r/the_donald literally can't say "r/politics" or the subreddit will get banned, yet almost every r/politics thread has comments going "you won't believe what they're saying about this on r/conspiracy"

517  2018-01-08 by notsarasolo

They come here and make everything about politics and ignore conspiracy. Seriously, these guys won't even comment on a thread that isn't related to trump/russia, and any time they do it's only to derail a thread never to actually contribute anything. There's even a post right now where all the top comments are trying to get the post removed because it says that the primary was rigged against bernie which was proven literally the week of the new york primary in april 2016. Ask yourself who is interested in doing this? In only creating noise and not contributing anything of substance, and of promoting the establishment government msm narrative.


/r/conspiracy is a somewhat neutral ground for partisans to slapfight so they end up having their skirmishes over here.

Until a post gets popular then it gets fucked by shills. Browse new

Not really neutral though, but more balanced.

Yea, /politics is 100% shill. Conspiracy is like only like 46% shill.

Why's this dude getting downvotes?

Kyle, fair observation and I'm guessing g not to far off the mark. Have an upvote my man. Keep it real.

lol I have tried commenting there and you will be so quickly bombarded with downvotes, its blatant the shilling operation is churning on that sub.

I dont know how ppl eat that shit up. Im like, thats propaganda retards. They know it too. Whatever is good for their "team." Fuck whats right

Every board on the internet is 100% shill, just some shills are amateurs

I don’t think that word means what you think it means

IMO this sub is about 50/50 ration on Trump supporters to non-supporters. Saying half of us are shills basically means you believe everyone you disagree with is shilling. Anecdotally that is how I’ve seen shilling accusations play out here.

"IMO this sub is about 50/50 ratio on Trump supporters to non-supporters. Saying half of us are shills basically means you believe everyone you disagree with is shilling."

I don't think that how that math works out. If half of each side are shills, he's likely to agree with the shills that are arguing from "his side." So only half the people he disagrees with are shills, the other half are genuine. As such, only half the people that agree with him are genuine, while the other half that agree are shills. Shills work both sides.

"Anecdotally that is how I’ve seen shilling accusations play out here."

Just cause that's how the accusations fly doesn't mean they hit their mark.

I don’t think you’re disagreeing with what I said—just elaborating on it. Too often, the level of discourse on this sub stoops to “you’re speaking in support of Trump, must be a Russian shill” or “you’re speaking against Trump, obvious Shariablue Soros shill”

It’s juvenile, and frankly idiotic. It gives anyone here an easy out to avoid debating from a position of honesty, logic, and evidence and instead summarily discount any position against the opinion they already hold.

If you believe in something, bring your conviction to r/conspiracy and use your brain to convince us why you’re right. Don’t just call everyone who disagrees a shill. There are many decent people here with viewpoints from a variety of sides—very few of them are actually bots or shills. Make an actual fucking argument.

Close enough. I was really just spending a little too much time being a smart ass, but yeah, we basically agree, so have an upvote on me.

“you’re speaking in support of Trump, must be a Russian shill”

Even worse it is typically more along the lines of "you aren't speaking out AGAINST him, therefore you are obviously a Nazi or whatever the go-to is today.

There was a study done by a user here a few months ago. I was literally 50% The_Donald users and 50% everyone else.

Missed that post but it’s pretty self-evident if you come here regularly. IMO, it makes this a very worthwhile place of discussion. All of the other major political subs are ban-happy echo chambers too consumed by hatred of the other side to have any sort of fully rational discussion.

If, for instance, you hate Trump but also think Hillary was an awful choice, are liberal in many ways but are a huge 2nd amendment supporter—this sub is by far the best place to talk politics.

I'm not sure what how regular I am here has to do with referencing a study. but whatever.

This place is generally extremely toxic when trying to discuss anything. It's at the point where people will start complaining about that horrible other side and calling them shills before any of them even post.

You do realise surely that r/politics isn't particularly ban happy and that the users there only ever grudgingly supported Hillary. The only thing that it's missing from your list is 2nd amendment support, which it is actually more moderate on in average than you might think.

Chill dude I was just saying I haven’t seen that study but agree with the premise just based off guesswork.

Check out my other post on this thread to see how fully I agree with how toxic shilll accusations are on here.

As far as r/politics, I agree and give them full credit that they do not ban for dissenting views. However they also will not upvote or consider them even if polite and well-reasoned. I strongly disagree about Hillary though—the majority of that sub worships her and views her as a near-perfect candidate with few flaws. Just try mentioning Bernie and the DNC rigging the primaries and be prepared to be called a Russian shill.

It may not be the case overall for liberals IRL, but r/politics is also strongly anti-gun. They stoop to emotional “think of the safety of the kids” arguments and go full nanny-state. The infamous Hillary tweet about “think of how many more he could have killed if he had a silencer” was hugely supported there, showing complete lack of basic knowledge that consumer suppressors do not silence guns like in James Bond movies. Again, try to explain that basic fact politely and you will be met with “Sandy hook bro, you are literally Hitler and want 5 year olds to die”

Sorry, I think that I actually misread that first sentence. Tired at the moment.

I really do hate the paranoia around silencers/suppressors. It makes very little sense to have them restricted for rifles at least.

yes, totally!

Nah, thats false

This place is generally extremely toxic when trying to discuss anything. It's at the point where people will start complaining about that horrible other side and calling them shills before any of them even post.

This is very true.

You do realise surely that r/politics isn't particularly ban happy and that the users there only ever grudgingly supported Hillary.

What is your support for this claim, exactly?

The only thing that it's missing from your list is 2nd amendment support, which it is actually more moderate on on average than you might think.

Why do you think that?

Yet you make a post saying 'everything is fair and balanced... nothing to see here', and it's instantly hit with a barrage of up votes. I'm not calling anyone a shill but no one gets up voted like that here unless it's a comment trying to quash a conspiracy theory.

then it gets fucked by shills.

You mean people who disagree with you? Otherwise I don’t see how you would know that they are paid. I might as well assume that you are paid to spew conspiracy nonesense, but, like with your “shills”, there is probably no evidence of that.

I might as well assume that you are paid to spew conspiracy nonesense, but, like with your “shills”, there is probably no evidence of that.

This is where someone says something about Russian troll farms, and then there's a discussion about whataboutism.

correct the record first, then a mention of russian troll farms, and then denial that there is any proof of russian troll farms

Didn't CTR consolidate with ShareBlue months ago or some shit?

yeah, amid concerns that they were forming a bogeyman monopoly

There was just an AMA posted, but no inkling or anything happening on this subreddit for you?

Cool. Glad you've gotten it figured out.

I only comment in new. I routinely get upvoted a good amount then if it hits popular I'll get numerous comments attacking me and I'll be downvoted into oblivion. Do you really think the sub that is ground zero for topics like 9/11 and CIA fuckery ISNT full of government funded shills? I've been around this sub long enough to see certain patterns, lingo and tactics that all reek of inorganic discourse. I know the difference between a disagreeing reply and one that is paid.

Reddit.com isn't neutral.

The general population isn't evenly split on most issues.

And the side shouting the loudest isn't always the one with the larger amount of support.

reddit in a nutshell

Oh the irony...

I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Reddit benefits from having subreddits with homogeneous demographics/interests/etc. Advertisers pay a premium to reach a targeted audience.

You're absoulutely right. Reddit benifits from us, and we're supporting their actions through our continued usage and participation. IMO knowing what we do, if they won't change, continued support is at least a partial of a lapse in moral judgement. The forward-thinking, ethically diciplined choice is to leave completely (though ideally not before writing a post to make you intentions clear widely heard and understood). Besides the sort of inline-advertizing, data-mining and product pushing that /r/HailCorporate/ catches on to, "First principal thinkers / Contrarians" are also actvely shunned on this site. If those thinking critically just packed up and left, this site would lose all credibility and devolve into CTR/MMFA/ShareBlue echo chamber. Blatant organized astroturfing is allowed, and supported by the admins. Reddit's an arm of the mainstream media, with deep pockets, and rich connections to the establishment. They should get exactly what they deserve and desire.

The forward-thinking, ethically diciplined choice is to leave completely

The dilemma is that no significant portion of the user base wants to actually pay for a reddit replacement. Any other "free" reddit replacement will eventually be plagued with the same issues and conflicts.

That's exactly what happened to Digg. They sold out hardcore, the site sucked, and everyone migrated to reddit thinking it would be neutral. A few years and HuffPo acquisition later and we are back at the same spot.

"The dilemma is that no significant portion of the user base wants to actually pay for a reddit replacement."

