I fondly remember when this sub was generally operated by users who rejected the false left-right pardigm.

1117  2018-01-17 by naturalproducer

Can someone kindly point me in the direction where the non-partisan/anti-partisan conspiracy theorist crowd is gathering these days?


We are still here and we continue to push back in spite of the numbers.

Me too

You forgot to hashtag

“Pound” me too

Okay, when?

As soon as I say no, but if you make me famous after I won’t say shit about it for a quarter century

Oh man I never made that connection. Fuckkk that was a great laugh, thank you.

I saw someone mention it the other day on reddit and literally laughed out loud

some people just haven't been black pilled enough. we need to crush their hope in humanity and the government. then they'll come around. seriously nothing more impotent than a conspiracy theorist with hope. unless that hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ.


the government hates you. it wants you to be sick and die young oblivious to the bright and glorious truth and life you could gain if you trust in and have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Forget the government, but I'll pass on Jesus Christ too, thanks.

Government is bullshit. I recommend looking at Christ a little more deeply, tho. Learn what His gift is, then accept it. Or don't. Choice is yours. I really hope you accept His gift.

Jesus was a good philosopher and he said some real good shit. The "golden rule" is essentially at the core of many branches of our modern understanding of ethics.

But you're getting downvoted for suggesting he has some kind of magical power and that the best thing to do is sit back and wish for magic. Hoping for magical salvation is stupid. You're not even saying "do good deeds to be saved", you're telling us to just hope for magical salvation. Even if we wholly accept the premise that Jesus of Nazareth was literally a deity, you'd do better to follow his good example rather than sit back and wish that he'll magically help you. You'd do better to tell us to follow his good example than suggest we just sit back and hope for supernatural shit to magically solve our problems.

And furthermore, the churches that claim to represent him are often just as bad or worse than the government. They routinely actively oppose the good morality he actually preached when he was alive and churches actually serve as a propaganda arm that helps ensure evil remains in power in government.

Sit back and wish? Lol....I didn't mean to imply that. I implore everyone reading this to follow Christ. Live his words. Accept his gift and become a new creation.

Someone is heavily mind controled by the CIA

Can you please illustrate the logic you used to reach that conclusion

he thinks the government wants us to be bible believing Christians to make us easier to control.

Oooohhhhh.......doesn't he know The Bible preaches justice and truth and love and submission, all men one to another....not a very government friendly message...


I was raised Christian, i know plenty about it. What you should learn about are things like the Black Pope and the lead role the Jesuits play in Satanism. But trust me they love the submission part.

You can be anti-religion, but that’s not the same as being anti-God.

Oh yeah, most definitely. I don't believe in God though, either, but I think it's fine if you do.

I had lost my faith until I learned that the elites worship Satan and evil is real. The church is also satanic. So people have a skewed vision of the religion and therefore God. You have to learn to separate the two. So much of the bible has started making sense to me. Satan’s deception has been to corrupt religion so intelligent people see it for the fraud that it is, but instead of losing faith in religion(as they should), they lose faith in God. You sound like a good person. Maybe you’ll come to the same realization one day but if not at least I believe you won’t be on the wrong side.

You don't wonder why an all knowing, all powerful god would allow such awful things to take place?

And if your answer is the idea of heaven and hell? Don't you wonder what kind of God would put people through the ordeal that is life?

Ach.. i should just delete this. Here Ether.. have what I've opined.

God doesn’t not “allow” all the evil things that happen on Earth. WE DO.

But, god created man, yes?

And he gave us free will. Our choices are our own.

All the good ones have been infiltrated by the same tactics, tough going trying to break through a well that's been poisoned.

I can't stand it but I do still see a fair bit of interesting stuff.

Well, the reason is whether you believe:

Trump/Russia is real

Trump/Russia is false

Hillary/Various are real

Hillary/Various are false

Establishment hates Trump

Establishment loves Trump

Or any thing else, these are all vast government conspiracies from any angle!

It's crazy, isn't it? Accepting that the "left" and "right" is a divide and conquer tactic is like conspiracy theory 101.

Kind of. Powers that be do try to control both and all major political parties, but left and right still have meaning; I think you guys just don't know what it is. I'm on the left; I support good social programs for poor people, taxing the fuck out of the super rich, encouraging small business, ending the drug war, etc. Right-wingers want tax cuts for the rich and no minimum wage because "freedom!"

Way to inject right/left BS into a post about rejecting right/left BS.

I hate to be the one to say it, but you're both right.

What he said is telling if you really read it. He said "I support" and lists the things HE supports. Then he say "Right-wingers want" and lists the things he believes the republican establishment wants.. The actual people that consider themselves on the right don't want that. That's the right/left divide and conquer stuff.

Kind of. Powers that be do try to control both and all major political parties, but left and right still have meaning

The rest may be bs, but he’s not wrong on the quoted part. As a conspiracy nut myself, I’ve always wondered what would happen if someone uncontrollable was elected.

I was talking more about the labels having some meaning. Both parties are tools for the elite, but the parties themselves have somewhat separate ideas on how to best extract all of the resources and wealth from the proles. But if you think Nancy Polosi is sad about her new tax rate, or that Paul Ryan actually gives a shit about abortion, you're kidding yourself.

Seriously, it’s getting harder and harder for me to enjoy this sub anymore.

Way to prove my point that ,most people on here literally don't know what the terms mean, which contributes to reddit not taking this sub seriously.

I'm a leftist who does drug legalization work and often works with libertarians. It's social conservatives who are the real problem, imo. But it's not that the "left-right paradigm" isn't real. It's very real.

ROFL yeah everyone that is on the right must be a numbnut!! ... Don't you see how retarded that line of thought is? To say this in a thread discouraging this line of thought makes your sentiment even more ridiculous. Do me a favor and post less on here, okay?

Left vs right is an X/Y problem. The solutions you are looking for are not found on in the left/right paradigm.

Was Hitler's left eye more evil than his right eye?

Well one is sinister...so yes?


I got the joke ;)

More evidence that people on here literally don't know what the terms mean. You resort to these weird one liners.

What do you think taxation policy should be? Should there be a minimum wage, and if so what? Do you support universal health care? How do you feel about the War on Drugs? I know diving into this stuff is less fun than making extremely vague and meaningless broad statements, but come on now.

I've really been getting taken aback by the massive amount of shills defending the US government or telling me that voting will change things.... Seriously trusting politicians and they want to present themselves as skeptics? Fucking lol. If you're on a conspiracy forum and you aren't even at the point of questioning the government, you need to do some basic research or GTFO.

You should still vote.

I know people fought to vote in the past. But our history is riddled with all kinds of proof that the elite and politicians have been together from the start. The only thing that caused any things in the past were stuff that is tightly controlled and regulated now.
If we vote, does it really matter? Because if our options are only candidates that are a part of the system that doesn't give a fuck about equality.
Then what is voting really good for? Throughout America's history ton's of movements and deaths have happened to allow people to break the chains of slavery, only to have them reattached in a different way. That different way is how we are under control now.
See them veterans who helped fight for your "freedom" on the side of the road?
What about Universal healthcare? That doesn't matter, every corner you turn is a McDonalds. Jobs are vanishing for automation, meaning that even if you did have free healthcare, what are the odds that you can afford to eat in the future when a robot takes your job?
The only way voting matters is if it can be made into profit for the system. If the elite and their army of think tanks and lawyers can think of a way to twist words into a bill to make what you want to their benefit, then maybe it will happen.
The question becomes, what do you want in life? Do you want to take care of yourself or your brothers and sisters on the globe? Once you answer those questions, does voting for any specific politician help do anything except bring more war, and more division amongst us? That's all I see. Not voting in itself is a form of rebellion against this plague of a system where we are spreading the idea of Americanism across the globe.
Can you convince me otherwise that my vote matters?

If that is how you really feel, get more involved. Find someone you feel would be a good local candidate and help them. Or become a candidate yourself.

How do you change a system that is corrupt from the inside? Lets say that I run, and I get voted in (for some reason).
If I ran on a platform of equality and fairness for all, how would the elite and their political puppets take that? Especially if I won the vote.
Well in their power lays the ability to decide my future. Since I want equality for all I think that if someone born anywhere on the globe should have an equal chance at a fair life as someone born anywhere else. This applies to Palestine. Which would mean I would have to go against the ideals of Israel, and say I don't support them. Anti-Semite is probably a label that would get tossed around while the media twists words I've said.
Now not supporting Israel would be my first mistake. Because that is used as a sort of barrier in American politics. If you support them, then you support inequality and you support the idea that some humans should always be of higher class and wealth than others. The system won't change.
Personally, I think the only way to change the system as it is now, is with the use of the internet. But the government is trying it's best to get a stranglehold on it.
In essence, we are more powerful together than they are, but that's why they have to keep us divided.
Back to me being a candidate myself, lets pretend I play ball and I say I support Israel, and I take my time perfectly planning my political moves and eventually can run for president. What happens next is once I decide I want to run for president, I have to go behind the scenes and show somehow all of my loyalties to the system. Let's pretend I do just that and I pass, I get the green light to be a candidate and get tons of air time on the MSM and all of my ideas that I run on for presidency are portrayed in a way that the masses soak up. I get voted as president.
Well, now I'm the big man, I have to take my directions and work hand in hand with big business, while trying to appear to appeal to the masses. Profits come first, war and keeping the economy afloat so the system is a top priority.
But I've lied the whole time, I really just care about the common man, I care about equality, I know, ill expose the system on air and see how that goes.
Impeachment, now I'm not doing what the elites wanted me to be president for, I'm doing something counter productive to what they wanted.
Do you think I would stay alive long? What about stay president? How long until a narrative that is concocted from nothing is being pushed into the mainstream media narrative for the masses to consume?

Sorry, I don't personally think change from this system will come from the inside, it's all too interconnected. Maybe i'm speculating way to much, maybe not.

You are trying to tackle the biggest problems from the start. That's not how progress works. You have to start small, at a local level. There are real politicians out there not playing "the game". They get cheated and sometimes killed, but they are out there. The problem is they are outnumbered to actually do anything. They need more people to run and make it with them.

The system is fucked, but that's because we allow it to be fucked. We watch as scumbags run for office, win and proceed to use laws to enrich themselves and their friends with our money. Then sit here and bitch about the system being fucked while we do nothing about it. Not voting isn't going to fix the system. Only thing that will is for us to actually care enough to actually try and take over it. It's a giant task, but if you actually want to change it. You have to try.

This is one of the best things I've ever seen posted here when it comes to voting. My sister had that epiphany recently and decided to run for a minor city office to get her foot in the door. She lost by 170 votes out of about a 1000 total votes but is going to take what she learned and try again. I'm super proud of her.

That last bit about the vote total is another reason why you should still vote, too. When people talk about how voting is useless, they always seem to be talking about national level stuff. School board, city council and other positions like auditor and tax collector probably affect you more directly than any national election and the vote counts are so low that your vote CAN make a difference.

A perfectly valid argument, thanks.
I agree change has to start from somewhere.
However, it seems to me to be an insurmountable task, especially from within.
Maybe I speak from a place of ignorance or fear. Or I just see history repeating itself as usual with the rich as the victors.
Change is a constant, it always happens all the time around us. Maybe there is a certain set of steps humanity can take to reclaim unity and equality. It's just not apparent to me is all. Maybe I need to learn more and see if there isn't some opposing force that already exists and research it (a secret society).
We know the rich conspire to stay in control, but is there other people whom are similar that don't care to have such power?
Anyways, thanks for listening to me vent a little. Have a good day.

If you can't beat them, join them. Start local and make small changes to a small community and then grow within that and hopefully one day take the rich down. Easier said than done but if you are willing to do it, there are some of us that will unconditionally support you

Yea man, just know that there are people out there actually trying to do things to better us. If you find them, try to help them.

I'm of the belief that while my vote almost definitely does not matter, I will still vote as a sort of insurance, in case it somehow does change something.

But our history is riddled with all kinds of proof that the elite and politicians have been together from the start.

And riddled with examples of the government and elites doing things to help regular citizens. Even if you trust NO politicians, saying they are all as bad as each other is the least intellectual thing I've ever heard.

So yeah, vote.

Almost as if it's by design or something haha

Yes goy, you are powerless, do not vote it's all pointless. When did apathy become so rampant in the conspiracy community?

You mean why is there apathy when the only choices are pre-selected and represent the same corporate interests? I really wonder why...

He's a troll. Don't feed him man.


If you think nothing is changing right now, because of Trump's administration, you're not paying attention. Elections have consequences, and the consequences this time are devastating.

People who think they're like, really smart for not voting are just idiots that reek of teenage angst. You haven't figured out something that everyone else hasn't. You're not spreading awareness about a broken system. All you are doing is giving the elections away to people who do vote. And it's that simple. Yeah the government is shady but they are still made up of ELECTED officials. Despite what you think, we're not living in a dictatorship. Political challengers don't mysteriously die. If this was Russia for instance, Bernie Sanders might have been assassinated for challenging Hillary.

Your thought process is exactly why millennials and young people are a bigger voting block than boomers and yet we fall victim to their candidates every election. If young people would just fucking godamn vote, we could dictate the history and direction of our country. Or no, we can sit around /r/conspiracy and convince ourselves that we're super woke. Oh yeah and then complain about the people that our parents and grandparents voted for later on.

Bruh the candidates are preselected and represent the same corporate interests. Even if there was magically a candidate that wasn't a corporate puppet, voting does nothing. Just ask the people in Hondouras who the US helped rig an election against.

Not all countries have this problem though. The terms still have meaning. In a country with a lot of parties it's important to classify them by their policies.

In the US where there are only the "left party" and the "right party" the division is just a divide and conquer tactic.

Convincing you that your vote holds no value is Russian active measures 101. It's literal propaganda of an autocratic state that views democracy as a threat. This school of thought was designed to benefit the enemies of democracy. One has to be profoundly ignorant of politics to think that both parties serve the same interests. The interests of the wealthy are often served by both, but only one Party wants to get the corrupting influence of money out of our elections, for example. Only one Party wants foreign money to be spent on our elections. They are not the same.

But it will get you downvoted into oblivion on /r/conspiracy.... hmmm. It's almost like the conspiritards never left.

I don't get frustrated by it. I just skip over certain threads.

I like going to r/c_s_t, r/holofractal, r/aternativehistory and r/romerules as supplements to r/conspiracy.

I heard the CIA removes you from watchlists if you sub to /r/romerules

Sure pal.

I feel like I am back in /r/politics. Downvote brigades in full force. I don't know downvotes are being used in a conspiracy sub. I look here for people who think outside the box. Instead I am finding people still fighting the Trump/Hillary election. IT IS OVER!

This sub attracted a shit ton of far right attention because of Trump. Trump himself has peddled inane conspiracy "theories" and actual fake news flourished around his supporters. It brought a lot of shills into the sub.

The downvote brigades are from the left lately

You're doing exactly what OP is talking about.

Please. I'm making a comment. Get over yourself. It is a comment. My thoughts. Make your own. Post it. Add to the discussion. Don't attack me. The election is over.

OP was also making a comment. Why is your comment more important.

Blames the left for the current state of the sub, then gets frustrated when accused of taking a side. "Dont attack me. The election us over." Hilarious.

User name. Like snakes on a plane. Lol.

Its more of a Metal Gear Solid joke

While I agree with your direction, do not be mistaken. There is a left and right, even if the politician led factions are WWE style theatrics. There are real people who identify as left or right leaning.

There are real people who identify as Saints and Vikings, too. It's a label...a brand...it means nothing in today's world.

Lol, that's not quite what I meant. I know it's fake, but the ideals are espoused by a few people around here, and you know that

The left and right as you're describing it like to disagree on a million little things and agree on fewer but bigger things.

Why is it that the whole variety of political philosophies can be divided into just two categories, unlike the varieties of metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, or esthetical philosophies respectively? I just don’t see how politics can be simplified to such a level. There are socially conservative communists and socially liberal capitalists. There socially liberal communists and socially conservative liberals. There anarchists, libertarians, minarchists and neoliberals. There are technocrats, fascists, feudalists, and objectivists. There are theocrats and secularists.

How the hell does all that sit within two categories?

It can't most people can't perform surgery on their own thoughts so it all gets made in a easy to swallow pill; if you're not democrat, you're republican or maybe independent, but who wants to throw their vote away??!

I mean, what are you supposedd to say when every Trump-critical comment you make gets upvoted and every democrat-critical comment you make goes negative?

Cause that's what happens to me.

Yeah, you notice that big change here lately?

