The time I took too many shrooms and impeded the election process

0  2018-01-10 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

So, funny story

Back on Election Day 2016 my super controlling, straight-edge girlfriend was out of town and so, naturally, I took the opportunity to have some illegal fun. Wanted to trip by myself; took way too many shrooms.

I was pretty upset about pizzagate and other shenanigans and was def in a wacky state of mind.

So, I grabbed my guy fawkes mask, put on a black hoodie and some black pants, taped a white sign with a massive “SLAVE” caption on it, and traversed around my city getting into all kinds of adventures.

I started off at the library, when people there got freaked out, I went to Walmart, then CVS (looking for some water, but I freaked the lady’s at the counter out so I just went thirsty).

I ended up realizing that the place I could have the most impact was at the local community college, so, I set up shop in the park at the college and posted up for about three hours. People immediately were pretty interested in what I was doing; taking pictures, laughing, asking me deep philosophical questions. I tuned most of it out; I was trippin’ balls and blasting music; I brought a clipboard that said “I will not be voting today” and had about 200-250 college kids sign it; most of them seeming genuinely inspired; mostly because they had witnessed the campus police try to reason with me, then threaten me, then remove me from campus. The way they did this was supppper shady, and they did it in front of a ton of protesting college kids who were saying I had every right to be there.

I told them, all I wanted to do was sit there and meditate (I lied) and they kinda were allowing it, watching me the whole time. In fact, all day cops had been following me acting like I was a terrorist, so I walked miles and miles down streets with both my hands in the air.

It was a pretty crazy experience; I felt like my silent protest had done some good even if I had scared a few people; I’m glad I did. I wanted them to realize that we are in a scary situation: i mean, Trump? Clinton? You’re kidding me.

So, most of those kids were gonna vote Hilary. You’re welcome, Trump.

I’m sure I’ll get flak from the politically minded people, but I just thought I’d share; it was an experience that really did prove that one person can make an impact. Before they removed me, about 5-6 college kids had decided to come sit next to me in silence during my silent protest, they didn’t say anything, didn’t mock me, didn’t laugh. They just gave me a nod, as if they knew and understood what I was trying to do. We attracted a lot of attention and it made the local news. The cops kept trying to get me to identify myself; I would just raise my arms and say “I am not here to cause any problems”

People stuck up for me. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I’ve ever had.

Restored my faith in young people.


There are sooo many more important things to be doing while tripping. Going on an old school hippy freak out is kind of stupid. You're lucky you didn't get tazed

Ahhh, the psychedelic elitism. Gotta love it!

Lol I'm just sayin man... freak outs aren't a good idea in a full face mask. Pretty sure that's some kind of illegal. I ate my mushrooms and had to admit to half the house that i was playing head games with everyone. I'm no better than the op i guess. Just don't think freedom is worth risking.

If you're not risking it, then what substance is there to your freedom?

Maybe youll understand after you spend some time in a concrete box.

Once was enough. Also, prison elitism? I'll never understand that one.

if you're not enjoying your right to protest or have a public freak out, what's the point? Kinda means they've already taken your freedom.

You're a bit irritating.

That's alright man. I'm just me. I think it's funny pointing out the flaws of elitist attitudes.

Best things about mushrooms, to me, is that they remind me that my view isn't any better or worse than anyone else's, except as it applies to my own experience.

Elitism is the topic of the day!

Well done!

Thanks! I mean, if you like playing head games without your friends awareness, you probably enjoy a sense of superiority. just sayin.

You are very correct.

I was hoping I wasn't. ☹️

Aww that's too bad. I hate to break it to you boss but TPTB aren't the only narcissists in the world. I just don't let it run me.

i see that. Just showing up to random forums and diminishing someone else's experience. Touting your pride in having been to jail. Not running you at all. I'd never have guessed you had issues.

