A message (plea) to the organic users who frequent this sub.

3786  2018-01-20 by naturalproducer

We've been infiltrated by a concerted effort to hijack this sub and turn it into a battleground of a partisan nature. As someone who has had a number of posts make it to the front page, I can tell you that the majority of organic users don't bother to vote or comment and this is hurting the quality of discourse here something fierce. My plea is for you to start participating. We need you. The sub needs you. The U.S.A. needs you and the world needs you and your participation here. Don't simply lurk, participate.


It's also important to browse /new. It's ground zero in the fight against the shills, and allows the Real Ones to set the tone of discussion for any given post. /new is far more interesting than /hot.

/new, /rising, AND /controversial

I've never even thought to check r/controversial here... lets get it on


I think the people who are putting in 8-hour days are going to out-grind us in the long run. This place can be brutal when what you have to say is often attacked by the left AND the right, as I'm sure you know.

You're welcome to your opinion, however, this is not a defeatist's thread.

Right on, I'll bow out now and leave you to it then.

I dunno.

They can slide stuff, and parrot talking points.

What they can't do is demonstrate compassion and thoughtfulness. There's no nuance or ability to admit that they just don't know.

When somebody begins to realize the only reason they've believed certain things is because their family, or pastor, or teacher, or television told them to reiterating the talking points only serve to highlight the bankruptcy of a position.

Just being real and admitting that we don't know but it definitely seems like some weird shit is going on will go a long ways.

They're paid to believe certain things

People who are paid for media work are paid to act a role. Getting true believers is a bonus at best, it can often be a liability because true believers are harder to control and are prone to moments of enlightenment that make them unpredictable.

Regardless, it doesn't strengthen a weak position.

Maybe I'm just a shill paid to be hopeful though. I dunno.

There is only collusion and brigading from trumptards though. All that 4 chan shit, there is no equal on the other side, not even close

You want to say anything with no one debunking it the internet may not be for you

I guess I could take your word for it, but otherwise you're not very convincing.


We've been 'New" as our comment default from the start. 'Best' is too easily gamed.

Ironically, if you want to talk about fighting shills, OPs post history combined with this post of his is suspicious

He claims to want politics posts gone yet check his post history and youll see he posts anti-trump stuff all the time in this sub

What he really wants is people to stop attacking Democrats and posting pro trump conspiracies

And try to ognore the partisan trolls. They probably get paid better by how angry you get

The pro-Trump posters are certainly paid by foreign governments. Do not trust them!

This is the kind of wit I miss on this sub

Ugh. You’re an idiot. Either you’re getting paid for this comment or you’ve completely missed the point.


(he was being sarcastic)

(He wasn't)


shit we got our work cut out for us.

I've just done the research. The #realeasethememo movement was clearly created by Russian bots and it's all over this subreddit. There are certainly people on the other side who are just as partisan but they aren't controlling this subreddit.

Is this sarcastic?

You obviously haven't done the research.

What's the research

Where did this trend come from? Who is driving it to Reddit? Who is pushing it to the top of this page?

What trend?

My idiocy is being downvoted must be bots. Surely it's not my own partisan retardation.

i love you stevieoneder67. people like you give me hope on reddit.

Exactly. At least folks like you give me actual hope.

Oh look a dotard shill

It's shills all the way down

You should be banned for being an idiot. It is not partisan politics. It is about exposing good truths regardless of party lines.

And... here's the problem. Statements like yours.

only still here from you vote of confidence at one time. You're a good one and have sound advice.

And hey it wouldn't be r/conspiracy if we didn't have powers trying to subvert us. Par for the course.

Here here.. or is it.. hear, hear... Here, hear?

Whatever the fuck it is... I'm with you man.

Here here.. or is it.. hear, hear...

The latter :)

Go with here hear. Can't be wrong if you do both!

Couple days ago I saw hear here, it made sense, as in "hear it here".

I hear that!

Yes for the people.

I really feel like it should be Hear Here then.

What about hear here?

which word you want? ladder or later? i think is word "later" that fit what you say.

This is correct. It suggests that everyone "hear" what's being said, as it is of suggested importance.

Or is it "the ladder"?


Dilly Dilly!

There is a real conspiracy in the food industry to make you fat and keep you fat. Is that worth a post?

Absolutely. The pharma industry profits mightily from that same conspiracy.

It's all part of their plan.

Hear here!

i only lurk /new. i upvote, but all the posts i upvote still end up in negative karma, then something happens in the news and we're crushed by a tsunami of politics.

Don't give up. We will get more organic participation to join your efforts and drown out the brigade that is trying to drown us out. The organic users are the majority here, it's just that, until now, too many of them have been silent lurkers.

it doesn't bother me. i just wanted to reach out and tell you there are honest conspiracy folks still hanging out here.

Yes, there are honest conspiracy folks still hanging out here but what I'm telling you is that the majority of them are lurking without voting or commenting. That needs to change and now.

gotcha. :)

Need more moderators?

Noted. Will get back to you.

Can flairs be added for political content?

I like this approach. I’m going to start browsing by /new as well.

Yeah same. Or if you comment then you get downvoted to oblivion. Its not safe to discuss things anymore without the shills downvoting you. I just lurk now.

That says a lot about your political leanings . Seems like you only upvote partisan hackery


Use Reddit enough that Its nearly cost me my relationship. Long time lurker. Dismayed by how r/conspiracy specifically has been compromised so verily.

Finally made an actual account as to offset the ridicness

Wow, the more I read replies like yours, the more I feel like this post is a conspiracy to introduce multiples users into this sub, under the guise of "I was just a lurker", to seize control of it.
Seems like an inorganic push, framed as an organic push.
Top conspiracy material, right here.

nailed it :D

O Captain, My Captain!

Is this sub strictly for American conspiracies?


Just about. If you post about a Chinese company listening in through microphones it won't get upvoted if you know what I mean.

The record says you're wrong.

Yeah but those are all directly related to the US so there is that.

Ah well fair enough. I just wanted to point out most content here is American-esque in someway.

This site is international in user-base, but still firmly US- and to a lesser extent Anglo-centric. Also, I think a lot of US conspiracy theorists (myself included) tend to hold onto our ingrained American exceptionalism in our own twisted way: America is the best at fucking everyone over.

Absolutely not! A lot of US conspiracies involve overseas actors.

id love seeing more conspiracies from other countries, the South Korea president being outed for being a cabal puppet was a good conspiracy come true


We agreed it is "hear, here" up above.

Hear, hear!

I wouldn't go so far as to say this subreddit is strictly for conspiracies at all. In it's current state it's just partisan propaganda simulator.

Which can change as soon as the organic users start participating.

Any conspiracies you have! American ones are just easy because we have this Central Intelligence Agency that likes to overthrow governments and do general fuckery around the world, also FOIA that gives out "declasdified" documents with all the good stuff blacked out which is a breeding ground for conspiracy.

Anyone who is serious about conspiracies and 'finding the truth' should take any partisan rhetoric with a grain of salt from the get-go -- but this is a great reminder, especially now!

they should take any and everything with a grain of salt! research and critical thinking will take us far

But isn't that what Big Salt wants?

Asking the real questions.

Here here!

IMO, the whole "shills and bots everywhere" card is waaaaay overplayed. More of a way for the morons to claim "I'm on to something!" when they get downvoted.

I disagree, but that may be just a separate conspiracy that I subscribe to that you don't. Something about the series of events playing out in the world right now makes it seem like public opinion is an extremely important battleground for both sides. And it's not that the conspiracy community in particular is important to target, but more that the conspiracy community was one of the last places to freely discuss "wrongthink" on reddit. Much like Albu Kamal was a small insignificant part of Syria until it was the last stronghold in the war against ISIS. I wouldn't imagine the civilians there, watching artillery rain down on them, would have much respect for someone asking "why would two world powers fight over this little insignificant community?"

Yes, a feeling of self-importance is critical for many of our mentally ill users. But I can promise you that, for 99% of posts here, nobody in the "deep state" gives a shit.

Well your promise means a lot me. Thank you.

Lol, didn't mean it as a personal promise. More of a turn of phrase.

Well you sound very sure about it so maybe there is something you know that I don't?

Are you seriously asking for sources in regards to something that has been observed by many people here? I honestly have things to better use my time on. I legitimately don't care if you agree with me, I'm just stating what I've observed over the past ~4 years that I've been here.

What was it you were claiming has been observed by many people here? I think you lost me there.

That there is a good chunk of people who regularly post here who are mentally ill.

anyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill

Ok buddy.

That's not what I said, and I hope you can realize that. Otherwise, maybe I struck a chord.

You think you "struck a chord"? As if I'm mentally ill myself for thinking that statement is rediculous? You don't have to partake in discussions you don't buy into, but don't pretend you know any better than they do. I don't believe all conspiracies either.

That isn't at all what I said. I said that there are more than a few mentally ill regulars here. That's shouldn't be a surprise to you. I've lurked/commented here for over 5 years. I've seen what I've seen.

Longevity lost all leaning now that the majority of users here are 3 month old accounts that "have been here for years" it doesn't mean much to me if I don't recognize your username personally.

Regardless, your claim amounted to people that believe shills post here are mentally ill. Still waiting to hear how you know they are wrong.

Removed. Rule 10.

It's pointless to claim that you've been here for 4 years on a 1 year old account. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't, but if you want to make that claim you have to keep your account running.

Would you go as far as to say that the whole "shill witch hunt" is a... conspiracy?

Lol...you're the only one in this thread using that "deep state" verbiage and you're attacking users in this thread as being "self-important" and "mentally ill" for wanting a return of a non-partisan perspective here.


Lol...you're the only one in this thread using that "deep state" verbiage and you're attacking users in this thread as being "self-important" and "mentally ill" for wanting a return of a non-partisan perspective here.


In this thread? Yeah, probably. If you can't see that "more than a few" regular contributors here are mentally ill, then I don't know what to tell you.

I would LOVE for this sub to return to the bipartisan state that it used to be. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.

The fact that you see my post as an "attack" speaks volumes.

Oh well, go ahead and keep everyone here mentally ill then if that's your game.

That isn't what I said, and you know that. At least, I hope that you can see that.

I would LOVE for this sub to return to the bipartisan state

No, we're aiming for non-partisan.

That's what I'd like as well. But with a celebrity president, that'll never happen.

Someone ignoring the deep state conspiracy is obviously not interested in possibly one of the biggest conspiracy of all time.
(And it's not as if that conspiracy is really new, it just got a revival. Who doesn't remember "the government is controlled by aliens")

I think the shills and bots are less common than the people who downvote because a comment or a post doesn't follow their political ideology.

Yep. Or ideology in general. I laugh when people claim that downvotes prove something... then I stop laughing because I realize that that person is probably mentally ill.

Good disparaging there mate

Did I strike a nerve? Sorry for not being PC... I call em as I see em.

Oh it's not directed at you, I'm just saying that insults (PC or otherwise) are a great way to direct the course of conversation

Everyone, bot or not, has the desire to direct the course of conversation into their direction. It's human nature.

I agree.

Although the methods employed in directing the conversation can be very telling...

These bots must be pretty advanced if they have human nature.

Where did you get your psychology license?

That's the 2nd time you've attacked the users in this thread who want a return to a non-partisan perspective as "mentally ill"

Are you Ok?

I've never done that. If the want to return to nonpartisan discourse is mentally ill, consider me mentally ill.

Welcome back, bro.

People don't draw a line between shills and useful idiots, and they need to. Shills are paid to convert people into useful idiots with deceptive rhetoric. Useful idiots really believe what they're saying and do the shill's work for them, for free.

It is never worthwhile to call someone a shill, most of the time they're a useful idiot, and using that card just lends legitimacy to a cheap one-size-fits-all dismissal of an argument. Far better to pull apart the faulty rhetoric itself. You might convert the useful idiot(probably not during the exchange, but you'll plant seeds. The truth and honest rhetoric arepowerful that way), and by doing so you've inoculated anyone who reads the exchange from falling for the deceptive rhetoric.

Couldn't have said it better.

Thanks :)

Is there an easy way to tell who's a bot and who's not?... Or are you saying that people are being paid to argue partisan world views?

Paid or otherwise, there is a concerted effort to hijack this sub and turn it into a battleground of a partisan nature. There are political conspiracies that should be addressed, but historically, this sub did not look at the world from a Left or Right, Republican or Democrat perspective, but from a perspective that acknowledged the Left/Right Paradigm is false. That's Conspiracy Theory 101: Divide and Conquer.

Anyone who doesn't recognize that they could be wrong and isn't willing to actually engage in real discussion is a bot, the software could be running on silicone or grey matter.

You are not the voice inside your head. :-)

Thats why I lurk in the new section ;)

Do you vote in the new section?


I’ve posted a comment. What’s next?

Continue voting and commenting. If all the organic users here participate, the inorganic effort to hijack this sub will be extinguished. This post, for example, at this time, has 107 points and is 82% upvoted. Meanwhile, it's received 679 views. Can you imagine if just 50% of the organic users voted/commented? The inorganic effort would be overwhelmed.

Alright I'll come out of the darkness

Thanks, bro, we need you.

You're welcome dude

This sub went rabidly partisan during the 2016 campaign period, and the never-ending drip-drip-drip of allegations about Russia has just exacerbated that trend.

In a way, it's gratifying that conspiratorial modes of expression have now 'gone mainstream', but the downside of that is that most people who constitute the mainstream are fucking imbeciles and the widening of debate has therefore led to its dilution.

The sad truth is that these days it's the people who want a non-partisan sub who are trying to hijack it!

I don't see any cure for the situation, except not replying to partisan posts and trying to carry on with non-partisan debate. Unless there are enough non-partisans to start and moderate a new conspiracy subreddit with a strict "no party politics" rule.

How would you eliminate party politics and not stifle conversation? You have something to say, then say it. I don't need people tiptoeing around becaise of some rule. Party politics or not, I also am capable of doing my own research if something captures my attention. Just downvote and move on if that is what you want to do. I would rather see an organic change than an artificial change.

I've never been described as organic before. I'm not mad. Upvote.

Salt of the Earth!

You sound like my father.

I hope that's a good thing.

Hello fellow carbon based entity!

I've loved this sub for years. I love the crazy posts. I love the thought provoking posts. I love it all, and take it all with a grain of salt.

I agree with your statement, but am suspicious about your motives. Don't pretend this is a recent thing. It's been evident for a few years, and ramped exponentially up during Trump v. Hillary.

Now that many people here are seeing Trump as the charlatan he is, you come in and say it's becoming "partisan."

Where was that sentiment a year ago?

It's not exactly recent, but it is reaching what appears to be an inorganic crescendo.

I agree, though I would say it's an organic crescendo that's a natural result of inorganic interference.

I think it's an inorganic crescendo leaving just a bit of an organic wake in it's path.

Fair enough.

*shakes organic users hand

I've been saying it all along. I am non/anti partisan.

Trump is shit and Hillary is shit.

Choosing to support the lesser of 2 evils is stupid and destructive.

Choosing to support the lesser of 2 evils is stupid and destructive.

It really isn't. First off, no serious candidate for president is ever completely clean. But one side wanted war with Syria, Iran, and Russia while clearly working to circumvent basic checks and balances.

Before Trump this sub was definitely right leaning. I browsed for the lulz, but I think most people knew this place was substantially to the right of neutrality on most things political.

No, it was not. It was decidedly anti-partisan, and should continue to be so.

Take your bullshit elsewhere. We aren't buying.

But then again, I've been browsing/contributing since Reddit began in various forms, so maybe you just lack context.

Why is that? What is the correlation between right wingers and conspiracy? I certainly don't identify with either side 100% but given today's adminstration I'm forced to believe I lean left. With that said, I have a great intolerance for both types of people. I ask because I sometimes wonder how I fit in to it all along with like-minded individuals as myself.

I'm just saying that's how I've seen the lay of the land, but it's not like I see every thread and comment on this website. I'm just all over it right now because I'm recovering from surgery.

This. Now Putin's little elves have realised that the strategy of making this the_donald_2 wasn't work, they're going with the well-documented strategy of sowing doubt in everything and convincing people that "both sides are the same"

Charlatan to what standard? pawn to whom?

Precisely. I don't remember anyone complaining this sub was partisan when most of the conspiracies were against the DNC/Clinton.


