[Non-partisan] Seems like a lot of things this sub rallies around these days go no deeper than 4chan or Twitter when one digs up the source. I didn't used to be that way. Anyone know why this has changed?

60  2018-01-22 by naturalproducer

*A recent one that comes to mind is the Paddock character's Mandalay Bay reciept.


Have a few examples?

A recent one that comes to mind is the Paddock character's Mandalay Bay reciept.

I hadn't come across this one. Do you have a link?

On a side note, someone made a post about the blue hose on the floor of his hotel room. It has what looks to be a snorkel mouthpiece on the end of it. That was interesting, something I only saw here, and I'm unsure if that went anywhere, despite being fairly clear in pictures.

Seem like a lot of shit posts go no deeper than a title too.

They go as deep as the reader wants to go. Confirmation bias, political bias and all.

Fair enough. We're all free to think and believe what we want. Sometimes we scratch the surface and other times we dig deeper. To each their own.

It's disinformation.

Easy to make, easy to fake, easy to spread.

People are more likely to remember the initial false information than any subsequent clarification/proof it was fake.

This is how Russia owns the conspiracy community (eg look at /r/conspiracy/controversial)

This is how Russia owns the conspiracy community

Surely, you can't be serious...?

No? Look at any popular post. Probably a Trump one although they come out for Syria and Ukraine posts too.

any comments which don't align with Russian policy positions are heavily downvoted and ridiculed.

Your own comment suggests the very idea is ridiculous. Because you have been conditioned by years in this type of community and it has eroded your cognitive ability to discern truth from fiction, instead you will automatically align yourself with the non dissenters in a comment chain.

You assume too much. Your premise is still ridiculous.

One could say you've been conditioned by David Brock's Correct the Record propaganda campaign to see Russians everywhere and to blame everything that is against your worldview to be their doing.

He did use Russia's troll farm as a template to create his own troll farm and has surpassed them in size and scope. They are more prevalant on US social media than any other.

Yes, all those pizzagate posts, posts about stone tear, posts about trey gowdy and his missing investigators

If share blue is shilling this subreddit they are doing a fucking terrible job.

I think they are and I agree, they are terrible at it. They don't hire the best and brightest, that's for sure.

I think you misspelled CIA.

any comments which don't align with Russian policy positions are heavily downvoted and ridiculed.

Why is your comment spreading CIA propaganda about Russia the most upvoted in this thread?

The exception that proves the rule.

So your response is a self-contradictory proverb... Can you explain why all of the comments are also disagreeing with you (i.e. this post isn't actually popular) and getting magically downvoted?

Every thread is like this. It's like arguing with a brick wall. They want you to give up, but I want you to double down.

I shouldn't have to say this, but I've been here for nine fucking years trying my best to post (mostly) high effort comments. I'm not some fucking Russia bot. I'm a legitimate long-standing member of this community.

I can't prove much of anything, but I know in my gut that ShareBlue is the primary manipulator on this subreddit and many others. CIA is another possibility, but my gut tells me that their propaganda has taken a back seat to private organizations.

Every thread is like this. It's like arguing with a brick wall. They want you to give up, but I want you to double down.

It's an information war. And we're on the front lines of it.

You don't have any evidence though, you just choose to believe that.

Well, Media Matters already publicly admitted to manipulating social media through Correct the Record. Then we had supposed leaked documents detailing ShareBlue as a spiritual successor to Correct the Record, with a new goal of removing Trump either through impeachment or at the voting booths in 2020. Throughout 2017 I have seen unusual account activity and apparent vote manipulation which appears to be consistent with that goal, and the techniques resemble those used by Correct the Record in 2016.

As I already said, I can't prove this gut instinct, I am merely explaining what I believe to be true based on the reasons above and my own experience here and in /r/politics during the election. I'm certain I'm not the only one who feels this way, so I voiced my opinion to add balance to an extremely slanted thread.

How about the fact that your comments are upvoted and the other side is downvoted?


Sound theory

Thread is being gamed. I asked for a non-partisan thread and so the "Democrats" are gaming it in a way that provides them plausible deniability by riding hard a "Democratic talking point", which is, "muh Russian collusion". You and I both know Trump is colluding with a foreign government and it ain't primarily Russia, but a country run by the Ash-ke-nazis of European descent.

"The Russians are everywhere, they're under my bed!!! They're in my closet!!! I think my family might be Russian shills too!!"

I spilled my coffee yesterday, do you think the Russians hacked my hand?!?

Thread is being gamed.


Thread is being gamed.


