Honest question: Why isn't calling conspiracy theorists "batshit crazy", and the like, a bannable offense in this sub?

35  2018-01-09 by naturalproducer

THIS SUBMISSION IS NOT AN ATTACK. Just wondering why I keep seeing this happen without any repercussions to the offender.


More often than not, that sort of abuse does result in a ban, particularly if it is aimed at the users of /r/conspiracy. It is up to others to report these comments, otherwise the mods don't necessarily see them.

I would say that at least 95% of the accounts we ban are for abuse. It has become much worse since the 2016 US Presidential Election, and thousands of accounts have been banned for abuse since then.

Good work. No reason to allow people who find the community so undesirable to stay

Because it IS an attack. It is ad hominem and gaslighting.

My post or calling conspiracy theorists batshit crazy?

Not your post. And don't get me wrong, we got some real crazies, for sure. But framing us all as crazy is the deep state methedology for discrediting what we do in places like this.

I was unironicly called a conspiritard yesterday for suggesting hollywood knew about weinstein for a very long time. And the reason no one acted on punishing him until recently is because "no one" knew about it except for the crazy conspiracy community lol. Thicker then a bowl of oatmeal.

In r/conspiracy?

We ban them usually after one warning over on r/conspiracyundone.

Just let conspiracy be what it is, it makes the smaller less shilly subs(as that one) come together and be less like this one

The mods probably have better things to do then to go after every pussyplayer69xx calling this crowd mean names.

It comes with the territory, if you can't take the heat then don't stand in the fire.

I don't like personal attacks in any form because it shifts the focus from the topic under discussion to the person. One should be able to make their arguments without getting personal. For people who regularly attack a person, instead of the idea, it takes time to adjust - but it's not impossible.

However, I don't like the idea of banning people for doing that - well not perma-banning. Maybe giving them a day or two to cool off is warranted. I prefer mods just remove the offending post.

However when you see personal attack, just click the "report" button as that flags the post for mod review.

Because this sub has been completely something I can't say without being banned.

Rule 10 was supposed to be for this. I was the one that suggested it many years ago.

I like the term.

If someone is gonna call me crazy (which most will, at some point), then 'batshit crazy' is just the right amount of crazy to be called.

Logic is not your strong suit and that's ok.

And yet I'm not the one bent out of shape by a little name calling...

Yes it is an attack but it's a pretty weak one, is my point.

Logic is not your strong suit and that's ok.


Ok dude.

'batshit crazy' is just the right amount of crazy to be called.

Ok dude.

I like the term.

I prefer contrarian. Conspiracy theorist is almost a worthless phrase. It does not really explain our plight.

It never did, its just a buzzword to categorize people who aren't trustworthy to a fault.

It is a bannable offence. Rule 10.

Can you post any examples where you've seen it?

Do you report such comments when you see them?


You'll need to scroll down because every one doesn't fit the bill, but yea.

Can you link the thread instead? There's too many there to know what you're referring to.

There's too many

Good point.

Click on "permalink" - that gives you a link to the exact post you're talking about.

I'm a huge skeptic of most conspiracy theories but think name calling is just so fucking lazy. Instead, ask questions, pose alternatives and engage. Shutting the conversation down with name calling just exposed the one name calling as immature and easily riled.

This happens a lot, even when you try to rationally provide some alternatives without even criticizing their position. I was told I couldn’t think because Moore’s penis was so far down my throat after one commenter said this is evidence that victims should report immediately and I wrote that reporting it at the time it occurred (70s I think) could’ve been much worse for her in terms of retaliation. Note I didn’t say anything about blame, culpability or veracity. Just a fact that a good ol boy state in those days was a lot more dangerous for a female accuser. Some people are participating here just to insult and get some shit started for fun.

but think name calling is just so fucking lazy. Instead, ask questions, pose alternatives and engage. Shutting the conversation down with name calling just exposed the one name calling as immature and easily riled.

Just in case people missed it the first time.

