Found some amazing information regarding the Sphinx and Egyptian culture. Not click-bait - actually worthy material.

61  2018-01-14 by Freeyoursoul5

I went on a bender and read all of Kerth Barker's books the other weekend. They were way too good to put down, and packed with insider Illuminati information.

Some background: Kerth Barker was going to be bred into the Satanic Elite and was used as a sex slave as a child. He would go to high level Satanist's homes where they would speak to him about their knowledge and the obsession with rare books. One day he had gone to a home of two sisters (who were incestuous lovers and heirs to a vast fortune). They explained to him that in one book they had in their library, it dates the Sphinx back to 50,000 years old. The sphinx was initially a large lions head, and was later turned into the smaller "human-style" head we see now. They stated that ancient Egyptians idolized the ferociousness of the lions, and their ability to be the killer of man. However, once man learned to hunt and use weapons, they themselves turned into the highest level on the food chain. It also symbolizes cannibalism, as the next Pharaoh would eat the brains of the previously deceased Pharaoh - making it more clear as to why they were obsessed with removing the brains from their mummies. They thought that knowledge was passed down this way.

Interesting hypothesis, and you can read more from his books on Kindle - they are free. I would say it is one of the best books I've read in a long time, and literally could not put it down. It is EXACTLY the type of material I know all of you here would enjoy.

Book in discussion is, "Cannibalism, Blood-drinking and High-Adept Satanism"


I know Putin, you always say that. However, this is an interestingly new take on it, given from an insider perspective with access to rare books unseen to the public.

What pisses me off recently is I saw how big the Vatican library is (photos only). They have 13 trillion dollars in their name, and the largest private library. They are degrading mankind and hiding our history.

However, this is an interestingly new take on it, given from an insider perspective with access to rare books unseen to the public.

It's not really a new take, tbh. The giant lion would've been the age of Leo, whereas the giant dog (ie. Anubis) would've been in the age of Sirius (ie. far older - 10k-100k).

They are degrading mankind and hiding our history.

Indeed, and this is what people truly need to unite on, imo.

You ever see the documentary "Sex Crimes and the Vatican" - that shit is mind-blowing disturbing.

Manly P. Hall spoke about the pyramids being inductions into the mystery schools. Egypt was called "Khem" for the dark soil, thus coined the term dark occult. And such a gap in Jesus' early childhood to adulthood - could have easily been in these mystery schools, learned their esoteric occulted knowledge, and came back to preach this to the masses and rise up against dogmatic religion/government/money.

Yes I have, and yes it was.

As for Jesus, yes, I am of the belief that Jesus was actually Caesarion (Son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra), the rightful heir to the Roman Empire, who was taught in the mystery schools/occult of the East after he was sent there to avoid assassination. The missing timelines would match this well, also why he was so well received, and why the Romans killed him or tried to, with the help of the Khazars.

Romans 13 says it all.

Gnostic books were helpful in seeing the esoteric aspect, like the book of Thomas. Not all this dogmatic council of nicaea crap.

That’s nothing but some stupid photo

I’m good

Okie dokie, then...

You expect people to know there’s a theory behind an imgur photo? How about providing context.

The theory and the author are in the text of the image. How did you miss that? But, we both know you don't actually care to discuss honestly, here. So, either look into or not. I don't car, tbh. Have a lovely night...

I read the little caption and it didn’t provide any info or source.

You clearly didn't read it, because if you did, you would've saw: "Image courtesy of Robert Temple". Here:

So you want me to google Robert Temple. Figure out what book this is from and gather my info from that? Cool.

Yes. Now, shoo!

Are all of your comments structured the same way? You’re pretty bright. he gives you a link for further information but you just blow it off? You're in the wrong sub, dude.

You’re missing the point. It’s just a photo with a small caption. No source or context. Provide the damn info otherwise it’s all bs.

Do you want us to feed you dinner and help put on your pants, also?

A reliable link with a source is fine. Not sure what kinda freaky shit you’re into I’m talking about an internet post buddy.

"Cannibalism, Blood-drinking and High-Adept Satanism" should be a must-read for anybody in this group.

I literally couldn't put this shit down.

I read his first two books. Have you read "Psychic Development: For Prosperity, Self-Defense & Political Influence"? It was out of print but now it's back (and costs twice as much). I've not read it yet, but I really want to.

I only saw 4 books available of his on Kindle - 3 were free and 1 I had to buy, but it was worth it.

