In regards to the "Missile Scare" today in Hawaii, it'll be interesting to see the statistics comparing last year against today in Suicides, Birth Rate, Relapse (drug and alcohol), heart attacks and strokes, robberies, car accidents, overdoses, and I'm sure there's many more you can think of.

91  2018-01-14 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

I'll bet they'll be striking differences. Whatever today was, it changed alot of people's lives I'm sure. Some more than many.


Yeah, but what’s the hypothesis?

Man, I don't have enough information yet. There's too many variables in the old duder's head..too many ins and outs. Id like to think if it was on purpose it's to wake up the population to the fact they need to prepare just in case. There's so many stories coming out of Hawaii in regards to people panicking, putting their kids in the sewer, crying, blindly accepting it, etc. It really should outline that the vast majority of the population had no real clue of anything they should do in this emergency.

Reading your last sentence really makes it seem like a test to see how prepared people are. It’s just such a weird incident all around and there doesn’t seem to be a “purpose” other than to test the population for preparedness. Either that or we will get bombarded with “false alarms” to the point where people won’t believe them and just go along with their lives but it will be an actual attack and more casualties will occur simply because people didn’t believe the warnings al a New Orleans/Biloxi during Hurricane Katrina.

After years and years of hearing “this is the big one” and it turning out to be nothing, a lot of people just assumed more fear mongering prior to Katrina, and didn’t evacuate, and it cause more casualties. So really I could see it two ways, either it was an “attack” by a foreign entity in order to gradually suspend belief in the Hawaiian population, to eventually attack an unsuspecting population for increased casualties. Or it was a test by Hawaiian officials in order to test the preparedness of the population to an attack, in order to better streamline the emergency system.

But again, there’s really no reason for this to have happened.

Prob unlikely you could get statistically meaningful data, even if there is an effect, because these numbers will be so low. Eg, Hawaii only averages one suicide every two days or so -- meaning even if you had quadruple that rate it's only 2.

I was just talking about that very thing! I can imagine all the “fuck its”, proclamations, confessions, wagons abandoned, but hopefully no suicides.

I honestly have no idea how I would react. It will be interesting to hear some of the stories.

People were already driving like shit running red lights after the alert. I don't know if there were any accidents cause by this, but I hope no one was injured or killed in any way from this "mistake"

What if "catastrophic and catalysing" event that PNAC was talking about in their "Rebuilding America's Defenses" paper wasn't 9/11? What if "another Pearl Harbour" wasn't a metaphor?

What if it was bombed and they changed the story to cover it up

There is a video being passed around social media of a kid being put into a storm drain.

The human reactions to this event are interesting. I don't know what I would do. Couldn't imagine being a young child or a parent, the panic that would take hold.

I really hope counselling of some sort will be offered to Hawaii. A reminder how vulnerable they are, as we all are.

a 150KT nuclear missile from the DPRK couldn't even destroy Oahu.

But the war that would result from it probably could.

North Korea landing forces on Oahu is laughable at best. Besides, the 9th Circuit would block it.

Oh definitely, I'm just saying people are really overestimating DRPK's nuclear capability. No way they would stroke first.

Panic, or the exact opposite, spiritual peace.

Experience shows that people who think they are going to die, and end up surviving, turn out to be better people afterwards.

I was thinking that churches would be seeing a bump in attendance today.

Lots of babies I’m sure will be born 9 months from now

If NK actually goes to war with us then I am 100% sure they are owned by people within our government. It’s like a kid with cerebral palsy trying to fight the undertaker.