Well I'd say that a significant portion of users have say donated to Voat.co. I get your point though that more funding of could be massively helpul. With how prolific internet crowdfunding is, funding is an entirely solvable issue. You don't nessisarily need a huge investor nowadays, especially if you get crafty. Some useful reccomendations to heed from the now defunct youtube alternative vidme: https://medium.com/vidme/goodbye-for-now-120b40becafa

Insights for newcomers

If you’re considering building your own video platform, here are a few suggestions:

Monetization — Plan to operate at a loss for an indefinite period of time, and/or be operated by a deep-pocketed business with multiple revenue streams and touchpoints with consumers. Give users of your existing products incentives to engage with your video platform, and be wary of monetizing with advertisements prior to achieving massive scale.

Infrastructure costs — Explore emerging technologies, such as peer-to-peer storage and delivery to further reduce infrastructure overhead. Consider restrictive storage policies, and own as much of the physical infrastructure as possible.

Audience building — Leverage an existing audience, and/or incentivize all platform participants by issuing a native currency (e.g. blockchain) to equitably reward contributors.


"Any other "free" reddit replacement will eventually be plagued with the same issues and conflicts."

Yeah, taking measures to avoiding the same pitfalls is of UPMOST importance. Otherwise what's the point?

This subreddit is generally right-leaning but occasionally you get waves of shills. But those simmer down as the other subs are much more important than this one which is still somewhat fringe (at least relative tot he bigger subs).

This sub and t_d were the only places you could find Trump supporters during the election. Especially after reddit banned all the alt right subs.

I like how you just come out and call anyone not right-leaning a "shill." That word used to have a meaning. You guys just use it as childish name-calling.

Look at the red team’s conspiracy! Why isn’t anyone talking about this! Downvotes!?!? Shills! This sub is dead!

Look at the blue team’s conspiracy! Why isn’t anyone talking about this! Downvotes?!?! Shills! This sub is dead!

Sometimes I feel as though there are more posts arguing over which team is worse than posts asking if the game itself is a conspiracy.

You ever wonder why we’re here?

The only reason that we set up a Red Base here, is because they have a Blue Base over there. And the only reason they have a Blue Base over there, is because we have a Red Base here.

Then there are posts like mine talking about “both sides” that don’t really add value.


nice red vs blue quote.

In the end it all boils down to Red vs Blue

Yep. Anything that criticizes the Corporate Centrist puppets of the DNC like Obama, HRC, Kamala, Deval, DWS, etc gets a lot of flak from the r/politics crowd. Any discussion of Bernie being cheated by these inept, corrupt fools really pisses em off too. And being a Bernie supporter who is mindful of all this, and doesn't believe in the BS Russia Collusion? Man that really pisses them off, and I have comments of my own doomed to downvote oblivion to prove it ;)

They're incredibly cancerous.

What's with the random Capitalisation of your Posts?

It's weird and, along with the slinging around of the word ''corporate'' and the ''being a Bernie supporter'' really reminds me of social media during the 2016 primaries.

What's with the random Capitalisation of your Posts?

Capitalization adds emphasis. I want to emphasize Corporate Centrists as a proper noun, and as a proper, defined group of people. I want to emphasize Russia Collusion as a proper noun, and as the load of shit that it is. The fact that you notice the capitalization means it's doing its job.

It's weird and, along with the slinging around of the word ''corporate'' and the ''being a Bernie supporter'' really reminds me of social media during the 2016 primaries.

And? Sorry that Corporatists have co-opted both Parties and the entire US political system. It's a term that must be used to identify the problem. Words have power. And yes, someone like me who is distrustful of Corporate control is also a Bernie supporter...that's not uncommon. I fail to see what you are trying to insinuate here.

You just sound a lot like the OP here. Blatantly misrepresenting things etc.

Collusion with Russia has been neither proven nor disproven, but I know what the public data right now looks like to me.

The fact that you notice the capitalization means it's doing its job.

Actually it makes you seem semi-literate. At least to me.

You just sound a lot like the OP here. Blatantly misrepresenting things etc.

Thanks 6 day old account, for attempting to smear me and claim I'm either an alt of OP or in cahoots. You're doing a good job there.

Collusion with Russia has been neither proven nor disproven, but I know what the public data right now looks like to me.

Yep. The publicly available evidence shows jack shit other than a political witch hunt that is being used to allow the Centrists in the Dem Party to avoid facing the demands of their Base by claiming that since Russia stole the election, they don't have to change a goddamn thing. Political theater at its finest.

Actually it makes you seem semi-literate. At least to me.

Thanks for your input. The arguments, style, and thought put into my voluminous comments as well as my self posts speak for themselves towards my literacy.

Thanks 6 day old account, for attempting to smear me and claim I'm either an alt of OP or in cahoots. You're doing a good job there.

Never claimed anything of the sort.

The publicly available evidence shows jack shit other than a political witch hunt that is being used to allow the Centrists in the Dem Party to avoid facing the demands of their Base by claiming that since Russia stole the election, they don't have to change a goddamn thing.

THat's a really strange way to look at it. How about let's see what Mueller turns up, as he's got a lot more information than you or I.

Judging it as BS this early seems silly and petulant.


The arguments, style, and thought put into my voluminous comments as well as my self posts speak for themselves towards my literacy.

Very stable, too.

Never claimed anything of the sort.

False. You insinuated as much with the following comment:

You just sound a lot like the OP here. Blatantly misrepresenting things etc.

THat's a really strange way to look at it. How about let's see what Mueller turns up, as he's got a lot more information than you or I.

Ah yes, Mueller. The FBI Director during 9/11, them an who is bringing on known partisans to his investigation, people who have worked with both HRC and Obama, and who has had to let some of them go after it came out publicly that they were vehemently anti-Trump. Yup, this sounds like a totally legit investigation to me.

Judging it as BS this early seems silly and petulant.

I've been following this story since the beginning. If they honestly had evidence that the President of the US directly colluded with the Russian to steal the election they would never have allowed him to become President. But go ahead and claim "that's just now how things work" or "due process". If these spooks had evidence, real evidence, and still allowed him to take office, then they failed at their jobs completely and aren't interested in protecting the country lol.

Very stable, too.

Again, my posts and comments speak for themselves, but thanks for the insults.

. You insinuated as much with the following comment

Er, no. Not my intent anyway.

Ah yes, Mueller. The FBI Director during 9/11, the man who is bringing on known partisans to his investigation, people who have worked with both HRC and Obama

What is your definition of "known partisan"?

Does working with either Clinton or Obama invalidate someone's ability to do their job? And who are these people you mention?

If these spooks had evidence, real evidence, and still allowed him to take office

Who is the "they" here? Information was gathered, found it's way to McCain, then on to the FBI where an investigation was already going on.

An investigation, not a conclusion.

How could this "they" of yours have stopped the election result anyway?

This can be explained easily enough without saying it's all bullshit as you are.

You are not explaining yourself very well here.

Er, no. Not my intent anyway.

I don't believe that lol.

What is your definition of "known partisan"?

Does working with either Clinton or Obama invalidate someone's ability to do their job? And who are these people you mention?

Hmmm...maybe these people? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/02/us/politics/mueller-removed-top-fbi-agent-over-possible-anti-trump-texts.html

Oh, forgot about them huh? lol.

Who is the "they" here? Information was gathered, found it's way to McCain, then on to the FBI where an investigation was already going on.

The intelligence community, the people actually in charge of all of this. And you mean the FBI investigation begun on false pretenses for a FISA warrant with the BS Steele Dossier? Super legitimate LOL.

How could this "they" of yours have stopped the election result anyway?

If they actually had evidence, they present it to the American People.

You are not explaining yourself very well here.

I am, but you are here only to obfuscate and to direct the downvotes where they need to go lol.

You're still doing a bad job of it I'm afraid.

How can you call it all "BS" when none of us have even close to all the facts?

Isn't that a bit premature?

He doesn't understand basic English rules I doubt he's even American combined with his choice to try to detail with grammar (while being wrong) and his young account I'd bet he's paid per post

It's funny because they don't realize that they betray their own pattern. Fools like him always show up when keywords that I stated in my comment get made, and then mysteriously the comments go from +5 to -5 in 15 minutes LOL...totally organic I'm sure. It's all good though, at least their blatant bullshit lets the username get tagged for what it is.

Spit it out then.

You really would love that, wouldn't you? Funny how you're still monitoring this thread...you further betray your motives lol.

Funny how you're still monitoring this thread...you further betray your motives lol.

I get a little notification when a reply comes in.....

