look at a man like Steven Greer or Tom Delonge and think they have been brainwashed or are stupid for believing what they are being told. These guys didn't just hit the black vault, saw a picture of a disc and starting preaching, from what I can gather they have spent the best part of their lives trying to put puzzle pieces together only to be ridiculed by the entire community. I am trying to avoid this by laying out the logic steps I have taken in my research and in doing this as a community we can stop throwing every but of information no matter how ludicrous or fact based. Something I have witnessed that I believe is relevant to what is currently happening is Tom Delonge's progression through different businesses. He started his first company just as blink's breakthrough album Enema of the State came out. It was a company called Loserkids and specialised in skate and music clothing.


He set this up with Mark Hoppus, his bandmate from Blink. Alongside Loserkids they both set up two clothing companies called Atticus and Macbeth respectively. As a fan you were aware of all of these companies because at any opportunity the band were covered in different items from each company. When blink split in 2005 Mark sold all his shares of the companies so they were left entirely to Tom. This is important to mention because it is the beginning of Tom's journey to To The Stars began. As he conceptualised his new band Angels and Airwaves he noticed that the music industry was changing in a drastic way. As I mentioned earlier the internet was blossoming in a big way and this was a big factor for the music industry. I am sure a lot of us on here have fond memories of this screen ( https://i.imgur.com/7W1SWdO.jpg ). Along with iTunes and iPod's the music industry manifesto of men in suits giving massive advances, TRL and cocaine had burst and the consumer was taking what they thought was theirs for free. Tom had noticed this too and had began to build a platform called Modlife. I guess he thought the reason consumers were taking what they wanted was that they did not feel a personal connection with the artist and therefore had no problem stealing from them. With Modlife he planned to bring live streams, podcasts, chat rooms and exclusive releasers to the consumer, things we all now take for granted. Back in 2006 this was quite exciting to hear and although I did not care for Tom's new music I alway bared in mind what he was attempting.

I did not properly "wake up" until 2014 but the first thing that really got me thinking was the Zeitgeist documentaries. It question religion, 9/11 and the financial system. The idea of all the religions being correct and based upon one another appealed to me and once I was made aware of tower 7 I was sold. this led to many arguments over the dinner table with my farther who was of the mindset that to question the narrative was to be disrespectful. His disdain of my research only spurred me on. I started to look into the idea of the 5th dimension which began to ease in the idea of what a mind is capable of. In 2009 Tom got back together with Blink which in turn renewed my interest in his actives. I noticed he has a new range of guitars and each one had a freemason symbol on it. This led me to look into what a freemason was and what the publics perception was regarding them. But it did not distract me from the fact my favourite band was back. Tom was singing and acting like he just did not want to be there. He was carrying on Angels and Airwaves alongside Blink which was a point of contention from day one. One thing that did interest me was a new website he had built using Modlife, Strange Times. It was a collection of stories from fringe topics, it sold merch related to the topics and seemed harmless. Although I had not enjoyed Tom's music I was very interested in this new endeavour so I kept an eye on it. I actually ended up meeting Tom and was wearing a Strange times shirt at the time which he picked me out of a crowd and commented on the shirt, it was raining and he told me to go inside, get dry, get some pussy. Strange Times disappeared from the Web and this brings us to the beginning of where we are now. A american relative had made me aware of Coast to Coast and just by coincidence Tom was scheduled to be on for the first time just a month after I got back from the US. From here I was introduced to the Phoenix Lights, Skunkworks, the idea the phenomena is inter dimensional, Jacques's Vallee and a lot more, basically brought me up to speed of where the average redditor on r/conspiracy is now. These interviews interested me but I still held off committing to crazy Tom and his new agenda. I was angry. I missed Blink, it was not the same and could not understand why he was doing what he was doing. Mind you this was before the first book had even come out in 2016 so no one was really paying attention to what he was doing as he had not left blink again yet. I did not buy Sekret Machoines Vol 1 until the November of 2016. I just could not get down with tom not doing blink and following aliens. I had a holiday booked for Jan 2017 and needed a read for the journey and thought fine, I will give it a shot.

And that was it.

It's real.

All of it.

