Why does WL Trigger /r/conspiracy?
80 2018-01-08 by DereIzNoPoint
Whenever I defend WikiLeaks, some American comes in with an ad hominem attack that I'm a Trump supporter. Can someone explain to me why so many Americans on /r/conspiracy consider WikiLeaks to be supporting Trump?
Just to refresh your memories, WikiLeaks has informed the world about
*Swiss banks and tax avoidance
*Secret American Congressional Reports
*Afghanistan and Iraq War Logs
*NSA Mass Surveillance here and here
*TPP Documents and TTIP Documents
At this point everyone was loving WikiLeaks. There's even plenty there for Americans that are only concerned with with issues that narrowly affect themselves. At that point almost everyone was supporting WL, and daily we had people from the deep state in the MSM calling for Assange to be killed, WL to be shut, calling WL criminal, that they need to be exterminated, etc. WL was considered one of the greatest forces in journalism and politics in history, with impeccable honesty.
And then the DNC and Hillary leaks happened. That alone was enough to convince many people that the MSM and the Deep State had been right all along about WL. Now /r/conspiracy is full of people convinced that the mere fact that WL accepted the Hillary-related leaks and published then somehow proves they support Trump and they're run by the Russians.
Well you know what? If you believe that, you've swallowed the MSM propaganda hook, line and sinker. I'm not sure why anyone who believes there's some connection between WL, Trump and Russia is even on /r/conspiracy--an independent media organisation that has done an enormous amount to enlighten genuine, bona-fide consipracies--you've fallen for the Republican/Democratic false dichotomoty pushed by the MSM, the idea that those two parties are somehow different and not two heads of the same devil, you've fallen for the MSM propaganda that WikiLeaks--who revealed war crimes under Bush, tax avoidance, global trade deals that only benefit the extremely rich, global mass surveillance by the West--are somehow some kind of evil organisation. If you've fallen for the MSM propaganda that WikiLeaks works for Trump and Russia simply because of the Hillary-related leaks, I think you belong on /r/politics, not /r/conpiracy.
Instead of listening to and believing the MSM uncritically, maybe you should stop to consider well-repected independent journalists and commentators; people like Robert Parry's site about "Russiagate"; people like Seymour Hersch; Max Blumenthal; Ron Paul; and that's just off the top of my head.
So next time someone defends WikiLeaks, stop your gob before you accuse that person of being a Trump supporter.
1 Red-Vagabond 2018-01-08
People can think what they want. That is the greatness of this forum.
1 bradok 2018-01-08
It's not r/conspiracy that thinks wikileaks is compromised, it's the paid actors and ignorant outsiders that come around these parts that do. Don't be dissuaded by the ignorant and the shills. I'll never forget what Assange did by leaking those emails, to show that HRC cheated my guy, Bernie, out of the goddamn Primaries. Fuck HRC, Obama, Kamala, Deval, the DNC, and all the rest of the Corporate Centrist fucks for what they've done to this country.
Assange isn't our enemy, and he's not a fucking Russian plant.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
lol, you make me question everything i believe, you constantly comment about political theatre, and yet you also make comments on how you think the black nobility are at the top, contradicting all political garbage you say you believe
tonights the night, i've figured it all out i think, so i guess thanks, you need not worry about me anymore
and for the rest until i delete all my shit in the morning, what has assange or snowden done for us other than tell us what we already know, who is behind bars or better yet fuckin hung by a rope because of their "leaks"?
this is what i've come to realise, we are no longer following rabbit holes, we are caught in a rabbit trap
peace and love to all those that truley seek it
1 bradok 2018-01-08
It doesn't really contradict things though. I have a way I want the world to run, and I see the way the world is run. Just because I have hope in a political solution and want to actively fight the darkness, doesn't make a recognition of said darkness irrelevant.
Considering I wasn't worrying about you in the first place...ok? Have fun out there in the night fellow traveler.
I stated in my OP, 2 of the biggest things WL did was the DNC Leaks and the Podesta Emails. As a Bernie supporter it was a truly revealing look into the machinations of the DNC and HRC machine, and how they cheated Bernie out of the Primary. Things me and millions of others will never forget. Especially when it comes time to vote in 2020...my vote wont be going to some Corporate whore like Kamala or Deval, that's for sure.
Depends entirely on the subject my friend.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
you fail to mention that your vote is as useless as the dnc and pedosta leaks, at the bottom of the rabbit hole, you are suppoaed to see politics is a hoax, and what is politics? politics is rule, govern-ment translates to control mind, on purpose too, you fuckin scumbags win, i submit to the bullshit life you've laid out for me
fuck, you say the dnc pedosta leaks were big, why the fuck aren't these swine hangin from a rope then? no matter who you vote for, monsanto(=666 in sumerian gematria), nestle, and all other royalty owned corporations are still going to rape, pillage and poison our bodys and souls
those who claim rule over me are scum
1 bradok 2018-01-08
I have faith in the We The People. In the soverign body of citizens upon which this country was founded. I have faith because the alternative is pessimistic nihilism, which is exactly what they want.
In its purest sense, Politics arises as the peaceful competition between the various classes, races, and groups that make up the Commonwealth. That is at least what it should be in theory. Again, you describe the pessimistic view of these things. There are still some good representatives out there, at every level of government. Non corrupt people fighting for a better tomorrow. My hope is with them.
Patience. HRC losing was the first step. Trump winning wasn't really a win but it gives us the opportunity to reset the system come 2020, if the work is done now.
Only if we pessimistically resign and decide to let them do this evil.
Change comes from the ground up, from the Grassroots. Change comes when millions of People are fed up with the status quo, and make their voices heard. This is happening all across our once proud Republic. On the Left, there is an active movement afoot, lead by Our Revolution, founded in the wake of Bernie's campaign, to take the Democratic Party from these Corporatist traitors. 8 State Parties have already been taken. It's such a threat that the Dem. Party literally stuffed ballots at the California Dem convention to stop Kimberly Ellis from gaining the Chairmanship and thus the 9th State in the name of the People. There is real, citizen driven, People oriented change being attempt in this country, right now, as we speak. And I have faith in it. Come 2020 we will know if it succeeds.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
fuck you lost me in your first sentance, fuckin citizens, sovereign and citizen completely contradict eachother, i am done with this, my shit will be deleted by morning, you have my word
1 bradok 2018-01-08
If I lost you in my first sentence, then I don't really care. If you don't have the time, and the capability to entertain in your own mind the thoughts of others, even if you disagree with them, then it's not worth engaging with you. Your attitude is toxic.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
The kings, queens and princes of the world surely agrre with you regarding my attitude
1 bradok 2018-01-08
Pessimism and Nihilism is exactly what they want. We need to fight against these thoughts, fight against them, and fight for a better tomorrow. I do not subscribe to such negativity and defeatism. We will never win this war if we give up now. You need to take a step back and find some joy in life, in the little things, then take another look down the rabbit hole. Pessimistic Nihilism is the whole point of their program...it's what they want the masses to buy into.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
more bullshit, carrot at the end of a stick, we always look for hope, we've been looking for it for thousands of years, yet here we are, your right that they want us to feel defeated, but your wrong that they don't want us to have hope either, hope and cricis situations is all they have keeping them afloat
following the hoax that is politics = hope following the hoax that is conspiracies = hope
don't get me wrong, humanity is at war, conspiracies are real, but hope is what keeps the parasitic swine alive
1 bradok 2018-01-08
Hope is the light in the darkness. It is the horn in the fog. It is the torch in the cave. Hope for a better tomorrow and a brighter future for our children is essential. Again, you really, really, need to take a step back and try to see the good in life. The love of a family member, the caring of a friend. The inter-human connections that give life meaning. Your form of pessimism plays right into their hands. The Sun will rise.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
me loving my grandma didn't stop her from dying of cancer due to corporations like monsanto(666), loving my family didn't stop my great grandpa from dying in ww2 either, how the fuck is love gonna save me in the future?