I agree that it is lazy to resort to name-calling. It is also lazy to resort to logical fallacies such as appeal to authority and appeal to consensus. But most people are naturally very lazy psychologically: when challenged with new ideas they resort to the 'path of least resistance', which usually involved dismissing anything which goes against preconceived notions.

Want to put my theory to the test? See how many of this list you honestly agree with.

Nice, name calling right in the title. Normies is as stupid as Bernie bros or libtards or trumptards.


Normies is entirely appropriate. The regular person is normal, they are the majority. It is still normal to believe that federal politics is 'real', that man actually walked on the moon, that vaccines are good for you, etc etc.

The people who believes this crap are normal in that they are the majority, the regular. 'Normies' is a direct reference to this fact.

It's such a broad generalization for a much more nuanced set of people. I bet there are tons of Normies that think they aren't. I bet there's people pointing to you and thinking, 'there goes a normie'. In the end it all comes down to feeling like you belong to something. No reason it has to be so non-inclusive.

I bet there are tons of Normies that think they aren't.

I agree with you.

I bet there's people pointing to you and thinking, 'there goes a normie'.

This I doubt.

I don't believe a single item on the list of 37 Things Normies Believe, and I am open about it.

The whole notion that you're different or separate from others is destructive. People are pretty dang similar, we're only distinguishable through our separate life experiences

how many times are you going to spam that stupid list? just stop.

Don't let the list trigger you.

Some times we use those terms affectionately among each other. Other times people's posts actually are totally batshit. We're not really big on exclusion or censorship here, so the offender would need to be pretty clearly and persistently abusive to warrant a ban.

And calling someone a shill is a bannable offense.


Mods very rarely enforce that rule.

I've been nailed for it 3 times.

And have been called countless names.

So, nah...

i dont like rule 10 because it censors the sub. Think about it: if you cant call someone a shill, then its going to make you think shills are amongst us for that reason

Because Many of us are Bat-shit Crazy. Sometimes we actually throw out some of our own Wacky Conspiracies to see if anyone else thinks like us. Sometimes others even have evidence that our wacky thinking is not so bat-shit and actually is what is happening.

Being called Crazy for some of us is actually a Badge of Honor.

cuz thats free speech

so you are having an issue with free speech?

Everyone's entitled to opinion. Fighting freedom of speech here is a major thing I certainly wouldn't want people banned for thinking were crazy or whatever. If they want to read what's in the media and believe it that's their choice they're hardly gonna stop any movement we've got going if they believe what's spread in the media anyway.

Yet, you've never spoken out against the prohibition of calling-out obvious shills.


I browse by new and comment. I've got better shit to do than argue with and call out shills they not win in the end waste of energy. Don't see what's interesting about that, most users browse by new now. It's the only way to see the fucking goal through the fog nowadays.

I second this

I second this

Yet, you also have never spoken out against the prohibition of calling-out obvious shills.


Rule 10. Posts that attack this sub, users or mods thereof, will be removed. Accusing another user of being a troll or shill can be viewed as an attack, depending on context. First violations will usually result in a warning but bans are at the mods' discretion.

It is not censorship of free speech in the least. One should be able to argue their points without name calling. When the name calling starts, you are violating rule 10.

Is calling conspiracy theorists "batshit crazy" not a form of name-calling?

Point out a shill and see what happens.

Not taking your bait.

It was a rhetorical statement, but smart move nonetheless.

To me, yes. But I don't enforce the rules here. That is up to mod discretion.

There's bigger shit going on in the world than someone calling me fucking crazy. World is going way too PC I don't care what anyone calls me on the god damn internet. It's pathetic really how people.get hurt by a stupid label is beyond me and I like to think proper users of this sub are made of stronger stuff.

I always wonder how literally rule #1 for this sub reconciles itself with saying (((them))).

Logic is not your strong suit and that's ok.

I like the term.

I prefer contrarian. Conspiracy theorist is almost a worthless phrase. It does not really explain our plight.

Nice, name calling right in the title. Normies is as stupid as Bernie bros or libtards or trumptards.


how many times are you going to spam that stupid list? just stop.