Asteroids, meteors, and more NASA lies. Oh my.

1927  2018-01-17 by Fuckaduckfuckaduck

This is all pure conjecture and speculation, so please make sure you have some salt handy, and an open mind to peruse the evidence and points of contention I will bring forth.

I am not at all saying any of this will happen, nor am I predicting anything. I am merely compiling a bunch of things in one spot for all to see. What you make of this information is up to you.

We are all well aware of the Michigan meteor last night, if you aren’t, here ya go; Michigan Meteor.

Let’s take into account this comment on 4chan, which was made roughly 30 hours before the meteor showed itself 4chan comment says “keep your eyes open in Eastern Michigan”.

And then we have this post from a throwaway account last night

If you have been under a rock, here is what he is referring to with false missile alerts; Hawaii, and Japan.

Now let’s turn our attention for a moment to military shenanigans. We all know about the missing $21Trillion from the DoD, yes? Well if not, here ya go; Metric fuckton of money missing from DoD, and another link for posterity.

For those who can’t wrap their head around it; $21 TRILLION IS A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. Where did it go? What is it being used for? Space defense? Where does Space-X and Zuma fit in?

Another interesting tidbit is that the Army has made it a goal to add 80,000 new troops in short order source, added to which the EU is in the process of forming itself a military as well.

Now let’s focus on something else; and that is NASA’s failure to detect an asteroid which passed only 75,000 miles away from earth. Asteroid nearly sodomizes us in November. Personally, I don’t at all buy that they didn’t know about this. It is my opinion they kept it a secret because they had no idea if it would hit or miss. Here is a case of another very large asteroid which came closer to earth than anyone would like, This one would have made us dinosaurs

How do ya’ll feel about predictive programming, because if you buy into it then this commercial is quite interesting. There is also a show currently running named Salvation, which is about (surprise surprise) an asteroid barreling towards earth. And to go further back, I’m sure everyone remembers the movies Armageddon and Deep Impact, as well as The Day After Tomorrow.

Let’s circle back to some more meteor sightings and weird shit going on, shall we?

This video appears to show an unidentified object destroying a meteor in Russia. This is from 2013, however if you believe a weapon was used to destroy that meteor, then it highlights the fact that weaponry exists to destroy interplanetary objects entering our atmosphere.

Then we have all the mysterious booms around the globe. Another video.

Booms create confusion amongst scientists

Article on the booms

I’m not sure how I personally feel about all of this. There is a lot to suggest things are not as they seem and that (obviously) we are lied to on a daily basis.

Asteroids are usually accompanied by large meteor showers. There could be something heading this way that they have known about for years but aren’t telling us.

Remember Jade Helm? What about the field of FEMA coffins in Georgia? Or the multiple FEMA camps that have popped up? Could all of that be in preparation for an E.L.E that we are being left in the dark about?

And what about Q? Personally I believe he is a legit insider, but I’ve also had reservations about his purpose, and what if his purpose is to distract the conspiracy minds so that we won’t notice what’s coming? I do find it quite interesting that he reminds us all to pray.

Who knows? God knows things are becoming increasingly topsy turvy in this world. I for one, would not be surprised if something of this magnitude is in the near future for us.

Now again, I am not predicting anything here. I just find all of this to be pretty interesting, and I felt the need to share.

As always; love, light, and peace to all of you.

Edit 1 - NASA tracking asteroid set to skin earth. Exact path “uncertain”.


Annnnd already downvoted.

Hi shills! waves


I enjoyed it.

Upvoted at first, swiftly downvoted when I saw this reply

Thanks, I appreciate your help in making this visible.

Have a nice day. :)

Could all of that be in preparation for an E.L.E that we are being left in the dark about?

OP what's ELE? Good, interesting post. Thanks

Extinction Level Event

Though I'm skeptical about it. They'd only be quiet about it if they could do something about it... or thought they might be wrong. Otherwise what the hell would they care if everyone tore each other apart in the streets?

They might need time to fire up the escape pods.

They want to live as well as possible until the last minute and if its a large possibility we are going to be hit why would anarchy be great in the chance we weren't hit.

It looks like a point I already covered but I don't feel like parsing out all the missing punctuation to be sure.

So the ultra wealthy had time to prepare without being eaten by the poor

Prepare? To be wiped out? How long do you need to hold your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye?

You could easily survive an event like do you think the human species has survived each time?

They'd probably build a diamond enforced, purified mountain bunker or something.

We've never been in one. The last one finished off the last of the dinosaurs and anything else over 50 pounds, and that was 50 million years ago. We're not even ten million years old.

Unless you're talking about minor events that pass by humanity with us barely noticing, in which case they wouldn't have to prepare at all. Shit, they caused two of those types.

There are multiple severities to meteor strikes, the pillars at gobekle Tempe describe meteors that wipe civilization out on a cycle. Many thing the mini ice ages we've gone through and the deluge we're likely caused by meteor strikes.

If we pass through a high activity area of space every so many years then the implications is some humans always survive it

Well here's to diamond bunkers then...

Time to get in good with the richies!

Extinction Level Event.

And thank you for the kind words.

I get the "shills" are a thing and all, along with bots, but things can be downvoted by people with a differing opinion as well. A lot of what you posted is interesting but you just basically took a bunch of interesting things and put them together, then made up a story to go along with it. Not saying I completely disagree with what all you said, just that it's not like everyone should/will agree with you, nor should they.

I like the way your brain thinks. Not sure if it is true, but I like it.

Thanks. Like I said, I’m not predicting anything. I just know that the left hand likes to work while everyone watches the right hand.

If this is all true, then I certainly don’t out it past “them” to not tell us.

Good stuff OP.

Sounds like apophis.

I remember back in 2003 or so I woke up one morning to the radio4 today program (uk) and the news caster said a huge meteor was heading toward us expected for around 2019. She said it was serious. That really woke me up. I never heard anything about it again. No other news programs talked about it - it felt like a total D-notice had been applied, which in the UK means the info is pulled for national security etc...I've always felt something very odd about the whole thing. Maybe connected?

I listen to Radio 4 and I've heard early morning news broadcasts about all sorts of things, a riot in Tottenham last summer in example which were then not only not repeated but unsourceable elsewhere on the internet. I know this particular riot happened too as I lived just down the road and heard it and saw the aftermath with all the police cars. I think broadcasting news of the riot was shut down to stop 'copycat' riots springing up. It's likely other broadcasts are pulled for similar reasons.

Yeah fuck me the north London riots were mental Weird that you can't find anything about them

Always riots in Tottenham! :) life on the edge...

BBC radio 4 or is it a different program?


I remember hearing about this rock and how it will pass by us again after 2019 as well. i think its currently a wait and see what will happen for 2019. We know we'll be ok if we hear nothing. If this doesn't pop up on the news in the next 18 months then yeah, we're probably fucked.

RemindMe! 18 months “Did the big rock hit Earth?”

Looks like I was wrong about 18 months, its almost exactly 1 year away

You just said that we'll be fine if we hear nothing, and immediately followed with how we're fucked if we don't hear anything about this...?

I was also confused.

Schrodingers meteor impact!

I think he mistyped, I translated it as, we'll be fine if we hear something, but if we don't hear anything about the meteor, we're truly fucked.

Apparently I'm fucking crazy, lol. Thanks for pointing that out. I meant to say if we hear something about it we'll be fine. and if we don't then we are probably in danger.

Yes! That's it.. Cheers for sending that.

I was just mentioning this to my wife! Maybe they know something and are not telling us about the 2019 asteroid that is coming.

Someone just sent me a message with an article on it. 2002 asteroid nt7 may be due to hit 1147 am in Feb 2019.... nada accused of cover up.... yikes..

On the wikipedia page for the asteroid (2002 NT7) an anonymous user edited this line in 15 days ago:

On July 29th, 2002, the impact for February 1, 2019 is ruled out.

Seems suspicious to me

I feel like every few years it comes up that some meteor, comet, cluster of planets is heading straight for earth then it dies off and it's just not talked about. I think the world was supposed to end like 3 times in my lifetime. But yes I would like some real information on this thing heading to earth.

Whay you've heard could well be true. Exact same thing has happened to me but relatinf to another topic. I heard them say they couldnt talk about what he had phoned in to say anymore even though he raised huge issues on the given subject they were discussing then never heard anythint about it again.

We are being controlled and drip fed info

Ever thought about the Chinese space station falling to earth?

I mean, honestly that's probably the best call for all involved right?

I don't think it's an asteroid, I'd venture a strong bet that it's the botched Chinese space station launch deorbiting.

I literally thought the Same thing as you last night

curious if anyone knows, lets say a meteor as big as 3 story house is coming down on new york, are they really going to let that happen? is there nothing they can do? that article is written like if the meteor is going down on some city well you better fucking run cuz they cant do anything? cant they explode it in the orbit or some shit?

Just wanted to say OP this is one of my favorite posts in this sub in a long time. This is a great write up hope to see more from you

2435 you did not see that coming! Great post!

No I did not lol. RIP inbox.


I know, it’s Fox, but still.

Interesting read, thank you. I don't know what's going on but something definitely is.

Also, adding to your predictive programming, I'd like to mention ABC's new drama Kevin Probably Saves the World.

Have an upvote.

Have a downvote for posting but adding nothing to the conversation.

Have a downvote for being a dick

There's no better critique for someone who makes a comment where a simple upvote would suffice than someone who makes a comment where a simple downvote would suffice. Heh

so does that mean i upvote you or downvote you?


I think we will see more meteors heading our way. This is good, in my opinion. This is a sign we are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering into the Age of Aquarius.

I don't know what is causing the meteors. But I think it is a natural thing (not caused by man).

Why is it good to enter the age of Aquarius?

Decide for yourself if it is or isn't.

Nothing really seems “good” about it so that’s why I was asking.

We have entered the "new age" which is considered by some to be a time of spiritual awakening and amplified cognitive energy.

I haven't read up on this in forever, wish I could provide more interesting sources. In my mind, the bottom line is that the human brain operates on the same EMF frequency released by the planet. When the sun's energy is amplified, the earth's energy is amplified, and our energy is amplified.

Increased EMF energy is used as therapy and has extensive scientific documentation. It is also known that living in space leaves astronauts with serious neurological disorders. I believe the two are connected, and it's because our brains feed off the earth's energy.

According to sources I’ve read and watched, apparently it’s just the natural order of the planetary astrological system. For some thousand years we have been in the age of Pisces and now will be entering Aquarius. It’s just the order of it apparently. It’s good because it shows it is consistent with the ancient wisdom.

As we move into the Age of Aquarius, our sun comes closer to Sirius. Look up The Great Year and astrological ages. Each astrological age lasts approximately 2,000 years.

I'll try and find a short and good video to share with you. Give me a little time to find one.

There are lots of books and videos about our sun's relationship with Sirius. But the man in this video explains it simply, to me. Basically, as our sun moves closer to Sirius, people's consciousness will begin to awaken.

Watch Zeitgeist.

Astrology is bullshit.

You don't know that. You just believe it. Sit on that realization for a bit.

ahem as far as facts go, yes, we are literally, physically entering the Age of Aquarius. But just as the year 2018 or the Year of the Dog means absolutely nothing to most except for a label humans created for a point in time and space - so is the zodiological effect of astronomical ages unless you personally choose to make it viable in your own life. We don't know that today is Wednesday - we just believe it, because that is the official definition of this day. Sit on that realization for a bit.

the days were made up and chosen. Before humans there werent days. Your analogy is awful

The zodiac system was also made up and chosen. Before humans there was nothing to mark the passing of time or what was to come on an astronomical scale. The age of Aquarius astrologically marks our current location in the solar system. So so years. Except for the Zodiac came far before our current date system. Humans made both things up, and now they exist. I am not saying the age of Aquarius beckons in spiritual enlightenment. I am saying that it physically means we are where we are in space and time.

We are moving into the Age of Aquarius. This is not astrology. This is astronomy and a fact.

Is it a fact? In what sense?

Yes, it really is a fact. It has to do with where the sun rises every spring equinox (I think). For the past 2000 (approx.) years the sun has risen in the constellation of Pisces each March equinox. But it is slowly moving to the constellation of Aquarius, where it will stay for another 2,000 years.

This is a proven thing.


If you choose to believe that it is, then yes, it is.

Now this is what I came here to read. Glad we're on the same page. I think this is really what all of this build-up is about (both man-made noise and cosmic occurrences).

Nice to know someone on here thinks like me. 🙂

Do you think that this is tied to the Book of Revelation in any way, from an allegorical astrological perspective? Taking Jesus Christ, the sun, as a physical solar emanation of a hidden "God" principle? And perhaps the anti-Christ is a dwarf star of some sort?

I think the book of Revelation is not about the end of the world, but about the end of the astrological age. Us leaving the Age of Pisces (which Jesus represents) and us moving into the Age of Aquarius.

I think the whole Bible is about astrology/astronomy and has hidden meanings. Many people believe this.

I agree wholeheartedly as well. Now is the time to decipher the clues left in that book, it seems.

Here is a good video, if you haven't already seen it. It is a 3 part video, but very informative.

Also, look up Bill Donahue on youtube. He has some great videos. He believes the Bible has hidden meanings.

Many thanks for this.

When you look up Bill Donahue, make sure you spell his name correctly. DonAhue.

As above so below. I think we're in for some ugly surprises.

No, I have a positive feeling.

Whoa, excellent post. Very interesting.

Thanks for reading. Glad you enjoyed it.

Interesting thoughts, I definitely see some connections. Last night when I heard about Michigan it reminded me of a series of posts a couple of months ago. There is a site, and I apologize I don't recall the name, that tracks meteors. Someone posted a screenshot from this site and wrote extensively about it showing something very strange. On an otherwise quiet day the post was swarmed by people saying nothing happened out of the ordinary, move along now.

Between meteor activity, that flying cigar thing from outside our solar system, and the fighter pilot UFO video it seems like a lot of odd things all at once.

I know exactly what post you are talking about. Gimme a minute and I will find it for you.

OOOO. Wanna see that.


Yes, thank you, this is it. I couldn't remember BPE Earthwatch. This article was posted and then numerous debunkers came into the thread.

I don't know enough about any of this to make even a guess but it seems strange this post pops up, causes a furor, a cigar shaped object comes into the solar system, the Pentagon shows video of an object they can't account for, a secret payload is launched then reported a total loss, people report strange lights in Alabama, Hawaii issues a mistaken EMS signal, then Japan does the same, then a meteor causes a 2.4 magnitude earthquake near Detroit.

It was too many coincidences. These could all be unrelated but your post made me wonder if there is more to this than I thought. It was a great post.

What he said ^

a secret payload is launched then reported a total loss

I'm not entirely surprised by that. If they reported it a success, people would keep demanding to know what was in it. They're trying to stop people from questioning.

I'm sure whatever it was made it to it's destination just fine, but there is no intention to tell the masses about it.

If the government(s) were to admit existence of something else out there they wouldn't just come out and say it but theyd slowly release information over time. Most likely when theyre backed into a corner and have to divulge the info. I think the writing is on the wall. More and more info will be coming out until they finally show evidence or contact is made.

Niburu is coming

Me too.


fighter pilot UFO video

anyone got a link to this?

You been under a rock the last month or so?

Cool read

Instead of Project Blue Beam they dialed it back a bit to Project Asteroid Storm.

It's pretty genius

Look, when you spend 21 trillion on space weapons you really need everyone to think instant and random death from space is a likely and probably occurrence.

At least according to some military folks I spoke to a couple months ago, the air defense artillery branch (the one responsible for missile defense) of the US Army is preparing to almost double in size over the next few years. Perhaps related?

I would think the increasing threat from China, Russia, and NK pose a more significant threat to the US in terms of air defense. I mean, the introduction of hypersonic delivery vehicles only complicates matters. Although, if you can defend against a hypersonic man made delivery system, the ability to hit a space based incoming object is easier. One item of note, the ballistic missile defense systems primarily use kinetic energy to destroy a target, whereas a large asteroid/meteor would probably need more than kinetic from a relatively small vehicle to disrupt its impact.

Haven't hypersonic delivery (re-entry) vehicles been here since ICBM's were born?

You're right that there is a huge difference in disrupting a huge rock and a small(ish) warhead.

That's because we let them dwindle in size during Iraq and Afghanistan because we needed more combat arms and more military police (when I enlisted in 2005 they were handing out bonuses like candy and reenlistment downrange was 30k tax free, 2 schools of choice and duty station of choice. It's how I got to go to srt school (it was still going on until around 2009). The reasoning was because they wanted to grow the mp branch by about 60k. They didn't meet those numbers but they used us heavily in Iraq to train ip

Great read. So what happened with the "Michigan Meteor" causing an earthquake that destroyed a bunch of houses and such that's being covered up?

