I just got a nuclear warning in Hawaii seek immediate shelter. What is going on?

190  2018-01-13 by showmeurboobsplznthx



Apparently it was hacked or a mess up.. .

Or psychological warfare

It was a training op that went live on accident.

"It was a video game that was real by mistake" . Nope.

I certainly like your optimism

If they could hack it that would be monstrous. They'd send a "lol false alarm all good" while a real ICBM was on its way …

They were doing cert training and the operator used the live system not the test. Ffs my heart

Oh boy, what a major league fuckup … where can I get recent information?

Ya still there bud?

It was a drill or mistake. Fuck. My geart

Of all places to get such a warning! That’s a big oops, IMO.

I was the only one of our neighbors with a plan and action. People were just watching out theit window looking for a bomb... I'm telling at my neighbors to come with me to shelter to grab water and hurry. Lol they just laugh. I have little faith of a real attack happens.

At least you have a plan and hopefully a bug out kit. I have one for hurricane season and it really helps with the stress and survival of an actual hurricane.

We took 4 minutes to get stuff and get to shelter. Not 1 of our neighbors had a plan but to stay in their flimsy wood house on an elevated frame. I'm like get out of your straw house and get in our buried garage made in 1880 from stone.

That's very nice of you to offer your shelter to your neighbors. Not everyone would do that.

There’s a good Twilight Zone about how a neighborhood acts during an imminent attack. It’s brilliant.

Link please?


What's the episode called you fucking idiot

I think it's this one:


The Shelter

Also watch Threads.

Exactly what came to mind reading these comments. That episode is a doozy too.

I watched it, it actually wasnt bad for being from the 1960's. 2 major issues though.

  1. when theyre prepping for a bomb attack why does the doctors wife think this is the best time to start breaking down and talking about her feelings, at least let him get the water first?

  2. If you break down the door youll all die, and if they knew none of them had shelters why leave in the first place as it doesnt look like the brought back rations with them.

It's also smart. If you're on your own for a while, it'll be good to have someone watching your back with you. Hope you trust them enough though.

Good for you man! That's kind of you to offer your shelter.

I’m glad you were prepared but even more glad nothing happened. Stay vigilant and safe, friend.

Fuckin Deer in the headlights

But.. they were right and you were the one who looked silly

Photo's or it isn't happening...i joke, but stay safe man...

Of course, that's for morale. Missiles only take five minutes to get here.

I'm just glad I had easy food and water ready and we got in our buried garage. I need to be better prepared. I have a nuclear bunker ontop of the volcano I live on but it woukd take 8 minutes to climb. My heart is racing.

I can only imagine that was terrifying. I probably would’ve died of a heart attack, my friend in Hawaii shared it on Instagram which just reduced me to tears instantly.

I’m so glad it was false. I wonder who’s behind it.

My girl was crying our cat was freaking out. My heart was racing and I'm trying to stay calm to not forget stuff or make a stupid mistake... It is a needed wake up call... So many people would have died.

Just breathe. You and your loved ones are going to be okay.

Also, add some L-Theanine, high quality CBD and phosphatidylserine supplements to your supplies. They help eliminate excess cortisol (stress hormone) from your body so you don’t end up wrecked by stress. They can be very helpful supplements for disasters, close calls and false alarms, like today.

Thank you for this information. I wasn't aware that there were supplements to help with excess cortisol. I could use it.

No problem. I learned about it from my doctor. Those supplements have been a life saver for me so I’m just trying to pass it on. It’s nice because they just leave you feeling back to normal as opposed to dopey the way some pharmaceuticals can.

I feel like for a doomsday scenario id rather spend my money on more food and water than theanine and other supplements.

But im also the type thatd just say fuck it, i guess this is the end and go get a sick chest pump until i died.

They are only about $20 a bottle as well as small and easy to carry. They make a huge, noticeable difference for recovery after crazy stress. Instead of feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus the next day after something extraordinarily stressful occurs, you feel completely normal and healthy. And if the situation is do or die, it is vital to be mentally and physically sharp.

I get what youre saying but i dont think youre really taking the severity of the situation into account. Like sure feeling like im normal and healthy is great, but id rather be normal and healthy. To do that i need food and water which i can buy quite alot of with 20$.

I just imagine it like this, doomsday happened 2 weeks ago, ive been feeling pretty rough recently but thats expected sitting in this bunker 24/7 supplies are starting to get low but thankfully i spent that extra money on food and water so we have a little bit more time we can hold out and nobody dies of thirst or starvation.


