Crisis actors huh? Lol, where you gonna hire a whole crowd of crisis actors? And even if you were able to do that, how in the hell are you going to keep them quiet? (answers inside)

160  2018-01-14 by naturalproducer

crowds on demand

Non-disclosure agreement

We started to get a lot more informants and infiltrators into the organizations, and then we knew what really was going on. And that's been really, really successful as a tactic, to infiltrate. And you can see how successful that was in places like, you know, the Republican National Conventions in both New York City and Minneapolis, where we even got people to - you know, we were able to encourage people to do things like, you know, do acts of violence, which then would make it possible for us to come in and sweep the streets and bring in large amounts of SWAT team tactical police. It was really effective.

Edit: Wow, looks like I really struck a nerve...starting to get harassing private messages:


great advertisement

great advertisement

Are there a lot of potential customers in /r/conspiracy looking to buy crowds?

Can't imagine why not. It's a captive audience to pitch your ideals to. At least some of them might leave the event convinced.

"Nothing to see here. Move along."

NDAs seemed to leak pretty often. I don't buy your answers.

While I am willing to entertain the possibility of crisis actors I think it is a serious concern when we talk about the scale of some of these events and whether or not it is reasonable to conclude crisis actors could be used effectively for large crowds and still remain convincing and quiet. You links don't really address that adequately for me.

We started to get a lot more informants and infiltrators into the organizations, and then we knew what really was going on. And that's been really, really successful as a tactic, to infiltrate. And you can see how successful that was in places like, you know, the Republican National Conventions in both New York City and Minneapolis, where we even got people to - you know, we were able to encourage people to do things like, you know, do acts of violence, which then would make it possible for us to come in and sweep the streets and bring in large amounts of SWAT team tactical police. It was really effective.

That quote is about different shit. Those are undercover cops infiltrating protests like they did at Montebello and the G20 in toronto. Still shifty for sure, but not at all the same as Vegas or Pulse or Sandy Hook.

We can assume then that you personally have had the courage to violate the terms of an NDA. What did you speak out about?

Your comment makes no sense.

Noting the fact that many NDAs have leaked and failed to actually keep someone silent in no way implies I have personally been part of an NDA.

You have not done it yourself but you assume other people would.

No... I'm not assuming anything. I'm referencing the fact that many NDAs historically speaking have leaked.

Like how the atomic bomb program was ruined because people spilled the beans before it was completed? That didn't happen.

You are basically saying "things don't happen in secret because someone would have talked", which is a fallacy.

Why would you assume that?

"We"? Are you the queen?

Also, the ones playing the important parts are IC assets.

IC = Intelligence community?


Just one pre-event post... One piece of proof...

Nah, integrated circuitry.

Not necessarily mutually exclusive.

exactly, it's really not that inconceivable to find a thousands individuals who can keep secrets in a country of 300 millions...

Why would anyone hire crisis actors when you can just mow down innocent civilians? Why do people think governments staging flase flags would care how many die?

Why would anyone hire crisis actors when you can just mow down innocent civilians?

Because then this happens.

And then you can just stonewall them with "We're trying hard, but there's no leads." and then just wrap everything up years later with a shrug.

Good one! Where are all these groups looking for answers? Haven't heard a peep.


Because the actors can get interviewed by the media and push the narrative that the employers of the actors want to be pushed

Real dead people mean lawsuits and their crap won't hold up in court.

Who are they going to sue? Mandalay bay? That shit would get thrown out in a minute.

Don't be so sure. There's a reason MGM has gone to such great lengths to disassociate themselves from this event and keep videos from being leaked from Mandalay Bay. Casinos in Vegas get sued every day by people and can lose millions if a "wet floor" sign isn't in just the right place. Hell, some casinos require porters to carry signs with them and put them over vacuum cords, if they even have vacuums to begin with.

So you're saying that watching for craigslist ads will predict the next terrorist event?

Yep. People here have been doing that and sending out warnings for a couple years now.


