FISA Memo, if released, will expose very serious abuses and criminality. Loretta Lynch knew, Bill Clinton knew, Obama knew. That's Conspiracy.

241  2018-01-19 by rockytimber

And yet who if anyone will go to jail? Who if anyone, least of all Susan Rice, will be put under oath? Mueller has a long list of irrelevant folks like Jill Stein that are set to be grilled on a witch hunt, but not a peep about the elephants in the room.


An educated guess by anyone who's been paying attention for the last year leads to the obvious conclusion that the report reveals extensive abuse of power and highly illegal collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton Campaign against Donald Trump and his team during and after the 2016 presidential election.

Funny, I thought the FBI knew about the Russia story and said nothing until after the election. Meanwhile they were talking about Hillary's emails a couple of weeks before the election.

But yes, Obama and the DOJ were working with Hillary to publicly mention her email scandal while hiding any suspicion that Trump was working with the Russians until after the election.

Seems legit. /s

I was just posting a quote from the article in hopes that more users would see 'An educated guess' and make their own decisions on the veracity of the story.

Fair enough - I wasn't arguing with you, just the quote.

Oof, when I first read it I didn't see the quote bar on the left lol.

It's all good. The downvotes were expected and actually help get my comment seen by regular users who only browse 'controversial'. Facts, opinions and misinformation have become very difficult to separate. That quote, for instance; is 'an educated guess' the same for someone from Harvard University and someone from Geneva College? They are both educated people. It's the reader who determines the legitimacy.

Hillary: If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses.

Is this the beginning of what she feared?

"I want that fucking Matt Lauer fired!"

Remember how the original source for the claim Hillary said this is a blog called “Victurus Libertas” buy that site provides no evidence that it was ever said.

Lol that's such a fake quote.

Hillary is such a sweet angel. I love her more than you I bet.

Maybe, I don't think about her much at all any more.

Is that what the new talking point is?

We may as well get the criminals out of office before going after criminals who are no longer in power. Get your priorities straight or well just keep being ruled by criminals....

Until the Clintons and the rest of their cabal are in prison the American Justice system is a farce.

Yeah, so what about the criminals who are actually in power. Let's focus on people who are not in power. That's the clever thing to do for sure.

It wouldn't bother me a bit to lick every politician in America in prison. But the Clintons have made an entire career out of criminal behavior, and have attempted to subvert the American government. Novody in power right now comes close to the level of corruption the Clinton cabal represents.

Unlike our current administration, who made careers out of being upstanding citizens who did not launder money or collude with Russia.

Yeah, I still think you have your priorities backwards.

Clinton did not win the election. Get over it.

Lol, nobody with a brain believes the Russia propaganda. As far as Trump's other dealings I have no doubt he's dirty. But he's certainly no worse than the 5 presidents before him, and nowhere close to the levels of corruption that the Clinton / Obama cabal practised.

Lowest approval rating for the first year of any presidency= no worse than the 5 presidents before him? Does not compute.....

Also, Manafort/Gates indictments along with Papadapolous/Flynn guilty pleas who are now directly working with the special counsel, yet this is all just propaganda? We've also gone from "no one in my campaign ever met with any russians" to "well most of my campaign including my son and son-in-law met with russians multiple times but don't worry it was just about adoptions." Why the lies from the beginning if nothing nefarious happened?

You're in a conspiracy sub yet you're defending the acting US government of a conspiracy with mounting evidence.... what are you even doing here other than to defend Trump?

Well, is that surprising when 90% of the media is working for the other team?

Yes. Trump did nothing with Russia that wasn't common practise. We know ffrom the that the whole Red Scare 2.0 attack was planned out by the Hillary campaign when it became clear that their pied piper candidate actually had a chance.

Trump absolutely is guilty of criminal collusion with America's enemies though. It's just that those enemies are Israel and Saudi Arabia, not Russia.

Well, is that surprising when 90%


of the media is working for the other team?

Team? What teams do you perceive? This isn't fantasy football or something...