The one tidbit that blew my mind was the Fabian Therapy protocol (totally fucking different from normal therapy), the Incarnate of Susan the Poisoner and just the plethora of information on how fucking psychotic Satanists are, and how their demise will be because they turn on each other.

Thanks for letting me know - I was honestly looking for that one book because he referenced it many times, but wasn't available via kindle. Will be getting that one for sure!

So much interesting stuff in those first two books....the creepy sisters, the Baron and his minions, that secret library, the snuff films, his fucked up family. But I especially like how he put it all into perspective historically and in the "now."

He's a very good writer. It could all be fiction. But I don't think so. I've seen peripheral incidents throughout my life that suggests the secret world he reveals is very much true.

Plus, there are too many people coming from the same background with similar stories - Jay Parker, Cathy O'Brien, Johnny Gosh story. Franklin Cover-up.

Those snuff films - ugh. The one where they made the woman eat her own baby, or turning that girl Daisy into a total sex slave just for revenge.

This is the stuff people have to hear though, and know who they're up against.

Also: If you're not familiar with Mark Passio and Jay Parker, I'd look into their work as well. Parker gives some REAL insights into contemporary secret satanic groups and entire towns made up of satanists, like Arden, Delaware, where Joe Biden lived for a little while. Here's a mainstream article on Arden:

lol, am i familiar with Mark Passio...

Shit, just bought his Fake Ass Christian DVD and finished it today.

Oooo! How is it? I listened to the preview.

Mark Passio has been a hugely informative influence for me, and I respect him greatly. But I like his earlier work best, when he first rejected satanism and came out to help us.

In recent years, he's been getting angrier and angrier (not that I blame him in some ways) and tough to listen to. Does he spend a lot of DVD telling us how we're all falling down on the job and not helping humanity?

Yeah, it was eye opening for sure, but it actually plays off of his street-wise spirituality seminar and the natural law seminar. Kind of getting at how the dogmatic exoteric aspects of Christianity - ie eating kosher foods, dress, holy days were inundated by the roman government, and how true esoteric Christianity is about speaking out against slavery, government, money and organized religion.

All i know from watching the dude over the years is that he can talk, and he gets angry, but rightfully so. I'm just the type of person that's open to all knowledge, and read a lot. I actually need to stop buying books.

If you PM me i can send you the DVD's to watch - given that you don't live in like a hut in Africa.

I appreciate the offer, but I've got a pile of DVDs already, LOL. And books. I'd read that Kerth Barker book before I would watch that video. Thank you so much, though!

No worries! And I see that book from's about 22 bucks. Buying that for sure!

This video has some good background on the role of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and literal Satanists in the creation of the modern practice of psychiatry.

Nice. I'll check this out.

What does he say about grey aliens in it?

He talks how high adept satanists do not consider themselves human, but take orders and are used as a vessel by extraterrestrial forces. He speaks on how he left his body as a child during a traumatic ritual and saw both the demons and angels.

Angels had a bright aura around them. And it's a similar story to someone's own story here on r/conspiracy maybe a month ago. All I can remember of the post is the guy said when he was a kid he said "no transformers" over and over and saw this brightly lit man. Try searching that one.

anyone have a link?

I'm not usually into the cannibalistic satanism stuff, but I love ancient Egypt and Illuminati stuff so thanks for the heads up!

Yeah, it's fucking disturbing to say the least. These people have no souls and will do such horrible things to others, and even turn on their own kind. But to be bred into this and give his personal account, and only hear what we as "normal civilians" are not given to hear is beyond enlightening.

It had some absolute great knowledge in it, and the book itself wasn't fairly long - roughly 150 pages maybe.

I'm not usually into the cannibalistic satanism stuff, but I love ancient Egypt and Illuminati stuff so thanks for the heads up!

Sorry for the wall of text, but this is the best explanation of what really happened with the Illuminati that I have been able to find:

"In the known history of mankind there have been two major revolutions against freemasonry. The first I covered a bit above, but let me go over the second for you because the methods, motivations, and such are very similar and you will be familiar with the details of the second.

So, the topic is the American revolutionary war. It is often said in conspiracy media and such that this was a fraud perpetrated on the masses by mystery babylon. Freemasons will boast about their role in the revolution and offer that as evidence that they are not such bad people, or that they give people the chance to be free who then squandered and therefore need / deserved to be ruled.

However, nothing could be further from the truth. The revolutionary war was an event where Christians infiltrated the freemasonic cabal in order to turn it against itself and make the revolution possible.