Am in Michigan. Haven't heard anything about houses being destroyed however. The whole south east side of state did shake and rumble about one minute after the meteor was spotted though. It was dope to see my window light up, had no idea what I had saw.

Media must be full of shit if you haven't heard anything or a very good cover up. Curious to know if you hear of anything else.

What makes you say that? Social media would have most likely surfaced something about multiple houses being destroyed, I would imagine. I live maybe 30 mins from where it allegedly crashed, which caused a 2.0 earthquake. Local Facebooks were lit up all night with wild speculations. Nothing solid was presented, however.

That's true that's why I thought it was weird when a co-worker said stuff was destroyed.

Here's some FB comments on destroyed buildings.

The garage fire in Taylor and the meteor are unrelated as far as I know.

i missed it playing street fighter... probably the only time i felt bad about playing a video game after resting from work haha.

Lol I know the feeling, I usually miss shit like this, am stoked I caught the sky light. I finally did something with my life!

I always bitch about not seeing cool space stuff in michigan because of the cloud cover. Welp, jokes on me this time.

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing!

Where are those sky pictures taken?

South Germany.

That's beautiful how is germany?

You in Colorado?

No, but I don't think location matters much. They appear to be emitted from some sort of invisible track, kind of like sumerian tree of life.

Idk man. Commercial air travel works similar to a highway for a car. There's vectors and altitudes you fly as directed by ATC. Essentially highways in the sky that vary by heading and altitude. They make this type of vapor trail pattern.

Except the trails appear to emerge in pairs, like a V, or wings, from this track. So no, not like a highway.

Those aren't rocket trails, they're contrails. From aircraft. In the sky. At altitude.

You mean CHEMtrails I think!

Very interesting post. Thank you!

Thanks for reading!

Great post. This might be of interest as well.

Nasa has discovered 10 potentially hazardous asteroids On top of the 10 “potentially hazardous” objects, Nasa says that they have identified 97 other space rocks and seen an unexplained spike in comet activity. "There are Millions of Asteroids in the solar system, usually found in the Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, however those in that pass the Earth are called Near-Earth objects

The findings come shortly after a group of Czech scientists warned fragments of asteroids which could wipe out entire countries are hidden in the Taurids meteor shower.

The startling finding means that experts may not be able to spot the massive space rock hidden in the annual Taurids meteor shower until it is too late.

Do you recall the program that tracks objects around our planet?

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Cool dots and an interesting perspective on connecting them! I'm saving this post to reference back to over the next couple weeks. I'm a little scared of your thoughts being correct.

Me, too.

But let’s be honest here, the odds of me being correct are about 1 in 1,000,000,000,000. So I wouldn’t worry too much :).

As a conspiracy theorist, this is the kinda stuff I really love digging into.

Your odds go up, in my opinion, when you accept that an exorbitant amount of money is 'blacked-budgeted' by the govt, specifically for secret programs like you've mentioned. I've had a thought for years that it would be naive to not believe the US govt has space vehicles ready for a planetary escape in the event of Global Disaster. Space Force One, or something. Thanks for the post, it has really got my brain thinking this afternoon.

But...where would they go?

I believe we posses the ability to create a sustainable colony on the moon, not sure about travel to Mars just yet. We just found out mars has pure water just feet below the surface in areas, making sustainability a very real possibility.

Who the hell would wanna live on the moon, in a bunker? Might be fun for about two weeks..

I've always been of the opinion that the best bet would be bunkers on the planet. We could bunker down a lot of people for the same cost of getting 10% of those people to mars or the moon. If it's the survival of the species, it's a numbers game, and waiting until the planet is habitable again.

If it's a numbers game, wouldn't your best bet be to launch both programs simultaneously?

Yes most likely but the distribution of funding would be skewered.

The HASC-passed NDAA would direct the Defense Department to establish a Space Corps by Jan. 1, 2019.

So you’re saying there’s a chance!

Seriously, thank you for the post. I’m not convinced all this is related (or any of it) nor that the end is near, but it’s welcome information to ponder and consider if further things happen. Much appreciated and all props to you.

I don't know I think your odds are one in two. You're right or you aren't.

Why does no one know about the explosion in the Russian sky that just happened days ago? Everyone mentions the 2013 event (I could have sworn it was actually 2014) but nobody is talking about the 2018 event...

If you can give me a link to the 2018 event I will gladly add it to the post.

Don't much appreciate being called a liar.

Also, I was just banned for this so thanks OP. Thanks for being a terrible fucking person. This sub is so fucking corrupt. If you're not in the little club and you speak out of turn you get banned. I shared what is useful information and in returned I'm banned.

WHAT A JOKE! This sub is the very epitome of what it claims to seek to destroy.

You are all the worst kind of people.

The commentary at the end seems a bit unnecessary.

I’m sorry that you’re a condescending human being. Must be a miserable life.

God forbid I ask someone to share some knowledge on something they’re already aware of. Not like that’s the purpose of a forum or anything ...

See what I did in this post? I provided links for what I was speaking about. Sourcing what you say on a conspiracy forum and sharing knowledge is kind of a big deal. My apologies for asking you to take 10 seconds to share what you knew with a source.

Also, why the actual fuck are you using google??? Fucking A man, that’s conspiracy newb mistake #1. At least have the common sense to use duckduckgo.

Can we just look at the fact that the colors are exactly the same as the Michigan videos??

Removed. Rule 10

What happened here?

It's been 6 hours and still no update on the 2018 event? I really want to know more.

Idk if this means anything, but I found this

Whoa. I’m going to add this to the post.

The current projected trajectory is 4.6 times the distance from us to the moon. To put that distance in perspective, you can fit every planet in our solar system between us and the moon. So it's a very, very large distance (not big in terms of cosmic scale). They don't for sure know the trajectory though, but something to keep in mind.

you can fit every planet in our solar system between us and the moon

Wait, that kind of blew my mind a little... I never thought the distance between us and the moon was so huge. Thanks for that info!

Were fucked. not sure if that is a lol or a serious

Shit my house doesn't even have a basement.

Probably easier to die on impact than to struggle in a violent, primitive post-apocalyptic world with very little food or potable water.

Yeah surviving impact scares me. The reality aets into the populace's minds, they get unpredictable.

See The Road.

That was about the Yellowstone Caldera erupting, but yeah.

That's not what it was about, dude, although that is how it happened. What it was about was the apocalyptic aftermath and how people react to it.

I thought it was never explicitly stated? Yellowstone was just the fan's collective best theory based in the 'symptoms' in the book.

In his interview with the WSJ about the book, Cormac McCarthy said that he initially had an explanation about what happened, and it was the Caldera erupting, but took it out because he thought not fully explaining what caused the apocalypse made the book more mysterious and memorable.

Ah, got it.


I've got well over 500 hours in Fallout 4 survival mode

then you're doomed

What if I go max endurance?

That horrible game?

Ive been stocking up on guns tools and ammo for years now. Looks like ill need to start with food and water too. Anyone have a cheap bunker guy?

Big holes and shipping containers

Pretty much. In any type of calamity, it's better to die quickly, than survive and have your whole life destroyed.

speak for yourself, think of it as a fresh start.

I've been saving bottle caps for years.

Great read. I almost forgot about all those old conspiracies surrounding Jade Helm, Walmart and the coffins.

You mentioned the someone by the name of Q (the potential insider) in the last paragraph. Could you expand on that, or his post some of their writing?

I remember reading some of that stuff, but lost it in the piles of conspiracy research material I try to keep track off...

Oh man. There is no way I can sum Q up in one comment. He has been posting since November and there is a LOT to it. Best I can do is link you to the forum he posts on and tell you to dig in.

You can also check out r/thecalmbeforethestorm and r/cbts_stream

Interesting post fuckaduck...I like it when users try to connect dots of interest that haven't fully been explained.

No matter gives us a "point" we can go back to if the dots starting connecting in the future.

Thanks man. Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm looking forward to more dots..I have a feeling there's going to be alot of space stuff going in the near future.

Remember what Werner Von Braun said. First the Russians. Then the terrorists. Then third world crazies. Then meteors. Then aliens. And it's all bullshit.

Well, if it's via Stephen Greer, I'm afraid I can't give it total credibility.

But I was surprised to find it attributed to Von Braun by anybody, so this pricked up my ear a little.

Side note: Are we skipping the third-world-crazies step?

Eh, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Take the information for what it is. And I dunno, life isn't rigid, it's fluid. There's plenty of media noise about North Korea at the moment. And it's not like no one was taking about North Korea when isis was all the rage, so it's understandable they'd start to being up meteors while north Korea is all the rage.
I see it as a fluid process between the steps, to appear organic.

Im a little late here, but i live in the area where the "meteorite" was spotted. The following day, yesterday, many of us were awakened by multiple military planes flying low and fast. It might not mean anything but its very coincidental.

Now let’s focus on something else; and that is NASA’s failure to detect an asteroid which passed only 75,000 miles away from earth.

OP i think you fail to realise how hard it is to actually spot asteroids. Granted i'm not and expert but everything i read so far always said that it's a very hard thing to do.

Oh, I don’t doubt how hard it is at all. I just doubt that one that size and that close would be missed.

It is possible, though. I just personally doubt it.

Facts don't care or change depending on what you personally think

"that size and that close"

At most 32 m in size and at closest 117,000 km. That's like trying to spot a lump of charcoal the size of a quarter in Washington DC from Baltimore. And that's when it was at its closest.

You should be more skeptical of sources like the Daily Mail. They sell newspapers (or ad views) by making everything sound as alarming as possible, even when it's not true.

Yes the Daily Mail plus the Express are shit and a laughing stock in the UK

one step above the weeky world news

this is beyond interesting thank you for researching so well into this

You are most welcome. I’m snowed in, I had nothing better to do today.

no problem maybe thermal radiation from ww3 will melt the snow and free you

That would be welcomed at this point lmao


It's nice to see an actual conspiracy theory on here, and support your opinion. It's been a while.

You should explore more sites.. 4chan is a start. Reddit isn't a great source for 'conspiracies' more so a good tool for relaying sources from outside.

Except that 4 seconds on 4chan makes me feel like I need a 4 year long shower.

yea i saw shit on there when i was in high school that made me never go back, but then i started going back during the pizzagate time, and realized that was a bad idea, so i got out before i saw anything id regret

You haven't been to /x/ then... It's a surprisingly interesting place. It's pretty good aside from the occasional memeing, and obvious 4chan shittery.

How do I into succubus

hears noise

OMG I just heard a skinwalker!

Lmao exactly.

You haven't been to /x/

problem is, there's a lot of childish threads on there about bigfoot, ghosts, boogie man, etc. my conspiracy mind can't handle all that fringe bullshit. 4chan should make an /con/spiracy board.

Yeah. I automatically filter through the shit at this point. But as bad as it is, 4chan is still one of the least moderated safe/legal sites to view and discuss stuff. And I've certainly experienced some pretty strange stuff on there, like the supposed alien stranded around Earth.

like the supposed alien stranded around Earth.

what do you mean? can you link me to a source? are you referring to the nephilim aka the fallen ones?

Here's the thread. I was fairly skeptical of the whole thing, albeit, I became somewhat convinced as I was reading through the thread. I highly recommend you use Tineye and reverse image search the alien pictures yourself. One of the things that convinced me most was the guy who posted coords, and afterwards posted a picture of a UFO he saw fling above his house. Later that night I also saw my first UFO encounter that matched his, three lights shining above in the sky.

ᴵ ᶰᵒᵗ ᵏᶰᵒʷ ᵖᵉᶰᶦˢ ᵉˣᵖᶫᵃᶦᶰ ᵖᵉᶰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵖᵉᶰᶦˢ ᵉᶰᵉʳᵍʸ ᶫᶦᵏᵉ ᵉᵍᵍ

Lmao. That was a good laugh. Fake as shit tho. If you scroll down far enough some explain why they think it is. Reading that was enough for me, but I also did photo analysis and ofc they wouldn't show up in reverse image search cuz they ran it through a photo editor. My fav is the moon pic, it looks like an original Ms paint spray can lmfao.

“Occasional memeing” that’s putting it nicely lol

Grow up a bit.

I have such a hard time navigating 4chan to find desirable articles

It really is terrible

I don't care if they have the most wonderful content in the world the interface is fucking awful. It's like someone just shredded a virtual version of Windows Notepad up and then spit it out all over the floor.

Its 75% kids posting IG pics of babes they fantasize about during homeroom. Pathetic

Hey hey they are called waifus fyi

I told my wife, “I have not heard a good conspiracy theory in a long time.” after reading this. She told me to stop telling her things like this.

Is your wife interested in science? If so, the Cavendish Experiment will blow her mind.

This article is a poorly written unsubstantiated joke.

Is it incorrect in any way? what is your objection to what is presented?

Theres nothing of any substance presented in the actual article at all, he just links a bunch of videos and says something about "200 years ago in a shed" as some sort of vitriolic proof that all of science is flawed. No shit scientific methology is flawed, but knowing that and making it better is sort of what makes it science.

The videos presented make specific reference to the scientific theories and claims in question. Perhaps you are one of those science dogmatists who sees any challenge to science as an attack on your faith.

Read this comment, then made sure of what sub i'm on. Boy, you're nutty.

Personal attacks, but no evidence or logic. Typical.

Implyimg you're worth the effort 😂🤣

Ignore him, he goes around this site linking to non informative John le Bon blog posts like thus all day.

He is either John le bonn trying to grow his fan base (almost all the videos he references are made by him and require paid membership for $20 every 4 weeks).

Or he is paid to direct traffic to the site or a groupie. None of John le Bond list make sense and rarely offer other than promises to blow your mind, condescension to both “notmies” and “consiritards” and promises that all this wisdom can be had for a mere $5/weeks... fir the price of just one Australian cup of coffee (well some fancy latte), you can listen John le bonn blow your mind with his genius blogs and you can even watch him slay doubters on online round tables...

So far as far as I can tell he has espoused:

  • doesn’t believe it atoms
  • flat earth theories (claims he is not a flat earther but Lai doesn’t believe in a round rotating earth orbiting the sun so who knows a hat he believes)
  • doesn't believe dinosaurs exist
  • does not believe missile most can fly, based on another John Le Bon video that misapplies (or actually just gets it wrong) basic Newtonian physics, flight controls, and principles of flight
  • does not believe nuclear weapons are real
  • cigarettes are not linked to cancer
  • no one died on 9/11 etc...

It doesn't, and the video just keeps saying "in the 1700s in a shed!".

It has no actual criticism outside the "doesn't this sound improbable!"

People first measured the size of an atom by looking at an oil slick.

People first discovered the quantization of electrical charge by misting oil between two plates with and electric charge on them.

People discovered wave/particle duality by shining light at a couple slits.

People first measured the size of the planet thousands of years ago with basic trigonometry.

These are clever things, which apparently to some incredibly un-clever people proves science is wrong because... Something?

Science is a liar... sometimes.

meta. also good name for the sub.

Making everyone, once again, look like a bitch.

I read that, and skimmed the video, but still can't figure out how they think the experiment is flawed. Little help?

Simple question: Do you think you could determine the mass of the moon with a rudimentary experiment in your shed?

I mean, I could give it a go. What sorts budget do I have?

You'd just need to measure the force between a big dense sphere and a small dense sphere really close together, and take the ratio of that force and their mass and use it to get the mass of the Earth.

Do I need to figure out the distance to the moon, or do I need to figure that out? I'd need a second observer hundreds of miles away or more (but a well known/measured distance) make a simultaneous moon observation to figure out the distance to it (parallax angle with background stars) ,

Knowing it's period (or do I need to keep my own moon observations over time?) and distance, we know the acceleration required to keep it in orbit there. From our Force from mass observations, we can solve for what mass would give a force that would accelerate that mass at the needed acceleration.

This isn't even calculus, it's basic Newtonian motion and trigonometry. You could totally do it in a shed.

What part are you struggling with?

What sorts budget do I have?

Infinite, but you can't use any technology developed in the last 200 years.

No, I mean, even just the lead's going to cost thousands of dollars in materials, and there's be a ton of labor, this ain't amateur hour stuff if you want a good result. This isn't using anything more advanced than lead and spring steel and basic refractory telescopes and shit. We got this.