1 bradok 2018-01-08
Love didn't stop your grandparents from dying, just like it didn't stop mine. But their love for you impacted your life and upbringing. My love for my grandparents keeps their memories alive, their names alive. Love for each other, for our fellow man, is the root to the answer that will get us out of this mess. You need to try and see that. Don't let the darkness win your mind, for then you will truly be lost, and a docile piece of their machine.
1 RunningDarkly 2018-01-08
Amen to that!
1 VladsNUM1_h4x0r 2018-01-08
Hi, it's morning.
1 rigorousintuition 2018-01-08
I'm so very confused by your posts my friend. 'No criminal charges were layed so fuck Assange and Wikileaks for wasting all of our time, better to be ignorant and happy rather than aware and sad' - is this your point?
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
Assange has released a lot of good information. I agree though it’s a bit absurd to think that (the dems) are the evil bad guys and (Trump and co) are the valiant defenders of justice.
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
his information has done nothing but confuse minds, snowdens the same, most of us knew this, the rest didn't but they still didn't care once someone official on the news or in the movies(snowden) told then about it, leaks are on purpose
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
Idk about you but I found a lot of useful information on WL. Have you actually read any of it? Theres applicable information being posted
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
as far as courts go it's ALL useless
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
Yeah but you as a person can actually read it and apply what you learned to better protect yourself. Is that useless? What use were you hoping for it to have in court?
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
protect myself? how the fuck does knowing that no matter what i do i'm tracked on or offline help me protect myself? how does knowing ALL POLITICIONS/ELITES/SCUM/ROYALTY traffick and sacrifice humans help me to protect myself? all it does is pacify the masses, this shits never gonna end, i see that, in the end, i'm glad i can see through it, but my lord, the world is ran by scum
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
You can see the specifications of the actual protocols they use. The source code is posted in many cases. Have you actually read anything on WikiLeaks?
1 donotspeak 2018-01-08
I have never actually been on wikileaks, but i have seen a lot of discussion about it in these conspiracy forums, and i'd say i've seen enough of that to know nothing has came from anything
monsanto still poisons our food, our governments are still killing people, people are still starving, and so on
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
Did you honestly expect WikiLeaks to fix the world for you? The information is there if you want to use it, whether to better protect yourself or take up the cause and fix the world yourself.
WikiLeaks is a media organization, and it’s not their fault if you’ve never visited and aren’t able to make use of any of the information they release. Others certainly find value in it.
But hey, you’ve never even visited their website, so I can only assume all of this is lost on you. We live in the Information Age, take advantage and learn something before you’re replaced by a robot.
1 Fooomanchu 2018-01-08
This is the correct answer. This place has been targeted by shills, and they all hate WL for obvious reasons.
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
We have messages from WikiLeaks to Trump Jr showing they were trying to work with the Trump campaign to boost both groups credibility. Does that not seem questionable at all?
1 mastigia 2018-01-08
There are plenty of actual regulars here who have legitimate questions regarding what the nature of WL has been since the October disappearance. It really isn't fair to label all of us as shills. I recognize that there is plenty of shilling regarding the subject, and I don't know exactly what to make of that. And I also recognize the validity of what WL has released since. I don't pretend to understand exactly what is going on, but I think blindly trustung WL at this point is a little reckless.
1 itrv1 2018-01-08
Assange is dead, has been since the internet cut out. His tweets have taken a weird tone since then. I fully believe the Us alphabet soup angencies took him out and put in a body double, and took over everything wikileaks.
1 bradok 2018-01-08
I agree that if anything did happen, it was during October 2016. My comment was mostly directed towards the people that think Assange is a Russian plant.
1 swordofdamocles42 2018-01-08
i used to defend WL too... but its a limited hangout they have released nothing of real importance to the big picture. while also gatekeeping who knows how many REAL whistleblowers.
here this explains it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaUSerKvJYE
honestly mate i know it upsetting but ANYONE who gets onto mainstream media is one of them. :(
they world is worse than you thought... we are already fucked. just save yourself and go dark till the moment is right.
1 bradok 2018-01-08
If WL is a LH, it didn't become that until after October 2016 when Assange's internet was cut. The DNC and Podesta leaks were major blows to the HRC campaign, and Wikileaks was doing good work then. I think something happened to Assange because of that.
1 swordofdamocles42 2018-01-08
nah think about it.... they had to think of a way to end the psyop before people started saying... hey why doesn't ever release anything about. xx x x x they can't have it go on forever. you'll never see him again.
1 MoronToTheKore 2018-01-08
I dunno, man, I find it kinda hard to believe Wikileaks only had damaging information on Hillary during this 2016 campaign. If an ex-MI6 agent can figure out an entire narrative, what might people have sent to Wikileaks?
And if Wikileaks chose not to divulge that info...
Seems like as of the last two years there has been a shift in Wikileaks behavior. What was once something I admired is now something that seems suspect.
2 Kompromod 2018-01-08
exactly this. selective truth is WORSE than outright lies, simply for its effectiveness in manipulation
1 beefyfart 2018-01-08
I agree.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
I don't recall anyone saying WL supported the Democrats when they were giving proof of war crimes committed by the Bush administration. But for some reason releasing Hillary-related emails is enough to prove WL is controlled by Russia and is pro-Trump? Explain that one to me, if you can.
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
One of the scarier aspects to WL being potentially compromised is what they might do to leakers and whistleblowers that have damaging information on their backers. If they’re compromised, those people might be found and killed in order to protect the backer.
1 Letterbocks 2018-01-08
It's totally legit long standing memberstm that rail against WL. When they are top replies you know this sub is fucking ruined.
1 fe3lg0odhit 2018-01-08
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
Can't you see WikiLeaks dared to commit the greatest crime known to man: dare to even put into question Hillary Clinton's credibility.
1 grayarea2_7 2018-01-08
Well TBh..wikileaks probably is working with Trump..they're just going after the most powerful people known to humanity who are incontrol of the largest Child Raping Organization's alive..."HollyWood".
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
And who controls Hollywood?
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
Sorry dude but it's beyond obvious that Wikileaks has been working on behalf of Russia and Trump for the past couple years. We all saw the direct messages between Wikileaks and Trump Jr. People keep pretending that was just some innocent back and forth and yet wikileaks didn't reach out to any other campaign. Nor did they tell them what and when to push stories.
