Am I the only one who sees this Korean Olympics thing as a positive?

101  2018-01-17 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

I mean.. NK and SK marching under a unified flag? Peace talks?

Despite the fact that a COUGHCOUGH accidental nuclear scare happened in Hawaii, Trump and Kim’s rhetoric seems to be improving..

Call me crazy, but this one seems like a victory.

Better watch out for falsie flaggies during the Olympics..


Anything NK is doing right now is for show and nothing else. SK is wishfully thinking if they think this is going somewhere.

fuck yeah. there's very little these countries can do that won't piss off the boss. this was an elegant hack. really communicates the intentions in one of the few ways they can.

Had this happened during the last administration, POTUS would have bagged his second Nobel Prize for Peace... but hey, here we are.

Lol too true..

For shitposting on Twitter?

unironically yes.

We are clearly in the dumbest timeline. Two fat adult babies fought on Twitter and people are cheering for them. I'm glad NK and SK are talking, but without the Olympics, we'd be in the same position we're always in. And we'll go right back there when the Olympics are done.

Why are people giving Trump credit for this? The economy, I get. This makes no sense though.

yes, I see your TDS clouds your view of the facts. it has nothing to do with the economy.

Kim does not respond positively to diplomacy. its been tried a million times, and he always abuses any grace given to his regime. it was literally long overdue that leaders stop being civil with him. Donald doesnt back down, and let him know "his button was bigger". this accurately conveyed the reality of the situation. Trump acted like the adult reprimanding the child.

Did you see the story of a NK city being damaged because of a failed missile launch? do you think that was an accident? are you aware that US B-2 bombers fly 24/7 over North Korea, unchallenged?

between these two events, Kim just got his ass handed to him verbally and got a swift "big button spanking" in front of the whole world, and learned his only weapon is totally useless and only hurt himself.

all the sudden wants to behave and be a well mannered person who wants to come out and play the sports with the rest of the a good little boy.

yes. YES. The President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump does deserve a Nobel Peace Prize...for shitposting.

Jesus Christ, this is pretty spectacularly delusional.

And you’re so pretentious you can’t decided unconventional genius .

I legitimately can't tell if this is a real comment.

Weak Brain. 🧠

I would gild you a thousands times.

dont buy reddit gold! reddit sucks and they dont deserve the money.

We do not fly bombers over North Korea. You're so delusional it's almost funny

Yeah, but it didn't because no administration would be allowed to demilitarize South Korea unless forced. Obama was taking orders, and don't forget the thousands he murdered in Libya and Syria. Obama was just as bad. Stop pretending.

At first i thought it was a positive but there more I thought about it my theory has become this; I belive NK and SK are coming together now and will continue to do so at the behest or Russia and China. Creating the illusion that NK wants to come to peacefull agreements with other countries will cause America to further alienate themselves because of Trumps agressive reactions to NK. This probably sounds pretty outlandish and maybe I’m way off, but China has been patiently working towards becoming thw most powerful country in the world for a long time now and Russia is helping them do it by trying to divide and bringing down America.

Im not American and not pro Trump, but this is bad news for everyone. The world under China as a super power as opposed to under America is a very different world and not one I think people in the weat are going to like.

China and Russia have said they’ll cooperate with America, in regards to NK sanctions, but then continue to supply oil and other things, knowing that America can’t really enforce them.

In Australia alone Chinese Property investors have helped to drive up property prices by investing billions in Australian land making it harder for Australians to by property. This has been going on for decades, its a slow burn and I think putting Trump in office is one of the final stages, and subsequently the Koreas coming together will be a part of that.

I know that was a bit of a rant and i left out a bunch, i dont have time to go into depth anymore because im about to walk into work. I will make a follow up post later if anyone is interested in hearing about my theory further, but i could be wrong, and if I am please let me know :)

I'd give you a listen.:)

They have invested heavily in US properties as well.

I can't understand your comment. You need to flesh it out and make it clearer.

Sounds about right^

I for one welcome our Chinese overlords


fuckerin fuckotash

Baba Vanga predicted China would be the new world superpower, and pretty much right around this time. However, she also said Europe would be mostly depopulated by now I think, but I guess you can’t really predict things down to the year?

You act like property can't be seized lol.

The two Korea's aren't going to come together unless it's under a democratic flag. Kim will be irrelevant in a unified Korea. The healthy south Koreans aren't going to put up with a dictatorship

i think it will be fine too. they will reunite lots of rich south koreans are buying re in nk. but first the mic needs to sell some weapons and profit from the scare.

I doubt that'll happen, a free-er market means a greater flow of information. Which means the ideological control over NK's citizens weakens, which jeopardises the existence of the regime. Kim jong-il probably wants to ease the tensions, since poking the bear (the US) also jepordises the existence of the regime.

if the nuclear scare wasn't accidental as it has been made out to be, how would that apply to this theory?

or are you implying it was a sort of inside job? in which case I agree that it is a possibility, just wondering

Inside job, civil war in deep state is what I was getting at

No, its a good thing for them to be cooperating. Welcome news. What is bad for US hegemony is good for the US citizens and good for the world.