It's not "monitoring".

Are you crazy?

I get a little notification when a reply comes in.....

You get a notification when someone replies to my comment? LOL. You're getting your threads confused bud...and further exposing yourself.

No, I got one from further up and opened the full thread.

A response to your comment is only suspicious if you're ..... not well.

A response to your comment is only suspicious if you're ..... not well.

Thanks for yet another insult. So far you've attacked my grammar, my literacy, and now my mental health, nice!

I'm not American, no.

Should I be?

Lol capitalizing proper nouns is proper grammar. Not understanding basic English rules combined with your 6 day old account I'd bet you're paid per comment

It's frequent and proper in written German.

And I believe you meant to type

Are you accusing him of being a Russian troll? Hahaha.

Not surprising at all.

What a wrong? Someone that doesn't fit in your neat little black or white labeled boxes have your cognitive dissonance flaring up?

Are you accusing him of being a Russian troll? Hahaha.

No, just asking. It's a weird way to communicate as far as I see it.

He or she thinks I'm saying they are in cahoots with OP here too, but I don't see the point in that.

Just asking because it reminds me of DJT. similar phrasing and such.

Not surprising at all.

Well I'm not making that accusation so I guess it is surprising...

What's wrong? Someone that doesn't fit in your neat little black or white labeled boxes have your cognitive dissonance flaring up?

Er, what?'

You're guessing a lot.

They have pretty heavily brigaded this thread lol. Keep up the good fight, I'm off to other parts of the /new que to keep up the battle.

Good luck, my friend. Put your shill armor on. Haha.

They have pretty heavily brigaded this thread lol.

Maybe people just disagree?


I knew it was them. I knew it. They brought them and now everyone is being oppressed.

That or maybe you're not making a convincing enough argument. I'm seeing a lot of hypothesis being used as verifiable facts. That's really not helping your argument.

Debate. Learn it.

Ok 10 day old account, here to back up the opinions of the 6 day old account. I'll take your insights into the sub I have spent quite some time on over my own observations lol. You're not helping you or your friends cause here, you're just being even more transparent LOL.

Debate. Learn it. Focus and follow through.

You should take your own advice. Thanks for the worthless contribution to the thread, tho!

Ok 10 day old account, here to back up the opinions of the 6 day old account. I'll take your insights into the sub I have spent quite some time on over my own observations lol. You're not helping you or your friends cause here, you're just being even more transparent LOL.

See now that's an argument. Now you have the opportunity to follow through with something to verify that statement.

You claim I'm transparent. I've got lots of posts so you can really find something real damning. Such as... this is where you follow through.

Such as... this is where you follow through.

Yup, I'll follow through by refusing to play your games. Have fun out there bud.

There it is. You proved my point. You can make an argument but fold like a cheap suit when it comes time to do something with it.

Lol if you knew anything about me, my comment history, and my post history on this sub, you'd know just how dumb you sound. But thanks anyways.

Nuh-uh to your uh-huh.


That was an American Dad reference.

It's weird and, along with the slinging around of the word ''corporate'' and the ''being a Bernie supporter'' really reminds me of social media during the 2016 primaries.

What's with your shitty punctuation? Have you no idea how the comma works? It makes you look semi-literate?

I bet they call you a Trump supporter a lot

Yup. I've been called a Trump supporter, they've told me I'm a shill, that I'm a fake Bernie supporter and not a real Progressive. Personally, idgaf. I know what I am and I know it pisses them off that I don't fit neatly into their precious little boxes.

I've been called Russian there three times. They've all lost their minds.

Or maybe the place has been inundated with shills and that's a natural overreaction.

Both. Unfortunately there are a lot of normies that react exactly like that IRL.

Media brainwashing worked in WW2, it's working now, humans never fucking learn.

Or maybe it’s the shills there that try to gaslight the rational people.

They truly have.

Same here, I was called a Russian troll, Nazi Sympathizer, and a Trump supporter for saying that Obama suspended Habeus Corpus when he killed Anwar Al Alwaki and Osama Bin Laden.

Something something executive privilege.

I won't call you a troll for saying that, but it definitely makes you someone who misunderstands very basic legal concepts in a pretty hilarious way.

I'm no legal scholar, and, in many ways, I'm very left. However, I think it's illegal to kill an American citizen with no trial with a flying robot for excercising his 1st amendment rights.

You are 💯% right about that one.

They're in the DNC rigging the primaries thread on the front page.

Weasely little fuckers up to their usual gaslighting.

As if they're going to convince anyone who saw what happened to Bernie in real time with their downvoting and astroturfing. I guess they need to rewrite history and Correct that Record though.

Who's this "they"?

That's what they don't want you to know about them. Now sure you can claim that I'm one of them too. I've been arguing with a moron that claims that NASA is hiding gophers in their photos of Mars. But that's what they don't want you to know about... them.

I'm enjoying the lunacy in this thread. There are some decent arguments to be had but the crazies don't know how to follow through and instead lose their shit.

Zippy doo bop zorp la borg frittzle burgers.

Who said crazy!


Internet PR firms that get contracted by political orgs to control online political discourse.

So did you find that evidence of a court declaring that the DNC rigged the primary?

You've got some serious chutzpah to be whining about gaslighting after spending so much time defending a lie.

r/politics was gone after the DNC nomination. That was its end. Now only the undead version of its former self exist.

I agree. It was crazy to see how it changed almost overnight. It's part of the reasons I even ended up on r/conspiracy in the first place. The subversion of r/politics, then the subversion of r/wikileaks, r/sandersforpresident, and the shutting down of r/pizzagate lead me here and I've never left. Stay strong friend.

Well said. It was a literal day to night change.

Yikes all the downvotes for stating your opinion which is actually commonly agreed on in this sub reddit... totally not brigaded though.

It's even worse than that, my friend.


The corporate media shat on near-centrist Bernie (just a little left of center). The elites are extremely right wing and extremely authoritarian.

They're NEOliberals (extremely deregulated markets and banks) and NEOconservatives (warmonger foreign policy). Obama/Bush/Clinton are all NEOlibs and NEOcons simultaneously, just different shades of the same establishment model of corrupt politician.

Lib vs con is just bullshit to keep us psychologically chained to the corporate duopoly, like marketing. "I'm a proud lib/con, so I'ma vote muh Dems/Repubs"

Dems and Repubs:


Libs and Cons:


I don't personally believe the Dems can reform. It has to be a grassroots movement. Either that or somehow removing the very right wing NEOlibs and replacing them with legit left wingers and centrists. Also removing money from politics would greatly help.

That post on the front page is from a spam website and the story is a year and half old. Why is it on the front page right now. People here are well aware of what happened during the primaries. Are you also pissed off at all the people here that Trump cheerleaders from the_donald that try to make sure nothing bad about Trump ever hits the front page?

I'm pretty sure people from TD aren't here to make sure nothing hits the front page.

You know we can all check your posting history right?

yep they make shreddit for a reason, for 28 day old accounts that swap around to hide etc.

You know when all the people responding to me are avid posters from the_donald, you are just reinforcing my comment. You're aware of this right?

you know when everyone said trump is a moron and a retard?

Yes that moron and retard beat the best the democrats could bring by playing by the rules. So how is that working out for you? A moron and a retarded mental midget bet the DNC's greatest thing EVER.

Oh you just wanna chat about stuff now?

sure, but i did say that is why they make shreddit, its a chron job that deletes the history as you make the time

I think it’s great, actually

Voting for trump is the best America could do for Europe

Goodbye weak dollar, hello strong euro

till the labor force blows up the Euro

You mean like it does right now in USA with all the layoffs and shrinking jobs?

well the EU saw Africa as the Central America to the USA. so yea

I don’t even know what you’re on about

Do y'all not see how transparent the upvotes and downvotes are. Look I don't like guy(Trump) either but please go find a non biased source of the things he's done since in office. I implore you.

Obama sold us down the river with a smile. He was damn good at it too. Fooled every last one of us.

Once again, your downvotes are transparent.

If someone disagrees with you, its likely they go to subreddits that also disagree with you. Stop the presses.

The fuck does that have to do anything? Doesn't look like JustDoinThings is trying real hard to hide it. Matter of fact it kinda looks like he answered the question based on first hand experience. You sure got him you intrepid internet detective you.

Self awareness is not a strong trait of trumpettes

You guys didn’t read that right.

He used a double negative, so he really was just 4d cheesing yalls chess.

So are you fair and outraged at both?

I don't really care about either. But you sire as hell won't ever see a post bitching about the_donald reach the front page here.