Yes. Trump did nothing with Russia that wasn't common practise.

If it is common practice why do you care if Obama and Hillary did it but not care if he does it? Also: you spell 'practice' funny in Russia 😂

We know ffrom the that the whole Red Scare 2.0 attack was planned out by the Hillary campaign when it became clear that their pied piper candidate actually had a chance.


Trump absolutely is guilty of criminal collusion with America's enemies though. It's just that those enemies are Israel and Saudi Arabia, not Russia.


I'm not your research assistant, but if you actually care, this sub is a good place to start. Of course, you don't give a damn about the truth, do you?

Ah yes, a trump supporters favorite fall back. "It's not up to me to source and backup my insane ramblings, that's on you!" A form of debate not accepted in any capacity in any professional field is the lynchpen of the Trumpster.

Nicely put.

I am not a Trump supporter.

Plenty of people believe the Russian propganda.

Take yourself, for instance...

Wow, they laundered money you say? Just like most of our corrupt government? My god, color me shocked. We sure need 2 years of Russia hysteria to figure that out!

These deals happen literally everywhere, and Russia just so happens to be singled out. It also just so happens that Russia is the primary roadblock for our MIC's continued conquest and rape of the Middle East as well as the continuation of NATO's expansion eastward (after they promised not to, of course). Go figure.

Nothing to see here folks. Sure, the people in power are corrupt, but let's focus on the people who are not in power...

Go back to bed Russia, you're drunk.

Great misrepresentation of everything I said.

I'll have to ask an accountant about that. First in first out, or last in first out?

The minute that Halliburton and Goldman Sachs aren't able to buy any vote they want is the only priority. Until then, arguing about whether the mass murder of millions is worse than whatever horrible things the Trump people have done or not is academic. Except that its going to be seen as partisan. Which is really a vote FOR Goldman and Halliburton. They smile :)

But the Mercer's and Kochs currently running the country are a-ok, huh?

No, they’re terrible for the country as well.

Why did you see that? If you creeped through my post history a bit you'd see that I "spam" about a variety of things. Project much?

Just in this thread. Haven’t looked through your history.

Where's that coming from? List out any and all of the Fortune 500 you want, and while you are at it, why not list out every country that has ever done pay for play, which is a lot of countries if I am not mistaken. Heck, list out everyone who ever paid a lobbyist for influence. What's your point, that there is some honest movement you are a part of that has a higher ethical standard? Please do let us know who you are thinking is "better"?

You can go after both simultaneously. My concern is that this investigation/memo is primarily about discrediting the Mueller investigation. They aren't really trying to convict Hillary, they're just trying to prevent Trump from going down.


There's nothing to discredit. There is no evidence of any Trump-Russia collusion after a year. The investigation is just a Deep State tool to attempt to handicap someone who they didn't expect to win. If you buy into all the mainstream media propaganda without looking at the actual evidence, then you're just being played.

Didnt deep state Trump just authorize spyin

The memo likely has nothing to do with Mueller. It is dodgy to see someone root so hard for government actors, on a conspiracy sub no less.

Everyone involved in this are government actors.

Everyone involved in this are government actors. Only difference is that some of them are partisan hacks like Nunes, some are respected veterans like Mueller.

Everyone involved in this are government actors. Only difference is that some of them are partisan hacks like Nunes, some are respected veterans like Mueller.

"respected veterans like Mueller." Now thats funny.

No one had anything but the highest praise for him when this investigation started. Suddenly he starts actually doing his job, indicting people for lying about their Russian connections, and Republicans turn around and pretend he was a hack all along. It's very transparently bullshit smearing of a hero.

This is the most childish mindset ever. Its nothing more than "I know you are, but what am I?"

Look, our government (both Republicans and Dems) has become very corrupt. They are mostly all on the same team, and pretend to be political rivals. Just because many of them are corrupt criminals, does not mean that everyone is. If you believe that Trump is just the same, then congratulations, you have been played by this group.

Project much?