Wikileaks lied about Russia being a source for them. They've said "yeah we can't tell you who the source is but it's definitely not Russia. Seth who? Seth Rich? I dunno man, not Russia though." Too bad Papadopulous knew Russia had stolen emails months before wikileaks dropped them for Russia.
Remember the pussy grabbing tape? Literally 1 hour after that tape came out, wikileaks scrambled to their computers and released a bunch of Podesta emails. Oh thanks wikileaks, what a desperate attempt to soften the blow for Trump. Julian has also said they never sit on information or time their releases. Yeah well that's a lie too.
All you have to do is just look at their Twitter and it's obvious that they spend all their time sucking Trump and Putins dick and shitting on their enemies. Wikileaks even bad mouthed the Panama papers because they mentioned Putin. What a joke. A company all for transparency talking shit about the Panama papers.
Wikileaks doesn't give a fuck abo It transparency. All they care about is furthering an agenda. And that agenda is pro Putin and pro Trump.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Um, yeah, what did the tweets show? WL asking Trump Jr to promote WL and asking for leaks; how is that collusion?
So for some reason you don't trust WL when they say Russia is not the source, but when an ex-Trump employee says it's Russia, well suddenly that guy is trustworthy, because...? You believe Papdopolous because he's saying what you want to hear, and you don't believe WL, an organisation with a long history of accuracy and honesty, because you don't like what they say. You literally have less reason to believe Papadopolous than WL given the latter's history, you only believe Papdolpolous because you want to believe 'Russia did it'. Also read this from Seymour Hersch; surely you trust Hersch more than Papadopolous?
Yeah, you got the wrong way around. The deep state knew WL was going to drop another bunch of leaks regarding Hillary, because WL always announce in advance they're going to release material, and so they scrambled to get the 'pussy-grabbing' audio so they could try to take attention away from the WL releases and instead divert it on to Trump.
(By the way, if you actually listen to the audio, what does it say? "When you're famous, women let you do anything. Read that carefully and think about it.)
Please source that. Where is it obvious on their twitter account they support Trump or Putin? And you realise many independent journalists have come to the conclusion that the Panama Papers had very little to do with Putin and Russia?
Ben Norton says: "Many Western media reports on the Panama Papers framed the story around Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose close friends are involved in the corruption, but he is just one small part of the much larger scandal." Veteran's Today aren't convinced by the PP, and quote Craig Murray that Russia forms a very small part of the leaks. As they point out, the ICIJ has only released selected data from the PP leaks. It's funny people accuse WL of withholding documents, but are happy to accept the known fact that the ICIJ withholds most of its data and only releases what it feels like. And yes, the ICIJ is indeed funded by Soros, if you took 2 minutes to do the research. They openly state on their website that they're funded by the Open Society Foundation. Some even claim the PP leaks are as bad as WL. Take your pick.
Even the man the MSM names as "the most significant financial whistleblower of all time", Bradley Birkenfeld, said "The CIA I'm sure is behind this [the Panama Papers leak], in my opinion". Source. He added “If you’ve got NSA and CIA spying on foreign governments they can certainly get into a law firm like this. But they selectively bring the information to the public domain that doesn’t hurt the U.S. in any shape or form. That’s wrong. And there’s something seriously sinister here behind this.”
Independent journalist Pepe Escobar argues it was the NSA that leaked or hacked the Panama Papers, and adds: "Panama—where no one can flush a toilet without the U.S. government knowing about it—is for suckers; the real elite, connected (or profiting) even indirectly from the real Masters of the Universe and the liquid modernity enablers of top of the line turbo-capitalism use hack-proof Luxembourg, Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands connections – not to mention secure, Empire-based Delaware and Nevada loopholes."
Name one organisation that cares more about transparency than the organisation which gave the world the only documents on TPP and TTIP? Than the organisation that gave us the proof of American war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, and had their leaker tortured as a result? Than the organisation that gave us the proof us global mass surveillance by the NSA?
You're just another one of those on /r/conspiracy that just believes everything the MSM has told you about WikiLeaks ever since they release the Hillary stuff; why are you even on /r/conspiracy if you believe the MSM just because WikiLeaks damaged the Hillary campaign?
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Ok, can someone address any of the points I've made rather than just thumbing down?
1 chapacha 2018-01-08
They can’t and they won’t. Notice how all the posts attacking WikiLeaks also have more upvotes than the posts calling out their bullshit. Especially evident when you go down a chain of comments.
It’s almost as if there is a group of people paid to be here and downvote the “wrong” ideas and upvote that WikiLeaks is just Russia in disguise.
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
Like how women let Weinstein do anything?
1 starry7833378333 2018-01-08
Did Weinstein say that or do that? Actions speak louder than words.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
"What about Weinstein."
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
Nope. I’ll address what I choose, and you can either respond or ignore it. If that bothers you, maybe you should consider taking your own advice about going somewhere else.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
This is a thread about WikiLeaks. If you want to talk about something else then why are you posting in here? Trying to divert the conversation away from points you have no rebuttal against, maybe?
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
That is somewhat true, however your post included a comment that I felt like addressing. If this was just about WikiLeaks, why are you trying to defend Trump’s statement? If you wanted to post about something else, maybe you should have posted it elsewhere? At any time you can choose to simply not reply, just like I can choose to address any part of your post that I want.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Brackets. Learn about them sometime.
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
I don’t see how, and I’ll point out that most people call them parentheses, that changes anything. You made a comment defending that statement, and that’s what I chose to address. Putting your statement in parentheses doesn’t magically make it immune to being criticized.
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
i think its a fair point, do you want to concede that the predator saying his victim 'lets' him do it is not really consent?
1 VicariousJambi 2018-01-08
What, some women fucked weinstein for the promise of fame? Seems consensual to me.
1 goldmanstackss 2018-01-08
Didn’t you know they never would have made their millions if they didn’t fuck him!?! Rape!
1 starry7833378333 2018-01-08
Your right on in your assessment. Unfortunately folks are victims of partisan politics and MSM. Assuming that these folks who now bash WL are actual people and not shills or bots, I find it amazing that democrats would be so staunch in their political views to fail to recognize that their very own party denied their base the choice of candidates. I'm appalled at what the DNC leaks revealed. Absolutely appalled. Our vote is sacred. It's the only gd power we little people have. Democrats, of all people, should be propping up WL's for ripping down the false illusion of choice that we were fed to believe.
1 pby1000 2018-01-08
What about the Satanic pedophiles that rule the world? Assange gave us proof of that, too.
Now I am reading posts here in which people do not undertand why Assange wants to deal with the enemies of the Satanic pedophiles.
1 Brendancs0 2018-01-08
Don’t engage this piece of shit. Anyone who believes the Russia bullshit is either paid or a fucking idiot. The same type of person who would believe the Iraq war was a legitimate conflict
1 Failed_Trillionaire 2018-01-08
I like how you state that it's "beyond obvious," in order to remove the burden of proof, because you have no proof of your claim, just conjecture.
1 Normie_account 2018-01-08
lol no
1 Beaustrodamus 2018-01-08
The opposite has been proven. Clinton invented Russia-gate to deflect attention away from herself. END OF STORY.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
Oh cool did she invent the criminal investigation and the 4 criminal indictments too?