I see bitching about the_donald all the time here though.

Front page posts?

The first front page post talking about either Hillary or Donald is an anti-Donald post at the moment.

What post? The one about Jeff Sessions? That's not Trump. Sessions isn't untouchable like Trump is.

Why not?

Because to Trump supporters, all that matters is Trump. We are allowed to talk shit about Sessions, Kushner, even Bannon after he bad mouthed daddy. But Trump is off limits. Trump himself has talked shit about Jeff Sessions for recusing himself. Which means Trump supporters are allowed to not like him.

Interesting. I don't go to the_donald often. I assumed they would obviously protect Trump the most but would also voraciously protect his cronies. I guess questions aren't allowed in this sub.

If they're talking about that post about the court case regarding the primaries, the title was a flat out falsehood.

Funny how we get posts like this whining that people are criticizing a fucking lie. Seriously, just think about that. A ton of upvotes and comments on this thread because false propaganda was being criticized.

There are so many, so many good non political conspiracies. Politics is by definition a sham. Trump or Bernie would have to face down Soros or Bibi, Rothschild or Rockefeller, and ultimately they’d still be at the mercy of the CIA.

On conspiracy I only care about what the CIA or FBI is doing politics wise. I don’t care that trump did this or Hillary did this. That’s why I like that trump has so much media against him.

I want to think about holofractals and how Buddhists and wim hof can do telepathy.

Because TD is well-known for botting and brigading.

Serously, everyone loves drawing these equivalencies and showing how they get different treatment, but the admins had to step in. TD was becoming a problem on a greater scale than pretty much anything else on the site, so yes, they get different, stricter rules.


Did you have more to add? I'm not sure what you're getting at.

I know! T_D is full of despicable people, huh?

Oh rhonda you oh so clever!!!

How was it becoming a problem? I've been on there every day for a year and a half and never caused anyone problems.

Ah, I was referring to the rest of Reddit. I would imagine people who appreciate TD don't see an issue, just like Bernie supporters didn't mind when Bernie spam got real bad. The thing is that TD kept ramping it up by using vote manipulation tactics, brigades (the obvious kind admins can't overlook), and just plain ol' botting. This put the admins, who would prefer to do literally nothing (since they can't win) to have to step in and change things to defend Reddit for a certain zealous subset.

Oh ok. I didn't know they use bots. All of my upvotes are manually done with my own high energy.

And I assume you also think all Trumps followers are real people as well...

Not sure what you're getting at? Followers as in Twitter followers? I know it's now over 45 million. I suppose some aren't real or are dead accounts or duplicate accounts. But I think that's commonplace with all of Twitter.

oh my god they're still saying high energy

They can't stop using fucking pro-Trump memes even while whining that the sub is overrun by some liberal brigade. You'll never once see anyone use an Obama or Hillary campaign slogan non-ironically here.

At least it gives some good context to the whiny posts like this one. These people will never be satisfied until this sub is a non-stop Trump campaign rally.

They have no real accomplishments to brag about since the election so they have to revert back to the last time it felt like they "won" something. They can't help but be chronically pathetic.

Well, you don't want to be low energy, do you? Really not the way to be.

It's just embarassing how outdated you people's meme catalogues are.

Hit me up with some dankness to improve!

The currently trending meme is that Don spitroasted toddlers with Jeff Epstein on the Lolita Express, go forth and spread it

That lacks wit and creativity.

Hey, I don't write 'em, I just report 'em.

and some, I assume, are good people

Much like this sub where the mods give the top post 'special treatment' even though it only happens to get censored when it's anti-Trump.

Except, how do you, a non-admin, go about proving this claim?

I think its legitimate question given that Reddit maintains a very biased socio political narrative toward the general userbase and makes changes to the algorithms to specific filter out and suppress views the admins disagree with.

Whether or not the sub engaged in such activities is an equally valid question, but the site's previously documented incidents of suppressing opposing views and silencing dissention should be taken into consideration. Simply throwing out the word brigading and botting on a matter that already caters to a bias you hold simply adds nothing except to further your perceptions.

It's no different than when FPH got shutdown; claims of brigading, botting, harassment, etc were thrown about, but no actual evidence was provided because everyone already assumed it to be true and solely on the merit that certain groups found the sub to be offensive to them, popularizing unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that simply sounded plausible.

I agree with user-initiated filtering; let the user make the choice. That's a smart decision; you don't want something on the front page, then it shouldn't be there for you.

Forcibly changing an algorithm to favor or suppress views is not.

There have been posts literally calling for brigading

Fair enough; so you have sources to cite to uphold this claim?

If so, GOOD. If anything, this subreddit above all others should be the one to cite sources, to provide sources, to provide information for cross-reference.

If not, then you should retract that statement.

People claimed left and right that there dozens of posts calling for brigading in the FPH and they were right; they just left out the part where the mods shut those posts down because they knew what would happen if they didn't.

Whether or not T_D does that is irrelevant; its whether or not you have the source to back that up.

Great point. There's no functional difference between something getting popular and brigading. Institute rules that can be applied to anyone and then selectively enforce to your heart's content. Meanwhile, they'll leave whole subs up who are dedicated to brigading, and leave proven corporate shills as full-time supermods.

LOL. Reddit is overwhelming liberal, politics is overwhelmingly liberal (and it aint even close).

Those are some of the worse Russian bots I have ever seen if T_D is botting.

It sounds like you're projecting.

The fact that your comment is being downvoted is proof that T_D aren't the ones brigading, and more than likely r/politics is actually brigading and infesting this subreddit.

The brigading is all coming from r/politics. TD can't crosslink to any other sudreddit, but as OP is saying, r/politics links to r/conspiracy all the time which constantly initiates brigades.

Pro-Trump shit gets downvoted on r/conspiracy because he's a globalist shill and we're not fond of those here. It's not magic, this sub can just see through his blatant corporatism and call him out for being a fat dementia patient.

I would LOVE to see your statistical analysis that shows that "almost every r/politics thread has comments going "you won't believe what they're saying about this on r/conspiracy""

I won't hold my breath.

^ r/politics user getting defensive.

What does that even mean? You have no argument.

^ r/politics user getting defensive.

Asking for evidence is getting defensive?

/r/Politics is brought up far more in /r/conspiracy than /r/conspiracy is brought up in /r/politics. But this just seems like you throwing a hissy fit because someone said mean things about your echo chamber (The_Donald).

Ask yourself who is interested in doing this? In only creating noise and not contributing anything of substance

Like what you're doing now? I'm not sure. Who would be interested in doing that?

/r/politics got bot'd so bad during the election, It was 100% bernie, then the bots names changed. I bet it was the same bot network that cause a minor sub with less than 200 users to make the front page of popular with a NN post. Its sad

Genuinely curious, what groups stand to gain by promoting net neutrality?

Large companies/websites that use a lot of bandwidth. Netflix, Youtube/Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook. Coincidentally these websites have a lot more money to throw at getting posts highly upvoted on reddit than they have to throw at companies like Comcast to stop themselves from being throttled.

Because users have absolutely no stake in NN, right? So why would they form an opinion and oppose the repeal? Truly mind-boggling! /s

The original comment asked what groups stand to gain from net neutrality. I pointed out those that do, and also that it's a lot cheaper to buy votes on reddit. Neither of these things is false. Obviously my error was that I didn't append "And above all else... the people" to my list, but figured this was obvious, trite, and not the type of group they were asking about in the first place.

downvoted for stating facts? well done, r/conspiracy.

The most recent round of net-neutrality protests were from Soros funded BattleForTheNet, rather than the EFF (the people who should be the forefront of net neutrality efforts). The exact same thing happened to the Tea Party movement a decade ago. A new group (fox news) shows up, starts hosting tea party events and blacklisting the original founders of the movement. Suddenly Fox owns the tea party and the movement's whole direction changes from being anti-old-guard republican to hardcore-conservative-values.

It's not the message that was wrong, it was the group leading it.

Don't know why you're being downvoted. It was literally an overnight shift. Those that were watching knew exactly what Reddit was from that point on.

/r/Politics is brought up far more in /r/conspiracy than /r/conspiracy is brought up in /r/politics.

No way...the number of comments in politics is so far greater that they easily win by sheer volume.

So how exactly is this wrong?

/r/Politics is brought up far more in /r/conspiracy than /r/conspiracy is brought up in /r/politics.

That's because for a subreddit that should be neutral, they are far from that, meanwhile they had to censor T_D from the front page because they couldn't contain the 1% of this website that had wrongthink.

Anyone with a brain can see there is a clear conspiracy in that, and this is a conspiracy sub.