It will be bullshit fed to ignorant trump supporters so that they think they know something

Just more chum for a distracted feeding frenzy. No fucking way TPTB would allow some bombshell to dethrone them.

After Nixon we got Agnew. After Agnew we got Ford. The same Gerald Ford who had been such a great American that Lyndon Johnson could count on him to sit on the Warren Commission and rubber stamp one of the sloppiest cover ups in history.

Gerald Ford also altered the location of the entry wound in Kennedy’s back so that the path of the bullet would match up with the Commissions invention of “the single bullet theory”. The Commission knew how many seconds it took to fire the rifle that was found in the school book depository, and claimed only three shots were fired.

TLDR: Pence was acting on the outside to help the 9/11 Cover Up "Investigation". Mueller was acting on the inside to blow the investigation into the 9/11 Anthrax fiasco. There are dozens more Pence's and Muellers where they came from who will straight face lie to the American people to recover from this unfolding Civil War between the Hillary loyalists and Trump loyalists where Russia, FISA, the Steele Dossier and everything else, which should be serious matters properly addressed, but instead seem to be nothing but footballs in a game.

It will be bullshit fed to ignorant trump supporters

welp looks like r/politics and r/esist is here early, ready to undermine ans steer any truth a certain way.

The only thing those people resist is wiping their asses.

hahahahaha, A+++

Otherwise known as The HivemindTM

It will be even more interesting if the Trump haters find out something they have been in denial about. We might actually get a larger group of people who are able to think for themselves out of it! These left/right trolls are looking more stupid by the day.

In other news, you could probably padlock all the gated communities in the US and cut the criminality and corruption in half. The elites of both sides have that much in common: they have fattened themselves up beyond all belief and are terrified of the people.

Say putin sucks

Sure, sure. Compared to what?

Nope, I want you to type and post, fuck Putin (I’m gonna make it worst every time you choose not to say it)

Compared to people who don't openly murder their political opponents and who aren't de facto dictators. Say it you fucking shill! SAY IT!!!

See, you don't know what you are talking about. The Americans do openly murder and are a defacto dictatorship. We also have the highest prison population and a lot of shitholes.

We could have had Jill. Who did you vote for, troll?

You responded with your shitty google translate spaced out text to another person than the original one (me). Say fuck that piece of shit Putin.

Learn to spread your hate around a little bit sicko. What happened to all the Muslims who were going to end the world? Maybe you like being lied to, but US sponsoring ISIS should have taught you something. Look in the mirror dude. Its all right there.

Lol your such a piece of shit you can’t even say it with your quadruple spaced google translate copy and paste. Your the first person I’ve been 100% convinced is a Russian shill or bot. And why are you programmed to bring up hating the Muslims and then saying I’m the hate filled one? Y’all know what hypocritical means or oxymoron?

Frothing incoherently from the lips. Forgot your meds? Putin is doing the US a favor, putting a roadblock to endless war. Have a little respect for the better statesman. Overthow the tyrants whose thumb you are living under who are even worse than Putin. At least in Russia they can say they are better off under Putin. Can we say we are better off under Obama or Trump? Are you nuts?

Putin is killing journalists and anyone who actually stands up against him. I feel really bad for anyone brainwashed enough to think he’s good, or not sociopathic. I hate trump and Obama. But at least I don’t get brainwashed. I’m done with you.

Who is telling you that Putin kills "journalists and anyone who actually stands up against him"?

I did not say he was good, or not sociopathic. But if you think America is different, you need to wake up quick. And yes, you are totally brainwashed, I can tell. I wish I could say it nicer, but time is short.

What makes it bullshit?

Currently, it is a bunch of Trump supporters getting a hard on over a memo on a report that they haven't read. They promise it is scandalous but cannot tell you why.

It is just partisan propaganda at this point. Until they release the report in full, I will remain highly skeptical.

So if I don't support Trump but support ending corruption that was told to be outlined in this memo, can I still get hard?

You have my permission to get fully erect.

If you want blue balls sure.

David Brock's checking account.


