Is no one going to address this?

20  2018-01-14 by Putin_loves_cats

Trump claims to "Drain the swamp". Here is literature from years ago:

Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits. Based on a theory that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy, and compound interest the number one "moral evil" and reason for debt, Barnard made several other attempts during the 1990s to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the US economy, and his suggested economic recovery proposal based on the root causes he determined.

I've not seen this connection posted here. What it means? I have no idea, but, c'mon... Something is going on, and we are in the Great Awakening/Unveiling (Age of Aquarius). Can we get a discussion going? This is not a partisan thread (I don't believe in government), but something is happening.

Time traveler "Baron Trump", Trump relative having access to Tesla's work (wtf?), etc etc. Something is fucky... Let's talk...

Edit: removed ":" from the link?


Nothing to see here

I guess just downvote, like the rest :|

no downvote here, just sayin... prob not a thing

prob not a thing

It clearly is, though. You really believe in "coincidences"? C'mon...

I believe you are poison

Well, that's a first... Why do you think I am?

I believe you are poison

I mean, duh. It’s clearly either your butt or your smile.



Wow, this sub really has changed... smh.

hmmmmm. smells.

I don't know who this dude is who is flaming you but, good post and thank you.

Thanks, and autistic people stalk me, because they have sorry lives and nothing better to do. Cheers!

no one is stalking you

I have documented evidence which shows the contrary...

Not as much fun when there’s no longer an election to hack, eh Vlad? :p

Eh, you've been here for 28 days, I've been here for 3+ years (under this name)...

And let's not bullshit putin. Your family name ain't the best in reddit. You need to be doing it better, and cleaner than the other guy. Now what is it with you?

Well, shit. That's a trip. I had no idea that the phrase "Drain the Swamp" was associated with NESARA.

Makes ya' think, no?

How does he define debt? National debt? Credit card debt? Student loan debt? Mortgage debt? Or more broadly, consumer debt?

I'm going to leave aside the whole implications of the Trumps being a family of time travelers as that's more than a bit too esoteric to me, but it does seem like there could be a conspiracy to co-opt and subvert language which would fit within a broader trend of the Trump administration.


Hey, thanks for the thoughtful explanation!

Your arguments have definitely given me a lot to think about and opened my eyes to perspectives I hadn't considered before.

Thanks for being such a thoughtful person, in spite of the fact there seem to be so many condescending assholes on Reddit.

I'm not arguing anything here. Read the link (provided) and OP.

I tried clicking on the broken link you posted. And seeing as it was broken and just said I might be able to find information elsewhere I provided thoughts on the rest of your post.

I was hoping that the thoughts I laid out, which I thought were rational and respectful of your post, would lead to rational and respectful discussion.

But since you've given two comments, one of which was purely intended to be condescending, and the other that does nothing to address my questions or statements, I doubt you're interested in conversation that is rational or respectful.

So you're saying this is actually a UFO conspiracy? Not a debt conspiracy? Or a time travel conspiracy? The wiki page was also very light on its what debt is evil. I also don't get why the author thinks 0% inflation is a worthwhile economic goal.

We've been though six comments between the two of us, and I'm still left with the impression that the only plausible conspiracy here is the subversion of language for political benefit.

Are you having seizures? How is any of what you said relevant to my post?

Because they are points directly mentioned in the wikipedia article you linked to. I left out the stuff it mentions about lizard people.

It's pretty obvious that you have no intention of addressing anything I bring up, that you didn't even fully read the article that you yourself posted, and that you resort to be condescending instead of engaging when asked fairly simple questions.

So have a nice night, and I hope you can find more meaningful ways to occupy your time in the future.

I left out the stuff it mentions about lizard people.


Fucking really dude? Read shit before you post it and then chide people for not reading it.

imminent large scale UFO visitation by benevolent aliens (occasionally on his website reports, but more prominently in his videos,[11] seminars and public appearances). Jennifer Lee, who used to publish internet NESARA status reports almost daily[12] on her now defunct site, discussed a host of other-worldly and "interdimensional" beings who are helping behind the scenes to get NESARA announced. Internet evangelist Sherry Shriner, who operates many websites, sees NESARA as linked to malevolent reptiloid aliens she feels have long controlled the U.S. Government.[13]

The designation of George W. Bush as a disguised reptilian often co-occurs with this claim.

the claim was also made prior to March 2003 that George Bush was planning the war with Iraq only to further delay the NESARA announcement. It was prophesied that spiritual beings and UFOs would intervene with Bush's plans and prevent the war

Not to mention the fact it's tied to the whole Ramtha thing which is whole heartedly centered around lizard people, and apocalyptic lizards in general

Actually, that this whole thing intersects with the Ramtha thing is the most amusing & interesting part of the theory.

JZ Knight (Ramtha) has put out some pretty cool productions over the years. While I’ve never thought of her as “centered around lizard people,” she is admittedly kookoocachoo, but I like her. Her movies, “What the Bleep” and “Ghetto Physics” are clever, funny & compelling, with regard to the idea of reality creation & mass awakening.

This theory is kinda fun, u/Putin_loves_cats

Wouldn’t lizard people like a swamp and not want it to be drained?

I don't understand the point you're trying to make

Research lizard people.

No thanks.

It's a nonsense theory to begin with and I doubt Trump was involved enough in DC politics to have heard about it.

Explain why?


The colon at the end of the hyperlink in the second sentence of your op is causing the link to direct to a page that doesn't exist

My bad? Have changed it.

Just a simple formatting oversight, it happens to all of us. Great post by the way.

Like I've said, it's a clusterfuck.

That literature from the wiki link you posted in not in the wiki leak you posted.

Yes, it is: If not, people are doing some fucky shit.

It's back up. I guess I should have taken a screen shot but when I clicked the link the entire thing was blank and Wiki said it did not find any info on NESARA. Now the link works again.

Washington DC is also known as 'the swamp' and the District of Criminals

AT first I didn't have a clue what DT was referring to as 'the swamp' but about 6 mths ago I started to get it after someone else brought this same book up!

good post OP .. get us thinking!

The swamp that he decided to fill up instead of drain. Weird how trump always seems to lie.

you don't think it was rather Full to begin with?

TPTB want to have as much debt as possible. Why?

Because there are two sides to accounts payable. On one side is the borrower. On the other side is the lender. The bigger the debt, the more interest gets paid to the lender.

Imagine you're the lender and the USA owes you a Trillion dollars a year in interest payments. That's like a never-ending river of $$$ going into your pockets every year.

Now some guy comes along and says "Let's try and put an end to this."

If the country is truly being run on the behalf of the general public, you'd see real efforts to eliminate deficits and reduce levels of debt.

If the country is being run on behalf of rich people, you'd see the exact opposite. Which is exactly what we see every year.

Okay. So they both used the phrase "Drain[ing] the Swamp" three decades apart. What's the conspiracy? Why would it mean anything?

Interesting connection for sure, but is Trump currently espousing the ideals of that paper?

I don't get it :( Trump is usinga 1990s phrase and that is indication of something intentional he is doing related to the wiki page? He's going to fix monetary policy (without saying so?)?

I know I need more caffeine this morning but I think I'm missing major points...

David Wilcock wrote that in the near future, it will come out that Trump's uncle did utilize Tesla's writings after Tesla died. While I don't trust Wilcock and his sources, I am intrigued with this time travel aspect. I mean, anything is possible at this point.

you don't think it was rather Full to begin with?