Hmmm you seem to have missed my entire point by having your head down trying to dig at the tiny details for cracks. I'm not playing an elitist/narcissistic card here. I'm telling the op he's an idiot and an asshole for putting on a full face mask while tripping dick on shrooms and then proceeding to wonder around a federal campus. Why in any God's name you choose yo do some dumb ass mental acrobatics to tear me apart instead seeing the obvious beyond me. And it speaks ill of your character. Not mine. You too sir appear to be an asshat.

No, I see your point.

You've got better things to do while tripping. (Like fuck with your friends without them knowing, then gain a sense of humility by admitting it)

And to downplay someone else's experience who you don't know.

Then to have a rage. It's okay, it's my fault for disagreeing and pointing out your fallacy.

Dude you are all over ops bawls lol. What he did was stupid. You aren't going to change that by trying to point out that im an elitist dick.

But you are an elitist dick ;)

I knew it! You both are the same asshat. Both accounts just jumped to your defense at once. Lol pooosy boy.

I knew it! You both are the same asshat. Both accounts just jumped to your defense at once. Lol pooosy boy.

Nah. Not the same. Actually vocally disagree with OP a good bit.

But if it helps you feel superior. Sure. He actually seems to have sympathy for you, seeing as how you started the attack with elitist bs, I don't.

Anyone who uses the terms “boss” or “pussyboy” should be considered highly dangerous to intellectual discussions.

All over ops balls? Well, based on his post, they're pretty big.

Yours, based on your response, well, might as well cut them off.

So here I am.

I feel as though it’s probably best to just let Mr. Shawshank Redemption live in his own world.

Let’s not go mocking his lack of balls, however present said lack of testosterone may be. Lol

Come on quetzl, "mr shawshank redemption"?

This dude attacked me for having your balls in my mouth.

Which is crazy. Your balls are clearly to big to both fit in my mouth.

Psychedelic elitists often say they get more out of the experience, often spewing ego death, while living an egotistical life.

Dude hiding behind a scrying mirror spewing elitism.

It's not the one percent that are the problem, it's the supporters of the idealism.

Testosterone ain't the issue, it's little balls and a big head.

Come on quetzl, "mr shawshank redemption"? That's an award winning film you're talking bout there.

This dude attacked me for having your balls in my mouth.

Which is crazy. Your balls are clearly to big to both fit in my mouth.

Psychedelic elitists often say they get more out of the experience, often spewing ego death, while living an egotistical life.

Dude hiding behind a scrying mirror spewing elitism.

It's not the one percent that are the problem, it's the supporters of the idealism.

Testosterone ain't the issue, it's little balls and a big head.

You’re right, I was just considering the scene when he “crawled through a river of shit and lived to tell the tale”

That’s kind of what I have experienced by reading this gentlemen’s comments.

I agree. I don’t understand why he/she/it/ is so entangled in my choices while tripping. I mean hell, I once stopped my brother from committing murder/suicide while he was on LSD, I feel like I’m a pretty good guy while tripping lol. I was completely professional during this experience in the OP. I tend to have a good center of gravity.

Not that any of that matters to tripping elitists who don’t understand the point of tripping in the first place.


Yeah. It's all good until you make someone you're victim.

Seriously, I disagree with some of your posts, but you seem fearless, so, fuck yeah dude.

No violence. Just turn on tune in, and drop out.

I'm sure the dude gets it in his way, but it's not the only way. Especially when speaking of finding god. People who believe there's only one path, always seem to believe it's their path.

Agreed, and that is the beauty of the internet! And freedom of choice! Free will!

You don’t have to agree

Also, most of what I say is just theorizing, me personally? I like to look at every angle.

I’m just interested in some pretty taboo stuff.

Regardless, thanks for defending my right to freedom of expression while I was busy at work; it means a lot.

No problem man. We're into a lot of the same stuff for the most part.


"Lucky you didn't get tazed" for enacting your constitutional right to protest, you mean.

Let's not act as if police using tazers to suppress dissent is a favorable outcome.