Or because T_D was being bot'd like crazy and they were using ever vote manipulation techinque in the book. While I wish r/politics was neutral youll notice every political sub on reddit is left leaning due to the user base. While I am sure bots exist there too the fact that it's left leaning is not a conspiracy.

Its harder to bot comments than bot upvotes.

How is this not accepted by trump supporters?

You're confusing the word "every" with the word "zero."

After much deliberation, bring the attention on, logical people will find/r/conspiracy and they will do their homework to shovel through the shit here and find more truth in one scroll than/r/politics ever allows.

Oh look at you OP, just perpetuating this bullshit even more. golf clap

He's not wrong. I've been here for 7 years and NEVER saw r/politics invasions, because we were always tinfoil nutters to laugh at. I think its cause what we talk about here keeps being proven true over and over again

Kinda topsy turvy when the supposed crackpots are usually more accurate

I think its cause what we talk about here keeps being proven true over and over again

Confirmation bias, surely.

NSA spying, rigged primary, lying media, operation Mockingbird, Intel chip IC backdoors, deepstate, fluoride harvard study, plastic them estrogen mimicry, atrazine, and on and on and on it just keeps coming.

Sure we get some wrong, flat earth, Obama a reptilian, tinfoil prevents alien abductions, and so on. Can't win em all aye?

Primary rigging was proven "over and over again"?

News to me.

I think you're overstating things here.

Multiple, major members of the DNC already admitted to the primaries being rigged. Catch up.

Can you name two?

Donna Brazile (head of DNC at the time) and Warrren. Still not "proven" to you?

Don't forget DWS! But the above user wouldn't care...he's not actually here to discuss.

Can you link the statement please?

Donna Brazile admitted, and I'll post the wikileaks cables tomorrow as well. Good night fellow tinfoiler

Admitted to what though?

Rigging the primary in favor of Hillary over Bernie.

Can anyone link this?

Are you paying attention to the conversation, or just trying to detail!

You’re right, but only to a degree.

For example the Harvard Flouride study is a well known, and respected paper, but the conclusions drawn from it and the conspiracies related to it are largely absolute bullshit.

NSA spying is another good one, in which it was a something very specific, whereas the conspiracy theories were wide ranging and generally nonsense.

Just because a fucked clock tells the correct time twice a day, doesn’t make it an accurate timepiece.

Just because a fucked clock tells the correct time twice a day, doesn’t make it an accurate timepiece.

wait, and yet you're here. So if its just "broken clock right twice" syndrome, just curious why are you here

Because I'm genuinely interested in conspiracy theories. I'm also educated enough to follow up and do my own research, e.g. reading the Harvard study on fluoride, and dismissing the theories that are bullshit.

Because I'm genuinely interested in conspiracy theories

So like just as entertainment of shits and giggles?

So like just as entertainment of shits and giggles?

Well, it's not my job, so it's obviously entertainment, as for "shits and giggles", I guess that's subjective, and dependent on your definition of what that is.

Using one of the examples above, if somebody posts the Harvard study in to fluoride on Reddit and states it is proof that governments the world over are deliberately altering my state of mind by putting fluoride in the water I will have a genuine interest in that conspiracy theory. If I then go and read the Harvard study and discover that it is not proof of that at all (it isn't), then I guess all future posts of a similar ilk will have an element of "shits and giggles" about it for me, yes.

If I then go and read the Harvard study and discover that it is not proof of that at all (it isn't),


For the Harvard study? It’s available on their website.

If I then go and read the Harvard study and discover that it is not proof of that at all (it isn't),

Above you just said the Harvard study is not proof. So I am asking for a source that shows it is not proof.

I am not asking for the Harvard study which I have open currently in another tab with 7 other tabs open supporting the Study in case you want to debate

The Harvard study does not provide any evidence that the government is using fluoride to control our minds, nor does it attempt to even hypothesise that. No other source material is needed to show that.


They then analyzed possible associations with IQ measures in more than 8,000 children of school age; all but one study suggested that high fluoride content in water may negatively affect cognitive development.

The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.* Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas.


While the impacts of these fluoride concentrations in the pineal are not yet fully understood, studies have found that calcified deposits in the pineal are associated with decreased numbers of functioning pinealocytes and reduced melatonin production (Kunz et al., 1999) as well as impairments in the sleep-wake cycle.


Then we have:


Seventeenth-century philosopher and scientist René Descartes was highly interested in anatomy and physiology. He discussed the pineal gland both in his first book, the Treatise of Man (written before 1637, but only published posthumously 1662/1664), and in his last book, The Passions of the Soul (1649) and he regarded it as "the principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed."[7] In the Treatise of Man, Descartes described conceptual models of man, namely creatures created by God, which consist of two ingredients, a body and a soul.[7][58] In the Passions, Descartes split man up into a body and a soul and emphasized that the soul is joined to the whole body by "a certain very small gland situated in the middle of the brain's substance and suspended above the passage through which the spirits in the brain's anterior cavities communicate with those in its posterior cavities". Descartes attached significance to the gland because he believed it to be the only section of the brain to exist as a single part rather than one-half of a pair. Most of Descartes's basic anatomical and physiological assumptions were totally mistaken, not only by modern standards, but also in light of what was already known in his time.[7][59]

The notion of a "pineal-eye" is central to the philosophy of the French writer Georges Bataille, which is analyzed at length by literary scholar Denis Hollier in his study Against Architecture. In this work Hollier discusses how Bataille uses the concept of a "pineal-eye" as a reference to a blind-spot in Western rationality, and an organ of excess and delirium.[60] This conceptual device is explicit in his surrealist texts, The Jesuve and The Pineal Eye.[61]

In the late 19th century Madame Blavatsky (who founded theosophy) identified the pineal gland with the Hindu concept of the third eye, or the Ajna chakra. This association is still popular today.[7]

Rick Strassman, an author and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, has theorised that the human pineal gland is capable of producing the hallucinogen N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) under certain circumstances.[62] In 2013 he and other researchers first reported DMT in the pineal gland microdialysate of rodents.

Pineal Gland has an ancient history of having a Spiritual purpose, being the seat of the soul, and being responsible for the spiritual development of people for thousands of years now from Indian and Tibetan cultures, as well as Celtic, Christian Mystic, Judaism, and many others.

Studies showing that it lowers IQ, cognitive impairment, and pineal gland calcification have a number of connections to what Conspiracy Theories have been saying is true for decades now. So in actuality, you are wrong

Just to be clear, are you actually suggesting that those paragraphs are evidence that the government uses fluoride as a mind control agent?

Just to be clear, are you actually suggesting that those paragraphs are evidence that the government uses fluoride as a mind control agent?

clear and cut evidence, no not necessarily. But highly probable, yes of course.





NSA spying is another good one, in which it was a something very specific, whereas the conspiracy theories were wide ranging and generally nonsense.

That's just putting up a straw-man argument, it's easy to gather a few outlandish stories and then suggest that the entire fruit basket is rotten. People forget that the very same can be said about the mainstream media, most of it are lies and half truths as a form of indoctrination, sources spreading actual information to the people are few and far between.

I think that's the entire crux of this discussion, some people believe that they adhere to this moderate and widely accepted source of news when they flick on their TV and read their newspaper, and then treat the crazy bunch who get their ideas on r/conspiracy and alternative sources as gullible fools who've lost track of reality.

Truth is that the alternative media is largely a result of the people losing trust in the old media, and to find out what is actually going on in the world, you can no longer stick to watching 30 minutes of evening news, you need to rely on alternative sources, you need to start applying critical thought and figure out what's going on. Of course, that has its own problems, since critical thought is not really taught in schools it is now somewhat of a lost art, which leads to people falling in traps of outlandish theories. That doesn't mean you should throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you do not spend a good amount of time reading things outside of the mainstream media, you're largely oblivious to what's going on in the world, on the other hand, if you only stick to the fringe, then you'll lose track of reality just as well.

You're absolutely correct in everything you say about critical thinking, and I also agree it's not the entire basket that is rotten, although unfortunately, it seems to be the majority of it recently. I don't think my picking of just a couple of examples, of many, in response to a claim that r/conspiracy has been proven right means I am guilty of making a straw man argument though.

Lol. Taking credit for NSA spying, huh... nah. Definitely didn’t see that anywhere else but here.

Yup, this sub was talking about NSA spying, and other subs before Reddit even existed, as something legit before it was confirmed by Snowden papers

r/conspiracy can’t take credit for something that was known before its existence, can it? I mean obviously it can because you just did but in most parts of the universe, that’s crazy talk.

r/conspiracy can’t take credit for something that was known before its existence, can it?