Feels like we're coming back to an equilibrium now after a bit of chaos/bullshit.

I've noticed a lot of the partisan posts as well. As far as I'm concerned if they were into conspiracy culture they wouldn't give a shit about either side. Anyone worth their salt knows that its just a distraction that ultimately has the same goals in the endgame

As far as I'm concerned if they were into conspiracy culture they wouldn't give a shit about either side. Anyone worth their salt knows that its just a distraction that ultimately has the same goals in the endgame

That's exactly the way this sub used to be.

If the organic users start participating again, it can be that way again.

I've only been on this sub maybe 4 or 5 mo there's a lot of good stuff on here, but at the same time there just this huge partisan split going on around here that's caused so much /pol type posting that's crazy.

Here ya go, have an upvote! You aint wrong though, I've seen many poor chuds get ripped apart for having a theory or thought that went against the grain. Been reading stuff on r/conspiracy for a decent while as well, place has definitely been through a few paradigm shifts.

Also to add...Canadian here. But your shits are our shits as well it seems.

We need to get back to this paradigm.

I noticed a torrent of downvotes when I suggested "I don't like Trump but Clinton should still be brought up on charges."

Laughable for this sub even 6 months ago.

It was like the sub completely flipped sides today from middle right to middle left. Very odd

I agree with you.

As soon as I stopped getting downvoted for saying anything negative about Russia.

Stuck in the left/right pardigm?

No. There are good and bad people at every point on the political spectrum. However, it's fucking retarded that you can complain about the democrats here all day long, but the second you mention Russia, you're downvoted. OR, you get the stupid comments about how, "our government is just as bad."

We’re in an age were individials hold more power than nations. Yes, you deserteurs to be downvoted for pushing your partisan rhetoric.

But like Russia is literally trying to start WWIII here, you're just being a dumbass.

Are they? Are they really? According to who, Q?

Look at the evidence, it's everywhere. Subs lined up ready to take out the internet, missiles primed for launch to take out telecomms satellites, not to mention all the money the Ruskies give to Terrorists like the Taliban and IS.


Would do "very little"


The US has had ASAT weapons since the 1950s.


Source on funding IS?

Your comment is 100% fear mongering. The shit that gets upvoted on this sub.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135_ASAT

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 139760

If it's everywhere, it should be easy to prove that all these are NEW things, and not just people reporting more on it, to create a climate of fear mongering, right?

But like Russia is literally trying to start WWIII here,

Do you think you could provide some sort of brief and coherent, not based in emotion or identity politics rational for this claim?

Subs aimed at the internet, literally every election around the world in the last 2 years being hacked, missiles aimed at telecomms satellites, millions of dollars given to terrorist orgs like the Taliban or the IS, the list goes on.

That doesn't seem very convincing to me.

But y'all will believe pizzagate.

Sure, I believe a "handkerchief with pizza-related map" is some sort of code for some illegal, immoral or corrupt activity. What that might be I don't know exactly but we do have a proven history of politicians diddling kids so along with everything else in the pizza gate milieu that the code might be for sex trafficking minors is not that far fetched. On the other hand, since 1945 Russia has been involved in low level skirmishes and more for over 7 decades now. Even if they are trying to start WWIII they obviously aren't very good at it.

Been calling weed "pizza" since before cell phones. I would think "pizza" would be a common term for all types of activity.

Sure, I covered that possibility in what I wrote.

some sort of code for some illegal, immoral or corrupt activity.

I know. And I supported your position with my own anecdotal evidence.

Right, it is a common deflection I hear from people who wish to downplay the sex trafficking of minors part of pizzagate. They say well it was probably just a code for drugs and not a code for kids. I don't claim to know one way or the other but I think it is important to keep in mind all the other parts of pizzagate that show that the code might be about kids shouldn't be thrown out just because it might also be about something else.

True. I added a word to my other comment to hopefully more clearly convey what I was saying. I think a problem in the conspiracy community is when people assign truth to topics that have no known truth. It is a problem everywhere, but I think people in the conspiracy community need to be more aware of this flaw than other communities just because of who we are. What should be a motivation to do further research is instead presented as truth far too often. Does nothing but discredit the person and the community as a whole. Some of those who do this may not subscribe to conspiracy theories and are just doing this to intentionally discredit us.

Nicely put.

We are in an era where the majority of the world's largest economies belong to corporations rather than nations. Wealth means power. So nations and by extension, people, are losing power.

We are being divided so partisanship is to be expected. If you wish to change the narrative, you will have to do better than this comment you made here. His comment didn't bother me, but it did bother you. That is fine and all, but try harder.

Both parties are seeing their numbers drop amid this divisive political culture we have right now. Fewer and fewer people identify with a party. The middle ground is growing. Our only hope might be to grow the middle ground to force a shift to a more bipartisan culture in our politics. They can't keep losing numbers forever and as such, places like this are a battle ground. Unfortunately, I don't think we are anywhere close to that right now and things will get worse before they get better. But you have to start somewhere. The raindrop never feels responsible for the flood.

Both sides are the sameeeee!

хорошая работа

Equally irrelivant

the second you mention Russia, you're downvoted.

mentions Russia, gets upvoted

Makes sense.

Complaining about the 'organic' users maybe? Because they sure didn't get downvoted for complaining about being downvoted.

Why would you make your good behavior contingent upon others? Lead by example.

Saying the US has done some things in the past year that are not in the interest of Russia does not disprove anything.

I wasn't aware that something done eleven days ago was 'in the past'. Did you even read the article?


Yes, 11 days ago is in the past. I said "in the past year", meaning Trump's presidency.

You mean 11 days ago, about a year into the Trump presidency?

Do you not understand English? What exactly are you trying to argue about?

The Russian infiltration of social media is very real. It seems to have gotten better lately, but it got really bad here for a while. I'm glad to see that thoughtful discourse is making a comeback.

Agreed. However, it needs to be seen in context. The Russians are now heavily involved in online social espionage, as are the American, and the Brits, Israel, Saudi Arabia ect ect.

They're not the only state fighting a war over our minds.

I go directly to new. It's the only way to spot, and bypass, the obvious sharblue/CTR filler garbage/political distractions.

Although, as a long time frequenter of this sub, I think what is happening now, in our govt., specifically in our agencies, is fair game.

I have never, never, seen the potential for a massive exposure of corruption which envelops most of the Obama administration, DNC, Clinton Foundation, and God knows who else.

Downvote the fuck out of me if you want. I really don't give one, single, shit. Reddit is beyond fucked, the chains are lit, twatter is McCarthy and google/facebook has all your base. Deal.

This is what partisan delusion looks like.

Can you expound on this?


The memo of contention currently available in a secure room for house intelligence committee members should be declassified, and made available for the public to view. It will destroy the false Russia/Trump collusion narrative, and implicate FBI and DOJ personnel in a "bigger than Watergate" scandal.

It will out.

Aka, "I believe whatever my Republican master's tell me".

MaGA!!!''11 DraIn teh Swampz!!! REEEE!

But that swamp, tho!

So how do we tell who is an infiltrator?

Im just an unemployed guy from AL with a sociology degree....(dead serious here)

Here's an example of the way this sub used to be.

If a user/post is blatantly partisan, I would say a grain of salt is in order.

I didn’t see any references to pizza in that post you linked. Do you even conspiracy, bro?

I think we're on the same page, bro.

Couldn't agree more.

Make r/conspiracy about conspiracies again.

Make r/conspiracy about conspiracies again.

...without the partisan perspective.

Could we do a temp ban on political posts? I quite enjoy a good flat earth or aliens or whatever is so far from the mainstream it makes me think about what could be possible. There are some great posts on here all the time. (There used to be more)

But what has been happening has been... well... Do these people think they're going to change the political views of people who enjoy being highly skeptical? What's the endgame for taking over this sub? I understand there are many who were here and then joined TD before the election. But it really seems like those folks think if they can control this sub there is something to gain that will help their cause. I just don't understand. Especially with this latest stuff about the memo. Highly transparent.

Meh...there are political conspiracies that should be exposed and discussed here, but when they are approached from a Republican or Democrat perspective, that's where it goes wrong.

.there are political conspiracies that should be exposed and discussed here

Do you have examples of what should be discussed more often here?

How about how the 2 parties have a monopoly and work together to keep the population divided while working together against the people?

That's a good general conspiracy. So how should we make posts about it?


The concept is called inverted totalitarianism. Check out Hitchens interview sheldon wolin on youtube.

Lo. You cant. Because td has infiltrated this sub, and any post that is directed against daddy gets downvoted into oblivion, and any post that mentions Hillary getting thrown in jail gets front page, regardless of proof.

any post that is directed against daddy gets downvoted into oblivion

That's only because the vast majority of organic users who frequent this sub have only been lurking.

This thread is about changing that.

SUPERSEDE THE STATUS QUO. MAKE THEIR CONTRADICTIONS OBSOLETE. We need to be about the TRUTH. The forces of this world that we fight are spiritual in nature and political discussion is the most basic ABC's level of what is happening. Politics is the clearest contradiction. Socio-Economics gets a little deeper. Start talking about Pedophilia and The Death Cult, and how we're poisoned in every way imaginable in the context of both our our physical bodies, our minds and our spirit and you're JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE. Tell people we live in a holographic prison for our Consciousness and they walk out of the room and call you names. We need to FREE OUR MINDS!

You keep saying vast majority of organic users can you tell me how to spot the difference and how you know that the organic users have been lurking? Is it not possible that more organic users just found this sub and started participating? Thats how I ended up here. I don't agree with some of the outlandish stuff but I like to see what other people have to say.

Right now, this thread has 1008 points, is 85% upvoted, yet has 7.3K views on a sub that has been very hostile to non-partisan perspectives as of late. This is because of a very modest uptick in organic user participation. Imagine if we just had 50% or even 25% organic user participation...

Do you have any data on organic users vs non organic users or impression? I'm wondering what metrics your using to base your conclusion on .

Do you think the non organic users are being friendly to this post?

You think they're upvoting it?

You think they're refraining from downvoting it?

I don't claim to know. I was just trying to figure out how you are determining organic users. It's not just people who agree with you vs people who don't is it?

Well, maybe organic users who see your attempt at you basically calling them Russian bots, and toeing the Twitter/dnc "you've got bots" party line are downvoting you?
Maybe they feel you're the shill, and this post is just a call to lean "more left", and that's it.

If you don't want partisant politics, you have to ban political posts, no real way around it in this climate.

Nah, they've been banned and prevented from commenting for commenting. So yeah, they're lurking. lol

Banned users can still vote.

How meaningful.

again. should bans for infractions of rules be temporary?

Lol, are you suggesting that anonymous posts from 13year olds on 4chan is not legitimate evidence?

Lol, are you suggesting that anonymous posts from 13 43 year olds on 4chan is not legitimate evidence?

Reddit is where people go to act smart. 4chan is where people go to act stupid. 4chan and The_Donald.

You are the problem.

You base this judgement on what exactly?

Can we at least all agree to have a collective day of mourning over the death of our beautiful boy Gaddafi who was murdered by Hillary

"td has infiltrated this sub, and any post that is directed against daddy gets downvoted into oblivion"
has 60 upvotes
Quit with this attempted gaslighting bullshit!

Right? Let me try this...

ShareBlue, /politics and TMOR have infiltrated the sub and any post that speaks ill of the left at all gets downvoted to oblivion.

Let’s watch and see where the vote count ends up on this one.

Both "sides" brigade. It's not a case of just one or the other, and it's certainly not a majority (most users are lurkers). But they come in waves when key events occur and when key words and topics are posted about. I think it's likely that upvote/downvote bots and comment bots make up the majority of brigades, but then there's a few who encourage and provoke partisan arguments between genuine users.

I think you are correct. And as someone who came here to talk about conspiracies for truth’s sake, it’s not fun to watch the dichotomy of bi-partisanship and the divide-and-conquer stuff work through the sub.

Totally agree. The fun has gone. I remember when it was mostly about open discussion and exploration of all sorts of theories. Nowadays I see more comments from "users" who try to make it "a battleground for information between each side" and that's just such nonsense. It's not a battleground. This is an Internet forum.

Yes this is the reason why I do t bother with this sub anymore which is a shame because it never used to be so one sided .

yawn...td has not taken over this sub, that's a really outdated talking point. nothing but god damn partisan distractions in a post about overcoming partisan distractions.

Because td has infiltrated this sub, and any post that is directed against daddy gets downvoted into oblivion, and any post that mentions Hillary getting thrown in jail gets front page, regardless of proof.

If that were the case, your comment should have been downvoted to oblivion instead of receiving 75+ upvotes. The evidence disproves your point.

You're just repeating an idiotic anti-/r/conspiracy propaganda meme that the TMOR crowd like level at our sub.

As a long time lurker and never voter or comment on almost anything if I participated I would do just that :D Proof in both arenas is always based on personal believes as proof is ever misleading, example left russiacolusion and rights fisacourt shit, both have "proofs" that lead to everything and nothing russia is still a fucking thing after a year but still ZERO on all of it but "proofs" are like there?!?!?!?!?! as Im not an american and can look at all that without some biased thought I can say that Donald is your president that most of the country voted for and wanted. The MSM outright hates him unfairly on all fronts, covering he said "shithole" and not so much important stuff that is so fucking obvious its sad to watch. Everything leads to politics in the end, from hollywood to antarctica and the whole reddit is infiltrated by bots and shills. Baning political talk in a conspiracy sub is HAHAHAHAHAHA! EVERYTHING is a conspiracy from aliens, pizzagate and CIA/NSA spying on everyone and on a conspiracy subs everything should be talked about, EVERYTHING! Because in everything there is truth and thats what we all are looking for here. Learn what shills and bots do and ignore is the best strategy ( in my shit opinion is :D ).

Its answers like THIS that are the problem. It an infiltration of the right AND left, not just td or the right. Both sides need to remember this isn't a sporting event where one side wins and one side loses. In the end if the bickering continues the only ones who lose are us and the elites keep on winning.

I don't have a "side". I haven't voted for either of the two major parties in over 3 decades. But the TD infiltration of this sub is something that anyone should be able to see.

My point was/is that simply saying its TD infiltration is wrong. Its both sides but to many people have blinders on. This has been going on since the late 60's and every year it gets worse.

Yes there is TD infiltration into this sub, but you also have to admit/recognize that just as much infiltration comes from the Left.


more like r/actualfuckingfactsb

I agree. To me, this is the really interesting stuff, the true conspiracy.

Admittedly, I am more of a lurker than I want be on here. I do upvotes, but never bother with downs. I have a lot that I would like to say, but there are always hundreds of comments that are just political bickering, and it becomes less and less likely that my contribution will become a part of a worthwhile conversation.

Hit up the /new queue. That's always been where the real discussion is. Once it hits the top couple spots on /hot, that's where bickering takes over, both useful idiots and determined sliders.

Thanks for the tip

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Thank you, I’ll check it out!

2 parties... run by Jews

Or more accurately...run by Zionists.

Right!? When did people suddenly decide that this wasn't happening any more?

Personally - I am politically LEFT - But I in no fucking way, shape or form think that the US Democrats (for example) represent or stand for my beliefs! I think they're a disgrace!

And I'd like to think that people on the Right of the spectrum, will call out there own just the same. I'll say it right now: Obama was a fucking dissapointment and Clinton is downright corrupt. I don't even consider the US democrats to be a Leftist party tbh.

I'm not blaming the Right here (although, the support for D T is pretty incredible, it's like - people used to have a problem with billionaires corrupting politicians (something DT has admitted to doing, btw) and yet - they seem to have NO problem with a billionaire cutting out the middleman and just having absolute power? WTF?

Lefties are no fucking better. Clinton is a disgrace and yet people on the Left defend her? It just undermines their integrity.

What do you think about this?



Selling guns to the drug cartel in Mexico so that they would eventually be confiscated (after being used to murder people) so as to make the case for gun control in the U.S.?

More than just a disappointment, my friend. He's just as corrupt as Hillary.

Probably is. All the more disappointing lol. I'm not American by the way, so my knowledge of Obama is passing.

You don't think gay marriage and improved relations with Cuba were progress at all? And as flawed as it was Obamacare was a start, at least.

yeah, i think in a lot of social issues Obama was a pretty decent president. one thing i think a lot of people don't understand is how slow change comes in a government and country as large as the US. it's a lot harder to really make serious changes than people think it is.

