Is it possibly TPTB misled us on the Clintons, and they’re actually on our side?

0  2018-01-15 by PackaBowllio28

Anybody ever think that maybe the Clintons might be the good guys, and TPTB led us to believe they were our opposition? Consider this: during Bills presidency, he pushed for disclosure of the ET presence and hidden tech. His NWO speech was actually talking about a world with the hidden tech where we can access zero point energy and have flying saucers and shit. TPTB don’t want this, so they create scandal after scandal to drag down the Clintons. I mean obviously the Clintons were as dirty as the come, but you have to be dirty to play at this game. And if you look at the scandals, (besides Monica Lewinsky, which was just Bill gettin a quick nut and nothing as bad as they made it seem) they mostly have to do with finances and don’t seem like anything overly crazy. Not super knowledgeable about this though so this may not be so true.

Idk I was always a Clinton hater, but now I’m beginning to realize it’s possible that I bought into TPTB’s subversion and they’re actually not so bad. Thoughts??

Edit: the fact that so many of you immediately say “no it’s not possible at all, no chance they could ever be good” kinda proves my point even more because you won’t even consider the possibility that we played right into TPTB’s hands. I agree with most of you that it’s a very unlikely scenario, but it is still a possibility so it should be discussed


It's an interesting line of thought, but NOBODY that rich is one of the good guys.

ELI5: Who are "They" and how much money do they exactly have?

I wouldn’t say that. There’s a ton of rich people out there that want to give back to humanity. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, probably many more that aren’t so popular. But I agree that the majority of people who get to that level of power only do so because they have the mindset to further themselves in any way possible, no matter the cost to others.

I do t trust Elon musk for a fucking second. Bill gates I go back and forth on, but again, you don't get that rich being a decent human being.

Yeah I knew Elon was a bad dude once he and the President had a falling out. He knew there was something up with Elon and called hm out on it which is why he resigned.

Typically I just trust the President when it comes to figuring out who the good guys are and who’s against us. He knows how to pick em!

Rich career politicians are never ever in it for humanity.

Bill gates is NOT a good guy.

Exactly. Isn't he doing some shady shit in Africa or something? I read something a while back, open knowledge stuff, not conspiracy related, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.

I know people wealthier than the Clintons and they are good people. Yes, there are some good people out there who earned their money the honest way - through hard work and a little luck on their side.

Lower end millionaires sure, but once you get up in the hundreds of millions, I sincerely doubt it(or am I grossly overestimating the Clinton's wealth?)

Of course there's also the fact that you and I could have differing opinions on what constitutes a "good" person for all I know.

I know people that have between 50 and 75 million. I'm sure our definitions are the same on "good people". The ones I know are good people. Honestly, you'd never even know they had this much money. They lives normal lives. They don't flaunt their wealth. (That's probably why they have so much, now that I think about it).

How did they come by it if you feel comfortable answering? But yeah, the ones who stay more low key if imagine are a bit more trustworthy. I know I would be(for a LOT of reasons).

They ones I know are older (all above 60 years old). One was a successful lawyer who got lucky on some stocks/investments years ago. Another one had his own business in medical supplies, and that company grew through the years.

Those two I know personally and can vouch for them as being good people.

Yes, sometimes you have to play the game dirty, I get that. But when you have a body count, that takes it to another level. The Clintons are not the good guys.

Yeah that crossed my mind, but then I realized that the only reason we think they have a body count is because of conspiracies that easily could have been laid by TPTB.

Obviously it’s a stretch, but us conspiracy theorists like to discuss things that may be a possibility, even if we don’t entirely believe or disbelieve in it

Well, I don't think they are the good guys. I don't think anybody is setting them up with this body count.

I agree and it makes me wonder how many high profile figures have body counts that we don't know about. They can't be the only ones

Nothing can change the feelings that she gives off whenever she speaks. That alone makes it clear that she is NOT one of the good guys. I would take that to my grave.