Except pretend for a moment that it is not a brigade. It is just normal people downvoting stuff they think is baseless and untrue, not contributing to an hi eat conversation.

Now where did all the super pro-Trump comments here go? You still get the occasional anti-Hillary post upvoted, like the Nigerian one right now, but where is all the George Webb type stuff that used to be incredibly popular here every single day? Where are all the brand new accounts talking shit about Hillary non-stop with seemingly boundless energy and enthusiasm?

Is it possible there is any correlation between what you consider 'downvote brigades from the left' and what seems like the disappearance of the majority of pro-Trump activity in this sub?

Why are there politically motivated up and down votes? Works as censorship. This should be a site for new and creative ideas. Not shilling one way or the other.

Are they politically motivated?

How are you certain downvotes aren't made because the comment is baseless and unverifiable? Which is why the up/downvote system exists.

To me it seems like you are not able to accept that any downvotes on something you want to be true can be legitimate.

A true conspiracy theory is one that can't be proven or disproven.

If you spend any amount of time here, it's clear upvotes and downvotes are based on agendas and feelings, not the quality of the content, though sometimes roses bloom from the rubble.

I would imagine that since supporting Trump is basically social suicide at this point, not a lot of people want to admit it.

As the vote system is hardly ever used as it is meant to in other groups it is safe to say the same is the case here. Come on;)

"The Left". They come from the Centrists Corporatists who domiante the DNC. The real Left is busy trying to root out the corruption of the Party race by race and State by State. We aren't your enemies. We can't have a proper L/R debate until the controlling apparatus of the Republic is returned to the People.

Those are the ones I see most often shilling- the Centrists who hate Trump, Bernie, and anyone not within their own overton-window of Neoliberal and Neoconservative thought.

Totally agree with most of what you say, but I wouldn’t describe neoliberals as centrists. The whole left right thing is pretty useless, I’m not sure where neoliberal would fit in. I thought centrist meant someone who believes in a style of government that would be right in the middle of the scale if communism and libertarianism were the two left and right extremes. If that’s the case neoliberals would be pretty far right.

God, the more you think about it, the more you realise the left and right this is just total horse shit.

Totally agree with most of what you say, but I wouldn’t describe neoliberals as centrists.

I guess the reason I do is because that's what they paint themselves as. "Pragmatic" they say, and we can;t forget Bill Clinton's "triangulation" strategy. Perhaps it's not the best term but it's how they paint themselves and within the context of the American political system I think the term fits, but that's just my opinion and I see the merit in your statement.

God, the more you think about it, the more you realise the left and right this is just total horse shit.

Especially when the terms have been completely co-opted by the Neolibs and Neocons so as to have lost all meaning.

What saddens me is that I’ve spoken to people who genuinely seem to believe in the validity of the left-right dichotomy (despite it being bullshit), that Hillary is left-wing and Trump is right-wing (bullshit even within the vaguest definitions of the already highly nebulous left and right concepts) and you should support one of them and make it a part of your personal identity (treating politics like football is dangerously stupid and ignorant. It’s like knowingly being cognitively biased and actually being proud of it).

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be that brainwashed.

I don't have any response other than complete agreement my friend.

I thought centrist meant someone who believes in a style of government that would be right in the middle of the scale if communism and libertarianism were the two left and right extremes.

That is not the case, at least in America. In America, a centrist is merely someone who is ideologically between where the Overton window of "acceptable" political discourse is at any given time. Communism isn't acceptable to advocate for if you want to be taken seriously in America, though libertarianism is acceptable.

The far left side of the Overton window is people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are basically social Democrats. The right side of acceptable political discourse are libertarians (Koch Bros) and nationalists like Trump and Sessions.

That's why neoliberals and neoconservatives are seen as the centrists in America.

Left is busy trying to root out the corruption of the Party

If only anti-third party rhetoric wasn't so ingrained on the American Left

I don't have an issue with the Greens or third parties at all, personally. But I do think the more realistic option as long as we have a FPTP vote system is to co-opt the major Parties rather than start a new one. The Reps and Dems will always band together to crush competition,

Well, it's a clusterfuck.

Cause the solution to those problems is to first get rid of first past the post, then enact campaign finance reform.

To do that, you need to push some legislation through, and the dems and repubs don't want that. So it's a catch-22 where you can't pass legislation favorable to 3rd parties cause you need a 3rd party to do that. You need to clean up campaign finance and get the money out of politics if you want to clean up the democrats, but for them, thats voting against their own interests...

Agreed 100%. It's a fucking mess. That's why I think we need to at least partially co-opt one of the Parties (I say Dems because I lean towards what would be described as Social Democracy), and then push through the changes that allow for 3rd Parties to rise.

But you are right, it's a circular issue and there is no guarantee that the path I advocate will bring results either.

Where does the Constitution fit in for a Social Democrat?

Everywhere. It guarantees the Rights to Free Speech, assembly, worship, jury trial, arms, and so much more. I just believe that we ought to take some of the gains produced by Capitalist society and use it for the People at large. For example- Publicly funded Healthcare and College/Trade education, because a healthy citizen is a productive citizen, and an educated citizen is an entrepeneur. The main issue comes down to taxes and the Social Contract which stipulates them. I believe in the Rights enshrined in the US Constitution but I also believe in our ability to come together as a Nation and ensure that everyone has access to quality healthcare and education.

access to quality healthcare

Any mandatory medications included in your idea of this?

No. Publicly funded access to care doesn't mean publicly forced.

What's your opinion of the unvaccinated and how they should be punished?

I don't think "punished" is the right word. But I think that if your community has come together and decide that if certain diseases ought to be vaccinated for before attending Public School that you either abide by them, home school, or find a different community.

I think the main issue with vaccines is the time period and the amount which are prescribed. I think it over stresses the infant immune system and pain sensors. I don't see any reason to vaccinate a child with more than a shot or two per trip, and I don't see any reason to vaccinate a child before they are socialized in daycare of kindergarten (so pre 3 y/o).

If you're going to mandate vaccinations would you allow, at least for those who prefer it, vaccines without the toxic adjuvants and secret ingredients and go ahead and remove the present legal immunity from vaccine manufacturers in cases of vaccine-induced injury?

If you're going to mandate vaccinations

I'm not. I said that's a community i.e. a State decision.

vaccines without the toxic adjuvants and secret ingredients

That's what I would want all vaccines to be.

and go ahead and remove the present legal immunity from vaccine manufacturers in cases of vaccine-induced injury?

Also something I support.

community i.e. a State decision.

Right, state government mandated.

That's what I would want all vaccines to be.

But they presently are not.

Also something I support.

Shouldn't this come first?

Shouldn't this come first?

No reason it can't.

But they presently are not.

And that can change.

No reason it can't.

It hasn't so far.

And that can change.

You'll see that when you try, you're attacked as being an anti-vaxxer.

Everywhere the Constitution guarantees a civil right or a property right.

About the only things social Democrats advocate for that isn't completely on the up and up Constitutionally is that they do advocate for the Congress to make laws and spend money in areas not specifically granted to the Congress through Article I, Section 8. Even those things though, could be argued Constitutional under the "necessary and proper" clause.

That'll happen when voting third party gets you George W. Bush.

It brought a lot of shills into the sub.

Sure glad the left never shilled!

So the left shilling makes it OK for the right to shill?

Who is your savior? Could care less who is in charge, regardless who it is, the end result is still the same for the desired outcome. Shilling is controlled opposition for the gullible to believe it's all real, but do find more new users in this /sub as of late picking a team player, as if they are on a winning team or something.

"Fake News" is a disinfo term that was used to discredit alternative media by denegrating any non-official story. Think of what scandals were being broken on this sub when that term came about. A nerve was hit.

It irks me that people use that term now as if it's legitmate. It shows how easily people are controlled. And Trump is so easily manipulated, I bet someone whispered it in his ear and he thought it was his idea.

But the mainstream media love the term because they can discredit any "unoffocial" source indiscriminately.

There have always been manufactured media reports, for nearly as long as there's been media. Go back to the turn of the century, unionization/anti-unionization, race issues, suffrage, temperance... You'll find establishment and anti-establishment media telling outright lies for their cause.

So you have to ask yourself why. Why after all that history does the term come to bloom now? It's not organic. If comes from the mouths of the media machine, you can never assume it's organic. These sound bytes are engineered, and it's at our own peril.

Trump himself has peddled inane conspiracy "theories"

I hope the irony is not lost on you that you're calling out conspiracy theories in a sub dedicated to... CONSPIRACY THEORIES.

The same people who hate the mainstream media in 2016 love it in 2018 because trump dislikes it.

And here you idiots are, grouping people into groups called "far right". I think you missed the post you are commenting on.

If people disagree with you they downvote you. That’s the function of them here.

Instead I am finding people still fighting the Trump/Hillary election. IT IS OVER!

Just yesterday, man. Come on...

Tongue in cheek. In response to the obvious shilling. Glad it worked!

When you lie like this, do you think people believe you? Do you convince yourself of the lie, too, or is it just for the benefit of others?

I'm on a list!

down vote much. much. Much. Lol. MAGA!!!!

In my experience, everyone is a "anti-partisan" when they don't like what's being questioned/criticized.

You can't ignore politics totally. It's tied into everything.

By anti-partisan, I didn't mean when a Democrat doesn't like their puppet of choice being criticized or when a Republican doesn't like their puppet of choice being criticized. I guess I should have left it at non-partisan.

But they're not all puppets; that's just a lazy worldview. My rep, Jared Polis, is great, in my opinion. I love Tulsi Gabbard too, for instance, and Elizabeth Warren. All is not black and white. And left-wing, right-wing do have meaning; it's just that most people don't know what it is anymore.

I agree that the GOP and the DNC are both deeply corrupt pawns of the intelligent establishment, nut not everyone who gets into politics is.

Jared Polis

Zionist millionaire, Israel first! Chosenite.

Oh, that's different.


The gist of what he's saying is correct though.

Non partisan doesn't really exist here. It's the nature of the beast. It's just another pro status quo stance or a deflection here.

"if we could only find the right saviors!!"

Whatever that means. He's done millions of times more work for average people than I'm going to guess you have. Do you have one quote where he calls himself a "Zionist"?

This sub is political adolescence. We could be educating people about the power structure, 9/11, false flags, CIA drug dealing, etc. Instead of this cliché bullshit.

TPTB want us to assume the entire government is corrupt down to the last employee. In reality there are good people out there trying to make a difference and we are distracted from helping them by our fear of TPTB. If each theorist here went out into the world with positivity and skepticism in their heart, they would find there is much we can do to,help ourselves and there are many more good people than bad people. Bad people just rely on good people fighting about nonsense long enough for the bad people to get away with bad deeds.

That being said Trump is genuine and I hope to God ever other Gen Z'er votes for him in 2020 and doesn't fall into the trap of apathy, distraction, and fear. If Trump and many others are shills, they are awful shills.

I disagree about Trump, but we can disagree. Genuinely curious, what do you like about what this administration is doing? The immigration stuff, perhaps? Their tax plan is about making the rich even richer. They've been terrible on marijuana. Betsy Devos is a complete joke as education secretary. And insiders all say Trump is completely inept. And by the way he talks he has a classic case of narcissistic personality disorder. I'm still waiting on something to cheer for.

Less illegal immigrants, lower taxes for everyone is a good thing and is happening, human traffickers arrested, cultural shift away from PC culture... Weed is doing fine imo and I'm a huge pothead.

Edit: What you see as NPD I see as genuine, cryde, honest speech. I grew up with a sibling with a personality disorder, I see none of that attitude reflected in Trump, I see the direct opposite.

You can't ignore politics totally. It's tied into everything. And of course that'll bring in the bots/party line towers.

Completely agreed.

"In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia." -George Orwell

George Orwell spoke about how military technology is fake. Winston and Julia discuss it explicitly in one scene in the book (not in the film). And yet here, on the 'conspiracy' subreddit, anybody who raises this matter is attacked relentlessly, as if the other users of the sub have turned into a rabid pack of wolves, incapable of calmly discussing the matter.

Does anyone else bring up that matter except you? And I've seen quite a few people calmly discuss it with you, up to the point where they realize you don't really have the knowledge of physics and aeronautical engineering required to understand the topic.

I don't think he's actually trying to understand the topic. In my interactions with the guy it seems pretty obvious that he's playing dumb and employing naked intellectually dishonest tactics like shifting the goalposts and trying to force you into disproving his "theories" that he himself has completely failed to support.

That, in addition to his exclusive, constant, and dishonest(dude loves to tag the link as pic related to trick people into clicking it) promotion of the JohnleBonEXTRA YouTube channel, which in turn only exists to feed user towards paid premium content, argues strongly that he is merely attempting to take advantage of this community for profit.

shifting the goalposts

The goalposts remain where they were:

How do wingless missiles generate lift? If they can't generate lift, how can they fly horizontally?

Very simple questions which nobody has been able to answer.

How do wingless missiles generate lift?

They don't. It has been explained to you, exhaustively, a vast multitude of times, by many people, that lift is not how a missile flies. And yet you always reset back to this question, which intentionally encodes a misunderstanding of how missiles work. You are intellectually dishonest.

how can they fly horizontally

In exactly the same way that I have explained it to you before.

Control fins create drag, which causes the nose of the rocket to tilt up.

This the drag-induced rotation of the rocket's thrust vector away from perpendicular with respect to gravity introduces a vertical component to your thrust vector.

It is this y-component in the thrust vector that overcomes the force of gravity and obviates the need for lift. No need to generate lift because the rocket motor is literally pushing you up.

All missiles capable of horizontal flight achieve this through active control surfaces and a high thrust-to-weight ratio. This allows a small amount of the power from the rocket engine(the y-component of the thrust vector) to be used to cancel acceleration due to gravity, while the rest of the power(the x-component of the thrust vector) is used to accelerate the missile to target.

Flight is kept level by internal computers that monitor accelerometers, gyroscopes, and any other relevant sensors and constantly adjust the servos controlling the flight surfaces.

None of this technology is exotic, civilian versions of most of the components are in your smartphone, and nothing more than a high-school understanding of physics is needed to comprehend the underlying principles.

Me: How do wingless missiles generate lift?

You: They don't.

The rest of this sub: GRRRRR yes they do!

No, I've not seen anyone on this sub try to argue that wingless missiles generate lift. You are the only one stating that, over and over again, with the implicit like that you encode into the structure of your question.

As you seem to be unable to raise any further spurious objections to my explanation, would you now acknowledge that there is nothing inexplicable about horizontal missile flight?

I've not seen anyone on this sub try to argue that wingless missiles generate lift.

Then you have not bee paying attention (or are a liar).

Ok, substantiate your claim then.

Also, you ignored my question, which was the real meat of the post. I'll ask it again:

As you seem to be unable to raise any further spurious objections to my explanation, would you now acknowledge that there is nothing inexplicable about horizontal missile flight?

Ok, substantiate your claim then.

See this comment by James Cole Pardon.

He isn't saying they generate lift. He's saying they fly via thrust. Exactly what I have been telling you.

By the way, you are right now employing the red herring logical fallacy. Finding yourself completely unable to support your claim that horizontal missile flight is impossible, you are trying to change the subject.

How can they fly horizontally (i.e. parallel to earth) if the thrust is directed at 90 degrees, rather than towards the earth?

Thrust isn't directed at 90 degrees, you lust have suffered a major reading comprehension fault to reach that conclusion. Read this comment again.

Flight path of the missile is horizontal, but the missile itself is inclined slightly up from parallel with the ground(via active control surfaces) such that the y-component of the thrust vector is sufficient to overcome acceleration due to gravity and achieve horizontal flight with respect to the ground.

Thrust isn't directed at 90 degrees

So air-to-air-missiles never fly at 90 degrees?

I believe it would be possible to achieve horizontal flight while keeping the missile parallel to the ground, if the rocket nozzle itself was controllable in order to vector thrust without changing the inclination of the missile.

But my research indicates that if any do this, they're extreme edge cases. The vast majority of missiles, if not all, achieve level flight by using control surfaces to rotate the missile slightly away from parallel with the ground.

Which is what I have been saying the entire time.

if the rocket nozzle itself was controllable in order to vector thrust without changing the inclination of the missile.

And how on earth could this be physically possible?

Another red herring.

The bit you choose to focus on was a hypothetical, and I said that I was unaware of any missiles that use this method. If any missiles use this method, they would be extreme edge cases. As I said.

The vast majority of missiles, if not all, achieve level flight by using control surfaces to rotate the missile slightly away from parallel with the ground.

