0  2018-01-07 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Destroyed this site, and will destroy this country.

In my humblest of opinions, you’re all absolutely incompetent.

Take that from someone who doesn’t vote and doesn’t believe in politics. I’m not right wing or republican. I’m an anarchist and I’m telling you, you are the reason the world will burn

Your fixation with Trump is so utterly disgusting, you give those racist people who didn’t like Obama just because he was black a run for their money.

Congratulations on your $10 an hour jobs you fought so hard for.

You are literally aiding the globalist movement in dissolving nationalites, paving the way for a worldwide, totalitarian regime, and you don’t even realize it.

This is so incomprehensibly stupid. Forgive my judgment. I just have to let you know, because no one else has the courage to call out your idiocentricity for fear of being labeled a “nazi”


Sometimes i ponder that the term was coined on purpose, to equate 'social justice' with something bad.

I think the 'warrior' was coined on purpose for a certain mindset instead of 'activist'.

Activist is a positive word. Warrior (while also a positive word), can too easily be equated with war.

So thinking about it, I'd have to agree with you.

Correct. It's a way to get people to sneer at something we should all agree on.

Yeah. It’s absurd. People are just self loathing and miserable because they follow what their political party tells them to.

Yes. I agree. Technically everyone should be fighting for social justice.

Seems obvious

Then if this seems obvious than what is the point of your post.

Your mom.

maybe, maybe not

why should I "fight" for something that is undefined, something that may not be true?

individual justice > social justice

Double speak


Your mom

You've provided no evidence to your claims. You haven't even outlined what a SJW is, in your opinion (and this is strictly an opinion - not a conspiracy).

I didn’t realize I had to outline anything. Also, I don’t have to prove anything. You might enjoy watching society be turned into a bunch of gutless, dickless men with no courage to stand up for decency. Who am I to pretend like I know of your perceptions?

I don't see how your post calling out undefined subgroups of people is any different than what you're claiming is bad. What specifically are you talking about? Who are you talking about? What is your solution? Seems to me you're complaining about others without questioning whether you're adding to the chaos.

I would love to add to the chaos at this point. There’s so much chaos there’s really no getting around it. People are having sex with horses. People are blogging suicides. Perhaps if we reach critical mass a solution can be found.

I don’t have any answers for you, I’m just pointing out the fact that neither do SJW’s (whatever that means; anyome who thinks they have the answers).

Why do you want chaos?

I don’t want chaos. There is only chaos

That is, until we get past our implanted amnesia and remember how to become spiritual beings again.

I would love to add to the chaos at this point

So that we can reach critical mass.

Critical mass for what?

The real revolution. Can’t go up till hit rock bottom, for real.

What's going to be involved in this "real revolution"?

Hopefully, a new, better civilization.

I didn't ask what the aftermath will be. I'm asking you to tell me what's going to happen during the "revolution".

Haha I see what you’re doing. I’m sure you’ll use this against me later in some trivial, out-of-context way.

But to answer your question: lots of killing, or lots supernatural things.

No, it's called clarifying your stance and trying to understand where you are coming from.

Supernatural as in Biblical? Who would be killing who?

No, not biblical; metaphysical.

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and everyone was psychic. Everyone could read your mind, and you could read everyone else’s. No lies. No hiding. Group mind. One being.

That kind of thing.

Also, as far as the killing goes, I’m not sure. I won’t be a part of that. But lots of people are going to die either way.

Filling your body full of junk food for decades will do that. Fear of starvation will do that. Any which way, lots of people are going to die, it’s the way it is right now.

What makes you think the metaphysical part will happen?

Many years of research and meditation.

Convince me or others of your view

It’s not really something that’s convincible. You either are in tune with the spiritual world, or you aren’t, and it’s okay if you aren’t, because we are all the same.

The universe is holographic. Everything is made of molecules, made of atoms, made of quarks, made of such small pieces we can’t even see yet; they’re all vibrating in constant motion, occupying no real space. Existence is transient.

We are transient beings.