1 Beaustrodamus 2018-01-08
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
That's fuckin hilarious. So all of this is made up. Manafort and Papadopulous and Flynn weren't actually criminally indicted for lying to the FBI.
1 Beaustrodamus 2018-01-08
Manafort was guilty because he was working for the Clinton's and the Podesta group, moron.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
He was involved with money laundering to Russia. Trumps criminal campaign manager was criminally involved with Russia. How fun.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Money laundering, do you say?
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
"Can we please just talk about Hillary instead of Trump? Stop being so mean to Trump. Hillary Hillary Hillary."
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Can we instead talk about WL, which is what this thread is actually about, not Trump or American politics, which everyone knows is corrupt.
Top Tip: Don't bring up an irrelevant topic if you're too scared to actually discuss it.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
Wikileaks working for Trump is completley relevent to every single thing wikileaks puts out. Throwing a bunch of links at me about how lame Hillary is on the other hand, is completely irrelevant to this post.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Money laundering with Russia is about WL how? You started the irrelevent shitposting with the money-laundering comment.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
Wikileaks works for Russia. Russia supports Trump. That's why wikileaks works for both of them.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
That's exactly the unfounded crap this thread is about. So you just assume an unproven statement so you can talk random unrelated crap. Great argument you constructed there, I must say. Some people would call it circular, even.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
It's obvious dude. Wikileaks sits around shit posting about every perceived enemy of Trump and Putin. They just released the pdf of the new book about Trump and then quickly deleted it. Why are they trying to hurt Trumps enemies? Why did they help his campaign? Why do they attack anyone who talks shit about Russia. You Clearly haven't been paying attention or you're just pretending they aren't blatantly working for your side.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Except you know they recently had a release on Russia, right? And that book was attacking Trump, right?
"It's obvious dude". Obvious to who? CNN? NYT? WaPo? Because it's not obvious to many others, if you care to look at the post you're responding to.
Now who's the one who clearly hasn't been paying attention?
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
We already know they will release mundane shit to appear impartial. That's what they tried to do with Trump Jr. Absolutely nothing interesting was in that Russia release.
I bet you think WaPo and the NYT work for democrats right?
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
So you're familiar with the Russia release? And you think the Hillary releases were damaging, but the Russia ones aren't?
Operation Mockingbird. Do some research.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
The mere fact that the DNC favored Clinton and wanted to get the primaries over with as quickly as possible was damaging enough. Especially when Wikileaks shitposts about it non stop. Did they shitpost about the Russia release non stop? Did they push it over and over again for a year straight?
Operation mockingbird is about the CIA 40 years ago. Guess whos in charge of the CIA? Trump and the director he appointed.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Are you saying the deep state didn't want Clinton to win?
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
I think it's hilarious that you think the deep state could read the future and knew when Wikileaks would drop the podesta emails. And for some reason they would drop the pussy grabbing tape before The wikileaks drop. Which makes absolutely no sense. The all powerful deep state wiuldnhave released the tape after the wikileaks drop if they could read the future. That way everyone would shift their focus to Trump.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Uh, yes, WL announce they're going to release stuff. It makes even less sense to release the audio after the WL release, because then people would be talking about that (the emails) first. Obviously they had to release the audio first to take away the attention from the email release that was coming up. Andif you believe WL timed it to come out after the audio, how do you think they new the audio was going to be released, and then managed to upload thousands of emails and release them less than an hour later?
Source. Where do you think that audio recording came from if not the NSA? And why do you think they chose to release it at that time? And haven't the MSM been repeating that it's "illegal" to read WL, and you must only listen to what they say? So the MSM makes a big fuss about the Trump audio, and then tells everyone there was nothing interesting in the WL releases, but Trump saying "when you're a star they let you do anything" is somehow vastly more important than the WL releases.
1 SJWPussyLibtard 2018-01-08
When did wikileaks announce they were about to release the podesta emails? I'd love to see that announcement.
And thanks for Sputnik news article you linked. I love reading what Russian propaganda has to say on this issue.
2 Kompromod 2018-01-08
these guys make it so easy.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Did you read the article or just look at where it came from? Because the article is based on statements by Kiriakou, the man who blew the whistle on CIA torture, and journalist Ben Norton.
And if you're asking for a specific tweet you know I can't find it now when it was done hundreds of tweets ago by WikiLeaks. But they do make announcements in advance Here's an example of them announcing the specific date of a release regarding Turkey. Other examples:
That's just on Twitter, I didn't even check their website or Facebook.
1 pby1000 2018-01-08
Why didn't Wikileaks work with Obama or Hillary? Isn't it strange that it did not happen?
Very strange that Wikileaks would want to establish ties with Russia and Trump. Lol.
What would you do if you were Assange?
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
do whatever my burly russian 'bodyguards' want so they dont toss me off the balcony
1 pby1000 2018-01-08
LOL. He is in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Is that the best response you can come up with?
You realize that one side are Satanic pedophiles and the other side are not. Assange is making nice with the side that are not the Satanic pedophiles.
Perhaps, you would make the opposite choice.
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
why do you think assange 'asked' for russian bodyguards
1 pby1000 2018-01-08
LOL. Should he ask for FBI or CIA bodyguards?
1 Golden_Shart 2018-01-08
Because everyone knows WikiLeaks has been compromised for a long ass time.
1 rigorousintuition 2018-01-08
Wow, this is news to me - got any links or evidence to back that up?
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
1 AmonDidNothingWrong 2018-01-08
When were they compromised?
1 Apod283271 2018-01-08
Since November 2016 ish.
1 Golden_Shart 2018-01-08
A lot say since 2010-2012 but that's bullshit. Last time anyone could verify Assange being alive was October 25 2016. We also haven't had his PGP signature since then. If you'd like more information check the sidebar over at /r/whereisassange. Some people theorize he's dead, some people still believe he's alive, but almost everyone agrees he has zero control over WikiLeaks anymore. Does that mean for certain it's taken over by the elite and used as their tool? No, but it does mean it's compromised.
1 kannibalsoup 2018-01-08
~ October 16th 2016, when Assange's internet was severed at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. I'm extremely surprised to see so many comments asking 'how so?' yet nobody seems to recall the ridiculously peculiar events around this time regarding wikileaks and Assange. It's honesty sad how quick people forget things.
0 Kompromod 2018-01-08
2010-2012 somewhere
1 whiterabbitobj46 2018-01-08
Because they care more about the source of the leaks rather than the content.
Apparently big bad Russia is behind every blade of grass. Too bad for them most of the world has moved on from that Cold War mentality.
Russia is no where near the threat they once were.
1 Loose-ends 2018-01-08
If you're willing to discount their efforts towards peaceful settlements and respecting the sovereignty of other nations at a time when there is nothing but naked belligerence and aggression getting peddled on the other side, perhaps.
They are certainly a threat to our utter lack of ethics and smug hypocrisy and growing in stature in the eyes of the rest of the world on that particular front.
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
It's not the sources we're concerned with, it's the motivation. Why was WikiLeaks trying to work closely with the Trump campaign? Why were they secretly trying to boost their and Trump's credibility? Why didn't they release the RNC emails they had?