The vast majority of missiles

The video in question made it VERY clear that the point of contention was wingless, air-to-air missiles flying horizontally.


They are flying horizontally. They are not inclined horizontally.

Who is claiming that air to air missiles fly horizontally while maintaining a horizontal inclination?

You are attacking a strawman.

You are intellectually dishonest.

They are flying horizontally. They are not inclined horizontally.

Do you have any evidence to support this (new) claim of yours?

It is not a new claim. In this post, from a full week ago, I explain to you that level flight is achieve by rotating the missilie away from parallel with the ground.

The evidence is that is how the laws of physics allow for level flight of a missile with a high thrust-to-weight ratio. Due you have any objections to the physics, as I have explained them to you?

rotating the missilie

Rotating? A flying missile? How?

Drag selectively induced on given fins, via active control from flight computers. Pay attention.

So you mean apply a downwards force at the tail?

Are these fins mechanical? Is there any evidence that they can actually move?

Are these fins mechanical?

Yes, active control surfaces, as has been explained to you a great many times.

Is there any evidence that they can actually move?

Are you questioning the existence of servos? If you're going to make the ridiculous claim that it is somehow beyond our ability to mechanically actuate control surfaces, then the burden of proof is on you.

Servos, sensors, control computers, this shit isn't mythical.

Yes, active control surfaces

Cool, what is your evidence for this? Can we see any footage of one on the ground testing out its fins, like planes test out their foils before taking off?

If you're going to make the ridiculous claim that it is somehow beyond our ability to mechanically actuate control surfaces, then the burden of proof is on you.

There is no credible reason to doubt the existence of active control surfaces of AAM. If you think that there is, present your evidence.

If you

I asked you for evidence. Forget about me for a moment and focus on the evidence.

Do you have any evidence?

There is no credible reason to doubt the existence of active control surfaces of AAM. If you think that there is, present your evidence.

With our technological capability, electromechanical actuation of control surfaces is trivial.

You do not argue in good faith. You are intellectually dishonest.

In other words you have no evidence that these mechanical fins even exist.

No, in other words the burden of proof is upon you to prove that mechanical control fins are a hoax, if you think that you are.

There is no reason to suspect that mechanical control fins do not exist. They are trivially within our technological capability and their utility is obvious.

the burden of proof

You are then one making the claim that these magical devices exist.

You are then one making the claim that these magical devices exist.

More intellectual dishonesty, trying to turn your baseless claim that control fins do not exist around on me.

The burden of proof fails upon the claimant contravening known wisdom. This is really basic stuff man.

Which part of a mechanical control fin do you not believe is technologically possible?

Your reply again saw fit to avoid the real purpose of my reply. I will ask again, in a second message so that you cannot avoid it:

As you seem to be unable to raise any further objections to my explanation, would you now acknowledge that there is nothing inexplicable about horizontal missile flight?

there is nothing inexplicable about horizontal missile flight?

Except for the fact that it appears to be physically impossible, you mean?

To counteract the downwards force of gravity, there must be upwards force.

A wingless missile cannot generate lift, we seem to agree on that.

So when flying parallel to the earth, how is the missile counteracting gravity?

I've seen quite a few people calmly discuss it with you

And I calmly discuss it with them. I don't see the issue with discussing this stuff.

The problem is that the video is asking a very simple question: how can wingless missiles generate lift?

Watch how people respond to this question: by addressing everything except the question itself.

Why is this? Why do 'awake' people constantly fail to stay on topic when asked a simple question?

You can discuss it all you want, but it becomes clear rather quickly that you don't know what you're talking about. You're not being suppressed, you're being shown wrong.

Have you ever launched a model rocket? How does it go in the air? It has no wings.

I didn't say I was being 'suppressed'. Why are you making strawman arguments?

And why are you not addressing the simple questions being posed?

How can wingless missiles generate lift?

They don't need to generate aerodynamic lift, because they generate more thrust than the force of gravity, just like a model rocket.

Now that have answered yours, how does a model rocket fly?

They don't need to generate aerodynamic lift

They do if they are flying parallel to the ground, which is the specific example being discussed in the video in question.

Seriously, just try to engage with the question being asked. There is no reason to treat this like any other challenge of a preexisting or preconceived notion.

The problem is that the video is asking a very simple question: how can wingless missiles generate lift?


What if it is flying parallel to the earth below?

That is the specific example being discussed in the video in question.

What if it is flying parallel to the earth below?

Wouldn't that mean the rocket is launched on the ground?

This is a strawman. Who is claiming that that missiles maintain a flightpath that is parallel to the ground while keeping a horizontal inclination?

Many people on this very sub seem to believe it is possible.

Regardless, that is the scenario being addressed by the video. It is made explicit.

watch the video again without getting triggered this time. It is not nearly as offensive as you seem to believe.

Many people on this very sub seem to believe it is possible

I've not seen any, I believe you to be lying. Further, the dishonest way in which you pose the question conflates level flight with a horizontal inclination of the missile, which tends to fuck up the ability to talk about the subject coherently.

Regardless, that is the scenario being addressed by the video.

Then it is attacking a strawman. Intellectually dishonest.

watch the video again

I will never watch anything from that channel, I would never give such a naked charlatan views. If you have an argument to make, you can articulate it here.

Then it is attacking a strawman.

I don't believe you know what that means.

It means attacking a spurious argument that people are not actually making, because that argument is easy to defeat.

Who is claiming that missiles fly parallel to the ground while maintaining a horizontal inclination?

No one.


Intellectually dishonest.

It means attacking a spurious argument that people are not actually making

You mean like you guys have been doing in this entire thread?

The video stated its purpose right at the outset. It even used footage from 'Independence Day' to illustrate the types of missiles being discussed.

It could not have been made any more clear, fam.

You mean like you guys have been doing in this entire thread?

No, we have been correcting your strawman.

You want to argue against an incorrect model of missile flight that no one else is advocating for. That is textbook attacking a strawman.

Refusal to engage with your strawman except to point out that it is incorrect is intellectually honest, the opposite of your behavior.

No, we

still haven't supplied evidence.

And that's another red herring folks!!

If you're going to make the ridiculous claim that it is somehow beyond our ability to mechanically actuate control surfaces, then the burden of proof is on you.

There is no credible reason to doubt the existence of active control surfaces of AAM. If you think that there is, present your evidence.

You do not argue in good faith. You are intellectually dishonest.

Military technology itself is easy to fake, but the scientific framework that explains how it works is not. It is much harder than you might think to come up with a congruent mathematical description of an impossible phenomenon. A good rule of thumb is therefore to accept technologies which have publicly available and detailed explanations (i.e. ICBMs, nukes and satellites), but reject those which do not (i.e. the UFOs the MSM has been plagueing us with).

A good rule of thumb...

...is to just accept what the telescreens tell us? Lol. Double plus good, comrade!

No. If the telescreen says 'here is big scary technology without explanation!', it's probably bullshit. If the telescreen says 'here is big scary technology!', but if people with an education in physics like myself are able to calculate or at least understands how it's supposed to work, matters are a bit easier to fake. Developing a theoretical model of the universe that both survives experiments the average layman is able to conduct and covers up phenomena that by all means should be impossible is not as easy as you seem to think.

god i fucking hate how often Orwell is quoted nowadays. Not a blight against his work or anything but i wish teenagers would read something else.

Hey, I thought it fit really well here.

it did i was just saying in general. im forever stumbling into 1984 quotes on this website from people just trying to seem profound or something.

I mean, it is uncanny how closely 1984 has predicted the development of our civilisation so far, so it makes sense that it is referred to so often. The same applies to Brave New World.

Haha, true enough my friend.

We're actually closer to a Huxley vision of the world than an Orwell one.

Yeah fuck the teenagers that grew up under PC culture and a liberal strangle hold for reading a classic novel that illustrates how dangerous group mentality and apathy can be.

everything that can be said about the novel has been said

Cool but there's a whole set of younger people who are discussing this book and the reflections of it in real life. Are we really supposed to just shut down kids that are seeking answers? Perhaps if theorists gave a shit about anything but the present and themselves they would be happy to see teens expanding their minds and worldview. The biggest cover up is covering up the impact we can have on the current generation of kids, and the impact they can have on the US and the world. Most people here would rather sit comfortable behind a screen and feel powerless to the elites, than go out and make the country better for the future adults.

But by all means, be an elitist about a classis novel being read and discussed by teens. That's a sure way to educate the masses!!!1!

agree with everything except the bit about me(I) being an elitist. thought that was a real dingbat thing to say!

There's a difference between politics and partisanship. For example, consider the political issue of cannabis prohibition. A clear majority of people want to end cannabis prohibition. That's politics. Both major parties have no interest in fulfilling that desire, so Democrat and Republican politicians feel compelled to stick to the party line. That's partisanship.

You're right that politics is tied into everything. But that doesn't mean following partisanship against the democratic will of the people is a good thing. But you're making it sound like it is. Both parties do class warfare against the people, firmly backing either major party is to go against the will of the people.

I'm just saying that the most hard left/right people out there will shout "partisanship" as loud as anybody. It's a word that has lost a lot of it's true meaning.

In my experience, everyone is an "anti-partisan" when they don't like what's being questioned/criticized.

Yeah, I've noticed a lot more anti-Trump posts on the front page recently. I've also noticed that a lot of the people on this sub that claim to be non-partisan and yell at people for picking sides are consistent Trump defenders.

I haven't been an Alex Jones fan since I learned he was a Zionist, but before coming out of the closet (so to speak), he exposed the false left-right paradigm as the fraud that it is.

This is another good one by someone else regarding the false left-right paradigm.

Yeah AJ used to be less of a tool. 2011 seems to be the turning point.

Fuck Alex Jones for needing to make money and keep from getting suicides. He did great work and did more to expose conspiracies than anyone here but Fuck him because he doesn't hate Jews enough!!!!1!

Most "real" users know this and stand by this. What you're observing is a concerted effort to make it look like everyone is still bickering over the usual political garbage.

This sub is a hotbed for manipulation and coercion. Real efforts make everything boil down to the surface level issues presented to us.

We have been infiltrated, now more than ever.

It's not like saying "we have been infiltrated" is even that crazy of a thing.

It's an open platform. Accounts are free. You can create as many of them as you want from a single IP address.

Anyone can walk in. Not exactly an exclusive club.

I'm revoking your pass sir, please leave at the nearest exit.

That's not the point. We're not talking about individual users. We're talking about paid, professional individuals or bot armies that control hundreds/thousands of accounts and change the trend of a sub from under the genuine user base.

We have been infiltrated, now more than ever.

we are under attack!!!!


Maybe, just maybe, people really are this stupid. What we are seeing is simply the unavoidable result of mixing with the hoi polloi, the proles, the masses, the lemmings.

Maybe this is why secret schools exist in the first place.

See pic related.

You might be right, the general public is pretty naive and at the same time very invested with emotions when it comes to politics.

The person who you replied to, Step2TheJep, is one of those people. I suspect he has other aliases that pretend to argue with himself and then convinces them with his rather shoddy logic.

See has has a website where the content costs $20 per month. This video like his other videos are convoluted crap but usually direct you to his site where full membership cost $20. He makes fun of anyone who disagrees with him as normies or conspiritards... he has videos making fun of "conspiritards"... aka people on this sub.

He comes to this sub to get you to sign up for his site. Aka a... well we all know what that is.

And he uses the same language as people selling diet pills or self help programs... that he will blow your mind, that people don't want you to know his secrets, that you will question everything but to get it you just have to pay him more than you would for premium cable channels or newspapers... or you could save up for xbox. John thinks his content is worth about the same per year as a brand new xbox...

He posted one video that is just easily disprovable and then when he got called out on it made another video where he pretended to retract his first video, then doubled down and decided it best he stay behind his pay wall.

So if you watch his videos and can't figure out what he stands for, or how it makes sense, or what he is prattling on about, he just wants $5 per week, for nice $280 on the year (he charges weekly, not monthly)... not sure if $AUS or $US... John you can chime in anytime...

Yeah I just saw your other post about him, always fishy when someone tries to make money in such a manner...

He only posts in order to redirect traffic for profit, it's pure spam. The dude plays dumb and I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe and of the shit he says. Just trying to profit off of what he sees as a gullible population. Luckily, people see through it. Hopefully, he will soon be banned for the spammer he is.

Pic related->ALWAYS a link to an affiliated YouTube channel

Shifting the goalposts and red herring is pretty much the main logical fallacy used by so many when cornered with Truths. " If Controlled Opposition and limited hangout doesn't work, we'll limit the acceptable topics of conversation and shift the goalposts, if that doesn't work, strawman and ad hominem"

What have I ever said or posted that has ever been disproven?

I am not stalking you, just on this forum. Don't like it when people try to scam people of money.

Don't like it when people try to scam people

I'm just posting links to YouTube videos, bro. Stop being melodramatic, and stop stalking, and stop lying about knowing people who died on 9/11.

No, see most of your videos link to your website, they promise the actual substance in your site if you are a full member for the bargain price of $5 per month... you are not much better than Logan Paul, profiting off the dead.

Is it okay if I post links to the New York Times or Wall Street journal?

Sure, you aren't the NYT or WSJ. It is frowned upon when sites post their own content though.... reddit is meant to be user driven. People post their own content in certain subs, but usually this is not monetized... or at least not behind a paywall.

You tried to post your own videos as direct posts but that didn't work, very few got upvotes even in this sub. Then you tried to link in the comments... that is where I found you shilling you own product.

Also even the MSM papers offer free content up to x many articles per month... not some vague basically infomercials for your vlog like you do.

You personally profit from these videos and do so disrespecting the dead. Whatever you think of the WSJ and the NYT their reporters make a good faith effort to report what they see and not to shit on people's tragedies.

They are far from perfect. But you cynically post your own content to try to make money. It would the same if you were posting adds for some home made erectile dysfunction herbal mix you came up in your basement.

Also, I can't even tell what you believe have the time, you purposefully, leave it vague to get as many people to sign up as possible.

You are arrogant, disrespectful, callous, aggressive and a conman.

the dead

There are no dead from 9/11. Nobody died, nobody got hurt. Period.

Believe you or the people I knew who are now gone... huh... how can you be so certain... by your logic you didn’t see them die but you also didn’t see them not die... and your proof is your own video... I expect no less from someone arrogant enough to call himself the worlds greatest skeptic.

But it’s cool, shit on peoples graves for what you call coffee money... I hope it’s delicious coffee...

Thank you for always calling out this charlatan. I try to as well. You're fighting the good fight. :)

His reply though lol!

I know 3 people who died on 9/11 And I believe the official story is a lie. But you claiming that no one knows people who died that day is a pretty shitty thing to say. You are wrong and are profiting of the deaths of these people. Scummy.

What are their names? Let's look them up and settle this matter once and for all.

Theirs names are listed on the 9/11 monument at ground zero. What resources are you going to use to look them up that will provide you with closure on this matter? If given sufficient info I will pm you the names. Only to stop your insidious charade.

Red Herrings, Red Herrings everywhere

Ok, I saw this from y’all’s argument... wait up, are you one of those “crisis actor” idiots!? 9/11 was fishy die to the way it happened not because it didn’t happen. I was in NYC a few months after, there was still debris and shit even in the areas that were not closed off, and the wreckage was literally a tourist destination. you are fucking retarded. The fact that it happened is the most verifiable thing of any common conspiracy.

What actually happened though?

I am sure the is a members only John Le Bon vlog that would answer the question?

This video does a great job, actually.

Do we really believe teh evil terrorists were able to break the laws of physics that day?

Your own video... am i supposed to trust some video, those can be fabricated. Nope will have to see it with my own eyes... but I did see the graves with my own eyes... which will I pick... I wonder.

You cannot even make a point without shilling your own video. It takes a certain arrogance to constantly cite yourself as the expert.

You are really the indignant little lowlife today...

So you believe teh evil terrorists can defy the laws of physics?

Don't get dragged into it, dude!

So your the uploader, right?

Well no one can prove exactly what did happen to collapse those buildings, but the “pancake theory” is clearly bullshit. Based on science, engineering, metallurgy, etc. Controlled demo is still most likely. But beyond that, and exactly who did it, there are not really any questions about whether it happened and whether people died.

He thinks no one died on 9/11.

That is legitimately a new one... and even more retarded than “hologram airplanes”. When there are legitimate questions worth asking what motivates people to invent new, stupid ideas to peg on... deliberate misinformation?

Removed. Rule 4.

Keep up the good work, I suppose. You seem dedicated to the cause.