Roswell Atlantis Delonge Spielberg Tesla Greer Eisenhower Ratlines Vatican Zero Point Puttoff Bob Lazar Plato Gods Population control Nimitz Gimbal Secret knowledge Secret Societies Fraternities Religious Texts Nibriu Fluoride Grays Alex Jones Bohemian Grove Vril Occult Crowley DMT Human Connection Love Life outside earth Infinity

2017 I spent collecting data to convince everyone around me I had not lost my fucking marbles. I think after 2018 no one will need convincing. I am presenting it all to you now, please read, look and listen. Please follows things that intrigue you. Please live your life and do not let this consume you. Fuck all the smoke and mirrors of right now. You will have forgot the headlines next week. Look back, find new things.

Imgur album of images I collected as research for this post


Celebrities/People in the Public Sphere Whilstleblowing



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- JmNKGfFj7w
































Biggest Media Outlets Speak What Truth They Can


Follow the money always. Biggest Film maker ever. Steven is the most well known film maker in the world. What a coincidence he manages to tackle UFO's, paranormal entities, Nazi's, world government, time travel, inter dimensional science, zero point energies, human connection, friends with Kubrick (realised what Stanley was doing was admirable but not family friendly thats why all spiel bergs films are criticised for being too wholesome and predicable BIG TOPIC easy to swallow), military mentality, holocaust, dinosaurs and overall the nature of humans and how we react to things we do not understand. Look at everything Amblin Entertain meant has ever done. Look at everything Steven has ever attached his name to credited or uncredited. This to me is one of the biggest indications this is all legit.

Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty

GTAV literally portrays the UFO phenomenon as it is. Black craft we made with bad intentions, silver craft they made with all intensions. Also shows craft being underwater.

Call of Duty: Nazi Zombies gives you all the keywords you need to research this topic, pair the lore of the game found on the call of duty wiki or the zombies subreddit with the secret machines narrative and you will see that the ambitions hitler had for finding the origins of the human race stemmed from occult research.

Remote Viewing, Health & Consciousness






http://www.truemichaeljackson.com/true-stories/uri-geller-about-mj/ (Gellar is known to possess expanded consciousness abilities, best friends with Michael jackson who is regarded as a pedophile. I think the public will find in the end he was trying to protect children as he knew about all the actual pedophiles. this case is a smoking gun that something is being held from the public which is what elicited the ridiculous response and backlash. Michael departed hollywood life to Saudi Arabia for a period of time, watch Joe rogans interview with tom delonge and he talks about Saudi Princes being able to bend spoons with the consciousness, why did Michael go there? Michael is also friends with Spielberg. Gellar says 2018 is the year he can talk about his powers so watch this space)

Roswell was the Nazi's

This is the narrative that is laid out in Sekret Machines Vol 1 and that Tom has hinted about in his Fade to Black interview linked about and his previous Coast to Coast interviews. The army found out the disk that crashed at Roswell was over Argentinean/German origin. The war was still fresh in the public consciousness so this could never be mown by any one. Government did not care if the public thought it was aliens or a weather balloon. Neither was correct.


















http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/pentagonaliens/pentagonaliens03.htm#CHAPTER III: I MEET A GOVERNMENT M.I.B. IN SANTA FE - HOLLYWOOD ON THE TAKE






Government's response to whistleblowers and Wikileaks Relevent Info







Modern Indications this is actually happening


http://wsgcradio.com/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-with-ufo-i-think-it-was-not-from-this-world/ (Reports of the Nimitz case back in 2004) http://marygreeley.com/?p=59986











https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA85JwHPL1g (THIS IS THE SMOKING GUN IMO MICHAEL EISNER FFS)






Information that looks like Disinfomation







http://www.ufocasebook.com/lakeisabella.jpg (Notable because it is assumed that when craft turn sideways they are about to "activate" the space time adapting travel system. This can be seen in the Gimbal footage on TTS)

http://www.ufocasebook.com/australia1966.jpg (Same deal as above)

http://www.ufocasebook.com/northcliffsouthafrica1963large.jpg (looks like space x launch)


Books to read

Crossfire by Jim Marrs

Arcitects of the Underworld by Bruce Rux

Vril by Edward Bulwe Lytton

Ratlines by Peter Levenda

My Inventions by Nikola Tesla

Hunt for Zero Point

Food of the Gods by Terrance Mckenna

Sekret Machines Vol 1 & 2

The Day After Roswell by Phillip Corso

Nothing Sacred by David Alvarez

Ruled by Secrecy by Jim Mars

Roswell Report by US Air Force

PIMP by Iceberg Slim

Unholly Allicance by Peter Levenda

Sounds from Another Room by Peter Horsley

The Missing Diary Of Admiral Richard E. Byrd: Who Lives Inside Our Earth?

Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper

UFO's by Leslie Kean

Empire of the Clouds by James Hamilton Paterson

Desert Rat Diaries available online

Media to watch

2001: A Space Odyssey (Summarises everything to a terrifying degree, read Rob Agers analysis, Monolith is the thing humanity cannot comprehend, that pushes evolution forward)

Eyes Wide Shut (A film made by the most "awake" film director ever, featuring the worlds biggest actor/cult member about a normal person who discovers a cult of well known highly regarded people having group sex in a ritualistic manner that then implement murder to cover their own track and keep the status quo going. Filmed in a Rothchild mansion. Touches on pedo rings, symbology, blackmail, the face one has to put on in public, masks Rumoured final cut hidden from public kubrick's daughter becomes scientology's after release. What more can I say…)

American Beauty ( Show's failures of the system, monogamy, divorce, consumerism, what is socially acceptable, perception. Kevin spacey literally plays self.)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Displays publics relationship with the Phenomena, shunning anyone who whislteblows causing perceived insanity . Show's militaries heavy handedness in comparison to the scientific approach.

Men in Black 1-3 (Prediciver programming of breakaway group that handles the planets real problems whilst general public get on with consuming)

Animaniacs Seasons 1-3 (Direct critique of Hollywood, where everyone takes themselves 100% seriously, talks about abstract world views and science)

Futurama (Show's why our millennial lifestyle is holding us back from the possibilities that science has to offer)

The Simpsons (Direct mirror of a typical american family, over exaggerates certain situations based on writers assumption of a situation, this leads to some predictions coming true)

Dogma (Opens up a dialog about religion and un-weponises criticism of belief systems, shows comparison of religion and business)

Her (Shows dangers of AI and lack of human connection, shows potential for AI counciousness)

Rick and Morty (Think Themes and Philosophy not Pickle Rick)

Mullholland Drive (Whilst things can seem quite odd at times everything is perception which is a false reality)

Twin Peaks seasons 1-3 + films (VERY IMPORTANT, Lynch practices Trandesental Meditation. First looks like a cute sitcom/crime drama. Litterally documents the CIA's handling of the UFO phenomenon and the inter dimensional/consciousness connection, this series can be connected to everything on this list and SPOILERS and the episode in the third series regarding atomic bombs literally explains how we stumbled across the world beyond our own)

Back to the Future 1&2 (First time the general public had considered the implications of time travel and what can go wrong)

Metropolis (Very early projection of what humanity could achieve)

Stranger things (Government basically admitting MKultra and showing what can be done with the results gathered)

Monty Python Life of Brian and the Meaning of Life (Disarms several "big" topics, religion, birth, death, sex, social stigmas, hive mind, mob mentality.

E.T (Shows how the public perception of the ET issues is skewed, the reality of how the phenomena is handled is much different to the kill it, fuck it, eat it mentality)

Fight Club (Again shows how there is a system that we are all guided towards and any effort to go against this system seems to create problems for an individual)

American Psycho (Consumerism at it's hight, masks and faces, false pretences, what we think vs what we say/do, PERCEPTIONS A FALSE REALITY)

Saboture (Hitchcock, shows class divide)

Great Dictator (Satire of politics, bold move for it's time class divide is highlighted)

Taken (Series from the Syfy Channel by Spielberg)

8 Mile (Rare working class perspective shows empowerment in oneselves regardless of the challenges the system puts up against them)

The Matrix 1&2 (Literally describes the smoke and mirrors that have been placed in front of us, distractions, concept of red pill/blue pill)

Medal of Honor Games (V1 & V2, Horton Wing)

Office Space (Literal display of the system and what it can do to a human begging)

Twilight Zone (relevant episodes that connect to real events and the speilberg film)

Indiana Jones (Ark of the Covenent, Amber Room, Nazi holds)

All Star Wars Films (First order literally based on operation paperclip and officers that dodged the american sweep. First three films the force is like a superpower only heroes can use it, prequel series explains force is everywhere and can be harnessed at anytime, sequel trilogy the force is literally revealed to be religion with yoda even exclaiming "burn the sacred texts" DISCLOUSURE INFRONT OF OUR VERY EYES THIS IS WHY PEOPLE DO NOT AGREE WITH THE LAST JEDI. TOO MUCH SPIRITUAL MUMBO JUMO ;)