Do you realize that Obama care has doubled the price of healthcare for 200 million people while granting access to only 19 million people who couldn't get it before.

How the fuck is that a start of anything but healthcare slavery?

Obamacare with no public option was a failure

Some people are beholden to interests we are not yet aware of. Us media and many prior Presidents interests may be answered by asking the JQ.

I lean politically RIGHT....and yeah my sides the same I'm afraid. I took a step back and saw both sides calling each other brain washed SOB's. For the first time I agreed with both sides we are both brain washed...by the government. This Trump election fiasco could very well be a government psyop.

If I were a magician, I would love to have Trump as my slight of hand to distract people so I could fuck them.

Kinda like a rapey magician, just need someone to distract my victims.

I have to disagree and say while the left may not seem any better at least when they are in power they maintain the illusion of governing in the people s interest

they maintain the illusion

You can knock Obama as youd like and he may even deserve those criticisms but he did try and lay groundwork to insure the health of the poorest Americans. We got stuck with a bad system because of our inability to work across the aisle but hey it's better than "compassionate conservatism"

The way you insure health is by preventing disease, not setting up a system where you take money out of one person's pocket to pay for the self-inflicted diseases of another.

Preventing disease us only half of public health. You can't stop every person from getting sick. And you aren't paying for somebody else's healthcare under social medicine. You are paying for your own healthcare when you need it. If Americans weren't born selfish or turned selfish by anti-social, we would easily be able to keep up the health of the nation

This is the problem, my friends: the CORPORATE media has indoctrinated the masses into thinking Dems are left wing (or centrist, depending on who you ask) and Repubs are "moderate" right wing. >_>

In reality, this is a decades long lie, for 30+ years both major parties have been extremely right wing (economically) and extremely authoritarian (socially). Not "moderate" AT ALL.

Although not yet classical fascist (Mussolini style) but too damn close for comfort. They (establishment/MSM) have (attempted) to shift the spectrum scale further to the right over the decades without us noticing, so that we perceive extreme policies as "normal/centrist/reasonable" but they're not, they're lying to us.

Before Reagan's trickle down scam economics, Dems/Repubs probably weren't so insane (except the warmonger shit, that seems to be a loooong tradition....sadly) Both parties suck. The real U.S. spectrum (which will never be aired on corrupt MSM) :


Both parties are just two shades of NEOliberalism (few steps away from NWO globalist corporate-bankster fascism). This is not "liberalism" in the way most might think of. Long story short, lib vs con at least at this point, is corporate marketing propaganda. "I'm a proud liberal/conservative and the teeeveee says therefore I should vote Democrat/Republican party".

The two party system is a scam and it along with the MSM has tried to deliberately shift our calibration of the spectrum (which more accurately uses two axes, not just one axis).

Lib vs con corporate party marketing:


Dem vs Repub identity politics stereotypes:


How they're trying to achieve the NWO:


If anyone has genuine questions, let me know. You can also look at my comment history, my last post included a visual presentation as well as a lengthy supplementary post for additional details.

SJW stuff is not left wing


In my opinion- this is a Leftist problem. The Right are NOT going to fix this for us - they're just going to use it as ammunition, the same way disingenuous Leftists use lunatics on the right to try and paint them all with the same brush.

The Right call the Left SJWs and the Left call the Right Nazis.

IMHO - the Left need to weed out and DISAVOW SJWs and the Right need to weed out and DISAVOW Nazis.

neither of these groups come even close to representing the true ideals of EITHER side of politics.

But both side effectively use them as strawmen to attempt to deligitimise LEGITIMATE concerns the other side has.

Even as a Leftist - who is pro-immigration, I support letting in the worlds most disadvantaged. But I'm not so fucking naive to pretend there isn't problems within these communities that form when they group together in a new country. The harsh reality is, if you taken in 10,000 people who grow up where life was little worth less than $1,000, where you are LUCKY if you have witnessed a close-family member die before your 18th Birthday, I could go on. But yes - these are fucking traumatised people and they are NOT going to be easy.

The solution is NOT to just bar them from entry - ESPECIALLY since the chief reason their countries are so fucked is because of colonisation, exploitation, etc from the wealthy nations - we (wealthy nations) are fucking OBLIGED to help these people.

But - BUT BUT BUT - the answer is also not the SJW solution of pretending differences don't exist. And that a Sudanese man, who witnessed his son rape his mother in front of him, before they were both brutally tortured to death - is somehow no different from you or I. That is fucking ridiculous.

People in the Right have LEGITIMATE concerns and SJWs pretending those concerns don't exist just make us all look like fucking retards when any idiot can point to statistics which prove the opposite.

I guess, what I am getting at is this: Both the Left and the Right pretty much want the same thing, but they advocate different ways of achieving the same end. (not including the extremists like antifa, nazis, etc).

We need fucking meaningful dialogue. People need to learn how to listen to what other people are saying. And on top of that, we need to stop dismissing someone elses concerns are "baseless' and "wrong' and "weak" and "bigoted" and all the rest.

The world is NOT fucking Black & White.

I agree, friend! But I would really recommend people to avoid using the terms "the left" and "the right" because these hive mind terms were used even more than usual by the corporate media during the Antifa VS Neonazi divide and conquer psyop.

The spectrum is much more than two arbitrary boxes (of the elites' made up criteria). But they're trying to get everyone to pick a sports team, I mean "side" and bleed into the extremes.

"Oh you lean left? Pick up your molotov and support violent SJW infiltrated Antifaa!"

"Oh you lean right? Salute the Fuhrer!". It's ridiculous.

(I don't know if antifa was ever legit but clearly it's been infiltrated with violent SJWs like the BLM movement I guess). Proper anarchists (or whatever antifa claim to represent) aren't like these SJWs that don't respect free speech and basic decency. I don't agree with most Trump supporters but if they're reasonable, sometimes we can come to an understanding if they're bright and open minded.

But I agree that left wingers need to get SJWs to see reason and see the damage they're doing (providing ammunition to opponents as you said). Social issues seem to be the first barrier to uniting people. I prefer stuff like traditional/natural gender roles (masculine men/feminine women, if it can be helped) and yet I'm not a conservative at all.

"World is not black and white" absolutely! I've mentioned this in my presentation, it really is true. Some people oversimplify stuff which leads to misunderstandings and anger between people. Nonsense like "left wing = more gubbermint and right wing = more freedomz". Plenty of evidence shows otherwise, let alone the fact the most popular forms of socialism and leftism are not authoritarian, but libertarian leftism/libertarian socialism. (Not to be confused with the extreme right libertarian "Libertarian Party" which just wants more corporate control and reduction of social programs, i.e. consolidating wealth at the hands of a few.)

Also dumb over-simplistic arguments like "big gov vs small gov" "tax vs no tax" "extreme political correctness vs anti-political correctness".....insane how stupid these common arguments are. They ignore stuff in between, "boths", and methods (e.g. HOW tax is done, not simply that tax exists....just like gov can be good or bad, the way we're taxed can be good or bad depending on method.)

Yeah I don't feel good telling foreigners to head back to the warzone/economic hellhole either. Although I do also feel mass immigration is unnecessary and perhaps part of some weird establishment agenda (or at least just a way for the elites to get away with warmonger shit).

So my solution is collectively/democratically push for an end to war, corruption and NEOliberalism, globalism, mafias, huge transnational corporations and huge deregulated banks, etc. so that worker wages worldwide are decent, make governments work for the people, not the other way round. Increase non-corrupted social programs to deliver opportunities for everyone to have a good life. Then people would not need to move countries at all. Government isn't the problem, it's beurocrat cronies, secret societies and corporate shills that infiltrate the gov through lobbying and other methods.

Everyone wants freedom and security but some people buy the political lies of stuff like extreme deregulation = freedom, when it's really just increasing dominant corporate control (unless you keep the good regulations like worker rights, environment protection, etc.) I think most people would hover somewhere closer to "big brained centrist" and away from the NWO extremes if they knew that socialism is not one ideology but a broad term for several ideologies with the socialism-capitalism ratio higher than the right wing counterparts. Some may be scared of removing capitalism but we don't even need to do that. Some strains of Democratic Socialism still have capitalism, just a nicer version with decent rules and none of the cronyist crap like Obamacare which is a right wing invention, way more inferior to socialized single payer universal healthcare.

If we started slightly right of Bernie, at straight American centrist, people would see the Dems/Repubs are bullshit and wonder "let's go a little more left.....to center left!" and then probably stay there since I believe that's the sweet spot, personally.

My presentation was basically trying to unite the people and get them to see that the spectrum is not as it's claimed by the corporate media. They're pushing extremes on us and painting them as normal. The establishment's so called "left wing" is not real left wing. The MSM was acting like Bernie was extreme left (and authoritarian LOL) when he really is MUCH less authoritarian than most other candidates, and economically just barely left of center in America, straight centrist in Europe. FDR style social democracy economics. (Which I think are decent, although I prefer center left democratic socialism which takes collectivist responsibility a little more seriously and provide at least a few socialized and nationalized alternatives to corporate rip-offs such as expensive privatized train services.)

Centrism could unite the people, but Bernie was the closest to American centrist that I know and while very popular (I think he's the most popular politician in the U.S.!!) it's being painted a different way in the media + we still have people falling for Dem vs Repub when both are shit and Bernie was a rare exception (originally an Independent before running). Can't believe people swallowed the corporate lie that Bernie's policies were "pie in the sky unrealistic" when they were already done by FDR and probably other presidents too to some extent.

Yeah, nobody near me believes me when I say that both sides are equally bad. Of course it's their side that isn't the bad side and isn't greedy. Sure... Sure it is...

Because it's lazy thinking.

It's not thinking at all. It's literally letting your party tell you what to think. I can ask my brother-in-law a question and I'll get a verbatim answer from a video of his pay taking heads. It's laughable.

Yep, you're talking about partisans and the loud minority partisans in this sub have bullied the majority organic non-partisans into silence.

That is changing as of today.


Is there any ordinary person besides over half of the adult population that's so cynical and pissed-off by that fact that they've completely given-up and wouldn't be caught dead voting for anyone in any election? Not saying we shouldn't discuss it but it's a pretty well known and in your face conspiracy based on that.

This is a very underrated statement. The battle has never been more apparent than it is right now. The two parties are so threatened by the power of internet that if the information out there were to fall into the wrong hands, it could really disrupt things for them. As I get older and start to see things as they truly are it’s really quite frightening. People shit on the millennials but god damn, they are our only hope.

Do you have examples of what should be discussed more often here?

Can you tell me how many countries we have been at war in over the last 18 years?

Zero, technically.

Ha, certainly. I suppose I said "been to war" as opposed to "declared war", but I hear ya.


I wish that sub existed.

make it so...

I have neither the patience, nor the sanity to moderate such a subreddit. It'd be a shit show.

You could do what some subreddits do and ban political posts for a day a week or every other weekend to allow different content to hit the hot section. Seems like the best solution, because organic users will never be able to compete with bot networks; and the quality of the subreddit goes down as the casual user who might join a discussion is scared off by the divisive political comments.

Just got to be careful with implementation and lay out rules very clearly so no one bitches or moans about a mod conspiracy to silence them lol.

Nah...political conspiracies do exist. The problem is joining a side of the false Left/Right Paradigm and approaching conspiracies as a partisan. That is what smells like poop around here.

There is ba difference in left wing and right wing thought. It's not a false paradigm. That being said, the Republican party has been usurped by Soros and the Neoconservatives. We essentially have only the left and controlled opposition puppets.

Yeah, I agree - political conspiracies cover too much ground to be banned. People just need to drop the partisan crap. It's fine if you're Left/Right - Democrat, Republican, or anything else for that matter - but just be willing to accept evidence, especially facts - when people start ignoring facts it becomes ridiculous, about all spectrums of politics.

I'm Left politically - But I don't like Clinton for example - and I'm open to a good conspiracy no matter if it makes Clinton, Obama, etc look like the devil incarnated. likewise, I expect people on the Right - to accept certain FACTS about D.T - let alone theories!

I expect people on the Right - to accept certain FACTS about D.T - let alone theories!

That's the problem...that's how we got "alternative facts" in the first place.

While what you say is true, it’s also true that certain politicians (like the Clintons) are lightning rods for conspiracy theories for political reasons. It can be tricky to parse out genuinely interesting conspiracy theories from pure political bullshit.

Or they just have a habit of conspiring.

To be fair, most trump supporters are bad people.

To be fair, most Trump supporters and Hillary supporters are bad people.


To be fair, most Statists are are bad people..


I think of Hillary supporters as your average boring normal people. Not aggressively stupid or evil, just kind of a waste of a person.

I wouldn't call them evil, but they are aggressively evil. During the election cycle I met plenty who stated, "I get why people dislike Hillary, but what happened with her email scandal was just an accident. I delete work emails on accident all the time. She apoligized and she's ready to move on."

Completely unaware of the obvious coverup and dumb enough to actually believe accidentally deleting a work email is the same as deleting 30k of them after already hiding said activity on a private server unknown to the federal gov.

Right, but that's one issue. Trump supporters are aggressively stupid on almost any conceivable issue, where Hillary supporters could be right or wrong.

are aggressively stupid on almost any conceivable issue

lmao talk about blind partisanship. Literally just "everyone who disagrees with me is dumb." You're the cancer this post is talking about.

Blind partisanship is exactly what I'm talking about. Trump supporters are wiling to be wrong about anything just to disagree.

You have any examples or do you always just throw around unsubstantiated claims?

Hey now this is the opposite of what the post was about it was talking about theories about people representing certain beliefs being corrupt and what you did was directly refer to the people with the beliefs which is unnecessary and a rude statement about a large group of people. And to your statement itself I say no not really there are quite a few but not most.

Drop the mic

Dude your being played by the mass media/propaganda. The left right is a total sham. No one who fully believes the conspiracies that are presented here should even have a democrat/republican preference because both parties are involved in large scale child sex trafficking.

What makes you say that? For one, I'm not American. Two - even if I was, I wouldn't either of the major two parties, I don't like either of them.

Finally - in my country (Australia) - we have a pretty similar two-party system - the Liberal (Right) and Labour (left). I actualy generally support either the Greens, an independ - or occasionally a diggerent small party.

Our voting system is a "little bit" (not much) better than yours, in that by voting outside of the major two parties, you are NOT throwing your vote away. You write a prefernce order - for ALL candidates/parties - and as the tally gets done and candidates are knocked out, they just keeping working up (down?) you list of preferences.

As an example, lets say there are 20 candidates, the one you like best and vote for ends up getting knocked out immediately (least amount of votes). However - lets say it gets down to the final 2 (and they're the two major parties) which ever one of those you preferenced higher counts FULL VALUE - even if they were your second to last preference, your vote for them is weighted equally to someone who put them first.

It's a good system and sees some smaller parties, independents, win enough seats to be able to affect small amounts of change (better than nothing).

Anyway - I find your post quite weird. A hell of a lot of assumptions based on my writing quite a small amount, including assumptions relating to things that I didn't even comment on lol!

And THATS how I differentiate true /r/conspiracy users. We don't believe in a left or right, it's all just a game of the elite rich.

Whenever I see someone play the R or D card, I know they're not truly from this sub.

Part of the transparency comes from reactionary stuff: you’ll see a major scandal on one side, then a highly voted post about an opposing and well-tread issue. Trump Russia collusion? Clinton Ukraine collusion! Now, the Clinton stuff is probably a covered up conspiracy, but that’s not why it’s upvoted. It’s upvoted to make The Donald feel better.

Then, another issue is the penchant for this sub to get bogged down with the same stories that major news sites are reporting. The essence of “The revolution will not be televised” is that mainstream information sources will never report what truly rocks the boat.

Then, another issue is the penchant for this sub to get bogged down with the same stories that major news sites are reporting.

This is true of all 'conspiracy' outlets/forums. Most 'awake' people still take their cues from the telescreen, and the majority still believe the telescreens stories.

For example, most 'conspiracy' people are doubtful of the official story of the Vegas shooting, but few doubt the fundamental elements of the story e.g. people died and got hurt.

This is where a familiarity with media fakery can be so useful.

