My great, great, great, great grandfather was a Confederate soldier

32  2018-01-10 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

Wouldn’t post to r/history for some reason. Figure you guys might appreciate a cool story though.

His name was Wiley

He was 18 years old and had just joined the 1st South Carolina in 1863. His parents forced him to join because they were so dirt poor. They were Irish immigrants. He fought at Gettysburg after receiving little to no training and was captured by a Union unit on July 2nd.

According to his story, in the wee hours of the night, on July 3rd some Confederate soldiers were being executed. A single Union officer who pitied him came into the makeshift prison they had built, and to avoid killing such a young man, secretly released my ancestor. He took him out to a field, claiming he was going to kill and then bury him, but then suddenly cut him loose.

My great x4 grandfather was shocked. He hesitated. But when the officer insisted, he ran.

He swam across the Potomac River to safety and fled to Tennessee, revoking his service. He became a farmer. His son moved to Texas, where my family has lived ever since.

It’s crazy how one man’s kindness allowed 6-7 future generations to be born and thrive.

We hold a lot of power.

Side note: I’ve heard a lot of stories about the carnage at Gettysburg. If anyone has any reporting about the shadowy things that went down there, I’d love your opinions/information. I’m about to start a project on the Civil War with my class in February. I’d like to hint to them that the Civil War was much more interesting (for conspiracy reasons) than they think.


Did you know that the American civil war is the only war in the history of war where both sides got together the year after the fighting stoped and had a vast reenactment of the supposed events. Food for thought.

Haha nobody did that with WWI or WWII? I thought for sure there were reenactments. Maybe not.

I suppose if you’re right, then that’s quite suspicious.

“It was all just a play”

Find a large amount of high quality images from that time and really stare at them. Ask yourself if what you see matches up with what you are told. Think about what sorts of knowledge you have compared to the original target audience.

Sounds juicy, Captain, and I never even thought about that. So, whatcha' getting at :) ?

This guy raises a lot of good points but really only grazes the surface

He has a lot more to say on the subject because I've stared at these photos and they don't add up.

I've read other places where they speculate that the civil war was just a clean up team to restore order or whatever. And the reenactment the year later was put forth as the real deal. So yea probably a lot more people died than we are told. Specifically look at some of the images of burned stone buildings huge Tennessee marble buildings obliterated by fires? Just side by side them with a real burned out street and it begs a lot of questions.

I’m lazy, what are you actually saying? I’m genuinely interested. You’re saying the war was bloodier than we know?

I suggest with this sub r/culturallayer that something huge happened around 1800ish and it was like a restart button. Before then any large city in east Asia was indistinguishable from any large city in brazil r/historicalstreetview . We're told at this time Violently opposed nations around the globe all utilized one single fort design. Known to us as a star fort? It might be just that the event or events killed a shit ton of people and the so called napoleonic wars were a means of laundering some of the dead. Perhaps the global civilization described by some made up guy named Plato wasn't so long ago. Som bad happened and history's just been a shoddy hodgepodge of lies ever since? Maybe maybe not but it's worth pulling the string without going all in, you may find a nugget of truth.

I love theories like this! Is it bad that part of me hopes it’s true?

This is why I look forward to your posting

Hey! Thanks dude!

Agreed. Are you suggesting it was staged completely? I find that hard to believe, but I suppose it’s possible.

Not completely no I'm sure there was tons of violence

The American Civil War was different in that the Republic actually managed to somehow bandage itself back together afterwards, although in a completely different form than before the war. I think the real legacy of the Civil War was Reconstruction, which saw thousands die in a basically undeclared guerrilla war raged throughout the South until 1876, and then ushered in Jim Crow which would eventually necessitate the Civil Rights movement and set up modern race relations in the US. I don't think we've ever fully healed the scars of that conflict, and it honestly amazes me that the US has only had one Civil War in its 240 year history.

great comment

Is it? Or is it a phenomenal cover story for reality? What if I told you that someone rewrote the 13th amendment and enacted an illegal mercenary action on our shores to take over this country for the European royalty and elite bankers/businessmen? Sounds crazy, right?

