No steering wheel, no options. GM rolling out the first real "lemming box" in 2019.

54  2018-01-13 by AIsuicide

First off..I'm a big fan of cutting edge technology. I love the advances being made and the benefits humanity derives from them.

That being's a very bittersweet reality we find ourselves being prodded towards.

It's a question of control really. I don't trust my government to act within the boundaries established by law. The precedents have already been set.

My government does not seek to seeks to control. These are two very different states of mind. Did our government listen to us regarding the renewal of the Section 702 surveillance? No...they didn't. . Will they listen to our opposition to a government controlled crypto-currency or our refusal to accept RFID chips and biometric scans? Probably not..once again, look at the precedents.

How long before DNA testing is mandatory and becomes a yardstick for an individual's life path?

If you want to choose to dismiss these concerns as "unfounded fears" that's your choice. I'm not going to waste my time trying to change your mind.

I am going to continue to point out the mile markers of the slippery slope we are currently on. And right now we are approaching mile marker "driverless car".


Submission statement: I don't trust my government. The more control we hand over for the sake of convenience, the more control our government will exert over us.

Our government (specifically the US government) has in no way, shape or form proven they can be trusted with certain technologies that control can be derived from.

The more control we hand over for the sake of convenience, the more control our government will exert over us.

What if there was a form of public transportation where you took a single occupant 'bus' or such and that took you from A to B without your having to do anything (like a bus)? Would you ever take something like that?

False equivalent...public transportation is an "option" at this time.

I'll play devil's advocate here... What if there were a service that you could call and a driverless car shows up to take you where you want to go? Doesn't have to be public, it could be a private company providing the service. Like a combination of a rental car company and uber, basically. No car ownership hassles (repairs, inspection, refueling, heck even cleaning), no need for car insurance, choice of makes and models. Would you use that service?

I just had this discussion with someone last week. He made the above suggestion. I'm pretty firmly in the 'hell no give me a stick shift and rack and pinion steering so I can feel the road' category, but I enjoyed considering the hypothetical.

Plus, I'm currently training a new 16 year old driver. That experience alone is enough to soften my stance against driverless cars. (only half joking)

Personally..I would not use it while I still have the ability to do so. But that won't affect the reality of what will inevitably occur. Autonomous cars/transportation is inevitable.

When do you think they will start making it mandatory for the elderly to use autonomous transportation? What new exams will be implemented? How often will they need to be?

And speaking of can anyone think that this cost won't be pushed onto the consumer one way or the other?

Once again..look at the precedents. The collaboration of big business and big government is the worst it's ever been. Way more examples exist that prove this than disprove it.

Loot at net neutrality...

Oh, I agree we're on the path to not having any choice in the matter. I wonder how long it will take?

Hadn't thought of the elderly; I imagine driverless cars would increase the elderly's ability to be self-sufficient for longer. That's actually a positive that I hadn't considered.

Dude I was discussing this with suggested the utility of driverless cars when going on long trips. I wouldn't want to use them on a day-to-day basis, but I could see using one on a 8-10 hour drive. It would be nice to be able to sleep a long car trip away and arrive refreshed.

My turn to play devil's advocate. How long before criminals figure out how to override the controls and turn your wonderful roadtrip into something really bad?

It's a matter of "problem/reaction/solution". Override carjacking/abductions will occur. The solution is more police/surveillance...

As I mentioned in another comment..binge drinking will escalate with the use of autonomous transportation. Once again..problem/reaction/solution...your crypto currency will be won't be allowed to buy too many drinks by calculating your body weight/intake...won't be surprised to see insurance rates play a part in enforcing behavior.

They've got this figured out it's just presentation and timing...

I would think there would be more profit in being a cyber road-pirate. Jack a self-driving truck full of...idk...electronics or weed or whatever can be sold on the black market. (Are there semis full of weed yet?) Not sure what the motivation would be to hijack individuals, unless someone had a grudge. Rich people would be able to afford extra precautions against hijacking. But yeah, you're right - of course criminals will find a way to exploit the system.