We talk about stuff before its proven to be true in this sub all the time. When the NSA spying on its citizens came out via Snowden, the posts on the front page of r/all about this topic had many replies saying "I guess the folks at r/conspiracy were right" leading to a flood of new users coming here to check us out.

Same deal with the T_D'ers when they saw how biased the leftist media was, they learned about CIA/Washingtonpost/Amazon Servers connection, Operation Mockingbird, rigged primary, wikileaks dumps, so that also sent a lot of users from there over here.

When Vegas Scooting happened, this sub had like 15k active users here on many days afterwards, just to see what angles we were discussing

Weird. I remember when Snowden hit and most people were saying r/noshitsherlock not, ‘look at those geniuses at r/conspiracy’. The reason TD losers are fans of r/conspiracy is because other losers ate up “Obummer the secret Mooslim Kenyan” and “Hillary personally killed Seth Rich via an email about pizza toppings” so easily.

Weird. I remember when Snowden hit and most people were saying r/noshitsherlock

Haven't you noticed that's how it always goes? As the popular saying goes, truth goes to three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

I think its cause what we talk about here keeps being proven true over and over again

I'm new here. Do you have a list?

There's a list of confirmed conspiracies in the sidebar, I believe

Seems like a mixed bag of scandals that happened throughout history, a lot of which predates reddit. There's legitimate and proven items such as ECHELON and really fringe stuff like chemtrails.

I thought the chemtails thing was all about the condensation trails from the jet engines. These warfare simulations with nuclear tests and chemicals tests are pretty widely accepted.

Peculiar how things can go from "fringe" to "widely accepted" in the span of a few minutes. Ask yourself what it is that you think is fringe. Perhaps it's just your assumption of what people think about chemtrails?

Let's be honest here, "all about the condensation trails" is a pretty vague statement, and so is "warfare simulations". I mean, where does one end and the other start without applying actual scrutiny to the details? They flew planes across the country for decades and sprayed the population with things that in some cases made them sick. You'll have to admit that's a pretty good match for a chemtrail description, so why would you now state that it doesn't fit the chemtrail story? Perhaps you formed and idea about chemtrails in your head that was so outlandish that it could never be true, to the extend that when you're faced with evidence, you can't but disconnect the two.

If you understand how the truth is buried, then you understand why you shouldn't look at the most outlandish version of a story and then discard the whole topic because it's too crazy a story for you. There is a very fine line between "fringe" and "widely accepted", sometimes, it's just a matter of wrapping up the story in a neatly written article.

Concern trolling zzz

Asking for a list is trolling? Sad.

Also, we get funneled here ... finding a place where certain principles of openness and pondering are more so welcomed and cultivated. To do so, typically requires a bit of respect and manners for even (especially) those that one does yet know or have been with acquainted.
For these reasons, see these shifts as opportunities to touch minds and diddle hearts. More folks are looking this way, let's show them what real discernment and truth-seeking looks like!

We were tinfoil nutters until 18 months ago. Now every single fucking thread in here has those same people in here calling us T_D morons and trying to discredit conspiracy theories.

Yeah, this sub wasn’t sold out or anything.

Poor t_d, they're such victims.

It's a fetish at this point.

I think the fetish is calling people T_D morons. But hey, you’re probably new to this sub, so welcome. You also probably won’t be around here very long because this isn’t an echo chamber (yet).

Annnnnnd you’re from r/Politics. Go fucking figure.

How triggered are you that Daddy Trump is getting criticized and mocked?

LMAO. He’s the POTUS. How triggered are you?

That being said, this is a conspiracy sub. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump. If I wanted to talk about Trump getting criticized I would go to the correct subreddit for that. This sub is about finding the truth to the lies and corruption that our politicians and establishment has been conducting for nearly a century now. Anything else is just a distraction.

People like you are ruining this sub, and it sucks.

I think you overestimate how much we are bothered by him considering that his unpopularity is fueling a democratic resurgence that reverses republican gains since 2008.

Oh and...the very title of this post is whining on behalf of t_d and you say it has nothing to do with t_d. You talk about finding truth to lies when trump is one of the biggest liars in modern american political history. That is very typical of the complete lack of awareness of your average Trump supporter.

About ruining this sub...i think it is obvious who turned it from talking about cia and ufos and bigfoot-ish stuff into a non stop anti hillary political witchhunt day afyer day. Again, a lack of self awareness propels your thought process


Can you clowns take this shit somewhere else?

LMAO. He’s the POTUS. How triggered are you?

"Suck it, my team won!" - The guy telling other people that they don't belong on this sub.

Gosh you seem angry.

But such manly victims /s

which such big hands


Have you read any of the posts in this thread? It's just bashing T_D. This sub is completely infested with r/politics users and bots at this point. I can't take anything seriously here anymore.

Yeah, you fucks invaded our sub and filled it with your president worshipping drivel. Fuck yourself all the way back to your cocksucker echo chamber you piece of shit.

Yeah, you fucks invaded our sub and filled it with your president worshipping drivel. Fuck yourself all the way back to your cocksucker echo chamber you piece of shit.

Thanks for the kind words, u/coldxrain. You are cancer to this subreddit.

Btw, I'm no

If I had to be a cancer, it would be testicular. The truth isn't always nice. I always try to be honest.

There's an obvious bias, because /r/conspiracy was invaded by the Donald. Those who were here long enough to see what happened call you out on your shit.

The people who interact with you regularly probably think you're a moron.

Why are you so angry and rude? I really feel sorry for anyone who has to interact with you in real life.

I'm not angry, at all actually. I feel sorry for you. It must be really hard going through life like you.

This sub was never filled with your type. Not that you would know Mr 4 month old profile. Not until the brigading from the Donald began.

Anti establishment.. please stop I can only laugh so hard.

You are embarrassing yourself at this point.

Why the fuck would r/conspiracy support the government?

Fuck you Goldman Sachs apologist.

That's correct, most of the people who were apart of the Trump campaign were posting here quite frequently in 2016 or earlier. I joined a discord which a ton of pedes and randoms were there mostly shit posting but many were linking to reddit conspiracy articles for any news that was popping up or yelling about twitter/facebook/youtube censorship, most of it past things like Clinton/Obama/Bush era scandals and speculations.

A lot of people seem to forget that T_D was censored and all their users saw it as well as the open public that was connected to anyone witnessing it. The influx went to conspiracy, voat, youtube, or dropped back into random internet forums.

Anyone who frequented conspiracy and or TD when Wikileaks dropped the Podesta emails knows there was a lot of crossposting between the subs. I was initially subbed to TD on a different account and came here once I saw they were also going through the Wikileaks emails. I think that’s where a lot of the TD userbase initially came from as well.

Yet the post complaining about everyone is so mean to t_d is on the front page. Hmmmmmm

That's just evidence of the thread being brigaded. Real users vote the thread up from the main subreddit page, r/politics users link to the comment section and brigade with downvotes.

How are you so sure it was real users that voted it up? Is it also possible that bots upvoted it and now the real users don't want to have a pity party for t_d?

This isn't about a T_D pity party, this is about r/politics brigading. T_D users aren't allowed to crosslink in the subreddit so brigading is impossible, whereas no such rule exists in r/politics. It's hilarious that half the highly upvoted comments in this thread say that T_D is brigading when trying will literally get you banned from that subreddit.

When I say "real users", I mean sincere users of this subreddit as opposed to users in r/politics who are thrown into the thread from a link in a comment. Are you suggesting that bots upvoted this thread?

This isn't about a T_D pity party, this is about r/politics brigading. T_D users aren't allowed to crosslink in the subreddit so brigading is impossible, whereas no such rule exists in r/politics.

The t_d spammers use discord. Don't be naive enough to think people couldn't find a way around that rule.

When I say "real users", I mean sincere users of this subreddit as opposed to users in r/politics who are thrown into the thread from a link in a comment. Are you suggesting that bots upvoted this thread?

I think it's absolutely a possibility that bots upvoted this post.

I just checked out the_donald discord and there's like 13 users there. You can't brigade a post up to 400 karma with 13 users.

And what would be the motive for bots upvoting this post?

I just checked out the_donald discord and there's like 13 users there. You can't brigade a post up to 400 karma with 13 users.

13 users with bots could easily do that.

And what would be the motive for bots upvoting this post?

To keep pushing the idea that t_d is unfairly persecuted, to deligitimize left leaning opinions as brigades instead of people actually expressing opinions.

