I am no fan of Trump and his minions, but the media's silence with regards text messages between former agents involved with Muller's investigation is deafening. Those texts indicate the agents were given a "task" by a "secret society" involving an "insurance plan" in the case of a Trump victory.

0  2018-01-24 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

There has been some soft coverage and such, but on the whole it seems to me the media was most likely part and parcel of said "insurance plan". That would explain why both the FISA memo and the agent's text messages are being downplayed.

Its quite a scary situation to be presented with; a media establishment teaming with the intelligence community to facilitate the continuation of the existing social, political, and cultural order in the event of a Trump win?

Its almost as if such a phrase was used by an agency almost 100 years ago when explaining the justification for its existence;

From its official inception in 1908, the FBI’s mission, jurisdiction, and resources have grown substantially in parallel with the real or perceived threats to American society, culture, political institutions, and overall security..

One might wonder if perhaps the end game of the current political climate is a shift in the locus of power from the executive to career intelligence agents.

Be it Trump or anyone else at the helm, these are dangerous times for this Republic.


Where are these texts? I want to see them.

In the first link I shared, sources give some insight. Currently only Congress has the texts.

Could those stalwarts of public service, the two Congressmen, who leaked that particular part of the texts have any agenda in leaking that info? Why not just tell us everything the texts said?

I said the same thing when Diane Feinstein leaked the Fusion GPS memo and then refused to leak the FISA abuse memo.

Nothing makes any sense when things are only selectively released to paint a picture that helps the insurance plan.

We need a new Church Committee if this entire tangled web is ever going to be impartial imo.

Tell that to the 2 Republican senators whose leaks about the fusion GPS testimony was the reason behind Feinstein’s release of the papers, but that’s none of my business...

Does Feinstein even have access to the FISA memo? She's a senator, and the memo was generated in the House by Rep. Nunes.

The Democrats don't have a problem with releasing a memo but it's not their memo, and Feinstein is a senator and definitely not a part of a House committee.

Gotta love that spin. It's a memo written by Republicans giving a biased, Republican-friendly take on the matter, but it's the Democrat's responsibility to release it.

I love how they can't deal with being in control of the executive and legislative branches but they still act helpless. I wonder how much they miss having Obama to blame for everything.

It was a story on CNN last night. There is no media silence on it.

Media silence is a designed pattern of what percentage of coverage is dedicated to a given story.

Moving goal posts, but that ignore the fact I watched tham talk about it for an hour with different guests. There is no media silence, claiming so is just a tactic to draw attention. A clickbait headline if you will

Oh your personal experience is evidence?

Maybe we should analyze the data of available words used during coverage of the past 3 days rather than hurling accusations of personal attacks.

It's a story on TV and you can look it up online on their website. If you are going to claim something at least put in the effort to look it up and make sure it's accurate.

What does that have anything to do with the percentage of coverage which I suggested was being used to hide the story?

What do y9u want from them? Constant coverage of the texts they don't have? They talked about it for an hour with that ex FBI agent that's always on There, the mostly anti Trump one, and he talked about h9w bad it looked.

Well, again, I suggested that percentage of coverage was being used to hide the story as a furtherance of the insurance policy.

What I want from them is to not be involved with said insurance policy.

This is a Republic.

If the media were doing the job they're supposed to be doing, this issue would be the number one story for months.


What do y9u want from them? Constant coverage of the texts they don't have?

I want them you do their jobs and report truthfully on what is happening and YES, I want it on the fucking idiot tube all goddamn day.

The attempted takeover of our government isn't a junk news item to be swept under the rug by a fully compliant media.

Wow, I can just FEEL the cognitive dissonance through the screen.

You said Media silence. Silence means absent of noise. A commenter said he heard noise on TV. Quit moving the goal posts.

Hey, I agree with you. And when it is covered, it's such a spin that it's ridiculous. "Republicans distract from Mueller Investigation with allegations..." or some deviation of that.

But most of the comments in this thread that agree are going to end up at -30.

The paid invaders are working overtime. Damage control overdrive.

What's is like to be so entrenched in your beliefs that you can't conceive of anyone disagreeing with you unless they're being paid? I find it fascinating how dismissive you are.

You must be new here.

Before the election, getting -40 for a comment that's normal for a conspiracy sub rarely ever happened.

He's the most unpopular President in modern times, yet everyone must be getting paid to disagree with you. The fucking cognitive dissonance.

This thread isn't about Trump. It's about the media. Try again next time.

Weird, for some reason I thought I saw the word Trump a bunch of times in the title, my bad

god whats next youre going to start talking about "whataboutisms" ??

I can't tell if this is satire or not.

Another user suggested that the media was whitewashing this story, and I guess that's what moving the goalposts means, as if the media should buy what the GOP is selling without question.

I love how you guys are so adept at cleverly misinterpreting.

Like there isn't a difference in reporting based on network and bias. It's almost unfathomable right?


We'll, did they actually cover the issue, or did they whitewash it?

It's interesting seeing the evolving defense of Trump's administration. In the beginning, there was no contact, no collusion, and no obstruction of justice. And now Trump's defenders tacitly admit all of that is true, but because there were these 2 biased FBI agents and a (non-confirmable) memo from Nunes, that the case must be thrown out because evidence wasn't gathered correctly (although it was gathered correctly).

Some have even moved on to accepting that Trump did collude with Russia but they say it was justified because of Hillary. It's kind of scary that people like that exist whose hate has taken over to the point they hate their own country.

They are allready to much invested. Some of them changed their complete life with Trump. They cut of contact to democrats and more liberal people. They burned bridges etc. Hell some democrats are starting to move away from places with 70+% for trump.

They go as far as not giving their children a collage education bc "evil librul universtiy brainwashing".