The person that replied to you, step2thejep linked to a random video that was made by John le bonn.

He tries to disprove missiles by a misapplying physics.. well step2jep is likely John le bon and exclusively links to John le bonn content... most of this content tries to direct you to John le bonns site where all the content costs $20+ per month.

Most of his claims are sensational but lack substance and if anyone disagree he calls them normies or conspiritards (people in this sub).

His argument style is a mixture of condescension, moving goal posts, asking for impossible proof, ad hominem attacks and latching onto some tiny part of your argument he thinks he can undermine...

Basically you are arguing with a shill who is trying to promote his paid website. He tried to post videos directly but got few upvotes so he now does this.

The real conspiracy is there's only 1 ruling party. In the grand scheme, there is no difference between Republican or Democrat. All the conspiracies revolving around politics in the US are fruit of this scheme.

It's a club, and you ain't in it.

And that sentiment used to be a given in this sub. Unfortunately a very loud minority has bullied the non-partisans into silence. That changes today. I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

If it is on the front page of the NY Times or Wa Post, or it's on CNN or Fox news, it is inevitably dull and stupid. These and similar sources should be ignored totally unless it's an earthquake, a hurricane, or the NFL and NBA finals.

I was into it until your post said the USA need us. I liked this sub when it wasn't just US political stuff... sure the alphabet stuff is great, but every little, bloody post about politics is what killed it.

Maybe someone can start a political conspiracy sub and it can moslty all live there.

If an Australian said, in a post...

Australia needs you, the world needs you

I don't think I, as an American, would find that at all offensive.

But you do you.

I didn't say I was offended. I just stated it didn't need to be aimed at any one country, but this subreddit. I'm sure Palestine or Syria needs help more than the US, but again... I was more perturbed you felt that this sub should be US centric.

it used to be less political and it was better for it!

Well, since the citizens of the U.S. are having their incomes looted to help pay for the Palestinian Holocaust, for instance, it wouldn't hurt for the citizens of the U.S. to have some help in that regard.

They aren't. It's a manufactored illusion. Just because somebody posts about politician A, some fucking shill coming in and crying about politician B doesn't make the OP partisan. It makes the respondant a fucking shill trying to create the illusion that the sub has gone all partisan. They want to wreck the sub and they're managing it. Now they're making moves to ban political discussion on a conspiracy subreddit with half a million users. Sly doesn't even remotely describe it.

I've almost suggested it more than a few times. Then deleted my post because I didn't want to be accused of being a "shill"

Now that there are enormous political conspiracies all over the media, this sub needs a safe space?

I believe in a no ban, ever, in this sub. This is a sub that draws political people, sure, but that always rises above politics. When shit gets bad here I ride the NEW tab.

There are a lot of people in here I disagree with, but I respect all of them. Some ahit thwy post drives me insane, but I know they bring it from a place of integrity. I teuly believe that if you approach this sub fron the right place the right people bring their best.

No censorship, no bans, no bullshit is why I call this sub home

When shit gets bad here I ride the NEW tab.

At /r/WayOfTheBern we've made the NEW tab the default comment sort to cut down on the effectiveness of brigades.

Could we do a temp ban on political posts?

how are you going to do that when the majority of flat earth and alien conspiracies rely on a jewish lead one world government in order to feed Hillary clinton christian babies?

Don't get me wrong, I too wish it wasn't this way. But conspiracy theories have been a tool for political propaganda for at least since Waco

a meteor hit an american town last week and the news or this sub wont talk about it. so odd

now that you mention it, yeah, I only knew about it because someone on reddit found a few pieces. and yet I know that the president of a foreign country likes a few hours in the morning to watch TV

Shouldn't there be some boundary where it is just blatently illogical like flat Earth is? It hurts the movement imho.

Ive heard tell that many of the genuine flat earth era exhibit signs of schizophrenia, and those stated beliefs are less around evidence or what-if’s and more symptomatic of a specific medical issue.

This my touch a few nerves. But I need to say, I disagree on one thing - I believe highly skeptical folks are the people you CAN persuade and convince of things. On the contrary, I - very sadly, in fact - find the conspiracy community (as a generalisation of course - not everyone!!) - some of the most close-minded people I've ever met. Oh - don't get me wrong, they go against the grain, to be sure. But they're still no more open-minded about their beliefs, if anything, I find them to be the least skeptical because they're willing to believe, unfaltering - on faith practically - the level of religious belief - things with almost no evidence (often the nature of a good conspiracy IS that you can never be sure, yet.. people are certain).

Unless you want to talk about cryptozoology all day, the most important conspiracies are political, and that's almost a tautology really

There seems to be a concerted effort to damage Reddit. I'm not saying there's a conspiracy but something smell of fish.

Conspiracies sit on a path to mistrust.

Healthy ones and unhealthy ones.

A big chunk of the political propaganda goals that seem to be all over Reddit is encouraging mistrust in institutions.

Let this breed into frustration and resentment, migrate the user to a slightly more radicalized sub like latestagecapitism.

Y'all got turned into a piece of an ideological conversion funnel.

Because it’s easier to turn it into an us vs them and keep the crowd divided rather than accidentally snooping too close to the answer to a conspiracy, considering most of us here look deep into things because we know things are not as they seem.

A conspiracy about r/conspiracy...

So fitting.

Russian trolls know where to find people who believe wild claims with made up evidence 😫

Ban the Jewish conspiracy posts! Put them on their own subreddit! Mods are compromised and failing us. Check out /u/sabremesh post history. He's a racist. He banned my other account for telling racists to get the fuck out of our subreddit. He's out of control and needs to be removed.

You don't think the memo is relative, and a worthy conspiracy? Then you are the reason this place have gone to shit.

The republicans could make it public when ever they want. So could Trump. I'd like to see what it says before saying it is relative or not. Something I would hope everyone would want to do. But as it stands we have people telling us vague things about what's in it and let's just say those people have not earned any credit in the "trust me" game they're trying to play.

It's not the posts, it's the comments.

Aaaaaaand here it is. It was only a matter of time before you sneaky fuckers really kicked off your little plan to try and stifle discussion of political corruption. How many conspiracy theories involve politics at some level? Exactly. Fuck off shill.

I do not think flat earth is a good example. Perhaps something with a modem of reality to it. The hypothesis does not hold water in the least.

Well it's got the ice wall holding the water but that's it.

The problem is, left/right viewpoints are pushed so hard, with corresponding articles making each side correct to their bias, that there’s virtually no way to approach political subjects without biases. There’s very little reporting of just facts. It sucks!

What!? You like flat earth!? That is like shill tactic number one “hey prove the earth is round!” To derail from actual discussion. Politics is getting to be too much, but all of what is going on in politics are major fucking IRL conspiracies so if this is a conspiracy sub it should include them.

I didn't say I support the theory. Just that I like to read any argument about any idea that forces me/someone to pause and think. Could flat Earth be true? Most likely not. But if someone takes the time to put together a decent post that makes me think for moment about what could be true that's great content. That what we need more of on this sub. Instead of what we got now which is "there's a big scary boogyman in the closet. I can't show it to you so you are just going to have to take my word.".

What about that this extreme partisanism and infiltration of this and other subs is the conspiracy?

Could be, but they can't handle the numbers when we participate in mass.

We're seeing something similar at /r/WayOfTheBern. We see obvious vote brigades all the time, and the real tell that they're not organic is how fast a post falls into negative karma, which would normally end up hiding a post, so then we pin it and two hours later - presto - the vote trend is reversed and then some.

Another solution we've employed is to set our comment default to "New." When we see brigaded posts, there's almost always this mystery wave of upvotes on one or two early comments that are clearly not from any regular users, and it's obvious their goal is to quickly get something to be securely planted as the "top" comment in the "Best" that most subs use as a default.

We see obvious vote brigades all the time, and the real tell that they're not organic is how fast a post falls into negative karma


Thanks for adding it back again. Nothing about that statement implied tupperwar wanted to keep the partisan perspective.

What happened to our mods? Did they fall off a cliff? Sell off the Reddit S/N's?

I find the people who think this is a creative writing forum more disruptive.

Oftentimes there's only one party who seems to be implicated in a conspiracy. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but "let's not be partisan" is often a subtle way of saying "let's deflect blame from the people who actually did wrong"

What if you’re being partisan and you’re just trying to make us be more like you. I WILL NEVER BOW DOWN TO YOU LIZARD PEOPLE




Someone needs to make shirts and hats.

Is Tay-Tay really a virgin lesbian? I honestly need to know.

everyone in power is in it for number one, i thought it was common knowledge. let’s get this sub talking about cool shit again.

Yeah you fucking Russians!

It's hard when they bring in a downvote brigade and suppress organic opinions. Until the mods step up and start watching users more closely and figure out who's actually an organic user and who is part of a shill campaign, most organic users are just going to stay back in the shadows.

It's hard when they bring in a downvote brigade and suppress organic opinions.

Mods should consider changing the comment default sort to 'New.'

The issue it will always have is that pretty much every conspiracy leads back to politics.

I noticed that very early on. I think when I first started using Reddit some 5 years ago I made a post here about it, asking if there was a subreddit that just focused on non-political stuff like aliens. Back then it was a nicer community (Reddit wasn’t tumblr 2.0 so didn’t have the nasty SJW type comments/folks either) and the thread showed how it was all linked to politics ultimately.

I can’t see it changing any time soon. One large majority think donald trump is the last hope against everything establishment/deep state that conspiracy theorists ave been fighting since the beginning of time (and so, are very passionate about it), another large majority think he is deep-state/establishment and the largest (voting) majority are just here to derail, distract and bring the place down by any means necessary because it’s considered to be a anti-liberal-narrative subreddit with a huge subscriber base that poses a threat to said narrative.

Share blue and CTR are a thing, that isn’t an unproven conspiracy theory. There is no doubt they operate here. Sometimes they are obvious, sometimes they aren’t. Some claim there is a right-side alternative operating here too, but the only example I’ve seen of it are usually very obviously fake examples setup by the likes of share blue, similar to how they post racist content somewhere under a fake account then say ‘look these people are racist’.

There was a post here the other day that made the front page that said ‘trump supporter multiple accounts busted!’ Or something obviously click-baity like that. It was an obvious lame attempt where a supposed trump supporter had posted an identical comment multiple times with different accounts, then coincidently this warrior of Reddit noticed, screenshotted and posted here and probably lots of other places.

The only ways I can think of to help the worsening issues will stifle the growth of the subreddit and it’s activity, so aren’t viable. I don’t envy the mods.

similar to how they post racist content somewhere under a fake account then say ‘look these people are racist’.

That cuts close to home. We had to call it out whenever we'd see it, so it's not as bad as it used to be, but just as you said, we'd see someone post some stupid racist shit at the bottom of a days old thread long gone from the hot page, then it gets upvoted, and then an hour later someone at TopMinds or EnoughSandersSpam just happened to find it and post "Look how racist those Sanders people really are."

I remember that when I was a sanders supporter way back when.

Here’s a great example of it


This place is as bad the donald to be honest, with all the trump bullshit. I used to lurk here years ago, and this place was cool. Here is how it used to look.



So can I conclude the "Chemical Dumbing Down of America" worked?

yea lol

I smell Russian involvement.

I was confused for a while and was going to downvote because i thought it was about organic food. I think its to many beers for the day

Can we at least do the non batshit crazy ones?

Even shit like the flat Earth, or Obama being a literal lizard are too far. Don't forget about the fucking Babylonian wormhole portals people used to spam the sub with.

What happened to the classics?

Moon landing, JFK, war on drugs/war on terror. Mk Ultra, Operation Condor, faking attacks to go into both Vietnam War and earlier in our history with Cuba. Dozens of legitimate conspiracies.

Then there are wormholes made 4000 years ago.

Haha those all sound ridiculous bro.

Brb researching aquatic apes

Haha those all sound ridiculous bro.

lol a conspiracy sub with threads about ridiculous things haha but seriously Bush was was a transgender alien that killed jeff kay.

Hillary Clinton is literally Satan btw

She is literally Literally Clinton

Not kidding man. I have recently gone from non conspiracy theorist. To the moon landings were a hoax. And now I’m seriously doubting that we live on a globe spinning at a thousand miles an hour. I’m a federal biologist so I understand science and I don’t think the place we live is as it has been described to us.

Moon landing might be fake but i can guarantee you that we live on a fucking globe lol.

I had the same reaction until I watched the latest eclipse go in the wrong direction. They literally cannot model a solar eclipse. Every model has the earth spinning in the wrong direction, The moon orbiting at twice the earths angular speed, or the sun moving. Same with lunar eclipses. They tell us that the shadow on the moon is caused by the earth but we have seen lunar eclipses occur with the sun in the same sky next to the moon. Just the tip of the iceberg.

Back and to the left. Back and to the left. Back and to the left.

Would you say you want to “make r/conspiracy great again” then?

I mean. I thought about it but let's be honest it was never "great." It's a board full of crazies who fling shit at a wall and see what sticks.




- Ace Ventura


It's a little difficult now when the conspiracies are coming true. No one really knows how to handle, the truth.

I've got a conspiracy theory for you: The OP and most of the top posts are AstroTurfed. Calling for end of "partisanship and talking politics" whenever the left is getting bad PR has been in their playbook ever since Hamilton wrote George Washington's farewell address because Jefferson's right leaning party was taking power from Hamilton's leftists.

We need a hat.

speaking of conspiracies and manipulation, it's the fucking information age bruh, you gotta get a hand|e on html and python by age 16 or you really can't even navigate the web safely.

] I mean, how are you gonna b0t comment and sh1|| if you don't have 40 instances of s4ndboxle running 40 pr0ckzies and logged into reddit, using reddits API from the bottom of every page, lmao, and scanning for whatever keyword I want and dumping a prepared comment from a pool in a big .CSV of prepared counterpoints. 40 upvotes, 40 downvotes, 40 comments, I even offer to sell my warez, if you got bitcoin or even DOGE nowadays. DM for more information if you're trying to get cyberpunk like John Connor (in Terminator 2 though, I think he h4cked an ATM with a fucking Atari 2600) or if you just want to get on par with the other actors in your playing field, you will have to modernize your skill set. Thats a real true FACT.

If you want to get cyberpunk like Rick Ro$$ U|bricht, that costs extra, but of course I can show you da wae.

REMEMBER. TANGIBLE CONSPIRACIES WITH EVIDENCE. This isn't a fucking Illuminati circle jerk.

Ok. Don't ban me this time. Jerks.

Did we ban you before? It'd be ironic to say the least for me to ban you ;)

The problem is reddit is partisan whether you are protecting this sub or not. If this sub let threads be organic then things will be fine, but you have shareblue and media matters aka TMOR spoiling the fun, not this sub.

Amerilards on both sides of the political spectrum (And the other spectrum. :^ ) are at fault; turning this place into a pseudo T_D and Resist sub

Many, many sides!

I'm just a lurker here, but this is one of the only subs I've followed the last year or two. I agree partisanship has grown lately, and I'm posting just to say not everyone is a bot. That said, I recognize the change in quality of posts.

Have a look at how fast this thread reached the top of the front page of this sub. That's the result of just a small percentage of the organic users participating when they usually don't.

That is promising for sure. I know several other lurkers, we follow and discuss but don't post. Maybe that will start to change in these crazy times.

It will change.

I wish politics could be banned here for one week as a test to see what happens. I miss real organic conspiracies. I lurked for years before creating an account when a buddy showed me this sub reddit. It's no where near the same.

Well then since were all here, what's the next play? If there are people who seek out to control this world what will be the next move.

Right now, they are trying to absorb the biggest conspiracy theorist forums into the false Left/Right Paradigm.

Keep participating. The people who seek to control this world can't handle the numbers.

We need more chemicals!!!!!

Tired of the nonsense as well. Enough with the partisan bickering and derogatory rhetoric.

But I'm a professional Lurker.

shut up and take my money!

Thanks for participating, Lurker.

I like your diligence.

I too shall come out from lurking (can't guarantee that I'll be super active though)

Simply vote your conscience instead of your usual lurking. It doesn't take anymore resources, but will certainly add to the numbers the inorganic side is warring against.

Ok, that, I can do

Wouldn't more participation cause more politically fueled arguments to take place? Generally I find myself not looking at comments too often, they're usually awful.

And don't forget to downvote!