Then why aren't their bots downvoting the comments?

Logic would back my original assessment, that the brigading started after the thread got traction. Just think about it.

Also, accusing bots of manipulating threads is a really weak line of argument. Do you have any real evidence that T_D users have ever used bots, or is that just you're own way of justifying things that don't match your own views?

Where does that excuse end, do you think bots voted Donald Trump into power?

Lol assuming it's brigading is just as weak, both arguments lack evidence.

Bots are a much weaker argument than brigading. As for evidence, remember what this thread is about after all. T_D users get banned for crosslinking, but r/politics allows crosslinking all the time. That's pretty good evidence for brigading right there.

Lol that isn't evidence at all, just because you can do something doesn't mean you do.

Trump is hated by the majority of this website. It totally makes sense the majority of comments are anti trump.

I can understand why you would think that considering r/politics is one of your most active subreddits.

Lol what? You are a liar.

U/loperetti have look for yourself.

I'm looking... Your user page says you're active in r/politics, r/opieandanthony, r/conspiracy, r/drama and r/historyporn.

What part am I supposed to have lied about? You do know that you have a pane on the right side of your user page that lists your most active subreddits, right? It looks like I just caught you in a lie LOL

5 posts out of 128

That's pretty pathetic for a shill

I'm guessing you spend a lot of time there upvoting posts and comments without actually commenting yourself, otherwise reddit wouldn't list it as one of your most active subreddits.

lol, I use reddit to attack a used up radio shock jock and sometimes browse other subreddits.

It sounds like you're a Canadian that feels like an outsider in your own country. You seem unliked in every other sub you post to, (except r/conspiracy), do you feel the downvotes further entrench your feeling of victim hood?

I see you're getting defensive. Reddit lists r/politics as one of your most active subreddits and that's a fact. Just accept that I caught you out in a lie, instead of lashing out and attacking me. When someone devolves into petty insults that's a sure sign that they can't defend themselves with reasoned arguments, and you've just devolved. Sad.

It's also sad that you feel it's ok to "attack a used up radio shock jock". You must live a sad life if you find pleasure in attacking others.

Youre right it does. My 5th most popular out of 9 in total, but any way we've worked out that I'm a shill, so what does that make you?

You act as if you can see my profile and I cant see yours. You are a Canadian that has been shilling for the CURRENT GOVERNMENT of the US, anything anti Clinton and anything defending Trump.

It only lists your top 9 so you could be active in many other subreddits. That says nothing.

And yeah I'm Canadian. So?

Just calm down because you're making really stupid points now that you've become upset. Can I ask how old you are?

Why do conspiracy people think theyre upsetting the people that question them?

I'm in my late 20s, I'm american but live over seas, I didn't vote in the last election but think trump is an incompetent embarrassment. I have brown hair bluish eyes, I'm single 5'11 (5'10" 1/2) and have a lot of love to give.

have a nice day

I'm hoping that was sincere, but even if it wasnt, have a good one man, hopefully shit will work out in the end.

Dude I'm not a shill, I do hate the way the media picks on the little things trump does. Of course he's not going to act like other politicians, but i'm extremely curious see the outcome of Mueller's investigation.

More likely that the comments are by actual members of the subreddits and the upvoting without participating are bots/partisan trolls

It is an odd contradiction, and one that I have seen over and over.

Personally, I'm at a loss for how these things occur.


I mean come on, look at Trump's approval ratings. Is it that shocking that that the majority of users here don't support him?

Trump is at 42% approval as of today. (source: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_jan08)

Considering 50% of the country will disapprove of him no matter what he does, those are actually really strong numbers. It just so happens that most of the 50% that will never support him waste all their time on reddit as well. Always be wary of echo chambers, like r/politics which I noticed is one of your most active subreddits.

Considering 50% of the country will disapprove of him no matter what he does

Surely you see that is true of every President in history. Are you going to tell me that Barack Obama's low of 38% were some "really strong numbers" because "50% of the country will disapprove of him no matter what" ?

And yes I post regularly on /r/politics. I am a left-leaning centrist. I used to post on /r/The_Donald until they banned me after making comments that were negative about Trump's cabinet choices (largely financial/banking industry guys). So yeah I'm well aware of how dangerous "echo chambers" can be, and feel that way particularly strongly about /r/The_Donald. I'm full aware of how silly /r/politics is, but if /r/politics is silly, /r/the_donald is downright scary.

They literally do not allow dissenting opinions.

Yes I agree, that is usually true for every president. However, you're the one implying that 42% is a low approval rating, not me, so you've just proven yourself wrong.

And r/the_donald is definitely an echo chamber, but it doesn't hide that fact like r/politics does. Just read the rules, it's literally a fan page for Donald Trump, whereas r/politics pretends like it's objective even though they ban users for supporting Trump.

42% is low. The difference is that you're making excuses for it, and I'm not. Furthermore you're not seeing the connection between a low approval rating, and uptick in negative commentary and discussion about a candidate. You're looking for bots and shills when you should be reading polls to better understand what elements of Trump's behavior have caused the most recent sub-50% numbers.

As for your defense of /r/the_donald...it's not really worth it to go into. If you think echo chambers have ANY place in a critical thinkers life (fan page or otherwise) then it's a waste of my time to discuss it with you. /r/the_donald is not simply a "fan page for Donald Trump" as you state, and I think you know that deep down...otherwise you wouldn't be drawn to a place like /r/conspiracy with other people who spend a lot of time trying to unravel the truth from all the bullshit.

Read this. It applies directly to you.

dissenting opinion in /r/politics = 3-4 replies and interesting debates

dissenting opinion in /r/the_donald = instant ban

Must be all that cognitive dissonance! But hey according to you, it's fine because self-aware echo chambers are totally cool!

Once again, r/the_donald is a fan club, r/politics masquerades as an objective source of news. It's apples and oranges.

Ya know that cognitive dissonance link you sent me? You may want to give it a read yourself...

Is what I just said not true? Why are you dodging reality? /cognitivedissonance

It is completely untrue. /r/the_donald functions similarly to /r/politics, but it has created a convenient technicality to absolve itself of accountability for it's most egregious echo-chamber behavior.

/r/politics is liberal because of the liberal user-base, not because there are literal rules that make it impossible for dissenting users to have their voices heard.

That's why it's so ironic for you to say others have cognitive dissonance...that is literally what YOU are doing by holding two subs to completely different standards.

And of course, even more cognitive dissonance when you refuse to admit that maybe liberal users simply don't agree with trump's policies and vocalize it here. Instead you'd rather believe that "shills? or "bots" are invading the sub to influence opinions here.

It's not a convenient technicality, it's the foundation of the entire subreddit. I'm amazed you're having so much trouble understanding that. It's like if you went into r/spacex and started posting about how much you hated spacex and got banned, then started saying how it was just an r/spacex echo chamber. Seriously dude, get a clue. You sound ridiculous.

its not a bug...ITS A FEATURE

Literally you.

if you went into r/spacex and started posting about how much you hated spacex and got banned, then started saying how it was just an r/spacex echo chamber.

No, it'd be like if I went into /r/spacex after a rocket blew up and engaged in speculation about why it blew up, and then the mods deleted my comment, deleted the thread, and banned anyone referring to the rocket exploding.

And by the way, you'd probably be on this sub-reddit speculating about the conspiracy behind it...

get a clue

It's actually hilarious how delusional you are...

ok have a nice day


take it easy

ok sure thing tough guy

lol, you guys are just showing how r/conspiracy is slightly biased against Trump and his supporters. I've taken to commenting now, because the silence/loudspeaker system (upvotes/downvotes) works a little too well.

people on that sub will also use participation on this sub or t_d as proof that you are a troll or that your argument is invalid. Even if you are simply posting an article from a non-right wing source that happens to paint the left in a negative light, they will dig into your post history to try to invalidate it

they will dig into your post history to try to invalidate it

Thank god none of that happens here.

typical libtard, look in this thread, the people calling out post history are all r/politics apologists.. the same type of dumbass that yells at the sky.. LOL

Shills...Politics has been bought...reddit has been bought...Do you remember when Trump was dominating the front page in a positive way?

Yeah, if the_dildo wasn't a worthless shithole of censorship and hypocrisy I might give a single piece of shit.

If you think politics is full of moderates you must live in a highly left leaning bubble.

The sub is clearly left wing.

Why is it so many people struggle to read the sidebar on T_D? It's a fan sub, not a sub for debate.

When you get down to it the only real difference between /politics and /t_d is that one group is getting paid to be radicalized shitheads and the other is just doing it because they feel passionate.