Bored, annoyed, procrastinating... a bit angry. I don't care much what people personally believe, but when the seek to profit off of others tragedy that is when it gets messed up.

How many really stupid people pay $5 a week to listen to your horseshit?

The person who replied to you below is one of those people. See has has a website where the content costs $20 per month. This video like his other videos are convoluted crap but usually direct you to his site where full membership cost $20. He makes fun of anyone who disagrees with him as normies or conspiritards.

He posted one video that is just easily disprovable and then when he got called out on it made another video where he pretended to retract his first video, then doubled down and decided it best he stay behind his pay wall.

So if you watch his videos and can't figure out what he stands for, or how it makes sense, or what he is prattling on about, he just wants $5 per week, for nice $280 on the year (he charges weekly, not monthly)... not sure if $AUS or $US... John you can chime in anytime...

Just don’t tell me that it’s fucking Russians.

If you don't think the Russians are one the groups pressing an agenda on Reddit, you're not paying attention.

That's not to say there aren't other groups, on all sides, with various and conflicting agendas.

What are they pushing exactly? What agenda do they want is it trumps? Is it world domination ? Besides a whole mess of bullshit pushed by the Mainstream media i have no fear of Russia and their “hackers”

Nothing so grand. Just to destabilize EU and the US so we stay out of their hair. It's the same goal as the "Elite". Keep us divided, distracted, and busy with our own infighting so that no one really cares or pays attention to what they do and the status quo can continue.

That’s basic stuff that most countries do they pose no more threat to our country than china or Germany. Israel is the real threat to our republic

They're trying to take over this sub like they have the rest of reddit

They've moved beyond trying.

me too, but to me trump is an independent constitutionalist who has some qualities from both sides.

Also, the left has literally gone insane with the sjw, pc, safespace, snowflake, anti-free speech, comunist terrorist antifas, and black racist BLM, anti-white and open borders movements. 100% pure insanity and I used to be a democrat.

I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically.

Donald Trump the independent constitutionalist Lol

I was hoping at least this thread would be left alone.

the thread was inundated with the libtards as well, so might as well stand up for the guy who actually prays and has his wife pray that God infuse them with faith, strength, and the wisdom to run the country.

Perhaps not having this thread could have been wiser?

the guy who actually prays and has his wife pray that God infuse them with faith, strength, and the wisdom to run the country.

Where is the evidence of this?

Matthew 6:5-6

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

It's a damned shame so many so-called "Christians" today ignore and abhor every word spoken by Jesus.

Jesus said you and Trump are hypocrites.

Jesus said you and Trump are hypocrites.

There are 2 forms of prayer, personal ala Matthew 6:5-6 and group prayer or praying out loud with others in a group which does not infringe on the above verse.

If you are calling my a hypocrite, I dont care and I dont view you as anyone to judge me. God, if he exists, knows my heart and that it is ultimately good

And the Lord, Jesus said,

When thou grabs a married woman, consider and ponder on whether or not you are a star, for if thou art a star, thou shall grab the married woman by the pussy



Hey for what its worth, every woman I have ever been with has asked me to grab them and treat them in a rough manner

For what it's worth, were these married women?

Some of them yes. I was once a very bad boy, but I can tell you even now, the husbands that dont give their current wives enough sexual attention, many of them go and get this elsewhere and are being cheated on

Wow he prays! He also supported a pedophile, is married three times, has had multiple affairs, admitted to sexual assault; what a godly man.

what a godly man.

Yup, I've done many of these things as well because Im human and have needs, but try to be a godly man as well.

Also feel free to post a source on the pedophile part that shows he knowingly supported a pedo and knew he was one at the time. Thanks

  • praises DJT

  • attacks the “left”

  • 100% missed the point of this post

100% missed the point of this post

oh i didnt miss the point. I know soros funds the left against patriots, constitutionalists, independents, and the rest of us. The war is against the elites and those they pay to stir up discord

Ok and the Mercers fund the right against the left. What’s the fucking difference. Now you’re spewing off labels. Clearly you did miss the point. Get real.

Ok and the Mercers fund the right against the left.

The difference is, as an ex-leftie, is that the left has literraly gone insane with antifa, blm, anti-white, sjw, safespace, bathrooms, 56 genders, virtue signaling, anti-free speech, screeching, communist, just the whole movement went from something that was once about humanitarianism, equality, rights, etc to sheer and utter marxist batshit insanity

Clearly you did miss the point. Get real.

Clearly r/politics is leaking

I can’t waste more time than I have with people like you. You’re brainwashed. Stop watching Fox News.

I can’t waste more time than I have with people like you. You’re brainwashed. Stop watching Fox News.

i dont watch fake news, I research with multiple sources, financial newspaper/websites, intellectual resources, and critical thinking.

Also CNN = Fake News and r/politics is leaking into r/conspiracy.

Anyway, I hope the DOW Jones and the economy continue to sky rocket so you and your family are also given back more taxes, work bonuses, that you are fruitful and wealthy, well read in patriotism and the constitution, and have love for your fellow citizens in such a way that we are united as one people again

I too remember a time when this sub wasn't linked in every r/politics post in an inciting manner

Did...did you just summon the partisans?

no u have to post r/conspiracy on their sub for that to happen

Ah those were the days. Alas, became a market too large to ignore.

I think there’s a large amount of Clinton and Trump shills on this sub. Just look at this thread. It’s teeming with shills who are clearly trying very hard to deflect attention from what the guy is saying by twisting it into a partisan thing.

hey, long time non partisan dude. we lurk from behind the bushes.

I know that's why I was asking where the non-partisan/anti-partisan conspiracy theorist crowd is gathering these days.

we can't 'gather' online anymore. Every site is compromised beyond recognition.

better to re-connect with nature and disconnect from internet I think

Yep yep

Best thing I've read on internet in months.

*Continues to scroll and read because it's too cold

go skiing.

In Kansas?

Hey a dog, have him /her pull you in a sled :D

Female sled dogs only get 77% of the doggie biscuits compared to make sled dogs. And here I thought it was 2018....

*Cross Country skiing?

Just break my leg at the start and get it out of the way so I can enjoy the warmth of the lodge fireplace. I am certain a broken something would result in my attempt at skiing. And, its to cold.


This right there. If one place gets even a little bit popular, it gets stormed and is dead. Myself I just read some of the posts, listen to one of the few podcasts that i like and just carry on with my life, disconnecting myself from most mainstream stuff, trying to better myself. But its hard to find a place where those kind of topics are discussed without ridiculed or attacks, so I get why OP asks that question.

I do exactly what you do; this guy is not going to be manipulated by anyone. I'm trying to do what I can to help local self-sufficiency, supporting food co-ops and the localized sustainable food economy, gardening ect. I have a vision that we could create the Open-Source Cooperatives where we essentially focus on creating high tech mentorship/ mutual-benefit societies with the mission of making their controls over essential items obsolete. I've just been working in my spare time on these projects and documents that work out the logistics. I need to just collaborate with you fine free thinkers on a private subreddit or something though. Anyway, there are lots of personal things you can do in your life to make their control obsolete, but it's getting harder and harder every year as the noose gets a little tighter all the time... Love ya my friend!

Crypto currency will make that possible. It's how we will bypass the fiat currency system and get the best and brightest working for a better future. And not some stock brokers portfolio.

While i share your optimism, and do think blockchain currency is the future, the unregulated and free cryptocurrency market is currently showing us that a truly free unregulated markets will be manipulated and controlled ASAP.

Yup just takes one bank or a millionaire to completely shoot the price or dip the price of crypto currency. Just needs to have a reason dor it and people go crazy while those who know what's happening may luckily not panic sell or even panic buy.

What I'm talking about is kind of a different concept that uses the technology but isn't as subject to speculation. For the crypto side of what I'm interested in, check out http://www.backfeed.cc

Don't think of them so much as being like Bitcoin ect. In this context. Think of them as proof of value algorithms operating as economic incentives to participate in open source collaborative projects. With a big enough co-op, a currency could be bought as investments into these socially uplifting projects, encouraging bootstrapping and the distributive governance of the co-op itself. This concept is pretty heavy, but I feel led to do it.

For more details on the crypto currency part of this, go check out http://www.backfeed.cc

They have the entire concept open-sourced with the tech specs of the algorithm and details of the potential economic model. It's basically using the power of blockchain to achieve goals and encourage collaboration on projects.

On one sub, we deliberately ignore or block the ridiculed attacks. Every one is conditioned to ignore. The trolls are not fed. Or the mods get rid of.

I try this too. To go outside, then Im on reddit seeing so many people feel the same about the coruption and collusions at present outside. Followed by sadness turned anger when the rest lf reddit wont go play the game of life bot bot bot. Fuck it Im going to shovel everybodies sidewalks on the block. I know I made a difference, even if noone else gives a fuck!

Honestly this is the most non intentionally based thing I've heard.

Yeah that would be nice. There’s still so much important work to do to help the world. I think the left/right divide is a transparent ploy, but it has such a grasp on the people.

Discussion online may be difficult now. It’s important to try and make change in our local communities. Small change where we can make an impact. That’s how it starts.

I miss the good ol' days of conspiracy. Now I only come here to watch the car crash that is this sub.

Getting downvoted to crap.

And, for the record, all my anti-trump/GOP comments get upvoted here. I usually get my downvotes to oblivion when I dare to speak ill of democrats, which is hilarious given the whole Donald 2.0 narrative.

+1 to all of this.

Donald 2.0?

But yeah, Trump is a straw man for corruption. Maybe he was only supposed to serve in that roll through the election cycle, but here we are. As it is he may have the effect in 3 more years that he was intended to have if he'd lost. That we'll all sing "ding dong the witch is dead" and give a blank check to the next establishment democrat who sells us out to the war machine while balancing the budget, versus the Republicans who sell us out to the war machine while pandering to religion.

All of a sudden it's cool to be a conspiracy theorist... as long as you believe the conspiracy is Trump's Russia ties. And it's the only conspiracy! Would you look at that... this crooked outsider doing dirty treasonous deals.

The only reason he's getting fried is because he was stupid enough not to find friends in the bipartisan oligarchy to cover for him. This is of course amplified by his incredible hubris and atypically aggressive selling out of our people.

You're supposed to turn up the heat slow. He's turning it up too fast, and the frogs are starting to jump. Once we get rid of him, we won't be out of the kitchen. The new cook will just turn it up slow, buisness as usual.

Tell me if Trump is bad then why are human traffickers being arrested in droves? A huge increase since Obama? Why is the economy improving? Why is every elite scared of him? I'm sorry but there is no reason Trump would be a shill. If he's planted by the elites this is the most convoluted plan possible. Trump at the very least caused the culture to shift away from identity politics and PC culture, at the very least he saved the US from becoming a socialist shit hole. So why does it seem everyone here believes him to be awful?

I had all this stuff to say. Then I remembered that I was going to launch into a debate with... well who knows. I'm going shopping now.

Have fun <3

or his massive unpopularity with moderate and leftist voters will push us further into socialism? why are all those things happening under Trump? possibly because that's what's supposed to happen normally. if anything he returned to the status quo 90s narrative, not the new NU-wave feminism/soyboy narrative.

Tiny improvements are better than none at all. Notice the GOP is no longer wasting time grandstanding about god and gays... this is undeniably because of Trump.

We lurk. You can find us here.

Don't they have a TMOR mod?


top minds of reddit

Oooooh right right.

And point taken.

Yep. Phoenix.

Had no idea it exists, thanks

Well, the reason is whether you believe:

Trump/Russia is real

Trump/Russia is false

Hillary/Various are real

Hillary/Various are false

Establishment hates Trump

Establishment loves Trump

Or any thing else, these are all vast government conspiracies.

Sounds like layers of distraction to take attention away from something like AIPAC to me.

Do you think both Trump/Russia and Hillary/various are false?

Trump won the elections on his reputation as an outsider and a challenger of the establishment, so it makes sense that the MSM would help in maintaining the façade. If the people demand change but you aren't willing to give it to them, the easiest way to keep the peace is to paint one of your own as a man of the people, even though behind the smoke and mirrors you're quietly implementing the exact same policies. Does that sound like Trump to you? It certainly does to me.

So you think the MSM constant barrage of shit and rumors, calling him Nazi, racist, fascist, misogynist, russian puppet actually HELPED him win the election?!

Well, it certainly seems to have convinced you that Trump is on our side. Why is it so inconceivable to you that others might have boarded the same train of thought as yourself? The MSM's apparent hate for Trump is simply a classic example of reverse psychology. Don't you think that he adheres a bit too closely to TPTB's wishes for a supposed outsider? Sure, he spreads some populist bullshit like a wall that's never going to manifest every now and then, but stuff like provoking unrest in the Middle-East, deregulating the banking sector, further expanding the recognition of and support for Israel and waging a war of words with NK to scare the populace into submission is one hundred percent cabal.

I am a conspiracy theorist, a small minority of the population that really don't trust the MSM. That is not the case for the majority of the US population. Do you deny the constant barrage of rumors and name-calling from MSM? Do you deny that TPTB own and control the MSM as their own propaganda outlet? Do you really think it is logical that that propaganda HELPED Trump win the election? Try to think logically this time, actually consider the argument.

Let's be honest here: how many people do you know who still have a genuine faith in politics? Trump was specifically marketed to appeal to those who have been disenfranchised by globalisation; former miners and factory workers who saw their employers relocate to Whereveristan and are now unemployed, familymen who saw their town die out when the plant closed, etc. The kind of people who have been fucked over by the gubmint more times than they can count and have lost all trust in the system. A candidate that is supported by the mainstream news only arouses suspicion with then, so this time TPTB tried the opposite, just in case Clinton didn't make it. It worked like a charm.

I once again ask of you: how do you unite Trump's status as a crusader of the common man with his policy, which makes the rich richer, the poor poorer and destroys the middle class? How do you explain the defender of the people enabling the banks to screw us over even more. I expect an actual answer this time instead of a repeat of the same argument.

CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. LIMITED HANGOUT. These things exist to keep us marching back and forth, left foot and right foot to totalitarianism. Yes that propaganda helped him win because many people are subconsciously even tired as hell of The Establishment. No one is talking about how we can make their control over our lives obsolete! We all just bicker about the problems and continue the March; left foot, right foot.

Conspiracy theorists are extremely sceptical of MSM, but the vast majority of Americans will be discouraged, not encouraged to vote for Trump - get out of your bubble, not everyone thinks like you. Also, do you deny that the oligarchs clearly wanted Hillary more than anything? If they were the same for the oligarchs mm, potato potatoe- why have such a massive public battle? :S You should use your logic for a couple of seconds dude.

Yet Trump got enough votes. Trump is just pretending to be anti-establishment while continuing the general MO with just a different flavour or style than his competition and predecessors. Look at what Trump has actually done so far and in comparison to what he promised. Look at who he put in his cabinet (Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobil) and in positions of power. There is no Hope & ChangeTM or Making America Great Again, just endless cycles of tyranny.

Also: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trump+killed+more+civilians+in+first+six+months+than+Obama+in&amp;t=h_&amp;ia=web

What change would Trump have to do to convince you that he wasn't controlled opposition but legit?

I'm not convinced either way on Trump yet.

Well yeah, 'no such thing as bad press.'

If the general public believes he's a political outsider (most individuals I talk to believe so despite his political lobbying, anecdotal) and the MSM is talking shit about him, who would one trust? People in general don't like news sources that don't confirm to their beliefs, so when one labels the MSM as 'fake news' it creates a divide, strengthening the tribalism expressed between parties. The MSM then responds with negative allegations (true or not is irrelevant) giving further credence to the 'fake news' argument for those inclined to trust Trump.

That's my understanding of how he gained support through negative press. Just furthering the divide between the people, to goad them into a non-partisan illusion. YMMV

Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangout truly is the MO for keeping those tired of The Establishment at Bay. Bernie Sanders made those more on the left willing to continue to wait for a Savior to "drain the swamp" so to speak from their perspective. So instead of looking for saviors, we need to be our own saviors in our communities and build organizations and utilize technologies that make their control obsolete! Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangout cause us to continue the search for Saviors.

no, trump won the election because of #1 sexism, #2 he's not a politician(aka the "change" argument that obama also won using) and #3 racism

The establishment is far more complicated than the Kochs and Soros.

The banksters certainly seems to like Trump. I personally think Trump didn't really ever want to end the establishment. He just saw the racket going on and wanted a cut.