So doomsday happened yesterday but i feel great thanks to this l-theanine i dropped 20$ on honestly it was a great purchase now everyone take a capsule, yes 3 times is probably the amount needed for it to have actual effect but we dont have the rations for that so everyone take 1 and prey to the gods of placebo effect.

Day 2. Ok so surprisingly thanks to this miracle supplement we're all feeling pretty good, now i know we still cant leave the bunker but atleast we'll be slightly less miserable, dont drink too much water sweetie we have to ration that.

Day 3. Fuck, this theanine is going faster than i thought i guess we can take it away from the kids they dont really need it anyways. For my 20$ i might have gotten a months supply but thats for 1 person. I shouldve bought more.

Day 21 am. We're desperately low on food and water, the radiation shouldve lowered by now. No official statement by the military has been made but i have no choice i have to go to the surface today. Luckily i realized early on to save the l-theanine instead of wasting it so ill be alert.

Day 21 pm. I cant believe this i went to the surface, the city is destroyed everything is in ruin and i was nearly robbed by some bandits luckily my L-theanine kicked in and i was alert enough to escape in time. NO HONEY IT WASNT MY GODAMNED FUCKING ADRENALINE KICKING IN DO YOU EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER YOU THINK YOURE SO FUCKING SMART I CANT WAIT UNTIL YOU STARVE. Im sorry, i didnt mean that i was just stressed, theanine must not be kicking in right now, maybe ive built a tolerance.

Day 30. Honey we knew it was going to come to this, but its one of the kids. We just dont have enough rations to keep both and theirs no word of rescue, we cant risk traveling because of the bandits and theirs nothing to scrounge for in the city because everything is destroyed. We'll flip a coin and ill make it quick.

Day 31. We killed brian yesterday, the wifes snapped no matter how much theanine i give her she just wont calm down, funny its supposed to calm you down when youre extraordinarily stressed, she must have a built a tolerance too, maybe a non-responder. Grace keeps asking where her brother is, i dont know how to tell her.

Day 32. We ate Brian today. We're nearly out of food, i didnt have a choice. But Brian was so skinny from the lack of food he didnt give us much, Grace is starving too...

Day 33. The theanine ran out 2 days ago, nothings going to calm us down now. The descent into madness is painfully apparent. We have to kill Grace today as we cant afford to feed her any longer. I really wish id bought more rations.

Day 40. I ate both my children, i had no choice we had to survive the children wouldnt last on their own. My wife shot herself after we killed Grace she just snapped, i wish id had l-theanine to fix it. But maybe if i hadnt wasted my money on theanine instead of necessities we couldve lasted longer and been rescued before we had to eat our own children causing her to go insane. Hindsight is 20/20 i guess. Fantastic news though the military is coming to help survivors now, i was on our last can of soup and only had 2 more bottles of water left thank god.

Day 60. I was rescued 20 days ago, it was the happiest moment of my life even though they threw me in this cell to rot i had food and water and i dont have to worry about anything, but apparently killing and eating your wife/2 children is serious crime even in the apocalypse so i guess im being tried for that now. Oh theyre coming to get me now, that was quicker than i thought i saved one last pill for a dire situation like this and now ill get to use it.

Day 61, I've been told im going to die, i have no regrets though. The lives of my family and to a lesser extent myself are nothing compared to the euphoria i feel from this miracle drug l-theanine, as he puts the gun to my head numerous men spitting in my face, pissing on my soon to be corpse i think to myself wow do i feel alive.

L-theanine isn't a miracle drug, it's like a vitamin that will help you chill the fuck out at least a bit, and make sure you're level-headed enough to think, rather than panic uselessly like what it seems you're doing now. A $15 bottle of l-theanine will last you 60 days, and you'll probably have enough money to purchase food, unless your doomsday budget is $30 dollars, and then I understand why you think buying a supplement spells out your doom.

It just a foolish use of available funds, when you say 60 days do you saying that knowing the clinical dosage for l-theanine dived by numerous people?

And yes realistically to a lesser extent i figure most rational people dont have insanely large doomsday budgets.

Just buy the food and water and the pills also. It's good advice.

Dude, if your doomsday budget is $30 dollars don’t expect to make it more than a a week anyhow. But from the look of your response, you probably would greatly benefit from some cortisol reducing supplements regardless of doom approaching. Seriously, this stuff helps with overthinking and you probably will find it very helpful.