(shill posts and comments that is...)

you had me up until the usa part. usa doesnt need us, it needs a grip.


Thank you. Don't stop.

Ok, deal. Hi everyone! (Semi) long time lurker here... but I’m pretty sure this is my first comment on Reddit, like, ever. Thanks for the post - gave me the courage to finally start participating.

Thanks. Sure glad to have you here.

This has needed to be stated. Let's take this place back.

We can. We will.

The ents will fucking march!

you are right man, ill try to not be so lurky.

This still is one of my favorite subreddits, if not my favorite. I rarely create posts, my comment amount fluctuates, and I lurk a lot but remain silent.

I don't take anything serious on Reddit—arguments or insults or what have you. I like everyone here because even though some may be wrong on occasion they still provoke discussion and critical thinking which reach the masses, many who lurk only.

I come here because I don't fit in a box—I'm an anarchist who promotes and defends socialism and repeatedly calls out the Trump administration but on the other hand I don't believe in gun control, I believe in the right to own guns. I'm not mad about illegal immigrants being deported. I also don't believe in the Trump-Russia narrative aka witchhunt. I know both major political parties are BS. I believe the system is rigged and that there is a bigger picture at hand. The MSM is propaganda and a lot of it is just tabloid journalism. I believe parts of the US government was involved in 911. I believe in the evils of US imperialism. I also believe in the evils of capitalism and the brainwashed apathy that the masses have been indoctrinated with.

I come here because I feel at home. I come here to be informed and for my thinking to be provoked and stimulated.

We're on the same page. Thanks for participating and I hope you continue to do so because they can't handle the numbers.

Why should we entertain that partisan bullshit? Isn’t that exactly what they want us to do???

What do you mean?

They want people to get angry and waste their time arguing about politics. I’m all for downvoting and moving on with my day. Why engage these shills?

Who said anything about engaging shills. Do the things that bury partisan politics and move on.

Okay I think we’re on the same page my bad. Carry on brother.

Bots are ruining online discourse.

They can't handle the numbers of organic users when they participate.

An important note - one worth mentioning ad nauseum : It's not "partisan" or "pro Trump" to discuss Clinton crimes nor is it partisan to remind people the murder of Seth Rich has not been solved.

Efforts to resolve partisan conflict are pointless if we are only doing so to censor discussions that conflict with a particular affiliation.

I think the Seth Rich case is a psyop, but that's a case for another thread.

That said, political conspiracies can be discussed without coming at it from the perspective of a Republican or Democrat.

You had me til I got here. Now I dont trust you.

Because I think the Seth Rich case is a psyop?

I do think the Democrat party is corrupt and Hillary is among the worst human beings in all of human history.

Have you ever heard of a red herring?

To call it a psyop is very dismissive. I never said Hilary was directly responsible for anything but I think the DNC as a whole is responsible for his death however I will not go offtopic in this thread. There is a lot more to this story than most people know and obviously much of it is speculative but I really just don't even want to get into it here because this sub sucks for discussion.

I don't mean to be dismissive at all by calling it a psyop. On the contrary, I think weaponized psyops against Americans are a serious crime.

Imagine for a moment, that Hillary/the DNC have murdered multiple good people and they don't want to get caught by real patriots who are on to their corruption. Now, would it be out of the question to dress up a complicit Israeli in red, white and blue, slap a DNC leadership label on him, plant a story about him being murdered and then fly him back to Tel Aviv?

I mean, don't you think his brother is acting rather strange?

Okay I like where your going with this I retract my previous statement :)

Thanks for hearing me out, man.

Organic users are the best.

While you’re certainly not wrong, I’d like to point out that many of those discussions are predicated on people wanting them to be true. The have a conclusion and build a road to it. That’s the most broken way anyone of a truly skeptical nature should approach anything.

I mean, pretty obvious infiltration of anti-American types touting themselves as patriots and the saviors of all children from pizza. I've been here almost ten years and went dark during the bot/troll invasion across social media last year. I'm back, it's all hands on deck.

Welcome back, brother.

It's all reddit and most likely all social media. It's a psyop of epic proportions, really scary shit when you think "am I talking to a human or a bot?" Just before I reply to anything.

I kind of think this is the new normal, remember that voting has also been tampered.

What to do? At this point I'm starting to think that strict membership with BladeRunner's AI exams to spot bots/trolls might become something common, really sad times.

I would contribute beyond voting but I normally just shitpost when i browse subs.

My cuntry needs me! I feel so alive now!

Are you calling the organic users in this thread cunts?

So, you agree that the partisanship should be purged.


Left and right are both arseholes.

My cuntry needs me! I feel so alive now!

edit: https://i.redd.it/z2ymoonjc2cz.jpg

I comment all the time... not gonna vote though... that ain't my style. I usually also don't post on frontpage topics, but yer lucky tonight... cause here is my comment.

Thanks, organic user.

Organic is exactly what I am... Shoutout to the new queue juice crew!

You're a GMO user man!

okay so where do I sign up

We all need to be in /r/new and downvote political bullshit and start calling shit out.

Midterms are coming and this place ia going to be slidden every which way and we need to be Ready. I almost want to watch a bunch of Rocky Montages while we all work together in /r/new to participate and put together OPs like /u/CelineHagbard did today. It's all connected.

this place has been a shitshow since the day after the boston marathon

What's more conspiracy than a conspiracy hidden inside the conspiracies of r/conspiracy ?

That's what I'm thinking. Is there a higher power trying to influence the narratives in the conspiracies now?

Didn't the CIA coin the twrn conspirator?

There's a conspiracy in itself!

It's conspiracies all the way down.

We must go deeper.



I'm pretty anti trump, but the anti trump brigade was here in unprecedented numbers today. Neutral comments that were more discussion points than anything getting downvoted. Usually this sub leans right, but with the FISA stuff it was leaning heavily left today which was very weird.

I thought this post was going to be about food.

Silent lurker here, I upvote all the time

Me too! (although I have commented once)

Same here, except I don't upvote either! 6

I comment on occasion but in the past months I've completed steered clear of this place.

What do you need from me, boss?

I can spot a Trump tard and a neoliberal a mile away around these parts. They don't even believe the most basic, well proven conspiracies.

When can they fuck off and leave this place for the OG's?

Hey. That's something someone who thinks differently from me would say! I dislike you! People who think like me, let's get him!

Even non-political posts/comments attract trolls. That, or somehow someone gets offended at every single idea on this sub.

The U.S.A needs you

That's why I don't play much here. It's all about America. All of it.

The U.S.A. needs you and the world needs you

Yes I read that part also however my comment stands. This sub is 95% Murican.

It's all about America. All of it. Ok, well, at least 95%.
Ok 80% etc...

Settle down mate.


It sounds like your telling me to do the job of the mods.

Is it the mods job to upvote, downvote, and comment?

No, but killing bots is.

How does a mod kill a bot? Even a ban doesn't remove an account's ability to vote here.

I mean bot made content.

I can only downvote so much.

I’ll admit I have lurked and then mostly ignored because of the political posts. I left Facebook to get away from that shit, man.

It's it just a out the usa bud

Joke’s on the Russians, we all know voting is for suckers and everybody thinks were crazy!

Seriously, if there’s bots or Russians or whatever this is a waste of time.

This thread experienced a modest boost of organic user participation and was at the top of the front page before it was on the bottom third of /new.

What the fuck is organic users?


relating to or derived from living matter.

I'm just pissed that talking about Russia trying to rule the world, or about the govt killing civil rights leaders is always downvoted to oblivion. Like, this is real shit that is slowly moving past "conspiracy" and into "reality", yet there's a large group that constantly tries to keep it quiet.

Russian’s ruling the world that is rich. We all know who runs the world and who is challenging the US. Vlad just runs a kleptocracy the Chinese and they who shall not be named are the ones with influence buying cash.

Bruh. The Ruskies have submarines lined up and ready to take out most of the world's internet connection, plus missiles primed for taking out US telecomms satellites. Plus the Ruskies give money to Syria who gives money to the IS, and they also give money to the NRA who gives money to American politicians.

Where to start with this amazing statement.

  1. Syria and Bashar al Assad ABSOLUTELY DO NOT FUND IS.. Anyone with a modicum of information about the situation would agree here. FFS Assad is an alawhite the ISIS fools are Sunni extremists funded by Qatar and the Saudis in an effort to put the brakes on Iranian influence.

2.The United States has a huge advantage over Russia in everything but midrange missiles. Vlad is an old KBG guy so I think it is fair to hold his government in contempt, but the Russian bogeyman scenario is bullshit.

Plus the Ruskies give money to Syria who gives money to the IS

That isn't true and Obama's beloved 'moderate rebels' trying to overthrow the government weren't simply rebels -- they were ISIS, and they are against Assad and the Syrian government. Russia are literally the good guys in Syria, not the US trying to overthrow the democratically elected government leader to build a pipeline.

How do we know you aren’t a shill

Yea, because this sub is just crawling with shills trying to encourage a non-partisan discourse.


I naturally am drawn to partisan issues and then get lumped in with the T_D "bots" or "brigades" so now I just read

Yea, we're trying to go non-partisan here.

Often I just don't have enough time in the day. I know commenting doesn't take much time, but when I comment, I still want it to mean something. I don't want to leave behind some of the banal comments I see on occasion.

Please don't leave banal comments.

Please do upvote interesting conspiracy theories that don't come from a partisan perspective.

Please don't upvote partisan politics or conspiracy theories that come from a partisan perspective.

This sub seems more like a political sub. When I think of a conspiracy sub I think more aliens, corrupt government, and off the wall ideas like tptb are poisoning us or I made a tin chest plate to protect me from wifi. I just hang around for the random jewels that pop up. A lot of people here are fighting over sides and the ones who post off the wall crazy conspiracy's get attacked and called crazy. Ok time to resume lurking.

Ps if you have a constructive way to help then I'm all eyes.

This post climbed to the top of the front page before it was in the bottom 1/3 of /new. That was because of a modest increase in organ user participation. Right now, it's got 841 points, is 86% upvoted, and yet it has 5.8K views. Can you imagine what we could do if just 50% of the organic users would participate instead of just lurking?

I agree there's a lot of good people in this sub, but there's a reason everyone lurks. The same as real life a lot of people don't won't to get caught up in contriversy/arguments and just like the video you I agree there's a lot of good people in this sub, but there's a reason everyone lurks. The same as real life a lot of people don't won't to get caught up in contriversy and just like the video you linked to tptb won't let a little ant stand up to them. The last part reflects in real life as I doubt they even care about a small sub of people. Even if we do figure out who is behind the corruption and who runs the show we couldn't get enough people together to do anything. I'm just a dumb hillbilly setting back watching this all unfold.

I dropped out of school because I was tired of watching teachers program students, they pushed race, and lifestyle between people to make them hate each other. 15 years later it's no different everybody has to choose side's, then push blame on the opposing side.

Our founders had the answer United we stand, they built this country and said in God we trust, doesn't matter what God you trust. They gave us the right to bear arms so we could protect ourselves and our friends/neighbors. But we can't protect anyone. If we just speak the wrong words were terrorist, extremists and drug off to prison.

Watch cops they attack people over plants, they take people's kids, they don't even need a reason to take our property (civil forfiture). Nobodies stood up to them even though they continue to take our rights away from us. We can blame corporate America, the government, or whoever the puppet master is but it's we the people's fought for letting them control us, for standing around doing nothing.

They give us the idea that where in control because we get to vote that's a f***in joke. That's why the second amendment was created because they knew from past mistakes that the system would be corrupted tptb would want to control everything and everyone.

I don't know though I'm probably crazy and a little drunk. to, tptb won't let a little ant stand up to them. The last part reflects in real life as I doubt they even care about a small sub of people. Even if we do figure out who is behind the corruption and who runs the show we couldn't get enough people together to do anything. I'm just a dumb hillbilly setting back watching this all unfold.

I dropped out of school because I was tired of watching teachers program students, they pushed race, and lifestyle choices between people to make them hate each other. 15 years later it's no different everybody has to choose side's, then push blame on the opposing side.

Our founders had the answer United we stand, they built this country and said in God we trust, doesn't matter what God you trust. They gave us the right to bear arms so we could protect ourselves and our friends/neighbors. But we can't protect anyone. If we just speak the wrong words were terrorist, extremists and drug off to prison.

Watch cops they attack people over plants, they take people's kids, they don't even need a reason to take our property (civil forfiture). Nobodies stood up to them even though they continue to take our rights away from us. We can blame corporate America, the government, or whoever the puppet master is but it's we the people's fought for letting them control us, for standing around doing nothing.

They give us the idea that where in control because we get to vote that's a f***in joke. That's why the second amendment was created because they knew from past mistakes that the system would be corrupted tptb would want to control everything and everyone.

Everyone's to divided to pull together and make a change for the better, the first thing we need to do is accept each others differences, then put an end to this race, religion, and political segregation and unite. Then and only then will we be able to work together and stop the corruption and bs that plagues the world.

I don't know though I'm probably crazy and a little drunk.

We here baby!!!!!

raises glass thank you sir. I too see this, I love conspiracy talk, but I’m also an ancap so I do enjoy upvoting stuff that’s against statism.

Your post needs more upvotes... You have an amazing point though. I hardly ever vote in this sub. I will try to start.

Yall know they put poison on our food? Right

"Natural flavorings"

Honestly this was a good thing for me too see, as I’ve had a Reddit for a very long time, I’ve saved an unreal amount of posts off of this thread, and over the course of time accumulated quite the collection of posts and comments that I felt had to be of importance. I’m new to Reddit per say, as in I don’t normally get very active in the comments but from here on out I will be more vocal and comfortable thanks to reading this.

You just made my day, brother. Perhaps you can look through your collection of posts and comments for something we need to look at again or more closely and submit a post about it.

I lurk because I know this place has become... maybe not corrupted, but monitored. I lurk because I'm aware of the fact that reddit is now strictly controlled. Hell, just this morning I had a thread banned from r/games of all places, which is supposed to be centered around "quality discussion".

And now they introduce this pseudo facebook nonsense.

I was also ridiculed here a couple years ago after posting about noticing weather control patterns over a major city I used to live in.

After so many accusations and labels, those of us who really are "organic" users as you put it, just don't want to deal with the fucking mass anymore. I'm fucking over it. I couldn't care less anymore if people refuse to wake up. It really is going to take their food/electricity taken from them before the people of this country get riled up.

I guess you could say I'm a bit jaded. And that's okay.

I've been focusing on my own happiness in this increasingly shit-encrusted reality, and I've done more than my part at "participating" and trying to "red-pill"(i hate that phrase) people for several years now to now avail. The reason why you don't see any legitimate conspiracy theorists here is because we're all burnt the fuck out.

I've been there, man.

I'll be here to chat about whatever if you ever feel like it.

I'll be brave and ask. What the pseudo Facebook stuff they're starting? I've never used it and don't want to be anywhere near it

That profile avatar and background image stuff. I'll admit I took part... but I don't like it. Next thing you know we'll have personal ratings tied to our profiles. So that only the most popular posters get recognition and rest falls to the wayside. (worst case scenario, of course)

If you don't like it, don't take part. Jesus, you can't complain about something and then voluntarily participate in the thing you're complaining about.

Where did you see this? I'm on Reddit way more than I care to admit and haven't noticed this.




This needs more upvotes.

You’ve now inspired me man! I’ll put together a nice post, I’ve been looking at how strong posts are put together with links and what not, so keep your eye out in the next day or so, I’ll post it and also link it here for everyone!

Feel free to pm me when you do because I don't want to miss it.

That's only because the immense majority of organic users participating when they are approached from a partisan perspective.

I think this thread proves just the contrary.

There was a dope as one about Meteors and Asteroids threatening the Earth and the government trying to cover it up.

That was cool. More like that please.

When 7 of the top 20 are the same, mods?

That's a fair point and I won't argue with you there.

I'd lurk less and post more if this sub didn't consistently bestow hundreds of upvotes to trash stories for dullards easily disprovable with ten seconds of Googling yet consistently offering the rejoinder, when this is pointed out, that that's just what the Illuminatis want you to believe.

That enviro came about by organic users like you giving up temporarily.

We're back and we're participating again and we're taking the sub back.

If this thread proves anything, it's that the organic users here are tired of the same bullshit that you're tired of.

