RIP James Dolan at 36. He was the co-creator of SecureDrop, the whistleblower submission system, alongside Aaron Swartz and Wired editor Kevin Poulsen.

227  2018-01-09 by wingbatwu


RIP Mr. Dolan.

The only thing standing between reddit and censorship was Mr. Swartz. Here we are today.

Why are we here?

There isn't a good alternative yet. Voat is shit, in my opinion. There was something called Aether, I tried it recently but it seems like the project is shut down.

What makes you think voat is shit

1 post on the front page of Voat has 8 comments. Just like /r/uncensorednews, it turns out trying to splinter off to be a hub for psychos and dickholes isn't a great longterm strategy.

Be the change you want to see - Michael Scott

Pretty sure Wayne Gretzky said that.

“Be the change you want to see”- Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott

Its biggest problem is obtaining a critical mass of users to allow for proper balanced discussion etc. That's the same for any social network. Plus, it seems that voat has the same moderation model, meaning that it'll end up just the way reddit did. So the real reddit competitor might be somewhere further along.

I just don't like the look and feel of it.

Because we're here

Roll the bones.

To fight

RIP Gary_Host your efforts were not made without notice or won’t be forgotten. You were a real warrior for a free society.

it's like these guys know we're in a sim run by a hostile ai who uses our own instincts against us and the only winning move is not to play.

Yeah, it's Satan my guy, God cast the serpent and his angels to earth. What you're talking about is labeled as 'gang stalking' but better known as Organized Harassment or Targeted Harassment.

Downvote for saying my guy

My guy no need for hate

two self inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head I assume

who is Dolan,thank you


That sucks... Apparently Aaron Swartz commited suicide too (by hanging, with no suicide note). Foul play?

Dont know if this is a conspiracy, but just when i read the whole title, it cut short just of where Aaron was mentioned, and now that part stays cut even if i refresh. Can see it when Im in the post though. As if they dont want us to see his name.

I was hoping it was James Dolan, owner of the Knicks. Its not . Too bad.

Roll the bones.