I didn't say anything about democrats.

TIL that anything that "aligns with Russian policy positions" or is positive about Trump is automatically Russian propaganda. Anyone that questions this premise in any way is obviously a Russian bot including asking wtf "Russian policy" our why Trump = Russia.

This is how Russia owns the conspiracy community

Lol at trying to spread CIA propaganda in r/conspiracy.

Isn't it bizarre? I can't get over it, what a strange and terrible idea it is.

I mean sure, send a few people to keep tabs, gently point out russian media ops and let conspiracyland's natural aversion to that sort of thing do the rest. But it's as if they've challenged themselves to see how much more obvious and obnoxious they can make their own side.

So weird it is, I'm forced to consider that it's really about the name of the sub and nothing else. No intention to change anyone's mind on the issues, or even change anyone's mind on everyone else's mind on the issues. Just to cause enough drama to render the place uninhabitable, cause a split, coup the mods and add r/conspiracy to the marketing catalogue. We'll take our heretic ideas and go somewhere else and they won't care, job's a good'un.

Are you implying I'm paid to be here? I am not.

Implying nothing of the sort. In general more interested in the line itself than the individuals pushing it. Happy to assume you are a well-meaning moby type who sincerely believes it all.

This sub is completely different at first glance than it was a year or two ago. If you dig then you find a lot of the same threads people follow, but it wasn't until the election that it was subverted and politicized.

This sub has been taken over by disinformation agents. Bots and shills discourage normal users from participating in posting and discussions. Bots, paid shills and disinformation agents love using 4chan and twitter as their posts.

They haven't taken it over entirely yet, or you would see nothing but pro conservative propoganda and trump fanboy obsession and anti Jew shit 24/7.

We forced them to back off a bit. But they won't give up of course, there paid to keep trying.

Lol, no, deep state propaganda would mean literally the opposite of what you're saying.

I know this is hard for you to come to terms with but you dont have to be "deep state" to be anti-Trump.

Just have to think for yourself instead of letting conservative propaganda think for you.

Nice strawman. I was pointing out that the deep state is anti-trump, at least concerning to create division between your only two parties. So thanks for missing the point completely. Also, if you think the deep state cycles between whichever party is in power at the moment you are simply delusional. These aren't Republicans OR democrats. These are the richest people in the world who control everything, why the fuck would they be partisan?

You understand Trump is one of those richest people right?

And I don't believe a nefarious organized deep state exists at all. I just simply believe in human greed.

Not trying to be rude, but what the hell are you doing here if you don't accept the idea of the deep state? This is conspiracy basics. I suggest you read up on this before you start a discussion about something you have literally no knowledge about. But I'll answer your question: the people in charge have nothing to do with trump and are orders of magnitude richer and more powerful. Trump is a puppet.

I added a bit more to the comment above.

And I don't have to agree with every conspiracy on here. I do like talking about them though. It's called having an open mind.

I just haven't seen anything that makes me believe it yet. Everyone is simply acting in their own best interest. And for most people with a lot of power, their best interest does not align with ours.

Again, I don't see the point in discussing this with you when your stance on the subject is entirely based on ignorance of the facts. Read up on it first, then we can go more in depth.

First of all, that is not a good attitude to have if you truly want to enlighten people.

Second of all, you should never ask someone to research something they do not believe for your sake. Never works.

So please, show me some of these facts that prove there is a deep state. And I truly mean prove it. Circumstantial evidence and unverified accounts do not count.

I unfortunately cannot prove a negative.

Sorry dude, the topic is too broad for me to spend 2 hours finding sources and typing up a coherent post just for your sake while you can easily find it yourself if you're that interested (which you obviously aren't). If that means you give up on learning something, well, I don't really care, and you don't seem like the type of person who would accept something that challenges your dogmatic views of authority anyway. Good luck with whatever your plan is though.


That's what I thought. No proof, no substance.

There is no definitive proof. If there was, you would do one simple google search and link it to me.

Personally, I know it doesn't exist. Yet you ask me to search for something I know doesn't exist? And get mad at me when I refuse?


That's what I thought. No proof, no substance. There is no definitive proof. If there was, you would do one simple google search and link it to me. Personally, I know it doesn't exist. Yet you ask me to search for something I know doesn't exist?

Thanks for reaffirming what I thought. You are willfully ignorant and rely on logical fallacies to argue.

And get mad at me when I refuse?

Lol, yeah I'm absolutely livid.