Once you learn the occult mysteries you’ll see that this has been known to man for thousands of years, only for the last few thousand years has this information been kept from us.

We are all psychic. Thoughts are energy, and energy never dies. They transmit information constantly. Every thought you have influences those around you.

When we cross the veil, when we cross into the next Yuga, it’s likely that everyone will become more spiritually aware; maybe even psychic.

Cool. I don’t think instigating chaos is worth that though.

You misunderstood what I was saying and/or took it out of comtext.

The universe is chaos.

I couldn’t instigate it if I tried. The best thing we can do is try to accurately define what we believe goodness in humanity to be and live by those principles.

The rest is just chaos

I would love to add to the chaos at this point.

How are people pushing for social justice and equality instigating chaos?

Haha you’re questions are hilariously biased! I love it, I hope people read this and see what you’re doing.

It’s very SKWish, they would be proud.

Who doesn’t want social justice?

I’m not a monster.

It’s the wayyyy they go about it that’s the problem. If you can’t see that than move along, silly little human.

I'm not sure what you mean by my questions are biased. I'm asking you to clarify your stances and I've been very respectful towards you and I would appreciate it if you conversed with me in a respectful manner as well.

I’m not a monster.

I never said you were.

It’s the wayyyy they go about it that’s the problem

What way are you referring to?

They’re slanted. “How are people pushing for social justice instigating chaos” is a stupid question. First of all, it assumes that all people who are who pursuing “social justice (whatever that means to you) are doing it for the same reason; this is obviously untrue.

People are different, their intentions are varied.

Thank you.

Can you please answer my last question?

Yeah all I mean is like the way they protest and shout in the streets, yelling and breaking things; that’s people’s property. That’s no way of going about it, in my opinion. If we’re gonna fix things we need people to work together.

Just like actual racists on the right side, the left side’s radicals are a problem. They need to be ignored or dealt with.

I’m not sure what the solution is.

they protest and shout in the streets

There's no problem with that. Our country was founded on this very thing, and it's how a lot of people gained more liberty for themselves.

breaking things

Yes, that's obviously a bad thing and extremely counter productive, but I don't see it happen that often.

If we’re gonna fix things we need people to work together


the left side’s radicals

What do you mean?Who are these left side radicals? How should we deal with them?

Yeah but the way they scream and the things they say are really psycho. I’ve watched a lot of film on this, and I’ve been to gay rallies (to support them ironically) and I have been disgusted by the activity and attitudes I witnessed.

I don’t know how to deal with them. Thats my point. Its not like I’m going to condone violence. But they are a real problem; you’ll see sooner or later. They are a limited hangout. They are useful idiots, for the most part.

You're not really providing specifics or evidence.

Haha just forget it. Watch some rallies.

I have

Then why the agitated post about SJWs? Wouldn't they be helping us hit rock bottom?

Yes, I like to laugh at them as they burn everything to the ground, lying to themselves, saying that they are doing it for “social justice” and not some egoistical reason. :)

It’s hilarious

I don't think you're very clear on your positions.

some men just wanna watch the world burn

Again baseless bullshit you can’t outline with sources or examples. You are just as spineless and dickless as the people you whine about.

And I hate to burst your naive bubble but the people standing up for decency are the people pushing for social justice. Like you even agreed in this thread everyone should be on board with social justice. But yet the dickless ones are the ones acting like standing up for decency is killing this country.

Your mom.

First, "SJWs" are the ones fighting for a living wage, not $10/hr, but that aside.

Second, hating Trump because of his actions is not the same as people who hated Obama because of his race, and that you can't see the difference really betrays who you are as a person.

Finally, I really hate the term "SJW." Why does it always have to be warrior? Why can't I be a social justice mage? A social justice shaman? I'm more of a Social Justice Healer these days, to be honest.

Come on, everyone! We shouldn't be questioning the head of state. And if we do, we are obviously aiding the downfall of civilization. Don't question him - just fall in line! /s

I wasn’t comparing the two. I was saying it’s just as vile. You people have no idea what’s going on inside that bullding, inside that man’s head. You’ll just latch on to whatever CNN tells you, just how the right would with their old school pastors.