Some weeks ago I saw a smaller documentations where they visited 2-3 smaller cities in rural north virginia. All communities had like 80-90% of trump votes.

Around 50% of trump supporters there voted for him bc they thought he would be their personal jesus. He would be the next Reagen (if ronald was actually good doesnt play a role here).

Most of them still buy into it but a good amount is like "what else gonna I support now? He is everything I have left".

And the other ones that voted for trump did it to "stick it" towards the "establishment" (even though its quite doutable if a billionair son could be called "anti-establishment"). For them Trump was nothing else then a big fuck you towards washington. A molotow cocktail. Most people that voted like this have nothing left anyway. They are mostly betweem 50-70 and lived their entire life in rural WV. They are to old and to poor to move to a city. They are mostly to old to start a new career. What they do is more or less wait to die.

Not gonna say all of republican voters are like this but a very large amount of actual trump supporters is either one of these 2 groups.

And they have never presented any evidence that the "biased" FBI agents did anything in the investigation based on those biases.

This country is extremely polarized into those who hate Trump, and those that hate Obama/Clinton, with the population of those that hate Trump being larger. Some don't seem to understand this, but government employees are also people. All of them have had political opinions, but were still able to carry out the their duties.

This isn't good enough for his supporters, they seem to want only pro-Trump people in all branches of the government. I mean, what would appease them? Do they want the FBI to swear loyalty to Trump?

There was no inappropriate contact, no collusion, and no obstruction of justice #MAGA

I'll give it to ya. Didn't think you could get there but you managed to do it.

Managed to do what?

I've seen nothing but that, it's getting irritating.

Just like the political hack shills that come on here, the news networks like CNN won't cover stories like this until a day or so later after they've received their talking points on how to spin it.

I flipped it to CNN this morning and the headline to downplay it this was something like:


Dude, every single one of your posts is alt-right political shit. How are you not a political hack?

Dont let the rest of these fools dissuade you, you're spot on in your assessment. Like you said, they'll mention the facts about a topic for 30 seconds or so, then spin, and these fools play along believing that all that spin time contributes in some way to the discussion. They ( MSM) will never discuss things like this openly for what they are in an unbiased manner, they have an agenda. You know that already though. Give this one some time so percolate and lets see them spin the unspinable.

Good point rocksolid's alt

Are all the mods on the Trump train now?

Why would the director of the fbi release damning info about Clinton right before the election if they were afraid of what would happen if Trump won?

To serve as a pressure valve and give an impression of at least impartiality. Remember that the Establishment still expected HRC to win the election.

Because that makes all kinds of sense. Why would they need to look impartial if they were sure HRC was going to win?

Wow....you really are an idiot if you can't connect those dots. Stick around after class and I'll show you a few things.

I just picture this

Why would the director of the fbi release damning info about Clinton right before the election

Chaffetz wasn't the director of the FBI.

I’m talking about Comey. Right before the election he released his letter about the Clinton emails that turned out to be nothing.

Posts like this are why I don't bother to click on most r/conspiracy posts anymore. This sub has been taken over by Trump and GOP shills trying to make everything that looks bad on their demigod a conspiracy.

I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter.

Ohhh is that why you linked a New York Post which linked to a Fox News article that had Trey Gowdy and another Republican claim FBI agents supposedly referenced a 'secret society' in their text messages (which they immediately backed down on by saying, "I’m not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they need to come forward to explain the context with which they used those terms" meaning more than likely the text, if it even exists, has been taken way out of context), yet refuse to show any actual evidence such texts even existed? Isn't it kind of funny that they don't actually show the texts at all or even at least read what exactly was said? Almost sounds like....... a bullshit claim made by partisan establishment hacks to try and downplay an investigation into their president and his cabinet?

I am not a congressman and do not have access to the text messages, however if I did I would share them.

"I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter" and "I am no fan of Trump" from OP and I haven't even had to scroll down yet. These are basically the mating call of the Trump apologist on this sub. It's pretty lame.

You know when they start off with "I'm not a Trump supporter..." they are definitely a Trump supporter.

it's stunningly similar to "I'm not racist, but..."

exactly. The only "conspiracy" I see is that somehow the GOP put crazy pills in the drinking water to make people throw their respectability, sanity, and ability to reason in the garbage to stand behind the most despicable liar to ever hold public office. What a waste of some good minds.

"You don't bother to click on most posts" yet you found one with zero upvotes that never appeared on the hot page hidden under multiple other posts in the controversial section.

Just leave.

Yes because "I don't bother to click on most posts" means I therefore can't click on any. In this case, it means I could never be bored and scrolling through the controversial section of all my subs and pick one that I was curious about. Lol gtfo

Lol gtfo

Wow. Update that field manual.

I am not even american and I have heard about this.

Did Obama take our guns yet?

It's almost like the whole thing is out of context bullshit and you wso desperate wish it were true.

those texts clearly show that certain agents were to preform oral sexton the president against his goddamn will, in front of know terrorists..then the tests reveal that those photos would be released to the press to discredit his god fearing ways...release those sacred text so we can see the depravity of the fib and the lowly blow jobs they were willing to preform to discredit such a lovely human being...

Fuck reddit, they're still butt hurt. We'd love your post over at r/The_Donald

In the first link I shared, sources give some insight. Currently only Congress has the texts.

What do y9u want from them? Constant coverage of the texts they don't have? They talked about it for an hour with that ex FBI agent that's always on There, the mostly anti Trump one, and he talked about h9w bad it looked.

Wow, I can just FEEL the cognitive dissonance through the screen.

You must be new here.

Before the election, getting -40 for a comment that's normal for a conspiracy sub rarely ever happened.

He's the most unpopular President in modern times, yet everyone must be getting paid to disagree with you. The fucking cognitive dissonance.