If you read a book like How the Nation Was Won by Lowry you'll find a mountain of evidence about how a very few families labored intensely to create the conditions that would allow the war to be successfully prosecuted. They retreated to the distant frontier to set up iron foundries that would fuel the war effort decades later. They were set upon over and over again by the crown, the secret societies, and literally did their work in hiding - out in the Appalachian hills, locations and purposes concealed, etc.

When the conditions were ripe for revolution, a psy-op was conducted against freemasonry that you now know as the "Illuminati." The idea was simple: because freemasons operate under cloak and dagger, deception, and disinformation campaigns, you can insert one of your own into the order. So the psy-op was created as such: the freemasonic society is going to create a "fake" freedom for the masses in order to quell their growing rebellious nature, that the American revolution can be allowed to succeed because it is part of a larger plot towards tyranny. Furthermore, because freemasons are sworn to protect the lives of other freemasons, by inducting much of the revolutionary officer corp into the society you give them protection against assassination (temporarily, until the psy-op is unraveled) and allow the revolution to have a chance to succeed.

You can tell that is actually what happened because leaders of the revolution were killed later on. George Washington was murdered by his doctor. His kin, Meriwether Lewis (Martha Washington's family, which was the primary source of wealth that funded the revolution) was also assassinated and clearly by what we now know as Skull & Bones (they took part of his skull as a trophy). These sorts of mopping up operations by the masonic cabal in the aftermath of the revolution show you that they realized they had been had by subversion within the ranks and were set out to kill those who had played tricks on them.

You can start to elucidate much about the characters involved in the revolution from that starting point. For example, Thomas Jefferson publicly shilled for the "nothing amiss here" version of Meriwether Lewis's death and proclaimed it a suicide. This, despite the unassailable forensic evidence to the contrary which was known to him: a large chunk of your skull cannot walk away from the scene of its own volition.

As time passes, the masonic cabal starts to shill publicly that the revolution was their idea all along. They promote the "illuminati" as a real society that is taking over the world (to this day) when in fact it was never more than a psy-op meant to make the revolution possible. So not only can you identify traitors like Thomas Jefferson through this information, you know that controlled opposition media that goes on and on about the "illuminati" are just freemasonic fronts.

In short, faced with a real revolution, the cabal is forced into a big coverup operation lest others get wind of the idea of challenging them. Many more would put to death at the hands of the cabal like the whistleblower Captain William Morgan and those who supported the anti-Masonic party in the wake of an assassination spree by the cabal against Americans in the early 19th century, endorsed by a president (Jefferson).

After the life of Jesus, very similar things happened. The freemasons create an alternative story, go on a murdering spree against the original revolutionaries, and seek to co-opt everything to their own purposes. Rumors abound in conspiracy circles about the original Jesus being a Rothschild plant way back in the day, because this is what they always do: destroy the idea that you can fight, that you can do right, and suck the hope out of mankind.

There is abundant hard, objective scientific evidence against their narrative even for the irreligious though like the fact that an Earthquake really did happen when Jesus was put upon the cross.

This sort of thing they hate the most, because the most carefully concealed secret in freemasonry (by the top of the food chain from their foot soldiers) is that God is real and they will fail."

Saved! Thanks for sharing :)

Cool. But, what are the pyramids for?

Induction into the mystery schools.

The Sphinx was built by a civilization that existed before Egyptians. The Egyptians found the Sphinx.

I just got done with the part explaining the three films. I can’t help but feel like that committee is the so-called “Committee of Twelve” that is supposedly right under Lucifer.

Sick hey?

Send a link to what you're referring to. I'm more interested in who this dark mother is or who these two incestuous sisters of the UN are.

Damn, now I'm having trouble finding information. I'll have to go back and see if I can find references again. Now I'm second guessing myself.

Commenting for later use

Commenting to read later

Is there seriously no other way to save this, other than commenting?

lol, am i familiar with Mark Passio...

Shit, just bought his Fake Ass Christian DVD and finished it today.

Okie dokie, then... he gives you a link for further information but you just blow it off? You're in the wrong sub, dude.

He talks how high adept satanists do not consider themselves human, but take orders and are used as a vessel by extraterrestrial forces. He speaks on how he left his body as a child during a traumatic ritual and saw both the demons and angels.

Angels had a bright aura around them. And it's a similar story to someone's own story here on r/conspiracy maybe a month ago. All I can remember of the post is the guy said when he was a kid he said "no transformers" over and over and saw this brightly lit man. Try searching that one.

Induction into the mystery schools.