You might be right, but there can be no doubt at all that Hillary was a deep state puppet. Ofc conspiracy theorists notice the MSM propaganda against Trump and consider him a better candidate. What the oligarchs don't want is what we want. The Koch-brothers and Soros are real US oligarchs.

It's true that they wanted Hillary more than Trump.

I think it's also true that the oligarchs are lining up behind Trump now. Look at Lindsay Graham. That dude is totally bought and paid for by the establishment, and though he said some nasty things about Trump, publicly, he's completely changed his tune ... once the tax cut got through. Hmmm. The establishment left, including Nancy Pelosi, just voted to help expand domestic surveillance powers.

Trump was pissed that establishment figures would take his money, take his donations, but never really wanted him in their club. So, he forced his way in. Everything he's done economically has helped the oligarchs -- tax cuts, marijuana crackdown, de-regulation, talking big but zero actual movement on trade, increased military spending.

And because his social policies are so ass backwards, he's made the left so scared shitless that they will gladly run into the arms of any establishment hack (like Kamala Harris) that dares to run.

I don't disagree with this, and I don't believe Trump is some Messiah, but I don't think it is strange that conspiracy theorists have abandoned the 'elections don't matter's rhetoric after such an important election where we actually usurped the power of the oligarchs! The oligarchs losing power is extremely positive. They wanted Hillary and didn't get their wish.

Are the oligarghs losing power? No, they didn't get the President who was in the club, but at the end of the day, it seems to me like they're getting exactly what they want on the issues, and in some cases, more than they could have gotten from Hillary, while Trump makes an ass of the entire anti-establishment movement.

They used to be able to dictate who becomes president. They weren't able this election. Yes, that is a loss of power. I agree Trump is basically toeing the line and not actively challenging the oligarchs or "draining the swamp". Still, I don't think it is strange that conspiracy theorist prefer Trump to Hillary. Hillary is a pure pet of the oligarchs.

I don't think it's strange that conspiracy theorists preferred Trump to Hillary. I get it. It's their continued support for Trump, a year later, given what we know now, that is strange to me.

Diehard supporters, sure, but I don't think it is strange to still consider Trump a better choice than Hillary, many people claimed Trump would start concentration camps for LGBT and Muslims, work for the Russians against American interests, crash the economy and start WW3, all of that was lies and it certainly set the standard for expectations. If you thought that would happen you would be irrational if you didn't like him more now than when you believed that. This election it was not true that it didn't matter who won and both candidates were the same puppets who would do the same - which is why conspiracy theorists didn't act that way.

Do you vote based on what "many people" claim or based on your own evaluation of a candidate's words and record? I personally felt both candidates had huge dealbreakers for me and had to analyze number of dealbreakers and what dealbreakers were more important to me. Being a lefty, in the final analysis, I came up Hillary, but it wasn't easy for me, and I totally and completely understand why people, even other lefties, did their own calculations and came up Trump. I get it. I do.

However, had Hillary won, eventhough I voted for her, I would be totally jumping her shit right now for every pro-establishment, pro-plutocracy, move she'd be making now. I'd be on her ass from Day One. I don't see that on the part of people who voted Trump when Trump makes those types of moves. It seems like they feel invested in him and are unwilling to admit a loss, and cut ties, like they're so happy that the threat of Clinton is behind us, that they're unwilling to look at the danger of Trump. Hell, they're even willing to excuse the establishment of the at-large Republican Party as a whole doing establishment things, so long as they are deferential to Trump.

Do you vote based on what "many people" claim or based on your own evaluation of a candidate's words and record?

I was speaking about the electoral population, not me personally. I never believed any of that MSM propaganda in the first place.

I very much agree with the rest of your comment! And I recognize that there are many blind Trump supporters, although I would add that there are many blind Hillary supporters as well, many who swallowed the MSM lies and propaganda bait hook and sink, which is why I listed a few of them up. The big problem is the two party system created by the first past the post voting system. This polarizes our politics immensely, we should have 10 candidates to choose from for our highest office, not 2. The judicial branch has even said private parties may legally rig their own elections! Since the private parties are baught and paid for, oligarchs decide our candidates. I personally believe pretty much every republican candidate except Rand Paul and Trump were oligarchs' picks. Now, that absolutely does not mean that he is infallible or shouldn't be criticised! It just makes him a regular politician from an actual democracy! But from what I have seen so far I find it hard to believe Hillary would be better, a clear, undisputable Soros/Rothschild puppet who rigged the election from Bernie.

You get controlled opposition! You get controlled opposition! You get controlled opposition! AND YOU get controlled opposition!

See where I'm going with this?

I always go back to the fact that it was Roger Stone who convinced him to run in the first place. His entire campaign was very much made of insider political operatives. While the message may have been antiestablishment I think his policies and the people behind him are the epitome of the establishment. Furthermore, when Trump won there was a slight downturn in the market that immediately recovered and hasn't looked back. To me, that's the establishment confirming that Trump's policies would serve the upper class exclusively.

Or Puerto Rico.

Or the fact that your government works for the rich and not for you.

This is what they're desperately trying to distract us from with these manufactured conspiracies. Because when the majority wakes up to how badly we're all being fucked, the "donor class" will suffer. It's not red vs blue, it never has been. It's rich vs poor, and it ALWAYS has been.

Now if you'll excuse me, i'm going back to reading the non-partisan meteor theory that got posted today, because it's more likely to go somewhere than anything dealing with any politician that isn't them getting tossed in jail.

I have never disagreed with this and I don’t now. However, by logic one can surmise that some strategies to benefit the rich are worse for the poor than others. At the moment, Trump’s strategy is better for the poor than Obama’s was or Hillary’s would have been.

That is one of the obvious lies about the economic boom under Trump. “It only benefits the rich” and so on. How does one manage to twist their mind into believing that something which improves conditions for some, even if not all, is worse than something that benefits none?

Essentially the options were: Democrats want you to be poor, but they will give you just enough benefits to make people fully dependent upon the government and lull them into forgetting freedom entirely as it disappears. Republicans want you to be poor but still work and think you can make it up, they will cut all benefits and eventually leave you totally on your own whilst making you believe it was all your own fault and that no one is entitled to help from the government.

Neither is good but of the two, one at least does not seek to destroy the idea of freedom or value of work and self-determination. They may rig the game against you, but they don’t force you to surrender free will. If society ever does collapse into revolt, I would rather be among people who were under Republican ideology when it did than Democrat for there would still be hope of building a good society.

Exactly! You really don't deserve downvotes for this, because you're right. And it took me till the last election to realize exactly how terrible the democrats in particular were for the working class. And if the people were actually in charge, our economy would look very, very different than it does today. But, as a nation, we've gone so off the deep end of our partisan pools, that we can't even sit down long enough to talk to each other and realize that, most of the time, we 100% agree on what the problems with the country are. The issues we run into are what we believe the solutions to the problems are. And this is where the MSM comes in to drive us further apart, by not just arguing against a point, but by making the other side Satan Incarnate. The truth of the matter is, that when it comes to the economy, neither big political party is going to come up with a theory that helps the country, because both sides are protecting their own interests, which happens to coincide with protecting the interests of the donor class. Both sides hate the donors - the democrats hate the koch brothers and mercers for their environmental and social policies, and the republicans hate people like george soros because of their economic and social policies. But at the end of the day, both sides agree that we shouldn't have rich people buying off politicians. If we weren't so distracted by the demonization, we could come together to start fixing the underlying problems that are hurting everyone, but we can't even talk to each other anymore.

As one example that I see can attract bipartisan support, I saw an interview with one author or economist, who's name I can't remember right now, where he was calling for replacing our current corporate ownership model with an employee ownership model. All the employees collectively own the company, all of the employees share in the profits of that company, and all of the employees are responsible for voting on things like wages, leadership, expansions, etc. And, in order to encourage this, pass a law that states if a company in the US wants to offshore, they have to give a vote and a bid to the employees on whether they want to take it over as an employee-owned company first, and set up a loan system to allow the employees to actually buy out the company. Then their efforts are properly rewarded, their work can be properly compensated, and they have control over their own work place. Now, show me someone who isn't a bought politician or a member of the donor class who dislikes this idea. Does it need refining? Sure. But we've already seen it work in this very country, in places like CostCo.

But this will actually help people, regardless of their political affiliation, so you don't see the media or government even mentioning it.

Anyway, this is a super long agreement with you, but it is an agreement. I just wish that more people would start waking up to what's really happening to them.

Couldnt we make a sub for this? And grow the community from there?

Yeah we're still here! It's loud out there though... I really thought Trump vs Hillary was the turning point when people finally realized "wow, both of these parties are absolute trash" but somehow, the left and right still have their mental slavery game on lock.

People dig their heels in when proven wrong sometimes.

I came to this subReddit today wondering the same exact thing! Great minds!!!!

there is a pretty good Conspiracy subreddit on here but you have to find it when the time is right. It is largely untouched by partisan bickering but it does get a little too new agey at times for my tastes. Some of the posts make me want to take a Shower and gather my Thoughts.

Part of it has to do with that sub not yet reaching a certain Critical mass.

I think internet forums (subreddits, what have you) operate on a principle similar to Dunbar's number, which roughly says humans can only form meaningful relationships with about 150 people. You can still have stable communities past that point, and even stable online groups, but too much past that point, it loses any sense of community. You're not interacting with other humans whom to some extent you know a few things about; you're talking to completely faceless avatars, whose ideas you end up interpreting more through your own lens of whatever group you've mentally assigned for that user (Trump-supporter, leftist, "normie", etc.)

That other sub still works to an extent because enough of the people there know each other, at least as far as you can know anyone on a pseudo-anonymous platform. The group forms a shared history and an understanding of the others as individuals and not merely as labels or positions.

/rC_S_T for those unaware

I'd buy you gold if I cared about reddit's servers.

Anytime we bring up the left, we get "whataboutism" charges thrown at us. I'm sure that talking point was developed at some weekend conference too.

Is it true?

Hiding behind new u/. 2016 cost a lot of profiles

It is possible to be non-partisan but still have an opinion or preference on politics. Independent or non-partisan does not mean “I don’t care one way or the other” it simply means you base your opinions on your own judgements as opposed to party lines.

I don’t hide the fact that I support Trump, or that most of my opinions are more conservative than liberal, but I vote and support based on judgement not politics (this forced me to vote for Obama last time because Romney was such a piece of shit, they both serve the same masters but Romney literally made his fortune sending American jobs over seas and fucking over pensions of workers. Even if they are both globalist scum, we are still entitled to dislike the person). The uniparty establishment’s reaction to Trump was not a great farce, but the hopes to bring him around were and are true as well. At worst, he is simply a typical uniparty conservative with a cocky attitude and a great sense of irony. The other option was a guaranteed uniparty globalist. As such, even if Trump is also one, at least he is one with a nationalistic bent and is more effectively working in America’s interest than previous administrations. He is causing power shifts and changes around the world, what comes of it? But, I will always choose the unknown with slight improvements over a clear March into slavery.

Did it ever really exist though? From my perspective the conspiracy theory culture has always tended to lean right, paradoxically.

That's only because conspiracy theorists tend to value liberty.

I still try to speak up for it from time to time but always get roped into ridiculous arguments from one side or the other. It's almost not worth it. This sub is compromised beyond repair, unfortunately.

yeah i hate when people disagree with me hmmph

Someone help me! What is the concept called when the acceptable limits of conversation are continuously narrowed where more and more topics are taboo. It's like false dichotomies, but the limiting of discussion topics...

I think you mean the Overton Window?

That's it! Couldn't think of it at the time. Thanks!

Back in the day this subreddit always had a wide open Overton window. Not anymore.

Well it has shifted.... ehats that fa ous quote

"The key to controlling a pooulation is to narrow the wi dow of acceptable opinions but allow wild, verbose debate in that small window..."

Thanks for linking that for those unaware. It's a super important concept!

Meh, there is still a lot of smart users here, It's just that a lot of newbies fall for the shill narratives.

They are merging us with the conservative side of the paradigm. This is being done by design. Trump is merely a Trojan Horse.

That’s interesting. How so?

Through the use of their alternative media gatekeepers/plants like Alex jones, cernovich, Paul Joseph Watson.

And also crafting an "anti establishment" image for Trump, ultimately leading the truth movement towards a right leaning phony "revolution".

Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangout--- also notice how the lines of acceptable conversation has sucked right in, and almost everything of actual importance is taboo.

I'd say he's more of a straw man. A trojoan horse is something that is welcomed on the outside, but betrays an evil inside.

Trump does not look good on the outside. But all of our upset at "corruption" in general is being unloaded on him. Which is great because the neoliberals can design their new game plan in the background and come out looking like the good guys.

Keeps us looking for Saviors instead of being our own saviors in our communities.

great point, bots can really really influence through repetition as well. People who feel alone will definitely jump on almost any bandwagon. I would encourage them to find their personal spirit guide before they start trying to believe in a tv creature.

every time I make a post about Orange Messiah replacing the black messiah...I get downvoted.

Trump playing his followers like Obama played his hipster liberals and unions people.

Nothing changes in the USA.


To be fair 4 was done away with , but I get the larger point.

It’s a grinding tactic to encourage us to give up.

Interesting that a lot of loud users here are not critical of US foreign policy.

Is there an RT sub? They claim to be middle.

It's not something recent. When something is happening behind the scenes, shills create a lot of psyops and fake narratives a lot of inexperienced users follow taking advantage of the dumb right and left divide.

non partisan

question: Is nonpartisan the same as being a "centrist"? If not what's the difference?

Hey cool question. No I'm not centrist because it still sits on a single dimension axis.

I see all politics as a farce and possibly even a joke. I don't root for one clown over another.


we now have conspiracy theorists disillusioned with globalization, Sovereign centralization and free market economics

Free market economics? Where? Nice article belittling conspiracy theorists, bub.

I don't think it's belittling and I agree with you.

I more posted the article for this passage:

Certain conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones cry out for the Republicanism of the founding fathers of the American constitution - intended to safeguard the individual rights of citizens from ever intrusive Government legislation. This is an obvious parallel with Liberalism and Anarchism yet not attributed as one due to the predisposed schema that Liberalism is a conspiratorial design. Then we have the utopian future of a collective society void of greed and ego to better mankind and society against the tide of corporatism and the concentration of power in Government as advocated by David Icke. This is an obvious appeal, whether subconscious or not, to Anarcho-Communism.

Years ago I coined the phrase

Its not Red versus Blue, its Purple versus People.

And I still feel that way, I support Trump because the establishment from both sides DIDN'T want him. Its the bipartisan establishment that is purple. The power gobblers and dynastic families pushing people thru secret societies into the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the media, Local and State governments and finally to the Federal Govt.

I absolutely love that Trump is a loud mouth who doesn't play well with others, I love that his approval rating with the media is like 5%. Look at all the fun he is causing! Jeb Bush was reduced to a fucking meme of a low energy dildo and Hillary Clinton was embarrassed internationally by losing to the candidate being painted as a ridiculous clown.

I fucking love it! I love that he is appointing people into govt agencies have historically wanted to shut those agencies down. And before anyone posts a laundry list of campaign promises that haven't been fulfilled yet... I don't fucking care! its been one year and the entire establishment is hell bent on stopping him from doing it.

I don't care about anyone's feelings or how much blood is leaking from their loving heart. The establishment can't keep the curtains up with Trump's (orange cheeto monster) loud mouth running 24/7. Its fucking hilarious. Build a fucking wall, lets see what happens. Its better than doing nothing at all for another 4-8 years and listening to the chosen ones continually argue about what the answer to illegal immigration is. Cut the fucking corporate taxes! lets see what happens instead of slowly watching our infrastructure crumble away while the chosen ones argue endlessly about what the solution is.

I'm tired of the "chosen ones" coming thru the usual channels being force fed to us year after year. I swear to god there is a politician factory somewhere pooping these fuckers out like Ace Ventura slithering out of a robot rino's asshole. They plop down onto the scene with just a brush of grey at their sideburns and the perfectly rehearsed politically correct yammering where they NEVER answer a fucking question and NEVER give you a real opinion. FUCK IT! I love Trump's twitter! dudes taking a shit and something is pissing him off he blasts it all over twitter. Its fucking hilarious.

Sure he is a billionaire and he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but he is a real dude. Some middle class guy who would probably do a great job without being so arrogant or offensive simply NEVER will have the connections or the cash to fuck around in the kind game that lands you in the POTUS chair.

So unless you're talking about staging the 2nd American Revolution, with guns drawn and fields ready to water... Trump is our best shot at shaking these fucking parasites loose from the Government we DO have, the government that EXISTS right now.

