[Non-partisan] Some facts about the Seth Rich situation you probably don't know.

0  2018-01-22 by naturalproducer

Imagine for a moment that Hillary and the DNC side of the 2-party monopoly have murdered multiple good people and they don't want to get caught by real patriots who are on to their corruption. Now, would it be out of the question to dress up a complicit Zionist in red, white and blue, slap a DNC leadership label on him, plant a convoluted story about him being murdered and then fly him to Tel Aviv?

We do know now that Seth trained under the Israeli Military.

Guess who else trained in Israel? The DC Police Chief who overlooked the Seth Rich "murder", Cathy Lanier.

Is it not odd that D.C. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has reportedly refused to release Rich's autopsy report?

Don't you think his family, especially his brother, is acting rather strange?

So, it appears they've created an effective red herring and all the patriots start chasing their tails, while all the real people Hillary/DNC have murdered go forgotten and fall to the wayside.


Not even sure why people feel the need to say it's nonpartisan. Seth Rich was a staffer for the Democrats, and it's quite obvious he was murdered and the official story isn't true (robbery but he still has his wallet?)

Wanting to know who killed Seth Rich has nothing to do with politics. The only people pretending it is are the people protecting his killers by trying to convince half the country that this is politically motivated.

Ask some Bernie Sanders supporters if they care about Seth Rich.

it's quite obvious he was murdered

No it's not. You have no proof to offer.

Uhhh... there's a dead body with bullets in it. Of course he was murdered.

Are you trying to suggest he died of natural causes?

there's a dead body with bullets in it


Ah, so you're a nonsense spewing time waster.

That's an interesting way of not offering up proof of your claims.

CNN is banned in this sub. Articles from a corrupt MSM are hardly proof. Did you forget which subreddit you're in?

A Guardian article?

When you can't kill the message, kill the messenger?

What message? The official story? Did you forget which subreddit you're in?

Ah yes, I'm sorry... I forgot that we need to push crackpot theories about (((them))).

Your golden calf been implicated?


Source that Seth Rich is my golden calf?

That's not what I was referring to and you know it.

Source that wasn't what you were reffering to and that I knew it?

This is proof of a dead body...how?

This is proof of a dead body...how?

Pretty sure the only reason you're here is to make this community look bad.

Funnily, I'm pretty sure the only reason you're here is to make this community look bad.

Oddly enough, I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm here is to make this community look bad.

His family says he is dead. Are they all on the payroll? What would you consider proof short of a Picture of his dead body? Would that even be enough? What his nose look just a little bit off? Like A Rubber nose?

Are they all on the payroll?

Looks like it to me.

What am I supposed to be getting from this? An Interview with ABC is evidence of them being government assets?

I don't buy into the YouTube body language analyse trend if that's what this is about.

Seth's brother is about to crack up laughing through the whole interview and that is obvious even to those who are trying to deflect attention from the fact.

So that automatically means that Seth Rich is an Zionist operative? I think you're reaching.

Yea, it's perfectly normal for a DNC campaign officer to have been trained by the Israeli military.


Seth's brother not laughing in a video = Seth is a Zionist operative. Got it.

Looks like someone's got a golden calf they don't want scrutinized.

You can scrutinize all you want. That's what this sub is here for!

cares about the subject

Trained in Israel, too, eh?

Source that I was trained in Israel please?

I notice you've never even criticized AIPAC.


Someone's got a golden calf.



Source that I have a golden calf?

Why did you delete this. Afraid you might get in trouble?


Nah I just thought that sentiment was unnecessary especially in this thread, and in this sub, and that after saying it and you seeing it and upvoting it, it could be deleted.

Why do you think I would be in trouble?

Your golden calf is showing ;)

Buh bye

Lol I'm not going anywhere. Why so eager to leave?

What’s your proof that it was botched robbery?

Where's your source that I said it was a botched robbery?

So.... What's your theory or take on Seth Richards?

Are you kidding me? That was the official story from the D.C. police.

The same D.C. police that's been training in Israel, right?

I can’t speak to whether or not your claim that the DC police have been training in Israel is true. It’s also completely irrelevant.

So you didn’t know that the official story is that Seth Rich’s murder was the result of a botched robbery?

So everyone involved is Zionist/trained in Israel and that's irrelevant how?

You know how I know you didn't read the OP?

You, are a troll.


Looks like I really nailed it with this post.

The gaming tells me I got it right.

The gaming tells me I got it right.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that I'm sure this is actually true for you. Our disagreeing with your silly, loose premise automatically means this thread is "gamed" and therefore you're right... It's a real problem with conspiracy thinkers, myself included.

Everyone involved is Zionist/trained in Israel and that's a "loose premise". LOL

Looks like you're golden calf is implicated and you don't like it.

I'm not even sure what you're trying to suggest here.

How's the beach in Tel Aviv this time of year?

Source that I'm on a beach in Tel Aviv?

Well, it's a little cool there today, so probably inside watching Torah videos?

lol you seem to know a lot more about this than I do. Are you sure you're not a double agent?

Wait, are we supposed to believe the official story in this sub now?

Who said that? I sure didn’t.

I think you are purposefully trying to incite a reaction from users. Your theory about Seth Rich is dumb too.

Your theory about Seth Rich is dumb

So scientific.

Somethings are best stated in the simplest terms.

Scientific like your brilliant theory up there? lmfao

If this is your peer-review then you've failed hahaha

Brigades = Peer review?


You're not being brigaded. Your "theory" is stupid and it's being criticized. Big difference.

It's pretty funny that you would think that I'm here to brigade you. Ask /u/recoveringgrace or /u/polkadotgirl or /u/mastigia or any one else who is here in good faith whether or not I'm brigading you... I think that it'd be more likely that they'd laugh in your face.

