We are all the same

27  2018-01-14 by Red-Vagabond

The grand chess match is being played within all of us.

There is no special bloodline or chosen people.

Fear masquerades as Love's equal.

Evil is merely an illusion.

All of us have free will.

If you feed your fear you will become like they are, a beast.

Fools fall so that they can stand back up.

If we can learn to put our ego's aside, we can pick each other up. United we stand, divided we fall.

Or you could become like they are. You could become the beast that preys on fear. You might even make it to the top. Every lion grows old. A new king will take your place. And when you think it could not get any worse you will hear a familiar cackle. Here comes the jackals. Every beast becomes the feast.

Love is truly magical. Only Love will tame the beast.

I happen to know, you reap what you sow.



Amen! And oodles of love to all.

Interesting, as a piece of creative writing.

Risky, as a statement of guiding philosophy.

Incorrect, as a statement of fact.

We are absolutely not all the same.

If you prick me, do I not bleed?!

Oh you will bleed. However your prior life experiences effect how you manage the trauma of being hurt. So yes we are similar in many ways but not all alike.

If you prick me, do I not bleed?!

You do. Likely a different blood type than mine. Perhaps with a rhesus influence. Perhaps a different gender. And race. And a soecial combination of inclination to diseases, physical and mental limitations, and emotional and behavioral characteristics that are extremely different than mine. So many differences.

Yes, you will bleed as I would, and you probably have two legs and one head as I do. But even though we might share some common attributes, we are absolutely not the same.

Diversity shouldn't trigger inferiority or superiority complexes.

Diversity shouldn't trigger inferiority or superiority complexes.

Diversity. All those differences that prove we are absolutely not “all the same”.


Leave it to a thin skinned SJW to reduce a conversation on the totality of human diversity to a triggered and narrow consideration of race. Shame on you and the people that taught you this nonsense.

Human diversity encompasses far more than skin color or nation of origin. If you don’t accept this truth before venturing from your safe space, it is certain to shock you when you come out to participate in the real world.

My, what lovely buzzwords you have....

Reddittard. Holy shit you misconstrued his point. He points out the differences that make us human and you call him a racist? Don't play cards like that and hide away under the umbrella of reasonable conversation because you just showed your true colors.

I didn't call him racist? Did you watch the video? About biological sameness? And all his arguments in the previous comments for why we're what this video refutes?

If you are on the same side as his argument you should mention that instead of just plopping a video about biological sameness. What you may have thought would come across as an agreement came off as an accusation which is why he and I were caught off guard by your comment.

Oh.mi.gawd. Is there a side? Your initial reactions and this paragraph are so middle school that I can't even.

You said you weren't calling the guy racist with your video meaning you agreed with his position. 2 arguments, two sides. Same position, same side. Middle school? or just english.

Your comprehension is middle school. Did you even watch the video? It refutes that humans are biologically different and that shit like race, class, morality are all human constructs of oppression

That last bit was just comical. and the first bit was playground.

The idea that all men are created equal is indeed a fantasy.

However, I do believe all men have a purpose to fulfill within the grasp of their capabilities.

(Women too of course)

And what might be the purpose assigned to this young person?

To make others appreciate what they have.

Dont pretend you couldnt come to that if you gave it an honest thought.

Not with an ‘honest’ thought, no. Honest thinking leads me to conclude that person will never be cognizant of the concept of ‘purpose’, let alone a purpose as noble and unachievable as you suggest.

Honest thinking has me doubting that person would ever be capable of purposeful endeavor to ‘make others’ do anything.

Why don’t you take a moment to explain how your ”honest thought” leads you to conclude that person’s purpose in life is to ‘make’ other people do anything at all. Then tell us how you honestly think that person will actively engage in cognizant pursuit of fulfillment of that purpose.

Please share your honest thoughts.

Maybe that person's purpose is only to fill his mother's heart? Maybe for the doctor who delivered to find a way to prevent this from happening? Can't pretend to have all the answers, none of us do. But why do we have that need within to find purpose? Is it biology or something else?

