Music is a major piece of the puzzle

19  2018-01-18 by Quetzalcoatlwasright

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I saw your extended post on this the other day, it was a good write up. I'll leave a comment similar to my first. Music is powerful because it is a form of Magick. Magick is a way to manifest ones Will into Reality, and Music is Magick by implanting thoughts and opinions in millions of minds that otherwise never would have been.

That said, I don't think any one genre is "bad" per se, I think what matters most is the intent and Will of the author creating the music. Rap, EDM, and Metal can all be used for good or bad. This is why I carefully curate my own music playlists. You are what you eat, and your mind is what it consumes. Music is a powerful form of memetic magick in this way.


I hate when people suggest that music itself is the problem.

See flutes..

See drums...

See poems and oral traditions..

Music is about the most human thing about us, which makes it a powerful tool.

This music video depicts this better than any other..

I love the whole Interstella 5555 album and its concept/movie. I was also a big fan of their 2013 album Random Access Memories, different in tone but beautiful in its own right.

I know absolutely nothing about EDM, but I can see where you are coming from. I constantly use music to change how I feel. It has been a horrible winter, cloudy, cold AF, and I can't get out as much as normal. I have had to change what I listen to and move into more upbeat stuff to motivate. I have two new (reissue new) Wilco albums I couldn't wait to get in the mail but they are covered in dust in favor of music that is less introspective / dark.

I doubt EDM is for me, regardless, but I definitely see your point. I wish I could disagree with you on the 90% of people listening to whatever is popular but I think you are probably right. To be honest I really don't know what is popular, I have a 1.5 hour commute each way and really dislike radio so I am behind the times. I do know that I have to work out three times a week or else I start to lose my mind and I definitely know the music I listen to drives my stamina and mental health.

It's a hit or miss with EDM as their is many different genres in it. I dislike some genres like dubstep, trap, hardstyle and that mainstream EDM crap. But Trance, Electronica, Techno are great.

Trance, Electronica, Techno

Agree with this totally. The early German and UK scenes were as anti-establishment and uniquely home grown, as i've ever seen in a music 'scene'.

Squat raves were so organic that the UK government even passed legislation against the music and wrote the term 'repetitive beats' into law with the Criminal Justice Bill of '94.

Man that sounds like a bunch of BS.

Sounds like most of the U.K. Legal system.

And yet, there it is on the website.

I meant BS as in its bullshit not that it's not true bullshit.

Yeah i got that.

I meant that despite it being total BS, it sits in law. Thoroughly bizarre.

Sorry for the double misunderstanding, i can see why you thought that.

Copy that!

I do know that I have to work out three times a week or else I start to lose my mind and I definitely know the music I listen to drives my stamina and mental health.

2700 years ago the Greek poet Homer identified this same phenomena. He said:

"Noble and manly music invigorates the spirit, strengthens the wavering man, and incites him to great and worthy deeds."

I fucking love the Greeks and Romans, fyi LOL.

I quite like

Wretches who don't acknowledge the face of the gods and who will not Pay back ever the cost of their upbringing to their old parents,Thinking that might means right; and they devastate each other's cities.

There will be nothing like gratitude for oath-keepers and just men, Nor for the good man; rather, they'll only respect evildoers, Monsters of violence. Might will be right, all shame will be lost and All inhibition.

The wicked will try to ruin the good man, Shamelessly uttering falsehoods, wickedly bearing false witness. Noisy, discordant Envy, malicious, delighting in mischief, Hateful-faced will accompany all us unfortunate humans.

Self-respect and upright Indignation will go on their way to Olympus,Quitting the broadly trod earth and concealing their beautiful forms in Mantles of white, preferring the company of the immortals,Wholly abandoning mankind, leaving them sorrow and grievous Pain for the human condition, till there's no ward against evil.



I love me some Hesiod!

It's A MAJOR piece of the puzzle! Eh? Get it?

I'll show myself out.

You were only a MINOR inconvenience

I find puns to be a sign of sharp intellect.

All three of us seem to hold the key..

I don't even listen to music any more.

Do you want an award?

*hands you a movie

i though this was a discussion of the 440 and 432 tones in music. the 432 just sounds so lively and 440 of the same song sounds so bland and dark.


SS: music is a valuable tool of social engineering. Coming from someone who utilizes/ed it in every way imaginable (being part of band, meditation, leisure, sex jams, driving music, so on and so forth), it affects our mood more than anything else, in my opnion. Listening to “smackin hoes” all day long has had an obvious negative affect on the mental health of our society, as has the evolution of Electronic Music. My theory is that electronic music will continue to be propped up and eventually become the predominant genre of music, because it promotes drug use and “free love” more than ever before.

It sucks!

Because rap and EDM are freaking awesome. But they’re taking advantage of a good thing (or a neural thing; like say, a gun) and using it as a social experiment.

Think about this; 90% of people will listen to whatever is popular no matter what it is

Herd mentality.. So I think it’s important to try an expose people to good music.

For those of you who understand the important of Saturn worship, the cube, black goo, AI, and X’s...

Check this out

I freakin love this song... but hot damn.

That’s subliminal if I’ve ever seen it. This is what kids are watching.

What the fuck was that? No wonder people’s brains are fucking scrambled eggs. That shit almost gave me a fucking seizure.

I hate to tell you, but that is in no way, shape or form music. No musical instruments, just noise. I don’t know what the fuck that was, but fuck no!

Hahaha agreed!

I used to do a lot of drugs..

But yeah I’m more trying to expose it and the symbolism, that was why I included it. Artists reference the “cube” and the “matrix” a lot.

Calling them artists is a stretch, but I hear ya. I would follow you down that rabbit hole to see what you are talking about, but my ears won’t let me. :-)

I did my share of drugs back in my day, had a blast doing them tbh. However I am much older and I was/am a Pink Floyd kind of girl. Let your mind melt and your soul soar getting down with those guys! Ah, sweet memories!

This is my speed.

We can def agree that Pink Floyd is much better music!!!

I’m other news, I think it’s objectively hilarious to watch older people’s reactions to music like that, the worldsa changin’!

Not going to lie, it was a bit startling. It’s one of those moments where I’m glad I don’t have kids, I wouldn’t be able to handle that music choice in my house.

Kids these days! I tell ya! Now get off my lawn!

They got respektt nooo respektt at alll

what in tarnation do they think they are doin?

What's EDM?

Electronic Dance Music.


Here is a podcast about weaponized music.

I love the whole Interstella 5555 album and its concept/movie. I was also a big fan of their 2013 album Random Access Memories, different in tone but beautiful in its own right.

Sounds like most of the U.K. Legal system.

And yet, there it is on the website.

Copy that!