I support Trump because the establishment from both sides DIDN'T want him.

Buh bye.


It's shocking that people who come here still believe this. If they didn't want Trump, then he wouldn't be president. End of discussion.

I think it's telling how every politician & media head was saying he'll never be President. But keep your head in the sand.

It's almost as if they're all full of shit.

It's shocking that people care so much for opinions they like to steer communities with rants regarding their feelings..

Yeah is this a joke? Trump is an actor. Everyone in politics at that level is a LITERAL actor. They even play OTHER roles.

Has anyone looked at Google images for Comey, then Trump then Lindsey Graham... there’s others but start there.

Look at Alex Jones and then LOOK at Mike Pompeo. We have ACTING AND PROSTHETICS AND MASKS- and laughing at the people because we all just sit back and believe it.

They are laughing at how obvious they can make it and STILL people will subject themselves to believing it.

I already disclaimed that i don't give a fuck about your feelings

Ok 👍🏻 A long time ago you were so nice to me when I had a different user name. We had several very nice, actually pretty cool, conversations. Take care 😊

That’s the effect of partisan politics. It turns people into angry, stubborn drones.

It's absolutely nothing personal, it's unfortunate that in today's political environment anything center or right of center is countered with appeals to emotion. Conservatives are left with a choice to stop listening to emotion based arguments or to hand over control to the victim Olympics.

On any other topic we can still have good conversations.

Huh. Ok

Its not Red versus Blue, its Purple versus People

Are the purple not also people, though?

Good post. Unfortunately you won't get a lot of traction on this sub anymore.

the establishment from both sides DIDN'T want him.

So many people seem to have forgotten this. The GOP even tried to steal the nomination from him in Colorado.

Trump is not GOP anymore than Sanders was DNC (independent since 1979).

I know it's only a year in, but who would you say has benefitted more from the Trump presidency: the top 1% or the bottom 90%, and what metrics support your answer?

Trump is more of an outsider compared to Sanders. Sanders sold out big time.


r/conspiracylite for the most part

There are definitely a few posts on the front page of this sub right now that don't belong. I think it's due to the fact that this sub IS growing daily and attracting attention from users that don't quite get it yet.


It's the most toxic thread I've seen on ANY sub in a long time.

If it's not a shill or whatever, then it's just someone that doesn't fully get it yet. They trying to drag us into their partisan bullshit and it works. I just give them my downvote and move on.

Economic theory is real. Get over it.


Isn't that the sub where the mods were found to be conspiring with Top Minds?

Errr the exact opposite?

From what I've read polkadotgirl got harassed pretty hard by that sub. Apparantly they stopped a couple of days ago, in an sort of official announcement on their sub, wherein they forbid linking to her account and such.

Yea, I think you're right. I was thinking of r/ConspiracyII, I think.

I'll check out r/conspiracyundone

Quickly skimmed a couple of threads on that subreddit. It feels like controlled opposition.

How so?

Didn't seem like organic conversations. I could go into detail, but at the end of the day you'll have to judge for yourself.

I've been subbed for a while but I was banned for posting a link to another sub. I am still subscribed but I can't participate.

Typically when a sub bans you and you haven't been an absolute bastard, the sub is not worth much. Especially a sub that should be about conspiracies.

Considering the loss of quality of this sub I'd be surprised if there wasn't at least a reasonably well-funded effort into propagandising all "conspiracy" content. Either through direct censorship or by trying to lead users into other conctrolled subs. In fact I know these things are happening in other subs, so it's a really safe bet to think they're going on here as well.

I want to give the benefit of the doubt, I really do. After dealing with the mod who banned me I was very turned off. I do find a lot of interesting posts there though. Glad you shared your views. Censorship sucks. Especially for people who claim to want to find the truth.

(And for the record, I wasn't a bastard ... commented on a image macro of a theorists' quote to a sub of that writer's discipline. Think: An image of Freud with a quote, then a link to /r/psychoanalysis).

Oh , those days were the best.

Yep. Good times.


It's wonderful, it's like everyone there is on a diet of red pills only. Unlike going to /r/politics and seeing every single thread littered and polluted with people deepthroating Hillary Clinton and buying into hard-left bullshit.

lol, that sub look like /pol

If that's where I have to go, so be it.

You're bitch about hard-left bullshit so to counter that you go to a sub riddled with hard-right bullshit.

You're no different from those you decry.

So quick to judge. I don't ascribe to the left nor the right's delusions.

So, you link a sub that is filled with right-wing bullshit, call it wonderful and say that it's where you go.

I point out that you're just the same as the people who gravitate towards left-wing bullshit.

You reply telling me that I'm quick to judge.

And, indeed, you are. Would you call me right-wing from this assessment? Is that your assumption? Are you even so sure that it's right-wing, or are you just too far left?

To a point I think going with "the left and right are two sides of the same coin" is too simple to accurately reflect something as all-encompassing and massive as the federal government, much less the differences between how parties operate in the states. There are absolutely areas where both parties march in step. One is foreign policy, but foreign policy requires experts in specialized areas of the world. There aren't as many people that have such specialized knowledge so they are repeatedly rehired by Democrats and Republicans.

But I think it's foolish to ignore how Congress votes, or the actions of each administration. The different attitudes towards federal prosecution of marijuana laws is pretty blatant.

There aren't as many people that have such specialized knowledge

Not at all true.

Neocons are not experts at anything except treason.

It is a simplification of the issue, but I see it more in terms of the mindset you have going into any discussions on conspiracies rather than believing that the red and blue team are exactly the same in all ways. To me, the takeway from the "two sides of the same coin" is the idea that these people are not on your side.

It gets beaten to death around here, but George Carlin was right when he said that it's a big club and you ain't in it. That is the idea. These people don't represent you. Republicans aren't for the working man. Democrats aren't for the blacks or millenials. They're in it for their friends and themselves.

I feel like, since this is a US site, and j am not from US, it has no meaning to me. But from my u derstanding of US politics atm, is that the whole gov is skewed to one party.

That's why the left-right paradigm is false.

More that the two parties actually represent the same interests on the biggest issues, typically foreign policy, the military-industrial complex, monetary policy, and corporate favoritism. We don't have real choices (for the most part), just the illusion of choice.

and conversely the freedom they always rave about isnt a freedom from slavery and freedom to live a fulfilling happy life. its freedom to be exploited, to enslave, to have lack of regulation/gov (which really just means corporations want all that), and the people, the rest of the population gets the rule of law, the governance, the choice of soap.

I wish I knew the answer to that too

It still is, ignored the subversive sponsored posters.

I'm completely against the notion that there is a choice between two. They are one single group of pedo globalist elitist scum bags so corrupted by power and the notion that they can do anything they want it makes me ill. These craptastic basturds require removal and justice. They don't work for us, therefore they must be removed.

Yeah and what chance do you think you have of ever removing them or bringing them to 'justice'?

Radical terrorist attacks that will accelerate state surveillance to the point where people will revolt

Ask the average inhabitant of your town how much they worry about state surveillance. You'll probably get an answer like "Yes yes, it's unimaginably horrible--now go away, my sport game's about to start" or "I've got nothing to hide, so why would I care?" If anything, terrorism will increase the acceptance of surveillance and empower the very cabal we're trying to fight.

It can continue to increase. Let it. Let this nation crumble into a shell of humans who were coerced into giving up their rights. Other countries will flourish.

I am not an American, so this fight isn't mine in the first place, but that is no excuse to leave 320 million innocents in the hands of those psychopaths.

That being said, I do not believe many countries' governments are as distinct as they seem.

Gibcake gets it.

So you feel ill and powerless and don't accomplish anything to make society better. Maybe it's time to lay off the theories and talk a walk outside. They want you apathetic, they want you to refuse to see any good. You're playing right into their hands.

Then trump ran against both 'left' and 'right.' Simply supporting the prosecution of Hillary Clinton does not make one a racist.

Trump refrained from prosecuting the Clintons and says they're "good people".

How many executives are stepping down? How many legislatures are not seeking reelection?

And he donated to the Clintons campaigns years ago. Does that mean the Clintons and their foundations are not being investigated? What about Uranium One? Huma Abadin? The Awans?

It's as if you think Trump became the government when he was elected. None of us want him to be our dictator. We just want a fair trial. You aren't going to get that without removing Lockheed Martin/ Bridgewater Associates/ HSBC Holdings employee James Comey.

I fondly remember when we didn't get 20 of these a day.

What about those who think ALL politicians are self-serving, narcissistic sociopaths?

Well, I might agree...which politicians don't subscribe to the left or right?

A handful are 'independent'..meaning they'll take bribes from anyone.

That's what we call apathy, bro. It would be much more tiring to seek out good people, I don't blame you for playing it safe and assuming everyone is evil.

Not all are evil..but I think they all are only out for power, status, and money. They think they are the best ones to give the orders.

Trump already had money, power and status before he was elected. He can't be corrupted, he's already got everything he wants. And he gave up that status to be president, to lower taxes and get human traffickers arrested... Yeah the narrative of trump being a shill just doesn't hold up.

If we had more than two ways to look at the political system voting would never work.

All of the non partisan/anti crowd is in "new" and that is the only way to find actual posts before they get down-voted or deleted.

Hey if you want to talk about conspiracy theories without involving politics then you should ask a different question. I have found that most of the conspiracies on this sub never acknowledge the true problem but rather identify symptoms of a larger disease.

And what is the "true problem?"

The true problem is our system of values, the majority of the world is hopelessly enslaved by the monetary system and none are more helplessly enslaved than those who believe they are free. In America the people who control society are the people who control the money aka the Fed reserve, global bankers, and the corporatocracy. In the last century we have been dominated by a plutocratic system in which the rich get richer and more powerful and the poor get poorer and weaker. We need a revolution towards what we value, the plutocrats want to keep an ignorant, unaware public that focus on our differences rather than our similarities. If the people of the world ever developed the insight that there is no value in money besides our belief in its value then we could create a brand new global resource based economy in which science and technological innovations are created to maintain global abundance on earth for all resources which would make money irrelevant.

The down voted comments in this post says it all, this sub has been severely compromised. I'll see you in II. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7r0owj/when_are_trump_supporters_going_to_realize_that/

I heard II has a TMOR mod.

All the left vs right pod people up-vote the people on their side, ensuring that no one can see anything but their imaginary bullshit they have chosen to believe in lieu of reality.

When confronted with information which challenges the left / right paradigm, they downvote out of instinct and fear -- often merely because they don't recognize what they are seeing and assume it is the words of the hated enemy, who is always to be downvoted.

Indeed, anyone who identifies as Republican or Democrat but also claims to be a "conspiracy theorist"(a term I don't use because it's a bullshit buzzword created by the cia) tells me that they haven't really done enough research, that they don't want to believe that the system they've been living their whole lives in is a complete farce, or that they are just very guilllible.

There are two things I've been thinking about that are mind boggling to me. 1. How can people still believe after all that has happened with the elections and the decisions that our "representatives" make, that this is a democracy and the average person has the power to effect the political process? This is really a rhetorical question because I already know how, but it still amazes me nevertheless that people can be so blind.

  1. Among the "Truther" community and the alternative media there are people who believe that Trump is in some sort of secret alliance and that he is an enemy of the establishment. For those who know how politics works at the upper level, the belief that Trump is some anti-establishment hero is ridiculous. Presidents are selected, not elected. Politics is theater with an element of meaningless interaction for the masses. Right from the very start of the elections, it was clear to me that Trump was not anti-establisment. He's playing his part, they all are. You don't get to be president through honest work and passion to change America for the better. You get selected to president because you're in the same or a similar to club with the rest of the occultist pedophiles or because you can be controlled in some way. Even George Washington was a freemason.

I agree with everything you said with the exception that George Washington was definitively a freemason. He is not alive to set the record straight and there is debate over his involvement. Paintings are not proof and it wouldn't surprise us to find that part of his story fabricated in order to demoralize people like you and me.

Fair point. It's often impossible to know what's really true and what's really false in this age of (dis)information. When we know nothing we must consider everything.

That sounds amazing. Reading the latest BS from partisans, ignoring their ability to think critically is very frustrating.

Left right paradigm as a single image: https://i.redd.it/xmx00432x0ly.jpg

I see that there is clearly obvious partisanship at play, but in the larger picture, politics are really interesting right now, Trump is unpredictable and his motives are not entirely clear (even those who think they know them change almost weekly).

Add to that there are huge and not unfounded conspiracy charges on both Trump and Hillary. The result is predictably that this sub would take interest.

Taking interest in conspiracy charges on both Trump and Hillary in a non-partisan manner is what is missing.

Well, one has been a conspiracy favorite for decades with pages upon pages of unanswered questions about every form of corruption. Then there is Trump who has recently been accused of conspiring with Russia to win the election (to the best I can keep up, the exact manner of this conspiracy is not clear and has changed a good deal, exactly what did he do with Russia? Have business dealings and accept some intel? Didn’t they actually hack polling machines at one point?).

Even aside from political endorsement, this is a lopsided comparison. The accusations against Trump are new and not earth-shatteringly egregious (considering what most people here think about what the government does regularly) and there is not much proof beyond conjecture. The accusations against the Clintons go back decades, are very terrible and include murder (child rape according to some) human trafficking, massive embezzlement, outright corruption, compromising of national security to hostile nations, drug running, proven obstruction of justice by destroying evidence, etc.

They could be equally corrupt, but Trump would have a fuck ton of catching up to do.

I remember when it wasn't about either, just weird shit that fucked with everyone. I've been here for 10 years, the biggest conspiracy I've seen is the everything-must-go gutting of the United States from the inside like it's a goddam Woolworths store. It's already in bankruptcy and people still think it can be rescued. It can't. It's fucking over. The conspiracy is that Americans are so pumped full of lies they think there's still hope so they stick around while their bottom dollar is looted from them.

This sub didn't create the massive partisanship this planet is experiencing. It is merely a symptom of the psychological warfare.

Yes, it's okay. They're easy to spot and if the (really great) mods chill, it will keep humming along nicely.

I feel like that was longer than a year and a half ago.

Could be, but it remains any of these are a literal conspiracy. If Trump Russia collusion is fake, there is a conspiracy to frame him from the highest levels or the president himself conspired with Putin and so on. That was my point, there are huge conspiracies openly happening in the Whitehouse and this is conspiracy sub, there is no way to avoid politics right now.

Welcome to the age of shillbots, friend.

Thank god there are still people out there that see the two party system for what it is, a trap.

I've been a poster on his subreddit since it opened.

This subreddit has been calling for an Independent, who wasn't part of the Two Party paradigm forever. That's why it overwhelmingly supported Ron Paul. He attacked the Democrats for being Statist, and attacking the Republicans for being deficit-spending war-mongers.

That ability to tell truth to power exemplifies "transcending the left-right paradigm".

The reason why the subreddit also overwhelmingly supported Trump over Hillary Clinton was that Trump [like Ron Paul] didn't fit the convenient narrative. Like us, he was accused of liking conspiracies. He would openly question 9/11, openly point out the lies that led to the Iraq War, openly connect the CIA to the JFK assassination, etc.

As members of this subreddit, we found it refreshing when Republican Establishment figures said that he wasn't a "real Republican," because for most of his adult life he held Kennedy Democrat views from 1960. We also liked it when he attacked both the Clinton and Bush dynasties.

Everyone on here knows of the George Soros "ShareBlue" brigades on this subreddit, trying to pimp the "evil Republican" narrative with Trump. It doesn't work because he's not a real Republican.

That's why I (and many others like me on this subreddit) voted for him.

He's not a Republican or a Democrat. He's an Independent populist, who gamed the system and scammed his way in in the only way possible: manipulating the system.

I always liked this comment from a critic who was reacting to the neocon attacks on Trump: "He did something amazing. He didn't run as a conservative or a liberal. He ran as an--American."

That's not a good look for you regardless. I mean he is a racist sack of shit that cares about money and being popular.

You sound like CNN.

Turn off your TV.

Trump a . . . racist?

Even on the front page today you have Floyd Mayweather saying "No one ever considered Trump racist before he ran for President."

They did the whole "racist" thing to Ron Paul, too.

They do it to every Republican. Bar none.

(Surely you're smart enough to notice the pattern.)

So even though Trump was given awards for helping African-Americans by Jesse Jackson, suddenly we're supposed to think he's a Klansman, right?

The people on this sub reddit are smarter than that.

