A Collection of Disparate Online Sources to Save While Considering Whether Steven Spielberg Rapes Kids

69  2018-01-12 by IanPhlegming

Made this as a comment on another thread. But with all the shit coming out by the day from Crazy Days & Nights--they called Weinstein, Spacey, Lauer, Gary Goddard, Bryan Singer and many others weeks and months (and even years in some cases) before the news went public--I figured it's worth a post of its own.

Seeing how Steven Spielberg's "The Post" got totally shut out at the Golden Globes, it seems possible the fuse is burning closer and closer to the massive cultural bomb that's going to go off when SS is revealed as a psycho child rapist, all the way back to Drew Barrymore and Heather O'Rourke.

The circumstantial evidence that's been piling up is persuasive. Here are a bunch of links I suggest you read, and hold on to them to share with your friends and family when the rumors really start to break the surface and we need to push it past the bullshit corporate media that is going to try to blame the Russians.

CD&N's piece on Heather O'Rourke being molested to death: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-molesters-killed-her.html

CDN's Long Time Coming - Obviously Spielberg: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-long-time-coming.html

CDN on Kids Inc., the program where Fergie and JLH were repeatedly raped, among many other tweens and teens: http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-child-porn-and-drugs.html

Crispin Glover's Essay about Spielberg https://squawker.org/culture-wars/a-2003-essay-by-actor-crispin-glover-suggests-steven-spielberg-appreciated-the-sexuality-of-young-boys/

Adam Parfrey's Pederastic Park - An essay from 20 years back, they tried to bury it, it started reappearing recently. http://feralhouse.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/46188171-Pederastic-Park-Adam-Parfrey-on-Steven-Spielberg.pdf

This essay from David Icke's site has some interesting thoughts https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=179478&page=5

Lucas / Spielberg on Marion being raped by Indy when she was 12. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2017/11/04/stop-youre-read-lucas-spielberg-discuss-indiana-jones-sleeping-11-year-old-557532

What’s this guy trying to say? Spielberg is king of the casting couch? https://youtu.be/mfD1ct5FvXk?t=1m59s

Now deleted underground chat thread http://archive.is/YTye5

Ron Paul Forums has this section on Hollywood Pedophiles http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?505159-Paedophilia-in-Hollywood

EDIT: Directors Guild nominations came out today: No Spielberg. Earlier, the Screen Actors Guild also completely ignored "The Post."


Crispin Glover = Q ???

Just kidding but hot damn so many questions.

A better question would be who in Hollywood isn’t a degenerate pedophile.

The entire city needs to be hit with a M.O.A.B

Thank you! I was just having a convo with another user concerning this and didn't have nearly this amount of CD&N readily available. I'm going to link them here right now.

It was that thread that I originally wrote my reply to, LOL.

Right on. Keep up the good work!

Enty should have his own sub.
I keep saying this about Spielberg: even if he didn’t molest or assault anyone, he had to have known about it. It was going on all around him.

He's our jimmy savile

The question for the UK is: Who is their current Jimmy Savile?

Phillip, perhaps?

Fuck, yes.

Prince Andrew, a good friend of Epstein.

Bullseye. Yeah.

Yes! Guess you read the blinds about that too!


Thanks for bringing this to attention. Enty has been right MANY times, especially about the important things.

Why thank you SO MUCH! Flattered.

Seth McFarlane did it again. American Dad - S6E12 "May the Best Stan Win" Roger, parodying Steven Spielberg, molests Toshi. Start at 0:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gINv-rcrEGM

Wonder if Speilberg raping Indiana Jones on South Park had a deeper meaning

Of course it had. Spielberg is a disgusting pedophile just like 95% others in hollywood

Holy shit. Nice find.

Whoa, never saw that picture of Woody Allen, Soon Yi, and Jeffrey Epstein.

Where is the pic?

wooooooooow it really is "a big club and you aint in it"

I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.

downvotes self


I suspect you're getting down voted because there are people who inexplicably want to cover up Woody Allen's misdeeds and don't want Jeffrey Epstein and his "egg-shaped penis" getting any more attention. Especially together.

This is great OP, thanks.

Slightly off-topic, but I’d like to point 2 things out, about language.

First, the term pedophile is etymologically wrong. These people do not love children. They are child rapists, child molesters, child killers, pedocidal maniacs, etc. Or pedophobes. I do not propose to rehabilitate the word pedophile, as it’s infected forever. Just pointing out that the pedophobes in power invented that word in the 20th century, and that it’s fake, it means the opposite of what it’s supposed to describe (there are so many other examples but I won’t get into that).