1 atleastlisten 2018-01-08
They actually worked very loosely with the Trump campaign, pretty much only for the purpose of promoting their leaks and nothing else.
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
Loosely? They were trying to work with Trump's campaign to boost both groups images. Their credibility really took a hit when those Twitter messages came out. That whole exchange confirmed what many of us suspected.
1 Wizard419 2018-01-08
How close?
1 Brendancs0 2018-01-08
Nu uh! The news media told me! And hating Russia/trump is so cool right now get with it. /s
1 of_mendez 2018-01-08
if you get someone against WL in r/conspiracy it is a shill. fin
1 CosmicOwly 2018-01-08
1 Wizard419 2018-01-08
One has to be skeptic at all times, you can entertain the notion without accepting the totality of it all.
1 BeLucky 2018-01-08
You just had to abbreviate WikiLeaks to WL didn't you.. To fit in with the theme of abbreviating words on reddit in the hope a large amount of the audience won't get what you're talking about. A handful of upvotes on your failing post is as far you'll get.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Like how people abbreviate Washington Post to WaPo. Do you have something against commonly used abbreviations, or something against me using commonly used abbreviations?
Or would you rather I did like many other people and put the entire entry post into the title?
1 BeLucky 2018-01-08
I've never read the Washington Post and for the entire world outside of America, they don't either so it's not a "common abbreviation" like you proclaim. I have also nevwr heard anyone abbreviate WikiLeaks to WL so again, not a "common abbreviation". An a clear example is TM for Trade Mark, that's a common abbreviation, however you don't get to dupe reddit users with those so carry on trying to justify your BS.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Seems you don't read /r/conspiracy either if you've never seen WaPo.
1 BeLucky 2018-01-08
Looks like you don't read it either judging by the miniscule amount of upvotes your shitpost is receiving. Ps, thanks for brigading my comments, it's good to know when you really hit a nerve.
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
Because Wikileaks conspired with the Trump campaign.
This comment is lifted from the Wikileaks AMA.
Theres a theory Wikileaks is ctrl'd by the FSB/SVR and are useful idiots whose dissent is being capitalized on
NYTimes huge story 9/2016: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/01/world/europe/wikileaks-julian-assange-russia.html
10/26/10 - WikiLeaks ready to drop bombshell on Russia
11/01/10 - Russia's FSB to Wikileaks: We Can Destroy You
1/20/11 - Assange gets Russian Visa
1/25/12 - WL founder Julian Assange's TV show to be aired on Russian channel
4/6/16 - WikiLeaks: US Gov't Behind Panama Leaks to Attack Putin
8/8/16 - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/opinion/can-we-trust-julian-assange-and-wikileaks.html
Best theory breakdowns:
WL threatens to leak Russian info in Oct/Nov 2010 http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Europe/2010/1026/WikiLeaks-ready-to-drop-a-bombshell-on-Russia.-But-will-Russians-get-to-read-about-it
Reddit had HUGE thread on it: https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/dwolw/wikileaks_ready_to_drop_a_bombshell_on_russia_but/?
Moscow sent VERY SERIOUS threats to WL and they haven't said a SINGLE bad word about Russia since:
Did Wikileaks get cold feet?
WL never hesitates to embarrass NATO countries
What changed in 2010?
Why in Dec 2010 did Medvedev suggest Assange be nominated a Nobel Prize?
Reddit had a thread on this https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/ej3ks/russia_calls_for_wikileaks_founder_julian_assange/?
Ever wondered how/why Assange got a RT talkshow in 2012 After he threatened to expose Russian secret documents?
How did Assange have connections to house Snowden in Russia?
Was WL started as a Russian OP?
I say no
Has it become one?
Looks that way
Even the Saudi leaks are looking a little more suspicious
Saudis are a Western ally. Iran is pro-Russia. Look at the Oil Price War b/w Russia and KSA
Who leaked TPP? Who is TPP not including?
Russia & China
*Who leaked the Sony pictures files?
Theres a consistent anti-Western tint here
Why did WL post how CIA spies travel?
Boris Nemtsov met an ambassador on Russia-US ties & WL reveals it https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09MOSCOW1497_a.html Then assassinated years later
Malware servers from DNC hack linked to Bundestag hack via Russian intel: https://twitter.com/pwnallthethings/status/756892523885240322
There are Phillip Agee vibes from Assange/Wikileaks/Snowden
WL doxxed John Brennan's family http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/10/21/wikileaks-doxxes-cia-chief-s-wife-and-daughters.html#pq=T9jQM0
WL & Anon twitter accts infighting over WL constant support for anti-western talking points:
Anon accts shames WL for this tweet:
Anon retweets suggesting that wikileaks toes a distinctly Pro-Kremlin line:
Fmr WL worker Daniel Domscheit-Berg fell out w/ Assange & had problem w/ the only Anti-Western views
WL scrubbed docs: http://www.dailydot.com/layer8/wikileaks-syria-files-syria-russia-bank-2-billion/
Assange protege Sigurdur Thordarson was an FBI informant
Thordarson accosts Assange:
Fmr WL worker finds ties w/ the Russians suspicious!
Why did Snowden say this when he got asylum?
Russia? Venezuela? Bolivia? Nicaragua? Ecuador? Bastions of freedom?
Snowden has 11 days he cant account for when in Hong Kong, but at the Russian Embassy
One of the FIRST stories about the NSA docs didn't come from Greenwald/Poitras, but the South China Morning Sea.. His campaign about domestic intelligence integrity started by revealing chinese espionage?
CIA Agent Bob Baer (inspiration for Syriana) thinks Snowden flipped when he was working in Geneva
Collusion w/ RT & WL stories? https://twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status/789992650178867200
DHS and ODNI: Guccifer 2.0/DNC Leaks work w/ WL
If WL is getting info they don't share, they lie about their mission
If WL is a Russian intel front, they get free intel from leakers & whistleblowers under the guise that WL will help them but hoard it instead
WL is allowed to curate disinformation via edited docs & fake narratives w/o context under the guise of "journalism"
If WL was honest about bias, no one would debate WL as an objective source of info. They filter the narrative they want to push. Always ask: "What do they have to gain from sharing this info with you?"
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
Bologna. The Democratic National Committee and Hillary For America cheated, bragged about it, got caught, lost to Donald Trump, blamed everyone but themselves and have spent more than a year destabilizing the USA. There's no organic constituency for cheaters, braggarts, losers, whiners, or enemies of civilization.
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
We've seen Julians DMs dude. We know.
This is reality now, change the script.
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
Oh, that. Apparently you were in the establishment press's mind cage that day. Never mind though, here's how that turned out:
13 Nov 2017: https://twitter.com/JulianAssange/status/930234452139298816
Here's the misleading bit in The Atlantic:
Nov 13, 2017: https://www.theatlantic.com/amp/article/545738/
And here is the record corrected from Trump Jr's e-mail:
Took us less than six hours to unmask the deception.
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
You must still be in the alt reich mind cocoon.
Why would the need to "improve the perception of our impartiality"?