Ole damnmegard, search on youtube

It's since been deleted, but there was this thread:

The dates given were Aug 25-27th, but maybe that's when they had "orientation" and not when the event actually was.

*Note, I live in Vegas and my company put out an internal employees only email (So not some huge thing to gain sympathy or publicity) that a co-worker died at the shooting. I also know people that were directly affected by the tragedy. I do not condone the threads saying this was fake and there was no blood and no one died. Were there actors? Maybe. Was it pre-planned? Possibly. I've seen evidence to suggest it was, but there was definitely a shooting with bullets and dead people.

Untapped fake news market

what do you think the black mail network is for?

mutual destruction! you fuck me over and i will fuck you over

Nothing like fake protests to lobby a bill.

Especially if they get millions in donations.

I just listened to the Those Conspiracy Guys podcast on the Boston Bombing and they were going through the amount of money the "victims" raised on gofundme. Blew my mind.

That's where whoever throws these shindigs gets the money to pay the actors to keep quiet. It's like any other kind of acting, you get paid one amount for the show, but if you're lucky residuals and licensing for a character, much dollars potential.

If you're saying things like Sandy Hook are staged, fuck you. You're a fucking idiot and you're doing a disservice to the investigation of actual conspiracies. I wouldn't doubt if you are some IC asset specifically delegitimizing said investigations by design, either yours or your puppet master.

What a valuable comment. Let's shut down all discourse to avoid wrong think.

Look at other people employed by the government for secret things. Janet airlines flies people from LA to Area 51 everyday non-stop. Good luck finding people leaking that information. There are thousands of people involved in top secret military projects. These people have entire careers involving things they can't talk about, and I don't think too many secrets about Area 51 have got out recently. I think its safe to assume the government could find a few hundred people to act sad for the cameras for a day or two. (they don't even bother getting very good actors anyways) Crisis actors do not even have a very big role to play, you never hear from them after at most a week after whatever tragedy they are trying to sell us.

I would say hiring crisis actors to play out a national crisis would be considered treason in one way or another.

You're right, however, this is their weak defense for when they are indicted...

Y’all check out and their parent company Ran by ex-military, they help prepare local military and law enforcement for crisis. Highgate has a project called IRAC where they focus on simulating gun fire from machine guns.....

The same way you keep celebrities, even those participating in the #metoo movement "quiet enough". If anything celebrities are the professional versions of crisis actors (Pay me and I'll put on a show). Notice how after Weinstein, Spacey, among others we haven't heard anything about the people that enabled them in the first place. If pedophilia is an "open Hollywood secret", then fucking expose those assholes who let it happen in the first place. But alas, if we take down the tree that feeds us, what will we do?

It's a little more complicated than that. There are literal spies following people around, trying to gather information about potential leakers, blackmailing them, threatening them, etc. Some of the ones getting threatened might see taking a deal as the only good option. They get left alone, they aren't tracked anymore, they don't get exposed with blackmail, they don't have to deal with fake news about them published in tabloids, they don't have to worry about a frivolous counter suit, and they don't have to go through a long legal process to get compensation. Just take the 250,000 dollar check and try to enjoy the rest of your life.

Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies. The film executive hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents, to track actresses and journalists.

Look at other people employed by the government for secret things. Janet airlines flies people from LA to Area 51 everyday non-stop. Good luck finding people leaking that information. There are thousands of people involved in top secret military projects. These people have entire careers involving things they can't talk about, and I don't think too many secrets about Area 51 have got out recently. I think its safe to assume the government could find a few hundred people to act sad for the cameras for a day or two. (they don't even bother getting very good actors anyways) Crisis actors do not even have a very big role to play, you never hear from them after at most a week after whatever tragedy they are trying to sell us.

Exactly! That's how they pulled off both the Pulse Night Club and Las Vegas shooting hoaxes.

These are not $10/hr type crisis actors.
These are government agents making over $150k

Look at the time and effort they put into creating this fake wound.