I live in an area with heavy trucking, lots of warehouses. There's been a lot of talk in the local news/papers about self-driving trucks improving the safety on the local highways. The highways weren't designed for the traffic burden they're under, and people get smushed pretty regularly on the highways around here due to the excessive volume. I also wonder what kind of infrastructure changes will need to be made.

Trucking industry/drone delivery...huge targets definitely...once again..problem/reaction/solution...

As far as individuals...if chips become identity..then there's your motive.

There is such a service in the greater phoenix area. Waygo

My biggest problem with the self-driving cars is machine error. Machine error, while less likely than human error, GUARANTEES error at a defined, albeit infrequent rate.

You just caused me to think about the stories regarding certain alphabet agencies that developed tech capable of taking over the control of cars with certain operating systems in place.

RIP Michael Hastings :(

Exactly...and it's comments like this that certain users make on this sub that prove they are sincere and informed when it comes to conspiracies.

True, but the number of injuries/deaths prevented by driverless cars will greatly outweigh the number of injuries/deaths caused by machine error. The AI car has sensors all sides, instant reaction time, humans can't compete in a near accident situation. Add to that the elimination of intoxicated or distracted or drivers once the tech is mass adopted.

Bring back the road beers!

It will never happen! Somehow these arseholes will still want insurance and violations, you will need registration, I bet updates will become costly and mandatory several times a year. Being drunk will stay on the books even if cars drive themselves which seems absurd however they will claim it as a safety issue with windows being allowed to be opened. Insurance will go up on older self driving cars causing the price of driving to skyrocket. They will no longer give driving lessons in 10 to 15 years. Gas prices will be inflated and even with cars being driven at optimum performance for fuel consumption it will seem like somehow the new self driving cars are creating traffic instead of avoiding it.

The price to fix the new cars will become astonishing high.

If you want to understand the future look not at what you can now do, but what can they make money on.

They can make money on tickets Think what kind of tickets will they issue? They can make money on upgrades which will be considered car Maintenance this will be considered a safety issue. They can make money on entertainment “TVs sound systems” etc that have to be built into the car by car companies for safety reasons. They can make money off of providing internet for your vehicle. Driving routes or destinations will be calculated and your car will need to be maintenanced or you will be ticketed. Aka need new tires, brakes, oil, etc for safety reasons.

Self-posts don't require a submission statement.

Thanks..I keep forgetting...senior moment. Can't wait till I'm wondering where the hell the steering wheel went...and, why is my toaster talking to me??? My's possessed...stab it with a knife!! One more death by "talking toaster" that won't be reported.

"Your Amazon Echo has revealed you engaged in wrong think. You are now being driven to a detention facility."

I tried to run..unfortunately my back-flipping robot that made my life easier has restrained me. It's no longer listening to my voice commands. Apparently...there was a backdoor built into it by mistake...but I won't find out about it until it's too late.

The only text it is programmed to say is "stop resisting."

Million dollar idea here... small EMP device that you wear on your wrist..or some where you can activate it if you are restrained by wrists...(cause..that would suck)...BAM...lights out overlord robot...I'm outa here...forced into a life of crime for wrongthink...the irony.

Because that wouldn't be abused...

Everything gets abused...pretty much the whole point of the post. And they keep counting on most of us adopting the mentality of "well that's probably not a good idea...because" while they're saying..."that's a fuckin fantastic idea..let's funnel some more dark money to DARPA to make it happen".

Those cars are going to be rolling fatality machines. Autonomous vehicles are NOT ready for public streets yet, but the auto industry is recklessly rushing to be first to the market. I wonder if the auto industry will successfully pressure lawmakers to reduce their liability for lawsuits when they start killing people.

I'm predicting that the "robot tax" will be used to protect them from incurring losses.

Except they are, and they're safer than people.