It might be different, but it’s the same.

You don’t think for yourself

Woah woah woah woah woah. You are painting all of us in this sub with a very broad brush my friend. Secondly there is absolutely a difference between what Trump has been doing or has done and what Obama has done. The conservative media went after Obama for wearing a tan fucking suit dude. Why does it even matter? Thats just hating to hate. Is it not? And us just latching on to what CNN tells us? What about all those Faux News listeners who will latch on to every word like gospel?

I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you over spilled milk.

Both sides are controlled. If you don’t get that, you shouldn’t be here.

You aren't wrong. Both sides are controlled I'm not gonna sit here and say they aren't. Thats why I'm here in the first place lol. You were replying to someone who made a good point. Criticism for things Trump DOES is a whole lot different than criticizing Obama purely because of his race. Is that not wrong?

Absolutely, but you’re forgetting that Obama did a lot of things worth criticizing

Just because he was cool, slick, and professional about it doesn’t mean he’s less dangerous.

If anything he was mode dangerous because of those reasons. Trump is having a much more positive affect on the aggregate (waking people up to problems) because of his against the grain attitude

To me, that’s more beneficial for the conspiracy community, for obvious reasons, and I’m totally not ruling out the fact that he is 99% likely part of the globalist plot all the same.

He’s a Pyrrhic victory for the movement, that is all.

You are right I don't disagree with you that Obama definitely deserved criticism. Trump is a victory for the movement because he's making the people realize how fked up our government is or am I missing something? Because in that sense I would agree. I bet the general population is more inclined to vote in 2020 now because of Trump than if someone else was president. Maybe not HRC but you get my point.

Yes we are in agreement. I’m not sure how people don’t see that that’s what I’m saying. :)

Because you're not even attempting to explain your position.

I’ve said this three times. My position is that you (SJW’s) are brainwashed and suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

That's not explaining your position. That's stating your position.

Oh okay well allow me to go into detail. When I see you people spouting all exactly what CNN has reported or what you heard on late night TV, all the while forgetting to be a conspiracy theorist and keep an open mind about the topic, it makes me feel quite certain you are a paid, government shill.

I don't watch CNN or cable news and I'm not a paid government shill. Any other theories, or is this your way of not keeping an open mind with anyone who might think differently than you?

My mind is quite opened. :)

Seeing how stupid SJW’s are craked it open even further.

This comment got a laugh out of me. I hope you see the irony.

Yeah, I’m super interested in your feelings.

Irony isn't a feeling. Keep that mind cracked open, though!

This is bullshit. I don’t watch major news like cnn. My information comes straight from trumps mouth or twitter page. I judge him on his actions. You are crazier than sjws. If you don’t want to pay attention to politics and don’t wish to vote than how about you stop whining about politics. If you truly were an anarchist this shit wouldn’t bother you.

Your mom.

"Don't watch major information comes straight from Trump's mouth"

Wow are you part of the White House staff or something? Family maybe? No? Then you're getting your news from a media outlet that is picking, choosing and editing your information.

how dare this user assume what type of social justice I am! TRIGGERED

Social Justice half-orc Barbarian checking in!

People call Trump a white supremacist for being white. If that's not racist idk what is. They also target supporters as Nazis for disagreeing with them. SJWs are using.bullying tactics to control a narrative. Basically outcasting anyone who doesn't want to jump on their bandwagon and referring to anyone with a conflicting opinion as a world war 2 villain.

America IS being run to the ground by this pc culture you feed. If any country were to invade America, all they'd have to do is invade with an all minority army. Half.your country would be defending their right to invade lol


People call him a white supremacist, because he caters to white supremacists. Anyone with an ounce of objectivity has seen that.

when your response to a neo nazi group running over left wing protestors is "lots of good people on either side". And your response to the NFL peacefully protesting is "FIRE ALL THESE SOBs" we know exactly where you stand.

you’re all absolutely incompetent.

