FBI "Loses" Five Months Of Text Messages Between Anti-Trump Agents, But Not To Worry, the Phone Companies and the NSA Warehouse Still Have Them All, and also your dick picks.

108  2018-01-22 by rockytimber

Another one of those purely coincidental "glitches", so, sad, so, so sad: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-21/fbi-loses-five-months-text-messages-between-anti-trump-agents-blames-glitch

Look folks, I voted for Jill, but if r/conspiracy isn't going to document the exponentially absurd toilet bowl of Washington DC, where the public still (apparently) swallows the lies but only after censoring the news for their own partisan worshipfest, then nobody is, and this is one of the best case history examples of deep state scripting ever foisted on a public anywhere. So please, its not irrelevant. Its going to go down in the textbooks your grand-kids get to read, with a little help from us here.


How the hell did they take a picture of my dick?!?!

They didn't (more than likely) but they are happy to photoshop your face on a suitable example, or worse. Its the modern day equivalent of placing a gun at the crime scene, or planting drugs on a suspect.

But the joke here, in this post, is that its just as easy for them to erase/disappear that pick of your dick as it is for them to make it up.

Its an information war, and all we have on our side so far is the hackers who feed Wikileaks and others against a state that has gone rogue in every sense. We need more patriots to blow the whistle on crime. Its our future and the future of the world at stake.

You are right :) Was just joking

NSA accidentally "deleted" the bulk data that was illegally obtained.

Now FBI lost incriminating texts from their high profile agent due to "glitches."

Jesus how stupid do these knuckle heads think we are????

Well, they worked pretty hard to dumb us down. I guess our resilience is more than they might have expected, either that or they think they can use the smart ones as an example of a whack a mole game.

The only thing that will take them down is if the 60% of Americans who still think this shit is worth saving change their mind. If their pensions, social security, house values, and stock investments all crash, then that will be the tipping point. Until then, government obviously don't care that this is a reality tv show joke, they actually mean it to look like that. Screenwriters are toasting each other as we speak.

It's not even how stupid they think we are, IMO. It is how complacent/compliant they think we are. And they are right, because no one is doing anything to stop it.

Well, they worked pretty hard to dumb us down. I guess our resilience is more than they might have expected, either that or they think they can use the smart ones as an example of a whack a mole game.

The only thing that will take them down is if the 60% of Americans who still think this shit is worth saving change their mind. If their pensions, social security, house values, and stock investments all crash, then that will be the tipping point. Until then, government obviously don't care that this is a reality tv show joke, they actually mean it to look like that. Screenwriters are toasting each other as we speak.

It's not even how stupid they think we are, IMO. It is how complacent/compliant they think we are. And they are right, because no one is doing anything to stop it.