A real reason please

If the republicans really believe something illegal happened, they would be demanding that the actual FISA application be released, not a memo written about a report on the application.

So release it then. Put up or shut up.

Dude! And miss an opportunity to let the news agenda do its magic on the hypnotized mass while behind the scenes, something more serious and sinister can be affected, like cutting deals with banks to let them slide on corruption charges? Come, on, be a sport, lets draw this out and maybe we can get Trump to tweet something stupid about it that takes the focus elsewhere. Headline: "Trump wants to revoke Mueller's Civil Rights" or "Trump told Prostitute that he had the Clinton's by the balls, but wanted to drag it out over his entire first term" or "Reality TV Script found for Trumps entire first 4 years" (and the first year has already eaten up all the material for the first three seasons!!!) Trump seeking screenwriters to extend his presidential reality show!!!!!

r u ok

Look how many spaces he ended up with in his google translate copy paste lol. They're not earning their borscht rations with unreadable crap like that.

Fucking Russians.

Can you imagine how much fun they must be having in the troll farms over there? What a great gig, just sit in a room with your buddies drinking vodka and acting like a complete ass on the internet, probably just laughing away the whole time.

so basically what i do every day? well, except for the buddies part...



I’m surprised you could type this comment without google translate.

No just the memo, but supporting documents, sources.

The actual FISA application that it's referencing! That would be what the partisan republicans would be demanding if they actually believed their own BS. Instead they are talking about a memo.

Exactly. I don't want some partisan hack's interpretation, give us all the raw info or shut the fuck up.

Nunes will never let that happen. He plays the same fucking game over and over again. I detailed it a month ago in the /r/RussiaLago FAQ:

Most of the reporting suggesting bias is based on the word of Congressional Republicans, who sometimes selectively leak information and sometimes outright lie. Typically, the cycle is as follows:

  • A Republican leaks a claim that non-public information says something. Meanwhile, they try to keep all the details under wraps.
  • The conservative media runs with the story for a while. ← We are here
  • The mainstream media runs with the story for a while.
  • More non-public information is leaked that disproves the original claim.

Your a hero for posting actual facts here in the disinformation sub. I'm sure you get some nasty replies from the Kremlin trolls. Keep up the good work patriot.

I figure it's a good way to advertise my sub. :-)

Sure, but if this leads to proof of Fisa abuses, then these people are looking at prison. We know Trump was spied on, information leaked, etc. I would be shocked if there is nothing behind this.

Prepare to be shocked.

There is no evidence to suggest that Trump was spied on.

You do know about the unmasking right? Guess what that is? Guess what it is when you put the investigation before the crime?


Yeah I understand what unmasking is. It's routine.

Guess what it is when you put the investigation before the crime?

The crime was the email hacks. The investigation has been going since then. You seem confused.

Um, can't Trump declassify this?

Yes, but that would be dangerous as he is the victim of it. It would be much better for him to allow those around him to do it.

That doesn’t seem like Trump’s character. He hits back harder. This is a perfect example that doesnt have to be in a fucking tweet.

Trump has written many best selling books on Influencing People and he is an extremely high IQ. I'm surprised so many people by into his show, but that is sort of the point. Stop listening to the dog and pony show and look at what the guy has done. You can call him (outwardly) aggressive at times, but lacking intelligence is not one of his qualities. After all, look at what he had to do to get to run for President, much less win it (and with MUCH less money). Give credit where credit is due.

How do we know Trump was spied on?

unmasking is spying. (But it got much worse than that). Put 2 and 2 together. Why did Trump move his headquarters after the NSA's Admiral Rogers paid him an unexpected visit (That Obama was furious about)?

The correct order of an investigation goes A. Crime and B. Investigation. We got the opposite and that is becoming more and more clear.

Do you believe people in the Trump campaign were caught talking to people under surveillance? Or do you think they were being surveilled themselves?

The correct order of an investigation goes A. Crime and B. Investigation. We got the opposite and that is becoming more and more clear.

Do you believe a crime happened?

Definitely there were crimes. The biggest were those FISA warrants. And equally as bad were Strojk, Obama, Page, etc.