Because they're not impartial and coordinated with the Trump campaign.
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
Great society Democrat. DNC betrayed me and many others in the quest to appease their corporate overlords. Now the establishment is trying to use the national security apparatus to reverse the election, install Pence and pass TPP anyway. That effort has conveniently distracted their entire herd of bleating sheeple from the real and lasting damage that the establishment has been doing to our economy, security and polity for 'lo these many years.
Game over, you lose. Now step away from the corporate teets.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Let me explain it to you. WikiLEAKS relies on LEAKS that it publishing. This means WikiLEAKS needs to have ways to acquire LEAKS. This means they need to contact people who are in a position to give them LEAKS, that is, people on the inside, and they need to somehow convince them to LEAK material to them.
If anything, all this shows is that WikiLEAKS do in fact work from LEAKS and they are not a hacking organisation, and that indeed they do try to get material on Trump as well.
And as Assange has said, there is already so much damaging material about Trump in the public domain, like how his real estate empire cooperated with organised crime.
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
So why do they need to improve the perception of their impartiality?
1 thinks_he_has_gold 2018-01-08
To increase the validity and impact of what they were leaking. It was to undermind the narrative that HRC was crafting to discredit Wikileaks.
They literally lay it all out in the DM.
1 atleastlisten 2018-01-08
Because everyone was (and still is) hand-waving everything they released in 2016 as Russian propaganda so they can pretend that they don't have to actually think about how corrupt the DNC/Clinton campaign was.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
What aren't you understanding? They need to convince people to leak to them.
1 VladsNUM1_h4x0r 2018-01-08
You're arguing with a tiptopmind. Just ignore it and move on.
Everything and everyone that didn't cheer on Queen Cunt is a Ruskie.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Yeah. WL must be Russia because of the Hillary leaks. Therefore anyone who defends WL is obviously a Russian shill. Brilliant argument by the Hillary shills.
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
How does that change the situation?
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
The Atlantic purportedly follows the old style of journalism wherein the reader must trust the integrity of the entire chain of claims from source to publisher.
The author of this article materially edited the source material in order to support her point, the publisher of the article published it despite those material edits to the source material and no retraction has been published.
That puts The Atlantic in company with CNN, CBS and MSNBC: people who owe us a retraction, an explanation and an apology.
Assuming you also missed the destruction of that story:
CNN publishes a claim that we cannot test because it is based on source material that is not available to us. MSNBC and CBS publish the same untestable claims. https://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/08/politics/email-effort-give-trump-campaign-wikileaks-documents/index.html
Washington Post uses its privileged access to information in order to get the e-mail, then falsifies the claims made by CNN, MSNBC and CBS on the basis that Guccifer 2.0's material was published on DCLeaks before the e-mail offering Guccifer 2.0's material was was sent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/email-offering-trump-campaign-wikileaks-documents-referred-to-information-already-public/2017/12/08/61dc2356-dc37-11e7-a841-2066faf731ef_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_trumpwikileaks-129pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.30de247a2acb
CNN changes its story.
Glenn Greenwald joins Julian Assange in calling for some accountability from CNN/CBS/MSNBC. https://theintercept.com/2017/12/09/the-u-s-media-yesterday-suffered-its-most-humiliating-debacle-in-ages-now-refuses-all-transparency-over-what-happened/
Adam Carter falsifies a second claim in CNN's article: that the material in question was published by WikiLeaks. http://g-2.space/cnn/
In an effort to prevent the public from discovering what they're up to, the establishment has spent a lot of time and money trying to discredit WikiLeaks and they've gotten nowhere.
It's perfectly obvious by now that order to discredit WikiLeaks, the establishment will have to release exculpatory claims that--like the WikiLeaks--the public is able to test for itself. Since they're not doing the perfectly obvious thing one must assume that they don't think that releasing more testable claims will help them. I suspect that they're right about that.
1 Mooseisabitfat 2018-01-08
I'm asking how the piece you added changes the implication of the email exchange? WikiLeaks was still trying to work directly with team Trump to improve both groups images.
1 afartonthewind 2018-01-08
It doesn't, but they keep on the same old narrative that WL is some pure bastion of integrity when the reality is they are as biased as any other media corporation.
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
Both of you would do well to internalize the fact of an organized conspiracy to deprive you of information. Here's a long form article about it:
2018-01-03: https://theintercept.com/2018/01/03/my-life-as-a-new-york-times-reporter-in-the-shadow-of-the-war-on-terror/
1 afartonthewind 2018-01-08
It wouldn't matter if the entire world's governments united in a propaganda campaign to discredit WL, because they are still biased, their own actions (and lies) prove it.
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
The entire global establishment has just spent a year trying it's damnedest to discredit WikiLeaks. They burned NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, BBC, The Guardian and many other propaganda outlets in the process and an exponentially growing number of people--including US voters--are newly aware of what they've been up to. That growth curve will accelerate in the wake of Mueller's investigation and those that will follow from it.
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
Except it does, the key is the part convienently ignored. "which the Clinton campaign is constantly slandering us with". Meaning that they are defending themselves from AN ESTABLISHED LIE hence the word slander. The ironic part as that you are using this quote to support that same lie.
1 sydewayzsoundz 2018-01-08
You know this sub has been taken over when your comment gets downvoted like this...sad
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
I knew it was coming.
1 sydewayzsoundz 2018-01-08
yeah unfortunately, its pretty predictable now
1 goldmanstackss 2018-01-08
They’ve spent much more than a year destabilizing the US.
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
Plenty of blame to go around there.
1 thebsoftelevision 2018-01-08
This is a fantastic post with lots of content but this won't fit the OP's agenda so it'll get downvoted.
1 Lucy-Sky-Diamondz 2018-01-08
Regardless, I Love WL, Snowden, Manning, Panama/Paradise Papers, etc More of all of this please. Also Assange is a Hero
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
wikileaks didnt like panama papers. they smeared putin :(
big no no
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Shitpost extraordinaire. Off the bat using the NYT as a source. Next two links you would think would be evidence against the idea of Russia controlling WL. Not sure what the next two links are supposed to prove. Snowden has asylum in Russia because he was targetted by the US. So now Snowden is a Russian asset too? Regarding the Panama Papers, you don't have a leg to stand on.
Best according to you. Snowden is only in Russia because his visa was revoked at precisely the moment he was passing throug Russia. Oops. All those articles you linked are shown to be misinformed crap by this one fact. You posted six articles saying Snowden is a Russian agent based on the fact he has asylum in Russia, when in fact the only reason he was stuck in Russia was because his visa was revoked while he was in transit to Ecuador, which had granted him asylum. Actually, the last of the six articles actually contradicts your point, I don't hink you read, or you were hoping no one would read it. The Tech Dirt article actually says:
Clearly you never read the article before posting it as "evidence" that Snowden is a Russian agent, because it clearly is the opposite, actually.
Then you have a lot of stuff about Russia threatening WL. Huh? Aren't you trying to argue Assange is a Russian agent? And you forget the fact that WL has actually posted material about Russia, even after all those threats from Russia.