It's actually sounding like fun and I kinda want to Kickstarter this mofucker. You could go in on it with me, it'll be like that climate alright guy that spent millions of dollars to "do the science right" and found out climate change is real.

Maybe team up with a high school, since this is that level academically. They never get a chance to do cool shit like this. Physics and industrial tech classes working together to build some crazy apparatus. Nice.

it'll be like that climate skeptic guy that spent millions of dollars to "do the science right" and found out climate change is real

Holy crap, you still believe in muh global warmings?

No offense but why are you even on this sub?

A lie to convince humans to pay for emitting the element which they naturally exhale is about as obvious a scam ('conspiracy') as you could possibly imagine.

I mean, some of the UFO and alien conjecture is fun to think about.

Go lock yourself in an airtight shed and tell us how all that natural emitting element works out for you. As a follow up you could fill it with life giving water.

What is your point? My global warminz are real? Taxes are good? Government is our friend?

Are you fucking retarded?

Ignore him, he goes around this site linking to non informative John le Bon blog posts like thus all day.

His brand of skepticism boils down to the fact that he lacks understanding of basic science principles and theories, down to basic newtonian physics up to atomic/ quantum physics therefore its not real.

He he misunderstands basic planetary science by trying to reduce it to an early experiment. He main argument since he does not actually understand it is that some guy did it long ago in a shed... which misses that most science was done in a shed or attic at the time and that these experiments have been replicated and built on with more advanced and standardized approaches.

He is either John le bonn trying to grow his fan base (almost all the videos he references are made by him and require paid membership for $20 every 4 weeks).

Or he is paid to direct traffic to the site or a groupie.

None of John le Bond posts make any sense and rarely offer any substance other than promises to blow your mind, condescension to both “notmies” and “consiritards” and promises that all this wisdom can be had for a mere $5/weeks... that’s right, for the price of just one Australian cup of coffee (well some fancy latte), you can listen John le bonn blow your mind with his genius blogs and you can even watch him slay doubters on online round tables...

So far as far as I can tell he has espoused:

  • doesn’t believe it atoms
  • flat earth theories (claims he is not a flat earther but Lai doesn’t believe in a round rotating earth orbiting the sun so who knows a hat he believes)
  • doesn't believe dinosaurs exist
  • does not believe missile most can fly, based on another John Le Bon video that misapplies (or actually just gets it wrong) basic Newtonian physics, flight controls, and principles of flight
  • does not believe nuclear weapons are real
  • cigarettes are not linked to cancer
  • no one died on 9/11
  • ancient Greeks didn’t exist


Lol. Just wasted time explaining how I'd weigh the moon in a shed before I saw this and had basically concluded by saying "this isn't even calculus, it's basic Newtonian motion and trigonometry"

Cavendish Experiment

Thanks for this. Please check out Rupert Sheldrake's books for a proper dissemination of materialist doctrine.

Please check out Rupert Sheldrake

No thanks.

What blew my mind is that Newton was able to determine the densities of the planets by his observations. His gravitational calculations were able to consistently produce answers based on both expected masses as well as orbits, and they match. If you were to perform the same calculations, you would get the same results. If you were able to come up with an explanation that matched all of the necessary criteria, then go right ahead and disprove him, and Newton did this long before Cavendish.

Just because a solution is simple does not mean it is wrong.

The link you provided makes it seem like you are questioning the veracity of this claimed experiment instead of remarking at its ingenuity. The brilliance of men of the past is what blows my mind.

and they match.

Match with what?

The orbits match with the expected masses based on the equations from Newton. He did not arrive at these conclusions on his own, though. Others that came before him gave insight.


But that is simply repeating the same theoretical equations.

I am asking, how do you independently verify that these theoretical equations prove to be true in the real world?

"Actual conspiracy". What a fucking crock.

AGREED, most of the submissions here are don't get really grasp that conspiracy aspect of the sub.

Replying to top level comment.

Would the movement of major governmental operations to the interior support this theory? Isn't the CIA moved a lot of things to the Denver area? NSA in Utah?

You guys must be starved because based on the reactions in here, this tiny morsel is looking like a steak dinner for you rn.

Let me give a free tip for any and all would be conspiracy theorists and consumers: less is more. You added a VW commercial which was released very recently. Zero relevance to anything scientific but the timing is interesting, so you’re not really bolstering the factual portions of your theory but you’re not taking away from them too much either. Then you go on to mention Armageddon which we all know was a documentary based on real life events, not an impossibly fake depiction full of gaping plot holes with as much scientific relevance as a baking soda volcano.

You included some pictures of the meteor crashing into earth as some sort of meteor ray when they are obviously pictures of a meteor hitting earth’s surface. If you guys can point out a laser weapon with a mushroom cloud coming out of it, I’d love to see it.

You included a link to a British rag with less relevance to factual reporting than the Daily Mail as an edit. An edit! You actually grabbed that turd after your original thought process and threw it in there. Really?

Instead of grabbing every worthless bit of info that pertains to your story, stick with the facts and let others add to it. Discredit anything that looks like shit immediately. Instead of enjoying a perfectly cooked steak dinner, you guys are dumping ketchup all over everything and taking bites while also looking at some overcooked tendies at the next table.

You guys must be starved because based on the reactions in here, this tiny morsel is looking like a steak dinner for you rn.

I made a simple comment and it's not my fault people upvoted it. Steak Dinner? Pff lol. All I did was entertain the idea. So what.

Furthermore, you make all of these claims questioning the legitimacy of OPs post, a critique, yet you offered no countering argument let alone supporting said argument.

A simple comment supporting op and not raising any objection to anything posted.

Supporting how? It’s common sense. The meteor registered a 2.0mag when it crashed into the surface. When you have a conspiracy theory, the burden of proof is on you, not common sense and real world reporting.

You do understand you replied to the wrong person in the 1st place, right?

Did I say I supported his opinion? I don't think I did. I think the closest thing I said to supporting his idea is entertaining the idea. Did you even read what I wrote, let alone what OP wrote?

Supporting how? It’s common sense.

Ok, explain your "common sense" conclusion. It shouldn't be hard to support your argument. All you did was be a critic and not support anything you said. You could counter OPs post with your "common sense" facts, you pleb

It's nice to see an actual conspiracy theory on here, and support your opinion. It's been a while.

Buddy, I’m concerned if you live on your own and impressed you’ve survived this long if you do. Kudos.

The common sense is that a laser does not have a mushroom cloud coming out of it. It also doesn’t support the facts that thousands of people witnessed the meteor and that it hit the ground causing a 2.0mag impact. It’s also common sense that the movie Armageddon was rife with factual and scientific inaccuracies and should not have been included in the post. Here is some additional information on that if it’s too difficult to wrap your head around: (There’s too many to post. If you’re not satisfied, just google more).

It’s also important to note that large impacts don’t simply cause mass extinction as the trajectory and location of impact have more influence than just the size. There’s still a debate on exactly how the mass extinctions played out, but we won’t be able to prevent them by sending the best goddamn oil drilling crew on the planet into space to blow it up.

Support YOUR(OP) opinion. Not MY opinion. All I did was it say was nice to see a conspiracy theory where OP makes an argument for their case. Too many times do we see posts in here that's just an article or some simple observation to insinuate something with no real meat. If you read their post, you would see OP states several times they just putting the information in one spot, but not insinuating anything.

Keep watching your favorite movie Armageddon. Maybe you can score the babe at the end

Dude, just stop. He “supported” his opinion with a tv commercial, a factually nonexistent movie from 20 fuckin years ago, and a meteor impact as a laser that’s shooting into outer space. If you really think that supports his theory, you probably believe we didn’t land on the moon.

Here we go again. Does me saying Trump does well meeting foreign leaders mean I support Trump? Does me saying Clinton did well in California mean I support Clinton?

How thick is your head?

You didn't do very well in school did you?

You don't follow this sub much, aye?

Saying Trump does well meeting foreign leaders doesn’t mean you support Trump, it just means you’re not intelligent/perceptive. Saying OP supported his opinion and not pointing out any of the glaring issues-while continuing to ignore them after I pointed them out and cited actual sources-exposes you for being dumb.

I got nothin else man. If you can’t see shit that’s plain as day, there’s a reason you’re in this sub and it isn’t for intelligent analysis and facts.

Saying Trump does well meeting foreign leaders doesn’t mean you support Trump, it just means you’re not intelligent/perceptive.

Yeah, you get the award for dumbest comment of the day. Tell me again, what foreign leader did Trump not do well when they met?

Again solidifying my point you don't need to be a Trump supporter to agree.

after I pointed them out and cited actual sources-exposes you for being dumb.

Having links showing Armageddon was not scientifically accurate is fucking retarded for an argument. It's a fictional movie. LMAO. You're being serious?

I got nothin else man.

The most honest statement in your replies.

If you can’t see shit that’s plain as day, there’s a reason you’re in this sub and it isn’t for intelligent analysis and facts.

Oh, God. I'm seriously talking to a mental patient.

Lol idk, like fucking all of them? He has the worst foreign diplomacy of any President in recent history. He just called Africa a fucking shithole. You’re obviously a rocking moron man. I’m done with you.

Lol idk, like fucking all of them?

You don't know 1 instance, but then say all of them? Hmmm

He has the worst foreign diplomacy of any President in recent history.

Almost as retarded as your previous sentence. Followed with no proof to support the argument. You hate him so much you can no longer be an objectionable observer.

He just called Africa a fucking shithole.

Putting on the 'ol "more righteous than thou" hat, again? You are deflecting none the less. Also, Africa is a shithole. Detroit. Shithole. LA? Cesspool. Now what? Africa is a shithole. Go move to Africa where they sell black slaves in Libya. Where 90+% of the women in Somalia have female genital mutilation done to them(I'm sure they agreed to it, too.) Or where South Africans farmers are murdered...because they are white. Which country is the shining star of Africa you imbecile? Should we continue with Boko Haram or how about the child armies?

You’re obviously a rocking moron man. I’m done with you.

This was done long ago. You're just getting treated at this point.

You’re right, my bad. He’s been a huge hit in Russia. You’re obviously an idiot. Please don’t breed for the love of all that is intelligent and hopeful.

You’re right, my bad. He’s been a huge hit in Russia.

He has. Along with the leaders of China, Japan, S.Korea, Australia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Philippines, Canada, Germany, France, Indonesia. Should I go on?

All I'm reading from you is:

Herp dee derp I don't pay attention. idk, lol all of them. Im so quick witted, and cool, and I get pussy all the time.

You’re obviously an idiot.

Self projecting, aye?

Please don’t breed for the love of all that is intelligent and hopeful.

Too late :-)

Seriously, you are looking like a mental patient. Just stop. You're making others with low IQs look bad.

All i have to say, is that VW commercial gave me chills.

Yup...saw that the other day for the first time and it was a literal WTF out load moment.

Did you see the Apple keynote introduction this year? It's like the apocalypse happening.

That was also weird.

I missed this. Got a link?

I thought it was meaning to represent a nuke.

Same here. I had to hit rewind and get my wife to watch it. Eerie.

Which one?


Wow what the fuck

this...? this is a silly commercial man

which one? can u link me pls?

It's pretty funny, isn't it?

Check out Jack Whites new video, particularly the talking at the beginning, as it pertains to all of this

Holy shit

Great post! Really enjoyed the read. The frequency of these space “events” are either increasing, or we’re being kept more informed (to a point) for a reason.

I agree.

I don't think it's anything, but it is nice to see some context and reason behind your thoughts.

Commenting to remember to come back.

Your theory is interesting but I had a few comments. Not bashing just adding to the discussion.

Regarding Q and his/her post saying something would happen in eastern michigin I will admit is impressive. I had previously been unimpressed by his predictions because they were pretty vague. How ever the only quarral with the prediction and this is VERY minor is that they predicted the wrong day. They predicted it would happen on monday but it happend on a tuesday. Again very minor thing just interesting.

Assuming they are hiding this from us (I am not entirely convinced thats the case) This is extreme optimism but they could be hiding it to avoid mass panic? If the government came out and said "oh yeah guys btw bunch of meteors heading this way they might hit us" it could cause problems. I don't think these meteors would be sent by us because theres no real reason to. It could be aliens but I don't believe that the type of aliens with advanced technology exists.

Also complete sidenote for OP. What do you think of all the religious stuff attached to conspiracys?

Oh, I’m 99% sure the reason it would be hidden would be to keep mass panic from happening. No doubt in my mind there.

As for the religious stuff; I am of the opinion that it doesn’t matter what you, or I believe. What matters is that TPTB are Satanic/Saturn Occultists, and they believe in it, and researching/knowing what they believe and how to fight that darkness can only help us. IMO; there is absolutely dark and light energy/entities. And they play a role in what happens.

That would be another post in and of itself.

I have heard of the idea that elite people are satanists or saturnists. But I find that the only people pushing those ideas seem to be fundamentalists religious people so it is hard to take them seriously.

Do you think they are trying to bring the devil into the world or summon the anti-christ or do you think they are satanists doing sacrifices and all that jazz because they can?

Please do post about it when you have time.

Planet x

This late? Or early?

no idea if it would hit or miss

If we were aware of this asteroid, then plotting its orbit and estimating if it hit or not would be easy.

Just for the sake of accuracy, the $21 trillion isn't missing, just poorly documented. Say 100 million was moved from x to y, due to poor record keeping, x will say "I'm missing 100 million and y will say "we have an extra 100 million".
Granted there is a lot of room to do shady shit when you suck at documentation on that scale.

Good point. Thank you for clarifying. (Not sarcasm, I appreciate your input).

I've been making the same drive at the same time to work for the last several years. Almost always at dark except during the height of summer.

At no point have I seen a shooting star, except the last two days. 2 yesterday. about 15 today.

just as the security-ruining flaw in all of the world's computer chips was due to be announced (spectre, meltdown).

In the Midwest here. One of my co-workers today said she saw a huge shooting star this morning on her way in (around 530am). She then saw the article later this morning about the Michigan one and thought maybe it was that, until she saw that was last night, not this morning.

Lol she thought it did a huge circle round back on us after shooting past her vision?

Mine were about 6am, in the Rockies.

I usually don't participate in this things. But I lived in At most of my life, in tucuman, near Amaicha and Atacama desert.
I used to go there and nearby valleys (3000/5000 meters high and deserts) a lot with friends, there are even observatories , one I think of nada, there do to how good the sky is.

Ok, we used to see very weird shit, but really weird, many bright things falling, half size the moon, and even objects flying that would change directions in absurd ways that a satellite couldn't. At a point we thought maybe militar from other places was practicing shit around there since it was the only viable explanation for us.

Lots of people have seen the things that look like satellites but move in crazy patterns - I’ve read a ton of accounts on Reddit, and saw one myself during a meteor shower in the 90s.

Me too. 90s. What could it have been? Made impossible change in direction.

I’m not sure but I have a hard time believing it was terrestrial - the movements were just too advanced. It also shot up and out of sight really quickly before coming back down a few times. The recent NYT ufo story where the pilots talk about a craft going up to 80000 feet in seconds reminded me of that.

um...this sent chills down my spine. I've never heard such a similar account to mine before.

In Summer '95 I was stargazing and saw what looked to be a standard satellite (it looks like a slow moving star for those that dont know what I mean. The main identifiers that it is no stranger than a sat is that it doesnt change velocity at all, in either magnitude or direction) . But then it made a turn, and began to head back in the direction it had come in. When it reached a point about 30 degrees above the horizon, it started being....erratic.

Then it kinda stretched from a point of light to a line. And then it blinked out and was gone.

I don't think it was during the meteor shower but it was in August.

Exactly what I saw as well and I’ve seen a few big threads in various askreddits focused on creepy/unbelievable shit that talk about the same exact thing. Maybe I’d buy that it’s super advanced tech in 2018, but it certainly wasn’t back in the 90s.

Same here. It's been years but when I smoked I would walk my dog several times a night looking up at the stars and saw on several occasions what I thought were satellites. On 2 different in stances the white dots just completely changed directions. Still weirds me out thinking about it.

It’s really unsettling when you think hard about what it could possibly be. Combined with the recent NYT article it is creepy. is a good site to check for meteor showers, asteroid passes, and aurora activity.

Can you recall which direction they all feel? according to this article debris fields around a large aasteroid don't seem to be common, but if it were to happen all the debris would be falling the same firection (like north to south or east to west etc)

here is the article:

Yeah, west to east in all cases.

Didn't see any today, but it was pretty overcast.

The michigan meteor fell east to west so those are unlikely to be related. Also for Janury 13–19 the estimated meteors to be scene every hour is 4, so definitely an outlier but I wouldn’t say what you saw was anything crazy. If you were driving in the early morning the estimate is 13 meteors an hour in the Toronto region.