Take that from someone who doesn’t vote and doesn’t believe in politics


He's an anarchist man!

An anarchist complaining about she's. That's new.


Yeah, being fixated with a guy who just gave away billions and billions and billions to the richest and most powerful cowards in America on the backs of future generations is just so terrible.

Social justice should be a concern for all of us. If it isn't, you're part of the problem.

As if you fared so much better with Democrats. You’re caught in the polarization.

Fuck the democrats.

There we go :)

Your mom

My birthday pussy

It's funny because this post is classic SJW material. It goes both ways dumbass

Hows that?

Asexual Anarchist?

“How dare you try to gender specify!”

so, social justice is good, SJWs is bad?

I couldn’t care less about either. They’re both fantasies. But yes, in theory social justice would be great, but it’s impossible on a broad scope until more human beings become enlightened.

social justice would be great, but it’s impossible

Except there have been great improvements in social justice since the 50'-60's.

Progress is slow but it does happen.

Bread crumbs from the master’s table.

Good job. *pats you on the back

The Civil Rights Act is not bread crumbs.

Ending Jim Crow laws and policy is not bread crumbs.

Yeah and they should’ve had those rights from the beginning.


Yes, it should have had those right from the beginning. But, people fought for those civil rights and there was progress.

Captain of the obvious up here^

Yes, it goes against your points.

Yes we get It SJWs are annoying & we hate them, what’s the Conspiracy?

I would be curious the origins of this behavior, not the label it’s self. It seems like it just kind of cropped up overnight. What triggered people to start behaving this way? Are they learning it from their professors, tv or pop culture? It had to have come from somewhere, cause it hasn’t always been this way. People used to be able to politely disagree when confronted with differences, now it’s an all out attack. I’d like to know why.

Same ^

I think this post dissecting propaganda really shows us what we are dealing with today.

Looking back a few years we saw Obama legalizing propaganda and around the same time we started seeing this SJW type personalities coming into play. So to me, it’s not a far stretch to say this was intentionally created to secure/ indoctrinated a certain voter base. I’d be willing to bet you can guess which one. Not to say both sides aren’t fucked, but this behavior we are discussing falls on one side of the aisle almost exclusively.

Agreed. It’s quite frightening, how rabid they are. Especially the feminazis. Man they’re annoying.

I believe indoctrination to "socialism/communism" has been happening for a long time in schools and universities. We've caught on so late as to what is happening...and how to correct it will take time.

There sure are a lot of them here.

You called SJWs incompetent in your post. You are what you are complaining about.


HOW is it nonsense? Explain yourself, just once. You're using this subreddit as a journal for your scattered thoughts and not for conspiracy discussion.

I mean what you said is nonsense, as in didn’t even make sense.

I’m not using it as anything. I’m saying something that needs to be said. I say it all the time. You’re attachment to being politically correct is a weakness that will cause all of us to suffer.

Well, I think I commented on the wrong post so my apologies. This was meant as a response to the comment saying people used to be able to disagree politely, a comment which you agreed with, and I was pointing out that you started the post with name calling to an undefined group of people.

you have no evidence that I cling to political correctness. If you point to my criticism of the president as proof, I question if you understand what political correctness is.

I’m not name calling. In fact, I’m not even really that attached to the outcome. I’m just pointing out the stupidity of SJW’s. You wouldn’t be so rabidly defending them if you were not one yourself, or at least didn’t support them; so, forgive me for assuming that. :)

I'm not defending anyone, I'm challenging you. Every response I've given has been trying to get you to flesh out your theories, and your responses have been dismissive and assumptive about my beliefs. You made the post and seem agitated that you have to explain yourself. You have no idea what I believe, nor have you been curious enough to attempt to understand my perspective. And curiosity is at the root of conspiracy discussions, is it not?

Okay I’ll bite :’)

What is your perspective?

Mine is that SJW’s are being mind controlled/conditioned into a planned series of reactionary responses, part of the whole left/right false dichotomy. Obama was the right’s villain, Trump is the left’s villain. It’s really quite simple, but it’s objectively genus if you consider the position of the wealthy who back both political parties.