Ok I see you have 9 upvotes.

150k isn't all that much money to be honest

Thanks for you opinion, Larry Silverstein.

Id've done it for $100k.

It is compared to, say, a long prison sentence for you or your family members.

Look up Norman Casiano and his father, and what happened about that situation right around the time of the Orlando Pulse Nightlcub shooting.

Just one of many.

Everyone on reddit makes millions yearly. We all would rather hang out here than travel or live like millionaires, though.

Yeah and what about the neurosurgeon making a million a year? Or the cardio surgeon making 950k a year?

Or the random people in the hospital already

You want me to believe that all of these people are bought off and not one of them has a conscience?

People routinely become doctor because they want to scam the entire country.

Got it

900K a year and how many "gifts and vacations" from "special interest groups?"

These people undergo rigorous background checks and evaluation before getting a security clearance, and then anything then know is behind so many layers of compartmentalization.

This is worlds apart from answering a craigslist ad, signing an NDA, and participating in a staged terrorism event that the entire world believes to be true.

These aren't cheap actors being hired. The idea of craigslist ads being recruitment tools is misinformation used to get people proposing the idea of crisis actors onto the wrong trail. They purposely make suspicious ads visible and easily findable so that anyone investigating these ideas believes that it is your average Joe, which to your point, if they were none of this would work. But the crisis actors are well trusted government employees and some are even used in multiple tragedies.

That is much more plausible, thank you.

why can't the actors also be government employees?

not your avg Joe, but Jane who works at area 51 etc., you can trust her and her family, they will never tell gov secrets so you may as well get some more mileage out of her trust

How do they manage the emergency employees? Police, paramedics, firemen, doctors, etc. It's not like they get to pick those people, at least not without the conspiracy including basically everyone up the chain.

But that's not the same as needing to buy off cops (many of whom are good people contrary to what most people say), paramedics, doctors, janitors, accountants, cafeteria workers, etc

And all the patients at the hospitals they were brought to

It's a load of shit

Crissis actors are hired all the time for events to stage. Accurate. However I think the whole "no body died in Vegas" is retarded though sorry. It makes far more sense that it was an arms deal gone haywire.

It makes far more sense that it was an arms deal gone haywire. it doesn't.

It really does though. I believe it was a scripted event but those people died bro. Maybe they got a crisis actor or two to create a narrative for some news shots.The cheer leader maybe, but the 3 girls smiling while ducked isn't indicative of anything other than intoxicated party go-ers.

Look it was the route 91 on 10-1. 911-01. A number sequence of infamy. Of course our missing hero Jesus C. Is the mocking of Christ to bring it full circle. I know its hard to fight crazy with crazy, might be lesser of two crazies to me is scripted sacrifice. We can discuss though. Clearly I'm open to ideas indicated by I'm a "non believer" and this is a "satanic" or "luciferian" sacrifice we talking about.

There was no blood, no screaming, terrible acting, miraculous recoveries, the list goes on. You almost have to be disinfo to believe people died...

There was no blood, no screaming, terrible acting, miraculous recoveries, the list goes on. You almost have to be disinfo to believe people died...

What? You're irrational. There was no blood or screaming really? Terrible acting? Conjecture you don't know what is shock or bad acting or good acting. Miraculous recoveries eh maybe the one. But saying you have to be a disinfo to believe that people were killed by guns is just irrational. You seem pretty dedicated though so id love to see whatever evidence you consider proofworthy.

There was no blood, no screaming, terrible acting, miraculous recoveries, the list goes on. You almost have to be disinfo to believe people died...

What? You're irrational. There was no blood or screaming really? Terrible acting? Conjecture you don't know what is shock or bad acting or good acting. Miraculous recoveries eh maybe the one. But saying you have to be a disinfo to believe that people were killed by guns is just irrational. You seem pretty dedicated though so id love to see whatever evidence you consider proofworthy.

Arms deal gone bad lmao.

whatever it takes to stick to the guns=bad message

That's not even the official narrative though. The official story is lone nutjob.