I mean is there anything particular about the area that prevents space debris from visibly burning up in the atmosphere?

Not that I know of, but I'm not a native of the mountains.

There's an even deeper rabbit hole but OP is definitely onto something.


Is the strategy to make that place such an autistic clusterfuck that bots explode when they try to infiltrate?

Hahaha.. I never thought of that but damn that would make so much sense!

The Book of Revelation connection?

I definitely think some Hamlet's Mill stuff is being played out on a cosmic scale for all to see in this transition of the Ages.

Just to throw this out there because I haven't heard anything. SpaceX attempted to put a military sat into space. Didn't go so well. We sure it was a meteor that hit W. Michigan?

My mind plays a charging laser sound when I watch this clip.

It is quite uncanny.

What is this clip?

SpaceX's portion operated flawlessly. Northrop Grumand's part reportedly "failed". I would take this for a grain of salt. You can't trust people with classified information to report truthfully.

I get that, but I would think that if any part failed, gravity would still do its thing...

Well it is still launched in a self sustaining orbit. It may be slightly off, but that could still take time to either float away or float towards earth.

Now THIS is the reason i visit this sub. Great post OP, cheers.

And there was a earthquake here in Michigan when the meteor hit, 2.0 but still.

If you haven't already sign up for alerts at I didn't get anything about meteors.

Serious question whatsup with meteors lately? I;ve seen a couple posts here regarding them. Are we just noticing them more? Is the thinking that there's a larger one approaching Earth ora slew of them headed this way for some reason? Is something pushing/pulling them towards us? Is there a concern that we're in the dark about a military planetary defense system? Are they even really meteors or are they extraterrestrial ships being shot out of the sky?

I can't answer all your questions but the increased awareness of them is almost certainly down to the spread of dashcams. Previously unless you had a CCTV camera pointed in the exact right direction or someone with the incredibly lucky timing to catch one on video, a meteor would be nothing more than a small bottom of the page article about a bright flash in the sky.

Now we have cameras in millions of cars running at all hours of the day, using wide angle lenses and with a good view of the sky, so you get the kinds of eye-catching videos that get shared by every news station and website around. I can't be certain but there probably isn't any change in the number of meteors, just the number that are reported.

Since Christmas I've been listening to a lot of Joe Rogan's podcasts while driving. This one, with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson, I can't get out of my head. Its scarily fitting. The whole podcast was about 3 hours but if you just do a YouTube search for Graham Hancock you'll find lots of his videos/clips.

TLDW: Graham and Randall discuss this:

A gigantic cosmic impact, when large fragments of a disintegrating comet hit the North American ice cap approximately 12,800 years ago, is identified in my forthcoming book “Magicians of the Gods” as the smoking gun that sparked off a global cataclysm of flood and fire in which an advanced civilization of the last Ice Age, hitherto only remembered in ‘myths’, was wiped out. The scientific case for a comet impact 12,800 years ago has now been further reinforced by a landmark paper in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” (PNAS) the official journal of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Details of the new paper here: and an abstract here:

Mainstream article here:

Geological evidence according to Randall here:

Basically, he says we go through areas of the taurid meteor shower branch that are extremely dangerous cyclically and that they predict we may be headed through that area again within the next 20 years.

Correct me if that last part is wrong as it's been awhile since i watched it.

I feel like they really missed an opportunity in not going with “Proceedings in Excellence of the National Institute of Sciences”


I thought u were being sarcastic .. but I think you're right

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Thank you, my friend. Much appreciated!

Basically, he says we go through areas of the taurid meteor shower branch that are extremely dangerous cyclically

But how could this be? [and I put the emphasis on the last word of your text I copied] the earth goes around the sun, which goes around the center of the milky way, which goes around the center of it's super cluster, this means we will never revisit the same spot in space. so the phenomena of us moving into a dangerous area might happen to from time to time, but not cyclically I.E after the same period of time. if so, than we don't have a way to predict when earth is going to enter such an area.

Maybe it dosnt then...?

Hancock believes the Gobekli stones not only describe an ancient cosmic collision, but predict another. He thinks that what hit Earth in 10,950BC was actually a massive piece of debris in the Taurid meteor stream, a belt containing millions of space rocks. Hidden within that belt, according to astrophysicists, is an unexploded bomb of a planetoid, a superheated rock like an orbiting hand grenade. Sealed inside its thin crust is a boiling mass of tar, building up pressure until it detonates. Thousands of white-hot boulders, a mile or more across, will be set spinning through the meteor stream . . . but we cannot say for certain when that will occur. Many of these asteroids could be three times the size of the one that hit our planet 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs. If one of those strikes, it could quite literally bring about the end of the world. And we are due to cross the Taurid meteor stream in 13 years, around 2030.

Read more:

Wow thanks that was a great article on Hitchcock. I had never heard of him and am fascinated to the extreme.

They did a previous interview with joe about a year or so ago that was really good too. You should give that one a listen aswell. He talks more in depth about some stuff they skimmed over this time as to not be repetative.

Joe Rogan podcast generally have really solid arguments and discussions in regards to meteors and even the ancient Civilization stuff. About the only thing that he discusses that I can't wrap my head around quite tight enough is the DMT stuff.

Why? It is really well documented and I am just starting book 2 on the Spirit Molecule. It really is a fascinating substance, and our bodies create it, and there definitely seems to be some sort of correlation between experiences that baffles logic. Pretty interesting thing, and why would they ban this substance on a level 1?

Oh it's just a personal thing. I'd have to experience it personally in this case, because it is more an experience than most other things. I do know that our bodies create it which is why I find it must have some ground. I didn't know it was banned though, I thought you could get it. How are the books?

DMT is definitely banned. Gotta make it yourself. People say it's doable, but that naptha lighter fluid stuff scares me off.

Oh geez that's insane lol.

There's always the dark net.

Appreciate you OP

One of the main arguments of guys like Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson is that a giant meteor flash melted the ice caps around 14,000 years ago and thus flooded and destroyed most of the world/civilization. This is becoming more and more accepted even in mainstream circles with lots of evidence backing it up. They also make some very convincing arguments that these events are cyclical and that the few people who did survive the last impact have given us many clues at places like Gobekli Tepe (on the pillars) that it is coming again and we better pay attention. I am not going to go into all their calculations and evidence, but long story short... we are currently firmly in the period of time that another major impact is expected.

This I believe

Read Magicians of the Gods for more info

Maybe this coincides with the so called Niburu planet


That's a bunch of nonsense.

Eris' mass is estimated to be .27% of Earth's mass. Whoopteedoo.

ould have a mass about 10 times that of Earth and orbit about 20 times farther from the sun on average than Neptune. It may take between 10,000 and 20,000 Earth years to make one full orbit around the sun.

Do some reading, dumbfuck.

Hooboy. You are very sensitive. Your first link, to which I responded, was to an article on 2003 UB313, which, as I said, has a mass estimated to be .27% of Earth's mass. Now you post another link to a hypothetical planet and want to pump up your bruised ego by accusing somebody who didn't get excited about 2003 UB313, your "Niburu" or whatever. Okay, so perhaps there is a planet out in the Kuiper belt. And..?
The wiki on Nibiru is revealing:

The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or closely pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected by astronomers and planetary scientists as pseudoscience and an Internet hoax.[2][3]

The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder,[4][5] founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extraterrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later postponed) causing Earth to undergo a physical pole shift that would destroy most of humanity.[6] The prediction has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which linked the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Since 2012, the Nibiru cataclysm has frequently reappeared in the popular media, usually linked to newsmaking astronomical objects such as Comet ISON or Planet Nine. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of the ancient astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, he denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse.

Because you're an obvious troll feigning impartiality while employing passive aggressive character attacks (in typical misinformation fashion) and just looking to muddy the conversation here on subjects you don't even have an understanding of. This is not some obscure information, it's been known for years that there are gravitation signatures indicating there is something large orbiting our solarsystem.

Now you're quoting misinformation from a platform that's known to be manipulated and skewed because, yet again, you have no clue what you're talking about.

The idea of the niburu cataclysm does not come from Nancy Lieder (whoever the fuck that is), it comes from the annals of creation in the sumerian tablets as translated by sitchin describing the creation of our earth and destruction of Tiamat, the supposed cause of the asteroid belt.

If you're one of those people (which you apparently are) who subscribe to the religion of mindless "skepticism" (read; playing dumb and/or expert to advance an agenda), then you could argue that Sitchin's translations are off base, and many people do, but to advance an idea that Niburu (referred to as Marduk in the annals) is the product of some conspiracy theorist in the 90s is an asinine game for dummies.

...and yes I used way too many parenthesis in that post, fuck off.

Yeah, I go to one scholar's interpretation of 6000 year-old texts to find information on 'Planet X.' No, just kidding, I'll listen to NASA. NASA says, if it exists, it would be at least 100 au, likely more, from Earth. Now, why does that sound ominous to you?

Wow, I had no idea you'd try to dismiss any evidence presented to you. How utterly surprising! It's almost like you're just some guy who has no idea what he's talking about who's trying discredit something as woo because you have a predetermined agenda. Weird!

Hey do know there are many writings in archaeology and linguistics that are interpreted by one scholar, right? You realize it takes years and years of research to interpret ancient Cunnieform, right? Of course you do, you're the expert with wikipedia access, after all.

if it exists, it would be at least 100 au, likely more, from Earth. Now, why does that sound ominous to you?

Currently. The annals describe Marduk has following a pronounced elliptical orbit, passing very close to the Sun at it's perigeal point of orbit. If this were the case, Nasa would have no way to discern this, as the only data we can ascertain is it's current position in it's orbit based on gravitational signatures.

Seriously, go fucking read. This is a pointless conversation because you're trying to discredit something you don't have knowledge of. Go read about it and if you still think it's not credible, then at least we could have an intelligent conversation about it instead of this bullshit attempt at smearing the subject.

NASA says, if it exists, it would be at least 100 au, likely more, from Earth. Now, why does that sound ominous to you?

You're a fucking idiot.

NASA says, if it exists, it would be at least 100 au, likely more, from Earth. Now, why does that sound ominous to you? Why should anybody get worked up about it?

I literally quoted this directly and addressed it exactly in the post you responded to 2 posts back. Did you even bother reading it? Did you have issue with the terms I used? Not sure what you're not understanding here.

This is the orbital pattern I'm describing:

Or just GIS "elliptical orbit"

This isn't a conversation about people getting "worked up about it", this is conversation that started with you saying the concept of Niburu/Marduk/PlanetX is nonsense.

The concept of "Niburu," as you put it, is nonsense. The whole idea of "Nibiru" is that there is going to be a cataclysm when a mysterious planet approaches Earth in the near future. That is a fiction that was started by a woman with no scientific credentials.

You tried to move the goalposts by linking to Eris, which is has a paltry .27% of Earth's mass.

When I mentioned that, you moved the goalposts again by bringing up a proposed Kuiper Belt planet. Now, assuming that "Planet X" is real, what does that have to do with an impending cataclysm? Sorry, but while Planet X may exist, it is not your "Niburu." There is no impending doom. There is speculation that there is a massive body in the Kuiper belt that could be a planet, and it is no cause for alarm.

So, "Nibiru" is nonsense. Could there be another planet 100au from Earth? Possibly. Now, I ask: why should anybody be alarmed by that possibility?

I didn't move any goal posts, I mistakenly thought that article was about "PlanetX", the large planet affecting our gravity.

"Niburu" is literally just the babylonian name attributed to the planet described by the Sumerians, and so far you've introduced that

A) I'm advocating for being alarmed (...what?)

B) that I'm postulating that there will be some cataclysm associated with Niburu.

Both of which have literally no foundation except poor reading comprehension. The planet most certainly exists, what isn't sure is if it's the same.planet the Sumerians describe that has a pronounced elliptical orbit.


Exactly the response a dumbfuck would have, thanks for tying it back in to where we started.


blazin_chalice: "hurr thats not real"

insert facts

blazin_chalice: "LOL i dont care about facts"

2 days later...

blazin_chalice: "Yeeeah, I'm a pretty disciplined skeptic."


youre stupid


Removed. Rule 4.


Weird orbits hint ‘Planet Ten’ might lurk at solar system edge. Astronomers studying icy objects in a distant region called the Kuiper belt say an unconfirmed planet with similar mass to Mars could be responsible for tugging them out of alignment.

Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge. Astronomers investigating the odd alignment of rocks beyond Pluto have concluded that an undetected icy planet four times the size of Earth must exist.

The proposed planet is fine. "Nibiru" or "Niburu" as OP put it, is nonsense.

This planet would be, "Niburu".

No, "Nibiru" is a doomsday scenario that was supposed to wreak havoc on Earth in 2012, or, since that didn't happen, in the very near future. The proposed Planet X is 100au away, meaning that it poses no danger.

That's one theory. This extra planet also has an oval orbit and at certain points it's much closer to the sun.

You didn't add anything to the conversation. Instead, you repeated what the other person in the conversation said before, to which I'd already addressed. So, instead of a low-effort comment repeating what somebody two comments further up said, try coming up with something that furthers the conversation.

I cited two sources with titles and subtitles which were not yet presented, originally. Also, you're only prescribing to one weary theory on Niburu.

Nah, a planet 100au from Earth is not Nibiru.

Have you seen the sub's currently featured documentary "The Revelation of the Pyramids"? Take Hancock + Carlson's theories, nibiru/planet X theories, then all the info from that documentary, and putting them all together it paints a pretty interesting picture.
I rarely consider that anyone is absolutely right in their theories, but I do think when someone's put so much work into it then they're definitely at least onto something based in reality. Everyone has their own puzzle pieces. It's then the individuals job to put them all together in some logical fashion that seems to best describe the bigger picture.

No I've been meaning to watch it, now I'll definitely have to and I agree that there has to be some nugget of truth. The pillars at gobekle tempe also provide some insight

Weird orbits hint ‘Planet Ten’ might lurk at solar system edge. Astronomers studying icy objects in a distant region called the Kuiper belt say an unconfirmed planet with similar mass to Mars could be responsible for tugging them out of alignment.

Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge. Astronomers investigating the odd alignment of rocks beyond Pluto have concluded that an undetected icy planet four times the size of Earth must exist.

Those JRE episodes are epic. Even the 5 hour one arguing over Skype.

I miss when Joe used to talk about conspiracies. What happened to him??

Edgy brah probably burns him out on it lol.

He had Alex Jones on and it’s been a tamer show ever since.

Alex Jones didn't do it to him. Joe was already weening off conspiracy talk long before that episode. I think he got talked to at different times in his rise to fame. Plus he has two daughters growing up.

Turned shill

Yes, those were excellent. The way they described how the flood could have flowed looking at an aerial view of land shattered my mind. I was just sitting in rush hour traffic like that's amazing.

Probably a stupid question and didn’t really do any research to warrant even asking this but could this be related to the Noah’s ark story in any way?

yes. every major ancient civilization has some kind of flood story

Many religions have a flood myth. Many of her predate Christianity by hundreds or thousands of years.

Non-Mobile link:

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Noah's Ark and many others, yeah. But the time frame for the Bible's version is wrong as it's just about other stories. It happened in ~9000bc.

I think all flood "myths" are connected. They exist in countless cultures. Christianity stole most it's ideas from older sources. Another interesting fact is the pillars at Gobekli Tepe (which is at least 11,000 years old and could be even older) depict many different types of animals, and quite a few of them are not native to the area or thought to be even be known about at that time by the builders. When you add that to the other information at Gobekli Tepe about potential cosmic impacts, floods, etc... you get a good basis for the Noah's Ark story.

If this is true I wanna be with my family at the point of impact. One sec were playing uno. The next nothing. Nothing at all.

Yes, I read Magicians of the Gods & could barely sleep for a week afterwards.

What clues?

It's so much to go into on here... I would suggest digging into the work of Randall Carlson, he has done a lot of the hard science work about the Younger Dryas impact and potential future impacts, while Graham Hancock has done more of the "investigative journalist/archaeologist" work. Here is a great podcast on the Joe Rogan Experience with both of them...

Yeah, know who they and have probably listened to that one.

Was just wondering about the signs or clues that past civilizations have left us about an impending flood, that you referenced.

Sites that reference the procession of the equinox as an astrological calendar were the most important thing being built by survivors of the last great civilization.. why would they do that?

That's not a sentence.

[Sites that reference the procession of the equinox as an astrological calendar] noun [were] verb [the most important thing being built by survivors of the last great civilization] adjective clause.

