Could the Gov't Shutdown just be to cover up the Nunes Memo?

0  2018-01-21 by callmebaiken

Is DACA really the hill Democrats want to die on? Could it be that they secretly know how damaging the Nunes Memo's release would be to their Public Image and the entire Russia investigation?


Submission statement: now that the Democrats have shut down the government, that is the number one issue consuming all political news. If they had simply agreed to a deal the Nunes memo might be the number one story today, but instead it's been buried.

Even Trump says the president should take responsibility for this type of shutdown. It's his job to make sure negotiations go smoothly. You can keep blaming Dems, but everyone (aside from Fox News viewers) know better. There were deals on the floor that Trump turned down. This is on him and the GOP.

now that the Democrats have shut down the government, that is the number one issue consuming all political news.

The Democrats did not shut down the government. The GOP controls every branch of the federal government including the White House. As the leaders of the country they should have been able to concede enough to the minority in order to come to an agreement.

In fact there was a bipartisan bill that would have passed Congress, except Trump decided to squash it because it lacked funding for his border wall (which I thought he promised Mexico was going to pay for?)

As a candidate who campaigned on his unparalleled ability to "make deals", why can't our commander-in-chief guide us to a compromise?

The Democrats did not shut down the government. The GOP controls every branch of the federal government including the White House.

46 Republicans are for the CAR and 5 Democrats which gets them a 51 vote majority. So technically were it not the Democrat refusal to vote to vote (60 vote requirement) the CR would currently pass. Therefore it's clearly the Democrats shooting down the government. Making the blame even more clear cut is the fact that Democrats don't actually disagree with anything in the CR but are simply using the shut down as leverage to get a deal on DACA. It's Crystal clear which side shut down the government, the only taking point the Dems have in the face of what I just laid out is the irrelevant "Republicans control all three branches" argument which completely ignores the Senate filibuster rules

Your down voted because people are refusing to hold their party accountable. Just like the media blames Trump for the publics distrust of them. Just like it's the Russians fault that Hillary lost. No one wants to hold themselves accountable these days.

as a non-American can you explain to me why the 5 Repubs that voted against don't matter? But the Dems refusing to vote inline are?

All you need to know is the Democrats just agreed to reopen the government and the government is going to be now reopened. Not sure how that's possible if this was the Republicans doing

...thus why they are waiting to release the memo.

Maybe the Republicans should have focused on a budget the last 3-4 continuing resolutions instead of rushing a tax bill.

They have detractors in their own party. Republicans own this shutdown.

Trump gains nothing by releasing it. By putting it out there, he can negotiate with Dems who value integrity and their jobs. The info will be released to the public in 19 congressional days. Any stalling or shutdown grants more time to smear Trump and spew propaganda.

I thought this memo proves that the Obama administration conspired against the Trump campaign and absolves him of any collusion?

Trump has the power to release this today. Or yesterday. Not in 19 days, TODAY.

Right. If it's worse than Watergate, it'll burn down the entire democrat party. There's no reason Trump wouldn't want to do that today.

And we all think we know every facet of everything going on behind the scenes. Itll happen.

If it is legit, it won't be the Democrat party burning down. More like Obama's DOJ/FBI. And you and everyone else know exactly why he won't declassify it. You and everyone else would be accusing him of obstruction. We'll find out in March if it's nothing. We'll also get the IG's report. Can't wait.

How liberals perceive Trump hasn't remotely slowed him down before. But now he's worried about how he'll look? There's some other reason for him not releasing it. We'll just have to wait and see what that reason is. My guess, there's a ton of bullshit to the memo with no facts to back it up.

I think your right in that he doesn't care what liberals think of him. Those cats are never getting on board. But I'd bet he cares what his base thinks. And why would he purposefully subject himself to that anyways, especially when others are already pursuing it? You wouldn't. We'll get the release and the IG's report soon.

His base would absolutely lose their minds with glee if Trump released a report that showed democrats were caught up in something worse than Watergate. The collective orgasm from his base if Trump released the report that would lead to Clinton and Obama in shackles would be deafening. That's what it's been made out to be.

I have to assume that the report isn't quite so cut and dry it they're taking their sweet time releasing it.

Yeah he doesn't have to because the House is making it happen. He doesn't have to touch it.

lead to Clinton and Obama in shackles

I haven't heard any Representative make those claims. Gotta source for that? The stuff I've seen about the FISA 702 queries doesn't have direct ties to either Clinton or Obama. But there was abuse by the DOJ/FBI, that's already out there. I have no idea whether this memo is a big fat nothingburger or the real mccoy, but we'll get to find out soon enough.

"The sickening reality has set in," King wrote. "I no longer hold out hope there is an innocent explanation for the information the public has seen. I have long said it is worse than Watergate."

