A message for those who have lost their way...

227  2018-01-07 by Some-Random-Chick

One of the key elements of research is humility. It's realizing that every piece of information you digest is second hand information. Unless you happen to be there and witness it for yourself, you never have 100% proof it went down the way you see it in the news.

Every day I read dozens upon dozens of articles. And every day I try to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I read it all: mainstream, foreign press, alternative, conspiracy, fringe, govt documents, etc. and the more I learn the more questions I have.

I've been researching for 20 years. And in twenty years I have never seen society so split on what truth is. Every group is in firm belief the other groups are misinformed sheep.

I learned a long time ago not to share information in a declarative fashion. I share what I learn in an inquisitive fashion. Because what I'm sharing may or may not be true.

And therein lies the wisdom. We don't know. We may pile up more evidence in one area or another, and start to see a consensus forming, but how much do we really know?

My advice to anyone new on the path of studying current events or conspiracy or anything for that matter is to be as objective and detached and as neutral as possible. Never instantly accept what you see, and never instantly reject it either. Cross reference as much as you can. Let it float around your head. Don't turn it into a belief system. Always let the information you digest be malleable, so you can add to it and shape it and let it grow naturally. Allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole without effort.

People have a tendency to cherry pick information to bend to a belief system they have already created for themselves. Then they justify their belief system with said information. It's better to just digest the info without any emotional or personal attachment. That's not easy of course. But you see the results everyday on comment sections of how reactionary people can be. Most people do not respond. They react. It's an emotional reaction. They then proceed to tell you what went on where and how such and such went down and suddenly they are all master sociologists who call you names because they don't agree with you.

We are on a very slippery slope. Not only is critical thinking and a wise approach to research not being encouraged, it is being legally threatened. We have an establishment which historically controlled what people learned, and then along comes the Internet, with peer to peer knowledge, and an entire new world sprang forth. And this world is a massive threat to the status quo.

So please, whether you have researched only a few months, or are a veteran doing it for decades, always keep in mind that research means nothing without humility. Don't bother getting into pissing contests with strangers family or friends over who is right or wrong. Just plant your seeds. They will grow. The paradigm can only shift one person at a time.


This is one of the best posts I've seen in many days.

say it again

Good post.

You’re absolutely right. We can all use this message as a reminder, myself included. We are all like sheep gone astray - at least it feels that way more and more each day. Humility is so important - why? Because it shows love. Treating one another with honor, dignity and respect is so important. Imagine what we could all learn. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. It’s about changing our mindset, as you suggest.

Some might say this is following the word of god - I say it’s loving people who are different than you (the way you think, the way you speak, attention to one another). If you can’t learn to love, you can’t learn a dang thing more. I wouldn’t consider myself religious at all but who the heck would argue with the importance of learning from one another - that’s wisdom. Hatred (the absence of love) gets us nowhere.

Sorry a little bit of a tangent but your post triggered something for me.

Treating one another with honor, dignity and respect is so important. Imagine what we could all learn.

How do you feel about the use of terms like 'sleeple' or 'normie' to describe the people who are still completely stuck in the matrix?

I used to be against it. Now I see there is value to it.

for instance, normies tend to beleiev some pretty crazy things, when you sit down ponder the sheer lack of evidence they can provide for their claims.

Other than appeals to authority and appeals to consensus, the normies have no reaso to believe most of what is on this list.

This is quite profound, thanks for sharing. Personally, I could give a shit what people ‘believe’. It’s more the people you know have given zero thought to why they believe what they do (which is basically your point). It amazes me how frequently this seems to be the case. Not sure if you saw recently, but Tim Ferris moved out of Silicon Valley because he observed a gross regression in the ability to be open-minded. Tim is one of those people you either love or hate - regardless, no one can argue with the fact the man thinks for himself and knows exactly who he is and what he values. IMO, Tim coming out, making such a bold statement is reason in of itself to stop and think.

This is quite profound, thanks for sharing.

No problem. I have shared that list quite a few times on this sub. I used to believe that the conspiracy sub would be full of open-minded people, but now I understand that the majority (not all, just the majority) of the people here are every bit as dogmatic in their beliefs as the normies.

The typical conspiracy person has simply replaced the official/popular narratives with new narratives, such as 'the elites are evil pedophiles' or 'tap water will kill you' or whatever.

But I have gotten a lot of good information from this place over the years, so I still like to share what I have learned with that small percentage of others who truly are willing to challenge their own beliefs.