And while we are talking about what the other person "seems" like. You seem like the kind of person who comes on conspiracy to convince themselves they are smarter than their peers. Normally as a coping mechanism for being the opposite in real life.

Okay then buddy. So far everything I've said about you, you have affirmed to be true. While you just sound like a 14 year old kid who has it all figured out, and also expects other people to literally spend hours of their free time to try to futilely convince you of something you had made your mind up about a long time ago.

I try to think I was pretty fair and well-mannered here, but you can just fuck right off man.

You weren't. You were dismissive of views other than your own. Par for the course with know it all conspiracy posters though.

Learn to have an open mind and question your own beliefs. You should welcome an opportunity to prove and discuss your claims. Your beliefs will never evolve if you don't.

But keep calling other ignorant. That'll get people on your side.

Rich doesn't equal Deep State.

Deep state means whatever people want it to mean. That's why it's so dumb.

No it doesn't, and the fact that you don't know that is showing your ignorance.

Try starting with Bill Cooper and the NWO.

You don't know the actual meaning of deep state, do ya?

Buzzwords is fun though, ain't they?

I know how Trump uses it. And I know how his supporters use it.

Anyone against their man.

So you don't know what it is?

You're buzzwording, but when you're actually looking for the phrase rich elite if speaking about Trump or the overall meaning of your original comment is that people are misconstruing the phrase deep state to attack you and yours.

Whilst misconstruing deep state.

It's cool, y'all just both ignorant.

We forced them to back off a bit.

What do you mean by this?


A common tactic of a "you know what" is to accuse someone of something that you do. Projection/inversion.

I see you like this one.

Whatever you say, TopMind.. Keep on manipulating this sub with 'force'. Your efforts are futile.

If you TMOR users call spreading the truth and realigning this sub with its foundational principles "manipulating", then sadly you are too far gone..

If you TMOR users

haha You're the one that posts there, not me. You're not fooling anyone.

You need to work on your technique. Don't they cover this in the meetings?

Post evidence that I post at TMOR. Because you are lying right now. And everyone can see it.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

That's not a post, genius.

That's a comment calling them out for their shit, and calling out Q for being a disinfo psyop, which we all know he is now.

I leave some very unsavory comments and PM's to those shills on TMOR, because that's where they like to congregate.

Wanna try again?

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Yeah it's ONLY one side controlling this sub, just like it's those pesky conservatives controlling the front page and forcing their content to the front page.

It's definitely not two sects of people acting like children trying to control the spread of information.

Yeah, gotta just be them pesky conservatives.

It's Shareblue. They have basically infected every forum on reddit.

Ya. Shareblue is totally the one posting 4chan larpers talking about how Obama and Hillary are going to jail any minute now.

Are you even listening to yourself?

Settle down Francis.

Good point. Shareblue is doing most of the shilling, though, and they are the ones that run their bots through every comment section on the front page.

Keep deflecting man. Cambridge Analytica has a much larger budget and influence than shareblue ever had.

Shareblue is just a nice boogeyman for delusional Trump supporters.

Cambridge Analytica has a much larger budget and influence than shareblue ever had.

Not on reddit. Cambridge stays in The_Donald, Shareblue took over r/politics and many of the default subs.

Shareblue is just a nice boogeyman for delusional Trump supporters.

Nice talking points. I hear them all the time in this sub. I also notice that neither you, nor any of the other accounts that spread them (with comment histories full of identical claims) ever bother to prove them, or even engage in fact-based discussion. It's always logical fallacies, forum disruption tactics, and unproven or provably wrong claims.

Explain yourself clearly and in detail, without use of rhetoric.

Cambridge does not stay on The_Donald lol.

The_DOnald doesn't need help indoctrinating people. They do it themselves. Cambridge has branched out to "related" subs. Subs like r/conspiracy, r/Kokatu_In_Action, r/The_Red_Pill, r/MGTOW, r/CringeAnarchy.

And dude, don't bring up proof when you can provide none yourself. Every single one of your comments is devoid of proof.

Shareblue whistle blower describes how they posted on reddit:


"The insider was hired in February 2017 to make posts on Reddit, Twitter and 4chan as well as prepare responses for ShareBlue social media bots at an average rate of 2 cents per post. According to the insider, mostly individuals from India, China and Thailand are recruited to ShareBlue even though they directly intervene in U.S. politics."

Thinks we will accept an opinion piece from Vox

I've wasted enough time on this already.

There is no proof in that blog you just linked. You understand that right?

All it says is he has some anonymous source that says they worked for Shareblue. Could just be the author made that up himself. Why is it you take this guys word for it with no questions, but are a skeptic when it disagrees with you?