You are not using your brain or deliberately misleading people. This sub has been gamed.

How am I not "using my brain?" saying nobody died or was hurt is pretty brainless to me.

How am I not "using my brain?"

You didn’t arrive at that conclusion independently, based on evidence. It’s what you were told to think.

What do you think?

I think there’s no evidence a shooting took place. At all.

What do you consider to be evidence?

Physical evidence of rounds striking things, or people. Realistic wounds.

The “evidence” to date has been indistinguishable from Hollywood moulage, as is the case in all these events where footage “leaks”. I’ve seen no evidence whatsoever of bullet strikes anywhere inside the arena, and only two scorch marks on the fuels tanks which could have easily fabricated at any time before or after the event.

Wouldn't you suppose it be possible to also fabricate "realistic wounds" before/after the event?

What do you consider to be physical evidence of rounds striking people? A family friend was hit in the eye. 😢

A family friend was hit in the eye. 😢

Sorry to hear that. Can you prove that claim?

I don't care whether or not you believe me. That being said, her name is Tina Frost and you're welcome to look her up.

I am interested in what you have to say regarding my other questions. 🙃

I don't care whether or not you believe me.

I’ll take that as a “no, I can’t or won’t prove it” then. Paging /u/joe_jaywalker... another one for your list.

That being said, her name is Tina Frost and you're welcome to look her up.

I’m quite familiar with Tina’s story already.

Tina Frost, who defied doctor’s expectations by being able to leave her bed, walk around and even prepare cookies just five weeks later?

An incredible recovery after being shot in the head and having an eye surgically removed, for sure.

Incidentally, every one of these bizarre events has incredible, some might say implausible recoveries. Mostly this kind, in fact.

During her miraculous recovery Tina Frost was “visited by Hip Hop group the Jabberwockies” in hospital. This was a nice Alice in Wonderland reference, for those who understand the significance of this common phoney fake show red flag.

Tina Frost also had a GoFundMe page set up by the morning of October 2nd (the event occurred the previous night, October 1st. Truly this was an amazingly lucrative and level-headed financial decision in the wake of such a tragedy, because donations poured in. It reached the $50,000 target within hours, $500,000 in less than 10 days, and currently it stands at over $600,000. This remarkable outpouring of money is, of course, held “in trust”which is another common theme for donations from these events. For those who understand the legal conditionality of trusts, this is another huge red flag.

But I digress :)

I know someone that actually died, you're the one spouting extraordinary BS so you should be the one providing extraordinary evidence... but you don't have shit.

Jennifer Irvine from San Diego. Is she fake?? What about her Thousand+ Facebook friends?? The hundreds of people that went to her public memorial?? Is it all fake??

I mean come in you have to be a total idiot to believe that, if you want to think it's a false flag at least be rational about the actual victims. Maybe the story is fake or it's a false flag and it was really someone else or at the very least the victims were killed separately.

But to outright believe no deaths occurred makes you stupid as fuck if not downright a little evil yourself.

Prove she’s a real person, then prove she died.

Again YOU are the one making extraordinary claims, it's on you to prove her thousands of friends are fake and the hundreds that went to her memorial including myself are all somehow in on this...

And of course that her law firm is fake because there's hundreds of legal dockets with her name on it that you can access publicly, so those have to all be fake as well.

Good luck ;)

“Jennifer Irvine shot and killed in Las Vegas”

That’s an extraordinary claim, and it came before mine so let’s prove that one first.

Where is the evidence for it? All I’ve seen is media reports (can’t be trusted) and your internet anecdote about having attended her memorial.

Do you think that’s enough “evidence” to support the claim? Can you even prove you attended?

No it's what I think based off the knowledge you can't keep it quiet from 3 entire hospitals. You're the one believing what you're told ignoring all evidence

You’re now confirming you believe what you’ve been told about the hospitals involved. Why?

Do you have any proof any of those things you believe are true?