How come she's not in jail then?

Same reason that only 1 banker was arrested for the 2008 banking crisis. I mean come on.. people act like people with money and power will be prosecuted just like any regular US citizen..

This. They stole every hardworking citizens money... and NOTHING happened, business as usual... while people's lives get ruined for petty crimes.

Yeah I don't understand when people use the "well why aren't they in jail argument".

Those are people who put their faith in the government

faith that justice exists in the court system... faith that food will always be lined up in the grocery store... faith that their retirement will be there waiting for them... faith that the government is there to help them in general.

They are in for a rude awakening >.<

LOL no one at that level has ever been put in jail, they are above the law, thats one of the MOST obvious things.

I know right! She's hasn't even been investigated for her crimes before!

don't conflate "hearings" with "investigations".

don't confuse off the record "coffee talks" with actual "investigations".

we both know Hillary Clinton has never really been investigated. this woman would bring the entire house of cards down if she was put in jail.

she has poor ethics and zero honour... she would never "take one for the team". That's why she is not in jail.

She deserves a weight lifting accident. A slow and painful one if it's available.

Oh I forgot, everything's always a dog and pony show, got it.

It's good to see you would advocate extreme pain on someone without a trial. Would you like to see her waterboarded as well at Gitmo?

you realize how ad hom this is right?

she deserves a proper trial and then if found guilty - a proper execution.

waterboarding is never justified.

Are you fucking kidding? I haven't looked at your acct, but are you new? The Clintons rigged everything. The MSM sucks their dicks constantly. They are rich and powerful, but most importantly powerful.

Is your trust in our criminal justice system so profound that you think erveryone that commits crimes goes to jail? Their best buddies ran the DOJ. If all these dickheads went to jail this board would not exist. Are you trolling or something?

Seems like you're dealing in absolutes. Clearly only a troll wouldn't buy into the narrative your spinning or are we allowed to think for ourselves here?

Have a mirror, friend. You need it in your life.

lol - uh huh sure dude.

The Clintons are the good guys. In this case thinking for yourself must prevent you from reading.

Lol are you implying I think the clintons are the "good guys"? Anyone that is in their position is inevitably going to have some dirt on them..

But if they are such blatant criminals you think trump would at least pretend he's investigating them to take heat off of himself..he's melting down on the world stage and it's only been 1 year!

I wonder what Steve Bannon has to say about this whole mess?

Anyone that is in their position is inevitably going to have some dirt on them..

LOLOLOL. Oh man this really made me laugh. Such equivocation. Such excuse making.

People like to think in black and white. It makes the world easier to understand. In reality, the Clintons have done some good things and some bad things. I tend to think that the bad things outweigh the good, so I don't support them. Indeed, I think Bill Clinton's crime policies in the 90s are some of the worst this country has seen. But by no means do I think the Clintons are pure evil. Very, very few people are pure evil.

A nuanced opinion?



I think putting money over human life is pure evil, not sure if the Clintons are guilty of this, but it certainly seems that way.

What's one good thing the clintons have done?

Can you actually find one thing a Clinton has touched that didn't turn to shit?

I cant even look at Hillary without getting the creeps tbh.

Haha. No. Fuck no.

The Clintons are pure evil, and any honest look at the “ET disclosure” scene is like lifting a large rock up to examine what’s underneath. Just... all kinds of weird, filthy,disgusting organisms down there.

Lol that’s a great analogy

Trump is pure evil

Sigh. Bipartisan issue. We know he isn't the Messiah.

Just illustrating how ridiculous it is to call someone “pure evil” based on rumors and memes.

Fair enough. Logical fallacy. The bitch be dark, though.

because the MSM told me !

Because it's just that ridiculous to call someone "pure evil". It's ridiculous when it's Hillary, and it's ridiculous when it's Trump.

Except when that person really is pure evil, then it is ok, because thats the truth.