Effin-A! Right on. Couldn’t agree with you more. I have observed that “intent” has taken a turn for the worst which I find wicked disturbing. All social media too - not only Reddit. Diversity of thought and experience, absent of pride, is incredibly important but it is becoming increasingly hard to find, even among friends.

I like this OP. I like you, OP.

Wow, great read. Here hear OP.

See more, feel less.


In the striving for objectivity you will encounter the necessity of humility. You can ignore it and fail or give it its due and continue.

The lessons never end you just need to understand that much learning is required for the cultivation of a clear and calm view of a truth so audacious it can hide in plain site.

It’s been tried before but it would be worth experimenting with a moderated sub devoted to this approach, with the understanding any moderation borders on censorship and the participants agree this itself would be no substitution for objective research and critical thinking. I actually think submission statements here are a step in the right direction

I feel you. My dad used to be my choice of reasoning as well, currently he is to much invested in daily politics to be a reliable source. Try to be like your dad :)

With the exponential growth of free thinkers over the years, that is gaining traction with continued growth, as well as getting the attention of those that has controlled the narrative (MSM) for so long, and the battle being played out before us at all levels of social media and MSM. The observers of this reality may have the greatest intentions of gaining knowledge, but will never attain wisdom unless try their best to do their homework.

there are at least some events where the Truth shall prevail: german concentrations camp = lies and falsification 9/11 = false flag, Yugoslavia NATO war = illegal, criminal war waged by the usofa since the late 1980s. they exaggerated the ethnic issue Afghanistan 1980s = proxy war, like Syria nowadays. not an Soviet invasion. Syria proxy war = alqaeda and nato mercenaries are moderated terrorists fake-Russiagate, capitalism and banking system.

I've come to the conclusion that people that cannot be objective suffer from some sort of pathosis.

I've come to the conclusion that people that cannot be objective suffer from some sort of pathosis.

Thanks for the post. Way to keep the sub pure and fight against the 'conspiracy theorist' profile that gets pushed.

So much misinformation and slander abound, this place is meant for rational discussion.

Thanks again for the reminder.

Divide and conquer in full effect

I feel like it’s the paid shills that are pushing the tribalism - picking a side and discouraging critical thinking...

Research is meant to allow someone to form an opinion or draw a conclusion on something. What you said is true, but at the same time, what is the objective of that research? If it is to provide information for people to draw their own conclusions or help shed light on an issue, there is always some aspect of declaration. We can't simply be wishy washy on things. Yes, we must have an open-mind and there's always a nugget of truth in even the most absurd stories and lies, but at the same time, we must root some of our belief system in something. We are beings with ego and to forego all of the ego is not helpful. You just become lost.

Balance is best.

Why are so many people not taught about the difference 'primary sources' and 'secondary sources' and the significance of this difference? Is school really there to help us?

Schools teach people to memorize rather than synthesize information. And yeah understanding the type of source is important. For example, Martin Luther King's speech, a primary source, is invaluable in understanding the Civil Right Movement because he was a key figure in it. However, just using these kinds of sources removes the objectivity of the research because it's just one perspective. Hopefully new learning methods improve on research practices because it really is the best way to learn.

People have a tendency to cherry pick information to bend to a belief system they have already created for themselves. Then they justify their belief system with said information....... But you see the results everyday on comment sections of how reactionary people can be. Most people do not respond. They react.

I saw a discussion here in this sub yesterday that saddened me, a chain of ~15 comments, arguing over "logical fallacies" and which person was committing which. If you see someone using a logical fallacy, it's fine to point that out in moderation - but don't stop there - tell them why you think they're wrong and show them where you got your information. Just pointing out that someone is wrong doesn't help and isn't contributing to the sub or the post. You could change someone's entire worldview, but you won't do it using malice or refusing to engage in a healthy way.

Have patience with people. Tone inflection is impossible to understand when you're reading the text of strangers online. Don't assume that everyone is bad. Thank those who take the time to converse with you, this encourages them to keep doing so.

We need to love each other and promote peace. If you're wrong and someone corrects you? Admit it and thank them. If someone disagrees with you, ask them why they feel or think the way they do. We all "cherry pick" to fit our worldview, whether we're conscious of it or not. We're all amazing humans because we're here, in this sub, trying to challenge that which we've always known. Let's give ourselves, and the users here, a bit more recognition for doing so.

do you know de wae?

This is da fucking wae.

To try and understand everything, you must accept you know nothing.


Good fucking post.

Another that I harp on: skepticism should be a hallmark of anyone thinking about conspiracies and the most skepticism should be placed on the theories themselves. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that those who refute conspiracies took up the moniker of “skeptics” or perhaps that was a calculated move, you be the judge there.