What about everyone else involved? Police, hotel employees, hotel guests, the bands, concert employees, first responders, reporters, etc?

That’s what I’m really wondering. I used to be a firefighter/EMT and there’s no way you’re fooling/paying off the emergency services in this country. I also did a lot of triage makeup for simulations and it’s very easy to tell real from fake up close. Pulse might’ve been a different story with the nightclub scene but I firmly believe people were definitely shot and killed in Vegas

You are right you can tell when you get close. Look at Boston Bombing. All the "victims" skipped regular er and went straight to a special wing at Beth Israel.

You can also see the choreography if want to. Some people really don't want to.

My best friend lives there,she was caught up in it coming home from Work it definitely happened

My bester friend lives there. He wasn't caught up in anything. It definitely didn't happen.

My bestest friend told me olvie_999 was there and was shot in the head (obliterating any traces of his brain), but miraculously survived and is still seen posting on Reddit.

The best thing about the crisis actors is when someone argues with you about the conspiracy believe, and you or someone close to you was directly affected by it.

What emergency services? There were no firefighters/EMTs on the scene. Here's a trained nurse exposing the fake injuries and lack of medical activity:

Explain why the ER that night has sparkling clean blood-free floors. Blood was supposedly everywhere.

Maybe they have more than one entrance, or maybe this was taken before the majority of the patients came in, or maybe after it was cleaned up? You're starting off with the idea that they hired a crowd of crisis actors, but the conspiracy just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Now an entire hospital is in on it, doctors, nurses, paramedics front desk people, administrators, accountants, janitors, etc. I can understand the idea of hiring a crowd, but how do you handle the hospital staff? It's pretty easy to place an ad and find your best candidates for a crowd, but with the hospital you're dealing with a set staff. How do you know who would be receptive to a pay off and who wouldn't be?

Also what about all the witnesses? Surely not everyone at the concert could be crisis actors, unless the venue and concert planners are all in on it too, and they somehow sold all the tickets to the actors, and hired nothing but actors for employees.

I'm also curious how they thin kit would work out having a few crisis actors within a crowd of a few thousand people. How can they fake the wounds with thousands of witnesses Standing next to them. How to fake a death when someone is going to drag you away and checking for your pulse, etc. How many people with a medical confession were there within the crowd, would they be fooled also that easy? Perhaps the hoax-thinkers then claim the whole crowd was paid, then the Police was paid, the Hospital stuff and other emergency responders were paid, at least they end up that the whole area of Las Vegas was paid and eventually the city of Las Vegas is just a potemkin village.

Well, faking the first part of something like this isn't impossible, just need some people to scream fire, some smoke and guys in fireman cloth saying that there was a fire but they took it down.

Normal people will believe that there was fire because someone screamed it, saw the smoke and the firemen.

NOW doctors and injured people with bulllet guns is a different thing.

My best friend was stuck in the middle of it coming home from work it def happened

"My best friend blah blah blah..." LOL

You mean like your buddy?

It's not just the "actors" that would be the problem. It's the real police and hospital workers and coroners, etc. If there is a shooting and there is supposedly 50 dead bodies and 300 injured people at the hospital how are you going to have the emergency responders and hospital workers play along with the actors?

It's almost as if you would need a lot of money to pay off a lot of people or something.

A lot of money doesn't guarantee anything. Not everyone can be bought and not everyone that can be bought wouldn't then turn around and speak out or even leak information anonymously or sell their story for even more money. So say you have a hospital that 100 shooting victims are being taken too. That's a hospital full of staff and other patients and visitors who have to think this is all real or they have to be in on it. And of all of these people, none of them say a word? Not even anonymously online? and none of them even tell their family or friends?

So true. It would not make the most sense. Much cheaper and easier to get one guy and a handful of people involved then the thousands in attendance and first responders etc.