But no one wants the truth anymore, they'd rather believe that humans are special and irreplaceable.

They said that about Chess, and Jeopardy, and Go.

And machines beat them all...

I for one welcome our autonomous driving masters. Nap on the way to work, text on the road as much as you want. It'll be a complete transformation of what it means to use cars.

No more DUI, no more human error. Safer for everyone.

Make no mistake, these cars will drive you straight to the police station if you are suspected of a crime... very likely for 'wrongthink' or even as a 'pre-crime' preventative measure. If you are considered too dangerous why not send you driving into a brick wall at top speed? If these things are running on intel processors hacking them will be child's play.

Sorry to say dude (as you're not really "wrong") but most cars produced since about 2005 are essentially all drive-by-wire style; They can already drive you into a wall.

true. There have been a few suspicious deaths of politicians in single car accidents starting around that time.

If the police want to talk to you, they don't need anything so elaborate. All they have to do is freeze you bank account and/or credit cards and call/email/send you a letter to come into the station or face even worse charges.

What would you do in response? Grab your prepacked go-bag and prepare for a life on the run? How many people, even on this forum, are prepared to do that today? The <1% of people that would are of no concern to them, more than enough people would comply.

Drink all day, drive all night.

If you think people who DUI would willingly buy one of these...

Who said they'd be given a choice?

How’d that work for gun control?

My advice: stop huffing paint friend. It does bad things to the brain.

Teenagers texting while driving are already rolling fatality machines.

Awesome. Self-driving cars will lead to a massive reduction in highway fatalities. Can't happen soon enough, IMO.

Can't wait for the "correlation graph" on binge-drinking and autonomous cars usage to be posted on "dataisbeautiful" to make a bet?

Gives a whole new level of real to the phrase 'you own nothing goy!'. 'Oh it's not communism, it's progressive!'

My first encounter with the idea of self driving cars was about approx 3-4yrs ago on BBC Radio 4. An 'expert' was on saying they were the future and his main reason was for security purposes. This was so the Police or any security force could claim control of any vehicle. I have been amazed at the escalation of this technology ever since.

Do you have the clapper ready for the AI takeover of humanities creative power trough tech? It can't be far away now.

Thanks for the write up of this dark near-future view, but i hope many people wake up so it does not include their future.

I think the problem revolves around the "trusting the government" issue. If we had a government I felt we could trust...I wouldn't feel the need to post anything along these lines.

Unfortunately..they've given me zero reasons to do so.

Unfortunately..they've given me zero reasons to do so.

Luckely many people are reaching the same conclusion. Together we can turn the tide, but if we stop paying attention we will become passengers of our own created reality.

Personally, I can't wait for self-driving cars. Yeah, there will be some issues, maybe even fatal ones in the early years. But networked computer systems will be so much better at controlling traffic than millions of individual people are. Ultimately traffic fatalities will become rare, or so much lower that the benefits will outweigh the concerns.

But judging from the picture, why is GM stupidly modelling self-driving cars on the human-driver design? Forward-facing seats? Really? Seats in these cars should face or at least swivel inward, so people can relax, work, relate to each other....

Also, for those interested I found this article really's about how current technology is going to greatly change our lives very soon, much of it based around self-driving cars:

GM continues to lead the way in bailout shitter cars for the ignorant.

This ain't cutting edge. This is pure retardation.

They should have Michael Hastings as their poster child.

This will go over like a fart in church. Can't wait to foot the bill for their next bailout.

Can't wait for the "correlation graph" on binge-drinking and autonomous cars usage to be posted on "dataisbeautiful" to make a bet?

The only text it is programmed to say is "stop resisting."

Thanks..I keep forgetting...senior moment. Can't wait till I'm wondering where the hell the steering wheel went...and, why is my toaster talking to me??? My's possessed...stab it with a knife!! One more death by "talking toaster" that won't be reported.

Who said they'd be given a choice?