Twelve Monkeys (Again shows how public perception can wrongly incarcerate people the opinion of the zeitgeist can change at the drop of a hat)

Jim & Andy (One of the worlds most successful actor literally channels deceased actor to reprise roll in autobiographical film, footage not released because public do not believe spiritual abilities and thinks actor is being disrespectful and rude)

Full Metal Jacket (The militaries way of conditioning soldiers can make or break a mind, war affects the mind in some wild ways)

Big Short (The people who are high up in the system that are fucking the consumers deliberately make things confusing to carry on deception)

The Men who stare at Goats (Men using military style techniques condition themselves to affect matter with their consciousness, this ability is then used in warfare, public still skeptical)

Toy Story (at least 1, good summary of pre and post war attitudes colliding)

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Thompsons acts like an alien to truly observe the human race, achieves this though the abuse of several substances. Touches on pedophiles, reptilians, DMT, Ether, human connection.)

Dr Strangelove (Shows how negotionaitions are handled when the planet is at stake, cabals, politics, nuclear weapons)

Clockwork Orange (Shows governmental behavioural adaption links back to MKultra and conciseness)

Red State (organised religion whilst seeming pure has a dark evil underbelly)

Truman Show (Everyone has a truman in them, let it go move on leave the dome, fight yourself ego death ect)

Life is Beautiful (Even in what is considered our worst period of time Life can still be beautiful, Good triumphs over evil ect)

A Trip to the Moon (Humanity invents cameras, all they make films about is getting off earth)

The Green Mile (Events that surpass our understanding and laws are suppressed until it is 100% needed)

This is 40 (Shows the midlife crisis of the middle class family, faults of the system)

Wall-E (Show's basic trajectory of humanity if we continue to consume like we do)


Tom Delonge is a freemason, charlatan, and a liar by omission. As far as Im concerned, he is not to be trusted.


Why is it bad to be a Freemason?

Its not. But people who keep secrets, in my opinion, are untrustworthy.

so its the ones that spill the secrets that deserve your trust? you dumb or just plain evil? Tom Delonge is doing a great work for the name of humanity. You will see.

Great comments so far guys never change


Why didn't you just reply to the comment?

I didn't fancy getting into the same old conversation I have on here. I just bored of it guess. Go to any other thread with that guy's name in if you wanna have that dialog.

I was totally prepared to dive into a discussion before I read, 'go fetch'. You're stifling discourse on your own thread before it even begins by speaking to people like they're animals, and that's an awful lot of work for it all to go to waste :/

Sorry about that did not mean to distract from the content, just apprehensive about releasing this post

No worries, you're clearly passionate about this. There's less traffic on weekends, so that's likely why the discussion didn't take off immediately. Patience is key and reposting during a weekday afternoon when traffic is greater is always an option. It's original content, so there won't be much opposition for people seeing a repost should it be necessary.

Also, I'd recommend posting to r/C_S_T and r/conspiracyundone to maximize discussion. r/ConspiracyII is always an option, though that place isn't what it seems

ConspiracyII is a honey pot in every way. I enjoy buzzing the bees, toying with their wands.

Is this forum - r/Conspiracy a honeypot? As well?

I'd say so.

Whenever subjects like mysticism or "Gnosticism" go invoked, it's no more than falsehoods, misconceptions, and disinformation that soars with upvotes. I'm convinced that r/Conspiracy only exists to muddle, divide, and discredit any and all conspiracy theories, along with any valid investigations into human mythology and history, ala the Nephilim or Giants (who were not 100 feet tall, but "purified" in a Soma ritual).

Speaking of black goo didnt Max Spiers vomit a bunch up upon death whilst in the middle of researching some of these same topics?

Yeah I heard that, it seems to come up quite a bit in films and tv too. I have a feeling it's implant related


Thanks for this.

bro... you have consumed a lot of their media. it will take years of digital detoxing to deprogram from all that garbage.

turn off ur TV for a bit, ya

I am aware of the themes certain media is trying to propose to me, wether one takes those ideals, morals and themes on is a whole other thing

yeah i agree, i didn't mean to sound preachy... but i honestly can't watch that now without it effecting me.

need to make a conspiracy + video game pop quiz app with frequent awards...and could call the ultimate reward 'One Piece'.


yeah homie, rise up and make a investigative series. lol

Nice thread, thanks for all the info and suggestions

Don't feel bad for the lack of interest by other users, this place is no longer what it used to be.