And by the way, you're speaking to a Hispanic. If your whole basis for "Trump's racism" is his calling Mexican coyotes rapists (the same week that a report came out saying that 87% of Mexican women were raped being smuggled over) you're not going to convince me to be scandalized. As a Hispanic, pay attention to this: I, too, want a wall. I, too want illegal aliens deported. And I, too, have no interest in Mexican drug cartels or human traffickers in my country.

Guess I'm a "racist" now, too--like everyone who disagrees with CNN.

All American tv is shit, CNN is some how worse than all the other complicit media that keep giving reporting on every piece of shit comment he makes. He is a lying sack of shit that is racist, if that's American, then you have a serious problem.

Maybe you're confusing "nationalist" for "racist".

I don't think you know the distinction.

Ah thanks for explaining with a meme. You're cool

At least I'm smart enough to know that a guy who gets awards for helping under-privileged urban kids, dates black women and helps ill orthodox Jewish children isn't a racist.

As I said: I really don't think you know what the word means.

No worries champ. Get back in there spouting how good the kid is and let the world know you like having a fuckwits in power.

You should know that yes, people accused Trump of being racist well before he was president, due to his response to the Central Park Five.

As for the "but he dated a black woman" thing, come on. How many slaveowners had kids with their slaves? You can want to fuck someone and still think they're lesser. It's kinda common, actually, even if the reason you think they're lesser isn't generally about the color of their skin. :P

I don't like calling everything racist, and I don't think Trump is KKK-racist or a neo-Nazi. He's just the casual kind of racist my grandma is. The "oh, he's so well spoken!" kind of racist. Which a lot of people are, to be fair.

I worked the graveyard shift at a gas station for a while, and we had plenty of neo-Nazi customers. Some wore their swastika tattoos proud, some hid it under their sleeves until they thought they were okay showing them off - because hey, I was a white guy, I'd understand being proud of my race, right?

I don't dislike Trump because he's racist. I dislike him because he's a moron.

Yeah, Trump is donating-millions-of-dollars-to-help-black-kids racist.

Or helping-sick-orthodox-Jewish-kids racist.

Wow! You're right! He IS just like pre-Civil War slave owners. Thanks for pointing that out.

One question, though: Why does EVERY Republican turn out to be a pre-Civil War slave-owning racist. Like Ron Paul. He seemed so nice. Or Reagan. Or Romney. Or Bob Dole. Or . . . well, EVERY ONE?

Never mind.

I'm sure I'll have amnesia next election cycle when a new Republican runs and feign surprise when CNN tells me that he's a secret Klansman, too.

(It's just uncanny how it's every one.)

And when I see someone waving a Confederate flag, nothing springs to mind more than "liberal!" :P

There's plenty of non-racist Republicans. I don't think Romney's racist.

And no, it's a cute strawman (along with saying I was calling him the equivalent of a rapist slave owner from the pre-Civil War south), but I didn't say - or even imply - that dating a black woman somehow proves he's a racist. All I actually said was that it's just not proof he isn't. Surely you can see how the two are distinguished?

No, a straw man argument is confusing regional symbols with racism. Southerners waved Confederate flags because it was a regional symbol.

Bill Clinton used the confederate flag. See here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/pbox.php?url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/files/2015/06/Capture18.gif&amp;w=1484&amp;op=resize&amp;opt=1&amp;filter=antialias&amp;t=20170517

The TV show the "Dukes of Hazard" had a Confederate flag. And no one considered the show or the characters racist.

I'm 40 years-old. For most of my life, no one considered it racist.

(If it had been, then Clinton would have been canny enough to ditch it. But even in the 1990s, a politician as talented as he was felt comfortable enough to use it.)

This new CNN formulation of "Confederate Flag" = racism is hilarious.

Likewise your bizarre belief that Northern Republicans go around wasting Confederate flags.

I've never in my life seen Northern Republicans waving Confederate flags.

What I HAVE seen are Southerners with the flag . . . as a regional symbol.

Not every Southerner with the flag was a racist. (Turn off CNN.)

Guess Bill Clinton was a racist for his Confederate Flag. (That's what he was trying to convey with it, right? It was a CNN-style 'dog-whistle,' correct?)

Or Democratic President Lyndon Johnson with HIS Confederate flag: https://dickatlee.com/issues/mississippi/mississippi_eyewitness/images/24_confederate_flag_lbj_hh_300.jpg

Or Democratic President Jimmy Carter with HIS Confederate Flag: http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/staceydash/files/2015/06/CIE2HBhUcAAt22e.jpg

Gee, Funny. Republicans didn't seem to run with this flag.

Oh, but I'm sorry: CNN taught you that Northern Republicans = Confederate Flag.

The meaning of symbols do change over the years. I haven't seen any Northern Republicans waving the Confederate flag, but I live in California, and see plenty Republicans waving it here. I don't know if Californians count as Southerners to you, though.

But wait, are you trying to say Lyndon Johnson wasn't a massive racist? Dude was a MASSIVE racist.

And Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter weren't.

Nor were the Dukes of Hazard.

Nor was the black woman in the link I just gave you.

I can show you pictures of Democratic KKK members in the 1920s with American flags. So, by your logic, our patriotic servicemen (and any other American) is a secret Klansman by CNN logic.

I'll tell you what - I'll start complaining about Dems calling the opposition racist when you start complaining about Republicans calling the opposition literal Satan worshippers.

My original point was that it's not true that no one called Trump racist before he ran for president. Because it's not true.

Look at this shit comment.

He is a reeeeeeecist sack of sheeeeeeeet.

Fuck off.



Here's a post you made.

Jews, even crocodiles hate them.

And now you're all like,

Trump's a racist! Reeeeeeecist!

You're a fucking racist, and I just posted proof. Now find proof that Trump is a racist or STFU.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

And? How does this discount Trump from being a racist sack of shit? Champ.

Because he's not a racist, he doesn't post anti-Semitic memes on Reddit, he has an immigration agenda that the Dems don't like so they call him a racist. Hell they call everyone a racist, it's classic identity politics and void of actual meaning. All they have to do is label something racist, plaster it all over the news 24/7 and people start to believe it. Hilariously even people who post anti-Semitic memes on Reddit are suddenly worthy judges.

Sorry I forgot, he is a racist bigot. And no I don't hold any racist feelings towards Israeli's however religious institutions whether aligned with a race, can get fucked. But thanks for your concern.

You're a racist bigot.

Haha. Sure I'm blaming all America's problems on other people and using that as political crutch to justify an ends to a means. What's it like being the lowest common denominator, I'm sure Trump really does care about you.

Like you do when you complain about immigration to Australia?

Just piss off already.

I don't. So check yourself champ.

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Great cherry picking champ.

Let's recap.

You post anti-Semitic memes, you complain about immigrants (legal immigrants which is actually worse than Trump) because of their failure to integrate, but still you consider yourself qualified to pass judgement on Trump because he's been framed as a racist by political opponents who are well known to use identity politics to defame their opponents.

I want to keep on beating this dead horse when we know full well that Trump is a racist. This isn't about a meme clearly labelled anti-semite nor a conversation regarding marginalizing racists because guess what happens when you do that, racists like Trump get voted in. This is about Trump being a racist, sexist bigot and why don't you go through the comment history on that cause I tell I'm clearly saying so fucked up shit on there as per the username which is the whole standard character it's meant to be. So lemme get it through ya head for ya. Trump is a piece of shit, and you think you're not voting for the status quo changes things when he is establishment. But I have no problem with Trump being president, cause hopefully he fucks up America so much that you stupid fucks realise that you're right wing conservative piece of shit views that think the rest of the world is just there to serve you changes and you stop with raping countries and your own people.

You get pretty sensitive when you get called out with proof that you're a racist and an antisemite.

And like I said above, there is no proof that Trump is a racist, or a sexist, or a bigot. Just accusations from his political opponents. Now you can STFU and go back to hating the Jews with the crocodiles you fucking racist.

Massive cognitive dissonance here. Sorry that you can't handle it. All the best champ, hope you president doesn't push the button like I have on you on.

I can handle it just fine, I handled it just fine by calling you the fuck out for the liar and racist you are.

You muted me so obviously you're the one who can't handle shit.

Have a great life, watch out for the boats man.

What have I lied about champ?

Trump being a racist.


I'm on Twitter nowadays. It's actually informative and gets really good information across quickly. I would recommend.

shareblue has been botting the hell out of this sub. i too am non partisan, but these alt left bots are really fuckin annoying. it's almost as if top dorks of reddit are brigading this sub because they admire 4chan so much.

It’s all a joke. Don’t single out the left because the right has its own way of lying to the masses.

You can't be non-partisan. That's not up to you to decide.

It was a very noticeable change that happened early last year.

As a non american, its extremely infuriating looking at all the biased political posts.

All Of The Post On This Sub Are Mainly From Bots Now. You Can Tell By How They Capitalize Ever Letter. Just Look At The Front Page. Every Thread Is Like This.

I think it's because with time there has a proven to be some truth in the old left right paradigm. Particularly since we can now link personality traits to political positions

I think most of the real people get that here. There are some shills posting unmarked ads for their political party of choice, but people calling attention to the "divide and conquer" political theater tend to get upvoted and agreed with. Even fans of Trump and Sanders usually recognize the bullshit behind partisan politics. For example, before Trump chose his cabinet, there were rumors he might give Secretary of State to a Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard. She is noteworthy for resigning from the DNC to endorse Sanders, she is also noteworthy for being perhaps the only politician to visit Syria and talk honestly about what has been going on there. And what did Trump fans think? They like her and we're excited at the prospect. Bernie supporters, even ones like me who absolutely hate the Democratic Party, like her too. Of course, Trump picked that oil CEO instead, but my point is that Trump fans liked the policies of this Democrat who endorsed Bernie. Because it's not about partisanship for the people who lined up behind Bernie and Donald. Bernie is an independent, and Trump is a former Democrat who also ran for president in 2000 as a third party candidate.

The anarchy subreddit is populated by lots of people who know that it's a load of bull.

My current position is there's really two main positions: reject authority/hierarchy, or deem it necessary.

This sub has become embroiled in a turf war between the "two" sides because it's the only sub of any real size left which isn't firmly encamped on one side or the other. T_D bans all criticism of their leader (their right to do, it's always been a rally sub) and r/politics skews heavily Democratic though not really "leftist" in the traditional sense (partly to do with moderation, but I'd wager more to do with the demographics of reddit as a whole.) The major news subs are less clear cut, but are still firmly anti-Trump and Democratic leaning.

It was somewhat inevitable that this would happen to a degree, especially as candidate Trump took the campaign into many conspiratorial waters. The Trump supporters (both real and paid) came here to cheer on any conspiracy that cast Clinton in a negative light, and the Clinton supporters (both real and paid), came here to defend her, and then after the election to push the Russian collusion narrative. "Conspiracy theories," though not often by that term, have gone completely mainstream at this point. I would defy anyone to find more than a handful of Americans not on ventilators who don't believe in at least one major conspiracy theory today (Trump-Russia or take-your-pick-Clinton-conspiracy probably takes care of 95% of Americans). Even without bots and shills, we'd be facing a similar situation.

I certainly prefer r/conspiracy of 4 or even 3 or 2 years ago to what we have now, but the toothpaste is out of the tube. Not just this sub, but reddit, social media, and even society at large. "They" used to keep conspiracy theories out of the public mind by ignoring, suppressing, ridiculing, and mocking us; now, they've opened the floodgates, drowning us in information and sending us false prophets of every stripe.

This used to be a club no one wanted to be in (not just this sub, but the label in general). Those who endured the mockery and the insults did so because we cared about the truth and had seen and read too much to buy in to the lies society had fed us since infancy. Now, every Tom, Dick, and Harry want to "expose" the chosen "bad guys" of whatever team they and their friends happen to root for. I don't think these are bad people or lost causes, though. They're just like most of us were in some ways before we each went through many realizations (and probably more than a few false realizations) before getting to the point we're at now, which is still a place of incomplete information and imperfect understanding. (Except for you, one person on this sub who has it all figured out. You know who you are.)

We could ban all politics posts, or even just all Trump or Hillary posts, but the issue with that is that politics (even though it largely exists as theater) is the one of biggest if not the prime example of the powerful conspiring against the people. How do you get rid of the partisan bickering without gutting one of the major pillars of this sub: governmental conspiracies? This isn't rhetorical.

I could write more on this, but I'm not sure if anyone's even still reading.

We should all Thank the Trump movement for conspiracies being brought to the mainstream. We would be living in a socialist, pedophilic hell hole right now without him. Sorry but if he's a shill, he's really fucking bad at his job. As someone who grew up under Obama I can tell you that the elites have the minds and hearts of children across the country. Trump being elected caused more human traffickers to be arrested, it caused a cultural shift away from sexualizing children and enacting communism. If Trump is a shill he has done more for the coming generation than anyone else I can think of. Certainly he has done more to help young Americans than any conspiracy theorist screaming "zIoNiSt!!1!!!".

Read every word. Thanks for posting.

Well said. This sub shouldn't shy away from the fact that it's gaining subscribers everyday. At the very least that means every day more people are coming here willing to get a primer on "waking up". Some are finally coming with an open mind to really learn more, which is positive, even if it means they'll get caught up in negativity and disinformation along the way. That's all part of the process.

If we straight up abandon ship, we miss out on a great opportunity to reach new users. Even "3 or 2 years ago" this was my nexus for waking up, and still it was littered with disinfo, but the truth still came though. Ultimately it's up to the users discretion to sort it out, do research on their own, and keep pushing. Even if 100 users come here and 10 make it though all the bullshit to finally see behind the curtain then it's a victory imo. And if we repeat that process every day then this sub is accomplishing its goal. That's why I personally think this sub should stay devoted to users freedom of speech, for better or worse. It has been that way and this sub is still gaining subscribers every single day.

Anyway I'd like to know what you think

Great comment. I just wish it was more acceptable to believe in whatever conspiracy you want instead of all of this bickering between different users and people trying to debunk other people's chosen conspiracy of choice.

I'm not sure if I quite agree, depending on what you mean by "more acceptable to believe." Being a conspiracy theorist is inherently a creative and skeptical endeavor. Creativity without skepticism means you'll fall for anything, and skepticism without creativity means you will accomplish nothing.

The 9/11 truth movement is predicated on debunking the "chosen conspiracy" that a man dying on dialysis in the caves of Afghanistan orchestrated the most successful attack on the strongest military power the world has ever known. We need skepticism and critical thought, but I'd agree that there is a way to do this without bickering.

I just get tired of people who just focus on debunking conspiracies or attacking users because they are interested in whatever conspiracy they believe in.

I agree there are respectful ways of doing so, but I feel like most of the time it's done in a hostile manner in bad faith.

This sub has become embroiled in a turf war between the "two" sides because it's the only sub of any real size left which isn't firmly encamped on one side or the other.


Make The Status Quo Obsolete! We're still here my friend!

Judging from the 1+ year long unprecedented witch hunt against trump it is quite clear that this left-right paradigm has been broken by an outside wild card.

Not admitting to this you either invoke a whole new level of conspiratiorial planning and execution, or you are a shill.

I tend to agree with this. I'm very open to hearing any conspiracy theories regarding Trump such as Russia collusion and his financial past, but it's so blatantly obvious that the establishment along with the deep state hate Trump and want him gone, it's basically proof positive for me that what you're saying is correct. The media will just straight up lie about the guy - take for example the rants about his mental health and fitness to be President that is based on absolutely nothing more than "we don't like his tone." The news outlets seem to be coordinating a message to undermine the President. I know people don't like his style or his blunt political messaging, but in my opinion having a news media that is so openly partisan coordinating their messaging to engage in favoritism with their preferred party/narrative, that's a big problem. The average voter cannot be informed in an environment like that.

Yeah, now it's just a bunch of people cry posting that the sub has too many people posting things they don't want in it. Downvote, move on.

Off this subreddit that's become a black hole of apathy. Not believing the right/left system is a wide thing to do, but to toss out all capability to make the world better for the children is exactly what the elites want, and exactly what most theorists do. They rely on theorists being overwhelmed and apathetic and most of you play right into their hands. When was the last time we discussed how to make society better for the next generation? When's the last time anyone here shut up about trump being a Zionist or anti Semite long enough to accomplish something? We can discard beliefs that are pousonous, but we can't believe in nothing. We can't accept our situation and take it lying down,

But by all means keep typing on Reddit about how President Trump is TOTALLY a shill for Israel but also an anti Semite.

Faith in the main stream media is dead. Most people feel betrayed by the information sources they once believed credible. There is no "baseline reality" anymore. Conspiracy theories and strategic "leaks" are now the primary weapons for politics and narrative.