Best wishes to you. I hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend, friend.

You people and your high horse on this website. I didnt go into it planning to write this, i just think youre wrong and this is what came out.

Get over yourself.

Get over yourself

Says the guy that wrote 15 paragraphs of really dumb shit. I'm not on either side but that was fucking lame.

Is their some type of channel i can go through to find out beforehand if you approve of my comments?

Nah, just keep being you.

It’s not a high horse thing. I legitimately want you to have a pleasant and safe weekend. I want that for everyone. Missile reports are terrifying and I am just very glad nothing crazy happened to anyone today.

Im canadian dude, luckily we dont get involved in that type of nonsense.

I lold. Good job.

Thanks fam, i was mad focused had some spare l-theanine.

Its god damn doomsday and this kid is telling you to buy supplements over necessities.

Not over necessities, as I clearly stated. Just that it can be a good thing to add. No one is holding s gun to your head to buy 15 dollars worth of supplements, dude. Give it a rest.

I posted this yesterday and you went to find it after the thread was dead.

You give it a rest.

No. It came up on my alerts, lol. Have a good night.

You cant tell someone to give it a reason on a comment made 18 hours ago.

Youre too fucking focused, its that goddamned theanine.

Don't forget colloidal silver if you need a natural antibiotic

This! Absolutely!

What is CBD?

CBD oil comes from Marijuana and also Hemp. It can be separated out so that there are literally no psychoactive effects, so it will not make you high in any way. But CBD has been found to do amazing stuff for the body. It binds with excess cortisol (stress hormone) every effectively lowering it and thus reducing bad stress effects on the body. But can do much much more. It can immediately stop seizures. Some people have found it reduces cancer tumor size and can even get rid of some types of cancer. It also is great for reducing inflammation. Many people also find they can think more clearly (just mentally sharper) after taking CBD. It’s good stuff. I believe it is legal everywhere in the US, but for places where Marijuana is still illegal on the state level, the CBD that is sold is derived from Hemp.

I’m so sorry you had to experience that! Good job actually having a plan.

OP was ur cat okay? Pls respond.

Yes.we have a harness and leash we put on her. She was freaking out but after we got in the shelter and settled she just hid and calmed down. Now she's sleeping and back to be happy.

How did your cat know ???

We took the cat to our shelter and she gets freaked out leaving the house into a new space.

I wonder who’s behind it.

From experience, it was most likely a software developer running a test without turning live notifications off.

But do you have a volcano bunker ontop olof the nuclear bunker?

Yes right below the sunbunker

I have a nuclear bunker ontop of the volcano I live on


I would love to see pics

In Hawaii, they have built tunnels in the old lava tubes. They are connected with bunkers around the island's. You can Google it and the ww2 bunkers. Most are chained shut but you can bust in and explore.

Semmes like a bad spot to be if there was a large explosion near by. Could become reused lava tubes

Yeah but you don't become a cartoon villain by not having a Volcano base.

I've seen the response of "needing to be better prepared" several times on Reddit, am I crazy for this not being my first respinse? I was more outraged and intimidated. People could have killed themselves. Fuck.

When you go through it and think it's real, you have a million a emotions. I just think that weighing you could die and then not, really makes you relieved and looking to be better if it was real.

Holy shit, that's insane. I can only imagine how insanely terrified you were getting that message, even though thankfully it WAS a drill.

Glad you're okay. Did they send a follow up message out on your mobile or are they expecting everyone to check the news?

Yea 5 minutes ago they sent the all clear. God Damn. This is not a drill. Went from amazing Sleep to nervous sweat and adrenaline.

Apparently everyone in Hawaii had to wait thirty eight minutes from the first alert to an official message saying it was a mistaken. WTF. I can only imagine how you feel and what chaos is happening around you right now.

I follow tulsi on Twitter. She said it was falso after 18 minutes. The officials sent the emergency system message at 844. My first warning was 806am

You're smart to follow your rep on Twitter, but how many people do that? What was it like being there - how fast did the news spread that it was a false alarm? Did the phone system stay up and working, so you could spread the message to loved ones?

Got warning at 806. Immediately searched online and had the tv on. Couldn't find shit so got myself to my shelter then of course, posted to reddit for info. Tulsi was first person I found discussing it online.

My ears were acute and my heart and strength pumped. My girl and I thought it was so weird that helicopters were flying and cars driving and people jogging like it was no big deal...

