Structure Fires in both Presidential Candidates Buildings, in the same week? FOIL requests submitted, if I'm not back in a week send someone looking!

58  2018-01-09 by oxfouzer

So, it might be happening, or it might not... but the timing and people involved are very strange, indeed.

Both Clinton's Fire (03JAN2018) and Trump's Fire (08JAN2018) occurred "in the roof/ceiling", and are shrouded in a bit of mystery. I'm sure they could very well be innocent events, but I'd like to know for sure (and "Q" supposedly said there are no coincidences, not that I'm a Q follower...).

I've submitted FOIL requests for documents for both incidents to their respective police departments - not sure how much will be available, but I see this as a logical first step, if only to understand "the story"...

Also, if I disappear or go silent, send someone looking for me...


good luck anon, stay away from small planes and gyms

Let us know what comes back. How long before we go looking?

I'm pretty active around here, so if I go silent it's not a good sign. It's partially half hearted humor but also semi serious. If I don't have a followup on this by 01FEB2018 (taking FOIL timelines into account) that would be suspicious :)

I'll be sure to report what I find.

You haven't submitted shit.

shrug whatever you say.

So, what ever happened to this? I didn't see any updates. Weird.

I know I posted a follow-up to this, but I can't find it in my history... Weird indeed.

I got both FOIL requests after arguing with NYPD on an appeal. Essentially, I was stonewalled on the Trump tower fire and was only given dispatch logs which weren't very interesting. They claimed to have no incident report or anything other than dispatch logs, which I found curious but I don't know enough about NYFD to call shenanigans.

The Clinton fire was much easier, I got an incident report and an "Arson Task Force" report... A few things stood out about the Clinton fire - two officers stayed for like two hours after the FD left, "directing traffic"... Which I found a bit weird. Arson task force report said the bathroom fan caught on fire.

I can scan the documents, it was interesting enough... I don't know enough to push further, but I'd love to get more info on the Trump tower incident.

2 fires in one week is a little odd.

Didn't Cheney have a fire

Not that I am aware of recently. He did back in 2007.

I originally believed the Clinton fire could have been a construction of plausible deniability if any subpoenaed info goes missing. I don't know if the same would apply to the roof of Trump tower, but it is all a very odd coincidence.

I don't trust that opinion because it is a really basic legal precedent that any evidence seized as part of an illegal search is immediately and entirely inadmissable in court. "Fruit of a poisoned tree" if you will...

Fruit of the poisoned tree doesn't apply. There was no illegal search. What are you talking about

I misread this as a different argument apparently...

Meaning the other theory floating around, that a fire excuses local fire dept to come in & search, irrespective of Secret Service?

What is FOIL? Is it like foia? Freedom of information act stuff?

Non-Mobile link:

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Oh neat. Thanks

Trump Tower Fire report denied by NYPD in it's entirety as a 2b "disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy."

Clinton Fire report (only 3 pages) inbound, will provide updates. 3 pages is a pretty short report, so I'm not sure exactly what I'm getting...

shrug whatever you say.

So, what ever happened to this? I didn't see any updates. Weird.