I'm publicly disclaiming 'my' Reddit profile.

6  2018-01-17 by txstoploss

A Reddit 'profile' was inflicted on me this afternoon.

I didn't join this site to be a 'personality', and I publicly refute everything on 'my' profile page other than whatever posts and comments I've made. Everything else is 'spezzed'.


What? Can you elaborate or post screen shots of what you are referring too?

Many of us have had our default overview switched to the new "Reddit Profile" bullshit without opting in.

Ahh. I thought the new format was only for people who created accounts after they started it? That sucks. The format is shit.

It really is a shitty format. And Reddit knows goddamn well what they're doing too.

Your comment seems to be the new SOP for reddit.

Gotta appeal to the masses, gotta transition to a Social Media platform, if they want to go public by 2020 like they've said. They don't give a fuck.

Just type in http://reddit.com/u/txstoploss

Bet you didn't know you could 'follow' me! Well, until 1700 this afternoon, neither did I.

Way too much like FakeBook for my taste.

That is fucking weird. Why do you need to follow someone on reddit?

To brigade or stalk

My thoughts exactly. TMOR, IRCR, SRS, etc etc are going to love this "feature".

WritingPrompts, PhotoshopBattles, and porn.

That's their goal. Reddit is going Public by 2020, as stated by Alexis. They are turning into a Social Media platform and these new profiles are a part of it.

You can turn off the ability to be fallowed.
Also, if you have an older account it's still the same.

Nope. I didn't convert it, it automatically did. And other users have reported the same thing. Reddit is forcing it on some people, slowly, and eventually they're gonna force it on everyone.

I did. And I haven't gotten any response or change. 4 days and counting...

An admin probably has to do it manually. Not really surprising.

I've just given up on it at this point. I use /overview after my username and pinned that to my task bar but after tonight I'm getting RES finally.

By the way, I HIGHLY doubt that it automatically put you into the beta. Sounds more like you did it then regretted it.

Lol go ahead and call me a liar. I made a SP about it that I'll link. I would never have opted in because I hated it when I saw other people with it. I was forced into it, and I'm not the only one.

Link- https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7pz8mw/new_profile_autoopt_in/

It did it to me as well. Never opted in and never would have, infact I unchecked subreddits to show me custom themes years ago because I perfer how reddit looked originally.

I've done no 'manual' anything since I 'verified' my email about nine years ago.

Except you did, because you have to opt-in to the new system. I know because I saw the option and didn't do it.

Clicked. Thx.

I don't know how fast that works. That is from a months old admin post. It might take them a little while for them to get around to do it.

Holy fuck. That's way too much information. It shows in context comments and replies? That seems like inviting brigades. Wtf.

Brigades, and user-stalking by those who like to wave 'post histories' around as ad-hominem attacks, usually because they can't argue the issue at hand.

I’ve already seen people with their actual pictures on their profile. It’s exactly like FB.

I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would do that.

Me either, but they are. I think it is mainly people that are new to Reddit and don’t get the anonymous concept.

I noticed it over at CBTS- stream or whatever that sub is. And my mouse just happened to be over a users name and it popped up with a picture. So I started looking and got very creeped out. It was like older people pledging their undying patriotism, fucking bizarre. I almost want to say they were fake, that’s how bad it was.

I thought you could do that for a while... or was it app only?

everything i say on the internet is sarcasm works too man

they got you on keylogging biometrics already though bruh

I don't type anything I don't want on the gov's servers, but on a site with a proven record of implanted 'posts' and 'comments' I don't mind looking paranoid.

I agree. Same thing happened to me. Without me opting in it suddenly swapped to the new profile BS from the old default view. I sent a PM to the sub spez said in his bullshit post would revert the changes and haven't heard back. They are forcing it on everyone slowly.

Here's my own bitch post- https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7pz8mw/new_profile_autoopt_in/

And here's the post spez blatantly lies in- https://np.reddit.com/r/beta/comments/6ifuy5/update_bug_fixes_and_updates_to_the_profiles_beta/

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Thank you! I've been meaning to get RES for some time but I just haven't gotten around to it. If it will get rid of this bullshit then I'm getting it tonight.

If you have Firefox, you'll first need to get Greasemonkey. Chrome doesn't require anything but the RES extension itself.

You don't need GM for RES.

What FF version?

I'm running a newish version of it, but, I've never had to use GM and I've been using RES for at least 3 years now.

I've got 55 on this machine, and had been pairing GM/RES since forever. Maybe the requirement went away...

Maybe the requirement went away...

That's kind of what I'm thinking.

Oh, I hate that new page/look! I thought it was something people chose/opted to do. So it isn't?

It's both. I was forced into it as well, without opting in, because I have hated it since the fucking start. Random users are being afflicted with this shit and eventually they're gonna force it on everyone.

No! I don't like this at all.

How long have you had it? Are you getting used to it?

4 days. And no, its terrible and I don't use it. I typed /overview after my user name, the pinned that to my search bar and use that to return to my comments rather than my user names. /overview gives the default view...for now...

Sounds like a hassle. So I'm guessing they are going to switch us all to this new look eventually. Guess I better get used to it. Ugh!

Many of us have had our default overview switched to the new "Reddit Profile" bullshit without opting in.

Just type in http://reddit.com/u/txstoploss

Bet you didn't know you could 'follow' me! Well, until 1700 this afternoon, neither did I.

Way too much like FakeBook for my taste.

It's both. I was forced into it as well, without opting in, because I have hated it since the fucking start. Random users are being afflicted with this shit and eventually they're gonna force it on everyone.

No! I don't like this at all.

How long have you had it? Are you getting used to it?

I don't know how fast that works. That is from a months old admin post. It might take them a little while for them to get around to do it.

Me either, but they are. I think it is mainly people that are new to Reddit and don’t get the anonymous concept.

I noticed it over at CBTS- stream or whatever that sub is. And my mouse just happened to be over a users name and it popped up with a picture. So I started looking and got very creeped out. It was like older people pledging their undying patriotism, fucking bizarre. I almost want to say they were fake, that’s how bad it was.