What if I told you that too many people are starting to figure it out and (plans have been set in motion)[]?

I agree. It’s tragic

Thanks for the story, and it truly is interesting how the universe works, in such mysterious ways :) ! It's beautiful, and tragic, at the same time.

That said, the Civil War is by far the most propagandized and rewritten event in US history, second only to the Revolutionary War.

It was a completely illegal war and only served to benefit the bankers and old world Royalty (via the continuation of the Virginia Company - District of Columbia). Lincoln was an absolute tyrant, and shat on the Constitution, not that that even matters, because that whole thing is complete bullshit in the first place (look into Lysander Spooner), hence what I said above about the Revolutionary War.

The truth is coming out about this stuff, though, and people are waking up (ie. The Great Awakening/Unveiling). Damn near everything we've ever been taught was a lie.

Agreed. I’m a world history teacher. I’ve always been into ancient history more, because something about American history always stunk to me, even when I was a kid.

It feels like propaganda. Maybe all history is propaganda, but I know for sure our history is.

As I got older, and was able to look at all sides, I realized how interesting our history is. It’s like a conspiracy, on top of a conspiracy, on top of a shadow war, on top of a conspiracy lol

Another educator siding with a Hitler-loving, "it was a war over muh states rights, not slavery!" shouting, racist who thinks they're related to vampires.


edit: never mind, you aren't a teacher.

What. The. Hell. Lol.

Yes I am a teacher. 10th grade.

Why are you teaching 10th graders in Texas about the American Civil War? That is 8th grade material.

Edit: Someone who has a BA in history, or whatever shit you said you had, doesn't make absolute statements like this about someone as controversial as Andrew Jackson.

First of all, I’m quite sure there’s different merhods varying from state to state. I have only been exposed to ciriculum in Texas, so I’m not certain. Also, its a small town, small school. Were going through world history and we’re ahead of schedule.

Also, just because I’m a teacher, that means I can’t have opinions?

I mean, Earth to you, I’m on a conspiracy forum.

There are indeed varying methods from state to state. Your school follows the TEA, correct?

(2) The following periodization should serve as the framework for the organization of this course: 8000 BC-500 BC (Development of River Valley Civilizations); 500 BC-AD 600 (Classical Era); 600-1450 (Post-classical Era); 1450-1750 (Connecting Hemispheres); 1750-1914 (Age of Revolutions); and 1914-present (20th Century to the Present). Specific events and processes may transcend these chronological boundaries.

Shit. You're already on that subject of your required curriculum two quarters into the school year? You've covered Rome, Han China, river valley civilizations, Islamic Caliphates, the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, etc., etc., etc., already? Damn. You're good. Must be that Black Magick you practice.

Also, just because I’m a teacher, that means I can’t have opinions?

I didn't say this.


I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to a small, conservative town in Texas, to a small conservative school, but they don’t give a shit about regulations. If it was up to me, we’d spend a full six weeks on Rome and a full six weeks on Greece, but I have the whole school/town breathing down my neck “when are you gonna get to American history, when are you gonna get to American history?”

Also, as I said, we probably won’t touch this subject till February. We’re stuck in the Renaissance.

Also, that’s kind of rude what you’re saying about black magick. If you know that, than you’ve read through my posts, knowing that it’s a sensitive subject for me, something I’m ashamed of, and something I no longer practice.

So, thanks.

Sorry, dude. I just don't buy the teacher thing. Not that you care. At the end of the day neither will I. But the story doesn't add up.

Also, you post a lot during times when you should be in school. Don't let them conservatives find out you ain't teachin them red blooded american patriots their history!

You’re right I don’t care. This is just silly. You’re clearly not even aware of how lax TEA is.

I'll take your word for it. They must be, as you post all day while at school.

Refer to my other comment

School just started here today, jackass. It’s called Winter Break.