If there was actually a crime, they wouldn't have needs "an insurance" file.

What was Strzok's crime? Obama's? Page's?

What was illegal about FISA warrants being granted?

Strzok was bounced from Mueller "probe" due to his many biased (and in the end illegal) statements to Lisa Page (and she was removed also). The most worrying might be his insurance statement against Trump. It is not the FBI's job to determine the President. They were weaponized. This might be treason.

Obama was the top of the Executive Branch. Of course he knew about this (but most likely was an orchestrator). The number of crimes Obama has committed in this whole coverup are a many. Honestly, he might be going to jail or worse if convicted for Treason (Where did those hundreds of billions that were flown in on jets to Iran end up?) Where did the Uranium 1 uranium end up in the world? This is looking very bad for him.

You can't create an investigation before the crime. The FISA warrant was finally issued with the fake data in the Russian Dossier. They were refused a FISA warrant on Trump prior (though it looks like they were already spying on him and had to get that warrant to make it look legit.) So, the DNC/Hillary and likely the FBI, helped FUND and CREATE the Russian Dossier. People are going to hang for this.

Seriously, how can you not see this?

What was illegal about Strzok's texts?

The FISA warrant was finally issued with the fake data in the Russian Dossier.

Why do you believe the dossier is fake? A conservative group paid for 80% of the work done on the dossier, does that change anything? How does who funded it affect its veracity? Do you distrust Christopher Steele? If so, why?

Either way, the dossier isn't all they had at the time.

You can't create an investigation before the crime.

Wasn't Manafort being wiretapped since 2014? Wasn't Flynn caught talking to Kislyak(who was wiretapped)?

Why do you think Trump went from "I do have a relationship. And I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today. He's probably very interested in what you and I are saying today... But I do have a relationship with him"


"I never met Putin"

LOL, what makes you think anything in the Dossier is true? If there was something there, we would have heard about it by now. Instead, Muellers team is being dismantled, but from their own words, literally.

What the heck does Mannafort in 2014 have to do with Trump?

What the heck does Flyn's cornering into a process crime have to do with anything?

Seriously, look deeper.

Christopher Steele seems reliable. Lots/all of the claims seem plausible. The weird number of Russian connections in his campaign seems inexplicable. Too many weird coincidences.

I'm suggesting most of his campaign was already under investigation. They also wouldn't be getting wiretapped if they weren't caught talking to people who were already wiretapped.

What do you think explains the change in tone for Trump from "I do have a relationship with him" to "I never met Putin"?

What Russian connections? Are they business connections or ?

You want weird Russian connections, look at Hillary/Obama and Uranium 1. Selling OUR Uranium production to Russia. That is proven and there is an investigation right now into it. (Yeah, another one.) That Uranium left America, went to Candada, then Europe and then where? That is a huge Russian Scandal.

Stop listening to MSM and think for yourself. They are selling you a false bill of goods. They are protecting the real criminals.

Third time; what do you think explains the change in tone for Trump from "I do have a relationship with him" to "I never met Putin"?

Would you read an article if I posted one detailing the connections between Trump's campaign, Russian/Kazahk business-people, and the Kremlin?

Can you explain to me in detail how the Uranium One deal was improper? Or even an article you think is good? I know the details, I'd just rather understand your POV. I don't see how people are still mad about that deal. Russia already produces a huge amount of Uranium, what makes this specific Uranium special? Why should Hillary/Obama have vetoed the deal?

Stop listening to MSM and think for yourself. They are selling you a false bill of goods. They are protecting the real criminals.

Maybe I take in biased media, but maybe you do too.

How the hell would I know why Trump went from "I do have" to "I never met"? Why you asking me for? Ask Trump. Give me something substantial, there can be many reasons for changing the English.

I would love to read that article. (I just hope it is sourced and and sauced.)

