My theory on the 'Flat Earth' theory and why you always see the same comments on every thread.

10  2018-01-11 by mvpnick11

Every thread that someone posts about flat earth will almost always have top comments saying how they think that flat earth is just a disinfo conspiracy placed so it makes the rest of the conspiracies look less credible.

My theory, how ever, is that they are pushing the theory that it is just disinfo not because the earth is actually flat or to discredit other theories, but because of the paper trail that flat earth brings.

Although there is no proof of flat earth, many of the videos you watch will show blatant lies that the government has fed to the public for years.

Flat earth theory was one of the conspiracies that opened my mind. Not because it made me believe the earth was flat, but it made me realize how much has been lied to us for so long.

Anyone else feel this way?


Thats how i ended up here on reddit, and found this subreddit

I don't mind Flat Earth in the same way I don't mind QAnon... it at least promotes a little critical thinking, looking below the surface and not taking everything you are told at face value.

I think the world is spherical and Qanon is a LARP, but I don't think they are detrimental as whole to the community... cause they get right synapses lighting up.

That's kind of my point. I think people shut it down so quickly just because they don't believe it, but if people would actually do some research on the topics, they might find something out that they didn't know before. And that's kind of why I think the people commenting "flat earth is to discredit other theories" could possibly being pushed onto this subreddit by outside forces. They receive disproportionately more upvotes then any other comments on the threads as well.

The earth is spherical tesseract. Conspiracy lifted. It aint round. It aint flat.

I like this position. Consider me beside you on this. 1up on me.

I don't mind Flat Earth in the same way I don't mind QAnon... it at least promotes a little critical thinking, looking below the surface and not taking everything you are told at face value.

I agree with you. Were it not for Flat Earth (which is to me an obvious load of nonsense) I would not have taken the time to look into the official story of astrophysics, which is how I learned about the Cavendish experiment.

For those with functioning brains, the Cavendish experiment will blow your mind. 'Science' truly believes you can determine the mass of the moon using heavy balls in a shed here on earth. I am not joking.

Thank you so much for posting this. I read it and I'll watch the vid when I get home. Learning things like this, and conspiracies in general excite me so much, then I get hit with the reality of lies and deceit and it's pretty depressing actually. I can't go back to the sleeping sheep life now though, it's too late.

I get hit with the reality of lies and deceit and it's pretty depressing actually

There is no need to let any of this get you down. We live in an amazing time.

Fully agree. People just need to not be so quick to made judgements.

Whoops, was I making judgments. Please don’t judge me... not that I would judge you for judging, but I just don’t want to be judged for not wanting to have been considered a judging kind of person.

I thought about this the other night while watching ISS fakery videos. A great deal of the ISS hoax stuff is from flat earth youtube channels. Why? I see no reason why the ISS hoax stuff should be soley under the purview of the flat earth community, and yet they seem to be the only people talking about it that I've seen. I don't think the earth is flat but I do think there is something to the ISS stuff.

I am thankful for the flat earth community for being willing to entertain things that sound so outlandish. They really stiumulate the imagination and give you something to think about. This is a good thing.

It's so that any evidence found of fake spaceflight gets tarred with the "Flat Earth Believer" brush.

NASA is probably behind the whole "Flat Earth" psyop themselves.

That's how I feel too. It seemed like the NASA anomalies were gaining a lot of attention when Flat Earth theory really hit the internet hard. Totally derailed and now if you try and question NASA, you are automatically a Flat Earther


You can see the iss. With the naked eye. Or binoculars. It has a live cam. You can watch that while you watch it fly over. Im slow clapping for you over here.

Thank you so much! takes a bow

People don't believe it because it is obviously false and obviously disinfo.

I think you're missing the point of the post, or you didn't read it.

I don't agree that there's anything to learn from the disinfo campaign. I realize a lot of the flat earth people think, e.g. ISS footage is fake. The connection there is stupid people believe either of those things.

But who is promoting the "double disinfo"?

Eric Dubay is the original offender. Perhaps during his trip to Asia he was brainwashed by an Asian government.

I'm thinking his dad works for NASA....

He strikes me as a money kid.

Yep. It's deliberate disinformation meant to make "conspiracy theories" look unbelievable. So when we talk about secret pedophile organizations within government and industry, such reasonable realistic claims with historic precedence can be conflated with wacky bullshit that no one with a rational mind actually believes.


Yesss, i feel the same way. I only stumbled upon the fake ISS videos via flat earth videos.

They are definitely onto something

Well said. I'm a flat earther and can debate any globe earther into the ground, because all of their points fall apart upon inspection. Their only defense is the same as 9/11 official story proponents. No one could keep it a secret...

I currently side with the default globe model but don't really 100% believe any model yet (as I haven't seen the Earth in its entirety with my own eyes).

What do you think I should look at to convince myself that there might be someone to FE ? I'm open minded enough to at least look into it. Preferably I'd like to know what the globe rebuttal is and why their rebuttal is wrong. Also, what difference would it make if we're lied to about the shape? Is the shape important at all or is it a gateway for something bigger like unexplored land or something the elites don't want us to know exist?

It does sometimes lead to weird stuff. Hole in North pole 1968 photo? Might that suggest the hollow Earth theory or something hidden on the north/south pole (censorship)?

I do think NASA is full of shit sometimes, like the Moon landings footage, and something is weird about the international space station (weird fade editing, thought it was supposed to be live?). Doesn't mean I automatically think space is fake but maybe we can't go past a certain point, due to radiation or something? Also weird that some astronaut couldn't do an experiment live and had to record experiment involving a metal ball unnaturally going around a spherical track?