Most people get their news now from "alternative media". The problem is, many of these sources are not remotely responsible about what they present or how they present it, since they make their money from clicks and views and want to be as sensational as possible.

Sure, they aren't the lying, manipulative MSM, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Politician X is an alien replemoid from planet 11 performing Satanic sacrifices in his/her backyard while also running an illicit drug business on the side. And since critical thinking is a lost art, a lot of pure BS is being passed along with real information and all of it is being taken as true. No where along the line is actual evidence presented, but as the picture builds, it becomes more and more credible and affects how people think (and vote). That is before you factor in bots and fake accounts, which serve to bolster up the nonsense and drown out the good information.

This is the face of politics in the 21st century. This sub is one of the battlegrounds.

Faith in the main stream media is dead. Most people feel betrayed by the information sources they once believed credible. There is no "baseline reality" anymore. Conspiracy theories and strategic "leaks" are now the primary weapons for politics and narrative.

Many people get their news now from "alternative media". The problem is, many of these sources are not remotely responsible about what they present or how they present it, since they make their money from clicks and views and want to be as sensational as possible.

Sure, they aren't the lying, manipulative MSM, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Politician X is an alien replemoid from planet 11 performing Satanic sacrifices in his/her backyard while also running an illicit drug business on the side. And since critical thinking is a lost art, a lot of pure BS is being passed along with real information and all of it is being taken as true. No where along the line is actual evidence presented, but as the picture builds, it becomes more and more credible and affects how people think (and vote). That is before you factor in bots and fake accounts, which serve to bolster up the nonsense and drown out the good information.

This is the face of politics in the 21st century. This sub is one of the battlegrounds.

I used to be non-partisan until I saw how much the global elite hates Trump and that includes a lot of the establishment Reuplicans.

Now, even though I don't really like Trump on a personal level, I support him. He must be doing something right to generate all this hate from the elites.

That logic is borderline retarded.

Logic is neither slow or fast.

Thanks for your input.

Remember this one?

These days Zyklon Ben is shilling for the government.

Realise that the internet is full of bots and shills now, so even this sub has them. Easy tell, is when they focus on tearing up your argument instead of answering your questions.

Only the Sith deal in absolutes.

The true power brokers want us having this silly left - right conversation. It doesnt matter if the pigs argue, as long as they(we) stay in the mud.

When the left decided to try and debunk pizzagate and insist on numerous Trump conspiracies the right felt obligated to speak up. It will probably go back to normal in 7 more years after Trump is gone.

With the Left and the Right there is a main difference. Right values less government and the left values more Government. That is a very divisive difference regardless of what you believe outside of it. Thinking 911 was a conspiracy doesnt have anything to do with how you think the federal gov should solve socio-economic issues. Its just plain divisive. Whats not divisive is that it is seen that both parties have been hijacked by special interests and neither one will get the candidate that represents the values of the public.

You've only been a Redditor for 1 year... It's been longer than that since this place was nonpartisan.

While it's true that the left vs. right masks a collusion that pits the whole of the governing against the whole of the governed, there is still a definite leader in the government's headlong charge into the abyss. Sometimes small steps are better than no steps at all, and helping the right to self-destruct isn't necessarily a meaningless gesture.

Pretty sure left-right paradigm is false for almost a century now. It's all about Nolan's char.

If someone doesn't know what Nolan chart is, I don't even respect what this person says.

It started when the donald users spammed hillary conspiracies. These were promptly followed by by /r/politics brigading those submissions

A politics tag would allow us to filter them out

We also need a rule that political comments are not allowed in non political threads

I would invite you to silentcountry, but you gotta know somebody who knows somebody.

Unfortunately, I think that the influx of people who wouldn't normally come here (brigades/shills) is just a fact of internet life now.

There isn't any place where we can go and have an authentic discussion. Every forum, every place, it's all been corrupted and hijacked. I can enjoy internet niches dedicated to hobbies to some extent, but once people try to discuss ideas, a wave of negativity and derailment is inevitable.

It's frustrating. There aren't people in real life that I can talk to about politics and society and other things I find meaningful. And now, even the internet won't let that happen. I don't know where we can go.

It's all done on purpose, so that those of us with similar values and desires can't discuss, and more importantly, organize.

Good old occupy wall Street times

Make your own subreddit

Money talks, shills walk.

I'm outraged by a complete lack of understanding & feign ignorance at every turn as I meat spin at my desk thinking about Trump, lol!

I've always heard this vague idea that the left/right paradigm is a false dichotomy -- that they're really one in the same -- but have positively never heard a satisfactory explanation for this reasoning.

Anyone care to elaborate for me? To be honest it has always come off as something edgy people say to wax about how they're privy to truth.

We're still here, it's just hard to be heard between the SB botnet and the Trumpets.


There is only pro trump and anti trump don't delude yourself into thinking that's left/right. No one was pro Obama in conspiracy world. For 8 years it was "all politicians are scum". It's only since Trump that you have people who are pro government.

So I google conspiracy reddit to find this sub when I go on...went today and this sub is no longer on front page when you search. Conspiracy?

I too remember the days before PappaReddit fixed our wrongthink.

as do I, now it's used to post political "he said she said" type posts.

OMG the main stream media hates trump!

OMG hillary is a crook!

we get it

Yeah you're right OP people forgot about the paradigm and they're lost taking sides against each other and not against the machine

I'm sure plenty of us are still lurking but we do get lost in 1 to 0 upvote purgatory. My cheeky banter and cynicism used to do much better on here. So now one just has to live for possible one on one's with someone who truly wants to converse... and still it's hard to sort through the sludge.

It's almost like there's a for c e t h a t w a n t s u s d i v i d e d ...

true that man ..it feels different

Remember when during the days of pre/early-internet days when I only had Art Bell with a WIDE variety of guests, and didn't get highly political and partisan? When Alex Jones was just a rambling occasional guest, and Art didn't tolerate the nonsense and overt shilling. Ah, those were the days of conspiracy.

The left-right paradigm is like cheese cake with blueberries on top for weak minded losers who enjoy fighting with other weak minded losers.

Those days are long gone along with the rest of reddit well good place for some things but this subs done ike toast so's any real political discourse or truth outside the MSM narrative.

Bots and otherwise successful agenda at work here. From AboveTopSecret to places like 4chan, I've been searching high and low for a good place to get conspiracy chat that isn't just left vs right arguing.

Far as I know, it doesn't exist. VOAT might be another place to check, but it may be as bad as everywhere else.

It's because people like media matters and God knows who else know now that social media and especially sites like 4chan and reddit are the new battleground. We help shape a lot of the non mainstream narrative. There genuinely is a lot of shilling. People used to keep it to where it needed to be but now they want to create a divide in places like here that are truly critical.

Many of us "partisans", myself included, don't see it as "left right" but "globalist nationalist". TPTB arent nationalists. Right now we have a potentially untainted leader wielding the machinery of "the right" to at least appear to be standing against the very interests behind many of these conspiracies.

He's named the Deep State. Pubkiallt acknowlwdged them and many of their methods. Things we've known for decades.

That alone gives him at least some credit.

at least appear to be standing against the very interests behind many of these conspiracies.

Um no...no he doesn't even appear to be standing against the very interests behind many of these conspiracies.

We are still here. I remember before this past election, all the "woke" people in my Facebook feeds would send me memes like "If voting made a difference, "They" wouldn't allow you to do it." Once their Favorite former 1st lady lost, it's all doom and gloom.

No one get's to that office unless they can be controlled.

If Alex Jones says its OK they do it. Thankfully they don't represent all of us

I'm a lefty who hates the Democrats, does that count?

What makes you a lefty and why do you hate the Democrats?

I'm a collectivist at heart and believe cooperation is preferable to individualism.

Mainly it's that I see global capitalism as a metastasized cancer that creates horrific suffering and will ultimately destroy us all.

The Democrats are corporate whores but they pretend to represent working people, which in a way makes them worse than Republicans, who are openly evil.

I would say you're not part of the false left-right paradigm, but I would say that you don't understand collectivism.

With all the homeless poor in this country, there's not one genuine collectivist at heart who owns a computer or is able to pay for internet access. The resources that make it possible for you to contribute to this thread would have already been distributed to those around you who are suffering from lack of shelter and sustenance.

Nah that would be stupid. I'm not using more than I need. My net worth is around -5k.

There are people, billionaires mainly, who have more than they can ever use or can ever be used by their children, grandchildren, and onward for generations. These people are hoarding resources, to the detriment of millions and to the wellbeing of society as a whole. They'll get their comeuppance, but unfortunately it will take all of society down with them.

There are people, billionaires mainly, who have more than they can ever use or can ever be used by their children, grandchildren, and onward for generations. These people are hoarding resources, to the detriment of millions and to the wellbeing of society as a whole.

This is true, but it doesn't make you a collectivist at heart. True collectivism doesn't mean supporting aggression toward redistributing the resources of everyone above one's own level of wealth and resources. It means internalizing putting the well-being of society above one's own well-being, which you've described as "stupid".

There's no reason to sacrifice myself on the altar of collectivism if it has no real world benefit to anyone.

If I ever come into money, I will absolutely share it widely and throughout my life. But as of right now, I am not in the position to do all that much for anyone.

I tip well, I give money or buy coffee for homeless people I see around, but I don't have enough to do much more. I need to apply my own oxygen mask before being able to help others.

That's all fine and good but it's not collectivism.

according to you

Collectivism is a cultural value that is characterized by emphasis on cohesiveness among individuals and prioritization of the group over self.

Words mean things and you're using the word "collectivism" wrong which is your individual right to do, but it doesn't make you a collectivist, in fact, it makes you the opposite of a collectivist.

This is such pedantry horse shit. I do prioritize the group over myself. But if I render myself destitute, I not only can't help anyone but I actually become a drag on the collective, unless you think that means I should then kill myself?


des·ti·tute: without the basic necessities of life.

Yet, here you are, posting on the internet about how you're a collectivist at heart.

You're not a collectivist, you're a bullshit artist.

I require the internet for my income.

yeah but then trump happened.

The post of the guy being ejected through the window of the wtc has a top comment that's saying trump will never investigate 9/11. As if the new president who has never been a politician before is the one to be held accountable for not investigating something that happened 17 years ago.

Trump has turned both the right and left into retards.

Yeah it's called Hegelian Dialectic. It's when there's a controlled opposition ultimately working for the same goal behind the scenes. It makes it easier to slowly and gently push the public into accepting their agenda.

Totally agree with most of what you say, but I wouldn’t describe neoliberals as centrists.

I guess the reason I do is because that's what they paint themselves as. "Pragmatic" they say, and we can;t forget Bill Clinton's "triangulation" strategy. Perhaps it's not the best term but it's how they paint themselves and within the context of the American political system I think the term fits, but that's just my opinion and I see the merit in your statement.

God, the more you think about it, the more you realise the left and right this is just total horse shit.

Especially when the terms have been completely co-opted by the Neolibs and Neocons so as to have lost all meaning.

r/conspiracylite for the most part

I don't have any response other than complete agreement my friend.

Ok and the Mercers fund the right against the left.

The difference is, as an ex-leftie, is that the left has literraly gone insane with antifa, blm, anti-white, sjw, safespace, bathrooms, 56 genders, virtue signaling, anti-free speech, screeching, communist, just the whole movement went from something that was once about humanitarianism, equality, rights, etc to sheer and utter marxist batshit insanity

Clearly you did miss the point. Get real.

Clearly r/politics is leaking

it did i was just saying in general. im forever stumbling into 1984 quotes on this website from people just trying to seem profound or something.

I thought centrist meant someone who believes in a style of government that would be right in the middle of the scale if communism and libertarianism were the two left and right extremes.

That is not the case, at least in America. In America, a centrist is merely someone who is ideologically between where the Overton window of "acceptable" political discourse is at any given time. Communism isn't acceptable to advocate for if you want to be taken seriously in America, though libertarianism is acceptable.

The far left side of the Overton window is people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are basically social Democrats. The right side of acceptable political discourse are libertarians (Koch Bros) and nationalists like Trump and Sessions.

That's why neoliberals and neoconservatives are seen as the centrists in America.

Controlled Opposition and Limited Hangout--- also notice how the lines of acceptable conversation has sucked right in, and almost everything of actual importance is taboo.

Shifting the goalposts and red herring is pretty much the main logical fallacy used by so many when cornered with Truths. " If Controlled Opposition and limited hangout doesn't work, we'll limit the acceptable topics of conversation and shift the goalposts, if that doesn't work, strawman and ad hominem"

And Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter weren't.

Nor were the Dukes of Hazard.

Nor was the black woman in the link I just gave you.

I can show you pictures of Democratic KKK members in the 1920s with American flags. So, by your logic, our patriotic servicemen (and any other American) is a secret Klansman by CNN logic.

I think you mean the Overton Window?

How do you change a system that is corrupt from the inside? Lets say that I run, and I get voted in (for some reason).
If I ran on a platform of equality and fairness for all, how would the elite and their political puppets take that? Especially if I won the vote.
Well in their power lays the ability to decide my future. Since I want equality for all I think that if someone born anywhere on the globe should have an equal chance at a fair life as someone born anywhere else. This applies to Palestine. Which would mean I would have to go against the ideals of Israel, and say I don't support them. Anti-Semite is probably a label that would get tossed around while the media twists words I've said.
Now not supporting Israel would be my first mistake. Because that is used as a sort of barrier in American politics. If you support them, then you support inequality and you support the idea that some humans should always be of higher class and wealth than others. The system won't change.
Personally, I think the only way to change the system as it is now, is with the use of the internet. But the government is trying it's best to get a stranglehold on it.
In essence, we are more powerful together than they are, but that's why they have to keep us divided.
Back to me being a candidate myself, lets pretend I play ball and I say I support Israel, and I take my time perfectly planning my political moves and eventually can run for president. What happens next is once I decide I want to run for president, I have to go behind the scenes and show somehow all of my loyalties to the system. Let's pretend I do just that and I pass, I get the green light to be a candidate and get tons of air time on the MSM and all of my ideas that I run on for presidency are portrayed in a way that the masses soak up. I get voted as president.
Well, now I'm the big man, I have to take my directions and work hand in hand with big business, while trying to appear to appeal to the masses. Profits come first, war and keeping the economy afloat so the system is a top priority.
But I've lied the whole time, I really just care about the common man, I care about equality, I know, ill expose the system on air and see how that goes.
Impeachment, now I'm not doing what the elites wanted me to be president for, I'm doing something counter productive to what they wanted.
Do you think I would stay alive long? What about stay president? How long until a narrative that is concocted from nothing is being pushed into the mainstream media narrative for the masses to consume?

Sorry, I don't personally think change from this system will come from the inside, it's all too interconnected. Maybe i'm speculating way to much, maybe not.

Yup just takes one bank or a millionaire to completely shoot the price or dip the price of crypto currency. Just needs to have a reason dor it and people go crazy while those who know what's happening may luckily not panic sell or even panic buy.

That’s basic stuff that most countries do they pose no more threat to our country than china or Germany. Israel is the real threat to our republic

How many executives are stepping down? How many legislatures are not seeking reelection?

Sorry I forgot, he is a racist bigot. And no I don't hold any racist feelings towards Israeli's however religious institutions whether aligned with a race, can get fucked. But thanks for your concern.

Oooohhhhh.......doesn't he know The Bible preaches justice and truth and love and submission, all men one to another....not a very government friendly message...

Don't think of them so much as being like Bitcoin ect. In this context. Think of them as proof of value algorithms operating as economic incentives to participate in open source collaborative projects. With a big enough co-op, a currency could be bought as investments into these socially uplifting projects, encouraging bootstrapping and the distributive governance of the co-op itself. This concept is pretty heavy, but I feel led to do it.

For more details on the crypto currency part of this, go check out http://www.backfeed.cc

They have the entire concept open-sourced with the tech specs of the algorithm and details of the potential economic model. It's basically using the power of blockchain to achieve goals and encourage collaboration on projects.

When you lie like this, do you think people believe you? Do you convince yourself of the lie, too, or is it just for the benefit of others?

What have I lied about champ?

if the rocket nozzle itself was controllable in order to vector thrust without changing the inclination of the missile.

And how on earth could this be physically possible?

It means attacking a spurious argument that people are not actually making

You mean like you guys have been doing in this entire thread?

The video stated its purpose right at the outset. It even used footage from 'Independence Day' to illustrate the types of missiles being discussed.

It could not have been made any more clear, fam.