Most people here call it “Christmas Break” though lol

Even today, you posted a bunch during school. Before break, you posted during school hours. Lol, rationalize it however you want man. Its dodgy. You do you.

Look you want the truth? You think I’m an imposter? Here’s the truth. I moved to a small town, because it’s my second year teaching and they offered me way more money out here then teaching in the ghetto neighborhood in the city. I have no friends here. It’s old ladies and teenagers. On my lunch breaks (which are quite long) I like to talk to my friends; Snapchat them, and post on reddit. It’s a sad life lol, but it has its perks.

And I don’t communicate with demons anymore, so that is a welcome change.

And I think I’m inspiring some kids to cultivate a real love for history, which I think is valuable.

Hey, if true, that’s cool. I’m down. Either way, my point about your Andrew Jackson post still stands. It’s imprtant to keep your biases out of the classroom. Hopefully you do.

Also (again, if true), its a shame that people have ruined something as cool as a world history class with their “but muh patriotism!” mindset.

Get to bed, it’s a school night.

Yeah, what is your point about that? By the way. I mean, he’s the only president to have paid off our debts.. ever

I may have been caught in a moment of hero worship, but what I said was definitely accurate, the parts that weren’t opinion.

I have insomnia. Part of the whole communicating with demons thing.

Edit: I keep my biases at home.

Dude/dudette, imo, don't waste your time on that user. They are not here with good intentions. They are a habitual "derailer" and "bullshit slinger". Say good riddance, and be done. Cheers!

Hmm. I was just giving them attention because based on their username, I assume he/she is a fellow teacher.

Oh well. I have this issue, where I can’t leave things unsaid. If I get in a fight with someone I have to call them before I go to bed, just in case one of us dies, even if they’re the one at fault. It’s a weakness.

Hey, I frequently quarrel with PLC (if you wanna call it that, it usually ends with him posting memes and derailing conversation), and I've torn him to shreds before. I appreciate your need to end disagreements. I have a need as well, in that I need to defend myself when I feel I'm wronged. In this case, I don't like his shit talk about me. He accuses me of being a shill and having many alts (he says he knows my alts! Spooky! But he won't out them even when I beg). Here is a comment in which I detail his dark history here:

I keep receipts :)

He typically resorts to the stupid shit talk that he sent you.

Like any true historian should, study the sources.

and I've torn him to shreds before

LMAO, no, no you didn't. You organized a TMOR brigade against me, while proving nothing.

Evidence? Can't wait for this to be one more piece of bullshit you've spouted.

Ya got none pootie. You never have. You never will. Downvotes that hurt your feelings isn't evidence. Stop making me do this stuff to you.


Why were you banned from this sub ;) ?

1) Fuck yes. Is this a call out of my "alts"? I've been waiting for this. You threaten to spread your wisdom ere so Often! Do it! Please point them out!

2) still waiting on the evidence about that top minds brigade I started.

Answer the question?

FUCK you've managed to derail your own conversation again. Congrats.

So, not going to answer, sweetie ;)? Thought so. Go back to TMOR.

There is no answer to give. I don't have any accounts that participate in tmor. I don't know what to tell you. I've volunteered to get admins involved in this shit. I'll extend that offer again.

Now, you said I organized a tmor brigade against you when I made that comment detailing your dark side. I asked for evidence. Your dancing around it again. Provide your evidence. Upvotes and downvotes that hurt your fee fee's isn't evidence.

This will be my last comment to you in this thread. You've once again danced around a conversation with me in which you make claims you can't back up. We've managed to distract ourselves from this guy's cool story. So, answer. Or keep dancing.

Why were you banned from this sub ;) ?


There is no answer to give. I don't have any accounts that participate in tmor. I don't know what to tell you. I've volunteered to get admins involved in this shit before. I'll extend that offer again now.

Why ignore this?

Why was your account /u/I_Am_Teach, banned here? Pretty simple question. Why are you dodging? I know for a fact it was. So, why? Answer sweetie ;).