The problem is less with the sub than how "conspiracy" acts as a signifier in 2017.

"Conspiracy" has a very specific legal definition (U.S.A) and is not even that hard to get convicted of. I think most people here are familiar with the roots of "Conspiracy Theory" as a slander. I think vastly fewer people (a shamefully small number, probably) are familiar with AM radio jibbajabba being nurtured as a growth industry by US intelligence assets only after the emergence of a generation of researchers who very seriously questioned the JFK narrative.

"Don't be partisan" is an easy out here. I highly doubt most people posting here have much love for either political party / oedipal edifce of the United States. But the goddam pepe bullshit quotient in this sub is off the fucking chart. Like, "call Phill Agee a postmodern Marxist SJW" levels of pure unadulterated idiocy.

Getting back on track : this sub will always be an unmanageable fuckfest so long as critical examination of current events has to contend with specious trash posted by people who are either on PCP or suffering from some kind of schizophreniform disorder.

So basically this sub will only ever be good if there's some kind of mod coup. I'll be sipping pina coladas and reading old issues of Lobster until then.

Get off my lawn rabble rabble rabble...

Always possible to start a new sub.

Always possible to start a new sub.

Lol, no it didn't. This sub is gamed by corporations just like the rest of Reddit. They push stories here and can pay for upvotes like anyone else. The same is true of political agents. It isn't just "good" people not taking a stand, it's people with agendas taking advantage of the ignorance of the average person, just like regular life. This sub falls too easily into the mistake of thinking we are more intelligent than the average Reddit user, I highly doubt that assumption.

attack attack belittle condescend, insult

What is an organic user?

Someone who isn't a bot is what I was thinking he meant...

We need some fair trade gluten free users.

What if google didnt always have the right answer or the truth. Use duckduckgo for unbiased results

I disagree that DDG offers unbiased results and I have yet to find a true search engine with the ability to comb the web.

I just want something that searches the web like my computer searchs for files.

Its better than google in my opinion because it doesnt track you and snoop on your device

I will agree with that, but they still must be tailoring their search features.

Idk go type in gender in google and look at the definition they give. And then type it in in duckduckgo. They just have links to websites at the top instead of their own agenda before the links

This is a conspiracy sub. If you Google ANY conspiracy you will find mounds of evidence against it. That's kind of the point. This sub is meant to be a place to discuss conspiracy theories that exist outside of the establishment narrative.

Since you have a Bernie related name, I'll give you a Bernie related example. The rigging of the Democratic primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton. Now, any Bernie supporter worth his salt knows the primary was rigged. It's really past the point of deniability. Go ahead and Google "did the DNC rig the primary?" The very first result is a WaPo article titled "No, the DNC didn’t 'rig' the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton"

If you are looking for stories you can verify with a quick Google search, go to r/worldnews. This is not the sub for that, nor do I want it to be.

I come here to learn about shit that MSM doesn't want me to know. I highly doubt things of that nature are easily verified on Google.

Good post

Thank you

I can find something to disprove pretty much anything you say (with in reason).

Like Rule 34. A counter point to every argument exists.

(Gently pats the Logic Pedant on the head)

My point is that the point of this sub is to explore alternative paths and see if they are plausible.

Ultimately the goal is to move things from this sub to the "news" category.

With that end in mind... Bringing the topics we don't want in the sub to the top will speed up there exit into the mainstream... That sounds silly when typed all out but this is r/conspiracy...

Those post get upvotes because bleep-bloops are programmed to.

Yea because ten seconds on google is definitely gonna give you the most genuine info...

What about limiting recent political pieces to, say Sundays only? Or any other type of "themed" days, like CIA saturdays or technology Tuesdays. I'm not a name-gal, sorry. But essentially trying to direct a theme or topic discussion to get away from partisan bitching

How about instead approaching political conspiracies without choosing to be a member of a side from the false Left/Right Paradigm?

I feel like a superhero now. I must go, the world needs me. And my comments.

...and your up and down votes.

I'm sure either the democrats or republicans are behind this post trying to get us meatbags to subscribe to their propaganda.

What do you mean?

Well, you got your maudlin meta-post to the top. What do you wanna discuss?

Let's talk about your condescending, belittling tone, partisan.

I don't see how that is partisan, just like I don't see the point of this post. BTW I'm an organic user and frequently contribute with total disregard for partisan politics.

Yep, looks like your army of like-minded organic users are overwhelmingly burying this plea for non-partisan discourse here.

Good job!

You got your no-content thread to the top; what more do you want? Organic users may or may not be partisan, but nothing is going to change the intense amount of astroturfing on Reddit.

Oh look, the partisan went reporting the thread to the mods for "no content".

You guys really can't handle the numbers when there's just a modest uptick in organic user participation...LMFAO

Lol. I didn't report you. You got your thread to the top of the pop. Why not make some non-partisan conspiracy posts instead of complaining about the lack thereof?

I didn't get my thread to the top, the non partisan organic users you so despise put it there. Now, why is it you think you need to be my director in chief all of a sudden? Don't you think I can submit my upcoming posts when I think the time is right vs. on your whim?

The harassment you bring to the table is getting old, partisan.

Gee whiz. You're incorrigible.

Buh bye.

Compare the vote counts of your thread with the others on the top page. Do you really think your message is being censored here? Can you recognize partisan organic users from non-partisan ones?

Partisan organic/inorganic users are all miffed that they have but one downvote to spend on this thread and it still shot to the top in probably record time.

Thus the organic users hath spoken (and somewhat negated the point of your post by proving it true).

If that's your true opinion, you've not read the comments in the thread, partisan.

Then you must got the bots in your corner. Nothing said between us has been partisanal in nature, but go on.

And my axe!

I wonder if closing the sub for a week would help? If suddenly the shills have no posts to shill on, they will either find somewhere else to make their shill money or the funding dries up and they all just leave.

In “related communities” I get r/politics and r/worldnews along with some alien stuff and bitcoin.

My question is, why are those being recommended or who chose them to be recommended? Is it someone or something? Just wanted to point out that such suggestions could make it confusing as to the purpose of this sub. It would make sense that if you’re being told this falls under the same “topics,” that’s what people will come here to post or discuss.

Idk if that’s a reddit thing but you might want to look into that as it has to be contributing to this phenomenon in some way.

I see that which you point out to be potentially nefarious, but, as I am not a mod here, I can't answer your question. If you do get an answer to that question, let me know, because it is curious.

I have decided to participate by downvoting you.

Thanks, partisan.

Having any luck burying me yet?

What assurance do I have that you aren't yourself a partisan, looking to silence the sub with tedium resulting in general disinterest?

What do you mean?

He was not talking to trolls mind you.

Well shoot, he's gotta clarify

It's just so hard to participate now. I'm one of the more skeptical voices, so I will instantly get labeled a shill for expressing doubt. No one wants to talk facts; opinions are all that matter.

What's your best example of a conspiracy theory that doesn't hold up to a skeptical look?

No low hanging fruit like flat earth, please.

Currently it would have to be pizzagate and all that satanic stuff that gets peddled

This is implying r/conspiracy was ever partial or unbiased before this "hijack".

You don't think this is non-partisan?

You point to one broad thread out of the thousands that are filled with nonsense. 3 years ago you would get banned on this sub for calling out 9/11 truthers. The idea that this sub was ever a partial medium for fact-based discourse is laughable.

I hate this sub it fucking sucks and the users here suck

Buh bye.

The non sequiturs only prove my point lol

Message received and understood.

don't you know that if you create a reddit account and vote on things the obama drones are going to find you and deport you to Antarctica?

Thanks for your input, partisan.

Good post, thank you.

I'm not a regular, but I am organic and I have been around a while - longer than this account suggests.

And the partisan crap is a huge turn-of. I almost disappeared from here completely as this almost became an extension of T_D IMHO.

You and I are of the same mindset. There are more of us than there are of them and this thread is proof of that. The partisans have spent every downvote they have and it still made it to the top in probably record time. All it will take to take this sub back is participation of organic, non partisan users like you and me.







I've said all the same things you're saying here at one time or another. People applaud and agree, but nothing happens.

I have political views and I talk plenty of shit about Trump and other public figures outside of this sub. I try keep it that kind of thing out my comments here because I realize these public figures aren't the face of the enemy. They're a distraction from the things that are really going on with the shadowy figures using all means at their disposal to consolidate power and maintain it.

The Republican Party (and other conservative institutions worldwide) have proven very useful to these forces with their ability to exploit fear and ignorance in people. This could easily shift to more liberal institutions in the future as the population continues a leftward trend in their personal ideology. Those shadowy figures will still be there doing the same shit, just using different pawns.

why would i want to talk to bots?

Um...have a look at your comment history...


Im subscribed to the sub and thoroughly enjoy most of the content, yet often times I am at work and too busy to add to the conversation with a thoughtful comment. Also, i dont always have a pertinent thought on the topic at hand as i am just learning about said topic from the post i am viewing. I will take the time, when i have it, to add to the discourse.

And while you're viewing but don't have time to comment, perhaps you could help damper the partisanship with your up/down vote.

Lmao 24/7 Trump shilling AOK for you though, only when your fuckboi is taking heat do these posts rise

Trump and Hillary are both shit.

Now please, this is a non-partisan thread.

Take it elsewhere.

Nah. This is partisan hackery at its finest. Fuck you.

This sub was 100% overtaken by Trump trolls about a year and a half ago. Before your account was even created. You don't get to come in here and talk about "organic posting" when you have never seen the garbage the "organic posting" was.

You're pushing the "both were shit" garbage. You're a hack. Fuck off.

Buh bye, partisan.

Lmao go back to investigating Pizzagate, partisan

Ah hell, you still baitin' over here?


I see that you have no defense to your own bullshit and need to project upon others.

I've been investigating Pizzagate?

That's news.

Could you link it for me or naw?

Yep, that's when I was exposing pizzagate as a psyop.


So you were 1) investigating Pizzagate and 2) linking it to George Soros.

Looks like I'm right, and now you're making excuses.

Are you a big George Soros fan?

Are you a big baby?

You know, I'm almost growing fond of you. Seems like you're just an old school jew-hating conspiracy type of guy. Old school /r/conspiracy type that you seem to idolize.

I don't hate Jews! This woman, for instance, is a Jew and I love her with all my heart. I would die for her.

And btw...you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.

You sure got the talking points down

Jesus Tapdancing Christ

Removed. Rule 10.

My post?


This is partisan hackery at its finest. Fuck you.
You're a hack. Fuck off.

Is neither helpful nor conducive to conversation.

Ah, but being called a partisan is AOK when it goes against the "Trump is God" narrative.

Swooping in after a day and sanitizing comments to fit your political narrative. Wow.

More like working through a mod queue backlog on a weekend.

Ah, but being called a partisan is AOK when it goes against the "Trump is God" narrative.

No, it's not.

More like sanitizing posts that don't fit the pro-trump narrative here

Holy shit, you actually mean my post.

As far as /r/all is concerned, /r/conspiracy is just another t_d circlejerk.

from r/all here, can confirm that the entire rest of reddit believes this.

Because that's what it's become.

It depends on what viewpoints are being expressed as to what constitutes a "hijack" in this subreddit, and I'd be curious to know what you consider organic content.

This sub was very much "hijacked" by r/The_Donald during the election and for a while afterwards. They saw r/conspiracy as a group that was rightfully upset with the government towards the end of the Obama administration, and redirected that anger towards vapid distractions like Pizzagate and birtherism. There were a few people I considered organic users who saw past this propaganda, and knew that a billionaire real estate investor with ties to the Clintons and the Saudi Royal Family and massive debts to banks like Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch was probably not the "outsider" that he appeared to be.

Now I think it's hijacked by propaganda bots that rush to be the first few comments on a story to spin the narrative.

Personally, I'd like to see more 9/11 Truth posts. AE911 has an excellent body of research and I'd love for them to continue cracking the case. I'd also like to see more surveillance research - after the chilling effects of Snowden, Thomas Drake, and Bill Binney, surveillance whistleblowing has effectively stopped.

I didn't say just organic content. We need to get back to non-partisanship.

Everything else you said I agree with.

Reddit is a lost cause. We need a discord room before we can figure out a better solution then using this sold news aggregator social network.

Every site that "unbiased" /pol approves we block and then unblock all there "banned" sites. /pol turned wreckless

Amen friend, good post

Historically Democrats try to get everyone unified and Republicans try to separate everyone. Are the ones who are doing this following this trend?



Selling guns to the drug cartel in Mexico so that they would eventually be confiscated (after being used to murder people) so as to make the case for gun control in the U.S.?

Is this the kind of unity you're talking about or naw?

That is not an answer to my question, unless your links (which I have not clicked) are about the people you are referencing in the sub (which I very much doubt.)

which I have not clicked

Yea, you probably should keep it that way if you don't want your fragile world view to crumble before your very eyes.

Well, when you make it that enticing by insulting a poster, who could refuse? (everyone)

The ATF that continued the same operations under Obama as they did under Bush is related to unifying Americans? Ironic you cry about partisanship and all you do here is stir the pot of partisanship, bigotry and racism.

Bush and Obama are both guilty. Please take your partisanship to another sub. Thanks.

guilty of? you aren't making sense. are you a bot?

The ATF that continued the same operations under Obama as they did under Bush

You're arguing with yourself. Do you know that?

arguing with myself? I'm not the one that claimed an ATF program is the fault of a President. And not only that, that this program magically "divides the country" or that your long post history of partisanship, racism and bigotry doesn't actually exist. Go home, Putin

The President has no power rabble rabble rabble rabble

so you are a bot, and cannot defend any of your ridiculous comments

Uv/Dv is cliche but I get your point

i thought this was /r/totallynotrobots for a second (SORRY FOR SHOUTING, IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE)

There's no going back. This recent campaign/admin has done a very thorough job of completely Co opting this and these sort of places on the internet. Far better and with less resistance than those who have tried before. The internet is over as far as freedom of thought/narrative is concerned.

As a child of the internet and as an early adopter and believer in the potential of its scope it pains me to say but we will never have it back.

I'm someone who believed, since the mid 90s, that this internet was going to change everything and facilitate putting the power back in the hands of the people. It did, for a while. But that's over now.

Turn off and get out and reconnect with nature, your neighbors, and community. That is the most radical/counter cultural thing we can do now. Again, the free and open internet is over.

Yo, I'm sorry but isn't this the mods job?

The quality of posts here have been shit for a very long time. I completly understand why some people left when the front page was being spammed with Seth Rich and HRC drama posts.

Namely these events would occur while Trump was having a "bad news day",but because the mods did nothing about it naturally people left.

It isn't up to us to be "keep the quality up" of the sub by posting just "hoping" the better quality posts make it through the downvote bots. The Mods should be seeking ways to clean up the sub, so we can get back to finding out the shit our government keeps from us.

How many times am I going to argue with another "conspirator" who says this POTUS isn't like the rest of them, while he obviously does some "rest of them" type shit, come on!

first time i tried to participate i got banned from posting on here. lol. it was a legit post aswell. still havent been given the ability back to comment using the other account. knew day 1 something wasnt right on here.

I'm guilty as charged. I'll start upvoting the legit stuff. I find a lot of stuff on this sub to be a little crazy but I love coming here because it is no crazier than what the MSM try and feed us. A strength of this sub is that most posts are backed with sources (even if they are sources the MSM disparage) and as a result I now have an open mind (to the point I believe it is more likely than not) that, as a random for instance, ancient humans reached a far higher level of technological advancement than we are led to believe - and those ruling the world know it. Anyway, keep up the good work because people like me come here often and like this sub the way it is/was.

ALright I'll start contributing :D first post, long time lurker. My own fault.

Well then don't upvote partisan issues and give them no comments. Non-action is the easiest and most effective method.

Though to be fair, whenever the conspiracy involves a Government, and they frequently do, then it is inherently partisan. There's some shades of gray and making a judgement call seems to lead to bickering like this.

Everyone on Reddit is a bot besides you.

What's the point in participating though? Like anywhere else in Reddit, it takes me 20-30 posts before I get a reply so.. it's just pissing in the wind.