Get a life.

I was trying to answer your original question before your silly response. A question which you apparently have no real interest in.

If you want to ask--without investing any effort of your own--for a list of sources and information and answers in this modern google age, I'm suspicious if you're serious.

And if you then respond like a jerk to someone providing you additional information, you are just wasting everyone's time including your own.

giant meteor flash melted the ice caps around 14,000 years ago

That isn't possible. A meteor capable of releasing the amount of energy required to melt that much ice would leave a crater 25+ miles across and put an insane amount of dust in the air.

Ice take A LOT of energy to melt.

Sorry... I didn't mean to say "meteor"... more like large scale cosmic impact. There is evidence that the main area was in Canada... but there are impact sites all over the world that line up from the same bombardment. Graham and Randall have walked back the crust displacement theory (discussed in Fingerprints of the Gods) and focused solely on large scale impact. This is being confirmed by more and more people all the time.

a giant meteor flash melted the ice caps around 14,000 years ago and thus flooded and destroyed most of the world/civilization.

You mean an asteroid caused Earth crust displacement, rotating the Earth around on its core. The North Pole was on N America and Antarctica was near the equator. The Earth rotated so that the N Pole came south and melted all the ice while Antarctica shifted to the south pole, flooded, and froze.

Egyptologists are so useless

I haven't heard any booms, but I have seen lights in the atmosphere that were NOT lightning strikes, cloud to cloud or otherwise. It was a few months ago north east of Cincinnati. I truly believe we have contact with other worldly and dimensional beings, and I don't think they are going to let a reset happen, unless we keep heading down a path of destruction, greed, and vanity with no connection to spirit.

I have also seen the whole sky light up late at night with no clouds or sound. Just a very bright flash from seemingly everywhere, very confusing. The last one I experienced was a couple years ago though, but I've seen it 2-3 times over the years.

I've seen the "light everywhere, no clouds and no sound" thing once, probably close to a year ago now. It's the only time I've ever witnessed it before.

It was night and I was laying in bed and it was almost like someone put a tiny sun outside my bedroom window for a split second; it was too bright to be a flashlight or car headlights. Sky was clear and it was completely silent.

It was super weird. No one else in my family was awake at the time and I never heard anyone else mention it.

The only thing I could think of is that it was a meteorite but I feel like I would've heard something considering just how incredibly bright the light was and having my windows open. Only thing that would kinda make sense though.

Nice work OP. Saving for later.

Dude, my mind has also been connecting a lot of dots lately. I think you are on to some shit. There's a whole lot of fucked up going on and a lot of it might be related.

Thanks for the info!

Jupiter got our backs. Have faith :)

What do you mean?

Jupiter has been a solar system gravity magnet for us for millions of years. Just look at the shoemaker levy comet that crashed into it some years back

Tell that to the dinosaurs

I don’t think it does anymore. Or it’s dying a slow death. Between the spot on it shrinking and the certain alignments in the heavens.

The spot doesn't have anything to do with the planet's gravitational pull, and everything in the universe is dying a slow death. It's called entropy.

I knew it was the right time to join the USAF Space Command.

I think the Q thing is pretty weak, but otherwise this a good post, definitely worth a thought.

Graham Hancock goes into the taurid meteor stream in decent detail in Magicians of the Gods. You should also look into Randall Carlson's work. Mind changers.

Seconded. Although Carlson is a he withholds things, in my opinion, and downplays the order..

I have been to many a mason lodge for 4H sunday breakfast. They are good people that do a lot of community work. Maybe it was just where i lived in rural ass California and it was a small lodge.

Maybe bluebeam is an asteroid and not an alien invasion? Maybe the triggered missile systems were tests to see if their bluebeam device could trigger the warning systems.

Don't forget about the Space X failed launch a couple of weeks ago. Maybe the failure story was used to cover the interception of a space rock

What if you also add in the released footage of 'alien' crafts by the US government? I'm thinking something is on its way, and they don't know if its going to be good or bad, so they are making contingency plans, and as typical, they are making small screw ups as they do so.

You mind linking the video of the "UFO"? I missed it


Wow. so much info. Saving to read up later.

Thanks for the heads up.

There's a lot of hype around about the sale of THAAD to Japan too. here

I believe there's an inspection by someone in Japan of the installation today...putting the message out.

Consequently Russia are worried about the whole deal here

TL;DR We are on the "asteroid card" right now and aliens will be next.

Regarding your article on the booms.

There was no boom in Bend, Oregon. I was there. Though I did find references to one earlier in the year near Eugene, which is several hours away.

Nor did my colleagues mention any such boom in San Diego, but SD is a pretty big place.

I'd say that article is dubious at best.

I worked at NASA for four years; work with them now. NASA scientists can't keep a secret of that size. But there are plenty of people who assume they do it routinely. (Of course, this is /r/conspiracy, and of course if they were keeping secrets like this, I'd have been brainwashed to say something like the above -- but if you met me personally you'd know I'm just a regular guy...)

That said, the meteors-causing-missile-alerts theory is pretty interesting, and much more plausible than the idea that NASA knew about (and deliberately hid) the Michigan meteor. After all, we've already had solar storms causing alerts, earthquakes causing alerts, and meteor ground-strikes causing alerts. On the other hand, meteoric trajectories are quite different from normal ICBM trajectories (much higher speed). You'd have to get a really unlucky glancing-angle meteorite (unlucky in the sense that it would have to skim the atmosphere at just the right angle at just the right place, to be picked up by a military radar after atmospheric entry had begun but before the altitude got too low) to trigger a match to an expected ICBM trajectory. Re-entering space junk is another source of false positives, which is one reason NORAD publishes all those two-line elements sets (or used to). Items close to re-entry are known and tracked to avoid confusing them with new bogies once their orbital elements start to change noticeably.

quest... what about 2018 AJ asteroid, supposed to pass jan 23.. however there is a level of uncertainty about it.. on the neo nasa site, what do the uncertainty levels actually mean.. i noticed it has a time uncertainty.. does that just mean ( uncertainty is 4 minutes according to nasa) the closest approach time is 4 minutes uncertain? a lot of these tabloid websites are chalking it up to 7 uncertainty out of 9 on nasas scale.. can you clear this up?

They don't have a good approximation of characteristics required to plot an accurate orbital track. They have a rough idea of where it will go but they can't be certain.

That's why there's a scale.

It's an extremely small asteroid with essentially 0 capacity to do any real damage to Earth.

I was under the assumption that a 70 meter asteroid could do substantial damage. Well i guess we will find out tuesday lol.

Sure, it has the power of a relatively large nuclear device. It's nowhere near the level required to do extinction level or even extremely long term damage to the planet.

It's literally more likely that you'll die from a man made nuclear device detonating over your head then you dying because of a meteor air-bursting or hitting earth.

True, however if the one that just exploded down the road from me last night was this big, then i would be a goner.

The Chelyabinsk event was much larger than the meteor that passed over Detroit and all that happened were broken windows and cuts.

So, you're still far more likely to die from a man made nuclear device detonating over you than a meteor air-bursting above you.

True but the uncertain one scheduled for tuesday is bigger than that. I obviously hope nothing happens, life is scary. Especially lately.

If the only thing you're really afraid of is a meteor ending your life, you should probably be thankful.

There are far better things to worry about.

Well i have worse things to worry about, much closer to home, such as health problems that impact me on a daily basis, however this wasnt a health thread, this is a thread about covered up asteroid strikes. But again i agree. We all will die, id just rather it not be on tuesday. Also my original question wasnt about the odds or destruction this newly found astroid can dish out, it was about how the uncertainty scale works. And how much a 0-1 on the scale differs from the 7 this one is showing. Considering the torino scale has it all laid out, this one sorta doesnt. Just seems strange to me, out of all of the asteroids they have tracked, a 7 seems pretty high, especially if they say its going to be 1 million miles away, so does that mean its a 70% chance it will be much closer than that? If so, doesnt sound too appealing. Also if i fixed your car, and told you it has a 70% chance of not working, would you feel good about it?

Nasa also claims there is no planet x.

But when you google planet 9 it takes you to a nasa webpage titled. Planet X

Planet X is still theory, we haven't found it yet (as in pointed out telescopes). Researchers from Caltech last year reignited the search for it by submitting a paper documenting strange orbits of Oort cloud objects.

Of course NASA is aware and helping the crowdsource in pinpointing it.

The webpage is titled "Hypothetical 'Planet X': Overview" and it gives a pretty fair description of why some researcher think it might exist but acknowledges lack of detection to prove it.

Unless there is actual evidence that NASA is hiding or denying what else would you expect them to say about it?

Also worth noting is that data suggests a planet very far out, with a near-circular orbit, meaning at all times this thing will be about as far to Earth as pluto.

The planet X conspiracies as I've seen them suggest planet X is on a highly eccentric orbit which intersects Earth's path of travel. If that were true Jupiter would have probably fucked it up by now lol

Re-entering space junk is another source of false positives, which is one reason NORAD publishes all those two-line elements sets (or used to: the last time I looked was a few years ago).

Is it possible that something triggered an event that has disturbed a massive amount of space junk's usual trajectory, and now it's all crashing down all over the planet?

Despite all the illustrations depicting space junk as this dense cloud of garbage surrounding the planet, it's actually all very spread apart. Like, miles and miles and miles apart.

An event that disturbed the trajectory of that much space junk would require so much energy that the entire world would know about it immediately.

No offense and im glad for your input bud, but as just a regular guy maybe they just wouldnt make you privy to certain things? Either way good info. Thanks.

I think his point is that this kind of thing is too much of an everyday job to really compartmentalize. It's not like most other space-related conspiracies where the government could screen and contract a small team with high security clearance. Tracking asteroids is bread and butter NASA, they have interns working on that kind of stuff.

I can't see any real reason for NASA to lie about it anyway.

People would lose their motherfucking minds. That's a good reason.

You had people talking about the whole end of the world Mayan calendar and a fringe lost their mind about that. People jumping off cliffs, selling everything they own and other shit.

Now imagine if the most respected space agency on the planet comes out and says "yeah, there is a pretty big asteroid out there and we just saw it coming now and if it hits we are going to be blown back into the stone age."

People will lose their motherfucking mind.

If I was running shit at NASA and saw something like this coming I wouldn't tell the public. There is nothing you can do at that point. The chaos would be insane and what if it passes the Earth without a hitch? Then you have just helped create worldwide panic over something no one has control over and never happened.

I tell you that a massive asteroid is going to hit earth in a month, and it is the dinosaur sized, would you go to work tomorrow? I wouldn’t.

it would have to skim the atmosphere at just the right angle at just the right place, to be picked up by a military radar after atmospheric entry had begun but before the altitude got too low) to trigger a match to an expected ICBM trajectory.

that's only one way to detect an ICBM. Theres plenty more that we are unaware of

What are your thoughts on the recently botched Chinese space station launch? It didn't reach stable orbit, was expected to go down sometime this week, and within a band of lattitude that could put it over Michigan.

Zuma might overcome the trajectory issue?
All these anti missile systems being installed everywhere makes me wonder if they are the real last line of defence

I guess the "asteroid card" is coming sooner then i thought...

Would Asteroids have any impact on the weather? (Hurricanes, earthquakes, water randomly draining from the lakes and rivers which apparently is a normal thing that nobody remembers....) I don't remember if we learned this in astrology class. I know the moon controls things. But IN THEORY what if something, for lack of a better word, interrupted the moon?

Look into the book " Life As We Knew It "

No, they wouldn't. Anything small enough that we cant see it approaching would not have any where near enough gravitational pull to effect the weather. A meteorite hitting the atmosphere will certainly heat it up, but to such a tiny degree that it would make near to 0 difference to the weather.

The Japan mistake doesn't seem quite as serious as the Hawaii one, as it was a media outlet rather than official warning system. Maybe they were checking their system after the Hawaii incident and cocked up?

The video of the Russian meteor, the light marks look a lot like flare reflected of smudges from wiping the glass. The footage has very obvious sensor dust so the area doesn't seem clean, smudgy glass is very likely, and the flare motion seems more in keeping with tracking across dirty glass than a fast moving object, it breaks up a few seconds later in the video, you'd expect it to be pretty much instantaneous with the forces involved.

I think it's a few coincidences and a bit of media hype that's forming a tempting pattern. Well, hopefully...

As a michigan resident who is well informed of current nuclear tensions and the “Hawaii missile crisis”. I thought we had been nuked last night when i saw the flash and object.

Michigan thought the same. Looked like the ending of Terminator 3.

If they're to the point of bombing Michigan you know we're fucked

how would you know the difference ??

yeah like wyd bombing southern michigan

If Michigan is killed, we've been dead for weeks.

Same. Saw the flash, poured a glass of wine, and drew a bath. (If shits going down I may as well be warm and slightly drunk)

kind of crazy that these sorts of discussions are coming up daily now :/

Ancillary evidence indicates that more than normal numbers of meteor falls have been occurring . Either I track it more now than before (I run LiveMeteors in the Meteorite store full time) or they are just happening more than they did in the past.

We know

Well look at that.

I found a new tv show to watch!

Great post, I agree there are odd connections lately. I haven't seen much chatter recently about the Chinese Space Station that was set to crash into Earth in early 2018?

I wish I could connect the dots of some conspiracies like you did in here.

The city where I live here in Germany did some planning for new mass graves a while ago. Could mean anything but it would fit.

What you are doing/thinking is the right thing though. Not just focusing on once specific thing or event like so many others do, but instead trying to see the whole picture.

They found Hitler is still around :)

Remember what this lady said she was told by Wernher von Braun, the Nazi scientist who created the V-2 rocket? He told her that first, our government would blame the Russians (USSR at the time), then they’d blame terrorism, then they’d blame an asteroid, then finally they’d blame a coming alien invasion for a reason to weaponize space but that we needed to stop it from happening and that it was a lie.

Now again, I am not predicting anything here.

If you aren't predicting anything then why are you calling people that don't agree with you "shills"? Who are they shilling for?

Because there is nothing to disagree with - he simply laid out facts and sites for other people to draw their own conclusions, so by insisting absolutely no nefarious conclusions are to be made, it is an incredibly shill-esque thing to do. He never said an actual theory on how these dots go together........but some people seem to sure not want you to connect certain dots.

The asteroid that barely missed us is because of the time travelers from the Netflix Documentary "TRAVELERS", they saved present us, but it didnt fix the future!

Honestly though, i saw the episode where they shoot a laser to deflect an asteroid like 2 months before i read about the real one! (in the show they have to wait 6 months to see if their shennanigans worked).

Maybe you should add this in your list of "coincidences"?

Yeah... Not sure about destroying incoming meteroids within our atmosphere, but as far as I know, there's no way to stop or redirect meteors heading toward Earth. There are theories of ways of stopping, slowing, or redirecting them but they are very costly to implement.

As for those old movies, pretty sure that was just a Hollywood phase. End of humanity via a huge meteroid sold tickets back then. Maybe there's something going on, maybe not. You can almost guarantee we aren't getting all the info we should be getting, but that's government agencies for you.

(that's just my 2 cents on what I feel I can accurately answer)

you would have to shift an asteroid waaaaaaay out from us because it would only be a small shift if we could even get a rocket on it or nuke it.

About the only thing you could do is to intercept it if it's close with a missile or other kinetic weapon and hope to break it up into small enough pieces that they would then burn up or at least lose mass so impacts would be less. It's like a shotgun shell.

Don't think cost would be an issue frankly

Oh, cost is an issue currently. So is time, materials, and the extent of what our current technology can do. If we needed NASA to redirect a meteor, they would need knowledge of the threat, plenty of time to neutralize it, millions of dollars in funding, plenty of materials, and perhaps technology that isn't quite there yet.

One solution to an incoming meteor is to launch something that will attach to the meteor from behind and slow it down over time, kinda like an anchor (I forget a lot of details but this a real thing). It's not a quick solution though. It would require knowing there's a threat way out there, but incoming.

Yes agreed. But surely cost should not be a factor and the whole world should contribute money and resources to save the planet in the event of this happening. Perhaps maybe spend a lot less on guns and bombs. After all who needs money if you are dead and nobody to leave it to

Bringing this sub back to its roots ;). This is like a breath of fresh air. Even if the information you are providing is extremely reaching and pure conjecture its still great that posts like this get more attention. It reminds people of what this sub is about and is a great distraction from the many biased circle jerks that we mostly see right now. Thank you for this.

But would this cause the stock market to crash?

But what about me? What about Raven?

Could eastern Michigan be a Larry Nassar reference?