The entire idea of a conspiracy theory is created by being skeptical of the explanation you are given. It is foolish to not focus the same on any alternative explanation or on you own. If you think you figured something out, the first reaction you have should be to try and pick it apart yourself and you should welcome others to do so as well, not defend it blindly or emotionally. If a theory cannot sheathed scrutiny it has no value whether that theory is the mainstream or alternative one.

Question motives. Finding a motive leads to finding facts. If someone is trying to tell you something persuasive, it is almost always untrue or not the full truth, especially if it sounds like what you want to hear. If a mathematician tells you he is studying the topography of complex planes in nth dimensional space, he is almost certainly telling you the truth. If a person on the internet tells you he is going to reveal how all the theories you follow tie together and he is working to bring you the truth, it is almost certainly a lie.

Further, conspiracies should be kept in isolation as much as possible. Thinking that a government entity is covering up a political assassination has nothing to do with alien abductions which has nothing to do with “hollow earth”. Don’t accept some sort of “in for a dime in for a dollar” ideology, this is easily used to discredit any challengers to an official narrative... “The people saying x are the same bunch of idiots who think y!”

I would advise to only treat seriously things that can be studied by science, and find scientific explanations for the ones that seemingly cannot and reject anything that doesn’t fit at all. Example would be 9/11 which can be studied with physics and other applied math, alien abductions which could be explained by known methodology of MKULTRA programs and drug experiments or CIA research into remote viewing (maybe just to see if it could be done, more likely as disinfo to force the USSR to study it also) and then there are things like astral projection and flat earth that are just stupid bullshit.

But don’t hesitate to explore crazy ass ideas, it can be entertaining and it can help critical thinking... I almost think there should be two conspiracy subs, an open crazy ideas one and one for solidified ones that have grounds in provable reality... 9/11, JFK, Vaccines (relating to safety and our propensity for dumping tainted ones on third world countries, not wild speculations), money laundering, bribery, trafficking and the like in the solidifies side and things like aliens, time travel, hollow earth and the comic book shit like reptiles, and such in the idea pen. Maybe you don’t agree on my proposed differentiation but it would keep down shills with crazy disinfo infesting.

On the last, maybe a voting system that is then approved by mods would be best to keep flat earth shill crap from being voted in.

Anyway, those are some thoughts.

u know de way

Nice post... I think it reflects a real desire to know truth, and for others to know truth as well...

Right on! Thanks for sharing!

Thank you for this.

once you have worked out the main conspiracy - that the world is actually run by 1 criminal cabal farming us for profit - it becomes clear what is truth and fiction. all the info we are presented from them serves their agenda. if it comes from one of us it will be obvious.

It is because of the fact that i witnessed saw and experiemced gangstalking that I know for a fact a cataclysmic event that will claim many lives is coming to this country VERY soon. I am a regular citizem with no criminal record etc.

Yet i jad these individuals stalk me hack my electronics relay my coordinates over the phone to anothet person etc. I didnt read about it i experienced it.

So it made me apply common sense and i had to ask myself if they have the power and resources to moniter everything i do and everywhere i fo why can they not catch these politicians raping killing and trafficking children?

The answer is theu are choosing not to. I say it over and over again NOTHING happens over night. We have u.n troops on our soil under the guise of "peace" the dhs ordered billions of HOLLOW POINT rounds which are banned by the geneva convention.

We loose more of our rights and freedoms every single yea. Yet idiots run to ballot boxes voting for these people like the shit matters. It is ALL right in front of everyones face.

Sandyhook did not happen it didnt they are forcing propoganda down peoples throats and staging events to remove all of our power.

People doe more from police than terrorists.

WE HAVE U.N TROOPS WITH TANKS AND ARMORED VEHICLES ENTERING INTO THE COUNTRY. Most are in chicago right now. We have had fema camps being built all over the country.

Anybody with common sense knows those without virtue lead this nation you would have to be choosing to be ignorant to not see our leaders involved in cults and the sexual abuse of children.

A great tradgety will soon befall this country. I posses the ability to think critically to those who only watch reality tv and research nothing about the world they live in they will be shocked and asking themselves whats going on where did this come from.

Some of us will have known the whole time. The foot soldiers and "informants" who were a part of these propoganda operations etc think they are special and that their fate will be different. They are in for a very big suprise.

Just like most americans are not aware of these behind the stage shenanigans these government pawns have no clue they will be expended all the same.

Thanks, there is wisdom here