Maybe that person's purpose is only to fill his mother's heart? Maybe for the doctor who delivered to find a way to prevent this from happening?

Maybe. But maybe it’s a tad unfair to place the responsibility of fulfilling such demanding purpose onto such a unprepared young being.

That sounds like you are projecting the mother’s purpose and the doctor’s purpose onto the child.

"And what might be the purpose assigned to this young person?"

You asked, I threw out suggestions. Your the one being "unfair".

You asked, I threw out suggestions. Your the one being "unfair".

Hmmm. You sound like a triggered Berkeley student.

I wasn’t being unfair, I was being accurate. It’s critical that you understand the difference if you plan on venturing from your safe space for any length of time.

What the hell was that, dude?

My point wasnt that that person is going tk be able to live out some purpose. It can awake purpose in others. And suggested that it could make others grateful for they have? Did you read my post or only read "honest thought"

What the hell was that, dude? That was a solid response to your assertion, and to your suggestion I was being less than honest if I didn’t believe as you. My point wasnt that that person is going to be necessarily able to live out some purpose, rather he/she can awake purpose in others. You claimed this child’s purpose was to ”make” other people appreciate what they have. I disagreed. This child is incapable of making anybody do anything. Is that not a purpose? Not in my view. I then suggested that this could spark gratefulnes for what others have By what authority do you claim privilege to assign purpose to others? In what sick and twisted version of existence is one being’s lifelong misery excused or justified as necessary for others to realize how well off they are?

Ok, Mr. Difficult. I voiced my opinion. You disagree on all fronts.

By the way, I became more grateful thanks to observing that image. You cant tale that away from me. Whether or not that child knows, cares, or can never cognate enough to care, this is fact.

So....lets agree to disagree?

Ok, Mr. Difficult.

In this context I prefer Mr. Accurate, but I’ll accept your projection of social ineptitude onto me more readily than your projection of ‘purpose’ onto that child.

By the way, I became more grateful thanks to observing that image. You cant tale that away from me.

I don’t doubt you, and I have no interest in taking anything from you. I do reject your assumption of authority to assign any ‘purpose’ to that child. Whatever you take from the experience is unique to you and a reflection of the unique series of circumstances that preceded your arrival in this moment. It is not due to some ‘purpose’ assigned to this child and deciphered by you.

So....lets agree to disagree?

Done. Peace.

Whatever you take from the experience is unique to you and a reflection of the unique series of circumstances that preceded your arrival in this moment. It is not due to some ‘purpose’ assigned to this child and deciphered by you.

You nihlist, you!

Clearly, for your arrogant argument, within this thread...

Free will? I don’t choose the thoughts that come into my head. I mean you do to an extent, but have you ever just had a random thought pop into your head for no reason? That doesn’t seem like free will to me.

Help from the divine subconscious. Its also yours / you

THAT is not ‘free will’ my friend.

Something ‘divine’ that is ‘helping’ or ‘guiding’ you is NOT freewill, because then it’s not ‘YOU’ who is making the decisions. You’re not the one with these thoughts, if that’s your argument.

Yeah but you don't have to hang onto those thoughts. You have a choice. You can focus on them, or you can let them go. That is free will.

It’s not about hanging onto thoughts. How did those thoughts get there in the first place? Where did it come from? You’re clearly missing what I’m saying. Haha

Probably =)

At the end of the match, the king and the pawns all go back to the same box.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it a cardigan. /s🧐

If you feed your fear you will become like they are, a beast.

Please clarify, because you're contradicting yourself. Are we all the same or not? Perhaps you're onto something, but it seems to me you haven't yet thought this whole thing through, though I could be wrong.

Undoubtedly we are all connected. Undoubtedly any individual's action has ripple effects that in some way, shape, or form will affect everything else in the Universe, however big or small. None of that means that we're all the same? I think precisely the opposite is true. We're all similar in most ways, but fundamentally different in most aspects that count. And thank God for that!