Space X launched a DoD satellite that supposedly didn't make it into orbit within the past two weeks. It was suggested to be carrying a highly classified payload. I love speculating, the launch may be connected to this in some way. A lie that it failed to reach orbit.

This is some interesting shit and something I touched on years ago. That they were weaponizing space just like predicted in order for something bigger.

MY question was, was it to prepare for a false flag alien invasion? Was it to plan for asteroids and a real alien disclosure that they've known is coming?

So many questions, so little time.

If anyone is paying attention to military air craft movement, things are very very high right now

So essentially the plot for Thundar the Barbarian.

Going to head out into the cold and stare at the sky tonight!! If I don’t see any shooting stars I’m going to reply to every single comment in this thread😜

I'd do the same if it wasn't 3 degrees

Just opened my weather app, it said 19 and then flipped to 18 before my eyes

I know you aren't predicting anything. But are you basically saying that the missing $21 trillion could actually have been used in secret to create a device to stop a future asteroid collision that the public hasnt been informed of? Or something similar?

I saw the meteor with my own eyes last night. It was huge. And didn't make a sound until the explosion (which I did not see).

Cool theory.

And don’t forget the various bunkers of the rich & famous:

I’ve been thinking ELE for a while now based just on that.

So essentially the plot for Thundar the Barbarian.

You're using the daily mail as your sources, and that YouTube video just shows a meteor burning up in the atmosphere...
people have been screaming "it's happening, I can feel it" for hundreds of years. After hearing it countless times on Coast to Coast and other talk shows since the early 90s, I don't take them very seriously anymore and this is no exception.

That commercial. I haven't seen it but plenty like it. It makes you wonder whether it's just entertainment value or whether it was done because it's what we're all talking about lately. It also makes you wonder if it was done on purpose as some sort of desensitizing tool.

One thing I will say about just that part of your post is that if all of us are here reading this, we probably all mostly believe that our government and big corporations lie to us. And if that's true, this stuff counts. And that gives credit to some theory and discredit to others.

I just believe commercials to be in essence a lie no matter what sort of story telling they use. Advertising has always done this: fabricate a story to convince us to buy into something. The story they use never has to be true. That's a real conspiracy and it doesn't even have to be that far out there. That's just fact.

What sells will be used. What's most effective will be used. Sad but true.

Personally, I don’t at all buy that they didn’t know about this

because you're completely ignorant of the subject matter? I'm not even going to bother to read the rest of your post. We detect perhaps a fraction of a percentage of objects that "pass" us. And most of those only after they shoot by.

It's not like there's some magical asteroid detector. If the things have low albedo or are coming in from a shitty angle, they're invisible. Oh, and they're moving at 65,000 mph.

Great post! Commenting to say thanks and as a marker so I can come back to dig into all the info and links later. Cheers!

Most of NASAs budget surely goes to the swcret black ops. So has the 21 trillion. Good post.

AND the US was drowning in a debt worth about 21T... sorry man, this is very interesting but implausible


I'm still waiting for an good explanation on the U.F.O. videos that the Pentagon released not long ago. I wonder if that could fit in here somewhere?

All this asteroid stuff always reminds me of the warning issued by Werner von Braun on his death bed. He said that he world stage would move (after WWII) to unrest in the Middle East, weaponization of space due to a false asteroid threat, and then a staged alien attack. All done in an attempt to maintain global power as new technologies are unveiled and the space age is ushered in.

Yep. And I like his gravestone epitaph too which kind of makes a mockery of anything 'space'

is that right. Thanks for sharing that

You do know that firmament has more than one meaning don't you? Just because you define it a specific way doesn't make it the correct way.

This tombstone? The one that says nothing about him other than his name, a quick psalm reference and when he was born and when he died?

Psalm 19:1 'The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.'

Ok smartass :)

Did he actually say that, or did that lady from the Disclosure Project just make that up? I mean it's a really cool line, but that whole movement has had its credibility completely destroyed in recent years.

Any thoughts on how the "alien" asteroid from another solar system could be connected? Remember though, it isn't Kuyper Belt or Oort Cloud generated. It had to be going fast enough to leave its home star orbit, pass through ours, and escape yet another star's gravity.


Last summer I saw a ufo. It was a greyish white vehicle that was trailing behind a large passenger jet, about 5000/10000 ft in the air. It was about half the size of the plane and followed behind it about 200 meters, it was relatively close. The plane was turning to land at Toronto Pearson and the ufo followed exactly behind it. Then as the plane straightened out the ufo flew away. It was a perfectly clear summer day. I watched it fly for about 30 seconds. It was the most bizarre thing because after it was gone, I stood there thinking. No one will ever really believe me. Anyway.

You are kidding


That sounds like the ufo's that the Navy pilots saw. Weird how that is not brought up in here. The pentagon released the footage a few months ago.

That's not very clear, but how it is tracking almost stationary is exactly like what I saw. I thought it was some sort of massive kite or something trailing behind the plane but it was a passenger jet like a 737.

Christ. You realize it's literally impossible to categorize every possible object in space within 30 million miles of earth right.

Most asteroids have basically 0 albedo, are too far away to be picked up by any space fencing we have, and the only way we can essentially pick them out of the sky is by chance that someone managed to see them.

It's not a conspiracy, it's basic fucking physics.

These things are entering our atmosphere illegally. Be nicer to Trump and he might build you a big wall to keep them out.

Its funny you should say that. Back in the 1950/60’s I believe there was a TV show or movie that had a character called Trump who promised a small town that he’d protect them from the incoming asteroid by building a wall around said town.

This is why I'm subbed here. Nice fuckin post mate. I've experienced several mysterious booms in my area and didn't realize they were a part of a bigger conspiracy

I think the ideas are interesting, and pretty scary. but, I think putting all this stock in anons/throwaways takes away from it. anon posted on Sunday: keep your eyes on E. Michigan tomorrow, which would have been Monday. meteor happened Tuesday night, I saw it. seems like anon is either bullshitting, or referencing something else. I imagine anyone with super secret intel on an incoming meteor would have a more accurate prediction within a two-day time frame. adding Q to the discussion feels irrelevant and makes me even more skeptical.

and the throwaway seems like an obvious LARP? main reason being, why imply intel when you could just pose it as a theory? people will put the same stock into it either way, and a theory can be debated while a claim like that boils down to whether or not it's Fake or True

still, do I find all this interesting? yes, and scary like I said. the mysterious booms, false missile alerts, spacex, hell, what about AATIP? That seems pretty relevant to this imo. I guess I'm just wary of these anonymous posters claiming high level knowledge. if I had classified info, I'd much sooner throw it out there as the theory of an innocent civilian than qualifying it with "btw I'm CIA" as if that's still a safe option.

I though those “fema coffins” turned out to just be your average grave liners

Sid Metaliano is rallying. The war is on

Great work on this. Lots to think about

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The first seal was deception, and I think that's been open for awhile now...

If NASA says it, it is probably not true. With a $56mil/day budget, they can tell some convincing lies though so many will fall for this fear mongering.

People think that cause we aren't talking about it every day that the celestial cataclysm still isn't coming. Read history people.

All very interesting stuff. I respectfully disagree that we have weapons to destroy meteors, though.

The reason we didn't see the Michigan meteor is because it was relatively small. Detecting meteors isn't as precise as you might think.

And finally, we already have weapons capable of blasting missiles out of the sky, google the Athena missile defense system.

All very interesting stuff. I respectfully disagree that we have weapons to destroy meteors

uhhh yeahhh about that

And finally, we already have weapons capable of blasting missiles out of the sky, google the Athena missile defense system.

You seem to believe that we have the technology to destroy ballistic missles but not meteors. Trust me we have the technology. They would have you believe that we are technologically incapable of many things but thats not true.

I'm not gonna disagree, but I would like to point out that ballistic missiles maximum decent speed is around 5 km a second. Meteors are closer to 15 km a second and usually much much smaller.

Honesty, that might not make much of a difference, but I don't think I would be surprised either way.

Best post I've seen here in ages.

I’m just waiting for somebody to start talking about how Hilary Clinton used NASA to launder money to the terrorists or some shit like that.

Considering Hilary is all anyone can talk about on this fucking sub.

You’re the only one to bring it up

This seems more than a conspiracy since you have evidence to back up your claim

Interesting thoughts. Possibly a spurious correlation, but a big meteor just shot across Northern Alberta.

i'm going with bogus artificial global threat to justifiy the world army, but it could be space wars, or nothing at all

Hey op, here's another one for you. Asteroid almost a mile wide, which would be a potential K-Pg level event, to pass on Feb 4th. VW Meteor Commercial.. spooky honestly

Is it weird that I don’t care anymore? If shit goes down, it goes down. It’s not like I can personally do anything about it. I’ve got a few guns if things are worth fighting for, and I’ve got my whiskey and sleeping pills if there is no hope. What else can a man do?

Great dot connecting and sources.

Who remembers the 2012 solar flare that missed Earth by 9 days and wasn't reported on for at least 2 years afterward? Not only is there a history of non-disclosure over upcoming predictable events, but a failure to make it public when catastrophic events have occurred and we survived (some may posit we didn't / multiverse theory).

Can we blame TPTB? Just look what happened in Texas when people were frightened by one day of icy weather conditions, Truth Steam Media - a supermarket stripped bare.

Correct me if I am wrong. Your saying that the the US and Russia? Have detected a possible extinction level threat coming to Earth, and they are building/have built planetary defense systems to protect against it.

Well I would see why they would need to cover something as damming as that up, would cause mass panic and a possible societal crisis.

Revelation 1:7 says, “‘Look, he is coming with the clouds,’ and ‘every eye will see him, even those who pierced him’; and all peoples on earth ‘will mourn because of him.’ So shall it be! Amen.”

Now I know I know. The Bible. But still. Something to ponder that :

Jesus Christ (which just means the Anointed One) comes with an army from the heavens.

Something is coming this way.

Ok chill, Its not jesus

Cool. Didn’t say that. See it says something.

Jesus Christ comes with an army from the heavens.

It's pretty clear what you meant

Seriously? I was rephrasing what the verse said.

Jesus Christ which is a title meaning anointed one.

The anointed one comes in the clouds.

They could be talking about a planet. A sun. An advanced race.

Just something.

I've dreamt many times about the "three witches of eastwick" yellow red and green that come from the east. They hit the east. Its one big meteor that breaks into three parts and slams Asia and the middle east. Its seen as a sign from good in some parts

A meteor named after a 1980's comedy movie?

So regarding the meteors, someone said the MI one was gonna happen before it dropped, and now more are expected? Also, does that mean the false missile detections in Hawaii and japan were actually meteorites falling and detected as foreign objects?

And yea, 21 Trillion is a shit ton of money. I dunno why more isn't being said about it... they claim its black ops shit right? Does the gov't/people buy that? Whenever I mention this missing money, no one I talk to seems to even know about it. Its just trump/Russia all the time.

I think Q may be legit, tho I am also being cautious. Not sure what other motive he may have.... one thing that I don't buy is the "trump is our savior" stuff, he is doing good stuff witht hat executive order but plenty of his other decisions don't seem like its for our benefit.

I do think something bigger is going on... I can feel it in the air. I am kinda worried about this lunar eclipse, the triple moon with blue, blood, and lunar eclipse at the end of the month. And regarding Korea.... I feel like there is some bigger symbolism going on there, if indeed NK is a puppet regime just for show.... something bout red/blue shift or a polar shift, like when both sides start actually fighting each other its a signal for something bigger that will happen to earth, I dunno lol. I don't take NK seriously at all, and not sure why it should even be our problem when they got Russia china japan closer to them. The Olympics being held there was a stupid decision, they shoulda thought about that.... reminds me of the Atlanta bombing (which I also thought about when that blackout at the airport happened). I hope nothing major will happen tho, and the "good side" will be able to accomplish their goals... but it still seems like general public is clueless to most of this stuff.

Tons of symbolism.

Ancient civilizations always payed attention to that stuff.

I watched a video today about HARPP (or however it is spelled). They mentioned that with climate control that it destroyed the ionosphere (hypothetically). Isnt the ionosphere what destroys the incomming meteors?

Want a conspiracy? Look up how many tons of material makes planetfall each year. Multiply that by 3.4 billion years then look up the expanding earth theory.

Very interesting find, but if it would be the case that there is a major meteorite is hitting earth within X. Would we really want to know? I mean, it would only cause so much concern and with it riots and other not welcomed activities that I rather not know than know. It would be harder to live with a said end date than without for me personally.

Dam I hope your wrong but its not like they would tell the public shits about to go down.

Can someone give me a quick and dirty on Q? What has been predicted that is undeniable?

As I was sitting on the couch the other day I noticed these 2 lights that were hovering outside the window to my left quite a bit of distance away. See pics here. For about 5 minutes they just hovered in the same place before one of them disappeared. At that point I started taking video. The light started flashing and seemed to have some type of color but it's very hard to see in the video. I have no idea if it's related or not but I noticed it about a month ago as well without getting footage thinking it was just airplanes or something. However with it happening again, in what looks to be the same spot, it seems to be somewhat of a weird occurrence.

As I was sitting on the couch the other day I noticed these 2 lights that were hovering outside the window to my left quite a bit of distance away. See pics here. For about 5 minutes they just hovered in the same place before one of them disappeared. At that point I started taking video. The light started flashing and seemed to have some type of color but it's very hard to see in the video. I have no idea if it's related or not but I noticed it about a month ago as well without getting footage thinking it was just airplanes or something. However with it happening again, in what looks to be the same spot, it seems to be somewhat of a weird occurrence.

Thanks for sharing. Certainly relevant. They almost look like close stars. In the sense they flicker. I would love to know what it was. It's highly relevant to the discussion here.

This is super interesting and terrifying

Saw this post earlier and now I’m back watching Planet Earth and have been seeing this VW Jetta Asteroid or Comet commercial that’s been running for a bit

Do we have a timeframe we should be looking at? For more major things than some meteors?

think Q could be telling us safe places if an E.L.E were to occur?

Not sure if it matters much, but Fort Custer Training Center in Augusta Michigan is a place that was being highly considered for the placement of a Continental Intercepter Site (CIS) for ballistic missile defense. Things have kind of been quiet on the project if it went through or not.

There was also the recent revelations about legitimate unidentified flying objects. Perhaps these were declassified to obscure new tech?

Who the fuck is Q?

Q Who?

Fu Q.

A wonderful post my friend! Thanks so much!

Some say a comet will fall from the sky

Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves

Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still

Followed by millions of dumb-founded dipshits

Some same the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. -note the user name lol

I sure could use a vacation from this... stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit

2 years ago, almost to the day, I seent them live for the first time. Fucking grade A show it was. Heres to an album drop in 2018 bb

I made a share-able version of this

"This is all pure conjecture and speculation, so please make sure you have some salt handy, and an open mind to peruse the evidence and points of contention I will bring forth.

I am not at all saying any of this will happen, nor am I predicting anything. I am merely compiling a bunch of things in one spot for all to see. What you make of this information is up to you.

We are all well aware of the Michigan meteor last night, if you aren’t, here ya go; Michigan Meteor.

Link - ( )

Let’s take into account this comment on 4chan, which was made roughly 30 hours before the meteor showed itself 4chan comment says “keep your eyes open in Eastern Michigan”.

Link to comment and timestamp - ( )

And then we have this post from a throwaway account last night

Link to throwaway post reddit - ( )

If you have been under a rock, here is what he is referring to with false missile alerts; Hawaii, and Japan.

Hawaii Link - ( )

Japan Link - (

Now let’s turn our attention for a moment to military shenanigans. We all know about the missing $21Trillion from the DoD, yes? Well if not, here ya go; Metric fuckton of money missing from DoD, and another link for posterity. - ( )

For those who can’t wrap their head around it; $21 TRILLION IS A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY. Where did it go? What is it being used for? Space defense? Where does Space-X and Zuma fit in?

Another interesting tidbit is that the Army has made it a goal to add 80,000 new troops in short order link to source

, added to which the EU is in the process of forming itself a military as well.

link to EU source - ( )

Now let’s focus on something else; and that is NASA’s failure to detect an asteroid which passed only 75,000 miles away from earth. Asteroid nearly sodomizes us in November.

Link to Nov Asteroid - ( )

Personally, I don’t at all buy that they didn’t know about this. It is my opinion they kept it a secret because they had no idea if it would hit or miss. Here is a case of another very large asteroid which came closer to earth than anyone would like, This one would have made us dinosaurs.

Link - ( )

How do ya’ll feel about predictive programming, because if you buy into it then this commercial is quite interesting.