I wish there was a political conspiracy sub, though I'm not sure one already exists. I would like this sub to be all the crazy "X-Files" type of conspiracies. Stuff like UFOs, time travel, aliens, secret space programs and so on. Just all the really cool 'what if?' conspiracy theories. This sub now as it stands is a vile, vile, pit of extreme hate and bigotry.

Thanks for posting, I read the sub daily I'm very active on other subs like the Kratom sub etc...

This sub is very weird there is no doubt disinfo folks and all sorts. I've observed this sub daily. I'd like to contribute more being a long time activist against the new world order and the false left right paradigm but I never feel like it's very organic.

This sub reminds me of Alex Jones and Infowars. It used to be a mix of legitimate conspiracies and nonsense conspiracies. Then it became a mix of legitimate conspiracies, nonsense conspiracies, and Trump propaganda.

thanks OP

but it looks like your post was deleted


We've been infiltrated by a concerted effort to hijack this sub and turn it into a battleground of a partisan nature.

you mean like this:

https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7r0owj/when_are_trump_supporters_going_to_realize_that/ /u/no_woman_no_fry

old school agreed upon practice was that every time our forum would get invaded by shills, we would change the subject to COINTELPRO to educate the new users who may not understand what is going on.

the next time our forum gets invaded, it is the newly-educated users responsibly to educate the next generation of users on COINTELPRO



I'm Keith Forsyth, I broke into the FBI in 1971, and helped uncover COINTELPRO and take down Hoover. Ask me anything.


top: https://www.reddit.com/search?q=COINTELPRO&sort=top&restrict_sr=&t=all

new: https://www.reddit.com/search?q=COINTELPRO&sort=new&restrict_sr=&t=all

Conspiracies cannot really exist without power structures and groups with shady interests can they?

Then just ban political posts. Thanks to the new era of "fake news" blaming, you really have no other choice. Just like some people get banned in certain subs for slander, do the same for politics here.

A conspiracy sub subjected to an insidious conspiracy. This sounds like a bad thriller plot.

But seriously though, I love you guys. Don't let anyone tell you aliens aren't real and that government isn't out to get you.

So what's the mods role in all this?

Ask them.

I just don't know what to say......

USA shutdown, Russian Afrin withdrawal and Turkish mobilization toward kurds seems like an awfully opportune coincidence.

Here for the truth.

I'm a long time lurker. I finally signed up, and I will begin effective voting immediately #IVoteNow

removes tinfoil hat

I’m here

This sub used to be entertaining and fun to read. I blink and it's full of angry politics and quasi Jew hate.

I suppose an expose' of AIPAC would seem antisemitic to you, eh?

Nope, but wording it like "them dirty evil jew zionists bastards ruining our country" does sound a bit unhinged to the casuals such as myself.

"As someone who has had a number of posts on the front page"

I'm sure there's more people here like me or at least there was...

I am a cynical person. I've worked for the machine and seen how fcked it is, I've become super cynical of everything political, because I know we are in a game, ran by the elite who just use left/right to keep us occupied.

I don't believe in crazy CTs that I think are too 'over the top' (lizard people, flat earth, hollow earth) but I'm willing to not comment on those posts. I believe there are a few powerful organisations that run the world and that's the theories I'm interested in. Also, the history of the earth, but I think that's less of a CT and more of science just doesn't know.

However, I'm sure there's somewhere I could go to find likeminded people. People who don't necessarily have an interest in the more out there theories, but very interested in other theories, just over Trump and Clinton fans talking smack.

Where are these people?

The people you seek are here. They are the ones who put this thread at the top. They think like you think. They were bullied into not participating by a loud minority. That will change when the organic non-partisan users start participating again, as evidenced by this thread.

upvote#200 unlurking

I came to this sub because I wanted to see people talk about conspiracies. It was during the election, and instead it was literally nothing but post after post about Hilary. A subject I didn't care about. So I left. Now I only comes here when other subs make fun of the place. It was over run by alt-right, the top mods heavily support the far right even now. You let the sub become political, get ready for the garbage and the dislike that comes with the territory.

Being taken over by Trump supporters and Russian bots is "a battleground of partisan nature" because both sides are the same, of course. Call it like it is.

the U.S.A.? :) I mean, I know you guys like to think you are the center of the universe but I can assure you there are plenty of other countries in the world with internet access, and plenty users from other countries in here :D

I just recently joined the r/conspiracy community so I’m still catching up to speed but I’ve already noticed lots of people here taking sides especially in posts regarding anything political. I was under the impression that conspiracists are all on the same side...the side of the truth. But it seems like a few bad eggs want their version of the truth to be accepted over others. This sub shouldn’t be about attacking other commentators it should be about enlightenment and collaborative efforts to find out what’s real and what’s just a facade.

I just come here for aliens, government hiding shit, and that's all I want to see.

Hi, I'm new here but have been lurking every night for the past week or so. Lots of interesting content which is great - Will try to participate more in the topics which interest me :-)

Simple solution - autodelete any post that contains any of the words Donald, Hillary, Trump or Clinton.

Yes, it's wish-fulfillment for not being able to do this in real life.

I want the Coup D'etat in 1963 exposed, with Johnson's complicity. It's obvious John Connolly had nothing to do with it. Ruby died of lung cancer...of the stomach. Sabots were found on the rooftop next to the TBD. Description are radically different of the "Oswald" that shot Tippett. Top sniper was, in a test, barely able to get the requisite shots off using the Mannlicher-Carcano.

Ok. Upvoted.

"Made r/conspiracy great again"

how do YOU know who votes and who doesn't?

sounds like another conspiracy to me.

The USA needs you... fuck right out. USA is the conspiracy.

I was with you 100% until you made it a US thing, if you want to see behind anything you have to abandon nationalism. Otherwise great message though.

Fuck donald trump, fuck hillary clinton, i just proved myself to this subreddit that I'm human

This is my first comment on this sub, and I'm here for you guys

Whatabout Benghazi and the emails?

Ughhh, only stupid Americans care about America. Literally no one else

This sounds like a conspiracy. This checks out.

Get on /new and upvote/downvote

If I’m not participating should I leave?

With due respect OP, hasn’t it always been that way, given that RussiaLago exists? Not trying to be funny- just trying to understand your plea.

"Did you know the Deputy Director of Planning was down in Managua, Nicaragua the day before the earthquake?"

I keep my eyes open — I lurk because I’d rather listen than make a decision right off, especially about speculative material. Being loud and opinionated about conspiracies doesn’t usually go well at the parties. But every now and then I find something that sounds true here— do my research, then inevitably find more information that solidifies what I learned.

Sorting through the junk is difficult and he subject matter of this subreddit actually needs less opinions because theories are already opinions. Fact and analysis, links to evidence— that’s what I think this sub would respond to best.

This sub died and this was all going on probably over a year ago, where you been at dawg?

I lurk mostly because I see too many personal insults thrown about, doesn't encourage people to ask questions or engage in debate if they're going to be called a stupid whatever

This is why I also lurk. Not looking to get slammed by some anonymous rando trolling behind a keyboard. I just like opening my mind to new ideas.

Exactly this. I've had abuse on another sub for trying to engage about Nigel Farage, got called a Zionist, an Israelite and a f**king moron by 3 different people in 2 minutes because I dared to disagree with someone. I've seen it on this sub too hence the lurking

Happy to see this resurgence and will participate.

Well done to you and other users for regaining the essence of this sub OP

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I totally agree with you, this was my post from the past.

Nah, I prefer not adding to my meta data.

This the stupidest shit I've seen in a long time. "The world needs you." How about you fuck off or post something interesting mr front page. This is Conspiracy, not Bitches Bitching.

There are rules against seeking downvotes

But muh politics! How can you sit here and analyze conspiracies when the Nazi party is literally running the country? /s

I do love the bi-monthly "this sub is non-partisan" posts. I set my watch to them.

when i looked at this post i thought you were rtalking about organic as in non GMOs

Don't tell me what to do!
...doh! just participated! >:(

Bring back the moth man!

i dont give a shit anymore simply because you put the USA before the rest of the world . i understand that the usa may be where you come from but all this shows me is you are as bad as them ..

Get out shill

im not a shill , im just not american and im getting sick of the american politics in this sub , seems to be every other post is about trump , then you click on that post and see the BS within ..

this sub can run without american political conspiracy posts and IMO they should have a sub for them selves .

His name was Seth Rich

Ok I'll start trolling, because I know nothing about the hyper-specific topics here, is that really what you want?

last time I participated they called me a troll and banned me. all i did was post a video link. surprised i can post now. first time been here in months. weird.

I will, as requested, begin to participate more often in these discussions. Just beware that this is am extremely political time in American history where everyone seemingly has an (educated or uneducated) opinion about everything. Unfortunately we might have reached a tipping point on almost all of our subs that being up any type of controversy. But as I stated above, I will do my part and contribute more even though I don't know much about this stuff. I very much enjoy reading reading all of the content and comments on this sub.

Political conspiracies should be discussed without picking a side of the false Left/Right paradigm.

We are going to have to deal with it and get to know who is who without it distressing us too much. Use NEW and follow your friends under preferences. Its probably hopeless to try to keep a list of the partisan shills and trolls, unless we can find out who is doing all the downvoting in NEW. Not all that transparent is it, and thats the problem. Voting should be recorded by name!

We used to have upvote and downvote counts tallied on each thread, which was nice. I think purging the sub from the partisanship is the best we can do and we should do it.

Ok, so along comes a candidate, lets say Chelsea Manning, running on a platform called "Organic r/conspiracy users". If you support him/her/he/she/it then that makes you partisan, doesn't it?

Be careful how you get rid of what you don't like. Transparency is always better than autocracy. Distributed is always better than top down.

I hear you. That's exactly why I made a plea to the organic userbase rather than the mods.

How long before we get to talking about the real parasites?

Damn aliens are running the show. If we get to discussing them more frequently, the quicker we can get on with it. That kind of disclosure is either gunna make or break us as a species.

I used to read the comments more and participate. The corporate shills have succeeded in making this place an echo chamber for partisan sentiment. We need a new economic model as reddit has sold out and destroyed the reason for being.

They've succeeded only because too many organic, non-partisan users stopped participating. When we participate in mass, they can't deal with the numbers.

So hard to differentiate from real and fake news anymore.......

If it's making the rounds in the MSM from a Republican or Democrat angle, you know it's fake.


will do


The Russians are currently hacking Mexico and you're squawking about this?


The loudest people on this sub are the most foolish.

Normally I lurk, but have an upvote.

I will try to be more active and vote more as a result of this post. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!

You're welcome and thank you. Looking forward to taking the sub back from the partisanship.

Lurker here. Like this sub.

Thank you. You come back, now, ya hear.

We need you and people like you.

It's really frustrating to be asked for proof that Hillary is corrupt. This sub knew that 4 years ago. Also, just because we don't call Trump an alt-right Nazi racist that doesn't mean we're T_D shills which seems to be the nature of discourse here. Also, people perpetuating the Russian hack bullshit are either willfully stupid or paid. I can't see any reason or evidence to believe that shit at this point and I think groups are being paid to propagate this.

Anyone who thinks Hillary and Trump are at odds are part of the problem.

there's an audience interested in the Russian collusion stuff because there is an active investigation about it that Trump seems to be actively trying to discredit and derail. That, and that alone, should be enough for any American citizen to be worried about.

instead, there SEEM to be a lot of people constantly bringing up the idea that believing there may be some fire behind that smoke are STUPID and GULLIBLE for believing so. it's repeated constantly in comments here...

Weird how as soon as the narrative starts to turn against Trump, the good people of r/conspiracy who spent months screeching about Pizzagate, emails, Benghazi, emails, the DNC, emails, Vince Foster, emails, and how only exposing the truth could protect America from the Clintons suddenly need a safe space from politics.

You guys are just like Alex Jones. You want to think you’re these edgy woke geniuses who see through the looking-glass when all you really are is a mouthpiece for the Republican Party.

If r/conspiracy is going to ban political news that cite against the fat, lazy traitor in the Oval, it should man up and put a rule on the sidebar that this sub is primarily for delicate alt-right snowflakes with eggshell skin.

I look forward to your downvotes and your explanation of how this is Hillary’s fault.

This post is just the regular scheduled Olive Branch Dodge. There's one here about once a month.

watch me shit on this thread

Way to go, partisan.

Trump and Hillary are both shit.

One is worse with a proven record of not looking out for citizens best interest despite being in politics for 300 years.

You can just look at what the meta posts like this were saying 24 hours ago. It was all "be prepared for people to downvote these memo posts". The memo dominated the front page, but there was a meta post warning that there was gonna be a brigade to shut down the subject.

Then people actually figured out the memo was just some Republican propaganda and we started seeing posts shit talking Trump for signing the FISA bill and Republicans in general for not leaking this all-important memo. Now, we have a meta post complaining about political posts in general.

I feel pretty confident this post either wouldn't exist or would be nearly as upvoted if the memo narrative pushed by King and Nunes hadn't fallen apart.

All of the politics and fighting amongst users/bots is a real turn off to the non-Americans interested in conspiracies.

It's also a real turn off to the Americans interested in conspiracies.

They have successfully managed to ruin this and other websites for me. Congratulations CIA, you did it, I don't care anymore.

Is this why you're here?

I participate where I find it necessary. There's just a lot of closed minded bigotry that goes on and it's the wrong attitude for a conspiracy sub.

I'm into conspiracies because I keep an open mind so when I see useless arguing I tend to avoid it like the plague.

Cheers though for putting it out there.

lol this has always been a right wing conspiritard sub.

attack attack belittle condescend

he atac

but he also atac

but he also belittle

but he also condescend

no it has not, oh 17-day-old account.

If you're a true skeptic, you should disregard the idea of partisan politics and realize TPTB want us to fight each other, because it means we're not fighting them.

Some time ago, your sentiment was a given here. With the return of organic, non-partisan participation, we have the numbers to overwhelm the partisans and take back this sub.

Part of the problem is that I think there are legitimate conspiracies that have been skewed by media and social media as partisan issues. For example, Seth Rich, the Vegas shooting, pedophilia among the elites- there are valid questions to be asking for all of these, but people quickly take sides before investigating.

Crazy thought. Start banning obvious shills. Like if someone posts all day on T_D and then posts the same shit here, just ban them

That idea has been brought up multiple times and it seems to fall on deaf ears, so the organic, non-partisan users can/should step up and defend what is the largest conspiracy theory forum on the internet.

I always thought this sub was a failure because of how stupid the "conspiracies" were, now I know it's because of partisanship!

why are you here if you think conspiracies are stupid?

Because now I know it was because of the partisanship!

Oh captain my captain!

I'm subbed but I generally don't post. When I do post on greater reddit it's usually benign shit posting. I can't count how many times I've backed out of posting after scribbling out my thoughts. There are A LOT of folks that get spun up because another person's thoughts doesn't line up with theirs, and there are A LOT of subreddits that exist in name only, that contain A LOT of those folks.

For me it's easy, I generally don't post because I don't argue with people on the internet.

When we get our organic non-partisan userbase participating, you won't have that problem anymore. You get an upvote from me.

Typical Yank putting 'Merica in front of the world

Mate, if you know of a legitimate place outside of re.d..it then please pm me. This site is to far gone to "take it back" by participating. Nonetheless, I am glad to see an organic post here. :)

Make it so people have to enter a captcha to upvote or comment

I’ve lurked on this sub for years. Same with r/politics. Both have opened my eyes to so much more that goes on in this world. But I avoid commenting on either subs for the same reason...anytime I suggest a different viewpoint (here it would be refuting a conspiracy, in the other it would be suggesting something even remotely conservative), I get downvoted to hell. For some reason people think the downvote button means disagree, and they do that instead of responding with healthy discourse. I welcome disagreement but don’t ruin the Reddit karma.

You can’t mess with people’s internet points. It’s science.

Are you saying the only reason you would ever comment in this sub is to refute conspiracy?

Your plea has been heard lurking ceases today from this guy at least

Everytime i post here im downvoted into oblivion anyways. fuck it.

Me too, yet look at this thread. The organic, non-partisan users want their sub back.

It's like a conspiracy with a conspiracy!

I agree. This sub has become a shithole thanks to all the unregulated immigration from other subs. They terker front page. Sad!