The Uranium 1 deal was improper because it appears to try to skirt the provision of the deal which made export out of the country forbidden. They tried to get around that by having the trucking companies license, be their "out". (Their are also moral issues of course). Once that Uranium left America (to Canada) we know it went to Europe, but then? Iran? N. Korea? etc. You do understand that Uranium has a signature and if a bomb goes off we/they can track its country of origin. But if Obama sold our Uranium, with the intention of supplying a terrorist org/power with our Uranium, that could be like a setup. (Just one interpretation of course.) So, a this end, it is treason, punishable by death. A bigger question - Why do you not care about America selling Uranium, which can be obviously made into weapons, outside the country, much less to Russia (You know, that Country they are continually trying to connect Trump to.) Can you imagine if Trump sold Uranium to Russia, this would be over.

This investigator makes some great points, not so much about the Uranium one deal, but mostly focussing on the Russian Dossier.

No, it wont.

Just another nothingburger as the republicans play political theater.

Yeah, I sure am glad we have the honest Democrats to trust, the same ones who helped get Trump elected when they picked him out as the one they preferred to run against, and then castrated Bernie. God bless the party that refrains from political theater. /s

Hillary will go to prison in minute now, I'm sure of it!

I heard she is being flown to Gitmo Monday.

I read on 4chan that she's been there since the "house fire" (FBI raid), and the "Hillary Clinton" walking around is a body double.

The Hillary Clinton body double is actually the wife of the Julian Assange body double. They're both alphabet agency actors.

She's wearing two verified ankle bracelets now, and a suspiciously bulky scarf (3).

How can anyone be this fucking stupid, lol?

Its pretty obvious that the Democrats were using dirty tricks. You want to give them a pass on it? Like you think it was justified?

You are beyond caring that the game is rigged. Did you vote for Hillary or something?

dirty tricks like the Benghazi investigation? like holding up a supreme court nominee? like repeating lie after lie on right wing media to the point where their base will come on reddit and complain about Democrat's dirty tricks?

One side is playing fair, and it isn't the fucking Republicans

Which is just as much incentive for Dems to want it released, isn’t it?

Devin wrote his lies down on a piece of paper, and then kept it classified so that they could claim the Dems are hiding it like Republicans hid the Fusion testimony for six months.

So then why would the Dems play along? Releasing it is the only logical action.

Presumably because they know the document is full of lies, and they think that voting for its release will look like an endorsement.

If they were smarter, they would call for the release of the memo and all of its sources.

How about release the actual report and not just a memo?

Yeah... how about some fucking transparency in general!

Because the memo is a partisan hack job designed to misinform the public. If it is released everything has to be released (sources, supporting documents) for things to actually be transparent and Republicans will never allow that.

Well... it wasn’t the GOP who released the dossier :/

Yeah, Steele released it to Mother Jones.

Was it sourced? Were the sources released? Who retained Steele? As an employee of the DNC, with his action benefitting the DNC, are you trying to imply that the GOP must hold itself to a different standard than an acting representative to the DNC? How about Feinstein then? She did not release a fact check of Simpson’s testimony.

I'm not sure how Steele just became an "acting representative to the DNC". He has worked for both parties and he isn't even an American. Feinstein released a transcript of congressional testimony, you can't equate that with a memo written by Nunes. You don't have to believe congressional testimony but you at least know if someone is answering a question under oath there's a good chance they're going to tell the truth as they see it so they don't end up in jail. Or they're going to use wriggly lawyer language, but Simpson didn't do that.

Because Repubs seem to have no problem with believing bullshit and disproving them doesn't have an effect

That statement would be true if you said “partisans” instead of repubs.

Because dems seem to have no problem with believing bullshit and disproving them doesn't have an effect

It's easy to pretend that both parties are buying and selling bullshit but that's not true. Republicans have been playing dirty politics for years, look at the Benghazi investigation. You have a president tweeting lies and the whole rightwing media circling around to find some way, any way, that they can say he there's an inkling of truth. The right has something the left doesn't have, a giant propaganda arm that is willing to defend each any everything they do. I know people on this sub like to equate CNN with Fox News but it's not even close. Do you know how many articles were put out by the "liberal" media telling me why I needed to listen to Trump voters economic concerns? Do you think Fox News was telling anyone to listen to liberals? It's a joke to pretend that the two parties are cut from the same cloth. It's an easy view to take, it makes you feel cynical and smart, but it is not based in reality.