I entertain whatever, doesn't phase me. But I don't "believe" anything without a certain level of circumstantial evidence/reasoning at minimum. I haven't seen a flat or spherical Earth from an astronomical distance with my own eyes (and shitty composites don't do it for me) but my current position has to be the boring default theory for now (bumpy spherical).

I saw a pro-FE video showing a disappeared boat (on the horizon) reappearing when zooming in. I don't have the optics knowledge to know for SURE what that proves. (Like does the angle affect it? Can this happen on both models or require a new Earth shape model?)

There was a YT video of a rocket suddenly stopping (acceleration stopped very quickly) so I don't know how to explain that but it might reveal some truth, not necessarily "the firmament" but something at least. Or maybe just a boring explanation, dunno.

A part of me secretly wants FE stuff to be there's an easy way out of the hell hole. I think you're right that it can open the gateway to surprising truths. But also to disinfo which we need to be careful of. Even if nothing, it's sort of entertaining, no?

We shouldn't be afraid to entertain any idea but don't let shills call you a flat Earther for questioning something about space, geography, NASA or whatever might have hidden secrets. There's some interesting FE videos that might have a grain of truth or a whole bowl of truth.

The claims that the globe Earth is a freemason or Jesuit conspiracy, intrigues me. But it's not enough for me to say "AHA!" because that might be oversimplifying things.

I've always thought that the north and south poles could be a source of the energy of the earth, and if so, could be a source of infinite energy. I would have no idea how to harness it, but if the earth is spinning and the north and south poles have a huge electromagnetic field then perhaps there's something in this theory.

Yeah it's pretty strange how apples and trees and stuff grow in a way that suggests a magnetic torus shaped field influencing growth. But haven't done enough research into it. Maybe it relates to Tesla's ether theory.

Guys, this is what did it for me, search "satellites in low earth orbit" in google images


Grab a telescope and go look at ISS yourself.

Is it that easy to find? I've seen photos of it crossing the moon, and it's amazing, but I imagine it's pretty hard to find without decent equipment and some expertise in astronomy.

This guy goes through it in all the detail you'd need

Expensive equipment probably like you say.

you can down load an app or check a website and it tells you when it flies over and where to look for it.

i dont think its a coincidence that most flat earthers are from cities where you cant actually see the stars or really anything other than planes due to the light pollution.

Better equipment makes it easier.

And to those claiming it's a balloon. HHAHAHAHHAHAHahahhaHHAHAHAHAhahahHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhahahAHAHAHAHAhhahhahaHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAhahahHAHAHAHAHHAHaahahahhaha

Yup just been going 17,000 miles for 20 years in space. Noting fishy here

telescope iss is total bullshit. jeranism and a few other flatties have demonstrated that it is a balloon and its speed and altitude fluctuate a lot because it is susceptible to winds. it's not in space and it's not a space station.

So let me get this straight —

You are saying that the Flat Earth conspiracy is so heavily argued because it is a de facto ‘gateway drug’ of conspiracy theorists, not because of it’s truth or authenticity, but because it opens the door for people to be “red-pilled?”

I...can actually believe this.

In debate class one exercise was to try to take a completely ridiculous stance that most would think indefensible. Then the challenge is to come up with a bunch of loopholes, arguments, and strange points that try to back your side, like flat earth. The whole “conspiracy” seems like just that, an exercise. Except that people have fallen for it like it’s true. Lol.

I can’t prove the earth is flat. But I can prove that NASA lies. ISS footage is fake. Moon footage is fake. A lot of images from NASA are CGI. All other countries have fake space footage to. I trust nothing that comes from proven liars. I can also prove that it is physically possible to see further over the ocean than the 8 inch per mile squared curve can allow. This is a very common thing..... I don’t believe the sun is any where near as far away as they say. It’s just not probable given our observations. The moon does not look like I reflects light. It looks like a self illuminating object. It is warmer in the shade of the moon light than in direct light. Only slightly but still it’s very interesting.Flat is not 100% provable but it is a fair conclusion when you start to look at what’s actually going on. The earth that we live on is not what we have been told. That much I have proven to myself.

earth is a rhombus dude. common sense faxts

I was pretty sure it's a pentagon...

well its not just any pentagon, its THE pentagon.

the thing is, pentagons are just an illusion. its actually still a rhombus

Indeed... That would make me clueless too... But as long as I'm on the right path... =P

don't worry its all BS anyways. I just love chiming in that the earth is a rhombus. Always gets me laughing and I cant resist RPing.

But as long as we're sure it's not an oblate rhomboid...

is... that even possible? to be both rounded and square?


I think you're mistaken because my knee jerk reaction upon hearing the theory for the first time (in the wild, right before the posts started here) was that it was a psyop. The older CT crowd has seen these a bunch over the years and this just feels like more of the same.

Of course part of my bias is in regards to where it was coming from too. If anyone I've ever met is a disinfo agent, it's that guy. Always ahead of the exact theories that I would consider disinfo, has a repetitive history of organizing local CT groups and then calling everyone in them disinfo agents and scattering the group, worked for msm, .... the list of reasons goes on and on...

Others coming to the same conclusions about how FE info has been spread doesn't make me think that they are an unnatural reaction at all imo.

It’s about what is coming and where we are going.

The truth will set you free. Will. Free.

No chaos in a void going nowhere.

It's so that any evidence found of fake spaceflight gets tarred with the "Flat Earth Believer" brush.

NASA is probably behind the whole "Flat Earth" psyop themselves.

You can see the iss. With the naked eye. Or binoculars. It has a live cam. You can watch that while you watch it fly over. Im slow clapping for you over here.

I get hit with the reality of lies and deceit and it's pretty depressing actually

There is no need to let any of this get you down. We live in an amazing time.