How do you determine if someone really is pure evil though? By what MSM and 4chan tells you?

How do you determine if they are not? MSM and 4chan?

The Clintons are pieces of shit.

pants of shit

can't stand up she has to sit

HahhHa nooo, nice try share blue... Hillary fell once she fucked over Berney Sanders ... We all can tell she is a witch and she is part of the ocult elite.

True she did fuck over Bernie. I’m not sayin I 100% believe she’s good now, just a line of reasoning for how it’s possible that I haven’t seen before. She probably is a piece of shit tho

Guccifer said she was a high ranking satanic priestess and that was good enough for me, considering everything else I already knew about her.

LMFAO you win some kind of award with this.

Haha! Not a chance.


No no no no no no no no no. No no no. No no. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no. NO. No no no no no no no no. No no no no no. No. No.


This is the difference between Trump and Clinton. Check out the replies here and it’s clear that no one is under any impression that the Clintons are out for the good of the common folk. Contrast that to Trump, who most of his loyal supporters believe is anything from Captain America to Jesus Christ.

And let’s be honest, at this point Hillary already lost and Bill is no longer in office either. At this point it comes down to whether you are a realist or you think Trump can do absolutely no wrong, and there are a surprising number of people who think Trump can legitimately do no wrong. Suppose that’s to be expected though with the level of astroturfing going on here straight out of T_D and Cambridge Analytica.

Well in a world full of conspiracy, I'm sure there are conspiracies within conspiracies. To be a true "conspiracy theorist" you have to consider all possibilities right? lol. So in that case, yeah you'd have to consider that maybe they are good people and are sitting at home right now like, "Wtf, all our lives we tried to do good and now we're being labeled as criminals?"

Whenever I read a post on here, or anywhere really about these crazy conspiracies relating to an individual, I always try to imagine them in this exact scenario in their home.

My point is you can't believe everything, but you have to believe everything. I'm not sure exactly my point.

But that would suck.

I completely agree and want to stress this point. Consider everything that’s possible a possibility, and ‘believe’ in it based on the event’s probability. I’d say the probability of the Clintons being evil satanist child fucking pieces of shit are higher than them being decent people, but it’s still a possibility that we’ve all been duped, and this needs to be considered.


Nope. Not a chance.

People who are on our side don't create illegal home brew servers in their basements in order to get around FOIA laws and they don't send CIA field agents into secret outposts in Libya where massive arms deals are going on under the cover of ambassadorships. (Chris Stephens was not a good guy.)

They don't hire Parkinson's specialists named Odaquan Okunola to run around behind them holding diazapam injectors at all times and pretend he's a secret service agent.

And they sure as hell don't threaten to start a war with Russia over their emails being hacked or have DNC employees murdered.


Do your research.

Absolutely not.

No, and neither is Trump, Obama, Bush, [insert your favorite R/D flavor politician], etc.

TPTB are not misleading us on the Clinton's.

TPTB have been covering the Clintons' asses for years.

The Clintons would be in jail if they weren't the Clintons.

This might be the dumbest thing I've read on this sub

I've thought about the Clinton's trying to steal as much money as possible from high positions for the purpose of freeing humanity from an oppressive group..............for about 3 seconds.

Yeah I agree it seems pretty unlikely. But then I realized that the reasons we think it’s unlikely could have all been planted by TPTB. Idk it’s unlikely but something to ponder considering just how wrong we would be

I sincerely doubt they are on "our" side or any side that doesn't involve them and their close knit friends lining their pockets. This said I think some of the anti Clinton hysteria actually serves to give them credibility. Some of the accusations against them sound so insane that it makes people pause and wonder if the other bad things they did are real.

Anyone that is in their position is inevitably going to have some dirt on them..

LOLOLOL. Oh man this really made me laugh. Such equivocation. Such excuse making.

How do you determine if someone really is pure evil though? By what MSM and 4chan tells you?