Link to commercial - ( )

There is also a show currently running named Salvation,

Link to shows imdb - ( )

which is about (surprise surprise) an asteroid barreling towards earth. And to go further back, I’m sure everyone remembers the movies Armageddon and Deep Impact, as well as The Day After Tomorrow.

Let’s circle back to some more meteor sightings and weird shit going on, shall we?

This video appears to show an unidentified object destroying a meteor in Russia. This is from 2013, however if you believe a weapon was used to destroy that meteor, then it highlights the fact that weaponry exists to destroy interplanetary objects entering our atmosphere.

Link to apparent object intercepting a meteor in Russia - ( )

Then we have all the mysterious booms around the globe. Another video.

Link to video #1 - ( )

Link to video #2 - ( )

Booms create confusion among scientists

link - ( )

Another Article on the booms

link - ( )

’m not sure how I personally feel about all of this. There is a lot to suggest things are not as they seem and that (obviously) we are lied to on a daily basis.

Asteroids are usually accompanied by large meteor showers. There could be something heading this way that they have known about for years but aren’t telling us.

Remember Jade Helm? What about the field of FEMA coffins in Georgia? Or the multiple FEMA camps that have popped up? Could all of that be in preparation for an E.L.E that we are being left in the dark about?

And what about Q? Personally I believe he is a legit insider, but I’ve also had reservations about his purpose, and what if his purpose is to distract the conspiracy minds so that we won’t notice what’s coming? I do find it quite interesting that he reminds us all to pray.

Who knows? God knows things are becoming increasingly topsy turvy in this world. I for one, would not be surprised if something of this magnitude is in the near future for us.

Edit 1 - NASA tracking asteroid set to skin earth. Exact path “uncertain”. Link to that article - ( )

Now again, I am not predicting anything here. I just find all of this to be pretty interesting, and I felt the need to share.

As always; love, light, and peace to all of you. -/u/fuckaduckfuckaduck "

This is extremely interesting.

What if we loaded a nuke(s) into a huge rocket ship carrying the payload and just launch it at the hurling asteroid?

Can you edit your post so it say's "skim Earth", not "skin Earth"? Haha one is much scarier than the other.

What a fucking embarrassment that this thread has thousands of upvotes on r/conspiracy.

This guy is literally telling the sub a bald-faced lie about one of the quotes he cites -- the lie is immediately obvious as soon as you click the link.

Let’s take into account this comment on 4chan, which was made roughly 30 hours before the meteor showed itself** 4chan comment says “keep your eyes open in Eastern Michigan”.**

Click the fucking link this time. Note the 4chan poster says:

Watch the news in eastern michigan tomorrow.

See how that is a completely different statement than what OP claimed?

You know why the OP lied about this? Because 'watch the news' doesn't sound as prophetic as 'keep your eyes open' when we are talking about a fucking meteor streaking across the sky. On the other hand, most significant events are reported on the news so its a safer bet when you are posting on 4chan misleading dumbasses. Then just lie about it later.

Greetings everyone. I would like to announce a very big deal. An anonymous person said:

Hey guys make sure you watch the news, or you might miss the bright flash of light which will occur outside in the sky, or you might miss the massive shockwave that shook houses and caused an earthquake that registered 2.0 on the richter scale.

Wait, that sounds retarded. Actually he said... keep your eyes open. Yeah. Do not close your eyes all day. Or you might miss one particular event which can be seen in the sky. Keep your eyes open or you might not hear the bone rattling shock wave which will be felt all over the state. Yeah. That's pretty much what he said. Freaky, huh?

After lying directly to your fucking face, this poster then parades out another anonymous person who makes an empty claim. Whoa! I'm getting chills! Ready to have your mind blown? The army is signing on more soldiers, the EU wants an army, and there was a commercial with a meteor in it. And, perhaps most chillingly, other loud sounds were heard at other points in time. I would like to contribute some additional new findings to this poster's growing body of research. Did you guys know Bruce Willis once BLEW UP a meteor? What is going on!

Honestly, if you up-voted this, I don't even know what to say to you. What are you doing here?

salvation is not running series....

And how does the EU forming a unified army fit into all this? They don't need to unify their armies to counter asteroids, they just have to make sure all members have the tech to do it.

Also, I think the Russian meteor vid might be fake. I haven't checked and I have no sources but I have encountered similar vids in the past that turned out to be faked.

I’ve been binging Survivor for 2 days and that damn VW commercial plays every 7 minutes. I actually came to this sub SPECIFICALLY to see if anyone else felt as if it were some sort of preparation programming. Getting us ready for the idea of some shit going down. Then boom - here your post is. Pretty wild.

What about Nibiru? Planet X? the dark star? The blue kachina? Oumuamua? Comets Elenin and Ison? Pentagon UFO disclosure? Tom Delonge's Academy?

A year ago I would have called all this stuff woowoo bullshit, but as of late I think it's all tied together and quite possibly very real.

Q is a larp

Also this Jose Cuervo commercial

Not really buying into the secret asteriods theory as I've worked with IAU datasets before and have friends with asteroids named after them. We are going to continue to be largely in the dark until LSST and Sentinal are both operational.

What I think WOULD be interesting is if that 4chan post was somebody who knew about the botched Chinese space station launch that ended up stuck in a decaying orbit.

Sure looks like Michigan is within that cross-section of latitude. And if a Chinese space launch burnt up over US soil, it might be a few days of tense negotiation and secrecy about recovery of anything that may have survived.

botched chinese space station launch? are you kidding? it was launched in 2011 and operational for 5 years.

why are you lying?

Okay, I guess I got the detail wrong. I thought there was a station component that had a bad launch, but I misremembered - its the full Tiagong-1 station is on a decaying orbit. Space stations (and low orbit vehicles in general) experience drag against the upper atmosphere and need occasion boosts to stay at the correct velocity.

Here's the latitude range of a projected re-entry though.

Space is 3 dimensional, so nasa and other space agencies have a very hard time seeing objects in space, usually only seeing them just before or after they pass us by. Add in the fact that sometimes asteroids are coming from the direction of the sun so we can't see them at all, so it's extra difficult.

Earth is constantly getting bombarded with space rocks, and it is only in these last couple hundred years with the huge expansion of our industrial age that we are beginning to notice these interactions.

The only conspiracy that I see here is how calm everyone is about this threat, because it is very real and very dangerous . We could begin to see Tunguska like events happening in populated areas in our life time and I hope our eyes are on the ball. We need space defense before we do go the way of the dinosaurs.

This article alludes to a report that our magnetic field is weakening very quickly. According to NOVA Season 31 Episode 7, that makes us more susceptible to impact from spacial bodies.

My question is why FEMA camps for an ELE?

This is a fantastic post.

I live in central Florida and saw a meteor very similar to the one you just posted fall north directly north of where I live around 9:15PM today. Could this be related?

My question is why FEMA camps for an ELE?

...holy shit.


Into the pockets of every military officer and government employee who were able to grab some. Don't forget we are talking about a military that fly literally thousand pallets of cash around to dole out as they wish, with no accounting or accountability. They dole out countless billions every month to contractors, arms companies, suppliers, and other people of all kinds who are happy to give a huge kickbacks and provide high paying no-show jobs to these guys once they are out of the military.

Just one isolated example:

Could all the large scale power outages be related?

Literally every time FEMA is brought up in a conspiracy context, there are never any pictures or video of the things being reported.

Who is "Q"?

Reads so schizo


This is why I'm subbed here.

I mean, I think you're fucking crazy, but I love reading shit like this.

Keeps your mind open.

Excellent post OP. I have had a similar feeling about all of these space shenanigans lately but it's good to see somebody compile all of the evidence together.

If you link in the NK nuke tests (which i believe is research and development for a special type of missile/rocket/satellite. Which, if you look into what the South Koreans say about the North Koreans you can easily understand why Russia/USA went to NK for R+D) and the visits to Antarctica (were they doing calculations on how to mitigate the damage/flooding from a meteor strike on the poles) then even more of this adds up.

One thing is for sure; either this is all just a crazy coincidence, put together by pure chance and guess work OR something fucky is going down.

I hope it's just a coincidence



"Kensington Park 10200 Countryside Dr, Westminster, CO 80021 (NW Denver) found by searching "intersection of countryside drive and moore street" found, house for sale opposite the park"


In my mind the booms are related to underground tunneling, possibly explosions, we already now there are secret underground tunnels being used by the military.

I managed to see the michigan meteor first hand, was intense.

The politicians, rapists and pedophiles get a spot in the underground bunker in Antarctica in exchange for their contributions to the distraction of the masses.

The missing scientists were taken out to keep it quiet.

When the oceans boil, the reputations of a few elite won't matter...the bunkers won't hold the 1% anyhow, that would be 75 million people.

It doesn't bother me, they deserve to live together in a hole.

So what about the booms? Are you trying to say that the booms are meteors being shot down in space?

I find it hard to take anyone seriously when they talk about "nasa's lies". Space exists and we have been to the fucking moon.

Probably another SpaceX rocket.

This would also explain the ocean disappearing and reappearing so much lately

You never said your conclusion. Presumably - something is headed our way and it's large.

Some shit is definitely going on...

Interesting you made the comment about predictive programming. I watched Hard Sun on BBC the other day and it made me feel like this was predictive programming. You should check it out.

Your insane.

You’re insane.

Werhen Vaughn Braun said the false flags would progress from terrorists, to asteroids, and finally aliens.

we live in a managed reality.

What if this meteor theory being planted to misdirect the missile narrative? hmmm

There many space agencies besides just NASA, don't you think they would detect the asteroids coming too? Wouldn't competing countries use it as political leverage against the US? I could see Russia publishing that NASA is lying to the American people.

All countries in the world now cooperate with eachother and have a common goal..if you think russia and Usa are enemies than you must be braindead

I think they have competing interests don't you? I'm honestly speaking if you can red pill me on this, I'm open to that. But I genuinely believe Russia and the US have competing interests.

Habe you seen this time lapse of asteroid discovery?

It’s actually pretty hard to spot objects with a telescope. There’s so much sky out there and a telescope has to focus on an extremely small portion of that sky. Plus the objects were looking for are usually very far away and very very bright. Asteroids are usually not reflective at all so they are quite hard to spot with telescopes.

Spotting the asteroid in advance is like finding a dark needle in a haystack when you don’t even know you’re looking for a needle.

It’s not like they have these little kiddie telescopes and just swing them around spotting every flying piece of debris.

Religion can go fuck itself and q can eat shit and die.

You okay big guy?

4chan Nostradomus/Edward Snowden/psychic hotline reader/fat unemployed Minecraft player in mom's basement is off by a whole day. I live in metro Detroit, I sawl the shit... happened Tuesday night, the 16th!!!

You know when they say money is "missing" like that, it means that's the cumulative total of accounting errors, both +/- , not "this money was here and now isn't."

Gov't budgets almost universally work on a "use it or lose it" basis, where if you only use 90% of your budget, next year they only give you that much. Not to say they need any help spending money, but the accounting adjustments mentioned in the reputable articles regarding the missing money mean "book balancing".

Heard this playing in the background while in my office and had to go back and record it to share with yall. (less than 2 min)

kinda fitting with the post here.

i was like whaaaaaaaaaat did i just hear. and thought of this post i read earlier.

Parts of Jupiter are on the way. It is planetary mining with a twist using big explosions and trajectory. There probably could be casualties or we could be completely fine. I know they probably have gotten some material they have wanted from other planets as well such as Venus.

That would explain fema the best . We are preparing for the worst , not “we are going to round you up and kill u”. But if Detroit got wiped off the map, survivors would need somewhere to go ..

Damn.. that VW commercial was the weirdest part about this post..

What a fucking strange commercial.

Thanks for the compilation. Interesting stuff.

Im too skeptical about the 'mysterious booms', all the videos of it seem to have added in the sounds afterwards as they all sound pretty identical. I like the rest of this theory though, except The Express UK is not a reliable source, it's essentially The Sun / Daily Mail in terms of bullshit

I've started thinking recently that asteroids could hold the key to unlocking the Fermi paradox.

It's almost dumb luck that life has been allowed to evolve and develop to the point we're at without a giant meteor wiping us out like it did the dinosaurs. Id theorize that many other planets aren't so lucky.

I know our moon protects us gravitationally but it can't protect us from everything.

What if the Fermi's Great Filter isn't a point of destruction but rather the point where we develop to a point where we can detect and stop asteroids. In that mindset, the dinosaurs didn't pass the Great Filter and in accordance with his paradox, neither do many others.

Let’s take into account this comment on 4chan, which was made roughly 30 hours before the meteor showed itself 4chan comment says “keep your eyes open in Eastern Michigan”.

He didn't say "keep your eyes open" he said to watch the news. People say this a lot on /b/ and /pol/ in hopes of creating a hype. Not claiming it's fake, but it's quite a generalised thing to say. He just happened to pick he right spot? I don't know. Could just be coincidence.

And then we have this post from a throwaway account last night

Note that the "throwaway" is a 3 year old account that just deletes his/her previous posts every time.

Other than that, very solid post. There is definitely something going on.

He must be the luckiest guy ever to pick the exact location and time. The probability of that is insane.

Sorry, what is your claim here...?

Also asteroids don't usually cause meteor showers as you claim, comets are likely what you're thinking of.

We rarely go through comet tails. The Leonids meteor shower isn’t caused by a comet...

The Leonids occur when the Earth passes through the debris left by the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The comet takes around 33 years to make one orbit around the Sun.

There gonna say aliens are hurling meteors at us before they stage project blue beam.

On the subject of predictive programming, there’s a new BBC drama called “Hard Sun” where an ELE is about to happen and the government is trying to cover it up, seems a little too coincidental to be broadcast now given all that’s going on.

I've always read people's stories about loud booms, but never experienced one for myself. It finally happened right here where I live yesterday though

you're from bullhead?

Yes, I live in Bullhead. I'm new here. I just moved out here this past October. Originally from Southern California.

Ah ok, I lived there for 4 or so years and then moved back home to Chicago.

It's an....interesting area, as I'm sure you've noticed.

Yes, it's definitely different. Different in a way that I hope I can get back to southern California as soon as possible! LoL

Also everyone I have met so far have all been transplants! I have yet to meet a Bullhead City native.

yeeep, I enjoyed the first few years there but after 3 years i just had to get out. Ive never been to a town where literally everybody in the town hated it there.

i do miss the desert though...and the random tweaker interactions

Gobleki Tepe pillar 43. A pillar with constellations carved into it and a meteor, the constellations carved into the pillar will be true to our skies soon. Note that the Gobekli Tepe site was intentionally buried and was only discovered in 1995, perfectly preserved for us to see

Don't forget the recent surge of "aliens might have come" to distract some people away from looking at roids, and making them focus on documents from the government instead.

"Conspiracy" is sort of a sillyl concept, cooked up by the CIA to cover up the obvious bizarreries of the JFK assassination THEORY jammed down the public throat. People make plans. Lots of groups make lots of plans. Right now those groups are going after each other because they don't wanna plan together any more. Their grandkids should pay, not ours. God help us all.

What’s even worse about the cia trickery is that conspiracy is an actual crime. By them turning it into a joke it makes the public down play the criminality and predatory nature of their behaviorist. Their “psy op” endangers the public and enable their criminality. Legal definition of conspiracy: A conspiracy may exist when two or more parties use legal means to accomplish an illegal result, or to use illegal means to achieve something that in itself is lawful. The burden of proof is on the defendant to prove he was not involved even for acts that are done without defendants knowledge or consent. So this means that alleged conspirators that are violating the constitution to defraud and mislead the public are criminally liable. We are not paranoid even by legal standard. Conspiracies are one of the most difficult things to defend against. The government conspirators who have mislead and defraiuded the public know that too. Which is why they work so hard to play this out in the court of public opinion and avoid facing trial. Legally the conspirators are criminally liable simply by working together whether they had any knowledge of the end result or if it happened after the fact of their involvement. We are not paranoid they are just avoiding answering to their crimes.. when you consider shilling as conspiracy to commmit fraud by misleading the public, it gets really serious. :)

Maybe NASA has to lie for the time being; to not freak out the uninformed/unprepared portion of the masses.

Truuuust all of humanity. We got this, steady does it.

Whelp...I'm heading underground.

My only question is, why do we want to hide this technology?

Is OP still alive, or did he commit suicide by shooting himself in the back?

Reports of a meteor sighted in Kentucky last night and possibly over Nashville as well. Seeing stuff in Facebook about it.