Obama getting elected didn’t stop the wars. If you otherwise I will joe for sure who pays your bills.

He destroyed Libya. He funded ISIS. He helped SA take down the Yemeni government. And he faked the takedown of OBL, who died long ago.


Don't understand why this is being downvoted. Td leaking again?

Everything I say is downvoted, no matter how I package it.

If you don't vote you just accept the status quo.

Recycled nomsense^

I do plenty to alter the status quo. The voting machines that they could and have altered and tainted is no measurement of my commitment to the well being of this country.

What do you do.?

I encourage my students to challenge the status quo and to trust themselves and their instincts. I spend a great deal of my time with the homeless, as I find their company much more refeshing than most. I’m working on several creative projects that will help to spread awareness.

Not that any of that matters.

Good work x

So does that clear up the whole not voting thing?

Voting is meaningless.

Well in Australia I voted for the Green party which helped stop the destruction of our native forests for woodchips. So it's important plus compulsory here.

I like Aussie’s. :)

And more power to you. I’m not saying good can’t be accomplished. It’s a personal choice. I respect your choice to try to work through the system.

Just take solace in the fact that others are working hard preparing to help when the system inevitably collapses in on itself.

I think social justice warlocks are scariet

. I just have to let you know, because no one else has the courage to call out your idiocentricity for fear of being labeled a “nazi”



I'm not here to defend Obama, so don't worry about that.

Although I don't think your polarizing theories are that far off, I don't understand them being centered around SJWs. This could be because there's not a clear definition on who SJWs are. From my perspective, they're typically young people who haven't figured out how to channel their passions in a productive way. I don't see them as a threat because they don't hold any amount of power. But again, we might have completely different definitions of who these people are.

Trump is neither GOP nor Dem. he's an enigma. For GOP, these are dark days. The party may never recover. Which is fine, quite honestly. Dems have no message and GOP finally has to face what they've subtly been cultivating all these years with plausible deniability. But my issue with Trump is that he is breaking down public good for self gain.

I'm optimistic that this will break us and make us better, but I'm also a big believer that we have to fight against what's happening and learn from it. We won't be better if we assume the problems will resolve themselves.

Fair enough, and yes I agree on your definition of SKW’s but you could throw in LGBT’s and other minority groups who are politically active and may have good intentions, but have been falsely united in their hatred of one man, who may or may not even be our enemy. So, that is a problem. It’s causing much too much national tension, and that’s not Trump’s fault (part of it is maybe, but not his fault by a long shot), it’s the media and entertainers who keep agging people on; calling on “someone to assassinate Trump”.

It’s absurd.

No, you can't just throw LGBTQ in there. You can't generalize entire groups of people in an attempt to defend one person who "may or may not be our enemy". Who cares about him? He doesn't matter in the long run. He will be gone one way or another, and we will be left with much greater national tension because defending him required entire groups of people being dismissed.

Haha you’re hilarious, and predicable. I knew if I used the buzzword “LGBT” that you would add some letters and freak out.


So easy to manipulate you, you see?

It’s pathetic, I’m sorry.

You give yourself far too much credit.

I caught you. :)

Just admit it. You’re not here I try and fuether understanding, you’re here to pursue an agenda. Whether it’s a solo adventure or a federal one is irrelevant to me; you’re a destroyer either way.

Laughable, how you tell yourself that because you include people who are “questioning” in the LGBT group that you are somehow better than others who don’t. I don’t care! Why would I care?! They don’t care about anyone else’s lives, hardly anyone does. Why don’t you tell them to stop crying and see what time it is.

We, as a species, do not have time for your delicate sensibilities (and/or monetized lies that your spewing).


I fell and ripped half my face off when I was kid. I got over it. Healed up pretty nice. I’m sure they can manage with me not calling them the exact right made up pronoun they prefer all the time seeing as how I have WAY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT

You didn't "catch" anything. I'm not pushing an agenda at all, I am once again questioning yours. I've never claimed to be better than you but you're doing a victory dance over who knows what (once again, your positions are super unclear and you offer no explanation), calling me pathetic and predictable... so aren't you the one who thinks they're better?