There might be a brigade in here, but it isn't you.

This is such a weird thread dude.

My theory has got a lot of upvotes ; )

And this post was initially brigraded.

And I think you are stupid.

His theory is ridiculous hahaha

Wanting to know who killed Seth Rich has nothing to do with politics. The only people pretending it is are the people protecting his killers by trying to convince half the country that this is politically motivated.

Are we just going to pretend like the major reason people care about this is because he was theorized to be the DNC Leaker? (Because of rumors started by Assange btw) or that the narrative wasn’t presented as a way to prove that Russia wasn’t behind the DNC emails?

(Because of rumors started by Assange btw)

Assange was the one who published the leaks! Lol at the desperation to maintain your narrative.

Russia wasn’t behind the DNC emails?

They weren't. Bill Binney did the work to prove it had to be an inside job based on the download speed. Is Bill Binney, whistle blower against the Bush administration, also a Republican shill?

Lol at spreading CIA propaganda in r/conspiracy.

No, Assange was the one who namedrops him a month after his murder, implying heavily that he was a WL source without ever saying it

As for Binney, he even got a meeting with Pompeo and Pompeo still thought it was Russia that hacked the DNC.

Again, the whole purpose of Seth Rich being a story was to attempt to absolve Russia. Seth Rich being the leaker was meant to prove it wasn’t Russia

it’s pushed by the same exact network of people (Trump, Stone, Assange and pals) that are implicated in the whole Russia conspiracy

And as we can see with the whole releasethememo fiasco, these people are very willing to push a theory and make assertions they can’t back up.

Add this to the fact that the primary pushers of the Seth Rich thing (KDC, Wheeler, Assange) have taken huge hits to their credibility, Wheeler is suing the guy that hired him for helping push a false conspiracy, and the fact that the best piece of “evidence” the Binney things doesn’t link Rich specifically anything and I’m gonna call bullshit

No, Assange was the one who namedrops him a month after his murder, implying heavily that he was a WL source without ever saying it

That's exactly what I just said. You're claiming that Assange doesn't know who his source is.

As for Binney, he even got a meeting with Pompeo (which only happened because Trump took a personal interest in the story, wonder why?) and Pompeo still thought it was Russia that hacked the DNC.

"The CIA director said so!"

Again, the whole purpose of Seth Rich being a story was to attempt to absolve Russia.

Doubling down without answering any of the proofs you're wrong and spreading CIA propaganda.

it’s pushed by the same exact network of people

Ad hominem. How about addressing the facts that prove you wrong instead of deflecting to your personal bias against certain politicians?

And as we can see with the whole releasethememo fiasco, these people are very willing to push a theory and make assertions they can’t back up.

Lol, this is a new low. You're literally claiming that the people who are pushing to release proof of systemic corruption are trying to "push a theory" and "assertions they can't back up."

Vanishingly small chance that you believe anything you're saying and are not intentionally lying to protect the CIA's narrative on this.

It was the Bernie Bros who initially thought Seth Rich was behind the DNC leaks a day after the story broke that he was killed. The idea started right here on this website by Democrats well before Assange had any influence.

I believe the assumption is that it was a botched robbery.

how some people can consider it a certainty that the DNC had him assassinated but at the same time completely discount the idea that maybe a junkie found a tossed gun and freaked out when the white boy refused to hand over the money is confusing to me.

I believe the assumption is that it was a botched robbery.

Lol, wonder why anyone would question the robbery fairy tale when Seth Rich got shot in the back and still had his wallet?

Going with the possibility that A desperate person found a discarded gun, which is not uncommon in DC, it seems possible that person would have little experience with guns much less shooting someone.

Dude says f*** you you can't have my wallet turns around and walks off, junkie tenses up accidentally shoots him in the back.

I'm not saying this is absolutely what happened, but it is certainly something that has happened to many times before.

Going with the possibility that A desperate person found a discarded gun

Based on what evidence? Have you ever in your entire life seen a gun on the ground?

junkie tenses up accidentally shoots him in the back.

4 times?

There is no evidence that he was the leaker or killed to make an example. There is speculation.

All I offer is an alternative speculation.

As far as finding a gun no I have not. I also do not live or frequent an area known for gun violence.

All you offer is a red herring

What evidence is there he was the leaker?

Insinuation by parties with a narrative?

Lol at using a non-partisan tag on a post accusing the DNC/Clinton of murder, while using far-right propoganda sites and youtube vids to support the argument.

You know how I know you didn't read the entire OP?

i read the whole OP and he's 100% correct.

Hmmm...who was it submitted this post?

Other posts you made aren't relevant for determining whether or not this post is partisan.

the story of seth rich is being used by people like kimdotcom and WikiLeaks on twitter to corral the ones that blindly believe anything they are told. Its like the pied piper leading them astray while questioning Zionism is not allowed or even brought to their attention. Alex Jones does this to people too. it ties in with the Hegelian dialectic and how because the info released was tied to the dnc via WikiLeaks the people would instinctively run to DNC opposite which is trump. So in my opinion Seth helped WikiLeaks who helped trump who helped Israel so they all work on behalf of Eretz Israel and shouldn't be trusted. I also remember watching the family reaction video filmed right after he died and it did not feel sincere , something was off.

Uhhh... there's a dead body with bullets in it. Of course he was murdered.

Are you trying to suggest he died of natural causes?

What’s your proof that it was botched robbery?

A Guardian article?



Source that I have a golden calf?

Going with the possibility that A desperate person found a discarded gun

Based on what evidence? Have you ever in your entire life seen a gun on the ground?

junkie tenses up accidentally shoots him in the back.

4 times?