Second, child porn. Pictures or videos of children getting raped are not “porn”. They are pictures or videos of children getting raped. Similarly people selling children for sex are not involved in child prostitution; rather, in child slavery and sex trafficking. The children thus sold are not “prostitutes” they are (sex) slaves.

I don’t need anyone to agree with my obtuseness about language; I just think it’s important, and wanted to state it for the record.

You’re 100% right

Great comment, absolutely right. "Control the language, control the world." But "child love" is NOT the right word; it's how child rapists want their actions to be perceived.

I was quite a 'cute' looking boy growing up. When I was about 11 a man approached me in an internet cafe. He was well dressed and looked pretty afluent (gold watch etc)

After a while of charming converstaion he told me that he works with Steven Spileberg and so on and that I might have a great shot at becoming a child actor.. he even told me to come for an 'interview' .

Ever since i've been redpilled I've wondered WTF that mans intentions truly were.

Please hear me out. This is a about to boil over into a witch hunt. I reviewed all the links above. Most of these references are extremely vague and do not even mention Spielberg. Considering the timing of his new movie, which is politically controversial, its important to also ask if a smear attempt is being made.

Having said that, I hope it isn't true. Jimmy SaVILE exuded a creepy filthiness that was obvious on its surface. Mr. Spielberg appears to be a very decent, even good man. Obviously not all perverts are so plainly visible by their appearance. It would break my heart if it were true.

Same with George Lucas. I believe he is a good person (regardless of his artistic decisions). His comments about Marion/Indy do look bad in retrospect. Although that also was left very vague. Did Marion simply have an emotional crush on him? No explicit details were ever given. Spielberg was clearly trying to push the story away from that. Still, it looks bad in retrospect. I get it.

We're a LONG way from saying Steven Spielberg is "our Jimmy Saville."

You should watch the louis theroux docs about savile nobody suspected a thing . Hindsight makes everyone feel like a genius.

The articles written by Adam Parfrey and Crispin Glover are from the 1990s. They are not new. People have been making warning noises about Spielberg for many years.

No one is mentioned by name in the CDN pieces because they don't want to get sued. If you read the comments, you'll see even more dots connected.

Many children in movies made and produced by Spielberg. He became the biggest director in Hollywood in the 1980s, the same period when pedophilia was maximized and turned into a business model, it appears.

Many of the children who worked with Spielberg have gone on to troubled lives. Or are dead.

The guy's still among the most connected and powerful people in Hollywood. All those movies he made are now riddled with victims, rumors, bad mojo. Do you really think he was naive to all that was going on? Wouldn't he have been powerful enough to do something about it, if he wanted?

It's not gossip or any kind of Hollywood secret that Spielberg originally wanted Michael Jackson to play Peter Pan, which is about as male kid rape-y as it gets.

Also worth saying that Francis Ford Coppola directed MJ in that horrid "Captain EO" 3D movie. For Disney.

I'm not a long way from saying SS "is our Jimmy Savile." In fact, I'm just about there. Hopefully without the necrophilia.

I wonder who is more untouchable? Spielberg or Geffen?

I've read all the latest from CDAN. And they 2 seem to be at the top but somehow they seem to never get caught out.

One wonders about Jeff Katzenberg, too. If Dreamworks SKG was Spielberg, Katzenberg, Geffen, then....well....he had to at least know what was going on.

And then what about George Clooney and Nicole Kidman, who starred in the first-ever Dreamworks film, "The Peacemaker"? Kidman's dad was a pedophile, let's recall, who fled Australia for Singapore while under investigation, only to die mysteriously soon after.

In a cage match, I'd pick Geffen. Geffen seems more ruthlessly cutthroat, but who knows?

Yeah I'm sure that a few blinds Geffen made people disappear, well just look at Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, I don't think Spielberg has went that far (as far as I know).He just seems to manage to keep everyone quite and swept under the rug.

Wow so no real sources. A bunch of cowards making anonymous accusations from the shadows.

Sorry and the Lizard guy

Crispin Glover's not anonymous, but it sure damaged his career to not be anonymous. Adam Parfrey's not anonymous either. Nor is that guy on stage who won the award who made the joke about Spielberg's casting couch.

As for the CDN links, if you've been paying attention (and with all due respect, it sounds like you haven't been), they anonymously and correctly gave us the headsup about Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, James Franco....you see where I'm going with this?

Sorry and the Lizard guy

Crispin Glover's not anonymous, but it sure damaged his career to not be anonymous. Adam Parfrey's not anonymous either. Nor is that guy on stage who won the award who made the joke about Spielberg's casting couch.

As for the CDN links, if you've been paying attention (and with all due respect, it sounds like you haven't been), they anonymously and correctly gave us the headsup about Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, James Franco....you see where I'm going with this?