My agenda is to bring the system down on its head, because it’s a big..fat...scam...

Just like everything we’ve ever been told.

And no, I’m just having fun teasing you guys. I apologize. It wasn’t a victory dance. I actually have just won. There’s nothing you can say to what I said, because its the truth

Simple. Life is not easy, it’s not fair. It takes an incredible amount of strength and dignity to get up and do something constructive for yourself, much less anyone else; so I have the highest respect for people who go out and pursue justice. Justice for all

However, unfortunately, most of them like you, are incredibly naive and don’t pay close enough attention. They can’t see the writing on the wall; that we’ll have to look wayyy outside the box to solve this problem. A bandaid isn’t gonna stop this bleeding; you need fire you need to cauterize. That’s something SJW’s can’t do/can’t handle. They’re false teachers. Fakes. Sissies. Stuck up. Self important. Jackasses.

why so serious

Oh my lord, it's like talking to a drunk child. Best of luck to you and your joker philosophy.


I love you I think....

I love you too ;)

How the fuck is this conspiracy related? This politically polarized posting is so stupid and makes you look thirsty for conversation.

Oh please I’m so interested in talking to more warriors..

Give me a break.

Your mom is

Just another "people are being mean to trump" post.

Wrong. Guess again.

You do realize you are the definition of bigotry, yes?

*strokes mustache

As an anarchist, I'm confused how you claim to be an anarchist and yet are not interested in fighting for social justice. And you also seem to have a problem with dissolving nationalities? Very strange.

I don’t wanna watch people suffer for no reason

I don't understand how that follows from either of the points I mentioned?

I’m bored with this. Anarchy waits.

Sjws are the biggest losers this generation has created. They are the hippies of the Millennium. Sorry but you will be down voted for pointing that out.

It would seem that way

Dayum! Love your cajones bro!


They do political correctness looking for virtue because they have none. I have hope these times will pass. It's all coming from the postmodernist teacher and professors. We should do something about them, to stop this horrible plague from spreading any further.

But I have to know, what was Quetzalcoatl right about?

I myself am a teacher and boy, lemme tell you, those professors are the problem right there. Infecting people’s minds. I was lucky to have exposed myself to psychedelics before I got too in to college or I would have ended up the same.

Well, he was right about a lot of things haha, assuming you believe what I believe about him: that he was Thoth or Hermes, the teacher of Man. He warned of the “snake brothers” returning. He was a blonde haired blue eyed white man. That’s why the natives worshiped Cortez and his soldiers as gods. They thought he was Quetzalcoatl or the same race as him; hint, he was.

Or you know, he could be a dragon; in which case, that’s pretty cool too. :)

The screenshots of SJWs from tumbler saying that we should 'kill white people' that get passed around over and over by the right aren't real people. They aren't the mainstream opinions of the left, just like white supremacists aren't your average conservative. They're boogeymen that people like Tucker Carlson use to get grandmothers into voting for people who want to take away their social security, or people who've lost family members to opiate overdose into voting for people who want to gut medicaid and funding for rehabilitation clinics, or people whose wages haven't raised in 3 decades into voting for people who give a trillion dollars to billionaires.

I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you over spilled milk.

Both sides are controlled. If you don’t get that, you shouldn’t be here.

The Civil Rights Act is not bread crumbs.

Ending Jim Crow laws and policy is not bread crumbs.

Yeah, I’m super interested in your feelings.

No, not biblical; metaphysical.

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and everyone was psychic. Everyone could read your mind, and you could read everyone else’s. No lies. No hiding. Group mind. One being.

That kind of thing.

Also, as far as the killing goes, I’m not sure. I won’t be a part of that. But lots of people are going to die either way.

Filling your body full of junk food for decades will do that. Fear of starvation will do that. Any which way, lots of people are going to die, it’s the way it is right now.