And no shit Sherlock, why do you think WL dishes so much dirt on the West? The obvious answer is because there is so much dirt on the West and its allies. Why is the West committing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why are they forcing through TPP and TTIP that the public overwhelmingly do not want? Why have they been conducting global mass surveillance, even against Angela Merkel, which most people don't want? Why are they still torturing people at Gitmo, land stolen from Cuba, which most people are against? Maybe if the West didn't do so much shit, there wouldn't be so much shit on them. Just a thought.
And what does Assange having a show on RT prove? Have a look at those who currently have a show on RT: Alex Salmond, Jesse Ventura, Chris Hedges, Stephen Baldwin, Ed Schultz, George Galloway and Larry King; are you saying they're all Russian agents?
I've just gone through half your mega-shitpost and found no merit in it. Maybe another time I'll pick up on the rest if I have the energy. Judging by the first half, there's no point.
1 thebsoftelevision 2018-01-08
Ofcourse he should have used 4chan instead right?
1 FireHazard11 2018-01-08
Everyone knows that random pictures marked up in MSPaint and posted by anonymous 4channers is the most reputable evidence imaginable.
1 TheyAreLying2Us 2018-01-08
No but you everybody knows that the NYT is FULL OF OOZYING SHIT.
1 goldmanstackss 2018-01-08
This is true.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Do you care to address any of the points I made?
1 purefabulousity 2018-01-08
That is addressing one of the points you made.
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
And convienently ignoring then rest, almost as if you have no real response.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
Which one exactly?
1 rigorousintuition 2018-01-08
The huge amount of upvotes on a genuine shit comment hidden within a heavily downvoted comment really makes me sad.
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
Interesting you've confirmed yourself as someone "not of this sub" as that is a clear talking point when you have no actual response. I see you have a lot of your friends coming in to upvote your posts trashing this sub. The question now remains where are you coming from and why are you here?
1 thebsoftelevision 2018-01-08
And when did I do that?
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
The same time the guy you initially responded to said that "he should have used 4chan instead".
1 5pointlight 2018-01-08
He did use 4chan...
1 throw_trash_ 2018-01-08
Yes, because Snowden is an agent for every government other than Russia. Yes.
1 skindoe 2018-01-08
Your reading comprehension clearly needs work. The opposite he is referring to is of the article being "evidence" not of Snowden being an agent hence the pronoun "it" not "he". And even it it was he how is the opposite of being a Russian agent "being an agent for every government other than Russia". This whole comment makes no sense. But it will probably be upvoted by "sane" people who are here now for some reason.
1 atleastlisten 2018-01-08
Everyone keeps pushing this "Wikileaks was gonna drop something on Russia, but didn't" meme, but they actually DID put out the release. I don't understand why this keep getting repeated.
1 wanking_furiously 2018-01-08
It was a very weak release, and the way they framed it was a lot softer than other recent leaks. It was shown in the Kushner emails that Wikileaks was looking to make itself 'look' less partisan/compromised.
1 rigorousintuition 2018-01-08
I truly think both sides are as bad as each other, and any huge post with articles from the past 8 years can make a point and sway a position. To say the Russian's are more evil than the Americans is a stretch, to say any nation is more savage than the other is silly. All of the information released by Wikileaks is credible fact, and has not been disproved - how on earth is that not a beautiful thing?
America, China, Russia all of them are the same, systems of oppression with governments that suppress information. That being said i'm sure Wikileaks do withhold some information, and honestly maybe they have ever reason to. Perhaps they know the true unbelievable extent of the problem and are attempting to topple the worst of the worst to begin with...
We just don't know the answer, and with that in mind we should just take everything they release with a grain of salt - we don't need this tribalistic bullshit of country blaming country for corruption that everyone is guilty of...
1 TheyAreLying2Us 2018-01-08
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
Hi, I'm not share blue. Be nice.
1 WeaponizedPeace 2018-01-08
Whatever you are I hope you die. The world needs less of you TMOR/Shareblue "people" in the gene pool
1 EricBraverman 2018-01-08
I said be nice! That's the opposite of being nice!
1 HohlraumHe3 2018-01-08
Why do you think there has to be some sort of nefarious motive for Wikileaks exposing the Democrats' crimes when their founder has been trapped in an embassy for years due to the actions of Clinton and Obama? If a foreign political party had me framed for rape and would torture me to death if they apprehended me I'd be doing what I could to destroy them as well.
1 versusgorilla 2018-01-08
So you admit there's a bias there?
1 HohlraumHe3 2018-01-08
Why wouldn't there be? If a political party in Australia framed you for rape and would torture you to death in a black site would you have a bias against them?
As for the content, I don't think that's biased. Wikileaks hasn't released anything untrue, has it?
1 versusgorilla 2018-01-08
I'm just pointing out that they, according to your analysis, are a biased outlet. That's all.
1 HohlraumHe3 2018-01-08
Every outlet is biased. But the bias is irrelevant when the information presented is factual.
1 memnactor 2018-01-08
Everybody is biased all the time. This is a fact.
So why the hell are you trying to play lawyer here?
EDIT: sorry for the aggresion, I'm in a bad mood today. But the point stands.
1 versusgorilla 2018-01-08
Because I'm tired of people telling me WikiLeaks is an unbiased bastion of free information.
If their head, Assange, is using his power as the head of WikiLeaks to try and change political outcomes for his favor, then he's by definition not unbiased.
And we should be allowed to question the info that comes out of WL and look for motivations and potential for misinformation.
1 memnactor 2018-01-08
But we do question the information that comes out of WL's.
As far as I know they haven't released any misinformation yet.
1 versusgorilla 2018-01-08
And some of us see their actions as timed to cause damage to one campaign over another.
If we're supposed to be upset that CNN had a person on payroll who helped a political campaign have a leg up, then we should be equally upset when WL has a person on payroll who helped a political campaign have a leg up.
1 memnactor 2018-01-08
I'm not from the US so my perspective might be a bit different.
I just want the truth and so far WL hasn't lied to me.
1 froibo 2018-01-08
Is it a lie to withhold truth or is it just telling falsehoods?
1 memnactor 2018-01-08
It isn't lying to withhold the truth. It is lying if you withhold the truth to give people the impression that things are different than they really are.
1 beachexec 2018-01-08
The real story is what's in the emails. Whine about Russia all you want, Bernie got cheated and this wild goose chase is a distraction from more important issues.
1 beachexec 2018-01-08
This entire post is all heresay. Swing and a miss.
1 owlcammaga 2018-01-08
Just reads like some copy paste shill propaganda Wikileaks did not work with the Trump campaign there is no evidence of this Assange even admitted to this.
1 htok54yk 2018-01-08
TLDR: It's Russia! Not the CIA!
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
this should be an OPsubmission. saving this for posting in all these 'wikileaks has a 100% proven track/accuracy record' submissions and posts
1 rigorousintuition 2018-01-08
It does have a 100% proven track record...
1 dukey 2018-01-08
Wikileaks represents truth and transparency. Julian Assange has literally given his life and now lives in political exile for this cause. To some people the truth is the enemy, so they go to great lengths to try and discredit the source. This is now why people are yelling that Assange is a Russian agent. Discrediting the source is the oldest trick in the book and distracts people from the actual content of the message.