So conspiracy is the Oprah couch for TD now?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

You're on the biggest Liberal, pseudo intellectual echo chamber on the planet, what else do you expect.

T-D is the biggest echo chamber on the planet. Only I can't say intellectual or even pseudo intellectual, they certainly don't even pretend to be intelligent.

You've never been there have ya?

I was there. I was banned. Just like I was banned in HCs subreddit.

You do realize the entire point of that sub is to be a giant echo chamber, 24/7 trump rally? Next are you going to tell me water is wet? Truly astounding observations buddy.

You, me, and all the morons on that sub know and remember that they touted themselves as the most fair, the most unbiased, real news, etc. The same bs fox preaches nonstop to their viewers - delegitimize the opposition and tout yourself as the honest savior.

The whole spin of "it's a fan page we're supposed to be an echo chamber" came after getting called out again and again, the same way fox news hosts constantly backpedal and say "it's just opinion, it's just analysis, this isn't a news show!"

It's propaganda. It's evil. It's predatory. It's dishonest and deceptive.

I wasn’t there when they started I joined in October with the username unwanted_deplorable. I got super into the Wikileaks emails etc, and they had already labeled it as a giant echo chamber. So no sorry I do not remember but I appreciate knowing now, thanks.

And that changes what I said how?

Been coming here for years. This:

"They come here and make everything about politics and ignore conspiracy. "

Is raw, organic, certified cow fertilizer lmao. Can you stop with these shitposts?

I got banned on "badhistory" for casually dissing the Holohoax.

Oh, the irony of it all!

Why don't you kindly go back to your safe space with the rest of your pede-ophiles?

Reddit has a double standard for this sort of thing.

You can be banned for saying jews have privilege, but if you say white privilege is real then you get reddit gold and 10,000 upvotes.

You can be banned for saying jews have privilege

And yet you're somehow not banned?

Perhaps the people getting banned are saying something different to that?

"can be"

Perhaps you're illiterate?

saying jews have privilege

Please provide one single example of a user banned for "saying jews have privilege".

You got banned for being a jerk, I can tell by this comment right here.

Too many naive and gullibles here. A bunch of wannabees from the left that can't critically think reside here now. They will believe any freaking thing.

And they say exactly the same about the right. It's mess here right now, it's going to stay that way until you guys learn to play nice.

Would you call them crazy conspiracy theorists?

A mark of a good post in r / conspiracy is that it's down voted below zero.

I've been starting to believe that the users of /r/politics share a lot of similarities with users of t_d. Maybe it is wishful thinking, but I just can't think that the views of these subs are a reflection of of the majority of users on Reddit. I think both subs are mostly comprised of trolls, very young people who don't fully get it yet, and of course shills/astroturfers. For me it can get really depressing seeing these extremely polarized users knock each other down to new lows in front of us, and that being the biggest voice on Reddit.

What gives me hope(? I guess you could say) is lurking on this sub and seeing the number of subscribers slowly increase by almost a thousand every day. I've been keeping track and since about august this sub has increased by at least 90,000. That has to mean at least new people are coming here and willing to get a primer on "waking up" and are getting tired of all the obvious bullshit going on in our mainstream pop culture.

this isn't /r/the_donald how is this a conspiracy, this is just complaining.

Reddit social engineering?

Why does t_d have 5000+ votes but only 300 comments?

Top post on Esist has 7,770 karma and 263 comments.

Probably similar reasons.

I agree, both use bots. I cant stand Trump or the majority of his supporters that why I hate going after his faux pas, instead of the shit that's effecting us.

...or they're just upvote circlejerk subreddits.

Number 2 spot on Funny- 8,567 karma, 65 comments.

Stupid Comment

I browse this sub often and the only ones taking it over with BS are limp wristed liberals..

The website I use actively controls subreddits in fear of letting their site appear like something it isn't.

Now, when those dumbass reasons are because of partisan nonsense. You're damn right I'm going to complain.

Whats the point of net neutrality and basic freedoms if we have dinks in the shadows are operating to make sure comments disappear and certain topics are avoided or never appear to the eyes of the /all.

I don't see how that is cool with anyone? Unless they actively enjoy having their bubble of curated content with a skewed perception of how many on the internet interact and react.

well yeah this is well known so it doesn't make it a conspiracy any more its just a fact that reddit and the mods do this shit, there isn't much we can do about it though it's their website.

No offense, but thats a fairly neutered way of thinking for a conspiracy subreddit.

I, for one, welcome our corporate overlords

I thought this was r/communism? It reads like r/communism....

That would explain the brigading.

He doesn't understand basic English rules I doubt he's even American combined with his choice to try to detail with grammar (while being wrong) and his young account I'd bet he's paid per post

Im just sick of post going to the top that are pretty uninteresting to any conspiracy and tbh gets a lot of attention else where already. i'm specifically annoyed by the dude weed lmao needs to be legalized and Ron Paul said Jeff Session is bad.

Well as long as you wrote it in bold it must be true...

Yup. Noticing this now with "the fire at trump tower" subs.

I've only been on here a few months and mostly just lurk but even I've noticed how anything worth talking about on here always turns to a trump/no trump shitfest. Why are things always broken down that way? I really hoped and still hope that this sub gets back to the heart of the matter so to speak.

anti-trump shills, accusing t_d users of brigading - exactly what the anti-trump shills are doing. funny. is this the onion>?

I’m being serious here. Who in their right mind goes on and reads r/p0l0tics. It would be like watching CNN. What sane person watches CNN. You get more accurate news watching South Park. Then again sometimes I do go on r/p0l0tics when I get really high just to fuck with them. It amuses me.

what's with all this insecurity? who gives a fuck.

What is this about r/the_donald not being able to say "r/poltiics"? I don't go to either cesspool, so I'm confused about this whole thing.

Because were not lame fucks who get upset about what misinformed people think about us and we try not to limit free speech

The Donald is also completely shadow banned on this site. The only way you can see it is if you search for it.

Holy shit T_D sure makes people mad.

It's funny how many junkies come over from r/politics just to rage in our comment sections.

Who's this "they"?

You really would love that, wouldn't you? Funny how you're still monitoring this thread...you further betray your motives lol.

You know we can all check your posting history right?

I don't really care about either. But you sire as hell won't ever see a post bitching about the_donald reach the front page here.

Admitted to what though?

Don't forget DWS! But the above user wouldn't care...he's not actually here to discuss.

Close enough. I was really just spending a little too much time being a smart ass, but yeah, we basically agree, so have an upvote on me.

You can be banned for saying jews have privilege

And yet you're somehow not banned?

Perhaps the people getting banned are saying something different to that?

Can you link the statement please?

“you’re speaking in support of Trump, must be a Russian shill”

Even worse it is typically more along the lines of "you aren't speaking out AGAINST him, therefore you are obviously a Nazi or whatever the go-to is today.

Then why aren't their bots downvoting the comments?

Logic would back my original assessment, that the brigading started after the thread got traction. Just think about it.

Also, accusing bots of manipulating threads is a really weak line of argument. Do you have any real evidence that T_D users have ever used bots, or is that just you're own way of justifying things that don't match your own views?

Where does that excuse end, do you think bots voted Donald Trump into power?

Yes I agree, that is usually true for every president. However, you're the one implying that 42% is a low approval rating, not me, so you've just proven yourself wrong.

And r/the_donald is definitely an echo chamber, but it doesn't hide that fact like r/politics does. Just read the rules, it's literally a fan page for Donald Trump, whereas r/politics pretends like it's objective even though they ban users for supporting Trump.

I think you overestimate how much we are bothered by him considering that his unpopularity is fueling a democratic resurgence that reverses republican gains since 2008.

Oh and...the very title of this post is whining on behalf of t_d and you say it has nothing to do with t_d. You talk about finding truth to lies when trump is one of the biggest liars in modern american political history. That is very typical of the complete lack of awareness of your average Trump supporter.

About ruining this sub...i think it is obvious who turned it from talking about cia and ufos and bigfoot-ish stuff into a non stop anti hillary political witchhunt day afyer day. Again, a lack of self awareness propels your thought process

reddit in a nutshell

LMAO. He’s the POTUS. How triggered are you?

"Suck it, my team won!" - The guy telling other people that they don't belong on this sub.

So did you find that evidence of a court declaring that the DNC rigged the primary?

You've got some serious chutzpah to be whining about gaslighting after spending so much time defending a lie.

It's just embarassing how outdated you people's meme catalogues are.

nice red vs blue quote.


Can you clowns take this shit somewhere else?