That doesn't say what you said. Keep digging...

People involved in Watergate went to prison. Describing something as "worse than Watergate" is saying people will get prison time. And Hillary and Obama are the two right at the center of the accusations.

"Our sources are telling us that the abuse of power is far bigger than Watergate," Hannity said on his TV show Thursday. "Remember, Watergate was a third-rate break-in. What we're talking about tonight is the systematic abuse of power, the weaponizing of those powerful tools of intelligence and the shredding of our Fourth Amendment constitutional rights."

If this is true, many people are going to prison. This would be the biggest victory Trump or the GOP have ever seen. The fact that they're delaying this bombshell is fairly suspect.

No there not. The DOJ/FBI are. If true I've no doubt they were conspirators. You may be inferring that, but that's not what that article says.

If it was that serious, there would not be a GOP written 'memo'. There would be indictments.

We should know in March. =)

And Aren't there a ton of unsealed indictments?

instead of rushing a tax bill for the super rich that put a few more cents in the pockets of the rest of us.

This is nonsense. The tax cuts are beneficial to nearly every American. The reason why the rich get more money back is because they pay more taxes. The gains by percent are heavily skewed towards lower classes.

Republicans need to compromise now. Democrats are well within their powers to end this nonsense.

The Republicans are the only people that have made a single concession in an actual bill. Democrats are being intransigent and inserting an issue that is completely irrelevant into a bill they don't oppose.

This is nonsense. The tax cuts are beneficial to nearly every American. The reason why the rich get more money back is because they pay more taxes. The gains by percent are heavily skewed towards lower classes.

No, this is nonsense. An extra bag of chicken or gram of weed a week for a poor working-class person (If it even amounts to that) is not even on the same plane of benefit to a person raking in millions per year would receive.

Democrats are taking a stand against a party that needs to be exposed for their tyranny against the minority by majority.

This tax plan was NOT more important for our country than spending this time working across the aisle on compromising to get a budget deal done to fund the country. Another continuing resolution is not a budget.

This is how politics works. The Republicans have to compromise.

No, this is nonsense. An extra bag of chicken or gram of weed a week for a poor working-class person (If it even amounts to that) is not even on the same plane of benefit to a person raking in millions per year would receive.

And the answer I have to this is... no shit.

Democrats are taking a stand against a party that needs to be exposed for their tyranny against the minority by majority.

You’re being egregiously stupid right now. They aren’t far gating for people that need money by raising their taxes. That is dumb.

This is how politics works. The Republicans have to compromise.

As I said before, the Republicans are the only ones that h e offered any compromise whatsoever. The Democrats have not. The Democrats are being unreasonable and blocking a bill that they agree with by trying to add irrelevant legislation.

And the answer I have to this is... no shit.

Then what the fuck are you arguing?

I’m stopping here.

It only makes sense that the people who pay by far the most taxes get the biggest breaks. This should be obvious.

Yes, that is a mathematical certainty with a percentage-based tax break.

The point is that this tax cut was NOT more important than the budget they have delayed multiple times for months.

Republicans control the agenda, they own this.

First of all, the tax cuts have nothing to do with the budget. Second, the Democrats are the ones that a) nearly all voted to close the government, and b) offered zero concessions.

They do have something to do with the budget, and that is the fact that they were prioritized ahead of it.

No they actually don’t. Not at all. This makes me think you have no idea what you’re talking about.

They absolutely were. Repeat continuing resolutions are not a replacement for a budget.

You just said something completely irrelevant. The CRs had nothing to do with tax reform either.

You seriously don’t get that I’m saying the tax reform bill was prioritized ahead of our budget by our Republican-controlled House, Senate, and presidency?

And you realize that not having a permanent budget was absolutely not the reasoning Schumer used in order to vote against a bill that would have kept the government running, don’t you?

It is part of the reason, but it is not the only reason, no.

You can keep making up some reasoning for why Schumer did what he did, but using inserting DACA into the legislation as even part of the reason is unreasonable.

No they don't. I wouldn't cave. Democrats are placing the needs of illegal immigrants over the needs of actual citizens. That's not a good PR move and if you think the Republicans aren't going to hammer that very point home during the mid-term campaigns then your kidding yourself. This 100% looks bad on them.

Say what you will, but ultimately, Republicans control the agenda and must compromise to end the shutdown.

This looks bad on Democrats? Imagine having a majority everywhere and having nearly every agenda item fail. Except a tax cut.

No the morons who wrote the memo of lies, speculation and political attacks might have hoped to bully some Democratic into joining their cause via the threat of releasing it.

Someone had the power and sense to stop it.