I can only imagine how insanely terrified you were getting that message

Do you still believe in nuclear bombs? If so, why?

LOL what

Edit: please don't answer, this is not actually a question

No, how about you, the person making the claim that nuclear weapons don't work, actually substantiate it?

You shit and run all over this sub, and are never able to actually back up anything you say.

just read it was false alarm

It took them five hours to confirm it was a fuck up? Maybe there was a missile and we shot that fucker down.

My first alert was 806am hst then got the all clear at 844 am.

Well, I guess that's better than five hours. It's still a long time to be under the impression that you're about to die.

I should taken screen shots bc my att phone had a different warning than my t mobile phone. One saod a missile was intercepted, one said a ballistic missile has been fired towards hawaii.... I should of taken screen shots. I hope otgers did and see why there were 2 different messages.

Hmm that is definitely interesting.

I could of miss-read though... T mobile said incoming att intercepted. But I could of just been panicked...

This bit of information is very interesting.

Where did you get "nuclear" from?

And people say we aren't in a new Cold War

Maybe a glitch in the matrix and perhaps more of sign of an incoming disaster in the near future.

Or, it's being tested, checked for working status because someone knows something we don't.

I just hate that America let Hawaii get attacked once. I hope they dont do that again.

China seems to think they're headed for war. That's more frightening than anything else right now... if they're right.


Fear. That is what os going on.

I imagine there are a lot of people taking detailed notes of the reaction. They'll continue raising the temperature and then distract us with some gladiator games next month.

Gladiator games... that's rich. Whew, but you're totally right.

I imagine there are a lot of people taking detailed notes of the reaction.

Do you suspect they also take notes when the stories about Crazy Kim are circulated in the mainstream media?

Are you implying the two loons have some things in common?

Dude uses the pretense of conversation to spam links, don't read anything more into it than that.

Archon feeding. That was my first thought.

I dunno if I can go full on archon soul feasting nightmare scenario. That is the strangest thing in my "maybe" box haha.

Me too but I can't disprove it lol.

The correction text sounded like out of a movie. I thought for a second trump wrote it himself.


where i live, a week ago the tsunami alert went off at about the usual monthly test time but then the recorded message said something about it not being a test. When that ended, a voice came on saying to disregard the warning. Then, the original recording came back on, saying a tsunami warning had been issued. After which, the "disregard this message" voice came back.

The part of town I was at, it was really hard to make out what was being said and I didn't realize the "test" was going on longer than usual. The "test" was going on for awhile, before I realized a voice was saying "This is not a test." I perked up right away, but it was a good 15-20 seconds before I could make anything else out, and that was when the 2nd voice said "disregard".

My roommate was in a part of town where the alert could be heard more clearly. Him and a few other people were headed for their cars to drive inland when the 2nd voice came on. My roommate said the "not a test"/"disregard" thing cycled thru 3 times before stopping.

It makes me wonder if the disaster alert systems are getting tested because TPTB have something planned ANNNNND if part of what is being planned relies on people not trusting the various disaster alert systems.

Anyone else have one of their locale's/region's disaster alert systems send out a false alert recently?

I don’t suppose there’s recordings of this? I’m asking for both analytic and creative purposes

this happened on the oregon coast, didn't it?

yes. except in our locale, the warning kept alternating with the "disregard" message 3x's at least.

where i was at, the message was pretty garbled. my roommate was in a spot where it could be heard clearly.

ours went off a few times, and i didn't pick up on it (garbled and hard to hear) until i heard, "this is not a test." that gets your attention. then, i went online to look for more info, but there was none. at just about that time, a friend called and he said his phone had received a text that it was a false alarm.

Not all balistic missiles are nuclear. You did not receive a 'nuclear missle' warning.

Lol why would they fire a ballistic missile that wasn't nuclear? They know that it won't be a ground war.

You're familiar with SCUDs right? Those are MRBMs or IRBMs, ballistic in nature, have all kinds of payloads.

I know I know. Nk brags about nuclear. If they attack first, which is highly unlikely, then I'm sure they would use nuclear.

The way the warning is worded seems to me like some random person was able to hack into the system somehow and send their own message to everyone.

my fucking god, this is unacceptable mistake or not, people have heart conditions, high blood pressure, and many other serious health issues that can be put into panic mode when you hear A FUCKING MISSILE IS COMING.... Hawaii get your shit together

Maybe an alien intelligence changed the outcome. Just saying.

Maybe I really died and just carried over into a new universe.