Too true

No my brother. It is a great thing.

Might be a trick by nk?


I'm worried NK will send sick people to compete in the Olympics and everyone will be sent back to their host country to reinfect further. It will be a new airborne disease.

Seems outlandish but plausible

Yeh seems good to me.

I'm a little curious why this post about NK + the Olympics hasn't been removed but all the other one's discussing it have been??? Lol.. Thanks a lot Reddit

Illuminati confirmed.


When was the last time the north and the south did something together? One thing is for sure, this is a significant step towards something, good or bad is yet to be seen.

I've always thought that inclusion, understanding, and camaraderie were more effective forms of diplomacy over sanctions and bans.

Also, sports are more than just a distraction. They are a celebration of the human body and mind and what individuals and teams of people can achieve.

One word: Globalization

Two words: Make America Great Again

“It’s gonna be yuuuuuuuuge”

Blaming Trump for Globalization is like blaming Lincoln for the Civil War. Far left theorists are sketched out to think literally everything is Trump's fault. Far right believe it is all the Clintons. Can we just all agree that most of those currently in power are corrupt and should be deposed?

I was being silly. Yes most of them should be deposed, def not starting with trump

I see it as a positive. I feel like the world is starting to understand that the military of the US bank is aiming to topple all governments eventually. The only way to stop them is to come together.

Let’s all just get really turnt.

def a huge victory

Yes, the very same happened also 3 times before. And it's only the Winter Olympics with 2 north and >90 qualified South Koreans. So it looks like the south invited the north to make it look better for both. Win Win. The north is having a modern ski resort, but mostly for apparatchiks and foreign tourists. Nobody from there qualified. Now with the "unification" there could be a few more starters from the north which is the goal of the North.

I wouldn't be surprised to see all of NK's athletes defect.

Well, the sentiment of people here is that Moon is kinda sacrificing his own people to pander to being friends with Kim. His parents were from the North and some are skeptical that he is actually from Goeje. That's besides the point. He is forcing only the woman's hockey team to compete with athletes that really have no business competing in the Olympics, under the guise of "unification". He started out pretty strong at first after the Park Geun hye scandal but people are becoming a little skeptical about how he is dealing with the North. Don't get me wrong, tons of people want re-unification here but not at the cost of ignoring his own people. I don't claim to be a SK political buff but friends and co-workers are saying that he has an agenda to drag everyone into a sort of socialized middle class. Whether that is good or bad, I don't know but I think he for sure has an ulterior motive when he deals with NK.

Cautious optimism with huge levels of skepticism, like two children in some occult ritual who are paraded around with joy and excitement just before being sacrificed to whatever.


I don’t care for the olympics.

Nobody seems to have considered the fact that a unified Korea with the added "benefit" of their own nuclear weapons would likely destroy, or at very least hugely unsettle America's foothold in the east. The re-unification of North and South Korea would likely have the approval of both China and Russia due to a plethora of shared common political and economic and defence interests, and where would that leave America and the west in regards to global power?

Anyone play homefront?


It's been done before. Just invite NK to some events make them feel included. Ease sanctions and even give them good trade deals. They get to look good and we get a win too. Then their people can prosper and slowly open up to education and apathy to their state system of control.

Fuck... Politics is so hard.

Expect defectors lol Hopefully no ff, but nothing would shock me at this point.

Willing to bet NK will tell its people that they won every event with a gold medal regardless of outcome

It's a HUGE positive. The fact both Koreas are talking is a positive. Our President is very skilled at making deals.

I really thought this was a Victory, but noise from the south makes it sound like none of them believe that this is going to last at all. It will be a show of unity and solidarity and the Olympics will be beautiful, but come April, we will be right where we were last month. Nuke tests will continue, the rhetoric will rattchet up to hot and then just stay there.....

TL DR: Looked like a victory, but in the End there will be two Koreas.

i think it is kind of amazing how many "conspiracy theorists" there are in this thread that are still on the "uncritically accepting cia propoganda" level of awareness wrt the dprk

yes, I see your TDS clouds your view of the facts. it has nothing to do with the economy.

Kim does not respond positively to diplomacy. its been tried a million times, and he always abuses any grace given to his regime. it was literally long overdue that leaders stop being civil with him. Donald doesnt back down, and let him know "his button was bigger". this accurately conveyed the reality of the situation. Trump acted like the adult reprimanding the child.

Did you see the story of a NK city being damaged because of a failed missile launch? do you think that was an accident? are you aware that US B-2 bombers fly 24/7 over North Korea, unchallenged?

between these two events, Kim just got his ass handed to him verbally and got a swift "big button spanking" in front of the whole world, and learned his only weapon is totally useless and only hurt himself.

all the sudden wants to behave and be a well mannered person who wants to come out and play the sports with the rest of the a good little boy.

yes. YES. The President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump does deserve a Nobel Peace Prize...for shitposting.

I was being silly. Yes most of them should be deposed, def not starting with trump