You are walking in dangerous fields there, you're using logic and reason in your arguments. :)

i've dislocated my shoulder probably a hundred times. You have full range of motion when your arms are down. Once you try to raise it above your head your arm goes limp and does not move. Same thing there. No Conspiracy here.

Dislocated is not shot through with a large caliber bullet.

Umm, an ar15 fires a .223 / 5.56mm bullet. That's smaller than a 9mm which is by no means a high caliber bullet.

The .22 caliber is barely smaller than the .223

You have literally zero understanding of guns

True, have never actually fired or seen a machine gun being fired, except in news films.

Lol @ large caliber

True to both comments, I have never fired or even been around an actual machine gun, I assumed the bullet was large from seeing films of machine guns ejecting casings. If it was very small, then of course the wounds will be minor.

We had a guy get shot in the army in Iraq and continue doing his job. He then got it stitched up and the next day was back moving heavy shit with everyone else.

And that was a 7.62

it's more than logical, that you can't fake injuries or deaths with hundreds of emergency and first aid medical responders.

Firstly with 30.000 People at the concert and a few more in the surrounding area, it's highly possible that there are many People with some medical background (army, doctors, nurses, etc.) among them. How will you fake those injuries for them? First of all with all the people surrounding them how would they do the make-up for those wounds, with no one noticing them? Well and even untrained people that take care of the injured can figure out if there is only something that resembles blood on the cloths and skin of those people or if it's actually bleeding. Also shot wounds don't bleed more or less heavy and then suddenly stop bleeding within a manner of seconds.

I was notified by one of my office directors that there was a shooting, possibly a mass shooting with multiple victims and that we were going to initiate what's called a Mass Casualty Incident or Disaster Drill](

I would take the money, buy a spycam and just go along with everything, edit the fotage so you can't be identified easily and send it off to Wikileaks. Pocket the rest. Win/win.

Couldn't one of you tin foilers simply volunteer for one of these and see if the conspiracy is real?

wow. so you are conspiracy theorists who call dead people's family members liars and actors, but you have certain trigger words that you censor? fucking rich

Read rule 10 on the sidebar before you go back to your virtue signaling.

So many rules on what you can say in the conspiracy sub. Just censor me buddy, life is easier when you stick to opinions you agree with and your debates revolve around how the conspiracy went down, not whether or not it exists.

I can't call you a "shill", either, so there's that.

Perhaps you should leave since you hate this sub and it's users so much?

I can't call you a "shill", either, so there's that.

yeaaaah, you people don't resort to that word at all

is the comment that made me visit this hilarious place

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Buh bye.

I hope you at least are able to see the irony and humor of your fellow tin foilers comment about shills.

Removed. Rule 10

Yes, it's correct to call out liars when they lie, especially when they pretend their family member died but actually didn't die and they create fraudulent gofundme's to scam people.

Removed. Rule 10

Especially for events where bombs go off or something.

You don't need people to act scared when you actually have a shit load of people who are scared

From FOIA-obtained documents we know that only 2 people knew the extent of the MKUltra projects. They were kept secret from the vast majority of CIA agents as they knew someone would blow the whistle.

So the head guys doing sinister things knew they couldn't trust career spooks to keep their projects secret, but they'd hire dope civilians and hinge the entire conspiracy on not one of them having a crisis of conscience, a few too many drinks, or a come to Jesus moment.


Crisis acting sisters at Boston.

Well these aren't dime a dozen SAG carders, these would be trained agents, wouldn't they?

if you believe this, your brain is flawed. seriously. This is worse than believing reptilians run the world on a spinning disk

Lol, thanks for the laugh.

i mean of course i think it happens. but I'm not buying it for things like Sandy Hook and mass shootings

I've always thought in the situations where its believed they used crisis actors and planted people in media to push fake stories wouldn't have been far easier to just do these things for real? Anyone reading this with a gun and walk into a mall and just start shooting, if you have the resources to fake things on a large scale is it really beyond them to coerce someone into doing it? You save a bunch of money and don't have dozens of possible entry points to the whole plan not to mention a whole bunch of genuine reactions from people and if anyone said it was faked you just made every person who did lose a loved one enemies of for lack of a better word the conspiracy community for life.