That is the account your talking to?

That is your account, no? Are you a robot or something, lol? Do you have multiple accounts open? Are you going to answer? Nah, you won't, chicken little. Have a lovely night...

Dude, you linked to me, the account you're talking to right now. So yes, that's me.

Sheesh. You guys really don’t like each other haha

It's just a never ending circle. He just accuses this account of being my alt that was banned. From this sub. So. Yeah.

Look, I’m sure there’s a way you guy’s can come to terms. Or at least, let go. No one here is claiming you’re an “alt” (well, besides him I suppose) but I wouldn’t worry about it.

If you are an alt, who cares?

You should be judged by you’re words and actions.

Frankly, I think you’re both being a little too invested in the other person’s opinion. There’s no reason for that. This is just the internet.

I agree, our actions and words should be judged. Which is why I linked you to some shit he's said before. I'm outie.

Have a good one!

That user has a "red rocket" for me, and stalks me. Like the creepy bald guy in the mall trying to "pick up chicks"...

Well, if that’s the case, I think you should cease feeding them. I’m guilty of that, I feed the trolls. But this is just the internet, and I know you have quite a following here, I saw your page you have a butt ton of karma, so I really don’t think it’s much to worry about man.

You have a good reputation here, why waste your time arguing with would be stalkers? The other poster seems like a genuine person, and if they aren’t then there’s not really anything you can do about it.

In my Reddit days I’ve had the same issue. It seems like a better strategy to live and let live.

Haha cheers, man.

Can I be silent bob? He gets all the ladies.

lmao, robot confirmed.

Have a lovely night!

I think you've gotta reread your comment dude. You asked me "why was your account /u/I_am_teach banned here". I don't know how to answer that. It clearly wasn't banned, lol. I'm right here. That's THIS account. Click my account. Then click the account you posted that you think is my banned alt. They're the same one.

So now you've gone from calling me a tmor shill to a bot cause you have no fucking clue how to cover your ass.

Have a lovely night :* !

So, just to clear this up. You think my alt that was banned here is /u/i_am_teach? I just want to be sure.

Also, don't tell that poor young boy that I'm Jewish or a Turk. I've told you before I'm Polish like you, which is why I originally called out your bullshit post about being proud of Hitler.

I shall. I’m not hear to pick fights with anyone.

All they do is seek attention, because that's all they have in their sorry life. Pity them, and move on (they want to waste your time and document everything you post, to use against you, later). Best advice I can give, yo'...

Duly noted.

Yeah I have noticed there are people (not necessarily this person) who document my postings. Who really has the time for that? Lol

Seig Heil!


Lol, you get more and more sensitive every time we interact. Next time call me out in a reply to me, sweetie.

You're like a broken record. Next time you talk shit, call me out, sweetie ;). Typical TMOR. You mad that I saw your comment, and called you out? Awe, precious!

Let's not do the dick measuring contest again. It's old. I win every time. Respond to my other comment please.

I did?


What does this mean? Lol

Salvation, in Yiddish. Me knows that, that user understands. They are of the toppest of minds ;)

Haha are you insinuating that they are Jewish?

Nah, probably Khazar.

I think OP is a girl...

Possibly. They referred to having a girlfriend, so I assumed dude.

Nope, I’m a little boy in Japan.

Removed. Rule 5, 10. 1st warning.

It seems to me that the amendments to the constitution had very little to do with actual slavery, but more to do with expanding Federal Government's powers over the states, and making us all "Citizens of the United States™" basically, we ALL became equal government property.

The wording of the Declaration of Independence is "We hold these Truths to be self evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights."

So why does everyone fight for "Constitutional rights" which were "given" to us by the Government,when we should be fighting for unalienable rights?

Good point^

It’s like, did you guys read the Constitution? It kiiiiinnnda makes you think slavery’s off the table.

