Forbidden fruit

1  2018-01-18 by Magic_Runes

Imagine if the Forbidden fruit is the Most Powerful Magic Mushroom Amanita Muscaria/Dried under the sun and Moon.. Growing under the Tree of Knowledge Good and Evil the Pine Tree.. is true?

Known for 100s of years now kept secret by the Occult.. So called Secret socities, Vatican, Bloodlines/Black Nobility..

Imagine that Magic is real... That it is true that we only use 10% of our Brain.. - But in real life we are under a Dark Spell - like John Dee used a Black Mirror but Today we call it Tv"Program" - And Modern Day Religions is just to keep us Ignorant - Read 1 Book thats been re-written 31 Times makes it true?

Imagine that Demons are Real BUT we humans are more powerful then them - We can control them through Magic - Imagine Love is light/Heaven

What would happen if this was true?

Would people accept it? Or go back to living in there lives like debt slaves?

Sometimes its good just stop and take a look at the world? Why are there Wars/Blood Sacriface? Why are some countries Poor? How come people are in Debt? Why are we here?

You dont need other People opinions or Go to the Dark Side to understand your full potentional...

We all very powerful and we the People can take the Power back from the 1% without Politicians

We are living in a Matrix

But NEVER take anyones WORD for it... All the answers is in Nature If you want see it for yourself not just Words from a book

Travel to meet a shaman


I've heard the theory that the manna from heaven in the Bible was mushrooms too. I'll try and find a link with an article for it.

John M Allegro - Dead Sea Scrolls - Have you ever heard about A Mushroom called King of Sweden... Very Rare.. Manna from heaven Not Red & White like the Vatican - Santa Claus - Viking Shaman - its nothing compared to this.. Brown but when Dried Purple... Very Rare Maybe every 5 years it Growns close to a River/Pine Tree

What that's cool. King of Sweeden.

Well.. if you do the ritual - Eat it - Then camp in the Woods 7 days & Nights - The chosen ones - became Berserk - Warriors - They took the sprit of a Wolf or A Bear and direct Orders from Odin... For me its sounds more like u become Demonic.. But the story Goes they became like super Human for 2-3 Hours then slept 2-3 days... No Wife or Children lived outside the Village with the rest of the Warriors

I've also read that manna was actually 'monatomic gold' produced from elemental gold in the Ark of the Covenant. The resulting 'white ash' single atom gold was then baked into bread and consumed by the elites of the day, rendering their nervous systems to essentially be superconductors. Sounds crazy, but not entirely incredible, IMO.

I never heard that. But I have heard that the Ark of the Covenant was an electrical conductor. That explains why people had special ways they had to handle it. Also, if you didn't handle it properly, it killed you instantly (electrical shock).

The Ark of Gabriel, Antarctica, Russia and the Ark of the Covenant ... Praying with the secret document over the Ark of Gabriel at the Russian Orthodox.

Yes i read about it.. But then again meaning of words changes: U Know Sin used to mean "Missing the Mark" like a Archer and Manna "Mushroom" from heaven - If you study the Sumerians Gold comes up for different reason

Amanita Muscaria is definitely hallucinogenic but I wouldn't say they're the most powerful of the psychedelic mushrooms. It does seem reasoned though that the forbidden fruit and it's knowledge of good and evil was actually a psychedelic.

In a similar vein, I like the theory that the burning bush Moses encountered was actually Acacia, which contains DMT. There's another shrub native to the area (I can't remember the name) which contains an MAOI, so the ingredients for an Ayahuasca type brew were readily available.

In a similar vein, I like the theory that the burning bush Moses encountered was actually Acacia, which contains DMT. There's another shrub native to the area (I can't remember the name) which contains an MAOI, so the ingredients for an Ayahuasca type brew were readily available.

Joe Rogan used to bring this up all the time and personally I think that is enormous if true. Could explain a lot/give context to a lot more than just the story of the bible.

Well... You get it little confused - DMT and Ayanuascha Mayan Indian Knowledge is very Powerful and good for your soul - Amanita is something else what grows in the North"Vikings & Karelia" and the Mother to Amanita Regalis -

I know they're different. I was merely mentioning another theory where a religious experience may have been induced by a hallucinogen.

Yes you are correct on that one... Believe Me Burning Bushes makes sense after couple of Mushrooms after 7 sky opens.. Whats real conspiracy is the so called Joos - Fake - Torah stolen - Egyptian Tarot - Kabbalah - Kalevala - Stolen & Corrupted - They are not Real Jews Saturlian Brotherhood - House of saud & Hexagram Isis Ra El Are more like Brothers & Sisters... Just remember all roads goes To Rome & Vatican Library

You got a serious case of word salad on your hands there my man.

lol - True - Maybe i should write a Book - Or a Cartoon like Gravity Falls

I'd give it a read. I can't promise I'd understand half of it but your prose is unique to say the least.

kind of tragic.. Its all about my Grand Mother... i Dont have nothing... My father is Drunk - Dont Believe My Grand id Witch -

Mushrooms/cacti/flower.... frogz... fish.... trees.... I mean we can basically get high on everything?

Any shamans in California... asking for a friend

I'd consider myself a shaman in training, hello.

are you in california or close to southern california?

Put these ideas into a screenplay and go shop around. I’d watch this film/series.

The 10% of the brain thing is not actually true. We use all our brain. Just at different times and for different things. Unless there were something going on medically, all of your brain does get used.

Good observation about the brain, let me offer you this, Why are we so sure the brain is the seat of consciousness? Because the materialists had a party when they discovered the neuron? What if there are more organs and systems that interact with raw consciousness? I propose that something like the 10% paradigm could be true, but that it's not our lact of use of the brain/mind but in fact because we don't use our auras and 3rd eyes.

Oh I'm not sure at all. I just know that's how the brain works. But I don't know what I believe consciousness really is, you know? I don't believe just being born and even being human is really conscious and that you cultivate it and wake up on your own and that's real consciousness to me. But I still don't know where that originates.

The 10% is false just by fact. Because saying "we only use 10% of our brains ever) isn't true. We might not use it all together. That could be maybe where more abilities came in. But we don't use only like 10% and not the rest of the 90% at all, unless OP meant 10% at one time. That I'm not sure about. But I do know we use all of the brain for various functions besides even talking or what might be considered close to consciousness but just our bodily functions

Fools... How would u Know? If you Never tasted the Forbidden Fruit? Because u read it in a magazine makes it true? Why do you think these so called Secret societies rebel againts God? I dont know why I even care anymore - People are like sheep - Look backside of the Moon

I never said I did taste the forbidden fruit. I didn't bring that up at all. It's in this post though I suppose. I just mentioned the fact about the brain isn't true because of proven science. That's all. So I pointed that out.

I don't really have anything to say about the rest of the post because I don't know that any of that is true or false.