You know how in some subs users can preface the post with [Serious] and then any comment in the thread that tries to inject jokes or puns gets deleted? Can we have an enforceable [Non-partisan] preface here please?

62  2018-01-21 by naturalproducer


I kinda like the rough idea. Post it to modmail.

Nonpartisan would just seem to intend to stifle differing opinions, vs Serious which just wants to keep out people who are not adding to the discussion

Calling someone a Hillary bot just because they criticize/expose Trump or vice versa is not adding to the discussion.

That goes beyond "partisan".

Stating that Hillary would have been a shittier president in a thread that criticizes/exposes Trump or vice versa is not adding to the discussion either.

That is what downvoting is for.

Naw, I prefer people not pissing in my stew. Putting a pin on my nose and cauterizing my tastebuds so I don't taste it is not a viable solution.

Well, you seem intent on not allowing anything that disagrees with you, so good luck with that, Quixote.

Disagree with me, that's great, that's fine. Accuse me of being a Democrat because I expose/criticize a Republican? Naw, that doesn't add to the discussion. At all. It's called "a partisan shitting on the thread".


No. Because then we would get posts like the one a half page down that spend 500 words calling Hillary/Democrats criminals but then says it's non-partisan.

Those posts would be against the rule and be removed

You're shit stirring, the non partisan tag would be specifically for shit like that

You are correct.

Partisan posts that apply the [Non-partisan] preface would be deleted. However, pointing out the corruption of Democrats does not make one a Republican. False dichotomy.

Slippery slope. Just ignore the shit posts and obvious bias.

Wrong. The partisans are shitting all over threads and it needs to stop.


How can you post a thread about a GOP president and not expect partisan discussion?

You're promoting the false dichotomy that if a Republican politician being exposed, it's got to be one of those damn Democrats doing it.

Maybe he didn't want a discussion and just wanted people to agree with him?

How can you in good conscience advocate censorship?

Injecting partisanship at every turn is it's own type of censorship by diluting thoughtful posts and threads with this Trump vs. Hillary bullshit. This is not a Trump vs Hillary sub. Why don't you drop r/conspiracy and spend more time in r/politics if you're perspective is partisan?

Any justification for censorship is still advocating censorship. Part of life is seeing and hearing things you don't want to. Downvote them, rebut them, ignore them. Censorship must be opposed in all forms.

Is that why you're always making the same effort to speak out against the 13 rules over in the sidebar or do you pick and choose which censorship you support and which you speak out against?

I totally disagree with the requirement of a submission statement as well but that is not the topic at hand. Besides, while I disagree I at least understand why the mods wanted to implement it.

It's not censorship. It's just making sure people stay on topic.

How can you be against this?! The shills here are dominating the conversation! This will shut them out. They probably don't have a play for something like this.

That's a politically related subject though

Yes, but it's not a Republican vs. Democrat related thread. Political conspiracies can be discussed without partisanship being trolled into the thread.

The Russian collusion thing being tied into the article makes it inherently partisan since the investigation is directed towards the president and possibly implicates members of the GOP.


If the Russian collusion thing was partisan, you would see Republicans left and right pointing out the obvious and documented Israel collusion. The whole Russian collusion farce is something that the media and the Republicans in DC are complicit in. If I was a Republican Congressman, for instance and I wanted to expose the Russian collusion as the farce that it IS, I would point out the collusion with Israel which is factual and can be easily proven. The idea that the Russian collusion idea is part of a real partisan battle is theatre for the Rubes. Please go read some Machiavelli.

Right? I think this is risky to do this. It's one step closer to censorship. As long as nothing more happens it might be alright, but what does non partisan really mean? Everyone has their own bias.

That’s censorship

This would just be used by people to post very partisan submissions/titles, put in the tag, and then use the rule to get people's comments to their submissions/title deleted.

Horrible idea.

That's just silly. That would be like prefacing a post with [Serious] and then posting a joke. The post would break the [Serious] rule and be deleted.

Stop stirring shit.

The amount of people in the comments that are getting riled up about this makes me think it's a good idea.

Right? You try it for 30 days and if it doesn't work you get rid of it. Simple. I'd like to see a 2 day ban when you post partisan crap in these thread also. Fuck all this partisan shit here.

There's an awful lot of political conspiracies though. Your free to read or post whatever you like. No ones forcing you to go to those threads.

I don’t think anyone posting political stuff would ever use a “partisan” tag, but I do think we should have some for type of content, like: political, theory, spiritual, military and things along those lines. I’d get behind that for sure.

can we just ban twitter links instead? just doing that would help immensely.

BTW, the source on the Paddock character's Mandalay Bay receipt goes no deeper than Twitter.

Like most non-partisan posts that get slammed to 50% on this sub For totally unknown reasons, I am in support of this idea.

Hear hear! It is for this very reason that I’ve felt obligated to counter the incredibly strong pro-Trump narrative being pushed throughout this sub. I suspect others have felt the same and that is the reason for what some have referred to as an uptick in shill activity.

Actually a good idea.

Good luck with that, since it will spill over into all other issues (dunno if you noticed but climate change is apparently a partisan issue too now, for instance)

The lefties just dont want to talk with the righties about ANYTHING (and vice versa)

It is quite comical to someone not from USA

You just hit the nail on the head.

Try to have a discussion about climate change and along come the partisan trolling and the discussion gets hijacked into a clusterfuck of partisan bickering.

Would be nice to nip that in the bud so an actual discussion could occur.

Censorship in any form, like others have said, is a slippery slope. There should be no censorship on this sub.

Oh is that why your always making the same effort to speak against rules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 & 13 over in the sidebar?

this seems like the start of maybe a good idea. try on a temp basis? hash it out with the community like the submission statement thing?

the submission statement requirement has been a big plus.

I agree on both counts.

Send it to the mods, I think this is a good idea. Reading all the people with bullshit reasons against this makes me think some people(paid shills) may not be very happy with this. This is /r/conspiracy , partisan politics designed to divide and conquer should have no place where more intelligent and informed discussions are taking place. People who are aware of standard government narrative pushing tactics, TPTB and similar stuff should not have to swim through a puddle of shit in order to have a decent conversation.

Is this censorship ? bullshit. You can still post all the partisan shit you want in another post. just like you can joke all you want outside [Serious] post in /r/AskReddit


Fuck me but this is a good idea.

I really like this idea. I hope the mods hear you out. A logical well thought-out solution to a problem that completely derails constructive conversation.

Wrong. The partisans are shitting all over threads and it needs to stop.


You're promoting the false dichotomy that if a Republican politician being exposed, it's got to be one of those damn Democrats doing it.

Maybe he didn't want a discussion and just wanted people to agree with him?

Well, you seem intent on not allowing anything that disagrees with you, so good luck with that, Quixote.

BTW, the source on the Paddock character's Mandalay Bay receipt goes no deeper than Twitter.

Right? I think this is risky to do this. It's one step closer to censorship. As long as nothing more happens it might be alright, but what does non partisan really mean? Everyone has their own bias.