I dont remember much about Bengazhi, other than that it was showed that the democrats were deliberately lying about what happened. They said it was a demonstration because of a movie made about islam. This demonstration only happened in the heads of democrats and never took place in reality. Thats a strange thing to lie about. Even if it was true, so what? Is it acceptable for democrats that we begin murder each other over youtube videos?

The right has something the left doesn't have, a giant propaganda arm that is willing to defend each any everything they do

Really? Another way to see it, is that the msm go into sleepmode every time a democrat is in the white house, and becomes rapid, wild dogs as soon a republican enters.

I can agree that fox might be a little more biased historically, (I doubt this is the case anymore after Trump won) but they kinda have to be. They are playing a game of "1 against 10", as the only big news corp supporting republicans, while the rest are democrats. Why would republicans listen to the MSM when they just stop critical reporting all together as soon as a democrat enters the white house, and literally becomes a flock of hungry hyenas when a republican enters?

It's honestly kind of hilarious.

You'd think they would've learned after getting trolled by 4chan over the dossier...useful idiots.

When did the republicans get trolled by 4chan over the dossier?

Might be referring to when 4chan claimed it was a hoax and certain people ran with that.

Why is the entire front page of conspiracy spammed with this story?

Because twitter bots the_D users are heavily brigading the sub with this convenient distraction.

There is a clear inverse relationship between hype and substance.

They’ve been doing this for a bit now. I’ve been seeing more activity from certain types of users, like a whole lot more.

It's pretty telling that the first post about it was from /u/peyote_the_coyote, I think.

"There is a clear inverse relationship between hype and substance when it comes to conservative talking points."

That never happen among dems /s

Brigades. Absent mods.

Can't be true. This sub tells me over and over Hillary is a sweet angel and if we don't believe Trump jacks off Putin every night, we're T_D trolls.

This sub tells me over and over Hillary is a sweet angel

Who said this?

Literally noone in this sub. There is zero love for HRC here.

Get real.

Point out the posts that defend Hillary and her actions.

No. I've been coming here for almost a decade. I have seen this place turn into David Brock's playground.

I love how successfully re-programmed you guys are to the extent where you state something, pass it off as obvious, but can't back it up. Then accuse others of doing the same.

I have a job and don't care to prove oblivious idiots wrong.

In other words "I don't have shit. FAKE NEWS!@#$@!!"

This sub tells me over and over Hillary is a sweet angel

Lmao!! I challenge you to find me one post that even suggests anything close to this on this sub that isn't blasted with downvotes. Quit your bullshit.

I get arrested for smoking a plant and they wont get charged for horrendous crimes.

Fuck the elite.

You are getting downvoted for saying fuck TPTB.. What happened to this subreddit, just wow.

Downvotes mean nothing to me. I was born and bred to be downvoted

I'm sure no one will pay for it. That's just to show you that if we want justice we will have to take the institutions back.

If we're still going all in over teased bombshell memos at this point, I think we've all lost. If it's real and damning, you don't have to tease it and hype it.

We've seen this time and time again. They will tease it to the point of hysteria, wait until interest dies down, release it, the few that still care will see that it vaguely hints at wrong doing, but the damage is done and people will continue to refer to it as if it was aomething

I feel this is spot on and the most likely way the events unfold.

I hope I'm wrong and legitimate corruption is exposed and rooted out, but after being let down so many times, it's not worth anticipating (also part of their plan - demoralization of the populace).

They're either setting it up to use it to distract from something big, or to try to fire Mueller.

How can you fire mueller with old fisa court info?

Trump just doing it Saturday Night Massacre style.

I guess this is the new bengazi, a smokescreen that Republicans can latch on to in order to ignore the flurry of accusations against the president.