Thanks for the sources, I will definitely save this post so I can peruse your book list. I was expecting to see Black Mirror on this list - have you seen it? It's a Netflix series and I believe the larger themes we should be taking to heart...

I was a big Blink fan as a kid (we must be around the same age) +44 was good, never did care for A&A. As a young teen I always saw him as a "Jackass" type character, not a serious scholar. There are many who call him a government shill or a state actor. What do you have to say about those claims? He is working with some big-name donors for his project. This makes me think twice about believing anything he does or says. I'll give your sources a look when I have time to dig deeper. Kudos!

Yeah THere is so much more that i just couldn't fit into the paramaters of this post. Black mirror is revolutionary. I am under the impression that numerous content creators are being challenged with wetting the publics mouth and conditioning them. Delonge, Spielberg,Justin Roland, Kubrick,Black mirror, abrhams and so many more....

I grouped him in with the jackass type for years but being loosely aware of his attempts at amalgamating business strategies for releasing music and other media content and his passion for ufology has led me to believe he has just consilidated his hobby into his professional life, along with the need for a new space age it makes sense this is happening. When people talk about him being used I agree to an extent that the UFO topic is something the needs a controlled release. Like say we were a slave race to a reptilian race, if the announced that on the 6 o clock news people would be fucking blasting their ass everywhere. A strategy of sorts is needed and i think delonge is not the only card at play here.

Geller was a proven faker.

I'll tell you what man I'm 30 years old and when I was your age I spent as much time researching these same topics.

I kinda believed it then, however after years and years and more information I've come to realize non of it is proof, and I even significantly doubt UFO's are ET.

There's really no evidence.

Unless you think the same evidence for fairies, vampires, spirits, ghosts, jinns, leprechauns, etc is convincing for ET and UFO too.

The government/cia was scammed into investigating remote viewing, just as how MIT was initially tricked into thinking Geller had abilities.

What that forray revealed is that the capacity for humans to design objective tests is always slightly bested by the ability to bypass them.

The recent Pentagon program was also almost certainly a clever scam by Bigelow...Who's been involved in trying to monetize "phenomena" for years. Look up fake industries or fake businesses like Solyndra, Tesla, etc.

The idea is you trick the government into funding a program or a business.

The nazi ufo stuff was just a dude trying to sell books

The rest of the UFO phenomena is some combination of that, paranoia, the same thing that accounts for werwolfs, angels, ghosts, etc through the ages and rare aerial phenomena. Look up the UK/ MOD Unidentified Aerial Phenomena report and it's Annex. You'll be amazed at all super rare atmospheric phenomena that can account for UFO sightings.

It should explain how the increase in dust / exhaust fumes from the bombings over Europe would lead to the foo fighter sightings by Air crews.

Not to mention how it wasn't until the 40's that people in general had a reason to look into the sky's for objects and hence the corresponding increase in 'UFO' sightings... Along with paranoia, psychological/social/military type experiments, and or military industrial complex faking it for more funding...

Or it was purposely encouraged... You never mentioned the documentary on Netflix about how the government put out fake ufo info as cover for projects and to mess with people...

Either way man I'm still always interested in this subject so if you got a specific link or a specific something that you think is the best evidence let me know... I looked through as many of yours as possible but didn't come across anything new or substantial.

What about the ancient alien theory? Do you think that holds any weight?

The summarian tablets/seals and myth are kinda interesting and convincing at first glance...however it might just be a coincidence on a tablet or two. Just because the sky had 10 objects in it or whstever doesn't mean it's the sun and planets. I've only seen one presentation at a UFO conference about it and tbh I've been meaning to verify it / look into it more.

The tribe in Africa that 'apparently' knew of Cirius 9 or whatever... The star you can only see with a telescope so the question is how do they know...they even said a visitor told them... Well turns out there was a European explorer interested in astronomy that came through there at the turn of the century or whstever and he told them about it.

As for Brian Forester or whatever his name is... The guy who does the hidden Inca tours and talks about ancient aliens, etc... Their argument basically settles to 'this stone work is too nice ' but when you realize the stone work isn't too nice it's just very nice and completely possible it's like so what...

The star child skull... Debunked as a genetic diseased child... All those sculls in Peru and stuff that those crazy religious people think are pre flood nephilim or fall angels / giants or whatever are just the result of board binding / skull binding or genetic disease. Crystal skulls was a big thing 20 years ago but that's been debunked too. Just more people trying to sell books, tours or guilty of fantastical thinking.