They shouldn't be allowed to vote as non-subscribers. They have to go back. I will deport them back to politics and the_donald. I will build a stronger moderation team that will maintain the rule of law that allows conspirators to thrive in their own subreddit. We will make conspiracy strong again. We will make conspiracy safe again. And yes, we will MAKE CONSPIRACY GREAT AGAIN!

#conspiracyfirst #makeconspiracygreatagain

As a Libertarian, good Lord, I can’t generally post any-fucking-thing without getting downvoted to oblivion because I AM non-partisan. I skew left on social issues and hard right on foreign and financial policy. The point is, I’m always too left for some and too right for the others so voices advocating pragmatism and common sense really have no place on a platform where the most active members are shilling along party lines. I don’t mind contributing, I still do it, but when your comments become invisible moments after posting it’s like - why bother?

I hear you and that is largely why I submitted this plea. Just look at the thread, though. Rather than being buried, it shot straight to the top. The users here are overwhelmingly like you, it's just that the active minority has bullied and discouraged real organic non partisan users like us into silence. I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.

I'm only commenting in the spirit of the post. I refuse to identify with any political party, libertarian or otherwise. I don't understand why people want to put themselves in boxes and limit ideas with labels. Besides that, personal political beliefs should change with the world, time, new experiences, new ideas, etc. It shouldn't be static.

Exactly. The most static thing about Libertarianism is just an adherence to the notion of personal sovereignty. Libertarianism is a set of principles. It’s a philosophy far more than a “party.” Identifying as a Libertarian is just kinda broadcasting that I believe in policy and issues that don’t comform to a party stand.

hey man i have been watching you for a bit and am im intrigued. would you like to help me put something together?

I might, depending on what it is, of course.

Mods need to step up. Short term actions can be taken. It is not fucking difficult.

It's not gonna happen. We organic, non-partisan users, in mass, can win if we participate.

The desire and motivation has got to be there, though. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. I get a weird feeling about them, but in any case the organic non partisan userbase here, when they participate in mass, cannot be beaten.

Agree about the lack of motivation from mod team. This sub will lose all real subscribers and will be another r/politics if they don't support the mass effort you are considering.

Idk man, your political discourse is pretty inportant at the moment. You should take this philosophy and apply it to acting against your coorporate overlords.

Just start banning the shills who out themselves by defending the msm/deep state narrative

That would require the mods.

They've been asked. Maybe you can ask them, too?

Don't get your hopes up on that one.

Orga here. It sucks that this happened, but isn't that the fate of most fringe groups? Infiltration by foreign and domestic powers comes with the territory.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

Almost 600,000 free thinkers here, and that's why it has become a place for political posts. 600,000 is a lot of eyes. It comes down to making a set of community rules that keeps posts to actual conspiracies, and then enforcing them.

I think it's too subjective to have gatekeepers deciding what's a real conspiracy and what's not. Partisanship, however, can be objectively identified, and purging the sub of that would go a heck of a long way towards fixing what is wrong.

A lot are just news reports of single case incidents. Easy to eliminate those. Like the Jamaica posts today. How is that a conspiracy?

Infiltrated by Russian shills and bots.

Can anyone give me any proof that this sub has a shill problem?

I lurk here everyday and I haven't seen anything other than people just getting angry at each other and throwing accusations around.

I'm not dismissing the shill problem, I just want some kind of evidence

Okay, okay. Jeez. I'll start voting here again. Its just hard to pay attention to serious things when there's so much fun to be had elsewhere. I'll be a grownup again. I promise.

Lol...thanks non partisan.

Well, you had mods putting special stickies on posts critical of snowflake Trump. Change in culture needs to start there.

The overwhelming majority of users who lurk here are non-partisans who have been bullied into silence by a loud obnoxious minority of partisans. If the non partisan userbase becomes active again, the results of which can be seen by looking at this post and it's comments at the top of the front page, then the sub can be salvaged even without the mod's help or cooperation.


We gotta get with the mods if we want this to happen. I love the idea of a less partisan /r/conspiracy, but without a clear policy that is rigorously enforced, it won’t happen.

MODS! Can we have a discussion about making the sub less partisan? And if the traffic is just too high on the partisan stuff to justify that shift (remember all sub identity questions are ultimately questions of advertising $$$ for Reddit), we can just look into making a paired sub for non-partisan content.

I don’t want to censor folks who view conspiracies through a partisan lens. And hell, there are LOADS of partisan conspiracies, but I think it might be healthy for the sustainability of this community to have a group of subs with specific posting rules.

The shareblue folks are out strong today. Heavy downvoted for questioning how a man in his sixties accomplished the LV massacre all by himself even as the news breaks about an additional suspect? Wtf.

I lurk because most of these conspiracies are political, and i'm really never well versed in current politics. Also, because everyone seems so serious here, and i'm very casual about reading though the subreddit.

Great post! We all need to follow through with this.

The U.S.A. needs you

Genuine question, why does that bit need to be there? Other than to make us feel more pity for the subject.

Go belittle, insult and attack somewhere else please.

I'm genuinely curious as to the reason for putting that in. Minus my little jab.

I don't really understand what you're asking.

I'm asking why you needed to put "The usa needs you" when you were already intending to put "the world needs you". Curious about the thought train there.

you were already intending

If you know my intentions then why are you asking me these strange questions?

You mustn't be reading my question. Nevermind.

Too many playing politics like it's a major league sport and their team/ player can do no wrong. And the smoke screen continues to rise on both sides

This is exactly right and why partisanship is not welcome here by the overwhelming majority of organic users.

This sub has been mostly a joke and completely overrun by agendas for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

Go attack, belittle, and insult somewhere else, por favor.

I've been reporting as many obvious trolls/shills as i can. Do your part, everyone!

Yeah, I do what I can to question the people in power, make posts about different things and help the newbies. But once in a while the shills come here and start pushing a narrative and psyops a lot of inexperienced users follow.


This sub is crazy as hell, but it deserves to stay neutral and not turned into a partisan shithole like the rest of the country.

Pizzagate is real.

Thank you George Soros.

What's that supposed to mean?

You know what it means, George.

If you say so, Denise.

Problem, reaction and solution

Someone who wants political discourse banned (censored) from here, has had this place flooded with politics.

There can not be a total ban. Maybe a fringe r/PoliticalConspiracy sub or something?

How about just participation from the organic non partisan userbase?

It worked well enough to put this post at the top of the front page despite some serious downvote brigading (which continues as we speak).

What happened to all the memo/FISA posts?

I think r-conspiracy has gotten too big for its own good. It should have splintered into sub-subreddits, each specialized in its own topic: aliens, monetary, dietary, political, etc.

It might be helpful if you clarify what you believe to be "partisan issues" on this sub.

Rooting for transparency and showing support for an administration that seems to be moving towards holding corrupt politicians accountable for corrupt acts is not a "partisan" issue if that's what you are referencing.

Perhaps the monochromatic nature of these issues can be addressed as being spun into partisan issues. The fact that Republican congressmen are using the potential exposure of the previous D admin's corruption to look smart and one up each other with how offended they are, yes that is smoke and bullshit. But very few people here, who have been here for a number of years, doubt for a millisecond that widespread corruption of the federal government is and has been a major issue, nor do they doubt that corruption was perpetuated if not outright normalized by administration after administration over the past number of decades.


I'm coming out of lurkerdom, partially to explain my lurkerdom. I only read on this sub usually b/c formulating conspiracies is just not my thing. However, there has been (used to be?) good discussions of things the gov't is misdirecting about/covering up. Things that are not really conspiracies IMO just things the "mainstream" doesn't want discussed.

This is not the only sub that gets bot manipulation and other crap. I'm from WayoftheBern and damn do we get brigaded. It's gotten to the point a bunch of users have been purposely posting phrases to trigger the bots and shills...I'm not entirely sure why, an act of defiance, a method to document the political shithole reddit has become, or a method to capture the interest of people who then become subscribers. Our subscribers have def gone up.

Anyway, this organic being will try to participate here more, but I'm not sure what I can say that is of interest.

I'm an old fossil and new to Reddit because my 43 yr old kid thinks you're where intelligent people are.

1968 was my one and only sighting. I was 14 in WA state. After JFK was murdered dad made sure he sat me next to him when reports came out and I of course Vietnam was raging on.

I have found 4 men whom I keep track and listen too.

If you want the truth start by getting familiar with the Wisdom Teachings of David Wilcock you can find him here: http://www.giai.com

Or start with the cover up of Roswell.

Pay attention to the fact that 50 years ago we had about 70 independent news agencies they are ALL GONE you have 6 Corporations now.

Everyone of us has skin in this game.

I’m shocked your post was able to stay up. Usually a mod will flag you and remove.

I've been messaged that my post history is being combed over for a reason to ban, so there is that, potentially.

Well. There you go.

This happened last night and I'm still here, and it wasn't a mod who messaged me, so maybe I'll get to stay. I do know I've really pissed some people off. This user was also trying to dox me.

I remember when ATS got compromised, now its front page is 99% left vs right bullshit, every single day. I really hope that doesn't happen here. To my knowledge there is really nowhere else to go left on the entire internet. Still, pretty regularly there are spam posts and/or brigading(esp when something makes it to /all) but for the most part it settles back down to us regular users. I have my suspicions as to the level which this sub is monitored however...and when something is truly earth-shattering on here it will get censored for sure...but that is inescapable this day and age, sadly.

It would be cool to have timelines for each conspiracy and add pieces on news/information we find relevant without losing any piece on the way. Plus it would give better insight to new users and give them a chance to understand certain posts better.

Hear hear! Participation is key.

The number one thing you can do to combat this is to adjust your reddit preferences https://www.reddit.com/prefs to sort comments by new by default.

If you sort by best then the bots and shills have already won.

Sort by new and vote.

Silent lurker here... I just don't feel like I have anything interesting to say or add but I LOVE reading what others post!


Speaking of the political nature this sub has taken in the recent times, anyone who still posts in a Dem vs Repub stance is either ignorantly uninformed or a shill. People who bash Trump do so do so regardless of anything good he does do and those who like Trump and support him only do so as long as he stays the course of at least trying to drain an almost undrainable swamp. My point is simply people like Trump not because he's a Repub but becasue he at least appears to be trying to help the common man. This is in contrast to those who support the Clinton/Obama narrative regardless of what evidence is supplied that they were a crime syndicate that even involved our CIA, FBI and DoJ. Support or oppose the action, not the person or party. It has always been the Haves vs you and me.

I'm a lurker, I apologize. But I do worry about posting here. You all know why.....

the usa and the world huh. this isnt a movie and i gurantee none of you actually do anything in the real world about shit going on. do you have meetings with people in your town about shit going on? naw you just play on the internet and get your dopamine release whenever someone says something that excites a emotion.

Some people are so smitten with Hollywood that everything has to be compared to one movie or another. I don't buy into that shit, but you to you mmk?

I don't post here very often because of the Shareblue astro turfing. You can't say anything remotely right leaning with them labelling you as a racist trumper or some BS. Not to mention they're always making dumb comments like "this place is t_d 2.0" and those dumb comments are always upvoted to the top of every post while everyone else is downvoted into the negatives. Furthermore two junior mods worked with site admins to oust the longest sitting sub mod who was trying to work against the shareblue astroturfing. This sub has been fully taken over.

Hi, just wanted to comment here and say have a nice weekend.

You too!

This is funny considering OP has made anti-Trump posts in r/conspiracy before. Check his history. He was even called out for it in one of his posts

What this guy is actually upset about is pro-trump supporters on this sub.

Trump and Hillary are both shit. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.

False equivency. Hillary is 1000x worse.

That...Lol...that is fucking hillarious...a Trump worshiper who doesn't realize his opinion of Hillary is 100% at odds with Trumps opinion of Hillary!!

Seriously...you can't make this shit up!


But if I comment then they can come after me...

I eat organic food.

OP is that in which he speaks

this sub isn't going to change the world at all. It's just a place for losers to bitch about corruption. The corruption isn't going anywhere. In fact, most of you would be corrupt too if you had the connections and could get away with it.

Ok I will start voting more

Well, i eat conventional foods as well as organic, should I participate?


Mr. Organic Jew hater 1 year user to the rescue

You are so wrong. I don't hate Jews. This woman, for instance is Jewish, and I love her with all my heart. I would die for her.

Lmao, the one video you keep reposting. You're pathetic

Keep combing.

What to upvote in a conspiracy sub? What we need to do is promote critical reasoning & open mindedness.

I agree. Let's take this sub back

I am quite guilty of this. I started my account for this sub yet am lame and have participated very little. I will attempt to start habitually upvoting.

Dude this sub is fucking lost.

  1. The voting system is completely fucked. First by Reddit by not showing the downvotes.

  2. Limited front page area. Most people will just glance at the front page and leave. The import shit gets slid and downvoted to hell.

  3. Way too much shit, no organization. Multiple posts on the same topic clogging things up, lack of categorization.

I get what everyone is saying, but many are avoiding the obvious. Politics and conspiracy go hand in hand. They always have. I'll say more on this later, but for now just know that the two cannot be separated.

And yes, what OP initially said is right on. Participation is necessary. Otherwise the board becomes vulnerable to attacks from "bad actors" who, it should be said, have significant funding behind them to degrade freethinking discourse.

Try to think about this for a moment before you answer...really think about it.

Is there a difference between discussing political conspiracies/conspiracy theories and discussing political conspiracies/conspiracy theories from the perspective of a partisan from the false left/right paradigm?

Wow, that's a mouthful. ;-)

I'm actually thinking about writing a much longer blog post/essay about that very thing.

Unfortunately, they seem to be tied together so closely that it's nearly impossible to avoid the dialectical trap. Partly because all we have is language to communicate and debate these ideas, and language is a trap. It confines us in being able to articulate our thoughts... which often transcends all of that stuff.

I will say, that if you look at the majority of conspiracies from the past century or so, there's always been a political component to it.

And, depending on which team the debater happens to be on, usually views it from that their own political perspective.

It's a tough nut to crack, but I'm working on it.

Another lurker, needed a wake up call, time to start voting again Make r/conspiracy about conspiracies again

Thanks man. Really looking forward to taking back the sub.

Too much charged emotion here anymore. It's toxic and unfortunate.

Lurking is being in control and not being impulsive.

You could vote.

I do. Doubt it helps.

There has been an improvement.

One that I can account for yeah.

FUCK. Shills are not going stop as long a shitposter and trolls can have free range. DONT FEED THE TROLLS...

Paid or otherwise, there is a concerted effort to hijack this sub and turn it into a battleground of a partisan nature. There are political conspiracies that should be addressed, but historically, this sub did not look at the world from a Left or Right, Republican or Democrat perspective, but from a perspective that acknowledged the Left/Right Paradigm is false. That's Conspiracy Theory 101: Divide and Conquer.

Anyone who doesn't recognize that they could be wrong and isn't willing to actually engage in real discussion is a bot, the software could be running on silicone or grey matter.

Did I strike a nerve? Sorry for not being PC... I call em as I see em.

Right now, they are trying to absorb the biggest conspiracy theorist forums into the false Left/Right Paradigm.

Keep participating. The people who seek to control this world can't handle the numbers.

That is promising for sure. I know several other lurkers, we follow and discuss but don't post. Maybe that will start to change in these crazy times.

They want people to get angry and waste their time arguing about politics. I’m all for downvoting and moving on with my day. Why engage these shills?

"Natural flavorings"

Noted. Will get back to you.

That profile avatar and background image stuff. I'll admit I took part... but I don't like it. Next thing you know we'll have personal ratings tied to our profiles. So that only the most popular posters get recognition and rest falls to the wayside. (worst case scenario, of course)

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135_ASAT

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 139760

Are you a big George Soros fan?

Well, when you make it that enticing by insulting a poster, who could refuse? (everyone)


So can I conclude the "Chemical Dumbing Down of America" worked?


I wish that sub existed.

You're welcome and thank you. Looking forward to taking the sub back from the partisanship.

They've succeeded only because too many organic, non-partisan users stopped participating. When we participate in mass, they can't deal with the numbers.

Political conspiracies should be discussed without picking a side of the false Left/Right paradigm.

I hear you. That's exactly why I made a plea to the organic userbase rather than the mods.

I wasn't aware that something done eleven days ago was 'in the past'. Did you even read the article?


You mean 11 days ago, about a year into the Trump presidency?

so you are a bot, and cannot defend any of your ridiculous comments