Not surprised to see this sub eat it up. Better than Seth Rich though. Not as obnoxious

You people are so dumb. This is a sensationalized Devin Nunes fairytale. Trump can declassify the original application for the FISA warrant. He has that power. He won’t, because it was by the book. Surround yourself with mobbed up shady figures with ties to Russian intelligence, expect to get scrutinized by the government.

Hey, whatever it takes to keep the rubes believing in the false left/right paradigm.

The ACLU hardly a Republican group, is demanding the release of the memo and also asking The President to veto FISA reauthorization. Let's see the memo

your title makes zero sense... it only exposes these peoples criminality if it's released? hasn't it already exposed their criminality to the people in power? can't they arrest and prosecute them without waving the memo around in front of the public like a red flag to a bull?

This is what I don't get. The cops saying they have information that could put people in jail if only they could make the information public.

If it hasn't been released by now, it's not going to be released. Someone needs to leak it.

How do you know, OP?

Its not my prediction, but its one that is worth listening to. Susan Rice knows what happened. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had a secret meeting the week the Steele Dossier was published.

If the FISA memo was harmless, it would already be out. Now is the time to pressure for it to come out, and to wonder what's in it. But then again, we may never know. What we already know is enough that Obama, Trump and Hillary should be sharing a cell.

If this is all they are going to give us, im going back to sleep, yawn

Nah dude, conspiracy theorists no longer believe the government would or could abuse the unconstitutional mass surveillance xD Get in line! Protip for shills: all genuine users knew that was exactly what was gonna happen.

The FBI misused their authority and has involved Google and Facebook into providing information about then candidate Trump. Then used that information to manipulate and share with DNC

"Don't Putin a President"

Why are we twisting the meaning of an independent counsel?

Robert Mueller, a registered Republican, has the reputation of having unwavering morality and being experienced, fair, responsible, tight-lipped, and dutiful. There won’t be trumped up charges or fabricated evidence if there is nothing there. The innocent will go free. Let the investigation run its course without any hullabaloo or character assassinations. Anyone that believes external forces have backed off bots or intelligence gathering against America’s democracy, doesn’t live in truth.

Before anyone jumps on the bandwagon that the FBI or the DOJ have gone rouge for political reasons, here are facts to better help you form opinions:

The Intelligence Committee chaired by Devin Nunes has lost focus on the concern of Russian intelligence and bots interfering with our past election or the cybersecurity interference from foreign adversaries. No legislation has been introduced to protect the independence of our voting process from foreign influence. Historically, America’s priority has been our concern with external attacks, both physical and intangible. Devin Nunes, who served on Trump’s transition team, recused himself from the Russian investigation because of his furtive mishandling of classified information between the White House, yet continued to sign the committee’s subpoenas as chairman. Read More:

So, what crimes were exposed, /u/rockytimber?

Let's put it this way, if this stands, Trump will legally be able to hire a Russian smear job with no substance on any challenger to his re-election, get a FISA warrant out of it, and use the Justice Department, NSA, cabinet, FBI to spy on and dig up dirt on his opponents, even if it takes catching them in an untruth to take them out. You may be fine with Obama and Hillary doing that, but would you be fine with Trump doing it?

What crimes were exposed by the memo?

Its fair to call it criminality when government agencies are employed for campaign purposes.

This sub tells me over and over Hillary is a sweet angel

Who said this?

This sub tells me over and over Hillary is a sweet angel

Lmao!! I challenge you to find me one post that even suggests anything close to this on this sub that isn't blasted with downvotes. Quit your bullshit.

When did the republicans get trolled by 4chan over the dossier?

Is that what the new talking point is?

Its not my prediction, but its one that is worth listening to. Susan Rice knows what happened. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch had a secret meeting the week the Steele Dossier was published.

If the FISA memo was harmless, it would already be out. Now is the time to pressure for it to come out, and to wonder what's in it. But then again, we may never know. What we already know is enough that Obama, Trump and Hillary should be sharing a cell.

In other words "I don't have shit. FAKE NEWS!@#$@!!"