Pretty much any of the stuff you look into when you get down to the facts it is never convincing.

The sad thing is I keep looking, hoping for something lol.

I am amazed....I am in US from Oregon but now live in AZ. White was raised pretty innocent and a product of the 60s and 70s'. I actually did not even start to really notice the world until I got sober in 89'. Since then I have been running to catch up. I wish I would have tried to figure this out sooner. Kudos to a job well done. I am with you now.

Interesting, how do you feel about Michael Tellinger?

This is an outstanding collection you have here. Would you mind if I shared it on other platforms? With credit given, of course.

spread it where ever you want

Yo keep it up, some are not ready for this, but it's necessary, I've been feeling and noticing the same things you have mentioned.

thanks man, it's a lot of information to digest I think we are on a positive path though

Books to read

PIMP by Iceberg Slim

LoL, love that. SUCH a good book!


Chappelle speaks truth

Don't Blink-182 or you'll miss the truth.

You have done a good job delving into the world's games but realise you hold the real keys to Truth, you are the keys, you just have to take one honest step inside of yourself and find out who or what you really are, Self discovery isn't in the external world it's in another dimension within, not physically within but metaphorically within

Enlightenment is real........

Liberation is real.....

Open your eyes your missing it because your so enamoured by the external world, the game, the dream...

Transcend the mind and take control of your destiny.


Good luck friend, greetings from the UK btw 🤗

Have you lisyened to his video on spiral dynamic theory?

found this comment on this shitty shit shit waste of a read post. thank you for making the time i spent skimming this post worth it! This guy is a great speaker. Have you heard of Douglas Harding? This guy in this video seems like he reads a lot of Douglas Harding.

what are your thoughts on those ancient astronaut/aliens theories? which one is closest to the truth?

No Ivan0135? brah!

I am on the exact same path brother. No more room for self doubt, your researching speaks for itself. Onward toward the recursive knowledge of the self.

"...we are at a breaking point and after 2018 a lot of this information will be irrelevant"

What made you come to this conclusion?

The bummer is:

Aliens are Demons

and this is all the establishment's predictive programming.

Unplug, Do You. Be Warned: Life without God is Death.

I have never seen someone write so much and still not know what they're trying to say

You need to look up something called a thesis statement pal

I have written a thesis, I didn’t post it to reddit. If I’m speculating on the existence of extraterrestrial, I’ll post it reddit.

So what's your thesis?

Well it was for my degree that has nothing to do with this topic, i couldn't write a thesis about this topic

So what your saying is this post doesn't have a point, because from what i can see it's a blog from a blunk 182 fan and a few dozens vaguely conspirial links. A thesis statement is just the core point of the work, so what the hell was your point?

I mean there is a list of about 25 films and 25 books a recommend reading if you want to understand my point. That’s my whole point. It’s not as cut and dry as people assume. I think there’s a massive part of life people are not acknowledging.

I know that’s not a satisfying answer and I’m sorry, if I could summarise this issue in a sentence I think it’d be front page news haha

You can't summarize it at all. All you did was post about a bunch of movies about aliens and nazis and implied they're trying to say something, but you can't seem to discern what that is, and people here are eating it up like sheep because it fits into their narrative, but it only does that because you didn't offer any actual conclusions. If you can't succinctly explain your findinga, you don't understand them yourself.

Right, I am at work right now. Calm down I will get home and respond to you then I finish in 3 hours. Sorry.

Right, I am at work right now. Calm down I will get home and respond to you then I finish in 3 hours. Sorry.

I guess I consider the opinions, headings and links presented here to be fact, I came to that conclusion after spending a long time comparing experiences and events and trying to find things that lined up. I’m sure it’s truth.

I am amazed....I am in US from Oregon but now live in AZ. White was raised pretty innocent and a product of the 60s and 70s'. I actually did not even start to really notice the world until I got sober in 89'. Since then I have been running to catch up. I wish I would have tried to figure this out sooner. Kudos to a job well done. I am with you now.

thanks man, it's a lot of information to digest I think we are on a positive path though

I'd say so.

Whenever subjects like mysticism or "Gnosticism" go invoked, it's no more than falsehoods, misconceptions, and disinformation that soars with upvotes. I'm convinced that r/Conspiracy only exists to muddle, divide, and discredit any and all conspiracy theories, along with any valid investigations into human mythology and history, ala the Nephilim or Giants (who were not 100 feet tall, but "purified" in a Soma ritual).