I agree they should not have renewed it in the middle of this controversy. Does cut out the legs a bit

It was one guy, Nunes, who wrote the memo. What cause do you believe Republicans were trying to bully a Democrat into joining the on? No, no threat. Their releasing it. You are aware the Democrats held the majority in Congress from January '07- January '09, right? If it's just those shitty Republicans allowing the Patriot Act why didn't the Democrats do something? Did you know Obama was a supporter of the Patriot Act? He was. He even had his own, USA Freedom Act. He's a Democrat, right? Looks like this shit crosses aisles my friend.

That is an amazing display! Every sentence a different topic and often not related any prior topic.

No the morons who wrote the memo of lies It was one guy, Nunes

hoped to bully some Democratic into joining their cause What cause do you believe Republicans were trying to bully a Democrat into joining them on?

via the threat of releasing it. No, no threat. Their releasing it.

Someone had the power and sense to stop it. You are aware the Democrats held the majority in Congress from January '07- January '09, right?

If that pile of shit majority Republican Congress wanted changes, their legislative bodies are where the changes have to be made. If it's just those shitty Republicans allowing the Patriot Act why didn't the Democrats do something

They have not proposed any legislation to stop the program or even limit it. In fact as we all know they have passed and Trump has signed legislation that expands the spying and data collecting. Did you know Obama was a supporter of the Patriot Act? He was. He even had his own, USA Freedom Act. He's a Democrat, right? Looks like this shit crosses both sides of the aisle my friend.

Here. Apparently you struggle with reading comprehension so I broke it down for you. Enjoy your Monday!

If the Nunes memo is as damaging as Nunes and his buddies claim it is, and the government shutdown is a conspiracy orchestrated by democrats could prevent its release, Trump could release the memo yesterday, or today, or any day, and no one would be able to stop it, and it would be entirely legal.

So, no, its not a cover for that, and this memo is likely overblown bullshit just like the last time Nunes uber'd over to the white house to cry wolf.

I think if Trump released it Democrats would cry Obstruction

Yeah that didn't stop him from firing the head of the FBI and admitting on national TV he did it because of the investigation.

If its "worse than Watergate" and trump isn't releasing it to clear his name, that's pretty suspicious don't you think?

My theory is that he's waiting for people to comment on it to put themselves even further in hot water. It looks like Schiff is doing exactly that.

I think Trump can afford to bide his time until Congress releases it, which will look better anyways than Trump releasing it to exonerate himself.

Ok, sure thing, 4d chess, whatever

It has nothing to do with "4d chess". I don't even believe he's that far into the strategy. With that being said, two things are fairly obvious:

1) whenever Trump mentions something that he knows to be true but the proof is out there people always make an ass out of themselves lying about it

2) it will look significantly better if it isn't Trump himself releasing the memo that exonerates him.

Careful what you demand...

It could be, to use the Republicans own language, a nothingburger. To me, honestly, whether Obama spied on Trump is kind of a whatever anyway: Trump won, and no Collusion had been found. But, if it could be proven laws were broken, might as well come out with it. I'm just not sure how easy it will be too prove when everything's classified. But, if it's as bad as they say and it is provable than I'd imagine the Dems are panicking being the scenes, possibly including the real reason for this shut down

Yeah well we'll have a pretty good idea of just how Comey handled several investigations when the IG's report comes out in March. You know it is possible he was doing a shitty job and deserved to get canned.

That doesn't have anything to do with Trump's admitted reason for firing which is a solid obstruction of justice case.

What was his admitted reason? If the case is so solid, why isn't there one?

His admitted reason was because of the russian investigation, and he was going to fire Comey regardless of the recommendation which he put rosenstein/sessions up to writing.

If the case is so solid, why isn't there one?

Because you don't play your hand on the biggest target of the investigation until the investigation is complete. The investigation is all encompassing and obstruction of justice will be only one of the aspects. You hold on to your cards so you can gather the most evidence possible, you dont show your hand so that your targets dont know what you have and you can catch them in falsehoods and then use that as leverage against them. You play your hand when you have the strongest hand you can have, to ensure the best case.

its honestly not that complicated but people act like they dont know how investigations work

If your referencing that NBC interview, I don't think there's much there. I get that investigators don't wanna tip their hand. We'll see if he's ever charged for it.

This. And the need full attention for the memo release.

100% this.

DACA is the only way the Dems can keep winning fraudulent elections, so yes they will probably go down with this ship. Meanwhile the psyop MSM keeps indoctrinating people with false information. Can't want for this massive social engineering experement to end.

Meh, I actually think there is a great deal of cheating on their part during elections, and I think illegal immigrants are the source of the bulk of these fake votes. But I think DACA has llitte impact on the fraud.