Mother fucker you don't do a freak out in a fucking full face mask! That's fucking stupid. You want to stand on a soapbox and shout that's perfectly legal. It is however criminal to be in a full mask on any government property. Guess what, that university campus? Yeah federal land. That asshole IS indeed very lucky he didn't get hurt. This is about NOT making shroomers look like irresponsible idiots.

Yah you seem like someone with a firm grasp on their sanity.


Firm enough to know that wondering around government property in a full face mask is a god damn suicide mission.

I’m still breathing.

Cops weren’t scared of me because the mask, they were scared because I was being genuinely friendly and cordial, and removing me made themlook like real assholes.

You got lucky my boy. I've been through scenarios like that and they almost always ended in someone going to jail. I'm telling you this because i know it's true. The best advice you're going to receive in regards to this is not to do it again. Next time take some god finders or blue meanies and find god. No one out there gives a shit. And you aren't going to wake anyone who hasn't got an alarm clock set already.

All I hear is “negative negative negative blah blah blah I’m an old sour puss who ended up in jail”

Did you not read the story? I had my hands up the whole time basically, I was cordial, I have rights; it was Election Day. A lot was happening; I had every right to do what I did.

I didn’t get lucky, I did it the right way; without any violence or acting out. I literally sat and meditated for like an hour before people started really noticing.

And all I'm reading is justification for pure stupidity. You did not change the world with a crazy mushroom trip. You were an idiot for putting the mask on and going out. Much less going out blasted to begin with! Those are personal experiences. You have bo right to forcefully assimilate others into your trip. Positive or otherwise. Cops don't particularly like having fully masked tripping assholes fucking about in public and quite frankly if they had tazed and detained you then you sure as shit would have deserved it. And thia is coming from a professional psychocosmonaut. You sir are a disgrace to Soma. End of discussion.

Yes yes please stop talking, you’re annoying and would be no fun to trip with 😂

If enough people did this, it would change the world.

Seeing a fool on the dance floor makes others start moving.

In the direction OPPOSITE the fool... Do you think before you attempt to communicate?

Certainly do. It encourages others to be loose. Been there. Life is harsh but beautiful.

For someone with npd to accept, it can be hard, but freedom comes from realizing you are the fool.

What are you a fucking shrink now?

When wasn't I?

Jk. I'm not, but you know.

I like pointing out the flaws in elitist thinking. It's funny to me.

Shows weakness... Perceived or otherwise. You come off as easy prey. That habit of yours will cause you an ill fate.

No it doesn't.

Clearly op has no problem standing up to power, while you fear it.

Who's showing weakness?

Pffft... Standing up to power? Idiot. Go stand with op. Please.

You're scared of being razed in similar circumstances, so you're scared of them.

Can't get much clearer, in ops shoes, well, you're too scared to put em on.

Removed. Rule 10

Shows weakness... Perceived or otherwise. You come off as easy prey. That habit of yours will cause you an ill fate.

Can confirm^

Soma is amanitas.

Unless you mean the trademarked, which is also different.

I agree ^ lol

Like what, vegging out? Nah, I like to use the tools I’m given.

Vegging us just as much of a waste.

So then, oh master of tripping, what would be the “right” thing to do while tripping?

The world would be better off if there were more people like you who would throw their chains off once in a while for peaceful protest against the status quo. Sounds like you did some good, my hat's off to you sir.

Thank you

all day cops had been following me acting like I was a terrorist, so I walked miles and miles down streets with both my hands in the air.


I was being cordial lol

If youre not gonna vote, at least write in some funny shit.

Mother fucker you don't do a freak out in a fucking full face mask! That's fucking stupid. You want to stand on a soapbox and shout that's perfectly legal. It is however criminal to be in a full mask on any government property. Guess what, that university campus? Yeah federal land. That asshole IS indeed very lucky he didn't get hurt. This is about NOT making shroomers look like irresponsible idiots.

I agree ^ lol