Anyone here from New England that may have witnessed something similar? I was sleeping but I guess something similar may have happened. She hadn't heard of what happened in Michigan so it blew my mind a little bit.

A really good read and certainly some food for thought. I like your style of putting the available evidence out there, and letting us all have a think / discussion about it.

It's a bit pedantic but in the interests of truth I feel I should offer a small correction.

"Asteroids are usually accompanied by large meteor showers. There could be something heading this way that they have known about for years but aren’t telling us."

Asteroids and meteor showers are from different sources. Meteor showers happen because of comets, not asteroids. The shooting stars you see are icy meteors in the main. (that still include some rocky / metallic material, hence different colours)

Big ole rocky/metallic 'roids mainly come from the asteroid belt, the kuiper belt, or the Oort cloud.

Man... it's stuff like this post that makes me genuinely love this sub.

This just happened in my home province last night. Now I'm freaked out.

The commercial OP linked has a shot of the GPS the couple is using to "escape."

The location is Ketner Reservoir Westminster, CO (slightly north at Kensington Park)

Seems odd to me that they just happened to use a reservoir in a major metro area.

Edit: Clarification on exact location

In terms of Sonic Booms you may find this interesting:


November 7, 2007:

Feb 3, 2010:

March 6, 2012:

September 11, 2013:

November 14, 2017:

Every single one of them were shattering loud and seeing as I am actually overly familiar with Maxwell, a training base (ie: not a test flight base), I find it overly odd that many events are just randomly touching down in the same area again and again. So I would really love to hear some theories on that if it has to do with asteroids or the like.

i think this is a biiiiig reach tbh

how long will i have to wait for another conspiracy as good as this one?

It’s all part of the plan. Take a look at this video. 2 mins long

Great video. Here is the txt for those of you that don’t watch a video. When I was a corporate manager of Fairchild Industries in 1974 through '77, I met the late Dr. Wernher von Braun ( in early '74. At that time, von Braun was dying of cancer, but he assured me that he would live a few more years in order to tell me about the game that was being played, that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the earth from space and space itself.

The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. And, in fact, when I met him in '74, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had killer satellites. We were told that they were coming to get us and control us, the dirty Commies, that whole story. First the Russians were going to be the enemy against whom we were going to build space based weapons.

Then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow. We heard a lot about terrorism.

Then we were going to identify third world country crazies. We now call them nations of concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would be needing to build space based weapons.

And the next enemy was asteroids. Now at this point, he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids . . . against asteroids we're going to build space based weapons . . . so it was funny then.

And the funniest one of all was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final card. And over and over and over, during the four years that I knew him, and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember, Carol, the last card is the alien card. We're going to have to build space based weapons against aliens, and all of it is a lie."

He didn't mention a timeline, but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine. That the effort to put weapons in space was not only based on a lie, but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late.

"and too late". Too late for what? You forgot the ending to the story.

Just go on the link and watch the video that’s just a text that was posted under the video That I copy and paste it

i give this a lot of credence given the recent govt leak of alien info, there's no way theyd do that without an agenda and this is the only agenda that makes sense.

Solid post. I wonder if Trump was referring to a solar meteorite storm when he made his infamous ‘calm before the storm’ comment.

Don't forget the UFO video the govt released

A meteor event is planned at some point, yes. Real or not, who's to say... but planned for sure. It will probably be the next 9/11 type event, followed some years or decades later by a full scale alien invasion (or blue beam implementation).

I'm in Hawaii and they have the pacific searcher in Honolulu harbor and 8 other radar boats around the island. I've never seen them create a net before, only seen the 1 at pearl harbor. They are also sending a fuck ton of military shit from San Diego here. Ive necer seen 3 of the boats I saw yesterday. They have 40 it 50 foot tall radar bubbles and smaller ones by it. Then 2 or 3 other biats with radar bubbles to triangulate... Crazy crazy.

Good post. Nice to see this kind of stuff instead of biased political bullshit.

But this:

Let’s take into account this comment on 4chan, which was made roughly 30 hours before the meteor showed itself 4chan comment says “keep your eyes open in Eastern Michigan”.

Doesn't fit with the rest.

Are we suggesting that this anon knew exactly where a meteor was going to appear, 30 hours in advance? It seems that if this guy actually knew something, then the meteor is a cover story for something else. Or, it's coincidence.

Just saw on the news, reports of a meteor passing over Louisville, KY last night. Not sure if you’ve seen that one or not OP.

Q has confirmed that they're a collaboration of people, not just one person.

e: good write up btw.

I read this on one of the Youtube videos discussing these things earlier today and it was an interesting statement:

"As unbelievably tin foil futuristic as this may sound... could a satellite produce a pinpointed sonic boom over an area? I mean, I know you wouldn't know as none of us would but, at the same time, while I think there is no doubt a satellite could be tuned to deliver sonic output the question is could a satellite deliver such a pinpointed scenario. I mean if you really consider it what prevents a foreign actor from putting a satellite into orbit, which will make it's rounds with the natural movement of the earth, and while looking like your normal everyday satellite actually be able to deliver an attack on a very defenseless area below with no way to shoot down or stop it?

I know, I know, this is futuristic shit but is it really? Mankind is pretty adept with putting things into orbit at this point so I don't think a small tweak or change would be out of the realm of plausible while everyone searches around the ground and skies for the source when the source is actually in orbit."

the poster went on:

"Might also explain objects that were previously not reported by NASA suddenly appearing and dropping out of the sky, burning up before impact (much like the Michigan event yesterday), and crashing into the earth with no earmarks of an actual impact event. That would of course mean that we have the means to shoot them down but if you want to get even more tinfoil, a few things you can take/believe if you will/won't:

1) I served in an intelligence related field while in the USAF and while I had/have no direct knowledge or study on satellites I do have knowledge of EMP cone dispersal arrays which America is vastly superior to in terms of their EMP tech but are, in a sense, the first stage if you will of such devices which create the needed wave through sonic output to disrupt communications.

2) That said, North Korea, last year, made several public threats about two things: a) EMP b) Nuke but there is a caveat here I think is important. Their initial threat did not come of a nuke attached to an intercontinental missile but, rather, a nuclear warhead attached to a parachute in atmosphere and dropped to make landfall.

3) Why does that matter? Well it may not but if we are brainstorming, let's consider the only legitimate manner America could be attacked. People can say or bullshit themselves all they wish but America cannot be defeated in a head on manner. You won't break the coasts, you won't damage the infrastructure enough by small attacks unless they are continuous in numerous key areas/facets of society, and our computer security is miles beyond what most seem to believe as the CIA and OSI are Kings when it comes to feigning openings and back tracing every damn thing by letting someone have a peek.

My point? So how do you attack it then? What are your only options? Hit it where it may not be able to counter you. How do you do that, where is that? Space, looking downwards. But how do you achieve that without them noticing? Global communication and reception satellites which every country has. It wouldn't be hard to add something to that satellite which you know, for 100%, is going to travel over the US and will be at you very control. Who would know? How would they prove it? Are they going to fly up there, grab it and then tell the world? Can't, we can't get up there.

Sounds reasonable to me."

Speaking of predictive programming, remember “sweet meteor of death 2016”?

Mark suckerburg buys an escape yacht to withstand an apocalypse

This post has freaked me out good job sir

I don't know about Jade Helm, but that "FEMA coffins in Georgia" is one of those easily debunked things that can be used to discredit you.

They weren't coffins, they're burial vaults:

The company that makes themselves was just storing them there temporarily and people used it to feed the "Obama is the Antichrist" camp.

Why would they even need coffins? Cremation is the way to go here.

Started watching the salvation shiw, pretty cool, I'm prob more interested in it now because of this comsipiracy haha. Good post tho! Read your previous ones too, love it

What if this dude IS the warning....and everything he's referenced are clues he's left for us to connect the dots..but just got tired of waiting for someone to figure it out. Fuckkkkkk

Just stumbled across this. In 1995, a recreational staff committee of the UN invited Kryon (alleged being from another planet) to channel through his Earth companion Lee Carroll and give a speech:

We beg you, dear ones, to give energy and focus toward the solution of something that is taking place right now. For on your planet currently, there are scientists working on energy transmission through the ground (and the air). Now this is a valid science and will indeed work. It is not new and has been done before - almost one hundred years ago. But oh, you have such power now in your current machines, and we ask you to slow down! For you do not yet understand the resonance factors of the crust and the mantle of Earth. When one resonates, so will another. Therefore, unless you slow down with these experiments and push less energy into the ground, you may actually cause the earthquakes that you fear the most! We tell you that there is tremendous damage potential in these experiments, and although we are not asking you to stop them, we advise you to go slowly and be careful of your home. DoD/Air Force/CIA/Pentagon whatever fucking with our magnetic field using a Tesla Coil/Free Energy device is at least as plausible of an explanation for the "loud booms" as I have come across, hahaha.

I read this thread earlier and am late to post this, but I remembered this guy saying that Nibiru/Planet X was a real entity crossing the solar system and was going to collide with Jupiter in September of last year, which would result in a possibly catastrophic rain of debris on our planet some months later – calling it the "fire and brimstone" from Revelations.

Despite the Christian stance, I found his marriage of prophecy with ongoing astronomical evidence and rumors about this a bit interesting.

thanks for this post

Wow, this is a very interesting write up.

To be honest, this is one of those things that, assuming true, is completely understandable.

It makes total sense that if something of the magnitude of complete global destruction was heading directly towards us, that they would not tell the public about it.

I am willing to believe that the Hawaii thing could have just as easily been a fuckup, knowing how poorly designed some of those systems are.

I'm open to believe this, and part of me wants to believe that there's no way something like this could be kept quiet, but another part believes that it's completely plausible that it's kept quiet.

Here is my take:

The US government cannot disclose the truth about aliens/UFOs until they can at least show the ability to 'defend' the Earth by shooting an inbound meteor out of the sky.

The thought of aliens visiting Earth and potentially abducting people unopposed would have the public FREAKING OUT in my opinion.

I saw that Volkswagen commercial for the first time about an hour after hearing about the Michigan meteor on a separate device. Interesting. are scamming people.

Plot twist. Facing the impending doom humanity unites to fight the new enemy - the space aliens.

Honestly though, with all of this, and the flatearthers on the rise, we're looking at alien invasion in 3...2...

Possibly relevant:

Weird orbits hint ‘Planet Ten’ might lurk at solar system edge. Astronomers studying icy objects in a distant region called the Kuiper belt say an unconfirmed planet with similar mass to Mars could be responsible for tugging them out of alignment.

Evidence suggests huge ninth planet exists past Pluto at solar system's edge. Astronomers investigating the odd alignment of rocks beyond Pluto have concluded that an undetected icy planet four times the size of Earth must exist.

Oh, I don’t doubt how hard it is at all. I just doubt that one that size and that close would be missed.

It is possible, though. I just personally doubt it.

This late? Or early?


Yes, thank you, this is it. I couldn't remember BPE Earthwatch. This article was posted and then numerous debunkers came into the thread.

I don't know enough about any of this to make even a guess but it seems strange this post pops up, causes a furor, a cigar shaped object comes into the solar system, the Pentagon shows video of an object they can't account for, a secret payload is launched then reported a total loss, people report strange lights in Alabama, Hawaii issues a mistaken EMS signal, then Japan does the same, then a meteor causes a 2.4 magnitude earthquake near Detroit.

It was too many coincidences. These could all be unrelated but your post made me wonder if there is more to this than I thought. It was a great post.

Yeah, the ones I've seen over the last two days have been long enough to see from out my drivers side window and into the horizon from the front window. I'm also driving when the sun is just starting to peak over the eastern horizon and the west is still dark, so not your typical time to catch shooting stars.

I thought yesterday was awesome seeing two big ones, but this morning was astounding. Definitely getting up early tomorrow and spending some time outside.

Got to love people seeing a comet dip behind the sun on Soho and the first conclusion is aliens

I've always thought shooting stars were more common than folks think. Anytime I spend 20 or 30 minutes paying attention to the night sky I see at least one or two. I live in east TN and I've seen countless shooting stars.

Haven't hypersonic delivery (re-entry) vehicles been here since ICBM's were born?

You're right that there is a huge difference in disrupting a huge rock and a small(ish) warhead.

Skeptic vs skeptic, conspiracy inception. You make a lot of sense but it seems like something is still going on. The reason they would have to lie is to not cause mass panic. Let’s say a huge astroid is coming and they tell us, mass panic turns the world into a PUBG (a video game) type scenario. Then let’s say it doesn’t hit, uh oh we just fucked ourselves over. I agree it is suspicious especially if it came from something so unreliable like 4chan. Plus, why leak it on there out of all the internet? 4chan is not a big popular mainstream site.

You must be new here. Welcome.

Is it incorrect in any way? what is your objection to what is presented?

Yeah, it's called selective bias.

If you start looking for things, they start showing up.

The earth is literally bombarded every microsecond by cosmic debris, and if you start paying attention to the sky carefully, you'll start seeing more streaks and things happening.

It doesn't, and the video just keeps saying "in the 1700s in a shed!".

It has no actual criticism outside the "doesn't this sound improbable!"

People first measured the size of an atom by looking at an oil slick.

People first discovered the quantization of electrical charge by misting oil between two plates with and electric charge on them.

People discovered wave/particle duality by shining light at a couple slits.

People first measured the size of the planet thousands of years ago with basic trigonometry.

These are clever things, which apparently to some incredibly un-clever people proves science is wrong because... Something?

keep track of so many "tiny" asteroids, and for now it isn't even worth it.

Humans don't keep track of that. Computers do. Yet we're throwing billions of dollars calculating hashes of things (bitcoin.) Surely, they can keep track of whatever they want. Given a minor amount of funds compared to what is thrown around in these operations, they can set up arrays of telescopes that continually scan and monitor the sky and know quite a bit in advance what's headed our way.

Seconded. Although Carlson is a he withholds things, in my opinion, and downplays the order..

then you're doomed

He believes in parthenogenic zombies.

What, and you don't?

It's so much to go into on here... I would suggest digging into the work of Randall Carlson, he has done a lot of the hard science work about the Younger Dryas impact and potential future impacts, while Graham Hancock has done more of the "investigative journalist/archaeologist" work. Here is a great podcast on the Joe Rogan Experience with both of them...

Me too.

Are those zombies that hang out in ancient Roman ruins?

Statistically, you will see a shooting star every 20-30 minutes if you are looking at the same area of sky in good conditions. This is no matter where in the world you are, and no matter which area of the sky you are looking at.

I think they have competing interests don't you? I'm honestly speaking if you can red pill me on this, I'm open to that. But I genuinely believe Russia and the US have competing interests.

Because you're an obvious troll feigning impartiality while employing passive aggressive character attacks (in typical misinformation fashion) and just looking to muddy the conversation here on subjects you don't even have an understanding of. This is not some obscure information, it's been known for years that there are gravitation signatures indicating there is something large orbiting our solarsystem.

Now you're quoting misinformation from a platform that's known to be manipulated and skewed because, yet again, you have no clue what you're talking about.

The idea of the niburu cataclysm does not come from Nancy Lieder (whoever the fuck that is), it comes from the annals of creation in the sumerian tablets as translated by sitchin describing the creation of our earth and destruction of Tiamat, the supposed cause of the asteroid belt.

If you're one of those people (which you apparently are) who subscribe to the religion of mindless "skepticism" (read; playing dumb and/or expert to advance an agenda), then you could argue that Sitchin's translations are off base, and many people do, but to advance an idea that Niburu (referred to as Marduk in the annals) is the product of some conspiracy theorist in the 90s is an asinine game for dummies.

...and yes I used way too many parenthesis in that post, fuck off.

how would you know the difference ??

Was reading through this post at work. Just got home. Went out for a sample decided take a look up. Sure enough no 10 seconds later long trailing shooting star. What are the odds. I've seen them here before but not usually at this time right at dusk. And I'm not secluded but also not a super lit up area

and they match.

Match with what?

yeah like wyd bombing southern michigan

I'm in keswick and have noticed some weird stars lately

If Michigan is killed, we've been dead for weeks.

You mean CHEMtrails I think!

Yes agreed. But surely cost should not be a factor and the whole world should contribute money and resources to save the planet in the event of this happening. Perhaps maybe spend a lot less on guns and bombs. After all who needs money if you are dead and nobody to leave it to

That horrible game?

No, "Nibiru" is a doomsday scenario that was supposed to wreak havoc on Earth in 2012, or, since that didn't happen, in the very near future. The proposed Planet X is 100au away, meaning that it poses no danger.