1 thinks_he_has_gold 2018-01-08
There is going to be a lot of noise on this post, OP.
You are absolutely correct on all of this.
Wikileaks should be exalted in this sub...but no, they took a swipe at the queen, and so for this, they must be astroturfed into oblivion.
1 joseph177 2018-01-08
It's lame conspiracy territory. WL is a fake psyop that reveals nothing the real old-time conspiracy users knew a decade ago. No different than our man (actor) Snowden. His revelations were leaked years before and the media looked away.
Also, propping up the fake Russia/Trump narrative to create more boogiemen.
You asked.
1 Kevin-Carter 2018-01-08
Someone made this comment in a thread in /new, I think it's relevant
Here is the AMA from last year.
A.M.A. with wikileaks last year?
Here are the emails that Don Jr. posted himself.
So, that's why people are at least dubious of Wikileaks.
Not to mention the time Julian outed a bunch of protesters in Belarus by giving his friend and friend of Russia Israel Shamir the diplomatic cables early.
1 Fusion7778 2018-01-08
Why? Because the Shareblue bots want the casual visitor to assume the masses now hate WL. A lot of people follow the herd without thinking, so just by seeing the seemingly negative reaction to them allows people to close their mind to them without using any logic to arrive at that point.
1 rockytimber 2018-01-08
Julian Assange has the perspective regarding US global hegemony that his detractors seem to discount. Since the fall of the Soviet Union the US has been on a rampage of murder and destruction unmatched by anyone else at that time, to where there are now more refugees than even at the end of WWII.
If people could let that sink in, they would understand why WL has a distinctly anti US bias, or in the case of Trump, that which damages or reduces the US ability to continue global wars is better for the planet.
You guys don't get it. Its too easy for Americans to block out the genocide and war crimes that have been going on and focus on the media agenda of the day.
1 isyad 2018-01-08
Shills and Dems in denial. But mostly shills.
1 sydewayzsoundz 2018-01-08
Democrats loved him when he was exposing republican dirt
1 RagingSatyr 2018-01-08
Because someone took over it in October 2016. I used to think it was the Russians but now I'm leaning towards Israel.
1 owlcammaga 2018-01-08
do you people just come up with random shit and just hold onto it like its the truth?
1 Fusion7778 2018-01-08
You have to admit the events in October were definitely suspect... I assume you know the details since you're refuting his claim.
1 RagingSatyr 2018-01-08
Just because Assange is alive doesn't mean WL isn't compromised. And there has been a noticeable change in tone from WL that seems to indicate some kind of change in October 2016.
1 facereplacer3 2018-01-08
Because this place is loaded with shills who want to prop up the Russia/Trump thing.
1 pby1000 2018-01-08
People support the NWO globalist agenda. What country do you live in? How is that agenda working for you?
I wonder what these people will think when they have to dodge ex-ISIS members on their way to Starbucks.
1 Chiponyasu 2018-01-08
Because those people have a theory about a conspiracy, I imagine.
1 DereIzNoPoint 2018-01-08
How is it a conspiracy if it's the narrative pushed by the MSM?
0 Chiponyasu 2018-01-08
You can be a conspiracy without being an all-powerful one.
Besides, "the MSM" is only pushing the story if you think Fox News doesn't count as mainstream media. I think it does, and "the MSM" isn't really a coherent thing anymore.
1 Brendancs0 2018-01-08
Because wiki leaks represents the truth and the shills and Astro turfing assholes. It’s been slandered by the media and paid shills online so we can’t have a uniform front
1 canitbe73 2018-01-08
I like, and always have liked, Wikileaks. I think they are useful and play a role we need for true freedom.
I don't like, and have always disliked, Assange. I think he's a massive narcissist who gets off on his own fame (when not taking advantage of women).
As Wikileaks has become more and more synonymous with Assange, basically now acting purely as his microphone for the agenda he wants to put out, I have liked Wikileaks less and less.
1 Allinon72 2018-01-08
Because this sub has been flipped to establishment in the past 8 weeks.
1 htok54yk 2018-01-08
Wikileaks has an agenda, but they do release actual primary documents to the public. Why weren't the RNC emails leaked to the public?
I don't trust Assange, ever since Epstein friend and lawyer, Alan Dershkowitz, was once a part of his legal team. (link)
1 canitbe73 2018-01-08
I did not know Dershowitz was ever related to Assange. Interesting. Yet another reason not to like or trust either of them, imo.
1 Kompromod 2018-01-08
corrupted around 2010-2012. since then they are just a propaganda mouth piece for certain states that have assanges nuts in a vice
1 mcmacsonstein 2018-01-08
It's tweets like these that make Assange lose credibility:
PanamaPapers Putin attack was produced by OCCRP which targets Russia & former USSR and was funded by USAID & Soros.
Why is he raising suspicion about this leak, when he claims that leaks are mostly good because people can disseminate the information for themselves.?
And why does he care about protecting Putin? Since when was Putin a figure that should be defended. Even Gorbachev dislikes what Putin is doing to Russia.
1 thighmaster85 2018-01-08
This sub has changed, and that's fine because things change, but it now seems to always just be people arguing & downvoting for wrong-think. I don't even know what the current wrong-think is in this sub because it has changed so much.
Now we have to defend Julian Assange? Wow. If someone has evidence he is not a good guy, by all means comment with that information and allow myself/others to decide. But lately the comments are so snide and condescending and just downvoted to oblivion. Smells fake.
1 Wizard419 2018-01-08
I love how they think he's a Putin puppet from Australia, really takes a mental gymnast for that one.
1 unbreakable141 2018-01-08
People only care about what supports their narrative even when presented evidence of the contrary. People are just arrogant and willfully ignorant.
1 potatosurplus 2018-01-08
Because there are a lot of disinfo agents and bots within this sub. Sorry, but I just don't believe anyone who is into conspiracies isn't a fan of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks considering they are the epitome of getting the truth out there.
1 Chokaholic 2018-01-08
The one issue I have with Julian Assange is that he denies there was a conspiracy with 9/11. How anyone can look at all the evidence and think there's no fuckery afoot, is highly suspect.
1 Nogrim6 2018-01-08
why? because they are being paid to discredit wikileaks plain and simple.
1 stupidfuckingtroll 2018-01-08
You can see the specifications of the actual protocols they use. The source code is posted in many cases. Have you actually read anything on WikiLeaks?
1 NapalmForNarratives 2018-01-08
The entire global establishment has just spent a year trying it's damnedest to discredit WikiLeaks. They burned NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, BBC, The Guardian and many other propaganda outlets in the process and an exponentially growing number of people--including US voters--are newly aware of what they've been up to. That growth curve will accelerate in the wake of Mueller's investigation and those that will follow from it.
1 WeaponizedPeace 2018-01-08
Whatever you are I hope you die. The world needs less of you TMOR/Shareblue "people" in the gene pool
1 Kind_Of_A_Dick 2018-01-08
I don’t see how, and I’ll point out that most people call them parentheses, that changes anything. You made a comment defending that statement, and that’s what I chose to address. Putting your statement in parentheses doesn’t magically make it immune to being criticized.