Oh and even if we take your link as the truth, it in no way shows that Shareblue is more active or has a larger budget than Cambridge Analytica. In fact, in the article it even says that the anonymous source had the opportunity to post for Trump as well.

Maybe Shareblue pays better? LOL.

Why is it you take this guys word for it with no questions, but are a skeptic when it disagrees with you?

Because every post or comment I make gets brigaded by Shareblue employees. You keep denying what everyone here experiences and citing irrelevant, general claims about Cambridge Analytica that no one is disagreeing with. As if proving that Cambridge Analytica were also here would disprove the Shareblue shills that we all see every single day.


I know you are not a shill? Do you believe the same for me?

Why is it that your downvoted comment had to be because of shills? Why is it impossible that many disagree with you and how you go about yourself on this subreddit? I certainly disagree, does that mean I am a shill?

You claim everyone on this sub has the same experiences as you and believes the same things you do. Why?

I would be much less likely to downvote and be hostile towards you if you didn't dismiss any thought or opinions other than your own as shills. Could that not be the reason you are downvoted?

In my time here, I have never seen you question a right wing narrative. That makes me question your motivations, and makes me more likely to dismiss your comments. I'm sure you would agree if the shoe was on the other foot.

Do you believe the same for me?

You hadn't been on reddit for 2 months before your spree today, you use all the talking points, and deny known facts. So, no, there is no evidence that would lead me to believe that.

In my time here, I have never seen you question a right wing narrative.

Must not have read very far back in my history.

Oh I've been on reddit.

Just not this account. And I hardly think account age and posting frequency matter when it comes to who is a shill. Why would a shill have this conversation with you? To be honest dude, you seem kinda paranoid.

And I haven't read your post history. I have just seen you around here. Always downvoted, and always defending right wings narratives in the face of mounting evidence.

Lol, too obvious. Let's get into the details so that people learn how to spot discussion disruptors like you

I hardly think account age and posting frequency matter

So you're claiming to be an old user, but weren't around for the CTR influx?

Why would a shill have this conversation with you?

"Why would people whose job it is to argue with people on the internet argue with you on the internet?"

To be honest dude, you seem kinda paranoid.

Deflecting, general forum disruption, infuriation.

Always downvoted

I have 10,000 karma and you have 200. And I don't have bots. More infuriation tactics.

always defending right wings narratives

Divide and conquer on partisan lines, infuriation (attack people who aren't partisan to try to get them riled up to waste more time on you).

You're not nearly as clever as you think. Blocked and reported.

Nah, to be honest I started browsing r/conspiracy 6 months ago. Not exactly a old user.

And isn't the point of a shill to reach a lot of people? Not keep replying in a deep thread on a post with 47 upvotes on a minor sub?

You are paranoid dude. All your comment mention shills.

TBH, I'm surprised this account has 200 karma.

Okay? I'm not going to get banned. I haven't done anything. But it's clear you are freaking out. That, or you realize you don't have a leg to stand on.

It's media matters for America

It's a small minority of conspiracy people that do their own research and look for evidence. Those also happen to be the people most likely to join someplace like r/conspiracy at the ground floor.

Conspiracy veterans want to hear about things like the conspiracy to create the Federal Reserve or the British Empire's involvement in the US Civil War, because you have to understand the past to understand the present.

The new people just want to hear about the latest political happening, and will even attack anything older than a month or two because it's not happening. Happenings give more of a dopamine hit, but they're less likely to be important in the grand scheme of things.

Seems like a lot of people are building straw men to disparage the conspiracy community. Saying a lot of these things go no deeper than 4chan or twitter is a misleading statement. Twitter users can post videos, articles, infographs, self report, etc. 4chan has users participating there that may not come to this forum. An occasional glance at an interesting conversation over there should always be welcome. If you don't agree with it, downvote and move along. I'm seeing a huge increase in the amount of concern trolling lately, though I admit, this may be because of Rule 13 drying up the amount of posts, and making self posts more visible.

There is no proof in that blog you just linked. You understand that right?

All it says is he has some anonymous source that says they worked for Shareblue. Could just be the author made that up himself. Why is it you take this guys word for it with no questions, but are a skeptic when it disagrees with you?

Oh and even if we take your link as the truth, it in no way shows that Shareblue is more active or has a larger budget than Cambridge Analytica. In fact, in the article it even says that the anonymous source had the opportunity to post for Trump as well.

Maybe Shareblue pays better? LOL.

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