“Oh, well cough cough but if they’re black....cough”


Pretty sure it was also because the Southern States didn't want to give up slavery.

No, that only came into play once the legality of the war came into question. Then it became the moral reason, just like "wars" today. Always a "moral reason", which is usually a cover up. The Emancipation Proclamation only applied in the South, and years after the war, there were still slaves in the North and Border States. Like I said: "Damn near everything we've ever been taught was a lie.".

The Civil War was not about slavery, it was about not allowing the Southern States to secede (their contractual right), and created a central Federal "Government", which was and is, a quasi Corporation-Government entity. The US is a Corporation, and the civil war lead to it's fruition, by design.

Edit: clarity.

Wasn't the The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States before that?

I mean the letters from each Southern State specifically mention slavery being the main reason for this conflict.

First few sentences in Georgia's Seceding statement

The people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the Government of the United States of America, present to their confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation. For the last ten years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding confederate States with reference to the subject of African slavery.

It is true, that the South wanted to keep slavery, and I'm not denying that. The reasons were, they needed it in order to grow for the time being. I'm not supporting slavery, it's completely against what I believe in (as it should be for everyone).

However, it was more about economics, and at that time, slavery and economics were linked (but slavery was on it's way out to technological advances). The South was far richer than the North, and were making deals with Europe for cash crop exports. The North was threatened by this, and waged economic warfare on them. Not to mention, the Federalist traitors wanted to eliminate the original Compact and create a central Federal Government.

We were never supposed to be "one country - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", we were always supposed to be a Confederacy of Sovereign States, in a union with one another, and that was supposed to be voluntary (ie. right to secede under law of the compact/contract).

Yeah, I can understand that. I'm admittingly pretty weak on my history, but it's something I always wanted to learn more about.

You're in the correct place then. Conspiracy boards are about the only place you can get anything other than the mainstream 2 party viewpoints on history these days.

Literally every southern state declared they were seceding over slavery and you say it wasn't about slavery? You really are as big of a racist lying hack as everyone says.

I think what he’s saying is that slavery wasn’t then only reason. Some people insist it wasn’t the main reason.

It’s hard to say. State’s rights and the cotton/textile industry were major factors, not to mention meddling from Europe.

Did you not read my comment?

great story man! love it!


I'm saving this post. I'm interested to see if anyone does know any shadowy info

I just remember that movie Wild Wild West with Will Smith

You guys remember “Blood Bath McGrath?!” Lol.

I always think back to that movie when a civil war conspiracy comes up

His parents forced him to join because they were so dirt poor.

That's exactly how every army in very country in every century has been formed.

First reason is always money.

Motivations, political views, oppression and leaders everything comes after that.

Agreed. When my great grandpa told me this story I was shocked. He himself got drafted into the Korean War.

Beautiful story. Upvoted.

Gracias :)

Very much enjoyed that story.

While you're doing your research, here's a thing to think about. The Mason-Dixon line wasn't (and I dare say still isn't, but that's a separate issue) as straight as it looks on a map. Geographically and culturally, the Shenandoah Valley was a unifying feature. The northern reach of that valley is known locally as the Susquehanna Valley. It exists north of the Mason-Dixon line, but support for the South was prevalent. People who lived there but didn't support the Union were known as "Copperheads." Union troops, for instance, were charged for food and water as they marched through Carlisle PA on their way to Harrisburg just before the battle of Gettysburg. If you're looking for Civil War conspiracy angles, this might be of interest. The Confederate Approach on Harrisburg describes Copperheads and the days leading up to the battle of Gettysburg.

Thanks for that! I’ll look into it when I’m off of work.

I try to put myself in Wiley’s shoes. Young, scared, but doing what needs to be done to the best of his ability. He got lucky.

I'll take your word for it. They must be, as you post all day while at school.

There is no answer to give. I don't have any accounts that participate in tmor. I don't know what to tell you. I've volunteered to get admins involved in this shit before. I'll extend that offer again now.

Why ignore this?