Yeah and it would lead them to the spree killer coerced into doing it. Crafting a fake motive for one guy is again easier than faking the entire thing. I think it goes without saying that you don't let the guy get taken alive. Also are people not constantly investigating all these other events now? Better someone investigating an actual grieving family than pulling on loose threads like the crisis actors would be.
These are just thoughts, not trying to make any claims about what people think. I just keep thinking up cheaper easier ways of doing these things.

yeah I've seen this, schools push a narrow minded guns are bad m'kay, I'm in the age range that I see the end result of it a lot.

Okay But serious question, Am I the only one that finds it a little slimy/disgusting that these kids who have been through a trauma are getting blind support for whatever it is they say and are making the new circuits smiling and taking pictures and doing interviews? I am all for better gun control (Thorough background checks, Age to Own at least 21 across the board, mandatory training + CHS cert, gun safe inspections etc) but something seems wayyyyy fishy about how all this just too off and just two children seem to be the head of all this. Condolances to OP, reddit haters are pretty nuts. Don't let that silence you!

We started to get a lot more informants and infiltrators into the organizations, and then we knew what really was going on. And that's been really, really successful as a tactic, to infiltrate. And you can see how successful that was in places like, you know, the Republican National Conventions in both New York City and Minneapolis, where we even got people to - you know, we were able to encourage people to do things like, you know, do acts of violence, which then would make it possible for us to come in and sweep the streets and bring in large amounts of SWAT team tactical police. It was really effective.

We can assume then that you personally have had the courage to violate the terms of an NDA. What did you speak out about?

Like how the atomic bomb program was ruined because people spilled the beans before it was completed? That didn't happen.

You are basically saying "things don't happen in secret because someone would have talked", which is a fallacy.


Thanks for you opinion, Larry Silverstein.

Id've done it for $100k.

And then you can just stonewall them with "We're trying hard, but there's no leads." and then just wrap everything up years later with a shrug.

That quote is about different shit. Those are undercover cops infiltrating protests like they did at Montebello and the G20 in toronto. Still shifty for sure, but not at all the same as Vegas or Pulse or Sandy Hook.

It is compared to, say, a long prison sentence for you or your family members.

Look up Norman Casiano and his father, and what happened about that situation right around the time of the Orlando Pulse Nightlcub shooting.

Just one of many.

Ole damnmegard, search on youtube

Nah, integrated circuitry.

I don't care whether or not you believe me. That being said, her name is Tina Frost and you're welcome to look her up.

I am interested in what you have to say regarding my other questions. 🙃

I know someone that actually died, you're the one spouting extraordinary BS so you should be the one providing extraordinary evidence... but you don't have shit.

Jennifer Irvine from San Diego. Is she fake?? What about her Thousand+ Facebook friends?? The hundreds of people that went to her public memorial?? Is it all fake??

I mean come in you have to be a total idiot to believe that, if you want to think it's a false flag at least be rational about the actual victims. Maybe the story is fake or it's a false flag and it was really someone else or at the very least the victims were killed separately.

But to outright believe no deaths occurred makes you stupid as fuck if not downright a little evil yourself.

Good one! Where are all these groups looking for answers? Haven't heard a peep.

It's since been deleted, but there was this thread:

The dates given were Aug 25-27th, but maybe that's when they had "orientation" and not when the event actually was.

*Note, I live in Vegas and my company put out an internal employees only email (So not some huge thing to gain sympathy or publicity) that a co-worker died at the shooting. I also know people that were directly affected by the tragedy. I do not condone the threads saying this was fake and there was no blood and no one died. Were there actors? Maybe. Was it pre-planned? Possibly. I've seen evidence to suggest it was, but there was definitely a shooting with bullets and dead people.

Everyone on reddit makes millions yearly. We all would rather hang out here than travel or live like millionaires, though.