Good and Evil are very real, and you're correct that the battle is mostly occurring within the individual. That does not mean that there isn't a grand chess game playing out in the real world too. It also says nothing about some of those individuals belonging to historically powerful families/bloodlines or believing themselves to be chosen by God to inherit the Earth.

Fear also doesn't masquerade as Love's equal, as far as I can tell, though I may be missing your intended meaning. Fear is often the product of love. If I love my children, I'll fear nothing more than losing them. That fear is what drives parents towards taking on responsibility, though it can always morph into pathological behavior. That is not to say that undue fear isn't a problem.

Evil is also not an illusion (unless you want to argue that everything is an illusion). It might be relative to some degree, but that doesn't make it an illusion. What is the killing of innocent individuals if not evil? What do you call someone's frame of mind who consciously causes others to suffer unduely, if not evil?

All of us have free will.

Do we? Did I have a choice in writing this comment? How could we know? I'd sooner consider free will an illusion than good and evil. Or do we mean something else by the term? If free will exists, then it would seem to me that hardly anyone ever applies it. Do you decide to take a shit or do you go when the urge arises?

If you feed your fear you will become like they are, a beast.

Sure. That's fair enough, actually. Fear, however, isn't useless. Feeding fear means avoiding that which causes the fear, which in turn seems to allow this feeling to spread into other aspects of your life, causing you to retreat ever-further from your own mind. In some sense, that leads to a vanquishing of everything that ever made you human.

Fools fall so that they can stand back up.

Fools fall and remain on the ground. Heroes fall too, but they get the fuck up again.

If we can learn to put our ego's aside, we can pick each other up. United we stand, divided we fall.

If we put our egos aside, we'll be literally noone. An apathetic blob of flesh without emotions or aspirations. The problem isn't the ego itself, but the corruption that broke it, be it societal expectations, individual traumata, false or unsustainable ideas, etc. Heal your ego and you'll be surprised how bright the sun can shine.

Love is truly magical. Only Love will tame the beast.

I guess, but really? Should we give Podesta a hug? Or is love alone not enough? What about Truth? Cause the truth fucking hurts. Do we even want to tame the beast or do we have to slay the fucker?

I happen to know, you reap what you sow.

That is undoubtedly true.

Perhaps to show his mother her drug use has very real consequences that affect others?

Doubtful this child will ever speak a cogent sentence, let alone provide instructive guidance to the needful mother you assume for him.

The babies life, while short, will certainly touch the heart of others.

No doubt, but not as a result of some conscious act to fulfill a purpose.

A purpose does not necessarily mean changing the world, or even effecting visible change you or I can see.

This is true. Nobody suggested differently. I know I didn’t. Are you trying to build a straw man?

Do you know this family?

No. Is that important to you?

Do you know the effects this birth had on loved ones?

I do not. I assume this birth initiated a very challenging timeline for all involved.

Perhaps the child turned another's life around?

Guaranteed no. This child never turned a phrase or anything else. Perhaps it managed to turn its head. It definitely did not yurn Nyone’s life around.

Value is in the eye of the beholder.

Indeed. Perhaps that’s why nobody suggested differently.

Your cynicism and smarm toward the other responder, while cute, is quite worthless.

Your ad hominems reveal a mind unable to realize a purposeful goal.

But even you have a purpose here, as you just reminded me that should I ever get to a place where I think like you,

Your peculiar perception of my purpose is a reflection of your personal needs and has nothing to do with me.

I should just kill myself and save everyone I meet from the agony of my opinions.

I don’t find your limitations to be distasteful to that extreme, but I certainly support your personal decision to realize your purpose in this manner.

Best wishes. Godspeed.

Whatever you take from the experience is unique to you and a reflection of the unique series of circumstances that preceded your arrival in this moment. It is not due to some ‘purpose’ assigned to this child and deciphered by you.

You nihlist, you!